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BP Oil Well Cap Sparks New Environmental Crisis

by Scott Ott for ScrappleFace · 7 Comments · · Print This Story Print This Story

(2010-06-05) — Just hours after BP succeeded in capping its leaking well at the bottom of the Gulf of Mexico, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) today announced that the petroleum giant had created a new, and perhaps more devastating, threat to the environment.

“BP is now siphoning oil from the spill site to the surface,” said an unnamed EPA spokesman, “and our worst fears have been realized. This petroleum will soon be shipped to refineries, and eventually transformed into combustible products which will spew deadly toxins into the atmosphere, exacerbating the grave and gathering threat of global climate change.”

The EPA source said rising sea levels from global warming could push Gulf oil slicks and tar balls deep inland, threatening states like Missouri, North Dakota and Alberta.

Meanwhile, President Obama has ordered the Justice Department to begin a criminal investigation against BP, Halliburton, and Transocean for “conspiracy to commit climate change” under the guise of stopping an oil spill.

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Tags: Science · U.S. News

7 responses so far ↓

  • 1 JamesonLewis3rd // Jun 5, 2010 at 1:50 pm

    Avowed racist hero, Helen Thomas, the steadfast, much-applauded, Democrat spokesperson for genocide, bigotry and hatred, could cap the gusher with ease.

  • 2 DarPot // Jun 5, 2010 at 2:54 pm

    Said by EPA_Nut: “BP is now siphoning oil from the spill site to the surface,” said an unnamed EPA spokesman, “and our worst fears have been realized. This petroleum will soon be shipped to refineries, and eventually transformed into combustible products which will spew deadly toxins into the atmosphere, exacerbating the grave and gathering threat of global climate change.”

    The above just goes to show people the kind of Eco-wackos that reside at the EPA for the following reasons:

    1) The Oil being siphoned and recovered is no different than oil coming from other oil wells.
    2) The Eco-wacko is using Fear mongering and Scare tactics with their vague "spew deadly toxins". If the Eco-wacko is referring to CO2 (carbon dioxide) - news-flash - CO2 is not toxic, the air we breath contains CO2 and we exhale more CO2 into the air.
    3) The burning of fossil fuels by man contributes only 0.117% as a Greenhouse gas, where as Mother Nature contributes, 3.502%. Water Vapor (clouds) is the super-major Greenhouse gas at 94.999%.
    4) Despite the claims that increases in CO2 have resulted in increasing climate temperatures, the fact is that history shows Increases in CO2 have lagged behind Increases in climate temperatures by up to 800 years.
    5) Michael Mann's Hockey Stick chart has been found to be bogus and based upon junk science. Mann has a finical interest in promoting Global Warming in that his work is funded by taxpayer dollars in the form of grants.
    6) What little Global Warming / Global Climate Change there is; is not being caused by man, and instead is part of Mother Nature's cycles for the Earth, of which our Sun is the major cause.
    7) Overall, Global Temperatures are not rising as claimed by pro-pundits of Global Warming. Instead, the pro-pundits have been manipulating the temperature databases by leaving out more and more Weather Stations located in colder areas of the U.S., which results in a artificial warming bias. 8) CO2's effect as Greenhouse gas is reverse-logarithmic vs. linear. Meaning as the amount of CO2 in the atmosphere is increased, the increased amount has less of an effect. This is because CO2 absorbs Infrared light to create heat as Greenhouse Gas. Once the available amount of Infrared light has been absorbed by CO2, there is no more Infrared light for additional CO2 to absorb. This effect starts to occur around 350-400 ppm, currently our atmosphere is at 392.39. Which is why despite increasing levels of CO2, we are not seeing increasing Global Climate temperatures. During the late Ordovician period the CO2 ppm reached 4,000; however the late Ordovician period also suffered a Ice age. Go figure.

  • 3 Hawkeye_R // Jun 5, 2010 at 7:52 pm

    All in favor say… Ay, yi, yi! (spelling?)


  • 4 ChileSerrano // Jun 6, 2010 at 12:01 am

    BP has been playing up the whole "global warming" même (and sucking up to left-wing politicians/governments) for years now.

    Instant karma's gonna get you … — John Lennon

  • 5 camojack // Jun 7, 2010 at 4:22 am

    “BP is now siphoning oil from the spill site to the surface…this petroleum will soon be shipped to refineries, and eventually transformed into combustible products"

    Oh, Heaven forfend!!!

  • 6 onlineanalyst // Jun 7, 2010 at 1:53 pm

    States like Alberta? Is that the Canadian place where the citizens sing "Shale, shale, the oil's all here"?

  • 7 JamesonLewis3rd // Jun 7, 2010 at 1:41 pm

    An anonymous informant reports that the hundreds of thousands of gallons of oil that BP is recovering from the gulf blowout is being transported to [.....signal lost.....]

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