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Michael Moore Making Next Film: ‘Saddam and Me’

by Scott Ott for ScrappleFace · No Comments · · Print This Story Print This Story

(2003-03-27) — Academy-award winning filmmaker Michael Moore said his next documentary will chronicle how Iraq’s lax gun-control laws have turned a peaceful Islamic republic into a cauldron of death and destruction.
The film, “Saddam and Me,” will capture Mr. Moore’s misadventures and witty banter as he attempts to ask the Iraqi president to ban personal ownership of firearms.

“Every nation that allows individuals to own guns will eventually wind up like Iraq,” said Mr. Moore. “The gun culture encourages violence. Most Iraqis own personal firearms, and look what’s happening over there. Children are dying. It’s just like Columbine.”

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  • 1 Cold Fury // Mar 28, 2003 at 10:56 am

    More humor

    Scott Ott presents me with the usual quandary: what to excerpt and link to. But this one will do for…