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February 24, 2003
Blix Orders Iraq to Destroy Human Shields

(2003-02-24) -- Chief U.N. weapons inspector Hans Blix has ordered the Republic of Iraq to destroy dozens of so-called 'human shields' recently discovered by his inspections team.

In a letter to the U.N. Security Council, Mr. Blix said the human shields are "a hindrance, however slight, to compelling Iraq to disarm. They protect Saddam."

The shields may also contain chemical and biological agents which could prove harmful to Iraqi citizens.

"We've found some of the human shields contain controlled substances," the letter states, "and others spew a kind of bilious vitriol that can cause adverse reactions among those nearby."

A terse response from the government of Iraq said: "We have a right to defend our sovereignty. The human shields pose no threat to our neighbors in the region."

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If You're Happy And You Know It Bomb Iraq - by John Robbins
If you cannot find Osama, bomb Iraq.
If the markets are a drama, bomb Iraq.
If the terrorists are frisky,
Pakistan is looking shifty
North Korea is too risky,
Bomb Iraq. >>>>>More
If we have no allies with us, bomb Iraq.
If we think that someone's dissed us, bomb Iraq
So to hell with the inspections,
Let's look tough for the elections,
Close your mind and take directions
Bomb Iraq.
It's pre-emptive non-aggression, bomb Iraq.
To prevent this mass destruction, bomb Iraq.
They've got weapons we can't see,
And that's all the proof we need,
If they're not there, they must be there,
Bomb Iraq.
If you never were elected, bomb Iraq.
If your mood is quite dejected, bomb Iraq.
If you think Saddam's gone mad,
With the weapons that he had,
And he tried to kill your dad,
Bomb Iraq.
If corporate fraud is growin', bomb Iraq.
If your ties to it are showin', bomb Iraq.
If your politics are sleazy,
And hiding that ain't easy,
And your manhood's getting queasy,
Bomb Iraq.
Fall in line and follow orders, bomb Iraq
For our might knows not our borders, bomb Iraq
Disagree? We'll call it treason
Let's make war not love this season
Even if we have no reason
Bomb Iraq

Posted by: John Robbins at February 24, 2003 08:04 AM

Dear John Robbins:

You voted for Gore in 2000. Perhaps you meant Florida?

Posted by: Carlos from the Philippines at February 24, 2003 10:04 AM

If you're dopey and you know it, post some spam.
If you fancy you're a poet, post some spam.
If your arguments don't move 'em,
Repetition will improve 'em,
Then the blogger will remove 'em, post some spam.

Posted by: Paul Zrimsek at February 24, 2003 10:25 AM

Perhaps John would like to be a human shield in Iraq?

Whatta ya say Johnny?

Got the cajones to back up your B.S.?

Wanna catch a cruise missile in the teeth for your buddy Saddam?

Come on! You can do more to help the amoral stay in power! Get off your butt and help your evil tyrant buddy stay in power.

Posted by: Okie Dokie at February 24, 2003 10:50 AM

Dear. J Robbins,

Cute but tnough already we get it. You are against bombing Iraq. You lucky to have the right to voice this opinion, and cram in down our throats by posting it on every topic thread. Good thing you don't live in Iraq where you would be whipped in the street by government officials, for disagreeing with the political leaders.

Posted by: EnoughAlready at February 24, 2003 12:03 PM

Disqualification for Mr. Robbins. Just because you know how to use Cut and Paste buttons, doesn't mean you should be allowed to touch your keyboard.

Posted by: Logic Penalty Box at February 24, 2003 12:03 PM

I mean, you have all this trolling thing going on here, which obviously is visited only by one little warmonger, posting to death his "patriotic blabbering" under different names, probably the same that believe to be smart and funny with all these boring "press communiquees"... and then you do not even allow me to say that we are just cowards and idiots?

Cowards, because we will kill many people, women, kids, old men, and destroy a country already on its knees, just for the sake of oil, without any other reason whatsoever.

Idiots, because we are losing more and more friends and hence digging our own grave in the SHORT (not long) term.

Posted by: John Robbins at February 24, 2003 12:36 PM

word up to john

Posted by: fillintheblank at February 24, 2003 12:47 PM

Me thinks this lib is REALLY Tim Robbins! Copy and pasteing Liberal lies is a trick of the mentally challenged. Think up one idea, and then spam it to death, and maybe, just maybe, by telling the lie enough, it will convince some lock-stepping, liberal lemming! People like John-Boy seem to think they are physic, and can tell us "how many innocents will die", that "it's about oil", "the mop up, (post war), will cost billions!" Truth be know, when your hero's are the likes of the lowlife, immoral, bastard, (YES, born out-of-wedlock), Bubba Clinton, and his wife, the lying Sea Hag, Hillary, then lying, (or assuming you can predict the future), come EASY!

Posted by: Susan Serin-Done at February 24, 2003 01:31 PM

That fool didnt write that poem anyway. He's the same homo that's been spamming it on the CNSNews opinion board while calling Christians filthy names.

What a worm.

Posted by: Rightwingmac at February 24, 2003 01:46 PM

John, speak for yourself. YOu may be a coward and an idiot, but not everyone is. Why don't you personally let the troops know how you feel about them. How about posting your address so when they return you can have a nice conversation with those cowards and idiots who are fighting for your freedom.

Posted by: cowardidiot at February 24, 2003 01:47 PM

Reading your thoughts is the intellectual equivalent of visiting the Department of Motor Vehicles. You are worse than a coward because you spew your vitriol with anonymity via computer. You are spineless [twit] whose mommy (Or God forbid, resident physician) allowed him too much unsupervised access to a computer. Now up your dosage because most people (certainly including me) [don't care what you think].

Posted by: Angry Federalist at February 24, 2003 03:04 PM

"If we have no allies with us, bomb Iraq"

Excuse me? No allies? What an utter fool.

"So to hell with the inspections..."

If not for the threat of war, there would be no inspections.

"Cowards, because we will kill many people, women, kids, old men, and destroy a country already on its knees, just for the sake of oil, without any other reason whatsoever."

Wait...I take it back. I think this guy is too smart to be a fool. I don't give him that much credit. He is immoral, and yes, he is a traitor. Saddam can kill as many Iraqis as he wants, but that's OK. If our leaders in 1941-45 felt the same way as this traitor, not only would the French be speaking German, we would be also. He probably believes our War for Independence was immoral. Go one war we've had that you think was a righteous war. You are an enemy of our country. Please sign up for human shield duty immediately.

Posted by: Robert at February 24, 2003 04:03 PM

JUST FOR THE SAKE OF OIL??? Robbins, my foolish little
friend, if that were the case we would invade Venezuela,
not Iraq silly! We have controlled Iraq's oil
for twelve years, why rock the boat now? Furthermore, Bush
would never commit such tragic political plagiarism by
taking a page out of Clinton's book and bombing just to distract
the folks at home. Don't you remember when Billy dropped 450
cruise missiles-more than all those dropped in Gulf War I-to
flaunt his ability to waste taxpayer money by not backing up his
bombing with any manpower (aka cajones).

Posted by: Travis Smith at February 24, 2003 04:26 PM

It seems to me that people like John Robbins like using Pseudo-Reasoning to hide the fact that he has based his arguements on what someone else tells him.
For example, the classic 'Red Herring', "We shouldn't go to war unles we have the UN's ok" or the 'Scare Tactic' "If we go to war, we will be the target of Islamic Terrorism", the 'appeal to pity', "The poor Iraqi people are suffering enough, lets not subject them to another war". There are many other as well.

The truth is, as a nation, we don't need the UN's rubber stamp to go to war, just Congress's ok. The US is already the target of Islamic, Eco, Anti-Globalism, race and lots of other terrorists. If we let them dictate our actions, they win.

The Iraqi people are suffering not because of the UN sanctions but because people with insight understand that a tyrant controls that country and Saddam has no respect for his own citizens let alone those of other countries.

If the US wanted oil, we would have never left in 1991. Bush, the Texas oil man, is making more money with Iraqi oil not being sold on the world market. Supply and Demand. Please come up with some better information.

Posted by: Paul at February 24, 2003 04:38 PM

Aww, don't be to hard on Johnny Rob. I sorta liked his pome. Besides, we need some culture. We probably need some pomes, wines and cheeses but I draw the line at good French manners.

Posted by: DonChale at February 24, 2003 04:44 PM

Dear God, thank you all so much; I'm surrounded by socialist psuedo intellectuals. Every time my US History teacher (teacher read liberal) makes a joke about the U.S. foreign policy centering around oil and I see the smug smiles of people convinced they are godly and correct I cringe. When I talk to people about the war, this will be more fuel to feed my pro-war fire, more ammunition to shoot those smug little peacenik grins right off.

Dear John,
If you REALLY wanted to show your lack of enthusiasm for America and American ideals, why don't you send your kids to Iraq for lessons in freedom and equality? Oh wait you can't because you punctured holes in their heads during birth and drained their brains out? Oh I'm sorry to hear that. I'll tell Sadam. He'll send you a card (nuclear bomb) from Iraq with his condolences.

Posted by: Ben at February 24, 2003 06:51 PM

I do so hate to be off-off-topic on a comment thread....

Spot-on Scott. I'm very glad I've learned to keep drinks away while reading this blog.

Posted by: Kathy K at February 24, 2003 07:12 PM


Posted by: clone no. 1 at February 24, 2003 07:21 PM


Posted by: clone no. 2 at February 24, 2003 07:23 PM


Posted by: clone no. 3 at February 24, 2003 07:24 PM


Posted by: clone no. 4 at February 24, 2003 07:25 PM

If You're Dopey and You Know It Help Saddam

If you don't know true evil, help Saddam.
If the real world is a bore, help Saddam.
If socialism is dreamy,
Kim and Castro are too seamy,
All you care is what's for me me,
Help Saddam.

If France won't back us up, let's Go Home.
If it gets hot there, let's go home.
We're just cowards making a fuss,
All the great ones died for us,
We're just here for dope on the bus,
Let's go Home.

Posted by: Jonathan Cohen at February 24, 2003 07:43 PM

I met the john robbins type when I arrieved home from Vietnam in 1969, after fighting a war that the liberals got us into with no way out. They were cowards then, and nothing has changed. Cradle to grave care may invlove forced euthanasia. Something that was started by the third reich to purge germany of the Jews.

I know I left out the capital letters. They didn't earn my respect. If the john robbins type want respect, it's in the dictionary listed between rectums and rodents.

Posted by: Michael at February 24, 2003 09:40 PM

Let me be the first to volunteer John Robbins for human shield duty!

I still think the German WWI Re-enactment Society would make a great contingent of "human arrows" (hint: think about their hats).

And would the French be good volunteers for panty shields? And what about Gergen and Shields? Can we send them too?

Posted by: John Lemon at February 24, 2003 10:53 PM

John really need to see a therapist. Admitting you have a problem is the first step on the road to recovery (so I've been told).

Where were you back in November...vacationing in Provence or Basra? Clinton, Gore, and the rest of the Democratic universe tried to turn the Florida governor's race into a referendum on the 2000 election. Fair enough. The people of Florida have spoken. Try and get over your denial and get on with your life.

Posted by: Robert at February 25, 2003 04:40 AM

Usually I think I'm a liberal, but not this time. John, you're an idiot, posting something like that on this pro-war, conservative site! What got into you, man! It was a nice, poem, you could set it to music, and it would be good if we were all anti-war and illiterate. But we are not. Here's a form for you to sign, John. Have fun dodging bullets in Iraq!

Posted by: Paul C. Tindall at February 25, 2003 08:45 AM


John Robbinsesessses's idiocy is not likely to stop there. It's not just the war. Like you, I used to be "liberal" (or on the left), but as I've become more edumacated I've drifted right. (Just funnin' ya with the mispellings; my education was actually obtaining a PhD at a major research university. Not all Republicans are dumb, as is widely reported. In fact, some of the most thoughtful people I encountered while I was still on the left were Republicans).

Posted by: John Lemon at February 25, 2003 10:20 AM

A question :

What is it about the US President that makes him seem so jaunty as he faces the most fateful decision a President can make?

Posted by: Frenchman at February 25, 2003 11:11 AM

He has [courage] french fry.
Something you and your countrymen obviously know nothing about.
Well, except maybe through watching American TV that is.

ciao sucker

Posted by: Okie Dokie at February 25, 2003 11:35 AM

Mr. John Robbins; Dear boy becouse of Bushes last Tax cut I have some extra money from my retirement income, and I would be so happy to share some of this extra money to put in a pass arount hat for a one way ticket to Baghdad so you too can be a human shield, could be Mr. Penn and Mr. McDermott(from my own state) might want to go with you???

Posted by: an old old lady at February 25, 2003 12:16 PM

He's at peace with his decision to bring peace and democracy to a country that desperately needs it.

He does this knowing that in in 20-30 years that same region will use their US-won freedom and democracy to criticize every single thing America does.

Posted by: Kevin at February 25, 2003 12:17 PM

Sorry John, I forgot that link to the site of your dream: the one to become a human shield. Here it is: Human Shielfds - No Resume Needed

Posted by: Paul C. Tindall at February 25, 2003 12:26 PM

John, or should I say "Jean"? Funny, I didn't know that "Robbins" was a French last name.

Posted by: Marcus at February 25, 2003 05:01 PM

If you would like to wake up from the media-induced war-mongering hypnosis and find out the truth,
learn about The Real Reasons for the Upcoming War With Iraq.

It IS about oil, and more importantly, the dollar as a currency standard.

And remember, just because someone is opposed to the war doesn't mean they support Saddam.

And just because someone disagrees with a corrupted government,
or wants to think and talk about what that government is doing wrong,
it doesn't mean they are a traitor.

Posted by: a wake-up call at February 25, 2003 05:09 PM

Hold up a second! The war is not about oil, no matter what your [little] liberal minds want to think it is. On a different topic, your essay mentions 'Bush's rhetoric.' This essay is a fraud, because Bush has no rhetoric! He is a Texan, and can't speak for s**t!!! An answer to your question, other nations (France) won't join us because of oil!!! Do I need to repeat that? France is owed money by Iraq, and the only way to get it is through Iraq's oil money. Now that that's cleared up, I'm gunna go laugh at how your [false] essay mentions Bush's rhetoric...

More at the half hour.

Posted by: Paul C. Tindall at February 25, 2003 06:58 PM

Remember Hogan's Heroes? Sgt Shultz used to call LeBeau, "Little Cock-a-roach!", proof that, even the Germans hate the French!

Posted by: Susan Serin-Done at February 25, 2003 11:18 PM

If things start to heat up in Iraq, I do not doubt that Saddam will use these Human Shields as Human Backpacks.

Posted by: hoguester at February 26, 2003 09:19 AM

Ok John/Tim Robbins - lets ask the Iraqi's after they are liberated who's side are they on! I mean these are the people you are pretending to care about - right?

Posted by: HowBoutThis at February 26, 2003 03:59 PM

And if Saddam murders Kurds, bomb Iraq
If Saddam sends scuds to his neighbours, bomb Iraq
If Saddam pays suicide bombers, bomb Iraq
If the UN votes 15-0, bomb Iraq
Even Syria agrees, so bomb Iraq
If Chirac shakes Mugabes hands, bomb Iraq
If France and Russia dig Iraqi oil, bomb Iraq
If Joschka Fischer was a friend of the KGB, bomb Iraq
If Schroder looses his elections, bomb Iraq
If all Iraqi refugees say so, bomb Iraq
If Al Qaeda likes VX, bomb Iraq
If Clinton let Osama go, bomb Iraq
If Atta met Iraqis in Prague, bomb Iraq
If Iraqis aided Tim McVeigh, bomb Iraq

(see for some interesting reading. This is no part of the poem by the way)

Posted by: A European at February 27, 2003 11:51 AM

I don't know who wrote it. I don't care who he/she/it voted for. I thought it was funny.

The newest entry into the PC lexicon is 'human shield'. Previously these were known as 'targets' and/or 'traitors'.

Posted by: Christopher at February 27, 2003 12:03 PM

John Robbins' poem was funny, and all the more so for being on the mark in many respects. Of course, Paul Zrimsek's reply was equally great! I applaud their creativity in expressing their views.

Now, let's quit pussy-footing around and go take Saddam out before he has any more time to prepare.


Posted by: yaksun at February 27, 2003 03:00 PM

Ummm............something nobody talks about when they connect oil interests, and iraq..
,and maybe Suzan Sarandon, Mna Charon, etAl...

Seems that I remember reading somwhere that the US has between 20 -50 years of oil at current, and predicted usage
BUT,, the left doesn't want us to use it.

Could there be something besides protecting the "environment"?

Posted by: kangroo at February 27, 2003 09:41 PM

I kinda like 'pussy-footing around Susan Sarandon. What else is she good for?

For letters....ANWR

Posted by: Christopher at February 28, 2003 01:57 AM

Take one look at those who are willing to go over and be human shields. I think the government ought to pay for their plane tickets and not shed a tear when they are blown to hell. We do need to make sure that Sean Penn and Jane Fonda are included in that bunch (along with alec baldwin and the rest of the Hollywood nitwits).

Posted by: Justin at February 28, 2003 01:23 PM

By the way, it is the French that are opposing the ware because of oil!

Posted by: Justin at February 28, 2003 01:47 PM

This war should have been finished 12 years ago. Fox News showed a pilot who was a POW of Saddams for 33 days. He was systematically tortured and yet he has just signed a waiver so he can go back and fight if we go to war. That is bravery. If you want to protest the war, fine, but don't pretend its out of some patriotic fervor. After 9/11 all you peaceniks could say was why didn't we do something before this happened, and now when we are trying to do something before it happens you say we should wait until something happens. It isn't that you are anti-war, it is that you are anti-Republican, anti-Bush, etc. Otherwise you would at least be consistent in protesting Clintons bombs as well (which by the way he did without the U.N.) Saddam tortures people for pleasure and no other reason. His employee rolls include "professional rapists", He sent chemical and biological bombs into Kurdish territory and murdered children in their mothers arms. As Assos Hardi, the editor of the liberal newspaper Hawalati in Sulaimania, told Julius Strauss, "How many people do you think will die if America attacks Saddam? It will probably be less than the number of people he kills in a single month."

Posted by: Stacy Moorhead at March 1, 2003 01:55 PM

"One Italian confessed that she really just wanted to come here as a peace advocate, but found
that volunteering as a shield seemed to speed the visa process."

..and isn't interesting that the only requirement is they have to prove they don't have aids?

heh heh, chemical warfare?
Seriously, if this anti-sanity was demonstrated anywhere but the free world,
it would be "all thier life was worth" !

Posted by: Phrog Poet at March 1, 2003 02:49 PM





800,000 died
Estimates 1.5 million died.
Iran reports that 5,000 Iranian POWs (1981-1988) are unaccounted for by Iraq.

Iraqi fighter-attack aircraft dropped mustard-filled and tabun-filled 250 kilogram bombs and mustard-filled 500 kilogram bombs on Iranian targets.
Iraq installed spray tanks on an unknown number of helicopters or dropped 55-gallon drums filled with agents from low altitudes. These chemical weapons included
H-series blister
G-series nerve agents.
Iraq built these agents into various offensive munitions including rockets, artillery shells, aerial bombs, and warheads on the Al Hussein Scud missile variant.
February 1991, Hussein, fire to over 700 Kuwaiti oil wells,
Final casualties 33,000 Kuwaitis killed or captured,
600 Kuwaiti and other nationals arrested by Iraqi forces during the occupation of Kuwait 1990

234 Allied dead,
85,000 and 100,000 Iraqi soldiers killed.

4,000 Kurdish villages had been destroyed;
conservative estimate more than 100,000 rural Kurds had died in Anfal alone;
3.5 million people and 10 percent of Halabja's citizens, more than 40,000 in all.

Saddam's forces used chemicals at 281 locations.

Among them were over 100,000 Kurds who "disappeared" during the 1988 and 1989 "Anfal Operations";
The cases of hundreds of thousands of detainees who "disappeared" in previous years remain unresolved. several thousand Shi'a Muslims arrested in the southern provinces of Basra, al-Nasirayya and al-'Amara in the aftermath of the March 1991 uprising.
Kurds, forcing an estimated 450,000 Kurds to the Turkish border and more than a million to Iran.


Rotavirus Anfal Operations
During the unsuccessful Kurdish uprising of March 1991, the Kurds captured huge quantities of Iraqi government records in the secret police buildings in the major towns and cities. 18 tones of documents, contained in 847 boxes with a total number of pages estimated as over four million, are now in the USA

1. Oral testimony from over 350 eyewitnesses or survivals;
2. Forensic evidence from areas of mass graves; and
3. Huge amount of captured Iraqi documents.

International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC)
Amnesty International

Saddam's ruthless quest for power knows no humanity.

Posted by: justice prevails at March 4, 2003 01:51 AM

Congratulations to Jonnie Robbins.

Jonnie just graduated from Kinder-Care.

Jonnie, please ask your Mommy and Daddy if you can enlighten us with another nursery rhyme.

How about Hokey Pokey? Well ... for you, just ìHokeyî would work.

Posted by: Idiot Police at March 4, 2003 02:15 PM

If you're an idiot and you know it
Say, I'm John.

If you're a moron without a cause
Say, I'm John

If your mind is in the toilet
And you really want to show it
Because you're dopey and 'ya know it
Say, I'm John

Posted by: A Russian who even thinks he's a fool. at March 4, 2003 02:55 PM

I assume you all saw the story of the human shields from England whom had driven over to Iraq in a big red bus to protect and show support for Saddam.
They thought they were gonna be guarding hospitals and civilians but as soon as they arrived Saddam instructed them to guard Military bases and other such targets. Of 200 that went over last week, 160 of them have comeback already.

Personally, i wouldnt let them back into the country except for to charge them with treason, thier misguided opinions are actually hindering any hopes of peace, theyre giving the Insane despot the illusion that he is right to mess the international community around.

I think its sickening that the same dope-smoking hippies dont channel thier energies into showing support for all those that have suffered at the hands of Saddam like the Shi'ites and the Kurdistanis.

Its unfashionable to believe in principle.

Posted by: Paul at March 4, 2003 05:14 PM

They are idiots, and have no higher thought level than to undermine the conservative base. The hat Bush and the republican party so much that they cannot see straight. They are just pissed that a democrat is not in the white house to take all the glory, of course a democrat would pull a clinton and just get a b### job instead of something else (like take out OBL).
I don't think saddam wants them near the schools and hospitals because they will see all the military hardware he has next to them! I would pay to see the human shields face once they saw those "destroyed" weapons.

Posted by: Justin at March 4, 2003 06:08 PM

Shame on you, Justin, for under-rating Clinton... he would also have found a way to help Saddam financially and keep him in power, like he did with Kim Ill Sung.


Posted by: yaksun at March 5, 2003 05:43 PM

It's about oil? You are partly correct. It is about oil if you are talking about why France and Russia are opposed to action by the United States and her allies. Yes. We do have allies. Just because France, Germany and Russia have political and financial reasons to object to regime change in Iraq, doesn't mean we don't have allies. If this was about oil for the U.S., we would have taken it in 1991 when George Sr. was president.

By the way, for those who are as informed as John is, the definition of unilateral is "Obligating only one of two or more parties, nations, or persons, as a contract or an agreement." So considering how many nations are siding with us, please stop using that word as it only magnifies your ignorance of the real world. Also, taking 12 years and 17 united nations resolutions to enforce the cease fire that Iraq signed on to is not a "rush to war".

Last point. For those who predict massive civilian casualties, the only way that is going to happen is if Saddam uses the weapons that he claims he does not have.

Thanks and goodnight.

Posted by: Proud American Mike at March 6, 2003 02:33 AM

if you want to bomb Iraq doit your self.
if you want to bomb Iraq tell Gorge Bush.if you want to bomb Iraq Stuff a missle up your ass and go over their and detinate the bomb BOOM.

Posted by: Vortex at March 10, 2004 07:48 PM
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