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August 12, 2003
Michael Moore Sues Al Franken for Infringement
by Scott Ott

(2003-08-12) -- Michael Moore, author of 'Stupid White Men', filed suit today against Al Franken, author of 'Lies and Lying Liars Who Tell Them', for trademark infringement.

According to the lawsuit, "Michael Moore's 'bitter liberal' shtick is well established, and Mr. Franken has no right to confuse the reading public by releasing this sniping, vitriolic attack on conservative pundits."

Mr. Franken's attorney issued this brief statement: "Al Franken was an openly-bitter liberal before anyone had heard of Mr. Moore."

The 82-page court filing also claims that Mr. Franken's book "steals" Mr. Moore's thesis that conservatives are uniquely ignorant and dishonest.

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