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Bush Hires Wachowskis to Stage News Events

by Scott Ott for ScrappleFace · No Comments · · Print This Story Print This Story

(2003-05-16) — The White House announced today it would hire Larry and Andy Wachowski, producers of the Matrix films, to help stage photo opportunities and news conferences for U.S. President George Bush.
“We think the Wachowskis can take our Presidential news events to the next level,” said White House spokesman Ari Fleischer. “In the past, if the President didn’t want to answer a question he could verbally dodge it. But now you may see the president dodging questions physically, like Neo dodged bullets.”
Democrats and pundits have criticized the administration for the theatrical stagecraft which goes into Mr. Bush’s public appearances. But Mr. Fleischer said the attacks sound hollow to the American people.
“They don’t like our staging because it’s better than theirs,” he said. “What would you rather see — a tailhook landing on an aircraft carrier, or Tom Daschle standing next to an easel with a bar graph?”

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