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March 25, 2003
Bush to Tell Americans War is Dangerous

(2003-03-25) -- President Bush will give a live TV speech tonight to tell Americans that "people get hurt in war." The President reportedly just learned about this danger by watching TV and reading newspapers.

White House spokesman Ari Fleischer said that despite months of planning, no one in the Pentagon or the administration knew the hazards of firearms aimed at our soldiers.

"We also didn't realize that the enemy could capture some of our troops and hold them as prisoners," said Mr. Fleischer. "This was a complete shock to us. I'm sure the American people had no idea these things could happen. We have to thank the journalism community for alerting us."

The President and his advisors have also been alarmed to discover that mechanical and electronic devices sometimes fail, and that some people do bad things to others.

"Up until now the news media has been shaping our expectations about the war," Mr. Fleischer said. "But it seems that war is not so predictable. We're now rethinking everything."

by Scott Ott | Donate | | Comments (66) | More Satire | Printer-Friendly
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As soon as we own Iraq, America should go after Turkey and Syria. Turkey has not obeyed our commands. We pay them good money to be our puppets and yet they will not do as we command. It is time for regime change in Turkey. As for Syria, I believe these are the real criminals behind Osama Bin Laden. It is time for regime change in Syria. We must do this to protect freedom and democracy. Our humanitarian bombing is necessary to save the world. As soon as we own the world, it will be safe for all who support America.

Posted by: George Butcher at March 25, 2003 07:07 AM

COME ONE, COME ALL to, Crazy Saddam's Going Out of Business FOREVER Sale!!!!!!!!!!!

Weapons of Mass Destruction!!! STILL in their French and Russian Wrappers!!!!

Damaged Palace Items!!!
Golden Camode, WAS $428,000.00
SLIGHTLY Damaged NOW $19.95

Palace Guards: NO resonable offer refused!!!

SPECIAL, Today Only*********

Republican Guard Units!!!
Buy One, Get One Free!!!!!

As Frenchman says: "COME AND SEE!!!!!"
"Please Believe!" Something for EVERYONE!!

Posted by: Susan Serin-Done at March 25, 2003 07:22 AM

As proven by 'George' on the first post, humor, just doesn't work for the ignorant libs. It's no wonder they will never, 'Get It!'

Posted by: Susan Serin-Done at March 25, 2003 07:25 AM

NO S**t, Seems like this is always a shock to the leftists in our country. Scott, you left out that bombs and bullets are also sometimes duds, so great care must be exercised when using them. I suggest never use one when two or three can be tested. Especially on live targets.

Posted by: Old Sailor at March 25, 2003 08:39 AM

the US are arrogant, self-absorbed and hypocritical.

Posted by: bully boy at March 25, 2003 08:47 AM

Hey Butcher and Bully,
Where are your facts? That's the problem with the left...always parroting the same old party lines. Here's some fact for you: Saddam & Co. are monsters. Just ask the people. Funny thing, the left doesn't seem very interested in what the people of Iraq have to say or in the fact that they're terrified to say it.

btw...can't wait to see the 14hrs. of footage the ex-shields have in Jordon.

Posted by: ams at March 25, 2003 09:02 AM

To: George Butcher
bully boy
From: Old Sailor
Subject: Scrappleface Posts
Your infantile attempts at humor --- I admit that I take your posts as attempts at humor --- leave something to be desired. Namely, basis in fact which most truely humorous satire is based upon. And yet,,,,,,, Mr. Butcher you do have a point about our lackeys not paying attention to us. Perhaps we should stop any aid of any sort (financial or otherwise) to them until they prove that they will not oppose our National policies and interests. After a nominal period, two or three years of proving they are not opposing us, we can put them on a provisional list of cooperating countries. Five years after that they can be placed in a favored nation status. Of course, any opposition to our policies resets the clock back to zero.
Oh, and least I forget, bully boy, your point is?????? I am arrogant but hardly self-absorbed (not sure how one would accomplish that act)and definitely not hypocritical. I say what I mean and let the chips fall where they may. I am arrogant because I am an American in the best place on the globe. My way is best for anyone that loves freedom. If you do not understand that then, tough. Would you care to try to frag me? It would be an interesting exercise. I hope it would be more fun than engaging in a battle of wits with the witless.

Sincerely, Old Sailor

Posted by: Old Sailor at March 25, 2003 09:46 AM

You know George, you may be the kind of person who really thinks that way, or the kind of person who thinks George Bush thinks that way. Either way, you are a sad individual. And I don't want to hear about how it's because your parents molested you or how the other kids in school beat you up or you were no good in sports or daddy dresssed you like a girl! Get over it!
And on the other hand, if you were trying your hand at satire, I'm sure 600,000 Scrapple viewers are eager and ready to switch to your hilarious little site as soon as you can get it going there, sputky! Let us know!
(And Bully: try harder.)

Posted by: greyhawk at March 25, 2003 09:48 AM

The total irony of it bully boy; that these arrogant, self absorbed, and hypocritcal "Americans" are the ones who agree with you. Now isn't that curious?

Posted by: Phrog Poet at March 25, 2003 09:58 AM

Sorry, posted this under another story but thought the news was just too important...



France today announced an immediate and unconditional surrender to the United States and Great Britain. Asked by incredulous reporters to explain this unexpected move, Jacques "The Ch is silent" Chirac said (in English, his new adopted language), "We realize we haven't actually been invaded yet, or even threatened with invasion, but we figure once the Americans and British finish with Iraq, they'll get around to us eventually. We thought we'd save everyone some time." Chirac did express a national desire that Jerry Lewis be appointed interim governor of occupied France and a hope that some sort of "wine-for-food" deal could be worked out.

Implementation of the surrender is being delayed for technical reasons...the French are having difficulty locating an American or British military officer to accept the surrender. Seems most of them are busy elsewhere.

Chirac also announced that UN weapons inspectors would be permitted immediate and unconditional access to any sites of interest in France. Kofi Annan responded that the UN already knows France has weapons of mass destruction, but might send the inspectors anyway "because they hear French food's pretty good".

Posted by: Rabid Rabbit at March 25, 2003 10:14 AM

How Bush and his junta succeeded in deflecting America's anger from Bin Laden to Saddam Hussein is one of the great public relations conjuring tricks of history. But they swung it. A recent poll tells us that one in two Americans now believe Saddam was responsible for the attack on the World Trade Center.

Posted by: Calvin at March 25, 2003 11:05 AM

A recent poll tells us that one in two LIBERAL/ANTI-BUSH Americans think Iraq is in South America. (That's how you ended up with the phrase "junta")

Posted by: AHA at March 25, 2003 11:17 AM


Posted by: greyhawk at March 25, 2003 11:19 AM

Hey, Calvin:

Saddam provided the facilities for training for 9/11.

Saddam provided some cash for 9/11.

Saddam provided logistics for 9/11.

Saddam and Osama are bosom buddies.

I knew this 9/12/01.

Where the heck have you been?

Posted by: mjlarkins sr at March 25, 2003 11:22 AM


Actually, the identity of the planners of the 9/11 attack is currently being investigated, as the main planner, KSM who was captured earlier this year does not look like anything like his documentation suggests that he should. I should point out that his 'documents' were found in Kuwait in 1991 after the retreat of the Iraqi army. While nothing has been made official of these developments, the news have been steadily leaking out, to the point where both WSJ and NYT have been carrying the news. Check it out.


Posted by: logicpenaltybox at March 25, 2003 11:23 AM

pardon me... "junta" is a word, not a phrase.

Posted by: AHA at March 25, 2003 11:24 AM

my bad

Posted by: AHA at March 25, 2003 11:26 AM

Hey who is to be telling me war is dangerous! I am the one who will be telling you! It is Ooglay, son of my father, who is smarter then the smartest of your smart bombs!!Yes you are rightly thinking I am alive and well. Allah be praised! After last poting I made telling how my glorious father was safe with me in my underpalace which the americans (i spit when i say that word though dying of 1000 thirsts) were not finding with bombs. Well it was not one halfhour later when they found it with more bombs then i would care to see again i tell you now! I do not like your inhuman shockanaw! You american protestors must make georgebush stop trying to take my glorious fathers oil with his shockanaw! All he is doing is stealing the beloved leader of my county's oils! Then he can put it in your SUV and that is how he will take your tax cut money back I tell you it's true on my mothers purity i swear! Protest him until he stops, you infidel swine!!!!

Posted by: Ooglay Hussein at March 25, 2003 11:29 AM

RE: Rabid Rabbit post: France surrenders unconditionally....

Didn't you mean to say "whine-for-food program"?

Posted by: AHA at March 25, 2003 11:29 AM

Ouch stop hiting me my brother Uday with that cursed cane...I'm writng now I'm sory for calig or protested friend teh swine. They are not the swne teh glorous protestrs, my fater declars you all honorary citizen of Iraq! Now, my esteemed brother, ma yopu have 2000 sons, enough wit the caning of my hindquarters!! Look at my typings now...

Posted by: Ooglay Hussein at March 25, 2003 11:37 AM

Hello to you all It is Ooglay, son of the glorious leader of the people of Iraq. Long may he reign! Long may they know the thousand daily pleasures of his reigning on them!
Ooglay where have you been? This is the thing everyone here is asking everyone else here I am sure i know this. My story is that war is dangerous like only I can tell you. Hear me: After the shockanawing on my underpalace my father and brothers or their doubles (who can tell these days with all of us covered in s**t) blamed Ooglay for revealing the secret location on his postings. Well let me tell you no one except the foulest of your hollywood infidels would deserve a fisted pounding the like of which they gave Ooglay on that day I tell you I swear by the hump of my camel. Three Saddams, two Udays, and I think one of the many Qasays were all kicking me at one time. You do not want a thing like that, you soft Americans!And my humanshield did not shield me at all that day! Curse his hide!! I hope he's sent to Basra!!

Posted by: Ooglay Hussein at March 25, 2003 11:49 AM

You can blame yerself for that one calvin,

Ya'll just kept saying it wasn't SH, he had nothing to do with it, you got no proof... etc...
So.. they dug up the proof.. ironically.. you still spout the same ribald verbage in the face of all the evidence.
Not to mention Saddam is evil enough in his own right to deserve a personal MOAB with his name on it. It's a darn shame you can't go stand next to him.

Posted by: Phrog Poet at March 25, 2003 11:57 AM

So now you are thinking you know war is bad? Not the half of the bad things you are knowing! I am Ooglay and for my glorious father i would hand pull a wagon full of nuclear, biological and chemical weapons to the syrian border except that i just drove it there and it was a truck!
Now I will tell you where I have been: After my beating my brothers took me and hoisted me up on the flagpole on the roof of the last standing ministry of defense building here in Baghdad!! And all that day and into the night I stayed there on top of the empty building, like hello american missile pilots, here is Ooglay shoot me!! And Uday was thinking he was very funny to be shining the russian laser guidance beam on me that night from across the street! D**n the russians! We shine their useless guidance lasers on the museums and the mosques and they are not hit ever!! The Russians will pay for selling useless crap to my angry father, I will be telling you!! Well Allah be praised Ooglay was spared when the Americans did not come that night! So I am thinking Good they maybe are starting on Teheran (this should be making you protestors angry!) but the next day they still leave me up flapping all day. And so they would the next night but my mother, praise upon her wondrous beauty, arrived on the bus from Umm Qasr and gave Uday a beating with his own cane and made him take me down! And I am not knowing what she did to my illustrious father but he has stopped drawing his pistol now when I enter the room!
So it is I Ooglay, who is knowing that war is dangerous!!!

Posted by: Ooglay Hussein at March 25, 2003 12:12 PM

Ohh and I forgot to all the wonderful protestors Teheran is in Iran, it is different from Iraq. Are you seeing it? Now go and make a parade, you have no time for here! You should have the new signs from Qasay by now. Please to be using them!!
And you Hollywooder infidels, may you burn for eternity in 1000 lakes of fire, my glorious father has cleared the best rooms in the palace hotel for you. He loves you and is ready for your illustrious visits just as planned. The lakes of fire is my kidding. Be unafraid. "The enemy of my enemy is my friend."

Posted by: Ooglay Hussein at March 25, 2003 12:16 PM

Geez. Next thing they'll tell me, a pre-emptive strike on North Korea might lead to a counter-attack!

Posted by: President Bush at March 25, 2003 12:35 PM

Saddam provided the facilities for training for 9/11. Saddam provided some cash for 9/11. Saddam provided logistics for 9/11.

Yet to be proved ! (a Colin POWELL failure)

Saddam and Osama are bosom buddies.

They have been ennemies for years.

Propaganda is Propaganda.

Posted by: Calvin at March 25, 2003 12:39 PM

I am saddened, saddened and shocked, shocked. But then I stopped watching CNN, CNN and Tom Dillhole, Dillhole. Reality check people, in war people get hurt, captured and yes they die. Wonder what Daschele and the Communist News Network were expecting, expecting.

Posted by: Cyber Sarge at March 25, 2003 01:04 PM

Calvin: remember the Muslim/Arab mantra....

"The enemy of my enemy is my friend"

Posted by: AHA at March 25, 2003 01:31 PM

We haven't used the term "the US are.." Since before the Civil War! You are abvious not American or just illiterate.

Posted by: Mikey at March 25, 2003 01:38 PM

What is it you love most about Saddam. Really, I want insight.
His mustache? Do you think it would tickle?
That video of him with the gun in the air?
The video of the dead kurds?
The 25k per every "palestinian" who blows up an Israeli school bus?
Are you a closet Saddam freak, Calvin? (We know Calvin.)
Or is your kink for all dictators, Saddam, Hitler, Stalin? This would also explain your hatred of George Bush. By the way, Dubya doesn't look like your father does he?
Do you web search for photos? Do you paper the basement walls with Saddam pictures?
Does mommy know, or do you keep her out of your room now?

Posted by: greyhawk at March 25, 2003 02:52 PM

Food for thought
If Saddam's troops are now using American and British uniforms, accepting surrendering soldiers, murdering them and trying to blame coalition forces, I wonder if trying to dress and act like a liberal...........ummmmmmmm let me think alittle more about this

Posted by: JIm at March 25, 2003 03:38 PM

'The United States' is plural - indicated by the 's' after state. As far as I remember is the proper 3rd person plural form of the verb to be: ARE

Posted by: sputnikx at March 25, 2003 03:50 PM

George Butcher, Bully Boy and Calvin:

The Bolshicrat Trifecta of Ill-informed Idiocy.

Posted by: Celissa at March 25, 2003 03:52 PM

Yep, "whine for food" is more like it. My spellchecker didn't catch that :)

Or maybe JIm has a better idea...a "food for thought" program. The French certainly seem to have a thought shortage, and they DO have some good food to trade. No snails though, please...


Your posts make my day. Keep up the good work! I hope you survive the war crimes tribunal and maybe even get a spot in the new regime. And I hope you don't find out firsthand what happens if you try to use chemical weapons in a sandstorm. (Think p***ing in the wind...)

Posted by: Rabid Rabbit at March 25, 2003 08:58 PM

"How Bush and his junta succeeded in deflecting America's anger from Bin Laden to Saddam Hussein..."

He didn't. most of America has been frustrated and angry with Saddam since Bush 41 let him off the hook in return for a promise to be a good boy.
And America is still gunning for OBL. America has not forgotten him, trust me.

" one of the great public relations conjuring tricks of history."
Not a conjuring trick, merely the exercise of GWB's right of free speech to verbalize what most of America has felt for 12 years.

Keep in mind, Calvin, this is a war, not against Bin Ladin and Saddam but a war against terrorism and those who support them financially, logistically and militarily. While there is thin evidence of a DIRECT LINK between Saddam and OBL it is common knowledge around the world that Saddam had supported terrorists for many years. Saddam is a direct sponsor of Palestinian terrorists and their organization and has been since 1979. Our fear that he will give WMD to terrorists with a history of using whatever is available to inflict maximum harm on Americans is reason enough to take him out. Therefore he is on America's hit list. It won't stop with Saddam. It won't stop with OBL. Iran, North Korea, Syria, Saudi Arabia and several non-governmental organizations throughout the world support and abet terrorism. They should beware. America finally has a president who is not afraid to do what is necessary to protect American interests throughout the world. To the extent that other's interests parallel America's, Americans have no problem. If foreign interests cross American interests this president will fight for American interests (as he should).

Posted by: wizegoi at March 25, 2003 09:31 PM


Posted by: home skooled at March 25, 2003 11:53 PM

Remarks by the President in Address to the Nation
The Oval Office

Tonight, having grown tired of waiting for Jesus, Big Daddy and The Spook to get off their high horses, I have decided to act unilaterally to speed up the slow-as-a-Tijuana-hooker-on-a-meter pace of the fulfillment of Biblical prophesy, and start making all the crazy stuff in the Bible happen so we can get on with the apocalypse. I mean, if we waited on the Jews ñ a pack of folks who took 40 years to cross a desert the size of Baltimore ñ we could be waiting forever. And I'm not about to let all the fun stuff happen when Jeb is president. I don't have to tell you how []"A" awesome this is. I say jump, and the Joint Chiefs of Staff [] lock!

Posted by: home skooled at March 25, 2003 11:56 PM

--Note: this post refers to a series of posts directly above; four of the six have been deleted for obscenities--

Six consecutive posts from the same ranter...most folks get over it and move on a little quicker. Judging from your distinctive way with words I think it's fair to warn you that whatever drugs may be coursing through your system I think you better a) see the VA doc for a prescription adjustment or b) slap your dealer a good one for unloading that crap on you, my man!
And the Jesus one here buys it, okay? Your personal issues with religion are perhaps best figured out on your own or with the help of a knowledgeable minister/church elder. Were you one of those tragic priest-molestation victims? If so you have my prayers for recovery. I can't feel anything but disgust at those cretins who infiltrated the church for that purpose.
And if you are a veteran of the Kennedy/Johnson war that Nixon got us out of, then God bless you sir, but it's hard to see you turn your back on today's members of the Corps.

Posted by: greyhawk at March 26, 2003 05:21 AM

grey hawk
I dont believe in perscription drugs, or drugs of any kind legal or otherwise, nor alcahol... after returning to the world i wondered around for 18 years in a drunken stuper attempting to make sense why as a child, i was told to kill everything in sight, to protect americans freedom and liberty. we landed at da nang then went north on to con thien, gio linh, camp carol , the dmv, DEWEY CANYON, dawson river apache snow, cameron fall utha mesa on and on and on and on i served with the 2nd batallion 9th marines in country. at 19 yrs of age. in operation buffalo we had 991 kills. i live with this 24 hrs aday every day . we lost the war because of polititions with personal ego agendas .we were sent there by people of privilage. different faces but the same people doing it again. if you have no awarness of this you are to young or you are not paying attention. I made a vow to my higher power at the age of 41 to forget my self and my suffering and devote all of my life force and energy to oppose the evils that choose armed conflict in place of peaceful solutions. think of how many peace keepers could have been sent to iraq with just 1 billion $. you have chosen the dark side without even knowing it you have fallin into the TRAP. in a room full of sleeping people, only those who are AWAKE can see who else is awake.i will never kill again.......i am at peace

Posted by: ricon at March 26, 2003 03:49 PM

btw, are you aware that your dictator and the senate has proposed to cut (as of last week) 25 billion dollars from VA benifits. I support my brothers in arms, keep them alive, to truly defend American values of the right to desent, for the right to debate issues not the corporations bottom lines.... BRING THEM HOME

Posted by: ricon at March 26, 2003 04:19 PM


You, sir, are at peace. Does that mean the rest of the world is? Does that mean it will become peaceful if noone does anything? Does that mean that evil men (e.g. Hitler) will never be able to become like that again? Does that mean that a radical muslim won't kill you or your family?

You, dear sir, are at peace. That does not mean that your higher power found the correct "peaceful solution" that would make Saddam stop killing. That does not mean that the UN was able to do anything, even though the whole world signed resolution after resolution demanding his disarming for 12 years!!! You think Saddam takes the UN serious? They smacked him on the hand for 12 years! He laughed!

You, former protector of my freedoms, are at peace. However, the world you live in is not one bit peaceful. There are evil people in the world and the world needs riddance of them. You are supporting the ACTUAL "dark side" by not doing anything humanitarian in your humanitarian aide.
You want to be a humanitarian but turn your back to the civilians, let them be slaughtered by their own government. Funny, for being such an "evil government ruled by Darth Vader" we don't seem to follow any of the tyrannical murdering policies of those throughout history.

"you have chosen the dark side without even knowing it you have fallin into the TRAP. in a room full of sleeping people, only those who are AWAKE can see who else is awake.i will never kill again.......i am at peace"

Yeah, ask the Europeans about the trap. Hitler perfected the trap on them. What was it all of Europe said??? Nah, Hitler won't do anything. Indeed. Nothing at all.

Wake up are in a world where your peaceful state can be shattered at any time with no fault of your own. Also no fault on your government, remember that. There are simply evil people in the world that don't like the U.S. (Majority of which still like our culture, hip-hop, stuff like that)

Posted by: Dusty at March 26, 2003 04:35 PM

Ricon, home skooled, tzuta, (, and whatever else you may call yourself. Everyone has a right, in this GREAT COUNTRY, to their opinion, BUT when they resort to the filth that you used last night to post here, then I, for one, DON'T feel sorry for you, and STOP listening to any argument you may have!

You lost that right when you resorted to the lowest common denominator! If you can't express your side without vulgar language, then you are either a child, OR, still have the mind of one!

Some of my best friends went to Viet Nam, they were, and are strong enough to suck-it-up, and get on with their lives. I have had MANY bad things happen to me in my life, you either deal with them, (and get stronger), or use them to blame someone/something else for ALL YOUR PROBLEMS!

Here's a quote that MAY help you out: "You can't see the future looking in a rear-view mirror!" Peter Lynch

Posted by: Susan Serin-Done at March 26, 2003 05:23 PM

thanx dusty,

Wake up are in a world where your peaceful state can be shattered at any time with no fault of your own. Also no fault on your government, remember that. There are simply evil people in the world that don't like the U.S. (Majority of which still like our culture, hip-hop, stuff like that)

sadly, my young friend, i believe that is called projecting your fears on another. you know, neither who i am, nor my life experiences.

unfortunatly , you seem to be greatly lacking in the development of .....wisdom......,you seem to excel, however, at parroting what others say.

" Funny, for being such an "evil government ruled by Darth Vader" we don't seem to follow any of the tyrannical murdering policies of those throughout history"

Dusty, tell that to the native americans, vietnamese, or african americans. you musta been home must be a christer or muslim, extremely intolorant and fearful .

we live in the suffering sea, my friend, we are all responsible for creating peace that starts from within, through the development of wisdom. one does not learn truth, as told by others, one must experience truth.

religions are for those taught and told to fear hell.

a true spiritual path is for those who have been there...........

Posted by: ricon at March 26, 2003 06:05 PM


Here's a quote that MAY help you out: "You can't see the future looking in a rear-view mirror!" Peter Lynch

thanx susan

Posted by: ricon at March 26, 2003 06:47 PM

From the Presidents prayer meeting 3/24/03

THE PRESIDENT: For it is in Jesus' own best-selling autobiography entitled The Holy Bible that we read:

"Samaria [Iraq] shall become desolate;
for she hath rebelled against her God:
they shall fall by the sword:
their infants shall be dashed in pieces,
and their women with child shall be ripped up."
- Hosea 13:16
And I can't tell you how happy it makes me to be the bloodthirsty instrument of Jesus' Arab-killing, apocalypse-inducing rage.

Posted by: tzuta at March 26, 2003 07:33 PM

THE PRESIDENT: Let us pray to Jesus for victory over the godless forces of Allahammed, brothers.

"And when the Lord thy God hath delivered [a city] into thine hands, thou
shalt smite every male thereof with the edge of the sword: But the women,
and the little ones... shalt thou take unto thyself... But of the
cities of these people, which the Lord thy God doth give thee for an
inheritance, thou shalt save alive nothing that breatheth."
- Deuteronomy 20:13-16
"And when the Lord thy God shall deliver them before thee; thou shalt smite
them, and utterly destroy them; thou shalt make no covenant with them, nor
shew mercy unto them."
- Deuteronomy 7:2

Posted by: tzuta at March 26, 2003 07:54 PM

more from the prayer meeting;

Thou shalt surely smite the inhabitants of that city [of nonbelievers] with
the edge of the sword, destroying it utterly, and all that is therein, and
the cattle thereof, with the edge of the sword."
- 1 Samuel 13:15
"Now go and smite Amalek, and utterly destroy all that they have, and spare
them not; but slay both man and woman, infant and suckling, ox and sheep,
camel and ass."
- 1 Samuel 15:3

Posted by: tzuta at March 26, 2003 07:56 PM

President closed with............

But in closing, let me remind all you good old boys in the Presidential Prayer Team how important it is that we stay on script ñ lest there be any liberal suspicion that this war is just some shameless profit grab and massive national security gamble. Because we all know that's nonsense, that this war is really a high-minded campaign to "liberate" hellbound peoples we don't care about from their dirty old oil and to teach the Arabiacs when you mess with the bull, you get a big old crusty Texas longhorn brutally goring into your camel jockey head.


Thank you all. See you next Sunday.

ps. why did god put our oil under their sand anyway?

Posted by: tzuta at March 26, 2003 08:03 PM

Ricon Tzuta Home Skool

I feel for you. You are a victim indeed and will perhaps never be whole. Peace be with you. Go with God.

We lost Vietnam for 10000 different reasons, one for every day of that war.

One was the protestors who gave strength and courage to the enemy that they could prevail because the American people were with them.
But this is not 1968. We are in the vipers nest again, and I see the same old faces (and some young ones) encouraging a new enemy to stand against us - and I know that many more will die now on both sides because of that encouragement.

And you say I'm on the dark side? Don't be blind to what is going on, man. The protestors prevented a united front - a united front that could have resolved this issue without a shot being fired. A united front against the embodiment of evil who spurns his religion and all who truly follow it's path. How can you defend this man? And do not say you don't. What did George Bush do to you to make your hatred of him so great that you would side with Saddam against the men and women of the US and Iraq?

Here's why the organizers of the protests do it; to recapture the "glory" they think they had in '68. To recruit new members to an atheist/communist cause. Are these your brothers now? The people who spat on you when you came home? Do you join them in spitting on today's young Marine? Or does your new religion demand you turn against the Corps?

If so, fine, you have fought for freedom of religion, just don't try to ignite religious hatred. It is unworthy of wise men.

No one but atheists and Islamists are buying the "George Bush religious war fanatic" claim. It's paranoia at it's worst. Note I am not claiming that George Bush is not a devout Christian, just that your spurious posts above do you no justice.

I commend your sobriety sir. I pray one day your recovery is complete.

Posted by: greyhawk at March 26, 2003 08:58 PM

greyhawk, is it just me or are there suddenly a lot of real creepy types prowling around ....

Posted by: AHA at March 26, 2003 09:10 PM

Just you....
No really though I guess the thing to keep in mind is 600K + visitors to this site, and about 3 or 4 really hardline gonzos. Probably the good old USA in microcosm, eh?
Still some of them worry me, and I guess with 600K + some of them should.
Now I'll go read some troop posts!!!

Posted by: greyhawk at March 26, 2003 09:36 PM

More from the prayer meeting:

"Let's roll." Todd Beamer, 9/11/2001

"For they have sown the wind, and they shall reap the whirlwind." Hosea 8:7

"Don't mess with Texas." United States 1:50

"Somebody smite tzuta with the edge of the sword. He irritateth me." Rabid Rabbit 1:280,000,000

Posted by: Rabid Rabbit at March 26, 2003 11:45 PM

tzuta----Apparently you missed a couple of GOD's most important COMMANDS! "Judge NOT, lest YOU be judged!"and "He who bears false witness, shall NOT go unpunished!"

There is also a pretty good warning for what you are doing on the last page of Revelations! You may want to check it out before you anger GOD too much! I will pray for you!

Posted by: Susan Serin-Done at March 27, 2003 01:34 AM

"Religion is the opiate of the masses."

Yes it was said by a guy who killed more people than Hitler, but it was spot on.

Let's stop trying to turn this into a holy crusade. Its as irritating as the yahoos who wave flags while spewing anti-US garbage. We are trying to remove a despotic dictator from a critical region before he destabilizes what little peace and amity there is. With his removal, perhaps the overall tension in the area will be significantly reduced.

If you want to get God into the act, go ask the Pope for dispensation to rape and pillage like they did in the 12th century.

Most of the nut-jobs who stick C-4 up their butts and go sit on bus full of Isreali students are there because God siad it was their duty to kill the Evil Zionists. Or at least some clergyman convinced them that that was God's Will.

Time magazine was right. God is dead. Find something real to believe in. If nothing else, believe in yourself.

I believe I'll go have another cup of coffee.

Posted by: some random guy at March 27, 2003 09:24 AM

some randon guy, you have your opinion, and I have mine! I will not tell YOU that you don't have a right to your opinion, but from your post, sure sounds like you are trying to stiffle people with religous convictions. There are bad people everywhere, YES, even ones that feign religion. But to lump them all together is wrong, and a tool of the Devil. When you take things out of context, you can SPIN ANYTHING!

Posted by: Susan Serin-Done at March 27, 2003 05:31 PM

10,943 reasons why France should support the United States. Normandy Beach, French Coast.....Pity the Nation that has no heros..Shameful the Nation that forgets.

Posted by: dego at March 27, 2003 08:11 PM

For Immediate Release - Office of the Press Secretary - March 27, 2003 - 2:19 P.M. (EST)

Statement by the President
THE PRESIDENT: Good afternoon. Today I'd like to take a five minute break from talking about our war against Islam to focus my laserbeam of destruction on a little blood feud we're fighting right here at home ñ the war between real Americans and a certain pack of Palmolive-smooth, self-loathing, Starbucks-slurping pains in the butts. I think we all know who I'm talking about ñ every family has at least one ñ the Democrats

This country isn't strong enough to endure rabid division and debate. Only by uniting in a bloodthirsty orgy of blinding nationalistic purpose can we inflict selective democracy by toppling that demonized idiot Saddam Hussein. I mean come on, Democraps! You think life is a world popularity contest? screw the world. If the world jumped off a bridge, would you too? If the world wanted to sacrifice short term profitability for a future of global tranquility and ecological sustainability, would you too? heck, no!

Posted by: s.d.jeb at March 28, 2003 10:18 PM

newsweek, 2/14/03. d.c.

An exclusive excerpt from our First Lady Laura Bush's new book about raising her daughters Jenna and Barbara:

"Bloody Marys For the Soul"

Raising Christian Young Ladies When You Only Have Twenty Minutes and Two Shot Glasses

Nothing demands more of any passive-aggressive woman's attention than rebellious children (unless, of course, you have an underachiever husband with an addictive personality who is getting enormous pressure from his overbearing mother to get elected president). Gals, it is so important that you make time for your daughters! I try to free-up time by paying absolutely no attention to what I wear. As a dutiful mother, I set aside a full 20 minutes a month for my children. This time is sacred (unless, of course, an emergency pops up ñ like the time I had to run a Q-tip along the tops of all the baseboards in the governor's mansion or the time George's various prescriptions were calling out to be Dewey decimalized).

When my daughters Jenna and, um, a, -- well, the other one ñ packed their Samsonite and flasks for college, I decided to use their 7.4 minutes still unused that month to try something new ñ talking with them. So, I sat them down (well, actually, as I recall, Jenna fell down) and as I nervously drank something that only smelled like single-malt Scotch from my 24 oz. "What Would Jenna Drink?" coffee mug, I revealed my secrets to raising Christian ladies in a political family. (Being a resourceful homemaker, I also used the novelty of actually being in the same room with my daughters to Clorox a few yellowed bras so the afternoon wouldn't be a total waste.)

-- Mrs. George W. (Laura) Bush

Posted by: s.d.jeb at March 28, 2003 10:36 PM

It is a credit to the Christian forgiveness of our nation that, when it comes to seeking words of wisdom about what to say to our children, we turn to a boozehound who raised two drunken, heck-raising harlots. Glory!"
-- Mrs. Betty Bowers, about a woman who prefers the company of a terrier and a cocktail to her children.

Talking to Your Children About Stuff Like Terrorists, Snipers and What to Pack for Jail

October 17, 2002

Dear Republican Prayer Warrior and Christian Parent:

Jeb's wife, Columba and I were having breakfast this morning at the Ritz-Carlton here in DC. She was trying to get me to buy one of the beautiful diamond watches she had just brought in the country, duty-free, from one of the exotic, foreign countries of her people. I think it was Puerto Rico. Or Paraguay. Well, at any rate, I'm almost sure it started with a P. Panama? Oh, well, that really doesn't matter, as the watches were far too dressy to wear with rubber-soled shoes.

After an hour or so, our conversation turned briefly to the subject that is most important to us, as Christian (well, Columba actually belongs to some weird Latino cult that worships a goddess called "Mary") parents ñ our children. We speculated about what would happen to her strung-out daughter Noelle (whom I called "Christmas" several times before Columba corrected me ñ talk about embarrassing!).

Columba was almost sure that Noelle was appearing before a judge today ñ possibly even while we had our Irish coffee ñ to decide whether she would go to the "Big House" (as Columba said ñ frankly, I think she watches too much of The Sopranos ñ but what do you expect? She is one of those Italians.). Columba said she had a 5-4 bet with Jeb that Noelle would do time. I expressed sorrow over Jeb's pessimism ñ and then I took that bet. Columba told me she would try to find out what happened to Noelle by week's end and we could settle up. But I had to buy one of her flashy watches if I lost.

While we speculated on what would happen in open court to Noelle, I told her how Bushie and I had been equally curious the day one of our daughters appeared in court for being a boozer. It's been over a year, so I can't rightly recall what I was doing that day, but I do remember calling Bushie on the cell phone and asking, "Was it today one of our daughters was going to be in court?" To be honest, I thought Karl's memo said it was the other one, but Bushie thought it was Jenna. This led to a heated disagreement and I threw my Verizon phone out of the car window before yelling: "Can you hear me now? Good!" That's right, I was being driven to someplace to talk about having been a teacher for a couple of months way back when. Now, I'm curious about whether the other daughter (I'm still sure it wasn't Jenna!) actually did time "in the Big House" (Columba can be so vulgar!).

Anyway, the pastry cart came and all talk about jailbird daughters evaporated! But, an hour later, as I was nursing a medicinal beverage in the East Wing, I got to thinking about how important it is for us, as Christian mothers, to be there for our children in difficult times (unless, of course, we receive a memo from our husband's handlers telling us it is more politically expedient to symbolically disown them by not being caught on camera within a 1,000 feet of their court hearing).

During this troubling time when snipers are exercising their cherished Second Amendment rights with almost too much zeal, children are bound to be scared. You, as a parent (if you are not a parent, you are probably a homosexual Demoncrat and this letter is not written for you anyway, so stop reading now), need to help your child get over any anxiety they may feel. If they are still in grade school and too young to drink, this may require actually talking to them. Teaching your little son or daughter how to load and fire a rifle or a pink or baby-blue gender-appropriate concealed weapon will not only allow you to spend a quality four-minutes with your youngster, it will give them the sense of "not if I kill them first!" bravado that is so cute in little tykes.

Remember: as Christian parents, nothing is more important to George, Jeb, Columba and me than our children. Isn't it time you started caring about your children, too?

Wishing you Christ's many blessing,

Your First Lady

Posted by: s.d.jeb at March 28, 2003 10:44 PM

for some random guy

good of you to remind us of some of the terrorist acts in the 12th century committed by the cult fringe groups claiming to follow the bible.

let us not forget the 840,000 american men, woman and CHILDREN the christian cults burned at the stake, alive, for being WITCHES, in of course, britian and america

Posted by: s.d.jeb at March 29, 2003 08:00 AM

You are telling me!!!
It is Ooglay and I am thinking I have been finding another friend here. In my world parts we would take care of georges bushdaughters or anyone else acting like drunken sailor frenchwomen. Her own brothers and fathers would to be throwing the first glorious stones to restore the family honor. I am thinking this is what you are saying s.d.jeb. Ooglay is knowing your witicism!!!
Did I attend Madras classes with you? Were you the always too serious one with the thin beard wearing the glasses we called Noogie?

Posted by: Ooglay Hussein at March 29, 2003 02:07 PM

we lost contact,

go to miami daily. sec b, pp14.

observation: use desync bb-third word reverse method.

comment: analysis complete report filed 20032803-hffe

you know the link......goto

Posted by: s.d.jeb at March 30, 2003 11:11 AM

clearchannel sent me, (of all places), here for the next -gp-

what happened to com/net/ intel. with afio?

your note, scotty?

Posted by: jako at March 30, 2003 12:42 PM

Ricon (and whatever else you are calling yourself),

I usually just troll through here. I enjoy reading the satire and I get a kick out of perusing these dialogues that happen under them. I usually don't post, in fact I've never posted on this particular site, but I felt the need to respond to your particular brand of activism.

I can understand why you would take the approach you're taking -- after all, this is a satire site which pokes fun at the values you seem to hold dear, or at least the political views. That's not what I'm responding about though, I'm responding to the substance of your message.

That substance, if I understand you correctly, is that we don't understand what war really is, how awful it is. I understand you to be saying that ~were we to understand~, we would not be so quick to support the invasion of Iraq.

However, mixed up in that relatively innocuous (and perhaps even partially true) message are a lot of other messages about the motivations of our nation's leader(s) and the reasons for this war.

What is frustrating for me, when I encounter this kind of thing, is how utterly incapable people who think like you are to look at this situation reasonably. In my opinion, you are blinded by what appears to be an irrational distrust of religion combined with a childish inability to understand when and where it is appropriate to use force.

You make incredibly broad generalizations and rather offensive assumptions about President Bush and what motivates him. That by itself is fine -- I mean, this is ~indeed~ a free country -- but the fact that you have the right to be stupid in public does not lend your argument any credibility.

I hope that you will find some way to divorce yourself from this situation emotionally and try to look at it rationally. I think if you can do that, you might be surprised at how much sense this invasion actually makes.

Think of it this way ... aren't there times in your life when you have to take a stand and fight aggressively to protect yourself or those who are dear to you? Why would the same not be true for a nation?

Thank you for your service,

Posted by: Duckwriter at March 31, 2003 05:34 PM

Saddam was not worth to kill so many people for women, children and men. I am sure Bush and Blair could have found other means to remove him,other than war on the Iraqi people.In the end he most proply wont even be found.He is somewhere save while the Iraqis are been bombed and shot. Saddam was the real target than why all these deaths for this evil man,if he cared for Iraq and the people of Iraq he would have left rather than have all these deaths. Bush and Blair have bought them selfs to Sadaams level they now are no better than him ,they now are killers of innocent Iraqis just as they say sadaam is. This war could have been avoided.But Bush and Blair most proply didnt know people got killed in wars, maybe they have been watching too many cartoons ????????????????????

Posted by: Ruth at April 6, 2003 07:39 PM


Some "fringe cults"?

They were just the cream of European nobility. The movers and shakers of a whole continent. Of course the actual reason for the Crusades was territory and resources, but the Pope did his best to get folks involved.

Witchburning (not to mention hanging and pressing to death) is just another example of the kind of sick behavior that the Christian church thought up. Look up the "Malleus Mallificarum" (sp?), the official church-sponsored field guide to witch hunting.
One of the reasons was professional jealosy. The male church-approved doctors were jealous of the influence of mid-wives. They started accusing them of witch-craft so they'd stop cutting in on their business.
Ordinary citizens got in on the act later: Old Widow Smith has some nice grazing grounds next to yours, but the old bat won't die. So you accuse her of giving you the "evil eye" or making one of your cows go dry. "She's a witch! Burn her!"
(She turned me into a newt!)
So now you have her nice fields for your stock. Never underestimate the power of greed.

Posted by: some random guy at April 8, 2003 03:29 PM
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