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February 09, 2003
Bush Submits Revamped 'Constitutional' Budget

(2003-02-09) -- U.S. President George W. Bush has withdrawn his original 5-volume budget proposal to Congress, and resubmitted the spending plan as a 5-page document.

"The old budget fight was gearing up know the annual ritual," said Mr. Bush. "I got to thinking 'Why waste time scrappin' over how we spend other people's money?' So I read the Constitution again, then wrote this new plan."

The new budget proposal has four elements:
1) Provide for the common defense: Fund the U.S. military to protect against international threats.
2) Promote the general welfare: Slash taxes to a level sufficient to fund item #1.
3) Secure the blessings of liberty: Set people free from bondage to the Federal government. Eliminate all Federal agencies designed to "help" people, which ultimately create dependency on an impersonal, centralized bureaucracy. Eliminate Federal requirements on local schools, and Federal funding.
4) Send Congress home: Reduce the Congressional session to 30 days per year, and as needed for emergencies. Cut Congressional salaries to match the level of a Wal-Mart People Greeter.

"I feel confident we will meet our constitutional obligations with this budget," said the President. "Plus we'll allow people to experience something they haven't tasted in more than 100 years...freedom."

Congressional Democrats said they would respond to the President's plan later this week after they took time to research "this Constitution thing to which the President's budget refers."

by Scott Ott | Donate | | Comments (18) | More Satire | Printer-Friendly
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Ha! That's awesome.

Posted by: Agent at February 9, 2003 09:20 AM

What this 10th amendment thing?

Posted by: Dean Esmay at February 9, 2003 11:02 AM

Researching "this Constitution thing..." is going to take the Democrats a lot longer than just this coming week.

That document is foreign to the Party.

Posted by: John J. Coupal at February 9, 2003 11:42 AM

Ooh -- that would be perfect.

I hope ScrappleFace has readers in the White House.

Posted by: Oscar Jr. at February 9, 2003 12:24 PM

Excellent piece. It's sad that it's even funny. M

Posted by: MM at February 9, 2003 01:16 PM

This is great - boy do I wish it were true! :)

Posted by: Jim at February 9, 2003 01:43 PM

Funny...if only it were true.

Posted by: Josh Heit at February 9, 2003 03:28 PM

The Democrats can read??? Lotsa luck!!!

Even if they could, it wouldn't make any difference. Its an hereditary thing. They are born with, and are happy in, their ignorance and are enherently unable to be swayed by facts.

Posted by: Bill Ewing at February 9, 2003 04:49 PM

Democrats' response: How can we promote the general welfare without the National Endowment for the Arts, which gives us feces-induced sculpture, or the PBS-NPR Industrial Complex? Oh, whatever will Bill Moyers and that Prarie Home twit do?!

Posted by: John Lemon at February 9, 2003 05:25 PM

The Democrats are whining as we speak, trying to figure out how can they fund all of these federal programs that give money to their rich friends that get them elected. What about welfare, and all those poor people who's ancestors were not treated nicely, and now deserve reparations.... they just don't know what to do anymore, and are now calling on the Supreme Court to overrule the President on the grounds that "this 'Constitution' thing is just plain unfair, and annoying to us." Also claiming that since their party leaders didn't sign the document, they are under no obligation to uphold it. The Republicans liked this idea so much that they have joined up with their former enemies and created a new party: the "Americans For Unity" Party (AFU). Meanwhile all the rest of us true Americans can now hold an election and put people in office that WE WANT.

Posted by: mike at February 10, 2003 11:05 AM

Democrats can read, write, and speak. No, really. It's true. It's the comprehension of those written and spoken words that cause all the problems. Oh, and the seeming lack of the skills required to present a well reasoned (yeah, I know, they're Democrats), cogent argument without resorting to emotional devices and the rhetorical equivalent to limp iceberg lettuce.

Posted by: John at February 10, 2003 12:42 PM

Can Scott run for President on these issues? He could head the "ScrappleFace Constitutionals" party, with a hyena as the mascot (they may look like they're laughing, but they are vicious scavengers, pouncing on prey whether it is dead or alive).

Posted by: MarcV at February 10, 2003 12:58 PM

But then he stumbled across the Necessary and Proper Clause, and the Commerce Clause.

Do you really want to get rid of FEMA? What about the NIH? CDC? The PTA? Wait, forget about that last one. What would happen to our markets with no SEC? Would confidence in banking have been restored with no FDIC?

We need the acronyms!! Limited, accountable govt is good, but libertarianism goes too far.

Posted by: Joe G at February 10, 2003 12:59 PM

You actually expect this from Bush??!?! Do not hold your breath. He is just giving the Dems more ammo for a tax increase next year.

Let me see, Education Bill ($$), Agriculture Bill ($$), Steel Tariffs (cost us $$), AIDS in Africa ($$), Current Budget increases ($$$$$) etcÖ

Posted by: Rick at February 10, 2003 02:44 PM

shuddering in ecstasy

Posted by: Rodger Schultz at February 10, 2003 02:56 PM

Joe G has it right.
We need the govt to protect us from other nations, yes. That's one thing we can't do ourselves. We also need the govt to protect us from each other, in disputes that can not be resolved on a personal level. That's where the federal judiciary comes in. We also need the govt to help us deal with nature, which we can't do on an individual basis, so we have CDC and FEMA...although their functions certainly could be tweaked.....
Welfare, though, and other social services are handled MUCH more effectively on a personal level and individual basis.
'Nuff said.

Posted by: nathan at February 10, 2003 07:16 PM

you guys are trying to engage "satire" with reason?

Posted by: xian at February 10, 2003 11:56 PM

The Vietnam War, and the Russians in Afghanistan has proven that while you can fight and army, you cannot fight an armed population of civilians. If the democrats read the Second Amendment like they read the First we would all be required to own weapons of mass destruction.

Posted by: Michael at February 17, 2003 11:42 PM
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