July 24, 2003
Bill Clinton Declares California Residency by Scott Ott (2003-07-24) -- William Jefferson Clinton, a professional public speaker, said today that he is officially a resident of the state of California. Mr. Clinton said his move "is" unrelated to the gubernatorial recall election coming up this fall. Buy "Axis of Weasels," the first book by Scott Ott. $12.95 + S&H; Comments
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1st Posted by: The Other Scott at July 24, 2003 08:56 AMNow can we give California back to Mexico? It's not like they could do any worse... Posted by: The Other Scott at July 24, 2003 08:57 AMHe feels their pain. He just wants to help a bad situation get worse. I mean better. Posted by: DCThrowback at July 24, 2003 09:02 AMDick Gephart today announced that if he were Preisednt, he would use Executive orders to "install" Bill Clinton as governor of California, saying "I, too, support regime change". Posted by: The Other Scott at July 24, 2003 09:03 AMI think it's great the Gov. Davis has no problem blowing a $38 Billion hole in the state budget but balks at spending less than one tenth of one percent of that amount on an election to replace him. Suddenly the fiscal conservative - who knew? Posted by: Ross at July 24, 2003 09:20 AMI think Senator Hillary's ex would make a great Govenor of California. Just look at how at the job he did in transforming Arkansas (no offense to anyone from there). Besides, think of all the California babes he could line up for internships. Also, "recalled" doesn't sound nearly as bad as "impeached" . Posted by: ILIA at July 24, 2003 09:39 AMRecently recalled, my car and my governor. Posted by: KJ, pretending to own a bad car and live in Cal at July 24, 2003 10:19 AMHeh. I live in Texas. Forget recalls, we are "redistricting" several Dems out of the House of Representatives right now (no matter how often special state legislative sessions must be called to convince the Dems to do their jobs and cast a vote, which they will lose). Got to keep the rubbish from piling up in the House, need to clean it out every once in a while. What will Barb Lee do when she can't smile & hug George at a State of the Union address, then stab him in the back every other day of the year? Posted by: Carolinian at July 24, 2003 11:10 AM
I believe in Hollywood, and the press, and that Bill would make a fine Govenor of the UN or anywhere unconnected to reality. California is a place that ceases to exist the moment you enter it, like chocolate my wife never ate, or the crayon on the wall not done by my kids but by my dog that spontaneously developed a prehensile tail. California does not exist I tell you! Sharpton for Democratic candidate, Bush for President! Posted by: Fr. guido Sarducci at July 24, 2003 11:15 AMSay it ain't so! Where will NYC get it's next mayor from? Harlem's losing its #1 resident Now, now, look on the bright side: if the most recent Californian, Bill Clinton, wins the recall election, at least we'll know where he is every once in a while, making it easier to avoid him and his bloviations. And with Hillary a senator from New York, we can string together CA GOV BC, NY SEN HC, TGILITX (thank goodness I live in Texas). Posted by: Carolinian at July 24, 2003 11:22 AMCan we force California to secede? I'm trying, I'm trying! Posted by: Cassandra at July 24, 2003 12:18 PMI'll bet you think you're joking about this. Posted by: Lee Waks at July 24, 2003 01:34 PMThe CA. governorship is a political death sentence ever since St. Ronald left Sacremento. Remember Moonbeam Brown. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA George Dukmajority (or something like that, anarchists aren't supposed to spell right becasue we're anarchists). Who he??? Pete Wilson (the hidden Beach boy brother). "I gotta sore throat, I'm dropping out of the race." HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA Grey Davis - "you mean this is a real job???, hey who turned out the lights?? Put those brownouts in orange county." HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA Put Ron on the Rock!!! (Mt. Rushmore)
Clinton later decided against the residency move after learning that the California Governorship is not in the line of succession to the Presidency. Posted by: twalsh at July 24, 2003 05:55 PMBill Clinton? He should move to the PRC. Oh, that's what we're talking about. Got the PRCs confused for a minute (PR of Cambridge, PR of China, and PR of California.) I'd love it if they seceded... No wait. They make computers there. I hope that all the leftist towns secede from California. Especially Hollyweird. How is The Sum of All Fears (the movie) as good as, or the same story as, The Sum of All Fears (the book)? They wrecked it! Posted by: Ken Stein at July 25, 2003 07:12 PMFirst "resident", then "king". He'll fit right in with all the other fruits, nuts & flakes living in the Granola State. The Holly-wierd elite won't have to travel so far to do a Monica on their idol. (You know, of course that the earthquakes out there are racist conservative plots.) Posted by: Big Tex at July 30, 2003 05:44 PMGranola State? That's defaming granola! I'd say it's more like the "chicken in every pot and pot in every dorm" state. (A little El Rushbo lingo, there.) Posted by: Ken Stein at July 31, 2003 11:54 PMBill, Eat your hearts out, Bill would win and California would become a very economically vibrant state once again. Posted by: mary at August 15, 2003 04:35 PMmary: Uh huh... He did a really good job on the economy in Arkansas - actually, he left it in the crapper. Posted by: Ken Stein at August 15, 2003 08:04 PM |
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