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Limbaugh Sponsors Rush for Exit. Obama Manhandles Women’s College

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SCOTT OTT: It’s Monday, March 5th, 2012, and this is news.

-- Russia reelects a former KGB spy to an unprecedented third presidential term amid cries of vote fraud.
-- China hikes military spending by more than eleven percent.
-- North Korea’s dictator puts military on high alert, amid talk of sacred war.
-- The top UN nuclear monitor is greatly concerned about a secret Iranian weapons program.
-- And hundreds are killed in a weapons depot explosion in the Congo.

But the top story today:
Some of America’s leading flower peddlers and a top mattress purveyor take a stand against the coarsening of the culture, yanking their advertising from the Rush Limbaugh program.

As everyone knows by now, Limbaugh implied that a female Georgetown Law Student was a slu — uh, lady of the evening. and the makers of the sleep-number mattress have joined five other sponsors in boycotting the top-rated radio show.

All this in the wake of Sandra Fluke’s Congressional testimony that women, like her, who attend the Jesuit-run university can’t afford contraceptives, so the government should compel the Catholic school to provide them free of charge.

Meanwhile, a new coalition of Georgetown men said the school should also pay for sleep number mattresses and ProFlower deliveries. After all, said a spokesman, without the beds and the flowers, some of that free contraception might go to waste.
The GOP presidential field could get smaller after tomorrow when Mitt Romney, Rick Santorum, Newt Gingrich and Ron Paul compete for 419 convention delegates in the so-called Super Tuesday primary states.

With the nation $16 trillion in debt, an annual deficit above a trillion dollars, gasoline nearing an average of $4 at the pump, and unemployment above 8 percent for three years running, the big question in the minds of most GOP primary voters tomorrow: Which candidate is most likely to rebuke Rush Limbaugh for insulting Sandra Fluke?

Seizing the opportunity to show his respect for women’s rights, President Obama has decided to give the commencement address at the all-female Barnard College this May. The school had already hired a speaker — the New York Times’ first female executive editor, Jill Abramson — but it dropped her after a phone call from the White House. A college spokesman said students are eager to hear from a president who works tirelessly to provide equal opportunity for women. The school apologized to the female editor it bumped, explaining that they simply found someone better qualified to give the speech.

And finally today, Lindsay Lohan made her entertainment comeback this weekend, hosting NBC’s Saturday Night Live. Lohan, whose addictions and legal troubles have made her an object of gossip and ridicule, said after the show, QUOTE “It was just nice to finally be in place where people weren’t laughing because of me.”

For PJ News Break, I’m Scott Ott. Click on PJTV dot com throughout the day for your antidote to the obsolete media.

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Obama Tough, No Bluff, on Iran; Economy Lags, Romney Hardest Hit?

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SCOTT OTT: It’s Friday, March 3rd, 2012, and this is news.

Iran’s Ayatollah Khameini wants a high turnout for this week’s parliamentary elections to stop the mouths of Iran’s enemies. Critics note that President Obama’s failure to embrace Iran’s reform movement in 2009, means Iranian voters are now stuck with a choice between candidates who support either of two radical hard-liners — President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad or the Ayatollah.

Meanwhile, Obama warned this week that a nuclear-armed Iran is unacceptable, and all options, including military, are still on the table, adding, QUOTE ‘As president of the United States, I don’t bluff.’
(SOT :39-:52 OBAMA: “We have had a foreign policy of bluster and saber rattling and tough talk, and in the meantime we make a series of strategic decisions that actually strengthen Iran.”)

SCOTT OTT: (HAND TO EAR) I’m sorry, I’m being told that clip is from May of 2008 when Obama was still running for President. He was talking about George Bush.

Despite the stock market topping 13,000 this week, and White House assurances that the U.S. economy is getting stronger all the time, we have more anecdotal evidence today that the rising tide may not float all boats.
(SOT 6:19-6:28 ROMNEY: “Look, I’ve worn a garbage bag for rain gear myself. We were out there in the rain. The rain was getting us soaked. I didn’t have a rain coat myself. I would have liked one of those.”)
SCOTT OTT: As long as the common man faces this harsh reality, Obama’s reelection campaign may face an uphill battle.

Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius told a House panel yesterday that the ObamaCare mandate that employers provider workers with free contraception, will actually save money.

(SOT :13-:21 SEBELIUS: “The reduction in a number of pregnancies compensates for the cost of contraception.”)

Sebelius said that pregnancy is expensive for government health care programs because it produces more humans dependent upon the government for healthcare. She added that free contraception is the most practical solution, since it’s much easier to prevent or even abort millions of pregnancies than it is to end a government entitlement program.

And finally today, a new reality TV show following the daily exploits of Sarah Palin’s daughter, Bristol, is coming soon to the Lifetime Network.
There now, that filled seven seconds nicely, didn’t it?

For PJ News Break, I’m Scott Ott. Click on PJTV dot com throughout the day for your antidote to the obsolete media.

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N. Korea Suspends Nuke Program for Food, Iran & Obama Next?

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SCOTT OTT: It’s Wednesday, February 29th, 2012, and this is news.

North Korea has agreed to suspend its nuclear enrichment, and weapons testing programs, in exchange for 240,000 tons of food assistance from the United States. A U.S. State Department spokesman acknowledged that the communist dictatorship has secretly violated such agreements in the past, but said its different this time, because “we can’t tell you why.”

In related news, the Islamic Republic of Iran announced it was willing to strike a similar deal, halting its nuclear program in exchange for all of the food in Israel.

Meanwhile, a White House spokesman said President Obama is willing to scrap the U.S. nuclear arsenal. Period.

GOP presidential hopeful Rick Santorum came within three points last night of beating Mitt Romney in the state where Romney’s dad was governor, and ran a major car company. Santorum had hoped for an upset in Michigan to diminish the significance of Romney’s expected win in the Arizona primary.
Meanwhile, President Obama tried to upstage the Republicans in Michigan by giving a speech to the United Auto Workers yesterday. The president praised the UAW for its willingness to do the hard work of spending billions of taxpayer dollars in an effort to save their own jobs. In a biblical reference, Obama said that by saving the auto industry, the government helped you fulfill the commandment to make your brother be his brother’s keeper.

Ron Paul and Newt Gingrich finished with 12 percent and 7 percent of the vote respectively in Michigan, hobbling them as they head into next week’s 10-contest Super Tuesday. Gingrich acknowledged he must win his home state of Georgia.
Ron Paul said all of the focus on primary victories is part of the establishment’s plan to make sure good candidates don’t get the nomination. However, Paul said he’s in it until the convention, because dropping out now after all this time would make him look like some sort of egomaniacal kook.

And finally today, Olympia Snowe, announced she will not seek a fourth term as the Republican Senator from Maine, noting that the body had become too partisan. Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, shocked by the sudden announcement, said, ‘What do you mean Olympia Snowe is a Republican?’

For PJ News Break, I’m Scott Ott. Click on PJTV dot com throughout the day for your antidote to the obsolete media.

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Obama Asks Karzai for Sharia Lenience on Koran-Burning Perps

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SCOTT OTT: It’s Monday, February 27th, 2012, and this is news.

After nearly a week of violent riots that killed several American troops, Afghan President Hamid Karzai reacted yesterday to U.S. President Barack Obama’s apology for the inadvertent burning of several Koran’s. Karzai acknowledged that the Koran burning at a NATO base was not deliberate, but called on the U.S. to put the “perpetrators” on trial and to punish them. A White House spokesman said Obama hopes he can persuade his Afghan counterpart to be as lenient as possible under Sharia law, by giving the perpetrators a choice between stoning and beheading.

Tonight’s delayed running of the NASCAR Daytona 500 includes a car sponsored by GOP Presidential hopeful Rick Santorum. Rival Mitt Romney, appearing in the pits at Daytona Sunday said he doesn’t follow America’s number one spectator sport closely, but has several friends who own NASCAR race teams.

Meanwhile, in a message from the Camp David golf course, President Obama wished NASCAR drivers well, and said he looks forward to the day when the race will be run with zero-emission electric cars, zipping along for the five days it will take to complete the 500 mile race.

The president also suggested that NASCAR change the rules so that every car can finish first, or so the $19 million in prize money is distributed equally among all competitors, with a fairness bonus for those who crash or break down.

This week Republican presidential hopefuls face primaries in Michigan and Arizona. Obama campaign consultant Robert Gibbs said Sunday that given this year’s unusual GOP delegate selection process, Rick Santorum could very well end up being the nominee.

If that should happen, Gibbs said, President Obama is prepared to apologize again to Afghan President Hamid Karzai and to the Taliban.

At last night’s Academy Awards ceremony, the best picture Oscar and several others went to the silent film ‘The Artist’ — an indication of America’s growing affection for Hollywood actors who are seen, but not heard.

And finally today, Meryl Streep won the Oscar for best actress for her performance as British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher in The Iron Lady. Streep finally garnered the award after decades of nominations in the category, because members of the Academy understand what an incredibly difficult task it is for a Hollywood actor to believably portray a conservative.

For PJ News Break, I’m Scott Ott. Click on PJTV dot com throughout the day for your antidote to the obsolete media.

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Not So Fast, Neutrinos, Obama Mocks Drilling, Union Bucks Teacher Ratings

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SCOTT OTT: It’s Friday, February 24th, 2012, and this is news.
Scientists at the Large Hadron Collider in Geneva today reversed last year’s announcement that some neutrinos might be able to travel faster than the speed of light. Turns out that the faulty data, that had seemed to cast doubt on Albert Einstein’s theory of relativity, was caused by a loose cable on a GPS device.
In related news, economists announced today that the Obama administration theory that government spending of huge sums of taxpayer money can stimulate private-sector growth, was also faulty. Turns out there was a screw loose at the White House.

Speaking in Miami yesterday, President Obama mocked his Republican rivals for backing an energy policy reminiscent of Sarah Palin’s famous refrain, ‘Drill, Baby, Drill.’

(SOT :03-:13 OBAMA: It means that anybody who tells you that we can drill our way out of this problem doesn’t know what they’re talking about or, just isn’t telling you the truth.)

SCOTT OTT: During that same speech, the president said he’d boost funding to $99 million per year on research to make bio-fuels from algae — known to many as pond scum. He said algae could cut U.S. oil consumption by 17 percent. To contrast the president’s serious proposal for energy-independence, with the laughably ignorant Republican plan, the White House released a new bumper sticker that says: Skim Scum, Baby, Skim Scum.

Performance ratings of some 12,000 New York City public school teachers were released to the public today. The ratings are based, in part, on student improvement in math and reading over the past five years. United Federation of Teachers union president Michael Mulgrew reportedly spent $100,000 in union dues money to run newspaper ads under the headline “This is No Way to Rate a Teacher.”
Meanwhile, a coalition of New York City public school students who maintain average grades in the D to F range, today announced an ad campaign under the headline “This is No Way to Rate a Student”.
And finally today, Apple CEO Tim Cook told shareholders that the electronics giant has too much cash on hand, and might consider issuing a quarterly dividend to stockholders.
A White House spokesman said the president hopes Apple will instead consider giving its $92 billion piggy bank to the federal government, which he promised would use it wisely during the eight days before it was empty.
For PJ News Break, I’m Scott Ott. Click on PJTV dot com throughout the day for your antidote to the obsolete media.

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U.S. Sorry About Koran Burning, Santorum Speaks of Satan, Obama Sings the Blues

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SCOTT OTT: It’s Wednesday, February 22nd, 2012, and this is news.
A half dozen are dead and dozens more wounded as thousands of Afghans continue to riot over the accidental burning of some copies of the Koran at a NATO military base in Afghanistan. The Muslim books were apparently being used by prisoners in the library as note paper to pass radical messages among fellow jihadists. A U.S. military commander expressed his deep regret at the desecration of the Islamic scriptures, promised to discipline those responsible, and to buy new copies of the Koran so Muslim extremists who want to kill us will still have easy access to the message of the prophet (peace be upon him) that tells them to kill us.

A recording of Rick Santorum speaking in a church in 2008 shows him saying that Satan attacks the United States, and even mainline Protestant churches. The recently-leaked recording has created quite a stir on the presidential campaign trail, where journalists are eager to write stories that don’t involve numbers, math, or words like deficit and debt.

Meanwhile, White House spokesman Jay Carney said Satan is NOT attacking the nation or the church, that he merely wants to help, but that he probably doesn’t exist anyway.

President Obama’s singing career continued last night at the White House as he crooned along with blues legend BB King and Rolling Stones singer Mick Jagger.

(SOT OBAMA SINGS ‘Come on, baby don’t you want to go…Sweet Home Chicago’)

SCOTT OTT: Overnight polling shows a majority of Americans support the President’s travel plans.

And finally today, a 100-year-old menu from the last lunch served in first-class on the RMS Titanic is expected to fetch at least $157,000 at auction in April. The sumptuous meal was served on the afternoon before the ‘unsinkable’ Titanic struck an iceberg and went to the bottom of the Atlantic.
A White House spokesman suggested First Lady Michelle Obama might even bid on the Titanic menu, since it represents one of the few vacation trips she won’t get a chance to take.
For PJ News Break, I’m Scott Ott. Click on PJTV dot com throughout the day for your antidote to the obsolete media.

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E.U. Bails Out Greece, and Is Obama Getting Better at Being President?

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SCOTT OTT: It’s Tuesday, February 21st, 2012, and this is news.

The European Union struck a $170 billion bailout deal with Greece that they hope will inspire private investors to agree to take a massive loss on their investments in the insolvent nation. The deal was made after the eleventh-hour failure of a proposal by President Obama to give Greece to the United Auto Workers.
Just days after President Obama told NBC’s Matt Lauer that he’s getting better at being president as time goes on, Obama’s Treasury Secretary appeared before a Senate panel to explain the president’s budget proposal.

(SOT 1:05-1:15 GEITHNER: Even if Congress were to enact this budget, we would still be left with — in the outer decades as millions of Americans retire — what are still unsustainable commitments to Medicare and Medicaid.)

SCOTT OTT: What a contrast with a year ago, when Geithner described the less-experienced Obama’s budget this way…

(SOT 1:04-1:19 GEITHNER : With the president’s plan — even if Congress were to enact it and even if Congress were to hold to it — and reduce those deficits to three percent of GDP over the next five years, we would still be left with a very large interest burden and unsustainable obligations over time.”)

SCOTT OTT: The only question now: Is this trend of rapid presidential improvement sustainable?

Several hundred active-duty service members and military veterans rallied for GOP presidential hopeful Ron Paul outside of the White House yesterday, where they literally did an ‘about face’, turning their backs on President Obama. Paul’s campaign has received more contributions from military donors than any of the other candidates, including the president. A White House spokesman said Obama phoned Representative Paul and asked him to withdraw his neo-con occupation force from the neighborhood.

And finally today, cable news networks provided hours of coverage for millions of viewers around the world from singer Whitney Houston’s funeral over the weekend. A CNN producer said an event of such global interest happens perhaps once in a generation, and that despite the tragedy of Houston’s untimely death, he took comfort that it happened during the Nielsen ratings sweeps.
For PJ News Break, I’m Scott Ott. Click on PJTV dot com throughout the day for your antidote to the obsolete media.

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