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March 28, 2003
Lennon Joins Dead Celebrities Opposed to War

(2003-03-28) -- John Lennon yesterday joined the list of dead celebrities who have come out in opposition to the war in Iraq.

Communicating with ITV News through his surviving wife, Yoko Ono, the late Beatle announced that he was angry with British Prime Minister Tony Blair, and would "tell him off if I weren't indisposed at the moment."

The decomposing composer said that if he were still alive, he would have prevented the war by inviting all of his friends to his bedroom then chanting and singing.

"That's how I stopped the Vietnam War, and it would have worked for this one too," Mr. Lennon added. "But given my current position, perhaps I could participate in one of those die-ins."

Tony Blair's spokesman said, "Mr. Lennon has a right to protest. At least he won't be blocking traffic."

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This is the funniest one yet, ROFLMAO.

Posted by: Darth Chef at March 28, 2003 07:24 AM

Darth, what does ROF mean? I know the rest. BTW has Elvis checked in yet? He at least served his country. How about the rest of the Beatles, are they alive or did they od from too much smoke?? Scott, Love this site.

Posted by: Old Sailor at March 28, 2003 08:13 AM

Roll on the floor.

Posted by: MIkey at March 28, 2003 08:17 AM

Sen John Edward (D-NC), star of Crossing Over, used his phychic channeling to bring the Anti-War message to Yoko. ìI hear musicî, he was quoted as saying. ìWas he into Instant Koffi? Instant Koffi gonna getÖ. I keep getting this Koffi, Karbala, Kurd, itís a K sound, a K soundî

Posted by: Pooke at March 28, 2003 10:14 AM

rolling on the floor laughing my .....

Elvis would show up for the women. he served, but was drafted and what did he do while stationed in Germany-why he had sex with a 14 yeasr old girl. we now arrest and prosecute people for that.

He did support the military and the police though. got to give him that.

I went to graceland Thanksgiving weekend, 2002, that was the last day I saw my son alive. I remember stanidng next to elvis' grave with him and commenting that it was a shame he died young, but maybe it was better he went out on top and didn't become an old, fat has-been. My son died a week alter from a training accident (for those of you who haven't read my past posts, he was a 1st Lt, USAF C-130 pilot at Little Rock AFB, Arkansas) I said the same thing-he went out on top. Kinda spooky.

Anyway, back to the humor. Janis joplin also came to protest. Te a,azing thin was she smelled better decomposed than she ever did while she was alive.

Posted by: Darth Chef at March 28, 2003 11:21 AM

How will this war be remembered?

Journalists were embedded with the troops.

Stupidity was embedded with the peace marchers.

Which on reflection boiled more or less to the same.

P.S. Tommy Franks if you hear me, parachute that NY Mag jerk on Baghdad so he gets a piece of the action instead of boring our a***s off with his dumb questions at CENTCOM briefings.
Should he ask for mercy, send him to boot camp for 2 months.

Posted by: nosingaround at March 28, 2003 11:58 AM

Sorry, I oversimplified in the previous post. On closer analysis I thought it would be advisable for clarity's sake to insert the line:

Dribbling retired generals in need of hard cash were embedded with the media.

Posted by: nosingaround at March 28, 2003 12:26 PM

These dead celebrities are being led my Jane Fonda, wait she's not dead? Oh, it's her career that is dead after that Hanoi incident.

Posted by: Justin at March 28, 2003 12:27 PM

According to the linked story:
"Ono, who lives in New York and like her husband is an ardent campaigner for peace, said although the September 11 terrorist attacks were sad, they did not warrant retaliation."
So that's why John's killer is still walking the streets a free man? Hello? Hello?
Well, I'm still not boycotting the Beatles.
Yesterday...all my troubles seemed so far away...(sing with me frenchie...)

Posted by: greyhawk at March 28, 2003 12:52 PM

Is John Lennon (allegedly anti-war) more dead than George Washington (allegedly pro-war)?

Posted by: Frenchman at March 28, 2003 01:07 PM

The ramifications of this unprovoked, unsanctioned "pre-emptive" war of aggression will resound throughout the globe in the years to come.

A misfit assortment of reasons have been presented as to why this military adventure must go forward.

None has stuck.

Posted by: calvin at March 28, 2003 01:41 PM

Hey Calvin, how about "'Cause it feels good!" Logic seems to escape you so that reason is as good as any.

Posted by: Old Sailor at March 28, 2003 01:55 PM

Too bad he's in Disney or he could answer for himself!

Posted by: Pooke at March 28, 2003 01:58 PM

I'm calling you again. The trash still needs to be taken out.

Posted by: Calvin's Mother at March 28, 2003 02:00 PM

Frenchie, quit using "allegedly". Spit it on out! Say what you mean. If you think George Washington was a war mongeror then you need to study history a little better.----If you ever read and understood any history at all. I realize that history is not the long suite in France as your history books leave a lot to be desired. And yes I have seen French textbooks, my wife is a teacher and has done comparisons of foreign textbooks with American texts for accuracy.

Posted by: Old Sailor at March 28, 2003 02:08 PM


How many dead celebrities can you fit into a jar?

Posted by: Pooke at March 28, 2003 02:59 PM

Do what your mother asked and take yourself out.

Posted by: Calvin's Father at March 28, 2003 03:10 PM

I don't know, how many?

Did you here that Hannibal Lector has come out in support of the French?

He said that they taste like chicken!

Posted by: Justin at March 28, 2003 03:18 PM

And on the other side of the spectrum....

Jimi Hendrix has joined with the pro liberate Iraq side.

This is not suprising as he did serve in the army and was a very patriotic, albeit troubled, rock star.

Posted by: ams at March 28, 2003 03:50 PM

Uh Oh! Day Care must be out Frenchie is back!

Posted by: Mikey at March 28, 2003 03:56 PM

"Imagine there's no frenchmen...
wouldn't that be great..."

Jim Morrison would be saying "bomb the h**l out of them".

Hey French fries - give us Jim back! He belongs in L.A.

Posted by: Syd at March 28, 2003 04:00 PM

If that really is John Lennon - tell him I want my money back for that abomination album he put out with Yoko called "Somewhere in New York City". The one where Yoko got in a burlap sack on stage and screamed for peace.She said it was a political statement. What a a great tunnel support she would make. Give McCartney back the beatles music, Yoko - you Beatle Breakup, hoar groupie...

Posted by: Harden Stuhl at March 28, 2003 04:44 PM

Depends on how well you grind them ;)

Posted by: Pooke at March 28, 2003 05:26 PM

I heard that hannibal lector joke on savage last night and i almost ran off the road.

Posted by: Justin at March 28, 2003 05:35 PM

I'm sitting here listening to a news briefing and the General said something good.
He was asked by some little a-rab achmed this: why don't you show footage from the front ie combat?
answer: It is slower to get to the front and a lot of it shows prisoners and gruesome footage. We refuse to show POW's on TV and gruesome images"

Good slam against al-liarjeezra
Plus, I went to and I was mortified by the amount of bullsh@! propaganda on it.

Posted by: Justin at March 28, 2003 05:59 PM

FRENCHFRY, you little maggot puke, DRILL Sgt Boot-In-Your-A$$ again. You little sniveling #@#*&%, you didn't show up for your physical! Look boy, it's mostly, drug screen, short arm inspection, and crab check, nothing that you are not used to doing all the time anyway! When I get a holt of you, you little smelly maggot, I'm gonna make you drop and give me 50. Be seeing ya REAL soon, BOY!!!

Posted by: SGT ElevenBravo at March 28, 2003 06:21 PM

Darth, I too was in Ger-mania, 1972-1974. Funny thing, ALL the towns had Churches, yet NO Morals. Bars had slot machines,(no 'arm', but it was gambling), 16 was the 'legal' age, no rating for movies, and DRUNKS everywhere. YES, DRUNKS. These people must have 50 holidays a year, and they ALL involve, FAT Germans wearing suspenders and shorts, drinking beer, (that contains as much alcohol as 'hard' liquor here), out of mugs that hold as much as a toilet, dancing to Polka music, then peeing whereever they wish! There other favorite pastime was, getting young G.I.'s drunk and then relieving them of their monthly pay!

And Linus, my dear boy. Yes, a MOAB on Paris, if, we find you traitous bas*ards sold weapons to Iraq, that in turn, killed Our Troops!

Frenchman, did they ever fix that elevator in the eiffle? I will say, the one fond memory I have of Paris, is the Louve! Beautiful Gardens, and it was cool seeing the masterpieces, Mona Lisa, etc! Thank God for pin point bombing, we could spare the Louve!

Posted by: Gay Paree at March 28, 2003 06:23 PM

How about we change some terminology:
I don't like this "embedded" thing, how about "infected", "engorged", regurgitated?

Oh and Calvin PLEASE get a grip!

Posted by: Done at March 28, 2003 06:36 PM

By the way, love the story, love the site

Posted by: Done at March 28, 2003 06:37 PM

Is Frenchman allegedly smarter than any dead person?

Proof will be required frenchfry.

None of which has been demonstrated yet.

By the way, french fry... why the increase in racist violence in your so called "peace loving" country?

Your lips may say peace, peace, but your actions say otherwise.

Posted by: Okie Dokie at March 28, 2003 06:38 PM

Okie Dokie,
When you consider that every frenchman is probably half nazi it's to be expected.

Posted by: Mike S. at March 28, 2003 06:49 PM

But hey, the french still are allowed to criticize us, right?

Posted by: Justin at March 28, 2003 07:45 PM

One nit-pick: Lennon ain't decomposing, he was creamated.

Also, at the time of his untimely demise he was pro-America, pro-2nd amendment, and supported the election of Reagan!!!

Posted by: Tuning Spork at March 28, 2003 09:17 PM

"he was pro-America, pro-2nd amendment, and supported the election of Reagan"

Ah, so THAT'S why a WACKO had it in for him. (I always figured that it was because Lennon's music--specifically that post-Beatles mediocrity--was so over-rated.)

Posted by: Opeth at March 28, 2003 10:39 PM

Mr. Calvin

wake up and smell the coffee

Posted by: Ann Landers at March 28, 2003 11:01 PM

"Jimi Hendrix has joined with the pro liberate Iraq side.

This is not suprising as he did serve in the army and was a very patriotic, albeit troubled, rock star"

Jimi Hendrix was in the Air Force....played the meanest Star Spangled Banner ever....should be required at football games instead of some idiotic warbling by some washedup diva.

Posted by: Rancid Roadkill at March 29, 2003 07:58 AM

Okie Dokie,
When you consider that every frenchman is probably half nazi it's to be expected.

That is BRILLIANT Mike S!
YOu see the Frightened French gave up in what? 1940. The Jerries were there for 4 years, right? SO that means that they had a lot of time to breed with the French women-(even the women who weren't so obvious and got their hair shorn.) (the men didn't count though we are sure THAT went on too)The hair cutting and driving into the street of the so called "collaborators" was probably for show so that noone would figure out that the baby boom after the war was not jsut form returning French surrender monkeys.

So it is quite clear that most of the present population is the grand children of a Franco German mix! No Wonder they are STILL in bed with each other!

Posted by: Mikey at March 29, 2003 08:18 AM

Dearest Calvin;

Actually most of the world gets the message. We are not gonna wait for you to attack us, we can and will do a pre-emptive strike. Scares the hell out of em.
Now, whether you like that or not is really a moot issue. I for one, want the world to know, "Not to mess with us"

Up all night working and grumpy

Posted by: Danjo at March 29, 2003 11:15 AM

Please, now that the war has started, even if you are against the war support our troops!

I did not want my children to do any bad drugs. For years, I told them "Don't do drugs" but when my daughter did get hooked on crack cocaine, I supported her. I no longer protested against her doing drugs. Don't you see the parallel? Why can't you do the same thing and support our troops?

A guy in my town killed his wife. Previously, I was against murder. But now that it's happened in my town, I support it. Don't you see the parallel? Why can't you do the same thing and support our troops?

C'mon people. Once we do something bad and unjust, you need to get with the program and be quiet and support us. Otherwise, we look really stupid. If there's one thing we hate, it's admitting that we are stupid and wrong. So, shut up you unpatriotic twists!!

Let's go conquer the world. America rules!! Everybody else sucks!! We will kill them all!!!!

Posted by: George Butcher at March 29, 2003 02:40 PM

Criss-crossed brain circuitry is neither pretty nor funny. George, when the troops come home from defending your right to be publicly stupid, please take it personnally (cause, really baby, it'll be about them and you, not the US constitution or any broad scale issues) when several of them (a small minority of them will return with this anger) beat the living crap out of you just for funsies.

Hah! Just kidding! How could they ever find a chickenshot cry baby hiding behind his mom and dads computer? I mean, unless the evil Ashcroft gets your IP address...

Just kidding again! But here's an idea: Meet the returning Marines at the Airport with one of those funny signs or t-shirts. Or go protest an Army funeral. I mean, with the courage of your convictions and all, you could probably convert some folks on the spot.

Anyhow, the regulars here at ScrapleFace (a satire site) really respect your courage. Thanks for everything you do. And yes, mommy was right, everything you think has value, is original, has a basis in irrefutable logic, should not be criticised by mean people, and deserves to be aired in a public forum. So please be sure to continue to share your musings with us unenlightened caveman masses.

Posted by: greyhawk at March 29, 2003 03:33 PM

Off topic, but, was just wondering, has anybody here, EVER, heard anyone from PETA, denouncing Saddam for using, dogs to test his chemical weapons?

Posted by: Astro at March 29, 2003 03:35 PM

Shame on most of you, what is this "War of the Words".
This is supposed to be a fun place to meet and relieve the anxieties of our screwed up world.
Whether pro or con, just enjoy the place and take it for what it is here for.

Posted by: ImSirius at March 29, 2003 04:05 PM

To all Soldier's who walk this path for the people of this world for freedom God be with you all your sacrafice to all is beyond words . We walk with you in our prayer's your strength your courage,you selflessness to protect this world there is not words to say what you all our doing for the freedom of All !

Posted by: Linda at March 29, 2003 04:08 PM

Dr. Harden M.I. Stuhl, M.D
Director of Clinical Studies
Keloggs Hope for Liberals Hopital
Battle Creek , Michigan

Scrappleface Readers,

Please don't feel the anguish of a personal attack directed at you specifically, by many of the liberals posting on this board.

Many Doctors with impressive medical degress, have now come to the conclusion, that liberals don't know how to laugh! The medical community if truth be told, gave up on their hopeless,incurable condition a long time ago.

Many of our clinical studies have shown that this comes from an unstable mental condition. A conditon caused from some child development issues.

They are born miserable - and they die miserable.

Some of their symptoms include, always wanting to laugh at opposing political positions, but never having the ability to laugh at themselves.Quite often they complain that their opponents have a lack of tolerence. The same tolerence, that they themselves, have never,been able to display.They also can't seem to carry on a conversation without being angry. This quite often brings in topics of conversations that never happened, allowing them to place blame on everyone but themselves. They also like to profess intellectual superiority ,when as Doctors we all know, what really comes to the surface,is a lack of social development skills. This lack of skills came about, from their sparse and dysfuntional childhoods.They carry this over into their adult years, never learning the coping and relationship skills necessary for living in a democracy.

Eventually because of their diseased minds, they can't support a normal sense of reality, and they move to France or (French) Canada to carry out their acts of physiological, non-defiance. All the time, drawn by the rotting smell of their similarly brain diseased bretheren,eventually showing latent stages of the disease that turns them into "beret wearing socialists". I won't be able to get into the specific afflictions that they display at this stage of the disease. I will have to address it at some later date.

Finally, not willing to heal themselves will the proper conservative couselling, that would help them, find the rational approach to life. They will eventually fall asleep, to the dark blank realities of mental coma, and paralysis.

Even to this very day, many clinical phycologists are believing,that is why they feel the necessity to hopelessly march, in protest groups. This apparently fills their needs for the family structure. In essence, you could say they are looking for their mother, their father, their brother, or their little dog Fidel. Many of them feel the need to create some type of village atmosphere, where they feel the need to help indoctrinate and educate all their children with their own sick malady. Many of the worst victims can be heard to say things, like "It takes a village to raise a child", not realizing they are showing signs of the seriousness of their condition.How sad,how pathetic..., how angry.

Yet to them, this is their reality.

Remember the movie "The Bad Seed"? The little girl in that movie,while surely a fictional character,is probably the closest represention of what we in the medical profession are now calling "The liberal dysfuntional syndrome".

Remember, what you are dealing with is a sick diseased mind incaple of showing any tolerence, compassion or validity of reason. What this means to you and many others who disagree with them,is that we need to show them all , compassion, humanity and remember when we talk to them, that they are also very stupid.


Dr.Harden Stuhl

MD,DDS,PhD,Mostly BS,Microsoft Certified

Posted by: Dr. Harden Stuhl at March 29, 2003 05:40 PM

Dr Stuhl
Concur with your diagnosis. Would add that Physicians opinion should always be given with Psychiatric exam. Obviously we can do nothing for these people before relieving tremendous stresses on their spines (those that have them; see JAMS Dec 02 for "Spineless Liberals" diagnostics) caused by having their heads inserted deeply in their [ScrappleFace would change this word if I used it].
Propose 'Cranial self-colonoscopy' for future medical descriptions.
Dr Hawk

Posted by: greyhawk at March 29, 2003 05:53 PM

And here's how I'd apply it

George Butcher
Thanks for sharing the results of your cranial self-colonoscopy with the other Scrapple Readers. Please don't stop now. We can't wait to hear more.

Posted by: greyhawk at March 29, 2003 06:06 PM

For Scott & all the "regs" here at Scrappleface:
(read with Jeff Foxworthy in mind...Frenchie, don't bother). You Might be a Liberal if; The French poodles you own answer to the names, fidel, che',or jacques.
Your idea of the next franchise craze will be Kim Jon II sushi chains.
Your ideal presidential ballot has Hillary(NY)& Tom(SD) on it.
Your Dixie Chicks CD's have been played out & replaced by Columbia House...twice.
You wish that Susan & Michael would "get together" and have a family. Your friends think all the above are "fab" and are having a 500.00 a plate "do" with Dan Rather & Charlie Rangle as guest "visionaries", proceeds to be donated to Greenpeace & Peta.

That's all for now...back to work...(guess I don't "qualify")...Liberals NEVER "work"...they "support the cause"!

Keep movin' forward troops!

Posted by: mike at March 29, 2003 06:46 PM





Posted by: CHICKEN MOVMENT at March 29, 2003 11:51 PM

I saw Cher saying, while she doesn't support the Administration, or the war, she DOES support the Troops, and would be willing to go over and sing for them. I sure hope someone calls her bluff, because I don't believe her! If she does go though, I sure hope she doesn't give our Troops any diseases.

Posted by: Susan Serin-Done at March 30, 2003 01:06 AM

But John Lemon is back...alive and well.

Posted by: John Lemon at March 30, 2003 02:29 AM

Anyone else think that the CNN coverage is pro Iraq? Or is it my imagination?

Posted by: Carroll at March 30, 2003 04:23 AM

Anyone else think that the CNN coverage is pro Iraq? Or is it my imagination?

Posted by: Carroll at March 30, 2003 04:23 AM


Why do I get the impression you would be dancing in the street no matter who the victims were?
And anyone who thinks the US is enjoying this is anti-American to the extreme. Even the "useful idiots" have enough sense to not go that far.

This hatred for America is 99% false propaganda created by these very tyrants and their "Noam Chompsky type" sympathizers. The Islamic leadership is invested in keeping their masses ignorant or misinformed.

America has become a great nation of the people, by the people, and for the people based on this princple: That an educated, well informed free society CAN govern itself.

Posted by: Phrog Poet at March 30, 2003 09:16 AM

Rancid Road Kill,
My bad, I thought Hendrix was in the army...

His rendition of the star spangled banner should be played instead of traitorous musicians.

I especially would love to blare it over anti-Bush protesters... "Stand up for your country and start singing, and if you don't...f*#@ you!"

Posted by: ams at March 30, 2003 12:24 PM

For what it's worth...
Hendrix was with the 101st. (Huuaa!) But according to the biography I read was Psychiatric discharge - among other things he slept with his guitar. Guess the guys sleeping with their weapons thought that a little weird...Other sources say "injury" led to discharge.
Still, more than most. (John Fogerty was also Army)

Posted by: Greyhawk at March 30, 2003 03:31 PM


I am beginning to wonder myself. Ever since CNN got chucked out of Baghdad I have had this feeling that Jim Clancy has been leaning over backwards to please whichever Arab audience they have at CNN. At times I think I'm watching French TV, just that the English is quite a bit better. Some journalists have this way of interpreting pictures in a way which seem clearly biased. I would not automatically expect a pro-American interpretation, but just some common sense.
Example, this Iraqi fellow lying on a hospital bed with chest wounds could be there for any set of reasons and I would not infer that he got shot by the Brits. And if he had been, I would then not exclude that he possibly decided to put himself in harm's way.
Their negative approach of the humanitarian aid issue I can also not quite understand. The coalition surely has not undertaken too starve the Iraqis.
Could it just be that they experience frustration at not getting too many pictures?

This being said, I believe some reporters on location are still doing their job properly.

Posted by: nosingaround at March 30, 2003 03:43 PM



Posted by: JP at March 30, 2003 04:26 PM

Quote from Saddam when told that John Lennon was protesting the war: "Who?"

Posted by: Robert at March 30, 2003 05:18 PM

I am standing with you !!

"Stand up for your country and start singing, and if you don't...f*#@ you!"

Posted by: jp at March 30, 2003 05:49 PM



Posted by: KILL ARNET at March 30, 2003 07:02 PM

I am glad to so many of my medical constituency are here. I have found that Dr. Stuhl is probably one of the leading experts in the field of ìLiberal Dysfunctional Syndromeî as it is known in all the major medical journals. I concur wholeheartedly with his diagnosis and have even personally felt the strain of a disease that continues to become more prevalent in modern day society.

I recently lost my sister to this dreaded disease. She is now a permanent patient of the George Putnam Treatment Center in Flushing, New York. I don't wish to garner sympathy for my families plight but I would like to at least share some of the signs that become more prevalent as their condition gets worse. Perhaps this will benefit others:

1.) Liberals suddenly become mentally jaundiced - a state of feeling in which views are prejudiced or judgment is distorted, as by envy or resentment. They become scatterbrained and devoid of all sense of reality.

2.)Liberals develop a type of hemolytic brain anemia - an anemic condition characterized by the destruction of red blood cells in the brain, vital for proper hand to eye coordination: also quite often seen in certain infectious and hereditary disorders and known in layman terms as simplethought-itus, or being simply French. This can causes them to proliferate obsessively from the mouth making them hard to understand.

3.) Development of Foot ñ in- Mouth disease is quite common ñ this highly contagious disease almost exclusive to Women from N.O.W, Sheep, Liberal Democrats from the East coast,parts of South Dakota, Weapons Inspectors,Hollywood Actors, Biased Media, U.N Council Members,and other cloven-hoofed animals. It is caused by a virus that was identified in 1897. Among its symptoms are fever, loss of appetite and weight gain, ridiculous statements, lack of restraint in public, and blisters on the mucous membranes, especially those of the mouth, feet, and udder. Discharge from the blisters is heavily infected with the virus, as are saliva, milk, urine, and other secretions. This is commonly misunderstood as commenting or making a point.Thus the disease is readily spread by contact; by contaminated food, water, soil, or other propagandous materials; or through the air at Democratic conventions. Conservatives, who seldom contract the disease, may be carriers, as may rats, dogs, birds, wild animals, and frozen meats.

4.)Quarantine, slaughter and complete disposal of infected animals, Women from N.O.W.,and disinfection of contaminated material, are prescribed to limit contagion. Most liberals refuse an effective treatment.Which is the saddest part of the disease. With vaccines, introduced in 1938, and sanitary controls, foot-in-mouth disease has been excluded or eliminated from most of Middle America, Israel,parts of England and Canada, Japan, and parts of Australia; and occurrences have become even more infrequent in Great Britain and parts of continental Europe in recent years. The disease persists through much of Asia, Africa, and South America the Middle East and Hollywood.


Dr. I.M. Learned
James Hopkins Hospital
Great Plains, New York

Posted by: Dr. I.M. Learned at March 30, 2003 11:56 PM

C.N.N. has always stood for the Clinton News Network. I don't expect much less from them. Peter Arnett is a Turner Toad...

Mr. Arnett there is a bus leaving Bagdad in thirty minutes - Please be under it!

Posted by: Harden Stuhl at March 30, 2003 11:59 PM

This just in....(CNN) News

Peter Arnett thinks we were too hard on Adolph Hitler....., Yellowstone state Park should be renamed Stalin state park....,Jack the Ripper wasn't all bad......,Hannibal Lechter is a good role model for 7 to 13 year olds......,Hillside Strangler should be set free.....,Charles Manson should get man of the year....,doesn't understand what all the fuss was about the Twin Towers....,Hurrican Andrew was good for the environment....,Satan is quite often misunderstood...Evil is not necessarily a bad thing.....My Mother the Car was a great Television show...more developing...

Posted by: Harden Stuhl at March 31, 2003 02:50 AM

Hi nosingaround et al,
Thanks! Glad it was no my imagination!

I'm amazed to see CNN show anti American Iraqi spout for the camera over and over again - are there no Iraqis who are grateful and will to talk?

And the constant analyses, where do they get they guys! What are their credentials; even anchors come up with stuff that I just canít believe. They seem to like to contradict each other and especially the embedded reportersÖThey draw conclusions that are so it makes me crazy. Unfortunately here in Taiwan we only have CNN. The local channels seem to use CNN material tooÖ..Wish I could understand the Language, the reporting may be better!

Posted by: Carroll at March 31, 2003 05:50 AM

Don't know if anyone else caught it (don't have time to read all posts): Jimi Hendrix was a paratrooper in the 101st "Screaming Eagles". As I understand it, he got out after being injured during a training jump.

By the way, I received a pyschic flash as I was writing this: Buddy Holly, The Big Bopper, and Richie Valens are all kicking John Lennon's ghostly rear-end. At last report, Hank Williams Sr. and Conway Twitty are planning on joining them. Elvis is officially staying out of it. He told Edward R. Murrow "I'm just an entertainer."

Posted by: Archie's Bunker at March 31, 2003 12:53 PM

The decomposing composers are not nearly as foul as the composing decomposers composing the compost of compromise in the comfort and composure of their composit commentary in conflict with common decorum.

Posted by: Phrog Poet at March 31, 2003 02:01 PM

>> Darth, what does ROF mean

ROF omits an abbreviation of the word The from ROTFL

Rolling On The Floor Laughing.


I don't remember what the MAO stands for.

Posted by: Sammy Finkelman at March 31, 2003 02:15 PM

This just in: Liberace has entered the fray. A colorful, effeminate pianist in life, Liberace has since converted to heterosexuality and is often seen checking out dead starlets with drinking buddies Clark Gable and William Holden when not swapping spit with main squeeze Marilyn Monroe. When asked by reporter Ernie Pyle for his opinion on the war, Liberace said "Lennon's a little pipsqueak. His technique on 'Imagine' was such a comedown from the way he pummled the keys on 'I'm Down'. He had Beethoven rolling over, wishing he was deaf again." When asked about the war, he said "You bet I'm all for it! George Patton and I started a betting pool."

Posted by: Archie's Bunker at March 31, 2003 04:15 PM

Dr. Greyhawk,
Just stumbled onto this site by accident the other day. Your comments are as sharp and swift as a double edged sword. Keep up the good work, I'm learning..........

Posted by: Indian Scout at March 31, 2003 05:28 PM

what gets me is that they talk about all these Iraqi civilian casualties. What people don't realize is that the majority are probably caused by the fallout from the AA guns. That flak has to go somewhere and is sharp enough to cause quite a bit of damage to a poor schmuck who should have stayed inside like they are supposed to!

Posted by: Justin at March 31, 2003 05:32 PM

yah Justin,

But my heart goes out to these "poor schmuks" becuase they are not free. I have an idea that most of them are just trying to survive about now. It's difficult to say what you would do under such dire circumstances. They could be at greater risk internally than externally and the need for subsistance greater than the calculated risk by now.

... and even more tragic than the bombs is all the political shrapnel flying around... some if it is horribly dangerous, (Schlessinger, Arnett, Chompsky, and others with this Frenchtry mentality, who can make ribald lies almost sound like they are profound.) I'm afraid that is doing them more real damage right now than anything else being shot at them or incindairy bombs falling from the sky.

I think if I was an Iraqi soldier... I would rather take a bullet from the front fighting for honor than one in the back for not. Dead is dead...and short of the courage to turn around and shoot back the other way, that would be a damn hard choice. That is the suicide pact that might actually exonerate some of them. It's an interesting social phenomoneon, but it really does require a bigger, more noble soul to endure injustice from within, than to defend it from without(patriotically). But you can't just kill your family(friend) who disagrees, even treacherously... like you can your enemies... it's not moral.

Posted by: Phrog Poet at March 31, 2003 06:39 PM

It is interesting to see the reports coming in from the northern front about the defectors. The stated that all they wanted to do was live, they had no hatred to the americans for bombing them and that the regime had to go. The talked about being threatened if the didn't fight etc. You have to feel sorry for them being stuck between a rock and a hard place. I hope they do what many of the russians/poles/chinese etc did when forced to fight the americans with a german gun to their back. They found the opportunity to shoot the germans and surrender.
There needs to be a public outcry against the irresponsible reporters. They are only making things worse and they MUST be held accountable.

Don't worry, I do feel sorry for these people. I only hope that they take to us and try and make a true democratic government for themselves (if possbile in the arab world...)

Posted by: Justin at March 31, 2003 07:08 PM

The orgasmic feeding frenzy that the media does anytime they can get some victim in Baghdad, or Iragi immigrant, or Hollywood Idiot, to say how they don't support America's actions, is insidious to me, to say the least. They will not be able to tell the complete true history of how damaging this is to the Arabic psychology and perception it creates about how America is so divided. To create the perception for them that this is all about greed, money and power, and flexing military muscle for the US really is the ultimate insult to them, more than US. It's the same way the left keep's the blacks and minorities here misinformed, scared, and ignorant.

It makes them un-trusting, and bitter, and turns it into a lose/lose instead of a win/win. Islam is not going to suddenly fall in love with US if we quit, and don't bomb Saddam Hussien out of existance. The odds are a lot better to make peace with them after than to allow the problem there to go any longer or get any bigger.

If these embedded reporters were "embedded" with the Republican Guard and simply "told US the truth" they wouldn't just lose their job... they would be toungless. Saddam giving them "postfamous" medals should be a clue...doncha think?

Posted by: Phrog Poet at April 1, 2003 12:02 AM

"To create the perception for them that this is all about greed, money and power, and flexing military muscle for the US" : How can they pretend that it is not for love ?

"It makes them un-trusting, and bitter, and turns it into a lose/lose instead of a win/win" : Receiving bombs on the head is more often lose than win !

Islam is not going to suddenly fall in love with US ! This one is sure !

Posted by: Frenchman at April 1, 2003 02:44 AM

Phrog Poet


it is working
it takes time
to reverse human mind set..
ideals are a hard sell..
even harder when a gun is at your head i,e saddams thugs

Posted by: jp at April 1, 2003 03:53 AM

Frenchman, this war isn't about islam it's about a dictator. Pay attention!

Posted by: Greyhawk at April 1, 2003 06:49 AM

Off topic again, but we have diffeent posts on Iraqi civilians. Leaves me with a question.

TV channels and quite a few newspapers keep talking relentlessly about this unfortunate incident monday when US marines shot at a bus (or minibus)with civilians that did not stop at a checkpoint.

Has nobody got enough common sense to ask why on earth this bus did not stop? As far as I know, from Guatemala to Japan and from Scotland to Zimbabwe, anybody trying to force his way through a road block or checkpoint IN PEACETIME is going to get shot at after being warned. PERIOD.

We are here in a war situation where US marines have been killed by a car bomb a few days previously. Are we now going to blame them for what happened to these civilians? Anybody daring to condemn them for what they did is callous, brainless and downright foolish. Who cares about an investigation?

Frenchie must and will disagree I hope. Pauvre con!

Posted by: nosingaround at April 1, 2003 11:44 AM

Unfortunately I'm afraid nobody wants to pick up the cause of these tragic people until they know the "root" of the issue. And I fear now the spin doctors will be evaluating for: 1)were the women and children being used as intentional casualties, much as the Shia's in the Baghdad markets? Or 2)were the Americans trigger happy?
Know what I think? Either way, it's more deaths on
1. Saddam (far and away the number 1 cause)
2. His American "anti-war" allies
3. The UN
4. World media

Future deaths will have "Peter Arnett" on the list too.

Posted by: Greyhawk at April 1, 2003 12:34 PM

MAO = My A$$ off

Hey all, good to see you keeping it real.

Frenchman a true democrat, would appreciate one of the greatest democrats of all, Marion Berry, thats right the former Mayor of the District of Columbia.

Mayor Berry once said "The laws in this city are clearly racist. All laws are racist. the law of gravity is racist"

Sounds alot like frenchmoron doesn't it?

look for more on newer posts.

Posted by: Darth Chef at April 1, 2003 01:02 PM

If I'm allowed, just a word on Frenchman's global perception of islam and probably muslims. He can't mean it and or gets carried away.

A fact will remain during and long after this war. Some shady types, be they called Hamas or Hizbollah (or whatever you care, as these names can be changed and adapted at will to suit a purpose) are committed to make a mess of A-N-Y initiative brought up to solve the Iraqi problem, the Palestinian problem, the issue of Arab nationalism. The same goes for any drive (be it unilateral, multirateral, galactic, you name it) to review undemocratic forms of government in the Middle-East and beyond, to establish islam as a religion with due respect to its diversity instead of using it for a great variety of political purposes which are not even remotely connected to this religion.

At the end of the day, I finish up not even caring for the positions of those who are against this war in the West. I am bewildered at how easily a couple of pictures and some rhetoric played up in the name of islam and jihad on Arab-speaking TV channels can turn the so-called Arab street into a flock of gullible sheep at the hands of these masters of manipulation. The feeling is that of being in a time warp. That the West can feed on that in some quarters beats me. The masters of chaos who wrought havoc on 9/11 do not have anything else up their sleeves than establishing perpetual chaos.

Voices are already raising in the background about how our western media can use manipulation too. But hell, when it is so callous as is the case with these civilians victims (may they rest in peace), we don't swalllow it, do we? La ficelle est vraiment un peu grosse, Frenchman, pas vrai!

Posted by: nosingaround at April 1, 2003 04:04 PM

They are truly racist even if caught smoking crack!

Posted by: Justin at April 1, 2003 07:34 PM

Darth, The best one I heard was the black man, after robbing a liquor store, and being 'apprehended' by a K-9, claiming the dog was a racist!!! TRUE STORY!

Posted by: Hercules Rockafeller at April 2, 2003 01:20 AM


So it is. Let's add the Arab League to your list. That outfit has been set up to ensure that nothing ever gets done in the area.

If Bush and Blair get going with a "road map" to bring the Isreali-Palestinian conflict to an end, they will be the first to run the whole idea down, as usual.

Posted by: nosingaround at April 2, 2003 04:28 AM

They are invaded. They are defending their country. They are patriots.

Posted by: Frenchman at April 2, 2003 11:49 AM

I am bewildered at how easily a couple of pictures and some rhetoric played up on TV channels can turn the street into a flock of gullible sheep at the hands of these masters of manipulation.

Posted by: Frenchman at April 2, 2003 11:51 AM

The French starting to get cold feet? Starting to lick boots our way again? Finally realizing that you are on the losers' side? Where is the surprise? We kept telling you!

We start hearing some semblance of an apology now and then. I see even the Prime Minister is finally realizing that things are getting out of hand. What's he going to do on TV Thursday? A public acknowledgement that France has got it all wrong? The US is past caring mate! France's irrelevance is a fact of life irrespective of how many pages of codswallop you care to paste on this site. Nobody's buying it!

Marching in the streets still a popular sport in your neck of the woods. Looks like a general strike what's happening Thursday. The country's really going to the dogs and your lot thought you could drive people's attention away by getting the sheep into the street and indulge into some bracing US flag-burning and other vile antics. Look at your economy. It's down the drain.

We still got a few one-way tickets to Baghdad if you care!

And now if you excuse me, I also have a job to do. Bye!

Posted by: nosingaround at April 2, 2003 04:21 PM

Yo! Frenchie!
Been visiting military cemetaries recently?
Is that spray paint on your hands?


Posted by: Gorn! at April 2, 2003 05:25 PM

Frenchfry, you are more annoying than a peter-gnat!

Posted by: SGT ElevenBravo at April 3, 2003 10:08 AM

Must say 2 things before I actually read the comments here:
1) It's a bit disturbing to find an ad for 'Cambridge School of Culinary Arts' next to a headline containing the words 'die in!' I fell out of my chair!
2) For all you other anime fans: doesn't Yoko look like the lead in Saber Marionnette J in this article?!

Posted by: Utena at April 7, 2003 12:36 PM


Posted by: Mike at April 23, 2004 11:08 AM
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