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Limbaugh Sponsors Rush for Exit. Obama Manhandles Women’s College

by Scott Ott for ScrappleFace · No Comments · · Print This Story Print This Story


SCOTT OTT: It’s Monday, March 5th, 2012, and this is news.

-- Russia reelects a former KGB spy to an unprecedented third presidential term amid cries of vote fraud.
-- China hikes military spending by more than eleven percent.
-- North Korea’s dictator puts military on high alert, amid talk of sacred war.
-- The top UN nuclear monitor is greatly concerned about a secret Iranian weapons program.
-- And hundreds are killed in a weapons depot explosion in the Congo.

But the top story today:
Some of America’s leading flower peddlers and a top mattress purveyor take a stand against the coarsening of the culture, yanking their advertising from the Rush Limbaugh program.

As everyone knows by now, Limbaugh implied that a female Georgetown Law Student was a slu — uh, lady of the evening. and the makers of the sleep-number mattress have joined five other sponsors in boycotting the top-rated radio show.

All this in the wake of Sandra Fluke’s Congressional testimony that women, like her, who attend the Jesuit-run university can’t afford contraceptives, so the government should compel the Catholic school to provide them free of charge.

Meanwhile, a new coalition of Georgetown men said the school should also pay for sleep number mattresses and ProFlower deliveries. After all, said a spokesman, without the beds and the flowers, some of that free contraception might go to waste.
The GOP presidential field could get smaller after tomorrow when Mitt Romney, Rick Santorum, Newt Gingrich and Ron Paul compete for 419 convention delegates in the so-called Super Tuesday primary states.

With the nation $16 trillion in debt, an annual deficit above a trillion dollars, gasoline nearing an average of $4 at the pump, and unemployment above 8 percent for three years running, the big question in the minds of most GOP primary voters tomorrow: Which candidate is most likely to rebuke Rush Limbaugh for insulting Sandra Fluke?

Seizing the opportunity to show his respect for women’s rights, President Obama has decided to give the commencement address at the all-female Barnard College this May. The school had already hired a speaker — the New York Times’ first female executive editor, Jill Abramson — but it dropped her after a phone call from the White House. A college spokesman said students are eager to hear from a president who works tirelessly to provide equal opportunity for women. The school apologized to the female editor it bumped, explaining that they simply found someone better qualified to give the speech.

And finally today, Lindsay Lohan made her entertainment comeback this weekend, hosting NBC’s Saturday Night Live. Lohan, whose addictions and legal troubles have made her an object of gossip and ridicule, said after the show, QUOTE “It was just nice to finally be in place where people weren’t laughing because of me.”

For PJ News Break, I’m Scott Ott. Click on PJTV dot com throughout the day for your antidote to the obsolete media.

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