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June 12, 2003
French Tourism Plunges After Woody Allen Ads
by Scott Ott

(2003-06-12) -- French tourism by Americans, already down due to tensions over Iraq, has plunged to historic lows in the wake of France's new ads featuring Woody Allen.

"People are calling up to cancel previously-planned French vacations," said one unnamed travel agent. "As soon as they hear Woody Allen talk about kissing his wife they suffer from mental images that only time can heal."

Mr. Allen, the 67-year-old filmmaker, is married to his former girlfriend Mia Farrow's adopted daughter, Soon-Yi, who is about 34 years younger. His 13-year relationship with Ms. Farrow ended in 1992 when she discovered naked photos of Soon-Yi in Mr. Allen's apartment.

A French tourism official said, "We are chagrined to hear the American response to our advertising. We were told that Woody Allen is the American Jerry know, parents hope their kids will grow up to be like him."

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Where is Frenchie? He should be on this story like a Frenchman on Brie!

Posted by: mapache at June 12, 2003 10:08 AM

I have slept through many Woody Allen movies!

Posted by: mjlarkinssr at June 12, 2003 10:24 AM

So is the problem that Woody is 43 years older than his wife, or that he is her (adopted) father? Where I'm from, most people don't live to 67, but we french kiss our daughter's all the time.

Posted by: Man from Alabamastan at June 12, 2003 10:26 AM

Why can't you find some weapons in Iraq ?

All you have to do is to find some.

Posted by: Frenchman at June 12, 2003 10:27 AM

Frenchie, are you posting this irrelevant item on all lines? If France hadn't provided cover for so long, they might not have been so cleverly hidden or moved to other friendly countries. Or maybe they are buried under all of the mass graves, and we just haven't pulled out all the bodies yet.

But what does this have to do with kissing your daughter? I want more kissing your daughter related posts.

Posted by: KJ at June 12, 2003 10:37 AM

Frenchman and Alabamastan both of you are disgusting dirty little perverts. GO AWAY! We know now where you live and we will come one night to burn you out and shoot you as you run out the door. Hahahahahahahahaha!!! Die pig breath!

Now that that is out of the way, ----
The French do not now, nor will they ever, understand the American psyche. Who wants to go spend money in a country that hates you? "Let them eat cake" as a former resident of France once said. Why should Americans support economically any country or group that hates us. Instead Americans should be considering ways to deprive those countries and groups of their means of harming us. BOYCOTT FRANCE, GERMANY, BELGIUM, Most MUSLIM countries and anyone else that is inimical to our interests.

Posted by: Old Sailor at June 12, 2003 10:40 AM

The only question asked to the US President is :

"Why can't you find some weapons of Mass destruction in Iraq ?"

All he has to do is to find some.

Posted by: Frenchman at June 12, 2003 10:51 AM

The problem that Woody Allen is 43 years older than his wife is their problem (and probably more her problem from a sexual point of view).

Posted by: Frenchman at June 12, 2003 10:54 AM

Wow, looks like France actually found a Jew they like.

Posted by: BH at June 12, 2003 11:51 AM

Oh spoiled it...The French didn't know!!

I am beginning to believe the french are riding this WMD question to hard. Maybe we are looking in the wrong country for Iraq's WMD stockpile. I would NOT want to be one of the soldiers searching the nooks and crannies for WMD in France. I would rather trade shots with Arabs then argue with a smelly Frenchperson.

Posted by: Eric the Red at June 12, 2003 12:18 PM

I believe it was General George S Patton who said
""I would rather have 10,000 Germans in front of me than 10 Frenchman behind me""..

Pretty much says it all..

Posted by: Sean at June 12, 2003 01:04 PM

On a positive note, upon seeing his hero's ad for France, Alec Baldwin finally made his travel plans. "I always intended to follow through on my promise to leave the country, and with the success of my recent movies, I can now afford it."

Posted by: veg at June 12, 2003 01:47 PM

The French are dishonest, immoral, cowardly, physically dirty with a fowl stench, and most importantly, irrelevant. During World War 11 the French police arrested French citizens of jewish extraction and turned them over to the Gastapo for transportation to the gas chambers. The best way to deal with this patetic race is to consign them to the trash basket of history and totally ignore them.

Mark Twain once said," The French hate everyone especially themselves".

Posted by: john redmond at June 12, 2003 01:58 PM

"....Alec Baldwin finally made his travel plans. "I always intended to follow through on my promise to leave the country,....

wasn't aware of any "successful" film of his but MANY of us have long been on the ready to help him pack!

baby, bye bye bye. Don't forget to vacate some of those other hollywierd's mansions and y'all can just charter a plane or boat...whatever...just don't let the door, wing, rutter hit you on the way out.

Posted by: U2B LFC in Colorado at June 12, 2003 02:01 PM


re: The only question asked to the US President is :

"Why can't you find some weapons of Mass destruction in Iraq ?"

All he has to do is to find some.

Given that there are only so many hours in the day and so many bodies available to do the work, what would you prefer the priority to be:

1. Make sure utilities like water and power are restored in Baghdad and Basra.
2. Try to restore order (after Saddam loosed all the criminals from jail) so ordinary Iraqis can live their lives in security and peace.
3. Weed out the Baath party operatives and Saddam's henchman who are still causing trouble.
3. Set up an interim representative government.
4. Distribute food and medical supplies.
5. Pressure self-serving obstructionist nations like France and Russia into lifting economic sanctions so Iraq's economy has a fighting chance.


5. Pull everyone we have off those tasks and devote ourselves to a search for WMD, so we can justify ourselves to do-nothing naysayers who were perfectly content to let Saddam kill and torture Iraqi men, women, and children?

Which do you think the Iraqis would prefer? What is best for THEM?

Posted by: Cassandra at June 12, 2003 02:30 PM

Frenchman is easy to spot now. He wears Cassandras hand prints on his face...about 1, 2 3.....uhm....5 of them there....and is there any sense YET been "slapped" into Frenchmuffin?

You GO girl! ( directed to Cassandra!)

Posted by: U2B LFC in Colorado at June 12, 2003 02:46 PM

Well Cassandra ... if we examine France's cynical indiference to the suffering of people in Bosnia and the Congo, people who were under the cwazy impression that French peacekeepers would actually keep the peace ... then I'd say Frenchy's answer would be 5.

Posted by: Frodo at June 12, 2003 03:11 PM

Having failed to entice American tourists back by using Woody Allen as spokesman, the next French tourism campaign will feature Roman Polanski.


Posted by: Kat Vader at June 12, 2003 03:12 PM

I too wondered if this was finally a Jew the French could "like" who wasn't from that "shitty little country".

Now what's this I hear (in my head) about Roman Polanski and Woody Allen teaming up to make a "picture"?

Aside: I bet, after Syria, Saddam's WMD are in France - carted at the factory, ready to ship out months ago. Now they can go to Iran, Syria, Libya or the "Palestinians", whoever those particular Arabs think they are...and to whoever the French think they can help-help.

Posted by: The Great Cosmic Joke at June 12, 2003 06:59 PM

Frenchpervert needs more than handprints on his face... He needs some tank tracks on it. Maybe some crosshairs too.

Posted by: Ken Stein at June 12, 2003 07:02 PM

Hey frenchfry! Long time, no loathe!
How are you getting along as a one-armed paper hanger?
Please to mind your own business. Iraq does not concern your silly little country any longer.
Please resume watching Jerry Lewis movies and helping your country be the islamofascist leader of europe.
Fair warning though, we're watching you boy.

Remember to Boycott france. This idiot is just one more reason why!

Posted by: Okie Dokie at June 12, 2003 07:57 PM

a takeoff on The Grinch:

Jacques ChIRAQ: I hate you.
Saddam Hussein: I hate you, too.
Clinton: hate!
Kerry: hate!
Gephardt: hate!
Gore: Double hate!
Frenchpervert: loath entirely!

Sorry, just couldn't resist it. And I actually don't hate many of those listed above (except Saddam and Frenchpervert), I just trust 'em about as far as I can throw 'em.

Posted by: Ken Stein at June 12, 2003 09:21 PM

A few questions 'enquiring minds' want to know!

1. If france is such a wonderful place, why isn't frenchfry there?
2. The french don't like Jews? Don't they know Jerry Lewis is Jewish?
3. Woody hawking france, is like David Duke promoting the Sahara Desert, a place you don't want to go by a guy you can't stand!
4. I will consider going to france if, Woody recreates his role from the beginning of 'Bananas', where on the subway he makes the two thugs mad, and then is cornered by them, (the part of the two thugs to be played by, Mia Farrow, and Soon-Yi's Dad)!

Posted by: Susan Serin-Done at June 12, 2003 10:13 PM

1. If france is such a wonderful place, why isn't frenchfry there?

Errrr wrong, there are french fries in France. But this is not the reason why France is wonderful.

2. The french don't like Jews? Don't they know Jerry Lewis is Jewish?

The french don't like Jews???? Errrr wrong.
Who is Jerry Lewis?

3. Woody hawking france, is like David Duke promoting the Sahara Desert, a place you don't want to go by a guy you can't stand!

Sahara is wonderful.
Woody's movies are not to bad if your brain is not totally out of order.

4. I will consider going to france if, bla bla bla...

Please, Boycott, don't come, thanks.

Posted by: Max at June 12, 2003 10:35 PM

i like american people, and i consider you as a minority.

vive les USA.

Posted by: Max at June 12, 2003 10:42 PM


Have seen your comments. I, like MOST people here, could care less what you, frenchfry, dorksoup, or the rest of, 'your screen names' think!

france is a joke, and so are you!

Posted by: Susan Serin-Done at June 12, 2003 11:16 PM

>>>Man, i come from an immoral people, but don't forget that many americans too


Posted by: Max on May 9, 2003 08:50 AM

Dang Max, I thought you said, you like American people, you sure couldn't tell it by some of your posts in the archives!

Ten things the french are NOT known for, (there are MANY others):

1. Their truthfulness!
2. Their bravery!
3. Their intelligence!
4. Their cleanliness!
5. Their humility!
6. Their morals!
7. Their choices of elected leaders!
8. Their dignity!
9. Their Family values!
10. Their respect for their women! (Pigalle)

Posted by: Susan Serin-Done at June 12, 2003 11:43 PM

Susan Serin-Done-

In the movie "Bananans" where Woody Allen is cornered on the subway by two thugs, one of the thugs is played by a future top hollywood star.
For a bowl of jello, first posting spot in one of Scrapple faces articles tommorrow and nationwide fame in Bangledesh,.........

Posted by: Gin Blossom at June 13, 2003 12:22 AM

As a resident of Germany I¥ve been a couple of times visiting our neighbourcountry France (but surely no further trips planned). When crossing the border to France last time the french cheered to me...that was what I erringly guessed. Their raised hands meant surrender not welcome. They came to me in hords babbling something about wishes of colloboration and handing me out jews, some wanted to convert me to fundamentalistic islam. After rejecting their friendly offerings and telling them "au contraire, I love the americans" they got angry and glaced hatefully at me "you cultureless, imperialistic american-lover". I just answered "go, frenchmen, take a shower, your political, moral opinions stinks as well as your bodyodor. go play with your crony mugabe and all those arab potentates your so-called-democracy supports"...

Posted by: Ephialtes at June 13, 2003 03:09 AM

Please, Boycott, don't come, thanks.

Posted by: Max on June 12, 2003 10:35 PM

Yes, I agree with Max. (Bonjour Max !)

Please, Please, Boycott us, don't come, thank you very much indeed !

Except of course the Great Generation who are still welcome.

Posted by: Frenchman at June 13, 2003 05:18 AM

it seems "frenchman" rather prefers fundamentalistic islamists and german invaders to american liberators and soap ;-) what a backwatercountry France has become, n'est ce pas?...tststs ;-) there is truly a difference in american and french behaviour towards islamists. americans fight them, the french give them shelter and their french women...

Posted by: Ephialtes at June 13, 2003 07:25 AM

salut frenchman ;), c'est assez effrayant de voir comme certains sont racistes (en vers les musulmans par exemple). Les guerres de religions, c'est assez moyen-‚geux comme concept.

Susan Serin-Done :
"Man, i come from an immoral people, but don't forget that many americans too"

i was just answering to a guy (who said that the french come from an immoral people) that many american people has french ancestors too.

1. Their truthfulness! and you?
2. Their bravery! Verdun
3. Their intelligence! Zola, Gainsbourg, Luc Montagnier
4. Their cleanliness! FabergÈ
5. Their humility! and you ?...
6. Their morals! LibertÈ EgalitÈ FraternitÈ
7. Their choices of elected leaders! De gaulle, Miterrand, Chirac.
8. Their dignity! i'm on it.
9. Their Family values! why bother?
10. Their respect for their women! (Pigalle)
USA is the country of hardcore porn, with million dollars into sex business. Please daddy, is hardcore porn respect for women?

Posted by: Max at June 13, 2003 07:37 AM

"the french give them shelter and their french women..."

yes, we're not fan of segregation and purity of race like you Ephialtes.

Use soap to wash your mouth and your brain...if you can.

Posted by: Max at June 13, 2003 08:02 AM

You Americans are such fools.
President Chirac has done what he wants, and now your stupid Mr.Bush comes to France and begs President Chiraq for forgiveness. Why would we treat you fools any different?

Posted by: frogwatch at June 13, 2003 08:48 AM

not all of them frog.
fortunately, just a minority.

Posted by: Max at June 13, 2003 09:08 AM

Mon cher Max,

Je ne suis pas personnellement un admirateur de l'Islam tel qu'il se presente au jour le jour en France et dans le monde.

En particulier, le manque de respect pour les femmes m'inquiete.

L'Islam ne me parait pas une religion tres ouverte ni tres progressiste.

Il nous faut etre vigilants et ne pas les laisser prendre de l'influence.

S'ils parvenaient un jour au pouvoir en France, je ferais mes valises.

J'ai des amis musulmans mais ce sont des gens eduques avec qui il est possible de relativiser les choses.

Les plus dangereux, ce sont les gens simples et illetres facilement manipules et fanatises par quelques chefs religieux. Cela doit etre fermement et energiquement contrecarre.

Je n'ai rien contre les Musulmans a condition

1) qu'ils respectent les lois de la Republique
2) qu'ils nous laissent tranquilles
3) qu'ils ne deviennent pas trop nombreux au point de devenir la majorite et de prendre le pouvoir en France.

Posted by: Frenchman at June 13, 2003 09:16 AM

Bye for now ... heading off to reserve duty so I'll be away a couple weeks ... I sure Cassanda, the poster formerknown as TLFC etall will keep up the good work while I'm away.

Cya ... and God Bless America

Posted by: Frodo at June 13, 2003 11:33 AM

..."the french give them shelter and their french women...(by Ephialtes)

....I suppose the masters of deception have actually duped the death monger islamists into believing France is "heaven" and their women are the 7 virgins they STUPIDLY believe await them?"....MUWAAHAAA....Actually the cozy partnership of French Fools and Islamic death obsessed is incredibly sad & pathetic.

Max, Frenchman, frogwatch----in Frenchboy and Max's own words (and frogwatchs' elitist attitude)
"Please, Please, Boycott us, don't come, thank you very much indeed !

America AND this blog!

Why do you even bother? You are slam dunked EVERYTIME you unleash your ChIraq worship and anti-American worthless words. Frenchfry and Max: exchange e-mails so you can carry on in your primitive language with one another and not take up valuable space here.

Come into the light sometime and you'll see what you've been missing. Since you've obviously never been there you don't know there's a better place. Dare to DISCOVER it. Please believe.

Posted by: Pest Control at June 13, 2003 11:40 AM

"yes, we're not fan of segregation and purity of race like you Ephialtes." ...surely not, instead you let yourselves dominate by them ;-)

"President Chirac has done what he (muslim fundamentalists) wants, and now your stupid Mr.Bush comes to (Islamic Republic of) France and begs (grants) President Chiraq for forgiveness." ...ever considered to stop taking mindaffecting drugs? ;-)

"Je ne suis pas personnellement un admirateur de l'Islam tel qu'il se presente au jour le jour en France et dans le monde." ...and you shouldn't for france's sake.

"L'Islam ne me parait pas une religion tres ouverte ni tres progressiste." ...that makes this religion so dangerous.

"J'ai des amis musulmans mais ce sont des gens eduques avec qui il est possible de relativiser les choses." ...sadly those guys are a minority in the mass of the uneducated.

"qu'ils respectent les lois de la Republique" ...sadly most only respect the sharia and give a da*n s**t to the state they live in, they only respect the ummah.

"qu'ils ne deviennent pas trop nombreux au point de devenir la majorite et de prendre le pouvoir en France." ...thanks to their birthrate they will.

So France should really take care of their own country. There are already regions in France no french christ dares to frequent. Should the rest of your country fall under domination of uneducated french- and France-hating muslims (who never heard of LibertÈ EgalitÈ FraternitÈ), as well? ...for your sake not.

Posted by: Ephialtes at June 13, 2003 11:41 AM


GOD BLESS YOU,sir! Be safe! I'll pray for you. God knows who "Frodo" is!(:~})

...and if you're a daddy: Happy Fathers Day!

click my name ( if you haven't) and read that "Father" letter(:~}).

Posted by: U2B LFC in Colorado at June 13, 2003 11:43 AM

Keep safe, Frodo - we'll miss you!

Posted by: Cassandra at June 13, 2003 11:51 AM

Ephialtes wrote: "frogwatch:
"President Chirac has done what he (muslim fundamentalists) wants, and now your stupid Mr.Bush comes to (Islamic Republic of) France and begs (grants) President Chiraq for forgiveness." ...ever considered to stop taking mindaffecting drugs? ;-)

You are a master at decisively wielding words like a sword. Thanks for "filling in the blanks" on that one so the TRUTH could be made known. Although truth stands alone---we still choose whether or not we'll believe it or we choose to continue to believe the lie.

Ephialtes--I applaud you.


Posted by: U2B LFC --LOVER & Seeker of truth at June 13, 2003 11:51 AM

la France est un Ètat laÔque, pas de quoi s'inquiÈter, parcontre avoir leur chrÈtien fou furieux au pouvoir me ferait bien peur.

to the others:
You're all paranoid, you live in a world of fear.
Stop watching TV, go outside, and live better.

Posted by: Max at June 13, 2003 01:02 PM

FRANCE is not the only Country whom "dislikes" the U.S.... while in Europe I discovered many other Nations care very little about US the U.S. HISTORY shows both the Good and Bad, how our U.S. Troops liberated many of those once under the control of a Monster...yet still to this day they hate..... "our arrogance".
There is very few which reside in America whom have a right to claim THEY are True Americans, lest have we forgotten about the 40+ MILLION whom fell to a policy of extermination. 1/2 CHOCTAW yet like so many other true keeper's of this land - 500 Nations speaking 300 distinct languages rarely ever Complain, go on T.V., post billboard's or ask for anything for any reason.
THINK before pointing the finger to Blame another, were by far not the Worlds role model.
The forgotten ones.

Posted by: Native American at June 13, 2003 01:21 PM

The above comment is not from frogwatch.
(but I guess I will have to change name now)

Posted by: frogwatch at June 13, 2003 01:51 PM

since most of you probably won't be Scrappling this weekend:

Happy Father's Day to all the daddy's (including the King of Scrapple,Scott Ott).

Especially keeping in mind & heart those who are valiantly and faithfully serving and are away from their children.

And an extra special place in the heart for Darth Chef who's going to be spending his first Father's day without his firstborn, Christopher. You're definitely in my (our) thoughts and prayers, Darth.

{I had a hard time deciding which Fathers Day page I'd link to my name so there's one there for you and you can copy/paste this 2nd one in your browser,if you'd like.}

If I had that html thing down I'd have made this a special fancified greeting for you poppa's!(:~})

God bless you Dad's!

Posted by: U2B LFC Blessin' the Daddy's at June 13, 2003 01:52 PM

I asked for more incest related posts on this line (see post #5 above), and I get French bashing. Which is fine normally, but I am so disappointed.

Posted by: KJ at June 13, 2003 02:39 PM

"la France est un Ètat laÔque" ...but for how long? ;-)You are a bitter little frog, loathing america for her achievements and her present station as lone superpower while whining over France's past so-called glory.

And talking now about culture, I am part greek and part austrian and even a wee-bit italian. My ancestors had built shining temples when you gaul monkeys where hiding in caves. Your luck the romans brought culture to your desolate landscape. Ancient greek invented democracy when your frogforefathers elected their chiefs by brainless fart contests ;-)

Being an european as you (sadly) I'm for sure not proud of the current ignorant behaviour several countries (yeah, including France) display in public. Anti-semitism, anti-americanism, courting of dictators worldwide (Algeria, Mugabe...wink, wink) and islamists-appeasement, signs of european low selfesteem, are indeed nothing to be proud of.

To all my american friends,
God bless America

To all my british friends,
God save the Queen

PS.: Congo and Ivory Coast, french display of illusional doubledealing worlddiplomacy ist just laughable.

Posted by: Ephialtes at June 13, 2003 02:42 PM


will you marry me? (:~}) I'll make you Greek Spaghetti,serve you wine from the finest crystal and let you watch the Sound of Music!(:~}) (thereby catering to your Greek, Italian,Austrian-ness) (Tell Mrs.Ephialtes I'm just joking)

I was born in Holland and although many Europeans are pretty dern goofy. MOST of my family is still there. I'm not ashamed of my heritage. I LOVE my people despite their quirks. I hate to say it and don't do so in mean spiritidness but if I were French I would be ashamed now. I'm more apt to pity those with blinders on. But not much pity for those who refuse to let them be removed.

I think you've been anointed the ScrappleFace guard over the Frenchies. Go Get Em'!

Posted by: U2B LFC Smitten by Ephialtes at June 13, 2003 03:04 PM

oops! above post---the assumption was that you're male...(:~})

Posted by: U2B LFC w/ Ephialtes clarification at June 13, 2003 03:17 PM

Hey, gin, I resemble that remark.

Posted by: rocky at June 13, 2003 03:23 PM

The humanitarian tasks were not the reason for USA to start this PREVENTIVE war. USA and Bush gave other reasons , with no evidence neither then not now.

If the humanitarian tasks had been the reason USA should have started acting by many other countries, and should continue these tasks all around the world at the time being.

According to your logic I don¥t understand how you are able to sleep with all the misery , poverty and dictatorships that exist in this world, without asking your president for an inmediate intervention.

I didn¥t know USA was planning to become a nonprofit charitable organization!.

But the truth is your country has never cared about the victims of Sadam ,until now of course, because it¥s very convenient for president Bush and his friends to use the victims as an excuse.



While others were asking for time and for evidences Bush said the game was over, AND NOW IT¥S HIM AND HIS ADMINISTRATION THE ONES WHO ARE ASKING FOR TIME AND PATIENCE, WITH NO EVIDENCES!.


Besides, the situation in Irak is not precisely good, you know.

Posted by: Gala at June 13, 2003 03:30 PM

Gala-"But the truth is your country has never cared about the victims of Sadam ,until now of course, because it¥s very convenient for president Bush and his friends to use the victims as an excuse."

Judge and Jury belongs to God...Gala is not His name. Your use of the word "truth" is done as you've made yourself judge and jury and it is steeped in ignorance. An opinion is NOT truth.

Posted by: U2B LFC in Colorado at June 13, 2003 03:40 PM


I can't help but now I'blushing ;-)

My deepest sympathy for Holland and it's fine inhabitants ;-) You can be proud of them ;-) Sadly despite being a patriot myself I hardly am proud of my heritage these times (counting greece and austria to the club of islamist-appeasers, at least their current governments). Sadly these days as an european it takes more courage to support america and her allies than to submit to the choir of anti-american chantings. Shame on you Jaques Chirac, shame on you Gerhard Schrˆder ;-) To side with dictatorships like China and wannabe-democracies like Russia to betray old oversea is a shame.

Now to fight european, especially french ignorance shall be my duty ;-) And who else (being an european myself) is better suited to battle european snobism than another european? ;-) en garde... ;-)

Posted by: Ephialtes at June 13, 2003 03:48 PM

The only ones who had laid their hands on cheap iraqi oil till Saddam's downfall had been France (Total-Elf-Fina aka french government) and Russia, please spare us your false morals ;-)

yes, I'm male ;-)

Posted by: Ephialtes at June 13, 2003 03:54 PM

Judge and jury belongs to justice.

god is NOT justice.

Posted by: Max at June 13, 2003 03:54 PM

Yes, He is. You'll find out.

Posted by: Ken Stein at June 13, 2003 03:59 PM


"Judge and jury belongs to justice.
god is NOT justice." about telling your enlightened conclusion to islamists (to those proud little french muslim kiddies protesting vs. war in front of french parliament building proudly wearing bin Laden shirts)? but please do not whine later if they try to stone you for blasphemy ;-)

Posted by: Ephialtes at June 13, 2003 04:02 PM


Are you the Greek reformer or the Giant who battled with his brother Otus? (no I did NOT know this LFC - I had to look it up)

Either way, welcome. :)


re: The humanitarian tasks were not the reason for USA to start this PREVENTIVE war. USA and Bush gave other reasons , with no evidence neither then not now.

***Check the facts: Bush gave 3 reasons-

1. Iraq's breach of the cease fire and 12 years of defiance of UN resolutions could not go unanswered.
2. There was a risk of WMD being used. Saddam was the ONLY leader who openly supported the 9.11 attack and called for more of the same attacks on Americans at home and abroad.
3. Humanitarian reasons.

If you bothered to read any of his speeches, you would know that he gave all 3 reasons. But instead of informing yourself, you believe silly media misquotes and partial stories because that fits what you wish to believe.


***Tell me, exactly, what oil we gained from Gulf War I? Please - I would like to know.

No one but a simpleton imagines that nations do things for simple reasons. Individuals are no different. If you see someone by the side of the road with a flat tire, everyone (I hope) wants to help. But you are more likely to help them if it is sunny and warm out (so you don't get soaked), you are not on your way to work (so you don't get fired), if it is a little old lady vs. a 250 lb. biker dude dressed in leather & chains (so you don't get beaten up).

If you can help someone without too much cost/risk to yourself, you tend to do that. If you also get something (even feeling good about yourself, or making the world safer) you are even more likely to help.

re: While others were asking for time and for evidences Bush said the game was over, AND NOW IT¥S HIM AND HIS ADMINISTRATION THE ONES WHO ARE ASKING FOR TIME AND PATIENCE, WITH NO EVIDENCES!.

***They had 12 years. You can't spare 6 months?

re: Besides, the situation in Irak is not precisely good, you know.

***Yes - things were much better when Uday had middle school teachers pimping for him. When women and children were raped and dismembered in front of their families to shame them and force confessions. When Saddam picked up anyone who disagreed with him and tortured them and threw them into prison or into mass graves. When he used nerve gas on 5000 of his own citizens.

Those things are not so bad - compared to the horrible state of affairs now - there have been some shootings, crime, water and electricity were out for quite a while, but now are back up - but after all - THEY ARE STILL OUT IN SOME PLACES. My God - how much suffering can these people bear? Let's go back to the good old days when all they had to worry about was rape, torture, nerve gas, and death. It was MUCH better then...

Posted by: Cassandra at June 13, 2003 04:16 PM

The humanitarian tasks were not the reason for USA to start this PREVENTIVE war. USA and Bush gave other reasons , with no evidence neither then not now. They were one reason, but not the important one.

If the humanitarian tasks had been the reason USA should have started acting by many other countries, and should continue these tasks all around the world at the time being. We can't act on every single tinpot dictator in the world. Ones that are also trying to get nukes and already have chemical and biological weapons get handled first.

According to your logic I don¥t understand how you are able to sleep with all the misery , poverty and dictatorships that exist in this world, without asking your president for an inmediate intervention. We can't. But there are too many of them, and the ones that pop up first get hammered down first.

I didn¥t know USA was planning to become a nonprofit charitable organization!. That's socialism. Thankfully, we aren't socialist yet.

But the truth is your country has never cared about the victims of Sadam ,until now of course, because it¥s very convenient for president Bush and his friends to use the victims as an excuse.
They were just another reason.

USA did nothing when the kurds were being exterminated in 1988 BUT OF COURSE THREE YEARS LATER THINGS CHANGED, BECAUSE THE COUNTRY INVOLVED WAS KUWAIT , ALWAYS ABOUT THE OIL , THE POWER AND THE MONEY. If it was about oil, why didn't we go all the way to Baghdad and take it all, rathere than freeing a country that was taken over by a nasty dictator who allowed his troops to commit unspeakable crimes? Hmm?

Before he attacked Kuwait, he was just another two-bit, tin-pot dictator who no one except the French cared about. They wanted to sell him nuclear plants. And if you didn't notice, there were a lot of other countries involved in that one.

While others were asking for time and for evidences Bush said the game was over, AND NOW IT¥S HIM AND HIS ADMINISTRATION THE ONES WHO ARE ASKING FOR TIME AND PATIENCE, WITH NO EVIDENCES!.
The country is the size of California. The stuff we are looking for is small. It will take a while.

Which one?

Besides, the situation in Irak is not precisely good, you know.It's Iraq, and it is going to take a while to restore order. The only thing keeping such lawlessness back under Saddam was the government, and now it's gone. It will get better when the people trust the new government and obey laws, as well as when we recapture all the criminals Saddam let out of jail before we attacked.

I'm betting that this will do absolutely no good at all, but I'm so sick of hearing this liberal antiwar tripe that I felt like flattening it. If only it'd stay flattened, but hey, there is an infinite supply of stupid people.

Posted by: Ken Stein at June 13, 2003 04:18 PM

god is not justice, Max---You're right. the lower case "g" is the one who's blinded your mind and wants to destroy you!...TRUTH be told! OF course I can't expect you to believe that. How easy for an enemy when the object of is hatred doesn't believe he even exists. Their work of leading you down a path of destruction is made effortless that way.

Just because you pretend something or someone doesn't exist doesn't make it/them go away!

So..."god" is not justice.....

However, God IS TRUTH, JUSTICE, MERCY & LOVE...for which you aren't but SHOULD be thankful. Be thankful that TRUTH is what makes people free..and God loves His creation to be free.

Be thankful that His Mercy triumphs over His justice because He is the PERSONification of Love.

You anti-Godness explains alot to me. Your being wise in your own eyes has you set up for a fall.

I DARE you to click on my name. Got something for you.

Posted by: U2B LFC in Colorado at June 13, 2003 04:19 PM

Oops, I guess poor Gala got a double-whammy there. Well, tough luck - don't spout liberal falsities if you don't want to be disproven.

Posted by: Ken Stein at June 13, 2003 04:22 PM

Ephialtes "Sadly these days as an european it takes more courage to support america and her allies than to submit to the choir of anti-american chantings. Shame on you Jaques ChIraq....." ((I took the liberty of correcting your spelling--:~}))

No doubt it does. American Troops stationed in Germany had to let their hair grow out longer and lose their uniforms, take EXTRA precautions whenever leaving base in German recently. Their very lives were being threatened by German citizens.
Oxy moron: VIOLENT anti war protestors!!

A friend recently in Belgium said she encountered a very distinguished Frenchman or TWO actually who absolutely loved America and Americans. She even told me how one had a red,white,blue pillow in the back of his nice car and how she feared for him because of just THAT. WHO's the real warmongers??

I didn't intend for your to blush but it is kind of cute!(:~})WOW...Here I am in Colorado and I managed to do that waaaaay across the big pond!

As for your mission of slapping the stupid out of Europeans....I can't wait for you and Dr. Harden(mostly BS) Stuhl to meet (he posts here). He is on a worldwide blinder, stupid removing mission. (:~}) You & he will make a great team!

My precious,much loved, hotheaded, pacifistic, Bush bashing cousin (in Holland) could use a visit from you. Want his address? (:~}).

When all is said and done---it's not so much about what country you're from, etc. (although rotten leadership does "get on" the citizens. Its about an INDIVIDUAL matter of the heart ....embracing TRUTH at the expense of what may end up being letting go of YOUR own agenda.....valuing people...etc. etc...

It appears the islamic extremist influence in the countries you mentioned ( and others) speaks for itself!..seething hatred and anger the "fruit".

Cassandra posted this Ephialtes--"Are you the Greek reformer or the Giant who battled with his brother Otus? (no I did NOT know this LFC - I had to look it up)---------
because I am so impressed with her insight, wisdom...BRAINS!...I let her know too. She just wanted to be sure I wasn't too impressed again!(:~}) As you hang around here and read Cassandra's posts you'll see what I mean. She comes in the room and believe me....ANY thing that's out of order gets put back in place in short, decisive order.

Even after Frenchman's visit yesterday--he's still walking around with 5 sets of handprints she left on his face. Mind you---she always tempers her "shots" she fires with grace and class.... but then there's the "cork bat" drama!...whole 'nother Cassandra...delightfully so!

Cassandra! feel like you owe me now? LOL Also, I didn't know Otis had a brother. Every time he locked himself up in Mayberry's jail he was by himself. I loved that old coot. Whenever I get on an elevator and see "OTIS" I think of him (from Andy Griffith) Even as a wee tot I've had a thing for "underdogs". I guess I should be nicer to the Frenchies then when they spew here, right?...nah!(:~})

that was a MIGHTY big can of alphabet soup I just poured on this post!

Posted by: U2B LFC in Colorado at June 13, 2003 04:57 PM

Frenchman (oxymoron?) ñ your email address listed by clicking on your name is: FYI, the A in AOL stands for America, you are paying up to $24.00 per month to an American company for Internet service (unless you lied about your email address). We will continue to boycott your pathetic regime while you support ours. And before you beg us again to boycott your silly little country, you should ask the few remaining French companies if they agree. Last I heard they were in emergency meetings begging the French government (oxymoron?) to heal relations with America so they can stay in business.

Frenchman (oxymoron?), Max (Maximum idiocy?), your opinions about the boycott or America in general are laughable. If we really wanted the Frenchís opinion we would send over a (half?) troop of girl scouts to take over your silly little country so we could then sift through your entire culture for even one piece of wisdom thatís relevant in our modern world. Donít stop posting on my account, you guys make me laugh.

Ephialtes ñ Thank you for the kind words, much appreciated.

Native American, be careful not to point fingers yourself! I had a good friend in Michigan that was 100% Native American ñ his father was a Chief. Over beers one time I started the ìLook, Iím really sorry for what happened to your people etc.î stuff and he interrupted me to say ñ ìIt was just a matter of time before someone (some country) came to our shores and took over North America. Iím glad it happened the way it did because now America is the greatest country on the planet.î I was truly shocked by his refreshing attitude and I hope you are not too bitter to admit this is a great country. Another thing ñ go find me a person whose ancestors werenít oppressed or killed, Iíll wait here.

Gala, did you live in Iraq before Saddamís regime was toppled? [No] Do you live there now? [No] Most people of Iraq have it far better now than any time in the last 23 years. Only democrats, the French, and Saddam lovers are saying otherwise. Which one are you?

Posted by: Ynot at June 13, 2003 05:06 PM


Posted by: Max at June 13, 2003 05:20 PM

Ynot"....If we really wanted the Frenchís opinion we would send over a (half?) troop of girl scouts to take over your silly little country......."

LMBO... my motion picture mind thanks you!

Posted by: U2B LFC in Colorado at June 13, 2003 05:24 PM


I wasn't kidding, you really make me laugh!!!

Posted by: Ynot at June 13, 2003 05:42 PM


Posted by: Max at June 13, 2003 06:04 PM

What the **** does tg mean? Is it "I'm always wrong"?

Posted by: Ken Stein at June 13, 2003 06:20 PM

All this talk about Frenchmen just diverts attention away from the tragic plight of the poor benighted Midwestern Corked Bat.

I'm off to drown my sorrows in a nice cool glass of...darn - I was going to say Chateau LosAlamitos Aquaduct, but I don't drink when hubby's in the field. So I guess it will have to milk.

Good God - California is ruining my life.

Posted by: Cassandra at June 13, 2003 06:20 PM

Errrr wrong, there are french fries in France. But this is not the reason why France is wonderful.

I want to clear this "french fry" business up. There is no such thing as a "French Fry" in France its a Pomme Frites. You Americans invented the term "French Fry" and I suspect it was good old Mr McDonald. We call them "Chips" and what you call "Chips" are "Crisps" in the UK. BTW I have no idea what the French call a "Chip" (US term) although I spend half my life riding back and forth across the country.

The only place I have found French Fries in France is the normally deserted McDonalds outlets where the staff ask if you want "grande ou petit frites avec votre burger monsieur" at least I think thats what they are saying. All that superb food makes me long for a big mac and fries sitting on my bike in a rain drenched car park. Hits the spot sometimes like nothing else and guarantees severe indegestion 100 miles later. A couple of weeks ago in Nancy I wanted to try a McFlurry but I could not make myself understood and ended up with a milk shake. Do McDonalds do a European Travel Aid, that would be useful?


Posted by: Jonah8208 at June 13, 2003 06:21 PM

Ken: re: double whammies: you hold 'em, I'll hit 'em...:)

Posted by: Cassandra at June 13, 2003 06:22 PM

Cassandra"All this talk about Frenchmen just diverts attention away from the tragic plight of the poor benighted Midwestern Corked Bat.

....that's another thread, Cass!!(:~})

Soy milk is best when mixed----with Spiru Teen or another tasty protein powder. It IS then a "ixed drink" too, C!

HEY pick me!...pick me!...Ken holds them, you hit've got a cat in the house here....why not let me do what we do so well. Bat them around?

Posted by: U2B LFC in Colorado at June 13, 2003 07:04 PM

where DID my "M" go?....Mixed drink...(above post)

Posted by: U2B LFC in Colorado at June 13, 2003 07:05 PM

Ken, U2b, well put brothers.

Cassandra, you have got to run for office.

Any office.

Start out small maybe, and go for it.

Don't waste it all on the likes of us and the frenchfried idiots du jour. ;)

Be safe Frodo.

My heart is with you Darth, peace be to you.

Posted by: Okie Dokie at June 13, 2003 07:13 PM

Okie Dokie. I'm a "sistuh'" (:~})]
but not offended. (It WAS a boy that hijacked my LFC name)

Enjoy your weekend!

Posted by: U2B LFC in Colorado at June 13, 2003 07:57 PM

"Don't waste it all on the likes of us and the frenchfried idiots du jour. ;)"


Posted by: Max at June 13, 2003 08:07 PM


Posted by: Greg Bash at June 13, 2003 09:52 PM

Gin Blossom: Sorry, been busy. The answer is Sly Stallone.

One for you, who was one of the three thugs who beat up and raped, Charles Bronson's daughter, and killed his wife in, "Death Wish"? He went on to star in many films. He was the one who wore the hat like 'Goober' wore on the Andy Griffith Show.

Posted by: Susan Serin-Done at June 14, 2003 03:57 PM

Okie Dokie:

re: Cassandra, you have got to run for office.

You give me WAY too much credit (but thanks) :)

Maybe in another life - we move too much now. Besides, I'd be a terrible candidate - I hate schmoozing (like kissing babies, though).

Also, it would interfere with my very important position at The Ministry of Thankless Jobs...

PS: "frenchfried idiots du jour" really cracked me up - that's quite a turn of phrase!

MAX: WHAT IS TG? It's killing us.

Posted by: Cassandra at June 16, 2003 04:18 PM

Editor's Note: Our vast editorial staff has attempted a translation of the following comment which was submitted mostly in French. With apologies to the people of France...


"Je ne suis pas personnellement un admirateur de l'Islam tel qu'il se presente au jour le jour en France et dans le monde.

ScrappleFace Editor's Rough Translation: I'm not personally an admirer of Islam, the way it presents itself today in France and in the world.

En particulier, le manque de respect pour les femmes m'inquiete.

In particular, the lack of respect for women bothers me.

L'Islam ne me parait pas une religion tres ouverte ni tres progressiste.

Islam doesn't appear to be a very open or progressive religion.

Il nous faut etre vigilants et ne pas les laisser prendre de l'influence.

We should be vigilant to not let it gain influence.

S'ils parvenaient un jour au pouvoir en France, je ferais mes valises.

If they come to power someday in France, I'm packing my bags.

J'ai des amis musulmans mais ce sont des gens eduques avec qui il est possible de relativiser les choses.

I have Muslim friends, but they are educated people, with whom it is possible to discuss (?) things.

Les plus dangereux, ce sont les gens simples et illetres facilement manipules et fanatises par quelques chefs religieux. Cela doit etre fermement et energiquement contrecarre.

The more dangerous are the simple, illiterate people, easily manipulated and fanaticized by the religious leaders. These should be firmly and energetically thwarted.

Je n'ai rien contre les Musulmans a condition

I have nothing against the Muslims as long as

1) qu'ils respectent les lois de la Republique

They respect the laws of the Republic
2) qu'ils nous laissent tranquilles

They leave us in peace

3) qu'ils ne deviennent pas trop nombreux au point de devenir la majorite et de prendre le pouvoir en France." dixit

They don't become too numerous to the point of becoming the majority and taking power in France.

sacrÈ frenchman je reviens pour vous, et
pour max la menace...

Frenchman, I come back to you, and for max the threat (?)...

alors expliquez moi puis ce que je constate que vous avez changÈ de position et fait pas mal de progrÈs depuis vos dÈlires d'avant guerre, pourquoi avec ce constat qui est assez proche de
mes convictions, pourquoi donc vous avez
systematiquement critiquÈ la position americaine...? ( ou alors vous etes subitement
devenu intelligent par le miracle du saint esprit ?)

Explain to me then...that I note you have changed position and made not bad progress since your delirium before the war...why with this report which is closer to my position, why thus did you systematically criticized the American position (or then you suddenly became intelligent by a miracle of the Holy Spirit.)

pour max :

"la France est un Ètat laÔque, pas de quoi s'inquiÈter.."dixit
France is a secular state, not to worry.
oui max un etat laique actuellement, mais pour combien de temps, my friend... ??

Yes, Max, a secular state indeed, but for how long, my friend.

quand nous voyons un nicolas Sarkozy crÈer
un Conseil franÁais du culte
ce sont pour des laics musulmans, mais pour les integristes !

when we see a Nicola Sarkozy create a French Council of the Muslim worship...and this is for the lay (or secular) Muslims, but for the integrists (?),5987,3224--317517-,00.html


to Susan Serin-Done:
a propos de cleanliness :(point 4)

dear suzanne (beautiful song of leonard cohen), I do not know if frenchman and max are washed, but me yes, besides I even received a medal of honor of cleanest

as regards the small femmes of Pigalle, I ensure you that there are many of your compatriots americans who adore them... GAI Paris!!!

kisses suzanne!!!

dear suzanne ( belle chanson de leonard cohen),
je sais pas si frenchman et max se lavent ? mais moi oui, d'ailleurs j'ai mÍme reÁu une mÈdaille
d'honneur du franÁais le plus propre...(rires)

pour ce qui est des petites femmes de Pigalle,
je vous assure qu'il y a beaucoup de vos compatriotes americains qui les adorent...sacrÈ Paris !!!

bisous suzanne !!!

Posted by: La fayette at June 16, 2003 04:56 PM

sorry cassandra !!

je vous avais oubliÈ pardonnez moi...

un grand bonjour a vous de France !!!

La Fayette

Posted by: La Fayette at June 16, 2003 05:07 PM

Tres bien, Mssr. Ott! Merci beaucoup. Vous Ítes plein de l'esprit et de la sagesse. Et avec celui, vous avez ÈpuisÈ mon petit stock de mots franÁais...

Very good, Mr. Ott! You are both witty and wise. Thanks bunches (or "mercy buckets" as we said in 4th grade). And with that, you have exhausted my small stock of French words...

Posted by: Cassandra at June 16, 2003 06:03 PM

(based on a parody of Eminem's "The Real Slim Shady" called "The Real Saddam")

Right-click on my name and select open in new window from the shortcut menu to see the Saddam video...couldn't get target=_new to work this time for some reason.


May I have your attention please?
Scrapplers: May I have your attention please?
Will the real Frenchman please stand up?
I repeat: Will the real Frenchman please stand up?
Weíre going to have a problemÖ

Y'all act like you've never seen The Frenchman before
Jaws all on the floor
Like ChIraq and Villepan just walked in the door
I started posting right after
the second gulf war,
Now I plan to post even more.

I've got so many nommes de plumes.
It's true: no kidding!
I like to visit blogs ñ
Iím always posting the same thing.
And Ducksoup and Frogwatch said...
Nothing, you idiots - theyíre both airheads.
I'll find replacement handles.

Yeah I probably got a couple of screws
up in my head loose,
But it's no worse than what's going on
in the French cabinet room.
Sometimes I wanna go ballistic on Dubya,
but can't
But it's OK for Scrapplers
to mock my defeatist gloom.

(Hey - if theyíre not found,
we can sell more weapons to Iraq.)
ìStill canít figure out why that regime got attacked!
Poor Saddam ñ that poor guy really got jacked.î

The Americans bombed Hussein and his forces
But with our passports he escaped -
Now heís sippin' on champagne.
If you donít like my posts,
please don't start to complain.
ìAmericans are all liarsî:
canít get that phrase out of my brain..

I'm like the Energizer Bunny - you can't kill me.
Your foolish American taunts donít faze me.
As long as I can see ChIraq on TV
So I can flaunt my ìcultural superiorityî.

And there's a million "Frenchmans" just like me
Who boast like me, walk, talk, and post like me
A bit brash like me, like to talk trash like me
They might the same old phrase, but theyíre not quite me!

I'm the Frenchman. Yes, I'm the real Frenchman.
And all you Ugly Americans can all kiss my bottom.
So won't the real Frenchman please stand up?
Please stand up?
Please stand up?

I'm the Frenchman. Yes, I'm the real Frenchman.
And all you Ugly Americans can all kiss my bottom.
So won't the real Frenchman please stand up?
Please stand up?
Please stand up?

Check me while I babble onÖ
No I mean it: Je suis le meilleur.
Je me stupÈfie....


Posted by: Cassandra at June 16, 2003 06:21 PM

in french:
la fayette toi qui est si propre et si intelligent, explique moi pourquoi des gens qui mÈprisent autant les musulmans voudraient les libÈrer d'un dictateur ‘ combien sanguinaire et cruel (pas plus que les Pinochet&Co; dÈlibÈrÈment placÈs par les USA dans divers pays du monde, en particulier ceux grassement remplis de pÈtrole.)

je suis bÍte, j'oubliais ces fameuses armes de destruction massive, et oui car la lÈgitimitÈ de cette guerre s'appuyait aussi sur le fait que Saddam possÈdait des armes dÈmoniaques (ah ah ah)
Pour le moment, les armes de destruction massive n'ont ÈtÈ employÈes que par les USA au Japon dans cet ignoble massacre d'innocents vivant ‡ Hiroshima et Nagasaki.

Toi qui me traite d'anti amÈricain, tu te trompes vraiment, bien au contraire, et il se trouve que ces gens se font manipuler par leurs mÈdias et leur gouvernement comme de joyeux petits moutons.

et toi le "francais" tu devrais rÈagir quand ces gens disent que les francais n'ont pas combattu pendant leurs guerres, ils sont bien placÈs pour critiquer, eux les isolationnistes bien cachÈs sur leur Óle.
Combien de civils ont-ils perdu? Compte les civils alliÈs morts...Le drame du WTC n'est rien ‡ cotÈ.
Mes grands-parents ont combattu, mon grand pËre y a perdu 2 frËres, et ils ne sont pas morts en "surrendering cheese eater monkey".

et si je dois remercier les amÈricains d'avoir dÈbarquÈ en 45, je dois aussi remercier les russes, qui eux aussi on perdu tellement de fils au combat. Le monde a tendance ‡ l'oublier.

Enfin, je ne change pas toujours pas d'avis sur les musulmans, comme sur les catholiques et les juifs, il y a les gens normaux qui vivent leur foi tranquillement, et les fous psychopathes, respectivement 99% et 1%.


in english:

Posted by: Max at June 16, 2003 07:35 PM

As you may, or may not know, Jerry Springer is considering a run for Senator from Ohio, on the Dimocrat ticket in 2004. His T.V. Show, (I use the term VERY loosely), is owned by a french company. (Yet another reason to dislike him!)

Apparently, with people like Al Sharpton running for President, SOME Americans being stupid enough to elect 'Bubba' to two terms, and idiots flocking to buy sHillary's book, Springer feels morals in this Country have sunk low enough that he can be elected! (I PRAY that he's not right!)

Any-who, click my name and it will take you to Jerry's, 'Testing the waters' web-page, where you can leave the, 'frog-sponsored candidate' a message. Try to be more civil than I was, 'cause now, I feel nothing but remorse! --------------------------MUHA hahahahahahahahahahahahaha, NOT!

Posted by: Susan Serin-Done at June 16, 2003 07:43 PM


Please forgive me for attempting to answer your post to La Fayette, but you say several things that don't make sense to me (maybe because I have little French and am guessing). And they make me mad because I think they are not true.

re: il se trouve que ces gens se font manipuler par leurs mÈdias et leur gouvernement comme de joyeux petits moutons

***You're right - we are being manipulated by our media. They are incredibly biased toward the left - did you watch Peter Jennings on ABC when he covered even Hollywood "virtual anti-war protests" (emailing and sending faxes) and protests with fewer than 200 people but couldn't find time to mention a pro-troops rally in NYC with 15,000 people or similar ones held all over the country?

We were told (in spite of the polls) night after night that EVERYONE opposed the war. We had to listen to that nonsense about the museum in Baghdad - MY GOD -- HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS, err...33 pieces missing. The original story was played to the hilt - the correction was hidden and hardly mentioned. We had to listen to the whole "Jessica Lynch rescue staged" story - like any troops in their right mind would trust an anonymous phone call saying "it's OK to walk in - the bad guys are gone now". MY GOD - THERE WERE DOORKNOBS DAMAGED - GOOD NIGHTSHIRT!!!!! IT'S ANOTHER GOVERNMENT CONSPIRACY!!!

And the media truly hate Bush and Republicans - anyone who can watch our news or read the NY Times, LA Times, or WPost without seeing this is truly living in a fantasy world like a "happy little sheep".

Pour le moment, les armes de destruction massive n'ont ÈtÈ employÈes que par les USA au Japon dans cet ignoble massacre d'innocents vivant ‡ Hiroshima et Nagasaki.

***That was in 1945 - almost 60 years ago. We were so horrified by it that we have never used them again. If France is above this sort of thing, why did Chirac defy the UN to continue nuclear testing in the late '90's -- of course, not on French soil - it's so much nicer to have the fallout in Polynesia (not in my backyard) - less chance of actual French citizens coming in contact with it, n'est pas?

And it is NOT only America - I can name one other nation that has used WMD - and recently, too: Iraq under Saddam Hussein. But I guess that's really not important. Why would we ever want to remove a guy like that:

who has already tried to take over a neighboring country,
breached a cease fire 12 years ago,
defied the UN for 12 years,
killed well over a million of his own people, harbors terrorists,
has his picture painted alongside the burning WTC,
and has used WMD to kill 5000 people (not counting the ones he experimented on).

After all, Americans hate Muslims, don't we - we hated them so much we went over to Kosovo when you Europeans wouldn't take care of that mess. We must have been after the OIL...

re: et si je dois remercier les amÈricains d'avoir dÈbarquÈ en 45, je dois aussi remercier les russes, qui eux aussi on perdu tellement de fils au combat. Le monde a tendance ‡ l'oublier.

***We don't claim to be the only ones who fought in WWII. But unlike the Russians, we were never directly attacked by Germany - we didn't have to send troops to Europe at all. We didn't have to send food, medical supplies, and money to Europe after the war for rebuilding either. You're right - we live on an "island" - which means in many cases we have little to gain from sending troops and plenty to lose - our sons and husbands. The "cheese eating surrender monkey" phrase is not one of my favorites, but Americans are tired of being called names - if you call someone a name, they respond in kind.

You know, we don't really expect everyone to agree with us - that's silly. But what Chirac and Villepin did (veto ANY use of force) single-handedly brought the Security Council to its knees. There could be no clearer message to Saddam - go ahead and continue what you've done for 12 years. No one will stop you, and if they try, we'll oppose them. Laws mean nothing without enforcement. Enforcement sometimes requires the use of force.

I can't help wondering how many men died over there because Saddam had all that lovely time to prepare while we pleaded with Chirac to stand with us and support the resolution. If we'd been able to present a united front, there's a chance Saddam might have backed down and we could have avoided war. But thanks to the efforts of France and Germany, Saddam saw division and dissention. How many died as a result?

My husband's unit has been doing casualty calls for the victim's families. They have made the supreme sacrifice, but they don't believe we went over there for oil - the troops didn't go over there for oil. And they're not sheep, silly, happy, or otherwise.

Posted by: Cassandra at June 16, 2003 09:20 PM

Cassandra once again in addressing mixed up Max you spoke indisputable, decisive TRUTH. As you said regarding all the stalling time given to ChIraq and Germany......Don't you think the idiotic divisiveness here in the U.S itself gave Saddam "staying & 'playing' power",as well?

The Michael Moores, SureAmDumbs,et al.... the clueless kids walking out of school & university classes to protest....etc...etc. etc.. The violence, destructive behavior of the "anti war" protestors...ALL communicated to him that he had support from "many". ( Many being the number the media would have you believe due to their own "protest" being voiced thru their sickening spin.

You single"handedly" are making it much easier to spot the Frenchies. That's at least TWO that now walk around with your handprint on their faces!(:~}) ( after lovingly slapping the stupid out of them...well TRYING to accomplish that end!)

It's not that those protesting twits are to blame for the deaths of our troops as much as ChIraq and Germany...BUT...the lack of unity it displayed, etc. Was CERTAINLY being noted by Saddam and fed his ego and arrogance in staying! A house divided can't stand.....

Posted by: U2B LFC in Colorado at June 16, 2003 09:52 PM

"***That was in 1945 - almost 60 years ago. We were so horrified by it that we have never used them again. If France is above this sort of thing, why did Chirac defy the UN to continue nuclear testing in the late '90's -- of course, not on French soil - it's so much nicer to have the fallout in Polynesia (not in my backyard) - less chance of actual French citizens coming in contact with it, n'est pas? "

I agree with you, these tests were a mistake for humanity, another one...fortunately there are no nuclear fallouts with subterranean tests.
Nobody was killed.
Cassandra it seems that you are an ecologist, so what is your opinion about Kyoto protocol?

"But unlike the Russians, we were never directly attacked by Germany - we didn't have to send troops to Europe at all"
yes, and thanks again for helping.

"there's a chance Saddam might have backed down and we could have avoided war"
I'm not sure of that. :/ Saddam is a very obstinate boy.

Posted by: Max at June 17, 2003 03:12 AM

"Toi qui me traite d'anti amÈricain, tu te trompes vraiment, bien au contraire, et il se trouve que ces gens se font manipuler par leurs mÈdias et leur gouvernement comme de joyeux petits moutons."

dixit max

une fable pour toi max :

je crois sincerement max que le petit mouton
c'est toi, il faut vraiment que tu t'inquiÈtes
du loup islamiste et des complices dans ta bergerie et que tu te regardes attentivement dans une glace a propos des medias.

un jour ils vont totalement te manger, apres t'avoir polluÈ l'esprit...


pour cassandra et d'autres Americains de bonnes

il y a 2 soirs de ceci, la tÈlevision franÁaise
(chaine publique et d'etat) a diffusÈ un magnifique reportage en COULEUR kodachrome des
annÈes 1939 _ 1945 sur la dÈlivrance de notre pays
par vos troupes.( a commencer par la normandie
et omaha beach)

ce film va permettre au jeune Max et a d'autres, de comprendre un peu plus le bonheur et la joie
des franÁais de cette Èpoque et de l'amour
pour l'amerique en ce temps la...

je pense qu'il y a depuis quelques semaines aussi
une volontÈ de la part de notre gouvernement
a rattraper certaines erreurs et de montrer
cette rÈalitÈ oubliÈe par beaucoup de franÁais,
(ceci grace au travail de sabotage dans nos
Ècoles socialo_communiste.)

voila c'est tout.

bien amicalement et heureux de vous recevoir
a nouveau en france si vous le voulez un jour...

La Fayette

Posted by: La Fayette at June 17, 2003 06:09 AM

"je crois sincerement max que le petit mouton
c'est toi, il faut vraiment que tu t'inquiÈtes
du loup islamiste et des complices dans ta bergerie et que tu te regardes attentivement dans une glace a propos des medias.

un jour ils vont totalement te manger, apres t'avoir polluÈ l'esprit..."

Tu votes FN?

Posted by: Max at June 17, 2003 06:58 AM

Tu votes FN? (ta question)

donc en clair je ne pense pas comme un socialo communiste, et donc je suis forcement un facho du FN...

bravo comme racourci simpliste, mais dÈsolÈ une fois de plus tu te trompes lourdement, et c'est
bien la ton probleme...

dans ma vision il n'y a aucunes haines, mais un
respect des valeurs democratiques liberales et
de FAVORISER le progres...

Posted by: La Fayette at June 17, 2003 07:17 AM

gaffe socialo communiste c'est le mot prÈfÈrÈ de Le Pen. Ca porte ‡ confusion, comme certaines de tes idÈes d'ailleurs.

Posted by: Max at June 17, 2003 07:26 AM

croissant jes suit bon bon sewer frog jock eiffel surrender monkey!

Wee wee, Jerry Lewis snail beaucoup soup?

Laf fagette pour Max, mercy Hamas slurp?

Ducksoup, est du crouton!

Please believe, the French are, 'Next'!

Posted by: Ignorant Froggie at June 17, 2003 07:28 AM


Posted by: Max at June 17, 2003 07:37 AM

Dear audience,

as there is no french artist of any popularity known beyond the borders of the Islamic Republic of France (except those two comedians Chirac and Cruella de Villepin aka french version of dumb and dumber ;-) ), this nice funny and harmless people has to borrow from foreign cultures (as usual). Though the posting of frenchman lacks any translation from french english to common english. But enough nice talkÖhere it comesÖ;-)

ìMay I have your attention please?
Scrapplers: May I have your attention please?
Will the real Frenchman please stand up?
I repeat: Will the real Frenchman please stand up?
Weíre going to have a problemÖî
(a cry for attentionÖa desperate unimportant people dreaming of the revival of a new napoleonic empireÖbut of course no ìrealî Frenchman would ìstand upî, preferring raised hands in surrender)

Y'all act like you've never seen The Frenchman before
Jaws all on the floor
Like ChIraq and Villepan just walked in the door
I started posting right after
the second gulf war,
Now I plan to post even more.
(well, most trulyíve never seen a frenchman beforeÖ.so frogs, leave your hiding for the first time in history and join your squeaking deranged president. collaboration with islamic terrorists is a just causeÖwell, to the frenchies anyways ;-)Öand collaboration has a loooong tradition in France)

I've got so many nommes de plumes.
It's true: no kidding!
I like to visit blogs ñ
Iím always posting the same thing.
And Ducksoup and Frogwatch said...
Nothing, you idiots - theyíre both airheads.
I'll find replacement handles.
(sure, anonymous postings are regarded a heroic act in weaseltown aka FranceÖand air is all we French harbor between our ears)

Yeah I probably got a couple of screws
up in my head loose,
But it's no worse than what's going on
in the French cabinet room.
Sometimes I wanna go ballistic on Dubya,
but can't
But it's OK for Scrapplers
to mock my defeatist gloom.
(yeah, there are more than just a few screws loose in the common gloomy french headÖ.question: do French use restrooms anyways? Well, in france restrooms are called parliament and they do a da*ned good sh*t oíwork ;-) )

(Hey - if theyíre not found,
we can sell more weapons to Iraq.)
ìStill canít figure out why that regime got attacked!
Poor Saddam ñ that poor guy really got jacked.î
(indeed, keep on selling your toy weapons to dictatorshipsÖbusiness as usual. surely you believe there are no WMD in Iraq, you do also still believe France is an important nation ;-) )

The Americans bombed Hussein and his forces
But with our passports he escaped -
Now heís sippin' on champagne.
If you donít like my posts,
please don't start to complain.
ìAmericans are all liarsî:
canít get that phrase out of my brain..
(yeahÖyou can be proud of your noble deeds in handing out passports to Saddams cronies ;-) as you are proud of them sipping french champagne, screwing french women, while the common frenchman drinks water and is beaten up by french islamic youth on the streets ;-) yeah, keep on being humiliated by everyone in public)

I'm like the Energizer Bunny - you can't kill me.
Your foolish American taunts donít faze me.
As long as I can see ChIraq on TV
So I can flaunt my ìcultural superiorityî.
(wrongÖbetter use ìEnergizer Frogî ;-) andÖthe only ìcultural superiorityî has always in truth been the culture of your current invaders, to be accurate.)

And there's a million "Frenchmans" just like me
Who boast like me, walk, talk, and post like me
A bit brash like me, like to talk trash like me
They might the same old phrase, but theyíre not quite me!
(correction: ìWho boast (hide) like me, walk (flee), talk (squeak), and post (surrender) like meî, and indeed, this ìold phraseî about the french is common knowledge among earthís residents)

I'm the Frenchman. Yes, I'm the real Frenchman.
And all you Ugly Americans can all kiss my bottom.
So won't the real Frenchman please stand up?
Please stand up?
Please stand up?
(the only body part to kiss a french is indeed his rear, while he always flees there is no chance to kiss his breast. and in case of dictators and their islamistic cronies, you know they love to be taken fromÖhmmm, capiche? and when it comes to ugliness, not every non-french being can walk the catwalk as gracefully as those two french supermodels Jaqueline Chirac et Cruella de Villepin)

I'm the Frenchman. Yes, I'm the real Frenchman.
And all you Ugly Americans can all kiss my bottom.
So won't the real Frenchman please stand up?
Please stand up?
Please stand up?

Check me while I babble onÖ
No I mean it: Je suis le meilleur.
Je me stupÈfie....
(well, repeat this over and over, this wonít make you more important or France a serious superpower. This is how we known the French, this is how we love the French, this is how we pity the French ;-) )

Posted by: Ephialtes at June 17, 2003 08:15 AM

Igpae Atinlae isae thea anebae ofae onnae english eakerspae.

Translate that Frenchie.

Posted by: Fr. guido Sarducci at June 17, 2003 09:02 AM

Mon cher Marquis,

Il est difficile d'expliquer une position nuancee sur ce forum.

Je ne suis pas et n'ai jamais ete un pacifiste. Je ne suis pas contre toutes les guerres. Certaines sont necessaires.

Je continue a penser que la guerre contre l'Irak n'etait pas necessaire et est destabilisatrice pour le Moyen Orient.

Je continue a penser que toute cette affaire est liee au petrole et a l'appui inconditionnel de l'actuelle administration US a Israel. Wolfovitz lui meme l'a dit recemment.

Je continue a etre irrite par l'attitude de l'actuelle administration US qui parle de nous "punir" parce que nous avons ose prendre parti contre eux. Cette attitude FEODALE ou le Suzerain punit son Vassal desobeissant ne correspond pas a l'idee que j'ai d'une relation avec les USA.

Je suis aussi irrite par la courte et selective memoire des officiels US et des posters de ce forum qui oublient (ou veulent oublier) leurs actions passees dans la region.

La Politique n'est de toutes les facons pas faite par des enfants de Choeur. Les nations n'ont pas d'amis, elles n'ont que des interets.

Je me sens plus proche des EtatsUniens et des Israeliens qui sont des colons Europeens que des Musulmans.

Je pense simplement que, comme mes amis meme les plus proches n'ont pas tous les droits sur moi, nos allies quand ils exagerent doivent etre rappeles au bon sens.

Nous devons donner a l'Europe les moyens politiques et militaires de se faire respecter (Il y a encore du travail) et de ne plus laisser les USA parler en Suzerain.

Posted by: Frenchman at June 17, 2003 09:12 AM

Man, yins fellers are kinda serious about this an all. My soul gets all wombly like readin all this stuff about hate an the like.

My brethren and sistren, take not yourselves so seriously that you hate your enemies. No war is so well won as when your enemy becomes your friend-- Japan as an example.

Posted by: Fr. Guido Sarducci at June 17, 2003 09:17 AM

Igpae Atinlae isae thea anebae ofae onnae english eakerspae.

Pig Latin is the bane of non english speakers ?

Posted by: Frenchman at June 17, 2003 09:21 AM

My brethren and sistren, take not yourselves so seriously that you hate your enemies. No war is so well won as when your enemy becomes your friend-- Japan as an example.

Japan is your allie not your friend. Countries have no friends.

Posted by: Frenchman at June 17, 2003 09:23 AM

My brethren and sistren, take not yourselves so seriously that you hate your enemies. No war is so well won as when your enemy becomes your friend-- Japan as an example.

And you wonder why France has no true friends? You first need to win a war ;-)

At least France has first to be taken seriously as an enemy. But yes, the other way around, in the eyes of islamists, France is a friend. No wonder, they already defeated the frogs on their very streets of Parisabad ;-) So dear frenchmen, keep up being beaten around by your muslim citizen ;-) the only thing for you is to whineÖand when it comes to whining you are truly experts ;-)

(Ñoh, look, look, Jean-MarieÖzhese impertinent unilateralizts are inzulting our grand nazion! `ow dare zhey?! OhÖ`ow I loathe zheir zuczess and importanze!ì) Öyeah, dear frogs, squeak as you like, when it helps your mental health ;-) I bet, it must hurt to accept the truth: your country is less important than Zimbabwe ;-)

Posted by: Ephialtes at June 17, 2003 10:10 AM

Mon cher Frenchman,

Il est tres facile pour moi d'expliquer une position nuancee sur ce forum et je n’ai jamais ÈtÈ opportunÈ sur ce forum par des esprits intelligents, mÍme si mon anglais est moins
bon que le vÙtre...

Je ne suis pas non plus et n'ai jamais ete un pacifiste naif. Je ne suis pas contre toutes les guerres.

Certaines sont necessaires, et pense comme vous sur ce point.

Par contre et a contrario de vous :

Je continue a penser que la guerre contre l'Irak etait necessaire car cette region est destabilisatrice pour le Moyen Orient depuis plus de 40 ans, et regrette que l’amerique ai fait l'erreur d’abandonner sous l’emprise des politiques la guerre en 1991...comme le vietnam !

Je continue a penser moi aussi que cette affaire est liee bien sur au petrole et a l'appui de l'actuelle administration US a Israel, mais aussi
a d'autres finalitÈs de controle des populations

faut il aussi laisser certains groupuscules palestiniens ou islamistes continuer l’escalade de la haine et du terrorisme... ?

Je crois que de son cotÈ la France a dÈfendu son petrole, et ses interets en Irak. ( et de ce point
de vue nous n’avons pas a donner des leÁons de moralitÈ...)

Wolfovitz lui meme l'a dit recemment, et pense comme lui depuis plus de 25 ans...( et peut
Ítre mÍme avant lui le coquin )

Je pense contrairement a vous que l'actuelle administration US est moins dangereuse, que le peuple Americain qui dans sa grande majoritÈ a les “boules” de notre attitude, et personnellement
je comprend l’americain moyen...

Je continue a etre irrite moi , par certains propos en France ( dans les medias notablement ) sur les Etats Unis et me rend compte a quel point le fossÈ est grand dans les esprits polluÈs
de ceux qui se trompent d’ennemis...

La Politique n'est de toutes les facons pas faite par des enfants de Choeur certes, mais
contrairement a vous je pense que Les peuples des nations ont des AmitiÈs ( le cas des etats unis +
la France datant de 300 ans ), elles ont que des interets a vivre en bonne harmonie et amitiÈs...

Et si nous avons des dÈsaccords, ce n’est pas la peine d’en faire le cirque du mois de fevrier
2003, avec le veto de qui vous savez...

Je me sens proche des Americains et des Israeliens qui sont des colons Europeens,
et je me sens proche aussi des Musulmans laics qui aspirent a la paix et au calme, avec les autres integristes je suis en guerre...

Je pense egalement simplement que, comme mes amis meme les plus proches n'ont pas tous les
droits sur moi, nos allies quand ils exagerent doivent etre rappeles au bon sens, MAIS en
tÍte a tÍte...(sans que toute la planete soit au courant des divergences.)

OUI ,nous devons donner a l'Europe les moyens politiques et militaires de se faire respecter ET
surtout d’AGIR, mais jusqu’a preuve du contraire nos institutions politiques depuis 60 ans ont
dÈmontrÈes l’inverse...mais pourquoi pas ? ( en respectant l’amerique, et en ne la voyant pas
comme l’ennemi..)


Posted by: La Fayette at June 17, 2003 10:37 AM



Cassandra it seems that you are an ecologist, so what is your opinion about Kyoto protocol?

***Well, I am something of an ecologist, but I think there has to be some factual basis for change. There is a lot of bad science and political correctness surrounding the Kyoto protocol. The underlying model was proved to drastically overstate predicted warming - they have reduced the predicted warming from an original 3.2C to 2.0 by 2100. When further corrections are made for other factors not considered by the model (namely correcting the CO2 warming), the projected rise in temp for 2100 is 1C.

In my understanding, the success of Kyoto protocol depended on 3 things:

1. warming is as bad as predicted by the model (already proven false by 1998)
2. there are no compensating factors in the environment to balance effects of greenhouse gasses (significant evidence this is false, too)
3. ALL of the signatories comply 100% with its provisions

What is the result? Dr. Wigley, Sr. Scientist at NCAR calculated project "temperature savings" if everyone complied 100% at .07C by 2100. This change is so small it cannot even be reliably measure with thermometers.

There have been studies done all over the world that show the underlying model to be inaccurate. I am in favor of reducing emissions in a reasonable way - not demanding a 43% reduction to get a .07C "savings" over 100 years. Surely there must be evidence out there to support conservation efforts - the Kyoto Protocol is giving ecologists a bad name (or would be if anyone bothered to read up on it instead of listening to the hysteria).

"there's a chance Saddam might have backed down and we could have avoided war"
I'm not sure of that. :/ Saddam is a very obstinate boy.

***Honestly, I'm not sure either. But it was worth the chance - think what a message that would have sent: "The UN and world community will not be defied and will join to disarm you if you won't disarm voluntarily". The alternative message? "The UN is so busy fighting that it won't enforce its own resolutions. It is safe to ignore them because they are divided and ineffectual".

Things had gone too far to just back down and brinkmanship proved very effective with the USSR - but the opponent has to believe you are serious.

Posted by: Cassandra at June 17, 2003 11:30 AM

La Fayette:

this is rather a fashion to discuss the current situation. when sometimes the responses to french postings seemed a bit harsh, it'd been always provoked by some french outbursts. they'd been only answered in kind.

sadly a major faction of european residents have been agitated by public media rather than common sense. not only in France, in Germany as well, by a chancelor who only won his last elections by america-bashing and sadly most dumb germans fell for it. but nonetheless, there are still a few germans opposing the current foreign politics, as I bet, there are also a couple of french who don't buy everything their government sells them.

when Chirac, a conservative, won the presidential elections in France I was satified and hoped the same happening in the german election as well. but twice I've been disappointed. disappointed in german voters sanity and in France's strange foreign politics to come.

Posted by: Ephialtes at June 17, 2003 11:35 AM

Cassandra I hope your predictions about climate are true (wow have I said Cassandra i hope your predictions are true ?! :)
for our children, and the other generations...
but don't forget the principle of precaution

Posted by: Max at June 17, 2003 11:49 AM

Mon cher Marquis,

Le Moyen Orient est instable depuis plus de 3000 ans.

La passion qu'ont les peuples de la region a s'entretuer ne date pas d'hier et ne s'arretera pas demain. Je pense qu'il n'est pas raisonnable de s'en meler.

Le desordre est savamment entretenu par les grandes puissances qui ne veulent en realite que maintenir une instabilite tres profitable.

Savez vous que les frontieres de l'Irak ont ete deliberement tracees par les Anglais et les Francais pour maintenir le pays dans une situation de faiblesse pour rendre necessaire l'intervention des puissances coloniales ?

Le Koweit est considere par les Irakiens comme leur Alsace Lorraine (en plus riche).

Je repete que je ne me trompe pas d'ennemi mais que je refuse d'etre traite en Vassal.

Je continue a etre irrite par l'attitude de l'actuelle administration US qui parle de nous "punir" parce que nous avons ose prendre parti contre eux. Cette attitude FEODALE ou le Suzerain punit son Vassal desobeissant ne correspond pas a l'idee que j'ai d'une relation avec les USA.

Nous devons donner a l'Europe les moyens de ne plus laisser les USA parler en Suzerain.


Posted by: Frenchman at June 17, 2003 12:05 PM

I understands your feeling Ephialtes...

The great Greek philosopher Socrate that you know, a day expressed this has matters of
knowledge. "that I know that I do not know nothing..."

I am as him has matters of this knowledge of the sciences and arts, not of my direction of
friendship, for I know this that I must...

The days has to come I hope will erase has all never all this...

excuse me for my english...:-)


je comprend votre sentiment Ephialtes...

le grand philosophe grec SOCRATE que vous connaissez, un jour a exprimÈ ceci a propos du savoir et de la connaissance. "tout ce que je sais c’est que je ne sais rien..."

je suis comme lui a propos de cette connaissance des sciences et de l’art, non pas de mon sens de
l’amitiÈ car je sais ce que je dois...

Les jours a venir je l’espËre vont effacer a tout jamais tout ceci dans les coeurs de cassandra
et de frenchman...

I understands your feeling...

The great Greek philosopher Socrate that you know, a day expressed this has matters of
knowledge. “that I know that I do not know nothing. ..”

I am as him has matters of this knowledge of the sciences and arts, not of my direction of
friendship, for I know this that I must...

The days has to come I hope will erase has all never all this...

Posted by: La Fayette at June 17, 2003 12:38 PM

Cassandra you said "I am in favor of reducing emissions in a reasonable way -"

I've read your compassionate words in defense of the corked, fruit, stretched bats. In behalf of the Chick-Fil-A cows and ordinary cow citizens of this great planet. I'd like to thank you for defending us as we've been persecuted about our contributing to the greenhouse effect. We can't even do our post digestive duty without feelin condemned! That's nothing short of defacation of character! Ask them fiber filled eco-freaks to hold it forever!

Furthermore, imagine the degree of lactose intolerance we experience considering all the milk we hold. No wonder some of us are MAD!

We didn't even get paid for letting those advertising hounds hoist us way up on that "Eat More Chikn" billboard.

Expect to see worldwide protest and forming of a cow union soon! (cows opposed to discrimination) COD. That ought to throw them off: COD-cows.

Posted by: Chick-Fil-A Cows at June 17, 2003 12:49 PM

Chik-Fil-A-Cows: Fight the Power! We must attack human-centric thought wherever it appears. A bas les hominids! Le jour de gloire est arrivee! The cows of France and of all the world stand in bovine solidarity with you -- together will shall overcome.

Frenchman: We were irritated that the French government went out of its way to thwart any enforcement of the UN resolutions they agreed to. It would have been one thing to abstain - that's fine. It would have been another to disagree - still fine. It is still another to organize a coalition to oppose enforcement of a resolution (one of many over 12 years) that your nation signed, supposedly in good faith. Saying you will veto ANY use of force (before even receiving a proposal or listening to a plan) is divisive and spiteful.

And by the way, Germany has gotten off largely scot-free in this - in many ways it is unfair that the French got most of the blame when the Germans lobbied just as hard against enforcing the resolution. But the feeling over here is that Chirac stood up for the sake of opposing the US rather than out of any moral conviction or desire to keep the peace. His public statements have reinforced this impression.

It is unfortunate that much of the ill-will directed at Chirac and Villepin has shifted to the French people. However, there has been lots of anti-American rhetoric coming from French newspapers, (and this was true even 20 years ago when I was in college) so it is hardly one-sided.

I join La Fayette in hoping that we will one day move beyond this and become friends (NOT master and vassal), but that will be difficult unless both sides tone down the insults and try to see the other side's point.

Posted by: Cassandra at June 17, 2003 01:50 PM

the french did not insult American people...

Posted by: Max at June 17, 2003 02:54 PM

I join your text Cassandra in hoping that we will one day move beyond this and become friends (NOT master and vassal), but that will be difficult unless both sides tone down the insults and try to see the other side's point.


en france il existe un dicton qui dit ceci :
"qui aime bien, chatie bien."

cela fonctionne des 2 cotÈs de l'atlantique nord,
et cela exprime que si il y a eu critiques
des 2 cÙtÈs c'est qu'il n'y a pas indifference,
et pense que c'est une bonne chose pour nos
avenirs communs...

de mon cÙtÈ j'appelle les franÁais a se calmer
depuis le dÈbut sur tout ceci.

vive l'Amerique, vive la France, vive la LibertÈ.

amitiÈs a vous tous, vous etes les bienvenues
dans notre drÙle de pays, SI vous voulez bien
sur !

Posted by: La Fayette at June 17, 2003 03:02 PM

La Fayette: you are very kind.:)

I hope to visit France one day and meet more people like you (and I would even like to meet and debate with Frenchman and Max, if he doesn't mind talking with a happy little sheep!)

Our countries have differences, but hopefully they will never be so great that we cannot talk about them.

Posted by: Cassandra at June 17, 2003 03:12 PM


In the words of the Quik-E-Mart guy, on 'The Simpson's',-----"Don't have a cow, man! ------- Have a soy burger!"

Posted by: 'Bartron' at June 17, 2003 03:14 PM

you're welcome but what about the boycott?

Posted by: Max at June 17, 2003 03:26 PM

Dear La Fayette,

"The days has to come I hope will erase has all never all this... ". I daresay myself I won't wait till relationship between countries improve. friendships between individuals of different countries should not depend on world politics.

you seem to be a decent person and I respect your reasonable style of discussion.this way it's much easier to "see the other side's point", true.

I offer you my "virtual" hand in friendship.


"And by the way, Germany has gotten off largely scot-free in this - in many ways it is unfair that the French got most of the blame when the Germans lobbied just as hard against enforcing the resolution."

being a resident of germany, I support your suggestion to the fullest. the germans do lack at least as much "moral conviction" as Chirac and many french do. anti-americanism and anti-semitism runs deeply in german society. it seems many germans don't understand the downfall of Nazi-Germany as a fortunate freeing from oppresion and a dictatorial regime. au contraire, I believe many resent the americans for demolishing their sacred Third Reich and this sickens me. I have to live among this people ;-)

so, enough german-bashing from a german resident ;-)

Posted by: Ephialtes at June 17, 2003 03:34 PM

Ken: re: double whammies: you hold 'em, I'll hit 'em...:)

I'm not touching them, even with a ten-foot pole! Of course, I wouldn't mind cornering them and both hitting 'em at once, preferably with an electric cattle-prod or (non)corked bat.

Posted by: Ken Stein at June 17, 2003 03:55 PM


I bought and consumed a lovely bottle of French wine just last week (YES - I ADMIT IT!!! BUT IT WAS SOOOO GOOD!) Boycotts are just one way to show disapproval for policies people disagree with - this is the same concept as the wonderful embargoes the UN is so fond of.

In a free society, people choose to support or not support political parties, concepts, companies, even trade with nations for a variety of reasons. Therefore, any action or statement may arouse opposition and may also have economic consequences (as our own Natalie Mains found out). Freedom of expression and action does not mean freedom from consequences.

Personally I do not choose to boycott French products. It is too indirect for me - it causes Chirac heartburn, but perhaps it also hurts people who would otherwise be our friends. I defend the right of others to do so, however - they have the freedom to choose.

I DO boycott the Dixie Chicks, which pains me because I liked a lot of their music. But I will not support personal insults against our President in a time of war - disagreement: yes. Insults: no.

Likewise, I will never rent another movie with Susan Sarandon or Tim Robbins in it. I would rent a Martin Sheen movie, because he was against the war but (as far as I know) was not ugly or insulting. I frequently disagree with him, but he seems to be a gentleman most of the time.

Finally, as for "the French did not insult the American people", this is not true. I have seen French articles that call our President a cowboy and us a warmongering bunch of simpletons. Frenchman calls us happy little sheep who blindly believe everything our government says. This is not an insult?

French military officers have insulted our officers - this has been going on in Kosovo for some time before the war.

The French insulted us years and years ago - my Dad wanted me to spend a year in France when I was 17. After reading several French papers, I was so appalled at the rampant anti-American attitude that I refused to go. I had friends who did go - they said the French people were usually very nice to them, but said many insulting things about America.

My husband travelled in France as a teenager. He spoke very good French. Several times in Parisian stores or cafes he heard his brother and him being insulted (the speakers invariably assumed since he was American, he could not understand them). He started walking up to them and saying politely that it was not hospitable to insult people who were guests in their country. He never received a single apology.

My Dad was a naval officer assigned as aide to a 4 star admiral who worked with NATO. He met and enjoyed talking with many French officers. On one occasion, our navy had hired several interpreters at our own expense to be present at a conference. At the end of the conference, it came out that every single one of the French officers spoke fluent English - the interpreters were not needed and the considerable expense was wasted.

My father spoke with the senior French aide and asked whether it was gentlemanly to deceive an ally in such a manner. That is the kind of trick you might pull with an enemy, but not an ally. The officer was embarrassed - he apologied, but said it was "orders from the top".

I don't think the French are different at heart from us - people are people. But I believe there is strong anti-American prejudice in France that has been around for over 25 years. And I wish it weren't so. Now, we may become equally prejudiced against the French.

What a tragedy. I hope Chirac and Villepin consider it worthwhile.

Posted by: Cassandra at June 17, 2003 04:20 PM

I offer you my "virtual" hand in friendship /
dixit Ephialtes.

j'accepte votre poignÈe de main virtuelle
Ephialtes, merci infiniment a vous / thank you !
j'espere simplement et sincerement qu'un jour nos chemins d'existences puissent se croiser avant la mort, car je prefere la realitÈ au virtuel.

ps :
le 4 juillet 1917 ‡ Paris ( cimetiere picpus ) en pleine 1ere guerre mondiale votre General Charles E. Stanton lors de cette cÈrÈmonie prononce les mots suivants (souvent attribuÈs au GÈnÈral Pershing) sur la tombe du marquis: "La Fayette, we are here", qui seront encore repris lors du dÈbarquement des troupes amÈricaines en France en 1944...

vous voyez, je n'ai rien oubliÈ de ceci et
vous en remercie pour lui.

Posted by: La Fayette at June 17, 2003 04:38 PM

Dear La Fayette,

sadly my french is in bad shape (un petit peu ;-) ) but I'm able translate it roughly (and I hope accurately). myself, I prefer offering my hand in friendship in reality as well. but my offer is nonetheless sincere. it fills me with hope, a fine person is a fine person and should not be judged by his heritage. and a fine person you are, La Fayette. ;-)

Posted by: Ephialtes at June 17, 2003 05:30 PM

Vive La Fayette! :) I have to go, but am always happy to see your name on a post!

Posted by: Cassandra at June 17, 2003 06:08 PM

Dear Cassandra,

As we seem to be able to talk more smoothly, I will give you my opinion about one of the events you describe.

This is a cross cultural misunderstanding.

"My Dad was a naval officer assigned as aide to a 4 star admiral who worked with NATO. He met and enjoyed talking with many French officers. On one occasion, our navy had hired several interpreters at our own expense to be present at a conference. At the end of the conference, it came out that every single one of the French officers spoke fluent English - the interpreters were not needed and the considerable expense was wasted.

My father spoke with the senior French aide and asked whether it was gentlemanly to deceive an ally in such a manner. That is the kind of trick you might pull with an enemy, but not an ally. The officer was embarrassed - he apologied, but said it was "orders from the top"."

My opinion is that you don't give to your language the symbolic importance that we give to ours.

When an Army Officer is talking for himself as a person, he can choose the language he speak.

When he is representing France in an official event, he has to speak French.

It is for the French a very important issue as language is considered in France as a symbol of sovereignty from 1539 when the king FranÁois 1er signed the famous “Ordonnance gÈnÈrale sur le fait de la justice, police et finances” .

Hoping that could help.


Posted by: Frenchman at June 18, 2003 07:06 AM

Dear Cassandra,

We also have the impression that some in the US administration is trying to instrumentalize the sentiment of gratitude we have (yes we have) for your heroic grandfathers and great-uncles who came and fought during the WW1 and WW2.

Now, we are bluntly ordered to obey to the grandsons and great-nephews of them like if heroism was passing down from generation to generation.


Posted by: Frenchman at June 18, 2003 09:09 AM

Dear Cassandra

Don't forget also that we feel here the pressure of what you call "Globalization" that we often call "Macdonaldisation".

Here, US influence is often not considered improving but livelling down.


Posted by: Frenchman at June 18, 2003 09:21 AM

thank you very much Cassandra, thank you very much Ephialtes, for your compliments which
please infinitely to me, but I did not write certain things on this forum of ideas to be complimented, but quite simply by sincerity because it is really what I feel and also by memory of the good time spent with compatriots to you.

friendships for you, and better greetings.

merci beaucoup Cassandra, merci beaucoup Ephialtes pour vos compliments qui me font infiniment plaisir, mais je n’ai pas Ècrit certaines choses sur ce forum d’idÈes pour Ítre complimentÈ, mais tout simplement par sincÈritÈ car c’est vraiment ce que je ressens et aussi par mÈmoire du bon temps passÈs avec des compatriotes a vous deux , c’est mon cotÈ sentimental...!

amitiÈs a vous.
;-) bye bye

La Fayette / Paris
mercredi 18 juin de l'an de gr‚ce 2003

Posted by: La_Fayette at June 18, 2003 10:43 AM

Chick-Fil-A Cows!
Beware the French! You saw what they did in "The Holy Grail."

I don't understand this obsession the French people and government have with "protecting' their language from outside influences. What's the point?
English is rapidly becoming the universal language (personally, I prefer Esperanto; it's easier to spell). And don't tell me that this is just American arrogance. The language is called "English" not "American."
It started because Norman armsmen and Saxon barmaids needed some kind of pidgin language to communicate in. It is the language of the U.K., Ireland, the U.S., Canada, South Africa (sort of), Australia, and New Zealand.
It is taught to more school children around the world than any other tongue, and anywhere you go in the world, you can find someone who speaks it.

The French language, while beautiful to listen too, is not a symbol of your soverignty, no matter what some king said 450 years ago.

So stop being so paranoid about foreign "contamination". That's how the language got started: Barbarian Gauls speaking Latin.

Posted by: some random guy at June 18, 2003 02:06 PM

So stop being so paranoid about foreign "contamination".

We're not paranoid about that, but if you want we can organize a lottery to give green cards to new arrivant words :)

Posted by: Max at June 18, 2003 05:44 PM

Bollocks, it is the sign of a living language that new words are created or adopted.
Fer instance: spam.
It has stopped being a semi-meat product and become a nuisance form of e-mail (itself a relatively new word), or the vowel form to send that nuisance e-mail.
Not only are words created all the time, English has adopted words from every language from Aborigine to Zulu.
Any serious attempt to "preserve the pure form of our language" will have you soon sounding like someone quoting Shakespeare in modern Manhattan.

Posted by: some random guy at June 18, 2003 07:01 PM

To Some Random Guy

"The French language, while beautiful to listen too, is not a symbol of your soverignty, no matter what some king said 450 years ago."

The French language IS one of the symbols of French sovereignty even if "Some Random Guy" doesn't like it !


Posted by: Frenchman at June 19, 2003 04:23 AM

To Some Random Guy

"I Don't understand this obsession the French people and government have with "protecting' their language from outside influences. What's the point?"

As I said before, don't forget that we feel the pressure of what you call "Globalization" that we often call "Macdonaldisation". US influence is often not considered improving but livelling down.

The French will continue to protect their language even if "Some Random Guy" doesn't understand why !


Posted by: Frenchman at June 19, 2003 04:32 AM

To Some Random Guy.

veuillez m'excuser mais il faut que vous sachiez
que vous avez dans votre langue de Shakespeare, des mots franÁais...

un petit exemple : "BARBECUE" c'est un mot
au dÈpart franÁais, et qui proviens de notre
flibusterie_ les corsaires du Roi )

idem en ce qui concerne pour nous : parking _
briefing _ super _ etc etc...

une langue n'est jamais morte, elle Èvolue
des 2 cotÈs, chez vous comme chez nous.

d'apres moi dans 500 ans la langue franÁaise
effectivement ( je ne le souhaite pas ) a cause
de l'evolution internet + d'autres progres futurs
va disparaitre malheureusement, au
profit de l'anglais et aussi du chinois...

meilleures salutations ou better greetings.


Posted by: La Fayette at June 19, 2003 04:53 AM

I do not speak, nor have any interest in learning to speak, French.

And I do understand why the French government created a ministry to safeguard the language against outside influence: a massive insecurity complex.

Posted by: some random guy at June 19, 2003 09:47 AM

pour "un certain type alÈatoire",translate of
"some random guy" !!!! smile :)

excuse me but it is necessary that you know that you have in your language of Shakespeare, of French words...

a small example: "BARBECUE" it's French word
"BARBE CUL", and which come from our flibustery _ the corsairs of the King) idem in france with your language : parking_ briefing _super_ etc, etc...

a language never died, she moves...

according to me in 500 years the French language indeed (I do not wish it) because
with Internet evolution + of other future progress,with the profit of English and also of Chinese language...

bye bye !!!

ps: et ne rÈflechissez pas trop, et mille excuses
encore pour mon anglais approximatif, dans 500
ans cela fonctionnera mieux...!

Posted by: La_Fayette at June 19, 2003 11:07 AM

Barbecue comes from a Mexican Spanish phrase.

Like I said earlier, English originated from the interaction of Normans (from Normandy, a part of France conquered and settled by Vikings), and the Saxon inhabitants of England (in case you didn't know, there was an invasion in 1066).
So yes, a great deal of English comes from French, which in turn came from Latin.

However, no other country that I am aware of has a government minisrty dedicated to perventing icky foreign words from entering the language.

Posted by: some random guy at June 19, 2003 11:53 AM

"Barbecue comes from a Mexican Spanish phrase."

no sorry, it's a spanish language of Haiti "barbacoa"(islands 1620 year )for the name grill, and then the pirates transformed this in barbecul and after barbecue...

it's absolutely not Mexican...

c'est un langage espagnol d'haiti "barbacoa"(des iles de 1620) pour nommer grillade, et ensuite les pirates/corsaires franÁais ont transformÈs ceci en barbecul et ensuite barbecue...veridique !

c'est absolument pas montre
parfaitement la transformation d'une langue en 3 Ètapes.

bye bye

Posted by: La Fayette at June 19, 2003 12:40 PM

"Like I said earlier, English originated from the interaction of Normans (from Normandy, a part of France conquered and settled by Vikings), and the Saxon inhabitants of England (in case you didn't know, there was an invasion in 1066).
So yes, a great deal of English comes from French, which in turn came from Latin.

However, no other country that I am aware of has a government minisrty dedicated to perventing icky foreign words from entering the language."


yes, but Jules Cesar a Roman (Latin) conquered 50 years before J. Christ / the Gaule ( la france) +
England and of the English cities ( before the battle of Hastings_ 1066) always bear names with a
Latin ethimology... GLOUCESTER for exemple / cester or chester, and which appears in the name
of several towns which were founded during the Roman occupation, such as Manchester and

transformation du language toujours !!!

Posted by: La Fayette at June 19, 2003 01:01 PM

"However, no other country that I am aware of has a government minisrty dedicated to perventing icky foreign words from entering the language."

Posted by: some random guy on June 19, 2003 11:53 AM

Vive la France !

Posted by: Frenchman at June 19, 2003 01:23 PM

Frenchman wrote:

Vive la France !

Ah yes! The cowardly and backstabbing de Gaulle. Here in Canada we weren't as surprised at the perfidy of ChIraq and de Villepin as our neighbours to the south, having had first hand experience in the 60's. Frenchman, people died here because of those words. Bringing them up only shows how out of touch you are with reality. And you claim that it's Americans who are ignorant of other countries? That's laughable.

Posted by: James R at June 19, 2003 06:26 PM

Getting back to the original post. It is a hoot. The idea that a pedophile,with overtones of incest to boot, should discuss "French kissing"? What a hoot.

"Precautionary Principle"? If man had followed this nonsense there would be no fire, no wheel, the first boat could not have sailed. What utter rubbish! Then to pretend that it is an accepted law of logic to boot? What gaul.

And personally, I am not boycotting France, I am just so disgusted with France's abandonment of Liberte, Egalite, and Fraternite. Instead, it embraces every brutal, bloodthirsty dictator who will take a bribe from Airbus.

Posted by: Spawn at June 19, 2003 11:25 PM

To James R

Frenchman, people died here because of those words.

Could you be more precise ?

The only deads I know were the French during the English occupation of Quebec when they were not allowed to speak French and during the "Grand Derangement".


Posted by: Frenchman at June 20, 2003 10:27 AM

1. ce qui est bien avec vous cher Frenchman c'est que vous Ítes pas rancunier que la France ( la mËre patrie )vous ai abandonnÈ aux anglais en 1763 suite a une dÈfaite militaire car il
est fort possible que vous soyez un canadien

2. d'ailleurs c'est pas pour cette raison, que
nos cousins quebecois du canada nous appellent
nous autres insulaires de France : "Maudit FranÁais" depuis cette Èpoque...?

3. a propos de "vive le quÈbec libre" de qui vous
savez, il a aussi proclamÈ le 4 juin 1958 a ALGER le cÈlebre "je vous ai compris" ce qui ne l'a pas
empechÈ plus tard comme pour Napoleon avec le canada, de donner lachement l'algerie franÁaise au FLN algerien en 1962...

donc vous savez cher Frenchman en Èpilogue, il ne faut voir que la finalitÈ des choses, c'est a dire
des populations abandonnÈes et meurtries a jamais...

bien sincerement

La Fayette

Posted by: La Fayette at June 20, 2003 02:42 PM

erreur, veuillez m'excuser j'ai frappÈ trop vite :

"ce qui ne l'a pas empechÈ plus tard comme pour le roi louis le XVIËme avec le canada" 26 ans
avant la revolution franÁaise de 1789.

a la place de napoleon bien sur...


Posted by: La Fayette at June 20, 2003 02:54 PM

Please believe, if you click my name, it will take you to a 'frog' hating website, where you will be informed how to pay back the back-stabbing french!

I see London,
I see france,
the cowardly french,
will take no stance!

Posted by: Frenchman at June 20, 2003 06:03 PM

"frenchman_pirouette cacouette" c'est pas bien, de se faire passer pour un autre.

il faut avoir sa propre personnalitÈ...!
it's necessary to have his own personality...!

bye bye

Posted by: La Fayette at June 21, 2003 03:03 AM

Lafayette, sous la pression de quels pays la France a-t'elle "l‚chement abandonnÈ" l'AlgÈrie?

indice: ils sont gros tous les 2, l'un est extrÍment communiste et aujourd'hui plein de pauvres, l'autre est extrÍmement anti-communiste et aujourd'hui plein d'obËses.

Posted by: Max at June 21, 2003 09:01 AM

max j'ai pas parlÈ d'abandon, j'ai parlÈ de cadeau et de don...

"donner lachement l'algerie franÁaise" dixit

a propos des 2 pays capitalistes dont tu
parles ( la russie d'aujourd'hui n'est plus l'urss communiste + usa ) effectivement il y a
eu pression de la part des pays que tu donnes, mais aucunes volontÈs de la part de DE GAULLE
de contrarier ceci( bien au contraire )car
il avait dÈcidÈ des 1947 de regler le compte
aux gens qui avaient soutenus les americains
en 1942 en afrique du nord ,(reglement de compte) car les americains preferaient l'amiral DARLAN a lui. ( Darlan est assassinÈ, Leclerc aussi...etrange non ?!!!)

bonne lecture max !

bye bye

Posted by: La Fayette at June 21, 2003 12:04 PM

11 NOVEMBRE 1942 : l’amiral DARLAN reconnu par les …tats-Unis prend le pouvoir en Afrique du nord

24 D…CEMBRE 1942 : le gÈnÈral GIRAUD prend le pouvoir en Afrique du nord aprËs l’assassinat de DARLAN, c'est a dire moins d'un mois plus tard !

Posted by: La Fayette at June 21, 2003 01:20 PM

sauf que l'indÈpendance de l'algÈrie c'est 1962.

enfin peu importe, jette un coup d'oeil sur ce site, Áa rÈsume bien la situation:

Posted by: Max at June 21, 2003 05:29 PM

sauf que l'indÈpendance de l'algÈrie c'est 1962...

comme si je savais pas que c'est 1962, sacrÈ
max !!! :)

mais de 1947 a 1962, avec les evenements d'indochine il n'y a eu que volontÈ dÈlibÈrÈ de
lacher nos compatriotes des colonies.

a propos de site regarde celui Ái :

"Le 24 decembre 1942, Fernand Bonnier de la Chappelle accomplit sa mission. Il n’a pas assassinÈ un francais mais abattu un ENNEMI de la France. Il se voit entourÈ, felicitÈ, decorÈ, passer au grade supÈrieur, serrant la main ‡ son illustre chef, le gÈnÈral de Gaulle. Il vit un beau rËve."

dixit texte site !!!

bonne lecture max, et attention a certaines
de tes lectures pro_qui tu sais !

Posted by: La Fayette at June 22, 2003 01:50 AM

what the he** are you two frogs talking about?

Posted by: 2 LOST FROGGS at June 22, 2003 03:20 PM

it's too complex for you "2lostfrogs", you tire not the brain.

it's not good for you...

the adventures of superfrog

Posted by: superfrog at June 22, 2003 05:00 PM

Mon cher Lafayette,

C'Ètait Louis XV.


PS: L'Histoire de l'HumanitÈ est tellement complexe qu'on peut l'utiliser pour justifier tout et le contraire de tout...

Personnellement, j'ai dÈj‡ du mal ‡ prendre les responsabilites de mes actions personnelles alors je ne me sens pas responsable de celles de mes Ancetres, amis, Parents plus ou moins proches. Cela ne veut pas dire que je ne dois pas essayer d'aider ‡ rÈparer ce qui est rÈparable.

Posted by: Frenchman at June 24, 2003 08:28 AM

effectivement je me suis trompÈ vous avez
raison frenchman, mea culpa !

car le rËgne de LOUIS XVI commence a partir de
1774, ce qui m'a induis en erreur c'est
sa date de naissance de 1754 et aussi que LOUIS
XVI Ètait moins intelligent que son pËre Louis XV, car pour cÈder les richesses du Canada il ne fallait pas Ítre tres malin, donc comme quoi...


"Personnellement, j'ai dÈj‡ du mal ‡ prendre les responsabilites de mes actions personnelles alors je ne me sens pas responsable de celles de mes Ancetres, amis, Parents plus ou moins proches. Cela ne veut pas dire que je ne dois pas essayer d'aider ‡ rÈparer ce qui est rÈparable." dixit

voici ma conception :
1. en ce qui me concerne, je prend
mes responsabilitÈs sur mes actions personnelles
et de mes actes prÈsents et futurs pour moi et aussi pour les autres, je protege ainsi mes descendants et les gÈnerations futures en le faisant...(c'est que je reproche par ex. sur
ce point a Louis XV.)

je pense malheureusement que nos conceptions sont diamÈtralement opposÈes sur ce point.

2. "d'aider ‡ rÈparer ce qui est rÈparable" : oh
oui c'est possible...!!!

cordialement Ègalement.

´ Nul [...] ne peut couler ses jours dans le bonheur qui ne considËre que soi, qui tourne toutes choses ‡ sa propre commoditÈ. Vis pour autrui, si tu veux vivre pour toi... ª

S…N»QUE / Lettres ‡ Lucilius

Posted by: La Fayette at June 24, 2003 10:59 AM

I think we should all learn an entirely new language: Binary! You can write it without knowing how to do anything but make little dots in a row with two different colored pens. And even with only 20 dots per word or ideograph, you could have up to 1,048,576 different words! You can also send it over a telegraph very easily, and can use flashlights or car horns as well.

Note to Frenchman/Max/Chris/any other Frenchman screen-names I have blessedly forgotten: This is a joke. Do not take it seriously.

Posted by: Ken Stein at June 24, 2003 10:30 PM

to ken4 2 00 stein17 0 6 0 1

1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
128 64 32 16 8 4 2 10 1 0 0 0 0 0 1
0 64 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 1
0 64 0 0 0 4 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
128 64 32 16 8 4 2 10 5 0 0 0 0 0 1
0 64 0 0 0 45 0 1 0 1 0 0 22 1 0 1
0 64 0 10 0 4 0 1 0 64 0 0 0 4 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 128 64 32 16 8 4 2 10 5 0 0 0 0 0 1
0 64 0 0 0 45 0 1 0 1 0 0 ...

This is a joke, Do not take it seriously...

ps: personal in regards to me the binary language is totally without poetry, I will continue has to express myself in Latin, in English, in French and in Javanese.

Posted by: La Fayette at June 25, 2003 01:14 AM

Cassandra and La Fayette are right. The idea that because the French Government opposed the American Government on the Issue of Iraq should have nothing to do with interpersonal relationships between American and French people. Yes, the French did more than just oppose the war, they actively made it a point to undermine American efforts whenever possible. It was more than simple disagreement. Do we revert to then categorically refering to the French weak, cowardly and ungrateful? This type of thing is stupid. The French in 2003 owe us nothing for our grandfathers saving theirs in 1944, anymore than we owed them anything for them helping us with the British back in 1776. All in all their disagreement was in general irrelevant as we attacked anyway, and won anyway, and did exactly as we wanted regardless of if the French had actually supported us.
The French equally need to stop with the considerable amount of foolish and purposeless animosity that they continue to aim at the US. It is foolish and simplistic to categorically refer to a nation of almost 300 million people as too stupid to understand what is really going on simply because some of them happen to disagree with some of the people in France. Both sides of the Atlantic need to keep in mind that neither group (and no group of human beings for that matter) has a monopoly on the truth.

Posted by: Mike J at June 25, 2003 12:20 PM

"Both sides of the Atlantic need to keep in mind that neither group (and no group of human beings for that matter) has a monopoly on the truth."

"The idea that because the French Government opposed the American Government on the Issue of
Iraq should have nothing to do with interpersonal relationships between American and French

it's completely exact MIKE J person does not have the verity, BUT it also arrives of the traumatisms in the life (the drama of the world trade center) who makes that a true friend must understand his friend... and not to too quickly judge its spirit of revenge.

you understand ?

c'est completement exact Mike J. personne ne possede la veritÈ, mais il arrive aussi que des traumatismes ( le drame du world trade center )font qu’un vÈritable ami doit comprendre son ami, et ne pas juger trop vite son esprit de vengeance...
vous comprenez ?

friendly to you man !

Posted by: La Fayette at June 25, 2003 02:42 PM

Oui mon ami, Je comprends. Vive la France, Vive Les Etats-Unis, et vive la difference entre les amis.

Posted by: Mike J. at June 25, 2003 03:50 PM

grrrrrrrr..... ASK THE CHINESE why Hiroshima and Nagasaki were attacked! ASK ANYONE from or near or who's even ever heard of Nanking! Ask someone whose grandfather was bayoneted for not showing enough respect to the seal of the Japanese emperor, or whose grandmother was raped and gutted, not necessarily in that order! GOD people can live in such a vacuum it's astonishing!

All right I'm calm.

Yes, it was dreadful and tragic that the innocent civilian citizens of Hiroshima and Nagasaki died. It is not acceptable to take that out of context, as if it were a frivolous day in the country and not a WORLD WIDE SITUATION OF WAR. The Japanese military was working on their own nuclear weapon to deploy against the Chinese at the same time. They were just SLOW, not pure of heart and intention! They had already attempted to release bubonic plague numerous times and were conducting all manner of biological experiments on the Chinese and Koreans to rival those of the Nazis, not to mention the millions of Chinese the army killed with their bare hands and the havoc they wreaked in the South Seas.

Furthermore -- thousands, THOUSANDS more died in a single day in the Allied attacks on Dresden, which unlike Hiroshima was NOT a military target at all, but no one thinks of this because the weapons were not as "dramatic." Tokyo was leveled by Allied fighters -- again, with weapons that were not as "exciting." For that matter London too was devastated, not to mention all of the other European cities who suffered from attacks from both sides, some with single-day amounts of casualties that dwarf Hiroshima and Nagasaki combined -- again with these "boring" weapons -- no one thinks to put any of this on their cute little protest signs -- it doesn't make the US look awful enough, I suppose??

I respect and admire modern Japan enormously, enough to even (attempt to!) learn their beautiful and complex language. And I do firmly believe that even during WW2 most of the average citizens were kept very much in the dark about what their government was about, and I admire their modern constitution very strongly (though at times a question the practicality of the no-war-ever clause).

But let us keep a modicum of perspective PLEASE!!!

I will not French-bash, because I lived there for a year and know so many good and decent and kind French people (who also smell quite clean and fresh, thanks). I will not engage in gross generalizations against you -- but I will not stand for gross generalizations directed towards me and mine, either. Context and fairness, please!

(Et je peut lire en francais, donc vous ne cachez *rien*.)

And for the record:
1) There WAS no United States when the wholesale slaughter of Native Americans was begun -- by the Spaniards
2) There WAS no United States when the very first black slaves -- some of my ancestors -- were brought over by the Portuguese, and
3) The US got into bloody Vietnam to help out the French. Jeeze.

The US does not have clean hands -- they continued some of the crap they learned from their forefathers, and this is NOT absolution. But neither is it the end all and be all of all or even MOST suffering worldwide, for God's sake.

Posted by: sensible liberal at June 25, 2003 04:19 PM

"Both sides of the Atlantic need to keep in mind that neither group (and no group of human beings for that matter) has a monopoly on the truth. "

Okay now if I had read Mike J's comment before I posted, my comment would have been a lot calmer and shorter. Thanks Mike.

Posted by: sensible liberal at June 25, 2003 04:25 PM

Sensible Liberal: you don't sound very liberal to me. Don't take that wrong, coming from me, it's a compliment.

Posted by: Ken Stein at June 25, 2003 05:37 PM

Ken Stein: Call me a centrist, then. :-)

Trust me, there's a big difference between a liberal and a suicidal self-hating dreamworld-living jack@$$. The term's been hijacked of late.

Addendum: I meant to say " vous ne cachez pas rien" before. Gimme a break, it's been 10 years... :-)

Posted by: sensible liberal at June 25, 2003 06:24 PM

"vive la difference entre les amis."

good mike ! you have understood the existence and the word tolerance, you are on the right track...
amitiÈs to you !


´ Qu'est-ce que la tolÈrance ? C'est l'apanage de l'H U M A N I T E . Nous sommes tous pÈtris de faiblesses et d'erreurs ; pardonnons-nous rÈciproquement nos sottises, c'est la premiËre loi de la nature. ª

VOLTAIRE / Dictionnaire philosophique

Posted by: La Fayette at June 26, 2003 05:57 AM

OK, sounds good to me. I guess the people I'm talking about would be called Socialists or Communists/Commies. I'm actually somewhere between a Libertarian and a Republican.

Posted by: Ken Stein at June 26, 2003 04:10 PM

The USA did find 2 weapons of mass destruction, Odai and Qusai. The hunt is on for the 3rd, Saddam.

Posted by: Buddy at July 30, 2003 09:00 AM