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October 08, 2002
Adam Falls Again, 'He's a Broken Man'
(2002-10-08) -- There he goes again!
Adam, the man whose famous fall has had devastating effects on all of his progeny, fell again Sunday night. This time the fall was at the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York.
"This is, like, so embarrassing," Adam said after the incident. "I was really just starting to recover from the first fall...not so much the pain, but the social stigma. And now this.
Eve, his wife, attributed the fall to Adam's lack of a firm foundation.
"If you don't stand for something," she said, "you'll fall for anything, and boy did he ever. He's a broken man -- shattered. It's going to take me years to pick up the pieces."
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Oh, that's too funny. I keep saying that to you, but it keeps being true!

Posted by: susanna at October 9, 2002 11:39 AM