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December 14, 2003
PSA: Encourage Our Troops with a Comment Here
by Scott Ott

UPDATE (2003-12-14): ScrappleFace revives the "Encourage Our Troops" thread, just in time for the holidays. Please share your encouragement, prayers and well-wishes for the defenders of freedom who stand vigil in Iraq, Afghanistan and elsewhere around the world.

More Than 1,000 comments to
Encourage Our Troops

(Number 1,000 came in at 20:28 GMT on 2003-03-28)

Here's the 1,000th comment:

"God bless you all. Thank you for doing the job that protects the freedoms that many take for granted."

Naomi Thoms

ScrappleFace offers the comment section under this item for encouraging messages to our troops serving to defend our freedoms and to protect from tyranny the people of Iraq and the world.
The many military personnel who read ScrappleFace regularly are sure to forward this to their colleagues.

[Note: If you are opposed to U.S. military action in Iraq or elsewhere, you are welcome to post a comment under a relevant story, but please leave this comment section to those who want to offer support, encouragement, love and prayers to our troops.]

Go right to Comment Section.

UPDATE III: The encouragement continues to pour in for our troops -- 629 comments at this writing (3/19/2003). Take a moment now to say 'thanks' to the defenders of freedom. Remember them in prayer.

UPDATE II: As of this morning (3/17/2003), more than 430 ScrappleFace readers have used the comment section on this item to encourage our troops. The editor has moved the item to the top again to make sure more readers avail themselves of this opportunity.

UPDATE: As of 3/13/2003, more than 300 ScrappleFace readers have posted comments here to encourage our troops. The Washington Post's Cindy Webb has mentioned this in the last paragraph of a story today(3/13/2003). Our troops stationed in the Persian Gulf region are beginning to hear about this, so another reader has suggested this post be moved to the top of the blog again.

So let it be done.

ORIGINAL POST: (3/10/2003)


A reader has suggested that ScrappleFace provide a comment section for encouraging messages to our troops serving to defend our freedoms and to protect from tyranny the people of Iraq and the world.

So, as a public service, ScrappleFace offers the comment section under this item for that specific purpose. The many military personnel who read ScrappleFace regularly are sure to forward this to their colleagues.

[Note: If you are opposed to U.S. military action in Iraq or elsewhere, you are welcome to post a comment under a relevant story, but please leave this comment section to those who want to offer support, encouragement, love and prayers to our troops.]

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