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Vouchers Free Public School Seats for Congressional Kids

by Scott Ott for ScrappleFace · No Comments · · Print This Story Print This Story

(2003-09-05) — A new school voucher program which passed a Senate committee today, would free up seats in Washington D.C. public schools for the children of members of Congress, and other government officials.

The $7,500 vouchers would go to D.C. families with children who are failing in the public schools, helping them to pay private school tuition.

Democrat members of Congress are said to be “champing at the bit” to put their own children into the newly-vacated public classroom seats.

Senator Mary Landrieu, D-LA, whose own two children have been forced to attend a private school, will soon enroll them in Malcolm X Elementary School.

“Finally, my children can attend school among the kind of working-class people who make this country great,” said Mrs. Landrieu. “We Democrats depend on the votes of minorities and the underprivileged, and now I’ll be sitting in PTA meetings side-by-side with them. And my kids will get to know first-hand the challenges caused by the yawning gap between the haves and have nots.”

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