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June 10, 2003
Gov. Davis Recalled by Consumer Safety Commission

(2003-06-10) -- Short-circuiting a voter campaign to remove California Gov. Gray Davis through a special election, the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) today issued a recall on the faulty politician.

During Mr. Davis' re-election campaign, CPSC members watched with concern as his claims of fiscal responsibility inflated uncontrollably. Now that he's in office, the same thing is happening to the state budget deficit, which has ballooned to $38 billion.

"It reminds us of the automobile airbag issue a couple of years ago," said an unnamed member of the commission. "Those things would just blow up. We're recalling the product to protect the people of California."

by Scott Ott | Donate | | Comments (23) | More Satire | Printer-Friendly
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Where AM I?

Posted by: Which Way Do We Go? at June 10, 2003 08:48 AM

Pebbles and BAM BAM, Two.too..toodle doo

Posted by: Flintstones at June 10, 2003 08:52 AM

So who will be the next governor of California? Swartzenegger or Meathead?

Posted by: Willy Lowman at June 10, 2003 09:21 AM

I know that I should give a hoot, but I'm more concerned with getting out of the state of Californicate this Thursday. YESSSSSSSSSSSSSS
No more taxes from me Gray Dufus.
Going to miss the heck out of Scrappleface for two or three weeks, but I will be back to bludgeon everyone to death with my dull wit.

Posted by: Mike S at June 10, 2003 10:17 AM

Mike S

Click on my name for a "welcome(away) wagon" greeting.(:~}) Be sure and scroll down to the " R R R Club Rules", too.:~}

B.T.W.---I DID "find" 2 Petoskey stones. Walked along the bay Sunday inbetween Thunderstorms, rain, Tornado warnings!!---but didn't find the famous stone...however,a friend there knew exactly where to find 2 in his yard as I was leaving (:~})

Yee HAA for you shaking the granola off your feet and heading Northward.

Posted by: Used 2 B LFC From Colorado at June 10, 2003 10:53 AM

Mike S.

OOPS! Forgot to attach that link on the last post!..NOW you'll find it!

Posted by: Used 2 B LFC from Colorado at June 10, 2003 11:53 AM

The place may not be ready until the 28th, but I don't care. Storage unit right down the road, and miles of mountain roads to ride until things are shipshape.
May take me a while, but I will send you some pictures of the area. It's a great place. Going to be there in time for the lumberjack competition.
Goodbye to the rat race in Riverside.

Posted by: Mike S at June 10, 2003 12:21 PM

Mike S

WEEEE HAAAA! CA is being much kinder to your leaving than Wichita, KS was to me after 3 yrs. ( the longest DECADE of my life) there. I grew up in CO ( suppose to "grow up" (:~})) but lived in Tulsa and Wichita, too. When I was planning on leaving Wichita for Colo. Springs....The last day at the job I was working we had tornadoes, etc. We had to take shelter in an unlit, unused "dungeon" of some sort...YUCK!

Just a couple weeks before moving--- my car ( that Owned ME)--with ONE payment left on it was TOTALLED in a MEGA hailstorm, etc. KS did not "spew" me out easily! Your departure sounds much more peaceful! AND exciting.

"Ride" as in motorcycle or mountain bike?

Due to rain and storms I missed alot of the scenic stuff in N. MI. Even missed TWO tries at going to Mackinac Island! Bummer! But I did make it home safely with 2 Petoskey stones and my "Petoskey Bunny" {a cute lavendar and white bunny I got from the claw machine at Petoskey's Wal Mart after 2 tries!(:~}))[oops! I fessed to going to Wal Mart---am I now required to be "fat & stupid"?]

Lookin' forward to the pics. You'll likely be a maniacal shutterbug your first couple weeks in OR.

Mtns AND water---the BEST combo!

Ain't no lumberjbacks competing in Riverside, are there? HA

and the forum topic was???........

Posted by: Used 2 B LFC from Colorado at June 10, 2003 01:00 PM

Arnold in '04!
"I vill Terminate ze deficit!"

Posted by: some random guy at June 10, 2003 01:17 PM

Who else is running? Fifty or sixty liberal Demoncraps? It'll stay the PRC (Politicians Republic of California) if a liberal wins.

Posted by: Ken Stein at June 10, 2003 10:08 PM

It seems the celebrity pundits must endorse Gov Fumble's fiscal performance. I have heard nary a peep of criticism from Susan, Timmy, Sean, Janeanne, et al.

Posted by: Sooth Sayer at June 11, 2003 06:38 AM

>>>I know that I should give a hoot, but I'm more concerned with getting out of the state of Californicate this Thursday. YESSSSSSSSSSSSSS
No more taxes from me Gray Dufus.
Going to miss the heck out of Scrappleface for two or three weeks, but I will be back to bludgeon everyone to death with my dull wit.

Posted by: Mike S on June 10, 2003 10:17 AM

We will miss you Mike, hurry back!

Posted by: Susan Serin-Done at June 11, 2003 11:38 AM

LFC: Don't let the weirdo that is posting as you, get under your skin, the true scrapplers know you! Don't change your name either, sooner or later the child will get tired. I can tell immediately when it's not you, and stop reading. I hope that if it is done to me, I have expessed my beliefs enough, that my friends will be able to tell the difference! Good to have you back! Susan Serin-D

Posted by: Susan Serin-Done at June 11, 2003 11:51 AM

Susan Serin-D

I agree with you for the most part. You pay attention to styles, personalities, etc. and you know who's who. Even those with MANY names!.

I was wondering about the "slick willie/susan" posts. You see/do those?

I'm actually enjoying swatting at the (im)poster child since he's OBVIOUS to me----(including MANY of his names) You know how cats like to swat and bat at things! HA

Hey!...while in MI I did talk with a computer geek friend and although we didn't get to sit down and let him answer some of my puter questions-or show me HOW.... I'm feeling pretty good about eventually getting that kitty film linked to you! It's evidently do-able WOO HOO. I haven't forgotten! ( I need to talk with him long distance now and keep him confined to ENGRISH...not computerese (:~}) I can learn some of these groovy little things....

Now I need to get OFF the puter and take care of other biz!

God bless you, SSD--and the kitty 'trinity"... tee hee hee..

Posted by: U2B LFC in Colorado at June 11, 2003 12:08 PM

re: Mike S.:I'm more concerned with getting out of the state of Californicate this Thursday.

Great - one less sane person in the PRC - I feel so alone. there anyone else out there?

LFC: Susan is right - glad you're back. It wasn't the same without you :)

Posted by: Cassandra at June 11, 2003 10:40 PM

Hey Cassandra

awwww shucks! Thanks for the welcome back.

Yup...ole Mike S is hours away from being an "Oregonodian" (or whatever one wishes to call them). I'm completely confident that you can singlehandedly hold down the Cali-Fort! Besides I happen to have a few very "sane" friends in Orange County and several in the San Diego area. (the type of "insanity" they own is the type that's enjoyable..NOT Peoples Republic of CA dangerous)

Cassandra for President in 08.

Sausage the White House Pet.

Would it be allowed for your husband to be Defense Secretary?

( Lil Kim nukie munchkin will be "sorely" missiled--I mean "missed"---following his attempt to have a "sausage" & rice dinner at your house!)

Posted by: U2B LFC in Colorado at June 11, 2003 11:04 PM

U2B LFC: Yes I post sometimes as 'Slick' Willy, and as, 'Slick' Willy/Susan. I 'TRY' to not let temptation to be evil/mean appear in my SS-D posts, so if I think I have let the Devil get into my post, I post as, well, ---you know!

Hey, I'm only human, I know it's not right, I will try to do better!

I hope California soon has Gov. 'Arnold', and that will give 'Grey Baby' time to, plagerize an 'Arnold' movie, when he writes his book, (about his life in politics), titled, 'True Lies'!

Posted by: Susan Serin-Done at June 12, 2003 07:10 AM

Susan Serin-D

You manage well to tell us how you feel, girl.....however--I'm not the posting police so you sho' nuff don't owe me an apology or explanation. (:~})...

Off thought--(:~} You said you use...."that other name" (when)----:
"I think I have let the Devil get into my post."

Were it the REAL Slick speaking wouldn't the last word of that statement fittingly be "pants" rather than "post"? (:~})
(It's obvious Sick Willie Jefferson never had an affair with Lorena Bobbit.Had he--he'd have been "spared" at least the LewDstinky scandal!-- [Ooohh MY--did the debbul just get into that post?]tee hee hee)

....speaking of the "debbul"...he just got into my e-mail inbox with a spam-e offering me some free "uh-oh Oreo's"!!!....(coulda been worse: spam about free SPAM (tm)....I shudder at the thought.)

Posted by: (sick o' Slick)U2B LFC in Colorado at June 12, 2003 08:30 AM

Ahem. The thread WAS about Gray Davis and the DEAFAWCIT that he created, and his recall. Now where the helk is Ralph Nader and his raiders? Why were they asleep at the switch? Shouldn't we recall them and reverse the recall of the Corvair?

Posted by: Cricket at June 12, 2003 05:48 PM

..NOW the thread is under the influence of darvocet(:~}) Cricket's trippin'!

in a repentant turnaround from thread wabbit twailing : Gway Daybus is a Californicating twit!...and an equal in quality to the Yugo.

There....on topic again? (:~})

Posted by: U2B LFC in Colorado at June 12, 2003 06:20 PM

HAHAHAHAHA. I forgot which Congress Critter used to pronounce 'deficit' that way, but he was a Dimocrat and it was during Clintoon's Presidential race...

I have the honor of having had Leon Panetta as my Congress Critter before he went completely over to the Dark Side. Yes, I too am from the PRC...and Leon and I used to Have Words in the early eighties about the Sino American Accord, the UN, the Genocide Treaty...his salary...and I will give him credit...he did fight for his constituents if you could make your case, be you Repub or Dim.

I also recall sending him letters urging support for *gasp, shock* research drilling off the Central Coast...and he didn't agree with me, so I voted against him every two years until he was selected to be the Chief of Staff...

He did have a basic integrity which Sam Farr lacks, and which I have seen as the Farr side...sigh..
but when we lived in the Show Me state, our Congress Critter was a gracious lady and when she ignored my first three phone calls and sent standard responses to my emails requesting my address and such like, several times, I got sort of, irate. I called her local office for the umpteenth time and told her assistant that I had had a Democratic Congressman in California and while we disagreed, he did take care of a couple of matters for me that needed attending to, and he at least sent well thought out responses to my queries, and I wasn't even getting the time of day from her.

I had issues about Many Things and she did help me with a couple of them to get them satisfactorily resolved. She truly is a great person, but was rather understaffed at the time, which helped me realize that there are many dedicated public servants who are there to take care of their constituents and who DO visit their districts...even the poor rural ones, but can't be 50 places at once. However, Hillary doesn't seem to be of that stripe. She seems to have mastered spin.

I wonder if Gray Dude will ask her to fundraise for him, and what will happen if she does? I understand that not just Republicans and Conservatives are disenchanted with Goobernor Davis. She might lose the whole underpinning of support the Dims need in CA if she is gonna run.

Scary Thought. Wonder if someone is working on selling it to her right now, and if she is smart enough to see ahead or take the gamble that there are sheeple in CA who want to be led astray....

Posted by: Cricket at June 13, 2003 02:32 AM

Schwarzeneggar is BACK in:

"TOTAL RECALL II, Ousting Gray Davis!", --------NO, I didn't say, 'Outing Gay Davis!'

See Arnold crush this 'Power hungry, tax and spend liberal'! The smug villain Davis tells Arnold, ('The VERMINator'), "Bring it on, big boy, I have NEVER lost an election!" To which Arnold, tells the slimy Dim, "You won't be bock!"

Posted by: Susan Serin-Done at June 17, 2003 08:08 AM

Ousting Gov.Grey Davis From The Office For Mismanaging The State Budgets.

Posted by: Ricky Kraus at July 23, 2003 06:57 PM
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