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June 29, 2003
Supreme Court Overturns Crack-Smoking Ban
by Scott Ott

(2003-06-29) -- In a ripple effect from last week's sodomy ruling, the U.S. Supreme Court this week will overturn state laws banning the smoking of crack cocaine in the privacy of one's own home.

"The state may not invade a person's privacy, nor judge the morality of what happens behind closed doors," according to a leaked copy of the ruling penned by Justice Anthony Kennedy. "That closed door is like 'base' in a childhood game of tag. If you're on base, no one can tag you."

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First. Heh heh heh. Sodomy and crack in the same sentence.

Posted by: Trench at June 29, 2003 04:03 PM

--and the sound heard around the world was the collective sigh of relief which came out of Hollywierd!

[sarcasm]...and what's NEXT???. Banning the police from responding to domestic violence calls????. After all it's being done "in the privacy of one's own home". [/sarcasm]

Posted by: LFCat in Colorado at June 29, 2003 04:53 PM

Chicken little responds to the latest Supreme Court rulings.

Posted by: KJ at June 29, 2003 05:44 PM

Justice's Kennedy, O'Connor, Ginsberg, Rehnquist, and Souter, came up with the Majority ruling after a week-end party, at the 'Love Shack', of former D.C. Mayor Marion Berry!

Kennedy said, "I still wasn't sure it was the right thing to do, until, Saturday night at 3am when 'My Man', Snoop Dogg showed up with some, 'Girls Gone Wild', and MAN OH MAN, did they convince me!"

Posted by: Susan Serin-Done at June 29, 2003 07:48 PM

Between two consulting adults, nobody is hurt. Smoking crack has been well documented to damage the brain, heart and nervous system.

That is the fundemental difference. There is no physical harm done to either parties. Now if your concern are based on a moral or religeous belief. I beg to ask why you believe that the LAW should be used to dictate moral ethics. (Which in itself is a whole other scary scary issue.)

Posted by: Zee at June 29, 2003 09:33 PM

Isn't a ban on smoking crack a type of moral legislation? Why must I be protected from myself?

Posted by: aXvXia at June 29, 2003 09:39 PM

Now that one has always been a grey area in my opinion. On one hand, One body is ones own, that one should be able to do whatever one wants with. On the other hand, crack really can have severly detrimental effects, Although this example isn't the best one, due to the fact that sodomy would be between two consenting adults, while for the same circumatances to apply, it would involve one person giving crack (therefore hurting) another... or sodominzing oneself... which I'm not even going to think about...

Posted by: zee at June 29, 2003 09:54 PM

Will this ruling ultimately affect murders commited in the privacy of one's home?

Or will you still have to go to Toronto for that?

Posted by: Okie Dokie at June 29, 2003 11:32 PM

What have you been smokin', and where can I get some? It's not even April Fool's Day.

Posted by: Bloodthirsty Warmonger at June 29, 2003 11:56 PM

What about murder-suicide pacts where the murderer lives (bad aim!)???

Posted by: Jericho at June 30, 2003 01:13 AM

Smoking crack is illegal? Hmmm... go figure. I guess I'll just have to shoot it up then.

And after realizing that sodomy was NOT about laying down tracts of grass on a new lawn, I finally posted what the real definition of it is on my own blog. You would be shocked to find out what they are doing with sod these days.

Posted by: John Lemon at June 30, 2003 02:31 AM

I'm very old and about to "check out." I'm glad I'll be gone before the ramifications of these Supreme Court decisions really hit home.

Posted by: Sooth Sayer at June 30, 2003 08:30 AM

If you are stupid enough to want to smoke crack, go right ahead. But don't worry about doing it at home as you will soon have no home, family, job, car, teeth, health, or life.
And the rest of us can say "good riddance" to your sorry butt.

It all comes down to a compelling State interest in the behavior in question: does the government have a compelling interest in controlling the importation, sale, and use of drugs?
Now ask the question: Does the government have a compelling interest in the sexual behavior of two consenting adults?

Posted by: some random guy at June 30, 2003 09:08 AM

Politically, I say let the crack user go to it.

Constitutionally, the government probably has the power to protect you from yourself (from drugs)under the rational basis test, especially since there are no equal protection issues (which O'Conner relied upon in the sodomy ruling). I wouldn't use the power of government that way, but that is my political choice. Constitutionally, the difference between sodomy and crack (no pun intended -- OK, pun intended) is significant.

Posted by: KJ at June 30, 2003 09:27 AM

Marion Berry is licking his chops, reading this one!

Posted by: darrell at June 30, 2003 10:59 AM

hey, legalizing drugs made europe the much more charming place to live, it is today ;-) parliamentarians on crack sometimes order funny political descisions...look at Schrˆder an Chirac ;-)

Schrˆder: "surely ve support da Saddam Hussein, he's got da finest crack in da town. right now our minister of foreign affairs Fischer is buying good stuff vrom se al quaeda, vhat a lovely bunch. and cheap sey are. he's hiding sat stuff in his diplomatic baggage...teeheehee, sose american imperialists will never know...I tell ya, giff your voters enough stuff and sey re-elect you over and over...(then fell into coma)"

Chirac: "mon dieu, I only buy zhat middle eaztern crack, it'z mozt deliciouz! you alwayz get zhoze funny know like France being an empire again and zuch ztuff."

Posted by: Ephialtis at June 30, 2003 12:03 PM

...guess it's not the best week to quit smoking crack...

Posted by: Lloyd at June 30, 2003 01:56 PM

Just what the heck does my plumbers butt crack showing, have to do with all this. He smokes, but he goes outside and he inhales the convential way. Boy, you are gone for a couple weeks and its like you people are on drugs. Like your smoking cr....., oh, nevermind.


Posted by: Danjo at June 30, 2003 02:28 PM

I had "crack addict" as a career goal, until I discovered it was against the law. Thank goodness for the government.

Posted by: Chris Land at June 30, 2003 03:45 PM

It's almost funny to see all the morality chicken littles running around predicting the intensification of decay of western civilization based on this decision. Until one realizes that what they are really lamenting is the fact that the tyranny of the religious majority rule has yet again been set back. Then the landscape becomes quite chilling: apparently, a large portion of the population still doesn't quite understand the fact that law and morality (at least according to them) do not necessarily intersect. Oh well...

We'll see what happens when the first gay marriage from Canada petitions the courts under reciprocity principle (e.g. if you're married in Canada, U.S.A. accepts that as a legal union, and vice versa).


Posted by: logicpenaltybox at June 30, 2003 03:58 PM

Makes me glad I have cable. I can watch all the pulpit-pounders loose their fricken minds. What bliss!

Posted by: some random guy at June 30, 2003 04:10 PM

Lawrence v. Texas should not (I will never say never) lead to a constitutionally required recogniztion of gay "marriage." The conduct in question has nothing to do with recognizing unions under the law; and marriage is defined by religious and legal history that pre-dates our constitution. Besides, "privacy" as relied upon by Kennedy could not require the recognition of civil union -- a public recognition. B/c something can't be illegal does not mean that relationships arguably related to that conduct MUST be recognized.

The best argument for constitutional recognition of gay civil unions (they aren't marriages -- by definition) is under equal protection. Currently, a rational basis test would be applied. The law as it exists would survive that easily (see, prior Sup. Ct. challenges to bigamy).

Of course, the constitution would not forbid a state or Congress from recognizing gay civil unions like in Vermont.

BTW, the States are required under the full force and credit clause to generally recognize the legal outcomes and legal relationships recognized by other states. There is an exception for "violations of important public policy" of the state being asked to recognize the other state's law/ruling. Courts have already held that this means one state would not have to recognize Vermont's civil union law. Same would go for Canada, absent a Congressionally approved treaty (yes, redundant -- all treaties must be approved by Congress).

Gay civil unions are purely political questions. Fight it out at the capitals, not the court house. Let me know how it turns out. I'll be sleeping in on this one.

Posted by: KJ at June 30, 2003 04:43 PM

A state cannot treat their citizens as underaged people.

Less guns and more education, information and freedom.

When you give freedom to people you make them responsible for their lives and their decisions.

Posted by: Gala at July 1, 2003 07:27 AM

More guns! An armed society is a polite, low crime rate society.

Besides, shouldn't people who cut in long lines ahead of others be shot?

Not necessarily killed, maybe just winged a little.

Posted by: some random guy at July 1, 2003 09:05 AM

Forget the guns. More Samari swords! Wound 'em the California way.

Besides, "Guns don't hurt people, choke holds hurt people." -The Tick

Posted by: KJ at July 1, 2003 09:42 AM

Seen on biker's t-shirt (and on big dude in "Happy Gilmore"): Guns Don't Kill People, I Kill People!

I kind of liked the comment made by an actor playing Charleton Heston on "That's My Bush!"
"Guns don't kill people, bullets do! Guns just get them going really fast!"

Than in a really bad pun, as he tried to steal a magazine from the Oval Office, a Secret Service guy grabbed it and "Charleton" said: Let my People go! (rim shot, lots of groaning)

The Dems and other Lefties don't want people to take responsibility for themselves. That's why they've been foisting this society of victims on the rest of us.
"It's not my fault I steal and smoke crack! I'm a victim of society. Racist oppression and socio-economic deprivation."
"It's not my fault I'm ignorant! The schools didn't teach me. I assualted a teacher, but that was because my self-estime was low!"
"It's not my fault I'm fat! The fast food industry conspired to force me to stuff myself."
"It's not my fault I smoke! The tobacco industry concealed the fact that deliberately inhaling smoke was dangerous!" (Never minf that a common nick-name for cigarettes since the 1880s was "coffin nails) "They held my nose and forced me to smoke!"

Buncha whiners. The Left doesn't want anyone to take responsibility for their own actions. And they want everone to look at the Federal government as a savior and entitlement program.

Posted by: some random guy at July 1, 2003 11:17 AM

"Got a club, wif a nail in it."
--Detritus the Troll

Posted by: some random guy at July 1, 2003 11:19 AM

While we're playing with thought experiments...
According to some comments above, banning crack use in private is okay because it has public health costs associated with it, yes?
And AIDS costs us how much...?
Hey, I'm just askin', here...

Posted by: Toren at July 1, 2003 01:02 PM

Gee, Toren, can I go out to the street corner and buy some AIDS?
And don't say anything about prostitution, 'cause that is still illegal (in most states).
Are you suggesting that all the people in Haiti who got it were gay? What about the people in Africa, are they all gay? And the large, and growing, percentage of people in Thailand who have it, are they all gay?
How about all those IV drug users who got it, were they all gay?

Get a grip, no-one with a brain has thought of it as a "gay disease" in over 20 years.

Posted by: some random guy at July 1, 2003 01:12 PM

AIDS costs a helleva lot more than the condoms that won't be made available and use encouraged, but significantly less than smoking (cigarettes). I think the public health costs of crack are pretty low, so light up!

Posted by: Big Time Sublime at July 1, 2003 01:16 PM


One major difference between crack use and sodomy is that crack is so addictive that it takes over people's lives - they will steal, lie, prostitute themselves - anything to get money for the next fix. The "religious right" doesn't have to make this stuff up - just pick up a newspaper.

Have you ever seen a crack baby? Or toddlers left alone in an apartment without food and knee-deep in filth because their parents live only to get high? Crack use is not a privacy issue - it creates crime, child abuse, and mentally handicapped babies. I'm more liberal on drug use than many people, but not where crack cocaine is concerned.

Posted by: Cassandra at July 1, 2003 01:19 PM

Hey Random Guy,

Let me let you in on a little secret that Toren was trying to clue you in on -- EVERYONE IS GAY! You may not realize it about yourself, yet, and there will be adjustment issues to deal with, but once you're OUT -- YOULL BE PROUD!

Posted by: Big Time Sublime at July 1, 2003 01:20 PM

The fastest growing segment of the population acquiring AIDS is heterosexual, female women.

It's the best site I can find for now, but I hear it repeated a lot on TV, so it must be true.

Posted by: KJ at July 1, 2003 01:23 PM

Rereading my post, no, I don't know why I said "female women." I guess I was trying to distinguish them from the kind I saw last time I was in the French Quarter of N.O.La.

KJ, Ph.D. from the Redundant School of Redundancy

Posted by: KJ at July 1, 2003 01:29 PM


How is it that such a thing could be kept secret for so long? How has the deception been made to be so realistic, with discrimination, murders, beatings, children disowned by their families, Charles Nelson Reilly, and other atrocities? It is clearly part of the U.S. / Zionist conspiracy to terrorise innocent indigineous people and taunt their Despotic Oil Rich Sponsors. Ain't it so Lugubrious Dummy (Comical Rummy)?

Posted by: Big Time Sublime at July 1, 2003 01:54 PM

I'm just curious - is Charles Nelson Reilly an example of an atrocity, or is he part of the coverup of the well-known fact that ..."everyone is gay" :)

Posted by: Cassandra at July 1, 2003 02:29 PM


Come on now you knew, now that everyone knows ;)

Posted by: Big Time Sublime at July 1, 2003 02:33 PM

I don't know, I always thought Paul Lynne was a bigger atrocity. :-)

Posted by: Trench at July 1, 2003 02:51 PM


A valid point, individually Paul Lynne was a greater atrocity. However, CNR, being much more ubiquitous, had a substantially more pervasive atrociousness. Just because "Everyone is Gay" is no excuse for being REALLY gay.

Posted by: Big Time Sublime at July 1, 2003 03:07 PM

Paul Lynne may actually be a Crime Against Humanity...

Posted by: Cassandra at July 1, 2003 03:08 PM

Wow, I wonder where I said AIDS was a gay disease in my post? I read it again, but it seems to be in invisible type.
I mentioned AIDS because it is a FACT is is primarily spread by anal sex (one form of legally defined sodomy), that's all.
Now, once more: if we can justify stopping the use of crack behind closed doors because it "costs health care money," then why not sodomy?
Please note also: as previously stated, this is a thought experiment, not a statement of my personal beliefs.

Posted by: Toren at July 1, 2003 03:12 PM

ITS A FACT THAT AIDS IS NOW PRIMARILY SPREAD THROUGH VAGINAL SEX. That's what we need to ban, it'll keep those [] kids off my lawn too!

Posted by: Big Time Sublime at July 1, 2003 03:19 PM

Big Time,
I was wondering why I went shopping so often at Pottery Barn.
Silly me.

Posted by: some random guy at July 1, 2003 03:22 PM


If you want to smoke crack, just do it, you probably won't get caught :).

Posted by: Big Time Sublime at July 1, 2003 03:24 PM

Random Guy,

You might wnat to analyze that use of "silly" as a euphemism.

Posted by: Big Time Sublime at July 1, 2003 03:25 PM

Let's not forget Jim J Bullock either.

Posted by: Trench at July 1, 2003 03:36 PM

Jim J, who?

Just because I exposed the conspiracy doesn't mean I know who every twist on the planet is.

Posted by: Big Time Sublime at July 1, 2003 03:42 PM

SRG: I think you're OK as long as you stay out of Pier 1 and Calico Corners...

Posted by: Cassandra at July 1, 2003 03:50 PM

Random Guy,

Don't listen to Cassandra's restrictive stereotypes, yours is a journey of self exploration and self acceptance, you have to learn to love yourself as you now realize you are and not be ashamed! Remember, it is so much easier now that everyone is gay.

Posted by: Big Time Sublime at July 1, 2003 03:54 PM

How can I have an Internet crush on SRG if he's gay and I'm gay? The thought of him in a kilt is driving me mad.

Oh well, maybe LFCat, Cricket, Susan Serin-Done will consent to be the objects of my affections? (sigh...)

Posted by: Cassandra at July 1, 2003 04:33 PM


SNAP OUT OF IT! Don't label yourself, just because your gay doesn't mean you can't have sex with whomever you want anyway you want. Isn't coming out liberating?

Posted by: Big Time Sublime at July 1, 2003 04:36 PM

Calico Corner? Never been there. How's the candle selection?

Pier-1? Sorry, not real fond of "Rattan-R-Us."

Got a Jute and Sea-Grass area rug at Pottery Barn. Goes great with the curtains in the breakfast nook.

But they both clash with my kilt. It's in the Ancient Henderson tartan, mostly green.

Remember: If it's not Scottish, it's crap!

Posted by: some random guy at July 1, 2003 05:07 PM

Calico Corners is big on fabrics - drapery and upholstery. You can always tell the hetero guys in there because they have that blank "help me - I'm in Hell" expression on their faces...

Posted by: Cassandra at July 1, 2003 05:35 PM order to be true to my non conformist nature...I respectfully decline the offer. Don't let B.T.S. feed you his/her B.S.! (:~}). Be who you are!...and if you're not sure...Ask your husband? *wink*

HOBBY LOBBY----"Uni-sex R Us" deco and crafts store. "Strong enough for a (non-girly) man---made for a woman" (:~}).[the previous line was temporarily plagarized from a deodorant's a Secret)

Posted by: LFCat in Colorado at July 1, 2003 05:41 PM

Oh for the days of Robert Reed, (Mike Brady), Raymond Burr, (Perry Mason, Ironside), and Rock Hudson, when the closet door was closed. Then that [] Liberace knocked it off the hinges. Next was Elton John, Freddie Mercury, and George Michael.

Then it really got weird, Boy George, then the meta-morphisis of Michael Jackson. Gay? we are not even sure he is a human being!

Posted by: P.U., Close the door! at July 1, 2003 07:13 PM

Michael is just living out his life-long fascination with Japanese animation...

...and pedophilia.

Posted by: some random guy at July 2, 2003 09:25 AM

What's all this Gay discussion, I thought this column was about smoking crack.

Posted by: Big Time Sublime at July 2, 2003 12:06 PM

Speaking of Hollywood Squares.....
Wait a minute!
Everybody who sat in the center square was gay!

Paul Lynne,Jim J Bullock,[?]!
Now that everybody is gay we can't all sit there.
I propose some type of gay lottery.

BTW - The center square was originally a closet.

They got rid of it when everyone started coming out of it.

Posted by: Dr. Harden Stuhl at July 2, 2003 01:17 PM

Gilbert Godfreid wasn't gay. He is still a man trapped in a mans body.

Posted by: Dr. Harden Stuhl at July 2, 2003 01:18 PM

Liberace was Gay?

Posted by: Slightly Behind guy at July 2, 2003 01:21 PM

Dear Scrapplers,

While wishing to promote a sense of decorum and still appreciating the collective humorous and anecdotal comments quite often seen here at Scrappleface, we here at the International Closet Association, do not in any, shape way or form condone, disparaging remarks directed towards the homosexual or closeted community as a whole. While it may seem queer to the average homeowner, many people can be found coming out of closets that are not homosexual, letís at least make that clear. A person should not be judged by the size of their enclosed recess or the length of their sojourn in their personal repository .We hope that one day we can all live in peace and enjoy the space that we are given in a free society and not judged by definitions and prejudices respecting the linearity of oneís own social amplitude (room).


Todd Merryweather
Director of Communications
International Closet Association
San Francisco, California

Posted by: Todd Merryweather Communications Director of the International Closet Association at July 2, 2003 01:58 PM


On behalf of my personal repository, I want to thank you from the bottom of my...well, closet for your enlightened perspective.

I emerged from my bedroom closet just this morning, and let me tell you - I feel much less threatened knowing there are people like you in the world. Even if LFCat will not be joining me there.

Posted by: Cassandra at July 2, 2003 03:18 PM

Whoa, whoa, ahoa. Back the trolley up. Raymond Burr was gay?

Posted by: Trench at July 2, 2003 03:36 PM


Quote:"Whoa, whoa, ahoa. Back the trolley up. Raymond Burr was gay?" End Quote

That isn't quite as shocking as finding out we all are gay. With the possible exception of Gilbert Godfreid.

Posted by: Dr. Harden Stuhl at July 2, 2003 04:34 PM

I had a huge crush on Raymond Burr when I was growing up. But I bet you didn't know he had his own wine label. Click on my name for more info.

Posted by: Cassandra at July 2, 2003 09:25 PM

Please people, let's get back to the 'crack' subject. --------------Not that I'm gay, I wish, I have this 'thing' for fish!

Posted by: Troy McClure at July 3, 2003 06:11 PM

Dear Todd Merryweather:

Have you thought of changing the name of your organization to, International Closet Union?

Then the initials would spell, I.C.U., -----------"I see you!"

Posted by: Susan (Usually PC) Serin-Done at July 3, 2003 06:17 PM


I don't remember where I saw it on T.V., (maybe Biography?), that they talked about Burr's, 'Significant Other' who lived with him at the vineyard. I believe this is the first time I heard about his, 'Preference'!

Posted by: Susan Serin-Done at July 3, 2003 06:25 PM


I'm crushed - guess I never had a chance. But Mr. Burr was always a gentleman - he didn't think his sex life was anyone's business but his own - kind of refreshing, isn't it.

Posted by: Cassandra at July 3, 2003 06:56 PM

Was Raymond Burr ever in the center square?

Posted by: Big Time Sublime at July 8, 2003 09:14 AM

And whats up with Bruce Villanche? Doesn't he write everything that happens on TV? No wonder everyone is Gay.

Posted by: Big Time Sublime at July 9, 2003 11:19 AM

Oops, back to topic. Enjoy the rich flavor and aroma of Crack Smoke, it'll make you a man, and add sophistication and mystique to the presence of any lady.

Posted by: Big Time Sublime at July 9, 2003 11:22 AM

Big Time Sublime,

I agree with what you said about Bruce Villanche. It might explain why nothing worth watching has come out of Hollywood television for years. With the possible exception of "Keen Eddie". Funny that they film it in England at Fox.

Posted by: Dr. Harden Stuhl at July 9, 2003 12:30 PM

Dr. Stuhl,

This insight you bring confuses me because while everyone in the U.S. is gay, over 113% of the population in the UK is gay. I believe the comprehensive total is 115% when the Royals are included in the demographic.

Posted by: Big Time Sublime at July 10, 2003 12:25 AM