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U.S. Administrator Appoints Angry Mob to Rule Iraq

by Scott Ott for ScrappleFace · No Comments · · Print This Story Print This Story

(2003-05-17) — Paul “Jerry” Bremer, the civilian administrator for Iraq, today appointed an angry mob to rule over the nation until a representative government can be elected.
The mob consists of former Ba’ath party members and gullible Muslims, and will be led by a “cabal of politically-ambitious Shi’ite clerics.”
“We want the leadership of the nation to have an Iraqi face,” said Mr. Bremer. “In this case that face will be twisted in rage and shouting anti-Western hate slogans.”
The Coalition will provide support and encouragement so that eventually the angry mob participants will shave, put on business suits, and sit still during long boring speeches and meetings about omnibus spending bills.
“That’s what representative government is all about,” said Mr. Bremer. “But you can’t get there in one leap. This is a baby step.”

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  • 1 American RealPolitik // May 18, 2003 at 11:57 am

    Hard to Believe this is Satire

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