September 29, 2002
Rep. Bonior to Host ABC's 'Salute to Neville Chamberlain'
(2002-09-29) -- Rep. David Bonior, D-Mich., will headline a star-studded cast from Washington and Hollywood as ABC broadcasts "A Salute to Neville Chamberlain" in early October. Buy "Axis of Weasels," the first book by Scott Ott. $12.95 + S&H; Comments
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What, no role Jim "Jones" McDermott? Ask him to reprise his Kool-Aid slurping in Basra. Had the locals in stitches. Or he could re-enact his resignation from the Ethics Committee for passing on an illegally taped telephone conversation of congressional Republican leaders. Or he could give his speech in favor of HillaryCare, no make that "single-payer" healthcare. He also draws laughs wherever he goes. Don't leave Jim "Jones" McDermott out of your extravaganza, you'll regret it.;^) Posted by: Jabba the Tutt at September 29, 2002 10:54 PMScott Great reporting as usual, but how could you not mention that the event's director is multiple Oscar-nominee Robert Altman? See the Reuters dispatch, "Bonior, Babs bring it on for Baghdad" (entertainment wire, 9/29/02). Gene Mierzejewski Posted by: Gene Mierzejewski at September 29, 2002 11:42 PMIs anyone old enough to remember the broadcasts of our POWs from Hanoi? Under duress, they "confessed" that they had committed war crimes. A few of them were able to foil the captors by slipping in seemingly innocuous remarks, thereby exposing the scripted "confessions". Are we doing all we can to free Bonior and McDermott from their captors? Posted by: Larry Lynn at September 29, 2002 11:52 PMHelp! I live in Jim McDermott's district and need a Representative who's interested in MY welfare, not that of a Stalinist tyrant. Any alternative candidate with a conscience eagerly voted for. Posted by: Insufficiently Sensitive at September 30, 2002 12:34 AMInsufficiently, you can move here. My congressman is, um, let's see...Oh. It's Mike Thompson. Never mind. I have a hard time believing any of this reporting. Congressperson Bonior is an honorable person, and he wouldn't do anything to be seen as in any way helping or promoting or defending a dictator who has killed an entire village with poison gas. (Especially since there are photographs of the dead villagers floating around.) Congressperson McDermott I've never heard of. I'd be surprised if he even exists. This is another case of amateur journalist wannabees getting everything all wrong. After seeing congressperson Bonior defend our late president Clinton I would want him in my foxhole anytime. Even if he is gay. Posted by: caroline trace at September 30, 2002 01:34 AMQuick, Mr. President! Start the bombing now before they leave. Posted by: Sean Hackbarth at September 30, 2002 02:09 AMcaroline trace thinks it's all a big conspiracy to take down her hero, Bonior. Yes, it's all a conspiracy. They even made up McDermott. He's just an automoton ploy to discredit her hero, Bonior. And it's our "former" president Clinton, not "late." He isn't dead. Posted by: addison at September 30, 2002 10:22 AMThis is terribly blasphemous. Why, I JUST SAW the Hon. Mr. Bonior on TV from Baghdad, saying that everyone is invited to visit and to go anywhere they like in Iraq. It's a wonderful thing that they have done, to open up the entire country for all to come and see how wonderful it is. He didn't mention the 14 presidential palaces, but come on, I'm sure nobody would put a manufacturing facility into a palace. It's a palace after all! addison wrote: Too bad. I could use the federal holiday we'll get when he goes to the Big Whorehouse in the Sky. Posted by: at September 30, 2002 11:27 AMAddison... I was impersonating, probably not very well, a sort of NPR soccer mom. Posted by: caroline trace at September 30, 2002 04:06 PMOh. Gotta throw a smiley face in there at end or something or I think you're being serious...or maybe some <sarcasm> </sarcasm> things. Posted by: addison at September 30, 2002 07:56 PMBut, but, but -- Bonior can't have said that! He handed out pine saplings as part of his Congressional campaigns! Posted by: Warmongering Lunatic at October 1, 2002 04:43 PMThis is getting preposterous! You all know that Allan Colmes has said that McDermott and Bonior have the right to say anything they should want to say in Baghdad! Yeah like Free Speech is the question here. However the congressmen lost a good photo op, they could have danced or urinated on that mosaic of George 41 that Saddam has installed for the public to trod over! Now that would have really rallyed the libs! Posted by: sansbull at October 3, 2002 12:48 AMDavid "Baghdad" Bonior is a traitor to the United States. His legacy is now one of disgrace and infamy. And while his colleagues in Iraq must be delighted, Bonior's constituents should be embarrassed and outraged at his conduct. Just who is he representing anyway? Posted by: Bill at October 3, 2002 03:15 PM |
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