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New Tax Credit to Incentivize Business to ‘Make Profit’

by Scott Ott for ScrappleFace · 18 Comments · · Print This Story Print This Story

(2010-03-05) — Just a day after the U.S. House approved a measure that would spur job creation by offering tax breaks to employers who hire, the chamber takes up debate today on a measure that would offer tax credits to businesses that “make a profit, through some mechanism of creating revenue that outstrips expenses.”

“In an economy like this one,” said House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-CA, “Americans expect Congress to act quickly to overcome the natural inclination of fat-cat corporate leaders to maintain the status quo, to allow sales to drop, to linger in deficit spending, and to refuse to help our country by thriving in business.”

“If we can spur your firm to hire with tax rewards,” said Rep. Pelosi, “we can certainly get it to boost the bottom line with tax credits, but only for those firms willing to help our economy by making a profit.”

The Democrat-sponsored measure under consideration would offer incremental tax credits to business which generated so-called “profits”, with the credits increasing in parallel with profit margins. For example, a business earning a two percent profit would receive a matching two percent tax credit — a four percent profit would qualify the firm for a four percent credit.

“Businesses small and large that have stubbornly hunkered down and persisted in losing money will finally have a reason to sell more, to manufacture more, and to charge more for their products and services than it costs to produce them,” said Rep. Pelosi. “The Congressional Budget Office estimates that this bill won’t add a dime to the deficit, and will create, or save, a lot of something CBO calls prosperity.”

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Tags: Business  · U.S. News

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