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April 28, 2003
Saddam Celebrates Birthday with Surprise Party

(2003-04-28) -- Saddam Hussein celebrated his 66th birthday today with the traditional cake and ice cream with friends and family.

The surprise party, organized by one of his wives, came as quite a shock to Mr. Hussein.

"When we jumped out from behind the chemical drums and shouted 'Surprise!', Saddam just fainted dead away," said an unnamed wife. "When he revived, he joined in the hilarity with a game of pin the tail on the camel. He's quite a cut up. He's staggering around blindfolded saying, 'Where is my command and control? I cannot find the camel's hump with both hands.'"

Sources say the bunker where the party took place was decorated in black crepe and black balloons. There were, of course, the expected jokes about Saddam having 'one foot in the grave'."

A banner strung between two nerve-agent tipped missiles said, "Holy Hans Blix! Look Who's Sixty-Six."

Birthday greeting for the beloved leader poured into the secret location. The single card came from a Fedayeen Saddam martyr, who unfortunately could not attend the event.

by Scott Ott | Donate | | Comments (11) | More Satire | Printer-Friendly
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Curious, was any from Chirac, Schroder or Putin at Saddam's partay. hmmmm...

Posted by: tom at April 28, 2003 03:24 PM

Saddam and Bin Laden New Odd Couple

Posted by: Fritz at April 28, 2003 04:29 PM

they couldn't make it, but they had sent early birthday presents. From what I hear they were pretty cool, stuff like anti-tank missles, gps blockers, night vision goggles etc. He was said to be very thankful, but he really looked forward to his vacation to Belarus.

Posted by: Justin at April 28, 2003 06:16 PM

Eggplant and cucumber cake with camel-milk ice cream....MMMM

Posted by: tired of whiners at April 28, 2003 06:53 PM wonders if "the candles got BLOWN out" much earlier though....somewhere around April 7th????...

Posted by: Lynch Family Cat at April 28, 2003 07:04 PM

It was said Uday gave him a pair of electrically-wired underwear - as a good-natured joke of course. Saddam was not amused.

Posted by: lafforcry at April 28, 2003 10:05 PM


Where are you, boy? Tell us what you got daddy for his birthday!

Let's all pitch in and give Saddam a terrific birthday present: let's put a big bow on a MOAB. Everybody like fireworks.

Posted by: some random guy at April 29, 2003 08:45 AM

TIRED OF WHINERS! I haven't stopped dreaming of cucumber and eggplant cake with camel milk ice cream. I'm nearly salivating...

Wonder if Ben and Jerrys could just turn it onto an entire ice cream... "Cuke and Camel Baghdad Blast"??..

I may have to break from my regular Tuna shake and Spam Cake birthday tradition/routine and try your idea.

Posted by: Mighty Right Of Ya at April 29, 2003 12:05 PM

Ooglay is how you swine say a little short on cash. Still from me my Glorious Father, for whom all Iraqis will vote in upcomming free elections, was given Airline tickets to Paris, you dog of an infidel!

Posted by: Ooglay Hussein at April 29, 2003 04:50 PM

Good one Scott. Multiple chortles here.

Posted by: Stephen at April 29, 2003 07:11 PM

Oop... Ooglay just gave us a reason to make Paris into a parking lot with MOABs.

Saddam promised the 'Mother of all Battles' and we gave the 'Mother of all Thrashings' instead. (to paraphrase The Conservatives' Dictionary)

Posted by: Ken Stein at May 5, 2003 12:43 AM
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