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May 27, 2003
Howell Raines Offers to Sell Jayson Blair

(2003-05-27) -- Following news that former New York Times reporter Jayson Blair's proposed book refers to the newspaper as his "slavemaster", Executive Editor Howell Raines has offered to sell Mr. Blair to the highest bidder.

"I'm hoping he'll fetch a good price at market," said Mr. Raines. "He's young and spunky, and still has a few years of good labor in him. Although his field work is a bit unreliable, you don't have to worry about him taking off across state lines."

by Scott Ott | Donate | | Comments (101) | More Satire | Printer-Friendly
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I again calim this first position in the name of Spain

Posted by: King Juan Carlos at May 27, 2003 07:57 AM

Pardon me, it should be claim. Sometimes my english gets confused when I type too fast.

Posted by: King Juan Carlos at May 27, 2003 07:59 AM

Jayson Blair should be ignored and forced into forgotten oblivion. He seeks fame and fortune while he merits mediocrity. Forget him and move on. Soon enough he will be living under a box down by the bus station, emerging intermittently to beg for cash "because I just got out of prision and want to turn my life around", buy booze, mumble incoherently on the street corner about what he could have been until the system screwed him, and them return to his cardboard tenement. This is exactly what he deserves.

Posted by: King Juan Carlos at May 27, 2003 08:03 AM

I want to apologize to everyone for my behavior on last friday. It appears that I went a little but crazy and launched into a bit of a tirade against my fellow family pets. All I can say is that I am sorry, please forgive me. I was in heat and this makes me a little bit mad.

Posted by: Lynch Family Cat at May 27, 2003 08:05 AM

Unreliable is a bad image for a slave.

Posted by: Dave The Australian at May 27, 2003 08:15 AM

Does Raines want to be paid in Euros?

LF Cat: The imposter is back, but it really doesn't matter, True Scrapplers can tell the difference!

My bet is, it's a Dimocrat, they never can think up anything original. They have to resort to stealing from someone else!

Posted by: Susan Serin-Done at May 27, 2003 08:34 AM

You are a bunch of hate mongers. This is the same type of insensitivity that I had to endure at the Times. I worked long and hard finding a source that I could plagarize for my senior journalism project at the University of Maryland. Then, when given an opportunity at the NY Times, I was faced with the difficult choice of doing real work or making up sources. When I choose tha latter, I kept getting promoted and thereby forced to create bigger more high profile articles from my imaginary sources. WHile this sounds easy, it was not. Remember, the editors will not allow quotes from dead people and from cartoon characters. When they discounted Elmo and Big Bird as sources, my whole expose on the seedy underbelly of PBS was wrecked. ANd still, the insensitive jerks kept promoting me. Yeah, sure, I was given an outlandish salary, but when you compare that to what a successful fiction writer makes, I was earning beans. SO, I come out and wreck the Times, my so called benefactor. They deserved it for placing me in a position where I might actually have to prove my competence. And now, I am slandered by you. WHen will the injustice end.

Posted by: Jayson Blair at May 27, 2003 08:44 AM

If they skin him and dress him out, they might make more money selling him by the pound.

"Human, the other other white meat."

Posted by: some random guy at May 27, 2003 08:50 AM

Just one thing to say about this article: Master-ful.

Posted by: Bob71 at May 27, 2003 08:59 AM

The promotions I was given at the Times, was a plot by the Great White Slave Master, Bush! Watch and see if he doesn't, (secretly, of course), make sure my book is a best seller, ALL designed to make me more money, to put me in a higher tax bracket, so the white man can get more of my money! When will this Slave Master mentality stop?

Posted by: Jayson Blair ALSO at May 27, 2003 09:10 AM

P.S. They better not tax my 'reparations'!

Posted by: Jayson Blair ALSO at May 27, 2003 09:12 AM

I am not in heat nor have I ever been in heat. This rude slander has to stop.

Posted by: The Original Lynch Family Cat at May 27, 2003 09:50 AM

The Original Lynch Family Cat - Sorry to here that, your missing a lot by not being in heat once in a while!!! ;-)

Posted by: Frodo at May 27, 2003 10:21 AM

Is it possible that this whole Iraqi war thing was really just an attempt to tap into the huge slave market in the Mid-East?

Here we are with a huge supply of apparently willing participants and it's illegal to sell them domestically.

Brilliant strategy! And people thought it was just about oil.

Posted by: ILIA at May 27, 2003 11:04 AM

Scott Ott, heap big guy at well-known Internet dive Scrappleface, has announced plans to "rent out" his posters to other blogs.

"Some of these guys are really wild and crazy," said Ott, sipping on a mint julep prepared by the most servile poster he could find. "This Casey Abell fellow posts fake stories all the time. He could really liven up Instapundit. God knows Glenn needs somebody to break up the tedium."

Ott reassured fellow-bloggers who might be concerned with the cost. "These varmints will work for nothin'," he said. "That's what I give 'em, and they keep coming back for more...nothin'."

Posted by: Casey Abell at May 27, 2003 11:51 AM

Thanks SUSAN SERIN-D for discerning the difference between ME...the True/Original LFC and this sl*t imposter!

Both posts were made by...oh let me guess....a 12 yr. old unsupervised brat...????

**"I want to apologize to everyone for my behavior on last friday. It appears that I went a little but crazy and launched into a bit of a tirade against my fellow family pets. All I can say is that I am sorry, please forgive me. I was in heat and this makes me a little bit mad."

Posted by: Lynch Family Cat on May 27, 2003 08:05 AM --ANOTHER UNORIGINAL FLEA RIDDEN SLEAZE CAT POST:
***** "am not in heat nor have I ever been in heat. This rude slander has to stop."

Posted by: The Original Lynch Family Cat on May 27, 2003 09:50 AM ----SO "ORIGINAL" THEY HAVE TO COP MY NAME> IDIOT!

------there's a difference between being in heat and distemper , slime cat..but given your "character"..can't expect you to know the difference.....

I have taken note of the "style", personality of the IMPOSTER AS well as WHO"S "name"
has been missing from posts....Maybe its an irate commy...maybe a stinky french something or other.... Maybe Madonna's cat is missing?..Either way---------
It appears someone is so impressed with my brilliance, insight, etc. They just GOTTA BE ME!

IMITATION IS THE HIGHEST FORM OF FLATTERY!~(:~}...pathetic for the unoriginal, highly immature imitator....
AND I'm certainly not flattered by being imitated by the garden variety, street ho mange mutt cat....but...what the hey! The poor stray can't seem to find it's own way and just has to follow me.

Dog and I are working on a plan! hehehe..Jessie's dad has traps set....the pound has been phoned and the animal control officer is prepared at a moments notice to put on a protective suit and haul this bald spotted bit of disease away.

****ON TOPIC-kinda': Jayson Blair may not go across state lines but farel, mange mutt gutter walking flea infested unoriginal cat will.

Tot ziens, vuilen, stommen rot kat! !

Posted by: Lynch Family Cat ( ORIGINAL & often imitated) at May 27, 2003 12:26 PM

I think that Lynch Family cat has some sort of bipolarism going on. First he rants and raves then he claims that mysterious people are trying to assume his identity. AT one point he defends himself and later he yells at himself for defending himself. Can we get the cat some prozac? Or do we just need to have him put to sleep? After all, you can get a dozen cats for a dollar at the local pound. I should know, I use them in my recipies.

Posted by: Darth Chef at May 27, 2003 12:44 PM

"Some of these guys are really wild and crazy," said Ott, sipping on a mint julep prepared by the most servile poster he could find.

Great - a new contest: no longer will it be "first to post". The new most coveted title is "most servile poster".

The prize has been claimed in the name of France.

Posted by: Cassandra at May 27, 2003 12:50 PM

Apologies for the lengthy post above: Although we bloggers aren't personally acquainted. I have integrity and self respect and won't retreat to the bottom dwelling "zip code" of the imposter.

IMPOSTER...take one of your 3 remaining legs..put front paw in shape of an L( as much as possible) hold up to top of head...right about where that big scab is.)

vat ben je tog en idioot.

Posted by: Lynch Family Cat (ORIGINAL & often imitated) at May 27, 2003 12:52 PM

-Hey Darth---I thought we were blog-friends! I can't believe you're dissing me like that.

Furthermore, I am a she. The imposter??? possibly a cross of Boy George and Kujo in a cat suit?....

You, my friend need to re-visit the Scrapple Chapel (:~}
"Recipes"?----no wonder you were so friendly earlier. Geez...should have expected it from a D.C'er!

Ik ben so vreeselik leuk!

Posted by: Lynch Family Cat (ORIGINAL & often imitated) at May 27, 2003 12:56 PM

I hate to admit it, but I agree with the chef (and I will stay far away from his kitchen). I used to work for a congressman and we would frequently receive letters from a constituent residing in a state mental facility. They were handwritten in crayon and even contained illustrations. The constituent would complain that the CIA was harassing him. They were making it impossible to keep a job. They were calling his cat Scrufflewinks and hanging up on him 3 times a day and his cat Fraptastic and hanging up on him 5 or more times a day (or at least he hoped that they were hanging up on the cats, Instead the could have all been plotting against him.) The CIA had even managed to poison our constituentís relationship with the goggleman from the park. At first, we would ignore the letters. Eventually, we changed our stance and managed to sneak a rider onto a defense budget bill prohibiting the CIA from harassing peopleís cats (It was a long session and I was changing jobs soon, soÖand I can not believe that no one caught this until it reached the conference committee where it was quietly removed). Anyway, a few weeks after the resolutions passage, the CIAís public affairs office called me and informed me that their operating guidelines prohibit them from conducting acts of espionage against a personís cats. So, therefore, Lynch Family Cat, you are imagining all of this. You should seek treatment for your personality disorder or substance abuse counseling. Do what ever it takes. Just try to ignore the voices within your head.

Posted by: Matt "Goober" Shivers at May 27, 2003 01:03 PM

Well, If prizes are awarded for most eccentric poster, I nominate the Lynch Family Cat and its 9 personalities.

Posted by: Frenchman at May 27, 2003 01:06 PM

Hey Chef, where I come from, we sell cats by the pound. This might be a cheaper way to meat your culinary needs.

Posted by: Lynch Family Platypus at May 27, 2003 01:10 PM

I LOVE Americans!

You are NOT liars.

There ARE WMD's.

Jacque Chirac is a horrible man.

Please forgive me.

Please believe.

Posted by: Frenchman at May 27, 2003 01:15 PM

Yo Goobers---

My friend that really DOES work for CIA...hardly calls me or his other friends here.

Those 9 Lynch Family personalities belong to psycho, sleaze cat. Dog and I are the real deal.

B.T.W....your blog screen name isn't safe either!

Like Timmy and Cartman posted on another forum.
"stealing someone's blog screen name is so g*y!"

Ik ben de echten, leuken kat!

Posted by: Lynch Family Cat (ORIGINAL & often imitated) at May 27, 2003 01:18 PM

Sure, LFC, my friend is superduper man and can fly. ANd quoting south park characters as outside sources? Seek professional help.

Posted by: Lynch Family Toad at May 27, 2003 01:27 PM

****hmmmmmm***** the "low life"imposter has spoken?.....
"Ridge: Congress Will Be Run by Unmanned Drones "

blog screen name theft???
that is so G*Y

Timmy Timmy

Posted by: Cartman and Timmy on May 24, 2003 05:14 PM

ppppbbbbbbttttthhhhhh to you swamp dweller...

investigate facts before accusing. You must be a liberal,"frog"....AND French, perhaps?

Posted by: Lynch Family Cat (ORIGINAL & often imitated) at May 27, 2003 01:34 PM

Some people can suck the joy out of anything.

Posted by: Ben at May 27, 2003 02:11 PM

LFC, your diatribe no longer makes sense. Calm down and collect your thoughts. The whole world is not against you. Just select individuals.

Remember, it is not called paranoia if people are really after you

Posted by: Ben at May 27, 2003 02:25 PM

isn't Ben a rat?

Posted by: Lynch Family Cat at May 27, 2003 02:34 PM

LFC, there was a movie made about Ben being a Bear.

Posted by: Frodo at May 27, 2003 03:04 PM

Frodo...first off I bow to you one of our resident Royals in Humor.

Gentle Ben? ...I can hear his sound in my head. Much like Lassies whine. ( What was the name of Grizzly Adams bear?)

(disclaimer: regarding your "in heat" response to the fake LFC---- hear in your "minds' ear" Ray Barone's mom in ( Everbody Loves Raymond) say this: " I don't like that Frodo"... (:~})

Posted by: Lynch Family Cat (ORIGINAL & often imitated) at May 27, 2003 03:23 PM


What is paranoia called when people are really after you? Still paranoia.

"Just because I'm paranoid doesn't mean they are not after me"


Willard was a rat and he's coming back. Maybe with Mr. Dover.

Did you know that they used to intentionally put rats on slave ships just to increase their misery?

Posted by: ILIA at May 27, 2003 03:42 PM

That is horrible. rats put on ships to increase their misery. As if rats were not miserable enough on dry land.

Posted by: Lynch Family Wombat at May 27, 2003 03:44 PM

What if none of us are real but we are all figments of Scott Otts mind? That might explain why I am always awake when I am not sleeping....Hmmm...

Posted by: Lynch Family Philosopher at May 27, 2003 04:03 PM

ILIA---seems some of those slave ship rats have lived LOOOONG lives. They ditched the ship and found refuge at Scrappleface.

Posted by: Lynch Family Cat (ORIGINAL & often imitated) at May 27, 2003 04:14 PM


The CIA, tipped off by an anonymous ScrappleFace poster (below) has uncovered another sinister plot:

What if none of us are real but we are all figments of Scott Otts mind?

Another piece of evidence to support this theory:

The replacement of the tried-and-true favorites &^*?! and *** with "Otticisms" like "[]" in posts. Are we being assimilated into the UberMind of Ott? Say Ott ain't so!

"Resistance is Futile"

Posted by: Cassandra at May 27, 2003 04:25 PM

The red pill or the blue pill?

Posted by: ILIA at May 27, 2003 05:00 PM

You want the Truth? YOU CAN'T HANDLE THE TRUTH!

Posted by: Cassandra at May 27, 2003 05:17 PM

ILIA....I'm partial to purple. I suppose if I mixed the red and blue I'd be happy.

Posted by: Lynch Family Cat (ORIGINAL & often imitated) at May 27, 2003 05:24 PM

I see someone has stolen my name as well.

Of course I would never say anything rude to the lovely Lynch Family Cat. I of course am her friend and fellow blogger. But unlike Lynch Family Cat, I can find out who stole my name through the use of a Grand Jury Subpoena, so watch out SRG

Posted by: Darth Chef at May 27, 2003 06:48 PM

So Darth---SRG was the one talking smack about me? defaming your name and character as well as my own. ( or as a linguistically challenged friend of mine says: "defacation of character" {not so far from the true meaning...

So SRG's thieving i.d.'s huh?...punk!

Can I buy one of those grand jury subpoena's on e-bay?

Can I put SRG up for sale there? :~}

SRG---you're on my litter box list![keeping it Scott Ott Good Scrapplekeeping Seal of Approval approved} [I meant the verbiage not the litter box!]

How wonderful that I have an attorney for a friend. Too bad, messed up.

On serious note:

Darth---I thought about your family with Memorial Day. I've been a bit teary eyed today, too after learning that about 9 of our soldiers from { 3 from about 10 miles down the road ( Ft. Carson)} died in Iraq in the last 3 days...Some in an ambush today.

b.t.w. I'm guessing you would have appreciated what New Life church did Sunday. We have an incredible multi media/audio/visual department.

They had 2 HUGE silkcreeen type black and white photos hanging from the rafters/ceiling. One on each side of the stage.

One pic of a few soldiers with head bowed and the helmet/rifle/boot in the center. ( I don't know the military term for it when they honor a fallen comrade)

The 2nd picture of a portion of Arlington Cemetery. In the back drop of the stage a HUGE 3 panel simple blue skies/clouds/waving flag painting and then around the edge of the stage were a line of single roses representing each soldier lost in Iraqi Operation Freedom.

The pastor simply encouraged others to make it a priority to spend time at a cemetery on Memorial day with a widow and/or fatherless/motherless child.

With Christopher in mind I thought you may appreciate that.

Posted by: Lynch Family Cat (ORIGINAL & often imitated) at May 27, 2003 07:21 PM

I wonder what the french would give for him?

They don't seem to be nearly as strict about the whole "truth-in-reporting" thing.

Remember to Boycott france.
It's the least we can do, short of nuking paris

Posted by: Okie Dokie at May 27, 2003 08:42 PM

Check a little more carefully before you accuse me of blog-name theft.

If I were to swipe a name it would certainly not be that of the LFC(O&OI;). My cat Cujo (his real name) would not stand for it. Last time I made him mad he left a hairball in my shoe (I had yelled at him for not yorking them up on the tile, instead of the carpet.)

Posted by: Some random guy at May 27, 2003 09:04 PM

Aaawww, youse guys. Knock it off with the LFC. I know she is not rude, crude nor socially unacceptable. She is witty, intelligent and someone usurped her ID here. I have the same personality but use two different handles.

So, whoever is doing the imposter thing, please quit.
It is not going to get you anywhere except booted off and if you wanna play, you have think of your own ID if you wanna be one of the pets.

Da Cat and Dog are taken. So is Hamster. You can be....lessseee...the Lynch Family Shark?

Posted by: Lynch Family Dog at May 27, 2003 09:10 PM

SRG----just checking!...
If I have also participated in accusing falsely. I apologize. If not---apology not necessary.

furthermore, You have nothing to fear with Cujo. Avoid, at all costs, the wrath of a Dutch Cat(:~}).

It could be that your kitty was thinking he was leaving a present. That's how kitties are. Well intended ( when it's convenient for them (:~})


OKIE DOKIE---I'm likin' that idea of yours. We trade France Jayson B-liar in exchange for Saddam & Sons.
(like ChIraq wouldn't know their whereabouts)

Ik ben vel de eenigste familie kat!

Posted by: Lynch Family Cat (ORIGINAL & often imitated) at May 27, 2003 09:12 PM

Just got through reading the Diaries of Oogly Hussein. The tasty little morsel that he has lost his heart to...well, oh my. I think Jayson B-liar
(good one, Cat, original and imitated) should go away and fall into the ignominium he so richly deserves.
And his father an IG? That's rich.

Posted by: Cricket at May 27, 2003 10:02 PM

I agree with the general consensus being posted here.LFG has been a good kitty.

I am not typically a cat person but I find LFG's comments [The original one belonging to the true family Felidae], particularly, paradisiacal [A state of delight, especially for the non cat attainable person].

Playing in someone else's kitty litter is conducive to playing in cat parapodium,
[One of the fleshy paired appendages of polychete annelids that function in locomotion and breathing].

In layman terms it means kicking up a stink or placing your derriere in someone else's kitty litter box.

If you can't share your Scrapple catnip and play fair, it is off to DR Stuhls spay/neuter clinic for whomever is perpetrating this feline parody.
My concern awaits your apology to LFG (Original), or my double laced fatigue boot will meet your mendacious, "Felis catus" like rump..... ;)

Posted by: Dr. Harden Stuhl at May 27, 2003 11:20 PM

Hey Darth --- Hang Tough...Buddy!

The Hardenster...

Posted by: Harden Stuhl at May 27, 2003 11:26 PM

Aww SRG I was just pulling your chain. I figured you would get it. Sorry if I offended you. You are so easily offended. Of course you are sooo offensive as well. Just kidding. Smile, my life sucks worse than yours.

Posted by: Darth Chef at May 27, 2003 11:48 PM

Jason, hmmmm. Did he get his inspiration from Martin Luther King, Jr.'s ride with plagiarism?

Posted by: Fatherly Advise at May 27, 2003 11:53 PM

Dr. Harden ( mostly BS) Stuhl,

I so appreciate your support and your diagnosis/analysis of the situation.

Don't sit-u-ation in my litter box, mange mobile cat! Dr. Said so and his double-laced fatigue
boot is ready to rumble your bumble!! (:~})

Dr.H (m.b.s)S:
Here's what I'm wondering: Did that imposter mess with your keyboard? You have consistently typed LFG..."G". It's "C" my dear Dr. friend! Check the keys or what's in that Carls Christmas glass you're drinking out of.

This procrasti-cat has so much to do but is having more fun here than chasing moths around the house. Curtains just got put back up today and I HATE that squirt bottle so I'm resisting the tempation to pursue moths in any reckless fashion.

Posted by: Lynch Family Cat (ORIGINAL & often imitated) at May 28, 2003 12:05 AM


Sorry -"A Genuine Bonehead Typo"... I think too far ahead of my clumsy hands sometimes. But at least when I go ahead with a thought - I stick with it. You should see me brush my teeth. I nearly poked my eye out the other day. My eyebrows are so minty fresh now...., yet there not as pearly white as they should be.

Posted by: Harden Stuhl at May 28, 2003 12:50 AM

**** OH LF Dog! Sure didn't want to come across as ungrateful. Thanks for being a friend.

You're such a good doggie. Typical Golden Retriever!

I, too, have used multiple (original) handles here. Mostly it changes for the sake of being a character appropriate post. However, never STOLEN.

If WE can come up with several handles and then someone has to STEAL another's...that's pathetic and leads me to think we're dealing with an unsupervised, sadly unoriginal juvenille.

You suggested the unoriginal LF"pet" be the shark. I suggested "LF weasel". I say Jessie's daddy doesn't care what it is...the trap's are set!

What a sad existence to be so unoriginal and so envious of another.(:~})

You, dog are thee coolest! I'm proud to share the waterbowl with you. (you even have enough class to not drink out of "that" white bolted to the floor porcelain "waterbowl".

Posted by: Lynch Family Cat (ORIGINAL & often imitated) at May 28, 2003 12:51 AM

***Yo Minty Fresh Eyebrowed Dr.(mostly BS) Stuhl!

LM[F]O ( in scrapple speak. its laugh my furry butt off. you DO know [] is Ott sign for butt, bootie, etc.?)..then "furry butt" is condensed with the "f" and [].)

Your tooth brushing dysfunction reminded me of a story of a friend that was at McConnel AFB in Wichita ( the 3 years--a.k.a longest DECADE of my life) when I lived there.

He told about how one time in a state of deeeeep sleepiness. He grabbed what he thought was the toothpaste...put it on the toothbrush...put it in his mouth and started brushing away. Only took a couple seconds before he was WIDE awake as he had grabbed a tube of Desitin!!. Never did get a rash in his mouth, though!

Can you imagine???UGH..You're MUCH better off with minty fresh eyebrows. And automatically it keeps your eyes wide open.

Furthermore, minty fresh eyebrows are FAR more pleasant than a minty fresh cornea or retina! YOWZA!

Posted by: Lynch Family Cat (ORIGINAL & often imitated) at May 28, 2003 01:01 AM

Great - a new contest: no longer will it be "first to post". The new most coveted title is "most servile poster".

The prize has been claimed in the name of France.
Posted by Cassandra at May 27, 2003 12:50 PM

I don't believe you.

Posted by: Seebs at May 28, 2003 03:12 AM

Neither first nor most servile is the coveted prize, but most creative Lynch family pet handle.

My suggestions

Lynch Family Pet Rock

Lynch Family Carpenter Ant

Lynch Family Dust Mite

Lynch Family Mushroom Patch

and my favorite

Lynch Family Mole in the Backyard that cannot be killed because of anti-trapping laws.

Posted by: Jericho at May 28, 2003 03:55 AM

Here is a new Scrappleface game - Tomorrow everybody post under the handle Frenchman then Dr Stuhl can tell us all who is who.

Posted by: Jericho at May 28, 2003 03:56 AM

uuuh, check that - who is whom. (I think - I didn't pay attention in sophomore grammar.)

Posted by: Jericho at May 28, 2003 03:57 AM

What was this thread about?

Posted by: Jericho at May 28, 2003 03:57 AM

One last rule - For the above game to work Dr. Stuhl cannot play, but must post under your original handle, Dr. Stuhl (a.k.a Frodo, a.k.a Scott Ott, a.k.a. Frenchman)

Posted by: Jericho at May 28, 2003 03:59 AM

***'s're're delirious and if you go to the other forums you'll find the same 3 messages. (like ground hog day) from wade warren, ???, and Bambi in disguise as I forget who...

FURTHERMORE---PLEEEEEZ don't encourage the already hyperactive, bothersome, unsupervised juvenille that's been posting as LFC and several other LF pets.

The child needs no encouragement. Their mother and/or daddy needs to ground them, spank them, take away their computer send them to boarding school!...OR they COULD get caught in the traps set for them on the Lynch property.
Ik ben de eenigste and leukste kattje!

Posted by: Lynch Family Cat (ORIGINAL & often imitated) at May 28, 2003 04:09 AM

>>>***'s're're delirious and if you go to the other forums you'll find the same 3 messages. (like ground hog day) from wade warren, ???,

Posted by: Lynch Family Cat (ORIGINAL & often imitated) on May 28, 2003 04:09 AM

I saw those too Cat. Looks like wade, may be having a 'Brain Freeze'! I don't know the technical name for the condition, maybe Dr Harden Stuhl will tell us what it is when he makes, his rounds!

Posted by: Frenchman, NURSE on Duty at May 28, 2003 05:14 AM

holy moley, now i am really really confused...ppl are using multiple names here and are still one and the same person???? showing different personality types???

so in essence there might be only one other person here that puts sybil to shame??? i know i am just one person, but i don't know about the other one of you...

what a way to start my day... :(

Posted by: mari lynn at May 28, 2003 09:04 AM

Roses are red,
Violets are blue.
I'm schizophrenic,
And so am I.

Posted by: some random guy at May 28, 2003 09:51 AM

The man in question is just another shining
example of,... People be(lie)ve what they
want to believe...

Posted by: SirMike7 at May 28, 2003 10:04 AM

Sorry LFC I haven't been keeping up with scraaple that much over the last week. I was in new Orleans from Weds- to Sunday for the National Senior TaeKwonDo Championship.

I appreciate your comments regarding Christopher, and your thoughts of us. Memorial Day was expecially hard, as this whole week has been. He was born on memorial Day in 1978 (May 29th) and tommorrow would have been his 25th birthday. I have been struggling alot this week. I keep thinking of things I wish I could tell him and talk to him about. while I don't regret not having told him things, cause I always told him of my pride and love for him, there are day-to-day things I wish I could share.

For example, while in new Orleans I saw the movie with errol flynn on TV about Custer. When the south seceeded from the the Union, the cadets at West Point were asked to swear an oath to the US. The southerners did not and left. As they left the command was gentlement of the south fallout and the commandment, Colonel (later general) sheridan ordered the band to play Dixie. My son attended the Citadel as you know and loved the song Dixie.

Oh well, it was tough not being able to tell him about the movie.

Posted by: Darth Chef at May 28, 2003 10:19 AM


re: Great - a new contest: no longer will it be "first to post". The new most coveted title is "most servile poster".

The prize has been claimed in the name of France.
Posted by Cassandra at May 27, 2003 12:50 PM

I don't believe you.

I realize I am inviting abuse by even asking this question, don't believe:

-That there is a new contest?
-That I am the most servile poster?
-That the prize of most servile poster has been claimed in the name of France?

Posted by: Cassandra at May 28, 2003 11:09 AM

mari lynn ,

Hey - How's it going?

I am glad to see ya keep coming back in spite of all ourselves...Of course I am speaking for all three of my personalities.


Posted by: Harden Stuhl at May 28, 2003 11:35 AM


Okay - Jericho is really Jericho. I am already one for one.

I said it once and I will say it again - there are 8 people posting right now and I am 6 of them.

Or am I?

I could be arguing with myself in my spare time...

Posted by: Dr. Harden Stuhl at May 28, 2003 11:43 AM

a few quotes

"Let's start at the end. Here's a little quiz: After plunging himself and his newspaper into a major credibility crisis, 27-year-old Jayson Blair met with a) his pastor, b) his parents, c) a defense attorney or d) a literary agent. The correct answer is, of course, 'd.' ... Ah America, where there is no shame and being a nasty, lying creep gets you a lucrative afterlife in books and movies." --Mona Charen ++ "We newsmen must always appear objective; truth is a secondary consideration." --Paul Greenberg

Posted by: Darth Chef at May 28, 2003 12:39 PM

and some more

David Letterman.... "Top Chapter Titles in Jayson Blair's Autobiography"; "My Journey From Writing 'The New York Times' To Delivering 'The New York Times'"; "Quoting Dead People: My Word Against Theirs"; "How Morpheus Trained Me To Fight The Matrix"; "All The Tools A Reporter Needs -- A Copy Of 'The Washington Post' And A Pair of Scissors"; "'New York Times,' You've Been Punk'd"; "The 'Y' In 'Jayson'? I Made That Up, Too"; "How The Modern Reporter Can Be In Two Places At The Same Time"; "Chapter 6: Chapters 1 Through 5 Were A [plagiarized]"; "At Least I'm Not Geraldo"

Posted by: Darth Chef at May 28, 2003 12:42 PM

so now i have to try to figure who is who...or which one of you is which 6 of you????


i think i need a nap now

Posted by: mari lynn at May 28, 2003 12:43 PM

Darth, Although it can touch my heart on a limited level--I AM left with an overwhelming desire to give you a comforting hug. I can NOT imagine the number it does on your heart to deal with Christophers birth and death on the selfsame day. The frustration of wanting to share those moments with him and it being impossible as far as his physical presence is concerned.

Knowing that now...I'm sure your family will come to mind more often over the next few days and I will respond in talking about you TO the One who is " the God of all comfort."

Although I know he wasn't airforce. When I go to watch the Thunderbirds fly today ( USAFA graduation) I'm sure I'll think of him and your family. ( I've got a great view from my church parking lot...right across the hiway from the stadium!(:~})

I believe Christopher lived a life of gratitude for an incredible daddy like you!

Posted by: Lynch Family Cat (ORIGINAL & often imitated) at May 28, 2003 12:52 PM

Mari lynn! said: "so in essence there might be only one other person here that puts sybil to shame???

....YOU gotta problem with that??

Posted by: Sybil at May 28, 2003 12:54 PM

But he was Air Force, just like me. he dreamed of being an Air Force pilot since he saw me get on and return from my C-141 missions. He used to wear my flgith gloves, boots, scarf, helmet and flight suit. He became an Air Force avaiator on February 28, 2002 when my wife lovingly pinned on his wings. he asked me later why I didn't help and I said I wanted to take the picture and thought he wanted his mom to do it. It was very nice to know he wanted me to do it as well. I gave him his oath for his commission and she pinned on his bars in 2000.

If it weren't for my other two sons I don't know what I'd do. They bring me the same joy everyday that he did. The pain is stil there, everyday, most of the time dulled by the pleasure of my family and memories. I don't mean to make anyone sad, but hope you will all take life on everyday with the knowledge that you can't wait to do something tomorrow as it may be too late.

Posted by: Darth Chef at May 28, 2003 01:01 PM

BTW he loved the T-Birds more than the Angels too. he saw them every time they flew at Norton AFB, and at Andrews AFB.

Posted by: Darth Chef at May 28, 2003 01:02 PM

*** Mari lynn***

tee heee heee hee.

That was me ("sybil")! LFC ( the original and being imitated by a poor unsupervised, lonely adolescent----The one who so admires my brains and beauty to the point of imitation is also the likely one imitating all the other "Lynch Family" whatevers.) ( dog and squirrel also "taken"..but will or have been imitated too by unoriginal "stench family weasel")

No worries, though Mari lynn! You're one of us now~! hehehehehe

Why do you think Dr. Stuhl's in the house? He's working with all of us. All of us me....All of us him....and one at a time "all of us's"

God bless you, dear!


Dr. Stuhl!! Paging Dr. Stuhl...emergency over in the Krugman ward. An unsupervised child needs shock therapy. ( the Stench Family Weasel). He may need his Ritalyn upped. I'v been chasing him around the room ( onery kittens!!) attempting to quarantine him. I recommend you wear chemical protective gear.

Posted by: Lynch Family Cat (ORIGINAL & often imitated) at May 28, 2003 01:04 PM


Only 3 personalities? You're actually doing quite well. I know I have more than that, but since I can't remember all of them I can fool myself into believing that I am relatively normal.

Posted by: Cassandra at May 28, 2003 01:11 PM

Darth...I'm sitting here wiping tears from my eyes! Its clearly one of those "missing him more" weeks for you.

I, too, think its' awesome that you have the other 2 children to pour your love into. You don't take much for granted, do you?

I have seen Blue Angels also. Some years ago they were in Denver and I actually thought they were more "razzle-dazzle" than T-birds....BUT...they're both AMAAAAZING. It's such a treat having a guaranteed T-bird show ( weather permitting) at least once a year here in C. Springs.

Funny---when I lived in Wichita--McConnell AFB had the Blue Angels come do their big hoopla day. ( military terms for "big hoopla day" LOL)

I need to go clean up so I can get over there in decent time. (avoiding I-25 at ALL costs). Appropriately I'll be sitting on the grass in front of the World Prayer Center with flags around the entire building watching the show.

I will send a salute skyward to Christopher and send up some words to The Father for your family, as well.

Posted by: Lynch Family Cat (ORIGINAL & often imitated) at May 28, 2003 01:17 PM

**** OH NO! I've italicized the world!!

Sorry, Cassandra (who so graciously instructed me on the finer art of & ) I've failed you. :~}

I've created an italicized monstuh'! I done a real bad thing, George!.. I see italicized letters all the time...they're everywhere!

Posted by: Lynch Family Cat (ORIGINAL & often imitated) at May 28, 2003 01:23 PM


It's evident you loved Christopher very much - it shines through when you talk about him. I have a Christopher, too - just a year younger than your son. He is in police academy right now - I worry about him sometimes, but of course you can't tell your child that - he's busy doing what he wants to do. I have always loved this passage - it has brought me peace many times.

And a woman who held a babe
against her bosom said,
"Speak to us of Children."
And he said:
Your children are not your children.
They are the sons and daughters
of Life's longing for itself.
They come through you but not from you,
And though they are with you,
yet they belong not to you.
You may give them your love
but not your thoughts.
For they have their own thoughts.
You may house their bodies
but not their souls,
For their souls dwell
in the house of tomorrow,
which you cannot visit,
not even in your dreams.

You may strive to be like them,
but seek not to make them like you.
For life goes not backward
nor tarries with yesterday.
You are the bows from which your children
as living arrows are sent forth.
The archer sees the mark
upon the path of the infinite,
and He bends you with His might
that His arrows swiftly soar.
Let your bending in the archer's hand
be for gladness;
For even as he loves the arrow that flies,
so He loves also the bow
that is strong and secure.

- Khalil Gibran

Your example taught your son to reach for his dream and your love and care helped give him the strength to achieve it. You must be so proud of him. Don't ever doubt that he knew how much you loved him.

Posted by: Cassandra at May 28, 2003 01:36 PM

i would like to share a haiku i wrote for someone i love(d) very much...

Too young you left us
and young you will ever be
We grow grey and grieve

please believe me when i tell you that in time it gets will never ever go away, but it will be less raw.

God Bless you... mari lynn

Posted by: mari lynn at May 28, 2003 02:03 PM

Thank you all for your kind words. They help, even though they make me cry.

Here is another quote to change the subject.

If you have to choose between a worthy but erring colleague and the newspaper itself, you choose for the paper. After all, all the members of this profession know the rules when we sign up. They are rules based on a tradition of trust that cannot be ignored without stirring anxiety in the newsroom and suspicion among the readers.î

ñ New York Times Executive Editor Howell Raines in an ìEditorial Observerî column in the August 13, 1998 New York Times criticizing the Boston Globe for not firing columnist Mike Barnicle after he was found to have extensively quoted from a book of George Carlin's comedic observations without attribution.

Posted by: Darth Chef at May 28, 2003 02:48 PM

Oooh...another case of "petarded development".

It must be awful to have to eat your own words.

Posted by: Cassandra at May 28, 2003 02:53 PM

Waaaay back up there, towards the top, I said Dimocrats, can't think up anything original. They are proving this, YET AGAIN!

After this Administration came up with the deck of cards for 'The Iraqi Most Wanted' list. Followed by a parody by, NewsMax, with the 'Dims', on a deck of cards, with Daschle, Kennedy, Clinton, etc.

Now the 'Dims' have come up?????, (yeah, right!) with a deck, making fun of Republicans!

What a ORIGINAL, DEEP THINKING people the 'Dims' are????????????

This is why their party will be SMASHED in the next election! All that pot smoking and 'brown and tan acid', has finally caught up with them!

Posted by: Susan Serin-Done at May 28, 2003 05:26 PM

what a way to start my day... :(

Posted by: mari lynn on May 28, 2003 09:04 AM>>>

"I know I am, but what are you?", AND, "I'm NOT SORRY, I took the money! NnnnnnnnnYaaaaaahhhh!!"

Luv, PEE WEE!!!

Posted by: Pee Wee at May 28, 2003 05:36 PM

CASSANDRA--you said: "Oooh...another case of "petarded development".

It must be awful to have to eat your own words

That's why its so important that they're not bitter but sweet!

Posted by: Lynch Family Cat (ORIGINAL & often imitated) at May 28, 2003 05:46 PM

I don't know HOW this happened but my whole page of this forum is italicized! I cant' stop it....AAAAHHHH!

Hey Susan...I marvel at their originality, creativity, innovativeness.

If you can't tax it it's not worth while. I'm sure they've found a way that we pay for the cards. What did they call them.? Surely they're not so pathetic they call theirs the "deck of weasels"?...( not that it would surprise me.)

Oh to be a dumb dimwitted, doofus Dim. what a life!

Wannabe's...copycats...unoriginal....some of my--ahem---"pet" peeves!

"Shop the DNC where you'll find all your peeves in one place."

Posted by: Lynch Family Cat (ORIGINAL & often imitated) at May 28, 2003 05:56 PM


I think you're probably missing an end . I put one at the beginning of my post and it seems to fix the problem (or at least we'll see after I post this!).

Posted by: Cassandra at May 28, 2003 06:48 PM

>>>What did they call them.? Surely they're not so pathetic they call theirs the "deck of weasels"?...( not that it would surprise me.)

LF Cat:

It was on Fox News, I think they said something like, "Regime Change Deck", isn't that original?

That's not it, but I am sure it will be all over the Lib press, or at Lib web-sites!

The Dims bought Clinton's lies, so they will 'BUY' anything! It should be a good seller!

Posted by: Susan Serin-Done at May 28, 2003 06:58 PM

Cassandra I thought that may be the problem and I believe I fixed it? We'll see.

Susan---"regime change" REALLY doesn't help those fools. That got ole what's his "open mouth-insert foot" guy in trouble anyway. Too tired to think of the chumps name...unless it's repressed on purpose. Only so many annoying membersof the gene pool I can deal with at one time! LOL

Seems they're still looking to find exactly WHO they are. Identity crisis at the DNC...

Posted by: Lynch Family Cat (ORIGINAL & often imitated) at May 28, 2003 07:15 PM

"DANGER! DANGER! This thread is getting so jam packed, it's going to explode!Stand back Will Robinson!"

"Oh shut up, you blathering baffoon, you rattleing rust bucket, you nickel plated ninnie! Oh the pain, the pain!"

"DANGER, Scott, we need a new thread!"

Posted by: Lost In Scrappleface! at May 29, 2003 12:16 AM

Sorry, I should have posted as, Lost In ScraPple fACE!

Posted by: Dr. Smith at May 29, 2003 12:47 AM

"Here kitty, kitty! Nice kitty, --------GOTYA, YUM=YUM, Fresh Lynch Family Cat! Yummy, tasty!

Posted by: ALF(fred E. Newman) at May 29, 2003 12:51 AM

Lost in ScraPpleFace & (neurotic) Dr. Smith

LMBO! How about the chimp "bloop, bloop"

ALF(Fred E Neutered...uhmm Newman)...thanks for taking care of the name hijacking stray. Just hate to break it to you: Its got bubonic...well that's ONE in a long list of maladies the mange mutt had "ownership" of.

Since you've done all of us a big favor I'll have Dr. Stuhl paged and given his expertise and genius he'll be able to prescribe several antidotes and you'll be fine until the next stray comes in.

Alf--you're like having a dyslexic "mouser" Instead of having a cat to keep the mice pop. down We have you to keep the farel cat pop. down. Sweet!

Posted by: Lynch Family Cat (ORIGINAL & often imitated) at May 29, 2003 01:32 AM

completely off topic, but it doesn't usually seem to be a problem here...heee heee

original,real,oughtahaveapatent LFC:
did ya hear about the dyslexic blues player that went to the cross roads and sold his soul to santa????

(pls,pls...don't throw rotten fruit at the nice lady...) :)

Posted by: mari lynn at May 29, 2003 03:47 PM

mari lynn---NO ROTTEN FRUIT...Only MUCH OUTBURST.. I LOVE that. I'll have to use that in my "radio" stuff....

Too cute!

I also really love the: "oughtahaveapatent" !! that's TRUE support(:~}).

May I recommend you go over to the "Krugman" blog. Ole Darth got me going again! What a GREAT guy. I have cried everytime I've posted to him. It was sweet with Him, Frodo, Cassandra, etc. You can get my personal LFC "dilemna" update/feelings there, too. [it's kinda taken on the tone of the Scrapple Chapel 5-7]

God bless you.

Fun post!!..You're just BLOSSOMING at blogging(:~})--a blossoming blogger babe!(:~})

Oughtabepatented LFC...(:~})

Posted by: Lynch Family Cat (ORIGINAL & often imitated) at May 29, 2003 05:02 PM

Okay, Jayson B-liar is for sale. who'd want him?
I wonder if he will show up on ebay, or I know! A Blue Light Special at K-Mart! Oh, wait, they are trying to get OUT of bankruptcy, not get into the fire.

I seriously doubt anyone would want his book. I hear the new Harry Potter novel is going to be out...he might be reduced to writing blurbs on the dust jackets of mediocre novels.

Posted by: Lynch Family Dog at May 31, 2003 08:54 PM

How's his teeth?

Posted by: Laurence Simon at June 4, 2003 10:31 AM

..You're invited to see what I think about the jaysmeister...

Posted by: Susan Klopfer at June 30, 2003 09:01 PM
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