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Al Qaeda Fights in Cells to Avoid Trampling Deaths

by Scott Ott for ScrappleFace · No Comments · · Print This Story Print This Story

(2003-02-13) — In yet another revelation about the secretive world of al Qaeda terrorists, linguists studying Usama bin Laden’s most recent audio recording say the terror group is organized in small fighting cells to avoid trampling deaths.
Mr. bin Laden is heard to instruct his followers: “Always work in small groups. This is essential. When you get a large group of faithful Muslims together they have a tendency to tread on one another. So, never fight in clusters of more than four or five.”
Experts analyzing the recording say Mr. bin Laden recounts a touching story of how the original 300,000-man al Qaeda army was decimated during training maneuvers when the second wave of troops ran over the first.
“After that, we were down to a couple of hundred men,” he says. “But, when Allah hands you a lemon…as the saying goes…squeeze the juice into the open wound of the infidel.”

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