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Obama: FDA Should Regulate ‘Outrage’ as a Drug

by Scott Ott for ScrappleFace · 150 Comments · · Print This Story Print This Story

(2009-06-24) — Noting that the adrenaline in outrage can spark irrational, erratic and sometimes dangerous behavior, President Barack Obama today urged the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to regulate it as a drug, like cigarettes.

Mr. Obama, a smoker who said yesterday that he’s “95 percent cured” has also struggled with outrage, even showing glimpses of it when the subject of his smoking came up at his news conference.

The president said today that like his smoking, he constantly struggles to control his outrage, but that he’s “99 percent cured.”

“Look, I’ve said before that I’m a formerly-angry man,” the president said. “I constantly struggle with it. Have I fallen off the wagon sometimes? Yes. Am I outraged daily, constantly appalled? No. I don’t do it in front of my kids. I don’t do it in front of my family. And I try not to do it in front of a watching world every time 40 million people suffer the trampling of their human rights, or an unarmed woman gets gunned down in the street by an Iranian government sniper.”

While the president became somewhat combative with reporters who asked why he didn’t speak out against the Iranian regime more forcefully, he managed to control his outrage against Iran’s Guardian Council, speaking of it in measured tones.

“We…uh…don’t want to…uh…meddle with Iran’s…uh…sovereignty, or give our opponents any more…uh…cause to blame the United States for what’s happening there,” he said, adding, “It’s important that I control my outrage because we don’t want American children going down the same path.”

Tags: Global News

150 responses so far ↓

  • 1 boberinyetagain // Jun 24, 2009 at 10:00 am

    If he’d been outraged sooner the Iranians would be free and peace would be the order of the day by now.

  • 2 boberinyetagain // Jun 24, 2009 at 10:12 am

    Mission accomplished!

    “Britain, America and the Zionist regime (Israel) were behind the recent unrest in Tehran,” Interior Minister Sadeq Mahsouli said, according to the semi-official Fars news agency.

    Foreign Minister Manouchehr Mottaki said Iran was weighing whether to downgrade ties with Britain after each country expelled two diplomats this week. He also announced he had “no plans” to attend a G8 meeting in Italy this week on Afghanistan.

    There was nothing to be gained by talking, what’s needed is more bombing. It so brightens up the whole region when we bomb in pretty patterns

  • 3 boberinyetagain // Jun 24, 2009 at 10:16 am

    Plus we’re near certain that we won’t kill more than 20 innocent (as the gummint has…well they were rioting but it was the “go0d” kind) people cause our bombs are so smart now that they can be programmed to get just the elite guards/eveil men.

  • 4 JQ // Jun 24, 2009 at 10:49 am

    “Many of the rioters were in contact with America, CIA and the MKO and are being fed by their financial resources,” [Mahsouli] said.

    What, are we buying them rocks?

  • 5 RedPepper // Jun 24, 2009 at 11:13 am

    JQ #4: That’s certainly a possibility, JQ …

    Have you finished reading the Stimulus Bill?

  • 6 Newsman // Jun 24, 2009 at 12:02 pm

    And Boberinyetagain - how would Obama have freed the Iranians ?

    Would he have said “BOO !” and the Basij Militia would have turned and run away ? And Ahmadinejad would have run away and hid ?

    Or maybe Obama should have nuked the whole country and ‘voila’, we would not have an Iranian problem !

    Be real !

  • 7 boberinyetagain // Jun 24, 2009 at 12:14 pm

    newsman, sarcasm my freind…sarcasm.

    Just another service I offer…free of charge.

    BUT, now that Obama is outraged it should all be resolved within the week…including the Israel/Palestine thingy…and we will all have healthcare and good paying jobs with large 401k’s within 2 weeks, 3 tops…

  • 8 Rita-of-Sunland // Jun 24, 2009 at 12:36 pm

    Maybe one of the tabacco companies like Philip Morris can boost its plummeting sales with a new jingle: “INHALE LIKE THE CHIEF!” But since there aren’t anymore cigarette ads on TV, I guess this is merely a pipe dream…

  • 9 boberinyetagain // Jun 24, 2009 at 12:45 pm

    pipe dream…groan :)

  • 10 JQ // Jun 24, 2009 at 1:03 pm

    I know the guy’s got to be allowed some vices, but it seems kind of irresponsible for someone who’s set himself up as such a role model for young people to still be struggling with cigarettes. I understand that it’s “hard” to quit, but for someone of his determination and character, it should be a breeze.

    “It’s bad, kids, but not bad enough for me to quit completely. Besides, I only smoke when I’m stressed out.”

    I realize that “Rita-of-Sunland” was joking, but it is a serious concern. How many young people will see Obama and think, “If a brilliant, inspiring man like Barack Obama can excuse smoking as as stress-reliever, why not me?”

  • 11 Darthmeister // Jun 24, 2009 at 1:04 pm

    “Outrage” is now a drug? No wonder Obamabots are always “outraged” believing, as they do, that they lived under a Nazi regime while George Bush was in office. Which makes it all the more perplexing why Obama and the Obamatrolls here didn’t pop their outrage pill a little earlier with respect to the Iranian thugocracy and its very real tyrannical subjugation of the Iranian people.

    Oooops, here we go again! Barney Fwank is demanding that mortgage lending rules be relaxed! Some LibDonks never learn [sigh]. And just where is the outrage at this latest moronic convergence?

  • 12 Darthmeister // Jun 24, 2009 at 1:14 pm


    Maybe Mr. Obama is training for the peacepipe ceremonies that he believes he’ll be officiating over when Palestinians lovingly embrace their Jewish cousins at the signing of some land-for-peace suicide pact. Gee, ya think?

  • 13 Newsman // Jun 24, 2009 at 2:09 pm

    We are all in deep doo doo now. Run for the bunkers !

    “SEOUL, South Korea (AP) - North Korea threatened Wednesday to wipe the United States off the map as Washington and its allies watched for signs the regime will launch a series of missiles in the coming days.”

  • 14 boberinyetagain // Jun 24, 2009 at 2:10 pm

    Hank, perhaps he was trying (didn’t work) to avoid this…because “this” is just what the current “leaders” needed to gel their position…
    As I say, didn’t work but it had to be on his mind…

    TEHRAN (Reuters) - Iran’s interior minister on Wednesday accused U.S. spy agency the CIA of helping to fund “rioters,” stepping up accusations of Western involvement in street unrest following the country’s disputed election.

    Now, that’s as funny as the “election” results because as someone here pointed out…what did we supply them with…rocks? posters?
    Ludicrous of course but Obama “standing up” earlier would not have had any positive impact on a region/people that we’ve decieved (in enormous ways) so many times in the past.
    A totally new direction is needed/worth trying. The “same ole/same ole” was/is NOT getting it done.

    Watch for it, women (that’s right, women) are playing an enormous (for that region) part in this and we all know that once you piss off the women your “strategy” is doomed, no matter what it was.
    And they stepped up w/o our “help” which makes it all the more valid, much harder to ignore…

  • 15 JQ // Jun 24, 2009 at 2:35 pm

    Boberin says:

    “Watch for it, women (that’s right, women) are playing an enormous (for that region) part in this and we all know that once you piss off the women your “strategy” is doomed, no matter what it was.
    And they stepped up w/o our “help” which makes it all the more valid, much harder to ignore…”

    I agree with you here, Boberin. It’s awesome to see the Iranian women waking up to the fact that they aren’t property, that they can’t be told to “shut up and go home.”

    I’m also kind of agreeing with the idea that Obama is right to take an observational role. As much as it pains us to see protesters taking so much heat, it could be argued that it’s a natural part of the revolutionary process. The death of this Neda woman could be Iran’s “Boston Massacre,” the catalyzing wake-up call they need to rally behind. Since we haven’t interfered, the situation remains one of Iranian citizens demanding legitimacy from own government. The Iranian government has no legitimate claim against the U.S. this time, so they will eventually have to face up to the facts.

  • 16 JQ // Jun 24, 2009 at 3:17 pm

    …and in completely unrelated (but sure to be brought up) news, the missing Republican Gov. Sanford of SC has been found at last—returning from a trip to see his Argentinian mistress after a stressful legislative session.

    Why, oh why, can’t politicians manage to stay faithful? You’d think that being a public figure would scare them into being more discreet, but this moron DISAPPEARS for a week to fly to another continent for an affair.

  • 17 boberinyetagain // Jun 24, 2009 at 3:27 pm

    How does one from SC even come to have a mistress in Argentina? Who has the time/energy for such nonsense? It boggles the mind…I can barely keep pace with one woman…

    Gary Hart comes to mind…”go ahead, follow me around” and so they do…and what do they find? Mind boggling I tell ya!

  • 18 Jesse Raphial // Jun 24, 2009 at 3:41 pm

    The Russians are in the process of selling the Iran goverment a new system to battle against the rock throwing civilians in Tehran, called A.R.M.S.: anti-rock missle system.. also working on night vision missles to destroy the candles being burned in the streets. Revolution doesn’t come easy…

  • 19 Laughing@You // Jun 24, 2009 at 4:15 pm

    One Conservative said to another Conservative: “This is getting embarrassing!”

    To which the second Conservative said: “No, it’s been embarrassing for quite some while now!”

    That’s all right at least Scrapplers won’t let up with their blowing of moral superiority smoke!

    After all, we have a copyright on the “Party of Family Values” slogan. Push it!


  • 20 JamesonLewis3rd // Jun 24, 2009 at 4:19 pm

    Jesus Christ is Lord of all!

  • 21 Laughing@You // Jun 24, 2009 at 4:21 pm

    Republican hypocrites are making it impossible to let our children keep up with current events!

    What can we tell our children?


  • 22 Laughing@You // Jun 24, 2009 at 4:27 pm


    “Jesus Christ is Lord of all!”

    Is He Lord of your life? Shall I look to you as an example of His love?


  • 23 boberinyetagain // Jun 24, 2009 at 4:58 pm

    JL3 is more akin to the God of the Old Testament

  • 24 R.A.M. // Jun 24, 2009 at 5:12 pm

    In the above link, go to 1:54 of the video to see an example of how “tough” Obama will be when dealing with Iran, North Korea, and America’s other enemies, although Harpo may be tougher than Obama.

    Obama-moron is pretty much Jimmy Carter “LITE”.

    At least President “Peanut” DID serve his Country in the Navy, Obama-moron has trouble even showing respect to the American flag!

    The ONLY outrage I have seen from wussboy “O” is his dislike for Fox News who, (in my opinion), STILL gives him MORE than fair coverage, MORE than he deserves!

    They just fail to swoon over him like everyone else does! When his economic stimulus policy failure “chickens come home to roost”, he will get a LOT more critical coverage, maybe even from the “LIB Media”, so he better get used to it!

    Unless, he becomes a dictator by then and we have a reinactment of the scenes we have seen from Iran here in America to shut up any and all dissent from “his majesty” enforced by his “citizen brigade” of “Obama-bots”.

    BTW, someone needs to tell Prez Moron that FOX News is a NETWORK, and not a TV Station as he refered to it on MSNBC or CNBC!

    What a IGNORANT DOLT this empty suit moron is!!! :lol:

  • 25 R.A.M. // Jun 24, 2009 at 5:22 pm

    JL3: Lib wing nuts think the Constitution is a “living” document, and “changes” over time, so that is probably the reason some misguilded “Christians” think there is an “Old Testament God” and a different one today, EVEN THOUGH GOD says HE is the same yesterday, today, AND tomorrow!!!

    Some “Christians” think they can change GOD’s Word too. They should read, AND RE-READ the last paragraph in the Bible before doing that though!

    GOD’s warning, NOT mine!

  • 26 RedPepper // Jun 24, 2009 at 6:11 pm

    Newsman #13: I am definitely feeling menaced.

    Parades of goose-stepping troops tend to do that to me … even when they’re barely 4′6” tall due to chronic malnutrition …

    Obama might want to rethink his funding request for missle defense programs, tho …

  • 27 Laughing@You // Jun 24, 2009 at 6:14 pm


    Does this guy seem rational to you? If you think he sounds sane, please line up at the back door. The nice men in white are waiting there to help you. As soon as we can drop a butterfly net over Nutball we’ll be leaving.


  • 28 Laughing@You // Jun 24, 2009 at 6:21 pm


    “What a IGNORANT DOLT this empty suit moron is!!!

    How can an empty suit upset you so much?

    I have a new idea, THINK!


  • 29 R.A.M. // Jun 24, 2009 at 7:12 pm

    Because even and empty suit unabated, can, (and WILL), destroy America for our children and their children!

    re#28: Maybe you could elaberate why Bush, ( if he is so “dumb” as you claim), CONTINUES to upset you lib hypocrites first? :lol:

    I would tell you to “think” but, I don’t want you to do anything you have failed to do in the past.

    Your brain, (small as it is), might explode. :lol: :lol: :lol:

  • 30 JamesonLewis3rd // Jun 24, 2009 at 7:13 pm

    Jesus Christ is His own example.

    Looking to me is better than what you have now, no doubt, but it is a serious mistake (heretical/blasphemous). Please, see His Word for more information.

  • 31 JamesonLewis3rd // Jun 24, 2009 at 7:35 pm

    The Obama administration, which refused to send a representative to a Capitol Hill commemoration of the National Day of Prayer, is hosting a White House celebration of what most gay activists regard as the birth of their movement.

    President Barack Obama has invited key leaders in the gay community to the East Room on Monday to commemorate the Stonewall Riots of June 28, 1969, during which hundreds of homosexuals threw bottles and garbage at police and set a gay bar, the Stonewall Inn, on fire.

  • 32 Newsman // Jun 24, 2009 at 7:36 pm

    ” U.S. President Barack Obama’s administration has withdrawn invitations to Iranian diplomats to attend U.S. independence celebrations July 4, Reuters reported June 24. White House spokesman Robert Gibbs said the diplomats had not replied to the invitations. “

  • 33 Newsman // Jun 24, 2009 at 7:46 pm


    “Republican hypocrites are making it impossible to let our children keep up with current events!”

    It’s a both sides of the aisle flaw !

  • 34 onlineanalyst // Jun 24, 2009 at 7:54 pm

    Republican hypocrites are making it impossible to let our children keep up with current events!

    What can we tell our children?


    We can always sing a few verses of “Devil in a Blue Dress” to remind us of an oldie but goodie.

    It’s mighty disappointing, nevertheless, to learn of Gov. Sanford’s moral transgression. He had such promise as a fiscal conservative who wanted to use the stimulus money to pay down debt instead of putting his state into deeper hock. When that stimulus money runs out, the states that took it will be stuck with the bill in order to continue the welfare/unemployment payouts.

    As our dollar continues to lose value and our debt increases, and as inflation rises through printing press overload and more people lose jobs through cap and trade (as well as other boondoggles), who will pay the piper? There are not enough “rich” people to carry the load, and the middle class will be squeezed out.

  • 35 onlineanalyst // Jun 24, 2009 at 8:02 pm

    One of the intriguing aspects re what is going on in Iran is that the country has a proportionately large population age 30 and under who are well educated and exposed to Western culture through contraband pop videos and music. Through the Internet, Facebook, and twitter, they are aware of the freedoms available outside their repressive culture.

    The “revolution” in that country is going to take place in Iran in spite of the mullahs and the despots. What is so sad is that so many young idealists will be tortured or killed for exercising basic human rights.

  • 36 Fred Sinclair // Jun 24, 2009 at 8:51 pm

    This is the start of the economic tip-over, it would seem, and it WILL spread. Take cover financially and other wise. Get to your most secure financial investment positions and do not have any variable interest rate loans. Have some cash on hand. Prepare for possible civil disorder and interruptions in the supply of goods and services, including food and fuel. The dollar MUST collapse soon under the weight of the burden placed on it by Obama. This will occur slowly at first and then cascade very quickly in the next weeks to three to four months…most likely before Christmas.

    This is consistent with most all the predictions I have been receiving from knowledgeable sources; all predicated, of course, on the absence of vigorous, meaningful changes in the course of events and leadership.

    The ridiculous, unwanted and completely unecesssary Cap & Trade-Carbon Tax & Nationalized HealthCare bills, if passed, will ASSURE our complete economic demise…without any doubt. This is a deliberate effort to destroy the America we know and love.

    Or as one wit so candidly observed, “The problem with Socialism is that eventually they run out of other people’s money.”

    California’s unemployment rate is 11.5% and will top 12% by Christmas. Michigan is going down the drain and may soon eclipse California.

    State after state is falling victim to the usurper’s handlers, yet we won’t take to the streets as the Iranians are doing. Something has to give before we become another Cuba Unlike the Cubans, we have no United States to flee to.

  • 37 Newsman // Jun 24, 2009 at 9:24 pm

    Fred - sounds like you are locked into a few of those ’survivalist’ newsletters that are out there that have been predicting ‘doom and gloom’ for over 40 years !

  • 38 Laughing@You // Jun 24, 2009 at 9:39 pm


    “It’s a both sides of the aisle flaw !”

    There’s no doubt about that! But, with the Republicans there is a cherry on top! The cherry is the “Party of Family Values”, and the moral superiority of Republicans.

    Where is Ken Starr when you really need him?


  • 39 Laughing@You // Jun 24, 2009 at 9:44 pm


    An empty suit is empty this is nothing good or bad, smart or dumb in emptiness. Zero! Nothing! Will somebody explain this to RAM, my head hurts!


  • 40 Laughing@You // Jun 24, 2009 at 9:45 pm

    change “this” to “there”.

  • 41 onlineanalyst // Jun 24, 2009 at 10:26 pm

    OT: On an errand of mercy this morning, I was tuned in to Glenn Beck on the car radio. Beck was interviewing a representative (didn’t pay attention to the state) who has introduced a common sense means of conducting the census. He suggests using the US postal service.

    After all, who is more knowledgeable about who lives where than the post office? Even though most federal employees, especially the unionized ones, tend to be Democrats, the odds are that their census numbers would be a more honest counting than a tally made by Acorn members. The thug element would disappear as would the burdensome cost of new hires. A huge portion of the budgeted dollars for conducting the census could be slashed.

    The representative also mentioned that using the postal service would counteract the RIFs taking place in that sector of the government. It’s a win-win that keeps the postal workers meaningfully employed and cuts the costs of new hires for a once-in-ten-years job.

    One other funny/sad point that the representative made is that more time is taken up in Congress in the naming of post offices and other federal buildings than is spent in dicussion of bills like the stimulus package and appropriations issues.

    (Keep after your senators and representative on the immediate issues coming to a vote on Friday: cap and trade and card check. Don’t allow other news events distract you from these two bankrupting issues. Obama-scare can be dealt with after the other two issues are torpedoed. Think of your children and your grandchildren and your great-grandchildren, etc.)

  • 42 Fred Sinclair // Jun 24, 2009 at 10:42 pm

    Newman #37 - “….predicting ?doom and gloom? for over 40 years !”

    Wow and Gee Whilikers! Most often God does things without so much as asking my opinion or even sending me a memo. He did however write a book. I am even have a copy of His book. It is not to be found in any library in the “Fiction” section. Personally, I happen to believe what He wrote.

    He even details why no Christian can vote for a Democrat. For a person to vote for a Democrat is a flag, announcing “I am not a Christian! I support the planks in the Democrat’s platform about the murder of babies in the womb, about homosexuals (Whom God says are an abomination to Him, etc.)”

    He tells of history’s worst preacher, Noah, who preached ‘doom and gloom’ for a hundred years without even one convert! Then, one day, it began to rain for the first time in all history! “Water from the sky? Ha, ha, ha Noah, tell us another one.”

    He tells of the ‘doom and gloom’ and destruction awaiting Sodom and Gomorrah. Then, one day the ground began to shake.

    He even details the ‘doom and gloom’ awaiting Nineveh and although their repentance staved off their destruction for a time, when they returned to their old ways - it was all over for them.

    There was the ‘doom and gloom’ awaiting Jericho, that He wrote about in fine detail, but the people of Jericho were smug and comfortable behind their magnificent wall. until one day the wall came tumbling down!

    The San Andreas fault in California is another ‘doom and gloom’ subject and it’s only a matter of time.

    The horrendous fate of America in the hands of the usurper’s handlers is even more sure than any listed; ‘doom and gloom’? You betcha!

  • 43 JamesonLewis3rd // Jun 25, 2009 at 6:33 am

    An African perspective on BHO.

  • 44 JamesonLewis3rd // Jun 25, 2009 at 8:04 am

    If you are ill, BHO wants you to die.

  • 45 boberinyetagain // Jun 25, 2009 at 8:34 am

    Fred, every generation is certain that the “young people of today” (whatever century “today” happens to be in) will be the “ruin” of civilization as we know it.
    Hasn’t happened yet.
    Every generation of Christians, as they hit 60 y/o os so, becomes “convinced” that Christ will return in their lifetime. They confidently point to the ruination evident everywhere, the Biblical predictions they “see” coming to pass, those darned kids…etc…
    Why is that? It’s because the thought of the world turning after they die is nearly unbearable and, to their minds, downright impossible.
    Hasn’t happened yet.
    In every generation there is a segment of the population that softly and/or loudly proclaims that between the youths of “today” and the predictions coming to pass that the end (often fuzzy/undefined) is at hand. This generation is blessed by the internet so these groups have far more potential to spread that message and more folks (not a lot more) buy into it but…
    Hasn’t happened yet.

    So, while any or all of those things (including your dire predictions) may well come true someday…they might not too.
    Hasn’t happened yet…and if history teaches us anything it’s that it isn’t likely.

    Is America doomed? Yep, we had a completely unsustainable model going, we ALL bought in. We assured ourselves that it was OK to rape the planet to feed our “engine”, that prosperity (always at a huge human cost to other peoples/countrys) was our “right”, that we “deserved” it, we were Gods chosen ones (mentioned nowhere in the Book you seem to quote BTW). Big mistake…turns out we were wrong about those things. Turns out that because we failed to raise the standards for other we must now lower ours…until everyone catches up. That will take a very, very long time and all the while we will think that life is “unfair” when, in reality, it’s only now becoming so.

    That’s whats happening now. Read it again, think about it and…thank God you EVER had it so good…and begin making amends

  • 46 JamesonLewis3rd // Jun 25, 2009 at 9:17 am

    How very, very little the God-haters know about Almighty God and His Word; thus their loathing of Christianity and humanity.

  • 47 Darthmeister // Jun 25, 2009 at 9:32 am

    Hmmmm, the US beat Spain in Confederation Cup soccer. It must have been Obamessiah’s Cairo speech! What an inspiration.

    BTW, even ABC pans their Obama infomercial saying that Mr. Obama “struggled” to make his case for communist healthcare. Actually it sounded like The Chosen One was debating himself!

    I wonder … uh … what it would have … uh … sounded like without his … uh … teleprompter?

  • 48 Darthmeister // Jun 25, 2009 at 9:36 am

    Also I wonder how many cigarettes Obama smoked after delivering his communist healthcare soliloquy? Kinda of ironic, eh?

  • 49 boberinyetagain // Jun 25, 2009 at 9:41 am

    “How very, very little the God-haters know about Almighty God and His Word; thus their loathing of Christianity and humanity.”

    What the heck does that have to do with the price of eggs in Britain pray tell? Does that refer to any/one/more of the posts in this or any other thread or is it as it appears…completely apropos of nothing?

    The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog…take that!

  • 50 Darthmeister // Jun 25, 2009 at 9:46 am

    Is America doomed? Yep, we had a completely unsustainable model [temporal conjecture] going, we ALL bought in. We assured ourselves that it was OK to rape the planet[as if no other country every "rapes the planet" in order to remain internationally viable] to feed our “engine” [i.e. free market capitalism], that prosperity (always at a huge human cost to other peoples/countrys) [yes, no other country in hisotry has ever done this, not even today] was our “right”, that we “deserved” it, we were Gods [sic] chosen ones (mentioned nowhere in the Book you seem to quote BTW). Big mistake…turns out we [speak for yourself] were wrong about those things.

    Congratulations, boberinblahblahblah, you’re in good company. You sentiments almost precisely echoes that of every Marxist/socialist/fascist/collectivist from Lenin to Stalin to Hitler!

    BTW, did you know Hitler was also a virulent anti-capitalist and America-hater who believed America posed the greatest threat to the 20th Century world? Just asking in case it has escaped the few brain cells you had left.

  • 51 onlineanalyst // Jun 25, 2009 at 10:07 am

    Keep your eye on the ball. Tomorrow the Senate and the House vote on two different bills: Card Check (the Dems’ payoff to unions) and Cap and Trade (cap the slaves).

    Compliments of “izoneguy” re the latter:
    If you’re wondering what to tell your congressperson, here are some points* to bring up. The energy tax would:

    Reduce aggregate gross domestic product (GDP) by $9.6 trillion
    Destroy an average of 1-3 million jobs, every year
    Raise electricity rates 90 percent after adjusting for inflation
    Raise inflation-adjusted gasoline prices by 74 percent
    Raise residential natural gas prices by 55 percent
    Raise an average family’s annual energy bill by $1,500 annually
    Increase the federal debt by 26 percent, which is $29,150 per person

    Remember, we only have until tomorrow. Call, email, or fax your congresscritters to put a stop to this government takeover of viable sectors in our economy.

    When the scientifically ignorant Obamao says that carbon dioxide “pollutes” our water, we are being flimflammed by the worst con man in the DC circus.

  • 52 onlineanalyst // Jun 25, 2009 at 10:12 am

    The United States also has the best record worldwide for responsible environmental practice. We have the cleanest air and the cleanest water. As a result, we have commendable mortality rates in comparison to other nations, developed or developing.

  • 53 boberinyetagain // Jun 25, 2009 at 10:31 am

    Hank, shall we ban cigarettes?

    Screw the poor/sick…let them die and decrease the surplus population…your compassion is beyond measure Hank…I assume you have healthcare…

  • 54 boberinyetagain // Jun 25, 2009 at 10:41 am

    Hank, you need not “defend” yourself to me…I’m not the judge, not even on the jury.

    But I gotta say “other countrys did it too” seems, at best, an extremely poor argument. If other countries jumped off a cliff would you follow them? (apologies to my mother, was her standing question in response to what the “other kids” were allowed to do)

    So, the very best you’ve got is that others exlploited people and resources to make life easier on themselves and thus it’s ok if we do too.

    Good golly…I truly hope you and I are together in line at the reckoning…I’d give most anything for that to be so be it 10 minutes of 50 years off.
    Do give me a heads up if you see it coming…I might hasten my journey just for that

    Obviously Hitler wasn’t wrong about everything.

  • 55 onlineanalyst // Jun 25, 2009 at 10:41 am

    Here is a brief rebuttal to the Cap and Tax fiction.

  • 56 boberinyetagain // Jun 25, 2009 at 10:43 am

    10 minutes “OR” 50 years

    but I want to be there…

  • 57 JQ // Jun 25, 2009 at 10:49 am

    Darthmeister says:

    “Also I wonder how many cigarettes Obama smoked after delivering his communist healthcare soliloquy? Kinda of ironic, eh?”

    …to which Boberin replies:

    “Hank, shall we ban cigarettes?

    Screw the poor/sick…let them die and decrease the surplus population…your compassion is beyond measure Hank…I assume you have healthcare…”

    I believe Hank was simply referring to the irony of the President promoting government- (read: taxpayer-) funded healthcare while he is deliberately contributing to his own need for healthcare by being a smoker.

    It just seems to support the case that folks should be responsible for their own healthcare; we can’t tell them what to do with their bodies, so we shouldn’t have to pay to fix them.

  • 58 boberinyetagain // Jun 25, 2009 at 10:51 am

    OLA, look at infant mortality…our stellar healthcare system and clean air/water ranks us a lusty 41st in the world in lowest infant mortality.
    We must be doing something right. Just behind South Korea but ahead of Croatia by 3/10ths of a point. Go USA, go USA!
    Shall we look at other rates?

  • 59 boberinyetagain // Jun 25, 2009 at 10:57 am

    Couldn’t wait for an answer…

    Overall deathrate…USA…chant with me…

    We’re 94th….we’re 94th

    Take THAT world…in your face! We’re 94th

  • 60 boberinyetagain // Jun 25, 2009 at 11:00 am

    JQ, ideally healthcare would be on a “sliding scale” costwise. Overweight? pay more. Way overweight? pay weigh more (get it?)
    Smoker? pay more but…where do we draw that line and who draws it?

  • 61 JQ // Jun 25, 2009 at 11:22 am

    Boberin says:

    “Overall deathrate…USA…chant with me…

    We’re 94th….we’re 94th

    Take THAT world…in your face! We’re 94th”

    So, does that mean that the ratio of Americans who die versus those who don’t is worse than other countries? ‘Cause I thought we were all around that 100% mortality rate…

  • 62 boberinyetagain // Jun 25, 2009 at 11:29 am

    JQ, yep…apparently more if us die than in 93 other countries. That would explain the surplus population…and the deficit…a host of issues could be blamed on this…
    Just poking fun at OLA (with facts) because there was a time when she only posted facts but apparently Obama has driven her around the bend, caused some nonsense to spill out when little or none did before.
    Another casualty of the current administration. How do they live with themselves?

  • 63 onlineanalyst // Jun 25, 2009 at 11:34 am

    The US goes to extraordinary measures to promote the life and health of its preemies, its aged, and its physically/mentally challenged. I prefer that the practice continues.

    The statistics comparing mortality of our citizens to those of other nations are not held to the same standards of measurement.

    Personally, I would prefer to be treated by physicians or hospitals in the US over those in either Canada or the UK.

    It would be of interest to me for you to cite some of the countries- say 10 or so- that have a better record on infant mortality and average life span. I rather doubt that you would prefer their standard of living or their health care system.

    Just as an anecdotal aside, I heard that a brochure in Paris was promoting a tour of its sewer system as a must-see back in the ’80’s. That was the first time in the city’s history that water from the Seine was drinkable. I think that we have beaten that record when comparing ecological responsibility of first-world nations by a long shot.

  • 64 boberinyetagain // Jun 25, 2009 at 11:41 am

    The list is here…

    you were not citing quality of life, you were citing low mortality/clean air/clean water/superior healthcare. Could be the countries ahead of us just “got lucky” but it sure is a whole bunch of em that did so.

    are you saying quality of life this moment or in the next few years when we inevitably slide much further down the scale as God demands we must?

  • 65 JamesonLewis3rd // Jun 25, 2009 at 11:52 am

    Almighty God “demands” no such thing.

  • 66 boberinyetagain // Jun 25, 2009 at 12:06 pm

    He’s a big fan of our taking much, much more than we deserve…no doubt about it.
    Like Hank, would you give me a heads up if you know you are going to kick off? I’d be willing to hasten my own departure just to see both of you in the line. We can all join hands and march off to hell together. My satisfaction will come because I guess you two will be surprised by that…but at least by then you’ll know why

  • 67 Newsman // Jun 25, 2009 at 12:06 pm

    Hey Fred:

    Slight correction for ya … “HE” did not write “the Book” to which you refer. Men did !

    “He even details why no Christian can vote for a Democrat.”

    You are really super at creating something from nothing Fred !

    I should nominate you to be the “Font of all wisdom in the known world”!

    I am going to e-mail Obamaman right now to give you a call every morning before he starts his day to get things straight from the horse’s [ help me out here which end of the horse is it ?].

  • 68 boberinyetagain // Jun 25, 2009 at 12:09 pm

    newsman, it says right in there “thou shalt not vote democratic”…#11 I think

  • 69 JQ // Jun 25, 2009 at 12:26 pm

    Newsman says:

    “‘He even details why no Christian can vote for a Democrat.’

    You are really super at creating something from nothing Fred !”

    Boberin chimes in:

    “newsman, it says right in there “thou shalt not vote democratic”…#11 I think”

    The Bible makes it clear that God views homosexuality as an abomination, a warped perversion of what he created human sexuality to be—between a man and his wife. The Democratic party celebrates homosexuality in all its glory.

    The Bible makes it clear that fetuses are people (even as they’re being formed in the womb), and that the killing of any innocent person is wrong. The Democratic party fights tooth-and-nail for the right of a woman to kill her unborn child at her discretion.

    While the Republican party is far from perfect, through the haze of gray political issues, these two stand out as crystal-clear, black-and-white issues that clearly separate the two parties. I’m not always proud of the Republican party, but I couldn’t imagine grouping myself into a party that applauds such sins so heartily.

  • 70 JamesonLewis3rd // Jun 25, 2009 at 12:29 pm

    These comments from the hate-filled sock puppets demonstrate just how apropos my observation is.

  • 71 onlineanalyst // Jun 25, 2009 at 12:31 pm

    I was rooting around to locate some health statistics when I found one article that describes why the US presents noncomparable findings for cause of mortality. Because we are a more genetically heterogeneous population than that of other countries, we tend to have a wider hodge-podge of diseases, given our mixed DNA. Interesting.

    Try this comparison of US, Canadian, and UK health care-comparisons.

    Tort reform, BTW, would bring down the costs of our health care. Most tests prescribed by physicians are done as self-protection against lawsuits.

  • 72 boberinyetagain // Jun 25, 2009 at 12:44 pm

    He hates these animals….
    But, actually, some same-sex birds do do it. So do beetles, sheep, fruit bats, dolphins, and orangutans. Zoologists are discovering that homosexual and bisexual activity is not unknown within the animal kingdom.

    and those are the ones we know about…brought to you by Homo-loving National Geographic here…

  • 73 boberinyetagain // Jun 25, 2009 at 12:53 pm

    the abortion issue is another thing but i’ve seen few Demo’s reaching into wombs with or without mom’s consent…the issue is “choice” and/or “freedom” the pursuit of which which is guaranteed…and guaranteed not to suit/please everyone. It’s a matter of what we can and cannot tell women what they can or cannot do with their body…and that which grows inside.
    Personally (as all know) I find the practice somewhere around appalling but have similar feeling regarding other “choices” people are “free” to make as well. But then I think “heck, I like the freedoms I have, wish I had even more” and decide it’s best to “let God sort em out”…

    PS, you cannot freeze then thaw “humans” and you can indeed do that with what’s aborted…so a difference seems to have been made apparent to us…

  • 74 onlineanalyst // Jun 25, 2009 at 1:14 pm

    Ed Morrissey cites a remark by our Scientist-in-Chief (heh!) Obamao and goes on to debunk it.

    Obama: These incentives will finally make clean energy the profitable kind of energy. And that will lead to the development of new technologies that lead to new industries that could create millions of new jobs in America — jobs that can’t be shipped overseas.

    At a time of great fiscal challenges, this legislation is paid for by the polluters who currently emit the dangerous carbon emissions that contaminate the water we drink and pollute the air that we breathe. It also provides assistance to businesses and communities as they make the gradual transition to clean energy technologies.

    Morrissey: “The argument — such as it is — is that carbon emissions warm the Earth, not “contaminate the water we drink and pollute the air we breathe”. People have been breathing carbon since at least a little while before Obama was born … like since the dawn of man. It’s lethal, of course — it’ll kill you in 150 years, if you don’t stop breathing before then.”

    Hello, Obamao. All of life is carbon-based. Think of the trees, man. How will they flourish if we don’t breathe out?

    We stand a better chance of survival as humans in a warmer climate in which food can be produced than in a colder one. Anyway, with the draconian legislation being promoted, the differential in temperature is negligible. Climate change is cyclical, and it is not man-made.

    Here is a clue about how to prevent energy jobs from being shipped overseas and preventing us from being at the mercy of adversaries: Use our own plentiful resources and sell the leftovers to those who want to do honest commerce with us.

  • 75 JQ // Jun 25, 2009 at 1:21 pm

    Boberin says:

    “…some same-sex birds do do it. So do beetles, sheep, fruit bats, dolphins, and orangutans. Zoologists are discovering that homosexual and bisexual activity is not unknown within the animal kingdom.”

    So “animals do it” is the evidence that homosexuality is okay?

    I understand that you don’t take the Bible at it’s word and that it holds no real meaning for you other than (possibly) interesting literature. That’s your choice, and I can understand that. However, I do accept the Bible as God’s revelation to us. And this book makes it clear to me that homosexual behavior is wrong and sinful. There’s not even any ambiguity, as some of the more “progressive Christians” have tried to claim; if you believe the Bible, then you must accept what it says about homosexuality being a sin.

  • 76 JQ // Jun 25, 2009 at 1:30 pm

    Boberin says:

    Personally (as all know) I find the practice somewhere around appalling but have similar feeling regarding other “choices” people are “free” to make as well. But then I think “heck, I like the freedoms I have, wish I had even more” and decide it’s best to “let God sort em out”…

    “Let God sort em out.” That would be really sad if you really believed it…

    PS, you cannot freeze then thaw “humans” and you can indeed do that with what’s aborted…so a difference seems to have been made apparent to us…

    You can’t fit a full-grown human into a uterus, either; what’s your point?

    We’re talking about developing babies in a womb. Little people with brains, eyes, fingers, toes, hearts, etc. You can’t “freeze then thaw” that.

  • 77 RedPepper // Jun 25, 2009 at 1:48 pm

    JQ: As the saying goes, “There are lies, damned lies, and statistics.”

    I’m fairly sure that the “infant mortality” figures boberin referred to in comment #64 don’t include abortions ( ~ 1.37 million per year in the USA ), for instance …

    Guess it all depends on how you are looking at things … doesn’t it.

  • 78 boberinyetagain // Jun 25, 2009 at 2:03 pm

    The “animlas do it” was meant to remove the “choice” aspect that freely bandied about…not a choice so, if not a choice then I suppose God damned them to hell in the womb…hmmm…a really late term abortion…eternity in hell for something you had no control over…


  • 79 Newsman // Jun 25, 2009 at 2:13 pm

    “Holier the thou” [A new book] or, “I am a Christian and I know what is right for you, your children, your children’s children, your dogs, cats, birds, gerbils, snakes, spiders, rats, mice [okay,okay Scott, I know there is a space limit here !] .

    A Best Seller not yet on the NY Times Best Seller List [but working on it] by the inimitable [scrappleface's very own] .. boberinyetagain.

    BTW … just what do you bobberinyetagain ??

  • 80 R.A.M. // Jun 25, 2009 at 2:27 pm

    GOD, didn’t “MAKE” ANYONE homosexuals anymore than HE “MADE” people like you, Godless, (”baby murderer”) defenders, big mouthed “bloviating” trolls!

    BOTH were choices.

    EXTREMELY bad choices! :lol:

    CHOICES that will doom anyone who believes the “HE made me this way” lie to an eternity in HELL!

    And before you say something like, “Let he who is without sin cast the first stone.” I am NOT without sin BUT, the BIG difference is, gays are about the only ones I can think of that don’t want their SIN called SIN, even though that is exactly what it is and is NOT something to be “proud” of, (gay pride), rather they should be ashamed of it, as should the people that condone it!

    Same goes for abortion and the people with the same blood on their hands that condone it!!!

    If the shoe fits blabber, (and it DOES), wear it!

  • 81 boberinyetagain // Jun 25, 2009 at 2:52 pm

    Sounds like someone is “afraid” of gays. Methinks thou doest protest too much Mr RAM

    Hiding something? Wouldn’t be the 4,551st time that a very vocal “gay bacher” turned out to be wrestling with those very “demons”.

    Sure, a dolphin/dog/beetle/you name it woke up one morning and said…I’d really like to make my mother mad, how best to accomplish that?”
    Naturally he went and found another animal of the same sex and took it home for dinner.
    Talk about awkward!

    Or is it for all of the “perks” associated with Gay? Probably because we let them move to the head of the line at the theater. Or the lavish praise that’s always heaped on their slightest accomplishment.
    You know, now that I think of it, I’m tired of bowing down to them as well…hmmmm.

  • 82 boberinyetagain // Jun 25, 2009 at 2:57 pm

    “Troll” on the other hand is a choice…albeit a reluctant one.
    But the praise and adulation that is heaped upon me is very similar to that heaped on the gays…hmmm, I’m seeing a pattern here.

    I might just become a gay troll. Once my wife sees all of the increased perks she’ll prolly get right on board…I’ll get back to you on that

  • 83 JQ // Jun 25, 2009 at 3:02 pm

    Boberin says:

    “The ‘animlas do it’ was meant to remove the ‘choice’ aspect that freely bandied about…not a choice so, if not a choice then I suppose God damned them to hell in the womb…”

    A male dog will hump just about anything that crosses its path; does that make it genetically attracted to the “hump-ee,” or just unable/unwilling to control its sexual drive? Likewise, humans appear to have the capacity to get sexually aroused by pretty much anything, ranging from the opposite sex to trees; we’ve got a pretty sad track record when it comes to controlling our sex drives.

    I’m not denying that some people feel a sexual attraction to others of the same gender; I just don’t think it’s a cut-and-dried matter of being genetically engineered to mate with a member of the same sex. A genetic pre-disposition to have less testosterone and more estrogen? Sure. That doesn’t predispose a man to mate with another man, whatever our culture may say.

    Urges ultimately culminate in choices. Should I hump that tree, or ask that woman out to dinner? Choices, choices…

  • 84 boberinyetagain // Jun 25, 2009 at 3:30 pm

    RAM, Just a small sampling of folks that you’d think might have made better CHOICES

    Except that I (and most sane folk) don’t believe that it was a choice. If it were, why did these, of all folks make that choice

    Please do enlighten me

  • 85 boberinyetagain // Jun 25, 2009 at 3:32 pm

    1.13 Ted Haggard, 2006-
    1.14 Paul Barnes, 2006
    1.15 Lonnie Latham, 2006
    1.16 Richard Roberts, 2007
    1.17 Bishop Earl Paulk, 2007
    1.18 Coy Privette, 2007
    1.19 Joe Barron, 2008
    1.20 Todd Bentley, 2008

    whoops, forgot the list

  • 86 boberinyetagain // Jun 25, 2009 at 3:49 pm

    I stuck to recent “offenses” and a rather narrow list of criteria but hundreds more can be produced that made similar “choices”…except that it’s obvious that if they had a choice they’d have chosen differently…

  • 87 Laughing@You // Jun 25, 2009 at 3:50 pm


    Come on now, you’re usually pretty fair, an exaggeration can also be a lie.

    “The Democratic party celebrates homosexuality in all its glory.”

    The gay members of the Democratic Party may celebrate homosexuality, but the Democratic Party as a whole does not! Democrats do, however, respect and support the rights of others.

    Why don’t you just concentrate on the immorality of Republican? Though homosexuality is sinful it didn’t make the top ten.

    The repeated violations of the Ten Commandments by Republicans should keep you “busybodies going for quite a while.

    boberin, when you say; “I might just become a gay troll”.

    Are you thinking about becoming a pitcher or a catcher?

    Now, pay close attention, all you “Log Cabin Republicans”!

  • 88 boberinyetagain // Jun 25, 2009 at 3:55 pm

    Et, hard to say…guess i’d have to try both to know for certain. (don’t let on but both/either sound pretty disgusting to me)
    I’d be the first ever to make the “choice”. Call the Guiness Book people…we’re on to something now

  • 89 boberinyetagain // Jun 25, 2009 at 4:01 pm

    If I recall history correctly there were a couple of priests that also made some rather bad “choices”…according to you.
    To my mind that kinda nailed the coffin closed on the “choice” deal…unless a whole class of “leaders” in the holiness field are also guilty of bad choices…perhaps the whole celibacy thing just appeals to folks prone to bad choices. Makes me a tad suspect of what they are teaching…but that’s just me

  • 90 Newsman // Jun 25, 2009 at 4:15 pm

    So, please, you are confusing us all !

    Are you boberinyetagain or boberinoutyetagain ??

    Which is it ??????

  • 91 boberinyetagain // Jun 25, 2009 at 4:15 pm

    10,667…a LOT of bad choices

  • 92 JQ // Jun 25, 2009 at 4:29 pm

    L@Y says:

    “Why don’t you just concentrate on the immorality of Republican? Though homosexuality is sinful it didn’t make the top ten.”

    Actually, most sexual sin (sex outside of marriage, pornography, homosexuality, beastiality, etc) would fit into “You shall not commit adultery,” since the sexual relationship is to be restricted to a husband and a wife. It’s not a “Top 10″ list so much as a convenient summary.

    And yes, Republicans fail to meet God’s standards, just as Democrats do. I suppose the difference is that “family values” politicians at least acknowledge that those standards exist, attempting to set the bar to a respectable height. It’d probably be easier if we took the bar away altogether and somersaulted our way through the mud…

  • 93 JQ // Jun 25, 2009 at 4:37 pm

    Boberin says:

    “If I recall history correctly there were a couple of priests that also made some rather bad “choices”…according to you.

    To my mind that kinda nailed the coffin closed on the “choice” deal…unless a whole class of “leaders” in the holiness field are also guilty of bad choices…perhaps the whole celibacy thing just appeals to folks prone to bad choices. Makes me a tad suspect of what they are teaching…but that’s just me”

    To my thinking, celibacy is a stupid policy for the Catholic Church to force on its priests; it’s not Biblical, and it causes problems like the one you refer to. I am fully convinced that the majority of those priest abuse cases were of sexually frustrated men who found a sexual outlet in scared, ashamed, available children. I’m sure those choices were more a matter of convenience than preference.

    That’s certainly not evidence for homosexuality not being a choice. It’s a case of disturbed, sexually repressed men making evil choices to gratify themselves in whatever manner they could.

  • 94 boberinyetagain // Jun 25, 2009 at 4:46 pm

    We can return to frustrated people trying to convince themselves that they are “straight” but, if the damage that caused to them and those they “loved” were added up on the tally sheet I’m betting you’d re-think that.
    Hiding in the closet is not an answer, it’s worse than the “problem” in the long run…caused much too much pain and suffering.

  • 95 boberinyetagain // Jun 25, 2009 at 4:57 pm

    When a gay man marries a woman…that’s a “choice” and one that nearly always ends badly…at the very least for him. Spent his entire life miserable…because of bigoted people.

  • 96 boberinyetagain // Jun 25, 2009 at 5:04 pm

    and his wife and kids often bear the brunt of his anger…

    Never people are evil and should be converted or shot…their “choice”

  • 97 JQ // Jun 25, 2009 at 5:26 pm

    “We can return to frustrated people trying to convince themselves that they are ’straight’…Hiding in the closet is not an answer, it’s worse than the “problem” in the long run…When a gay man marries a woman…that’s a “choice” and one that nearly always ends badly…”

    We’re operating under two different assumptions here, which make for two very different solutions, depending on which assumption is correct.

    You believe that a person is “gay” or “straight,” who must either “hide in the closet” or be with the gender they were programmed to be with. In that case, I would agree that restricting them is unfair.

    However, I believe (as the Bible teaches) that all people, as diverse as our personalities may be, are all made to mate (if at all) with the opposite sex. To do otherwise is to choose to pervert the natural order of things.

    When the voting public decides to overturn gay marriage bans, there’ll be nothing us “homophobes” (unfair, etymologically incorrect label if I ever saw one) can do about it but shake our heads and pray. Until then, I’m proud that so many states are passing legislation to protect traditional marriage.

  • 98 onlineanalyst // Jun 25, 2009 at 5:29 pm

    Lots of updated news with embedded links about Cap and Tax over at Planet Gore. Gore himself was to put in a plug for passing the biggest boondoggle, but just as he avoids dates with fact-filled opponents, he was a no show.

    It’s interesting to see who will profit from this shell game to cut the American people off at the knees.

    Call your Representatives even if you know that they are beholden to Waxman-Markey. Voice your displeasure.

  • 99 JamesonLewis3rd // Jun 25, 2009 at 5:35 pm

    The god of this age has blinded the minds of unbelievers, so that they cannot see the light of the gospel of the glory of Christ, who is the image of God. ~~2Corinthians 4:4

    Lose the hatred, seek the Lord, He’s there for you.

  • 100 JQ // Jun 25, 2009 at 5:38 pm

    Boberin says:

    “Never people are evil and should be converted or shot…their ‘choice’”

    No, gay people are people who need to acknowledge that they’re living in sin, just like Gov. Sanford needed to acknowledge that he was living in sin. Anyone who advocates violence against homosexuals on the basis of their lifestyle choices needs a refresher on the story of throwing the first stone.

    You seem to be pretty worked up about this topic, Boberin; more so than usual. Are you upset about something else today, or is this an extra-special peeve against the Christian right wing?

  • 101 Laughing@You // Jun 25, 2009 at 5:43 pm

    “Actually, most sexual sin (sex outside of marriage, pornography, homosexuality, beastiality, etc) would fit into “You shall not commit adultery,” since the sexual relationship is to be restricted to a husband and a wife. It’s not a “Top 10? list so much as a convenient summary.

    Absolutely not! Adultery has a specific meaning!
    You seem to have one size fits all theology in many ways

    Deal with the factual infomation about recent Republican transgressions, and quit pointing at Democrats!

    Democrats weren’t arrested at an airport restroom. Democrats weren’t fooling with the pages. Democrats are not in the news now!

    Democrats don’t run around making a living by lieing about their own rightousness!


  • 102 Laughing@You // Jun 25, 2009 at 5:51 pm


    It think most Republicans must have had parents who potty trained them using shame shame a a principle motivator!

    I knew you would’t even watch baseball, let alone play!


  • 103 Possumtrot // Jun 25, 2009 at 5:57 pm

    Well, well. I see we’re back to Word Press. Does this mean my cute little “icon” of a possum hanging by his tail isn’t going to post?

    This thread has apparently gone awry, as so many do. When the comments get beyond 50, I only read the first 10 and the last 10, eschewing the interim ad hominems by the assorted trolls.

    I smoke menthol cigarettes. Now that the government has subverted the tobacco industry via the FDA, how am I going to assuage my outrage when the FDA eliminates menthol cigarettes as a “flavored” brand designed to lure children into the dark world of smoking?

    As for any other form of outrage, here is an excerpt from an e-mail I sent a while ago as a reply to a friend:

    “The Russians may not be coming these days, but every other barbarian is gathering at the gate, thanks to our weak-a—d Manchurian Candidate.

    “Loathing and disgust do not begin to describe how I feel about the current administration. I’d paraphrase Hunter Thompson’s ‘fear and loathing’, but I haven’t been afraid of anything since I beat cancer with a physiology based on the four major food groups: caffeine, nicotine, alcohol, and chocolate. I have a lot of sadness as the country I love marches down this highway to Hell, but, being nearer the end than the beginning, I am no longer fearful. I am resigned.”

    Am I outraged at what’s happening in Iran? Sort of. I hate seeing people die, even if it’s in defense of honorable principles like fair elections. Otherwise, I am old enough to have adult memories of what went down there 30 years ago when they tossed the Shah out, and I’m delighted to see the circle closing.

    The only thing that will “outrage” Osama Bamalama will be a federal indictment of ACORN. In Iran, the stealing of an election by a tyrant is business as usual. In this country, voter fraud and intimidation is still on the books as a crime, although once the tyrant is in office, protected groups that favor the administration are cut enough slack to send the Titanic to the bottom all over again.

    Wait until ACORN runs next year’s census. Will there be a white, heterosexual Christian person left in the nation according to their statistics?

    There is one upside: Great Scott will have a wealth of satirical material ready-made if we can stop crying long enough to laugh at it.

  • 104 JQ // Jun 25, 2009 at 5:59 pm

    L@Y says:

    “Absolutely not! Adultery has a specific meaning!
    You seem to have one size fits all theology in many ways”

    Sorry, but I feel that those things do fit into adultery; any sexual sins that I might commit are an offense against my wife, who is to be my only sexual partner.

    Regardless, it doesn’t even matter whether it’s in the “10 Commandments” or not. The Bible is clear in plenty of other places that God is disgusted by sexual immorality, into which He lumps homosexuality.

    “Deal with the factual infomation about recent Republican transgressions, and quit pointing at Democrats!

    Democrats weren’t arrested at an airport restroom. Democrats weren’t fooling with the pages. Democrats are not in the news now!

    Democrats don’t run around making a living by lieing about their own rightousness”

    “Forget the past! I’m on a 24-hour news cycle!”

    Regardless, I don’t know where you get the idea that I’m attacking Democrats specifically. I haven’t “pointed at” any Democrats. I’ve just pointed at the Democratic party’s open support of abortion and the gay rights movement.

    Why does it rub on you folks so much that we are calling for people to be held to a standard? Of course we fail from time to time; we’re flawed humans. That doesn’t make the fact that we support a standard any worse. It’s just further evidence that we need to keep trying.

    (For the record, I don’t excuse any of the acts of infidelity that you guys are throwing up here; I feel that the governor of SC should step down from his leadership role, as he’s proven that he’s untrustworthy in the most important areas of his life.”

  • 105 Darthmeister // Jun 25, 2009 at 6:28 pm

    Russia calls Iran election ‘exercise in democracy’…

    Gee, I guess it must be true since Russia knows all about democracy and America is nothing but a nation of fascist pig capitalists who pollute the world, destroy nation’s economies after “illegally” declaring war on them and is the greatest evil force in the history of man. Why couldn’t America be more like ancient civilizations like ancient Egypt, Rome, Greece, the Aztecs or Incas? Or even more like the modern civilizations of Spain, England or Napoleonic France … excepting all the blood, guts, wars of conquest and stuff! Of course Bush = Hitler and conservative America = Nazi Germany. Now that’s historical balance for you!

  • 106 Darthmeister // Jun 25, 2009 at 6:43 pm

    JQ, given how “progressive” liberals believe themselves to be, I have to wonder why these ideological hypocrites aren’t applauding Republicans and conservatives for having found the enlightened path of liberalism by embracing the liberal’s Brave New World of moral relativism? Instead they condemn fallen conservatives for being backward hayseeds who have the actual temerity to believe in an absolute moral law! Imagine that, conservatives who live down to the moral “ideals” of liberals are actually condemned by these people who defend their own like liberal Democrats Barney Fwank, Gerry Studds, Mel Reynolds, Fred Richmond, John Young, Ted “Orcaquiddick” Kennedy under the umbrella of liberal’s “lifestyle choices.”

    Heck, history has demonstrated it’s a badge of honor to be a liberal Democrat and be caught in a sexual scandal because that person will invariably get re-elected by braindead Democrat voters in spite of the scandal. And John Edwards will probably be no exception.

    Gosh, you just can’t please these liberal moral relativists no matter how little or great your “enlightenment” unless your born a Democrat! Governor Sanford should have simply changed his party affiliation to Democrat and this whole affair would have eventually blown over.

  • 107 Darthmeister // Jun 25, 2009 at 6:51 pm

    Oh, btw, Bush-haters, Palin-haters, and your garden variety Obamabots keep making fun of Trig Palin. Trig Palin is Sarah Palin’s grandchild who is afflicted with Down Syndrome.

    Liberal Democrats are such class acts, aren’t they?

  • 108 Fred Sinclair // Jun 25, 2009 at 7:23 pm

    2Pet. 1:21 For the prophecy came not in old time by the will of man: but holy men of God spake as they were moved by the Holy Ghost.

    btw Holy Ghost = 1/3 of the Trinity = God

  • 109 Newsman // Jun 25, 2009 at 7:51 pm

    To make the assertion that average democrats make fun of or belittle Palin’s grabdchild is indicative of the high level of deterioration in the ability of your synapses to fire in sequence.

    Patently a ridiculous and assinine statement. How can you expect anyone of sound mind to give any serious consideration to your thoughts ?

    And speaking of “moral relativism”, how about your Republican Governor who ranted and raved about the same subject when Clinton stupidly let his brains go below his belt buckle. Seems when someone gets all righteous about morals it is only a matter of time before their closet door opens up.

  • 110 R.A.M. // Jun 25, 2009 at 8:01 pm

    JQ said: “You seem to be pretty worked up about this topic, Boberin; more so than usual. Are you upset about something else today, or is this an extra-special peeve against the Christian right wing?

    I noticed that too JQ. It makes me wonder if old blabber isn’t guilty of what he accuses me of—having some “tendencies”!

    BTW, the old, tired, worn out gimmick of labeling someone “afraid” of sin/sinners they don’t approve of is NOT, (nor will it EVER), work lib trolls!

    I do not fear much, but if I did, a wussy boy who collects antiques and talks like old Barney Frank would NEVER be one of those fears! :lol:

    blabber, I really wonder about something. Do you think if you talk 24/7 about EVERYTHING it will make you “look” smarter than you do to the rest of us?

    Here’s a helpful hint: It is NOT working for YOU or the Yapping Chihuahua.

    Try taking deep breaths between posts. It couldn’t hurt, in fact, in neverthink’s case, he might make less “Obama and Biden like” errors in his posts?

    You don’t have to believe in GOD to understand the saying, “GOD gave us two ears and one mouth so we SHOULD listen twice as much as we talk, (post)!” :lol:

  • 111 Newsman // Jun 25, 2009 at 8:29 pm

    Hey Darth - seems the Republican Pols are pretty active in the ’someone is in my closet ??’ game of late.

    What say ye about that old Scrapple Soothsayer ? Beginning to run low on Presidential hopefuls ?

  • 112 Laughing@You // Jun 25, 2009 at 9:09 pm

    “Why does it rub on you folks so much that we are calling for people to be held to a standard?”

    It would rub me less if your examples didn’t always have feet of clay.

    “For the record, I don’t excuse any of the acts of infidelity that you guys are throwing up here; I feel that the governor of SC should step down from his leadership role, as he’s proven that he’s untrustworthy in the most important areas of his life.”

    They are not yours to excuse to begin with!

    Put the tar and feathers away, just vote you conscience, and quit trying to lead your band in a parade of tin horns and sounding brass!


    Most of what you are, only exists to oppose things you only think you understand!

  • 113 egospeak // Jun 25, 2009 at 9:27 pm

    Darth, re: 107

    Trig is Sarah’s child, not grandchild, although the lunatic fringe of the democrat party probably still believes otherwise.


  • 114 JamesonLewis3rd // Jun 25, 2009 at 9:38 pm

    Jesus, the Christ, is our example.

  • 115 Newsman // Jun 25, 2009 at 9:41 pm

    “Will there be a white, heterosexual Christian person left in the nation according to their statistics?”

    This current census is most likely the last census which will be able to lay claim to the above statement.

    Hispanics will probably be the dominant group here while in France it will be the Arabs.

    Saladdin said we cannot conquer Europe by war but we will by population …. coming true, coming true.

    If it weren’t for the hispanics that could possibly become the case here as well, so all you Christians be thankful for the folks that live south of our border !

  • 116 egospeak // Jun 25, 2009 at 9:44 pm

    L@Y, re: 87

    I never cease to be amazed by your lack of ability to understand irony. Time after time after time you have accused those of us who quote scripture or believe in a high standard of morality or conduct of being hypocrites or (and this is my favorite!) being pharisaical when someone of like mind fails.

    The irony comes in when you start spouting off about the ten commandments. Do you even understand what the point of the commandments was? I’m guessing, by the way you use them as examples, that you don’t. If I am right, and you don’t, then you are the biggest pharisee of all. Ironic, huh?


  • 117 Newsman // Jun 25, 2009 at 10:03 pm

    What is a pharisee ?

    ["He's a Pharisee." "You're being so Pharisaical." "She's caught up in Pharisaism." These kinds of accusations are regularly thrown at people who are stricter than the accuser in their judgments of saved and lost. The liberal calls a person who judges all non-Christians to be unregenerate a Pharisee. The mainstream church-goer calls the fundamentalist a Pharisee. The one who judges all professing Christians to be regenerate calls the one who judges some or most professing Christians to be unregenerate a Pharisee. The antinomian calls the legalist a Pharisee. And on and on it goes - Pharisee this, Pharisee that.

    Do any of these people know what they're talking about? ]

  • 118 Laughing@You // Jun 25, 2009 at 10:46 pm


    “I never cease to be amazed by your lack of ability to understand irony.”

    “Do you even understand what the point of the commandments was?”

    It does seem kind of ironic to me that I am probably the only person here who ever took a paid college course called “The Pentateuch”, or anything related to this subject of your great expertise.


  • 119 Laughing@You // Jun 25, 2009 at 11:11 pm


    “… at people who are stricter than the accuser in their judgments of saved and lost.”

    How is it you know this? Part of the problem is that it is only the judgment of “people”. These “people” have somehow gotten the idea they are enforcers, more than messengers.

    The judgments offered here are too often harsh and unkind; I believe this is making you unavailable to nonbelievers.

    Jesus was the friend of the undesirables of the world, but he was often harsh with those who understood only the letter of the law.

    “Art thou a master of Israel, and knowest not these things?” Yes, I know the context. Do you?


  • 120 JamesonLewis3rd // Jun 25, 2009 at 11:15 pm

    Pharisees are described quite eloquently by Almighty God in His Word.
    Wow. A paid college course. I’m impressed.

  • 121 onlineanalyst // Jun 26, 2009 at 1:01 am

    The EPA, an unelected agency unanswerable to Congressional oversight, suppressed an “inconvenient truth” that flies in the face of genuine science and the Cap and Trade agenda.

    Obamao and his Democrat enablers are neither transparent nor ethical. They have NOT used scientific data to cram down their economically damaging legislation. The power-grabbing fascists are determined to seize every aspect of our lives and to create byzantine bureaucracy.

  • 122 Laughing@You // Jun 26, 2009 at 1:56 am


    That’s more than I can say.


  • 123 Rita-of-Sunland // Jun 26, 2009 at 2:53 am

    Above all, ELVIS.

  • 124 egospeak // Jun 26, 2009 at 7:28 am

    L@Y, re: 119

    “… at people who are stricter than the accuser in their judgements of saved and lost.” Why don’t you ask Newsman? After all he’s the one who made the statement.

    “The judgements offered here are too often harsh and unkind; I believe this is making you unavailable to nonbelievers.” This is undoubtly true but are you basing it on my posts or on your own?

    “Jesus was the friend of the undesirables of the world, but he was often harsh with those who understood only the letter of the law.” Once again true, but you left out the part about those undesirables also being the ones who were broken over their sin. He wasn’t their friend because they were undesirable, it was because of their brokenness over their sin and that because of that they were amenable to his message. The Pharisees were not broken over their sin, to the contrary they believed themselves righteous because they kept the commandments and were sons of Abraham.

    “Art thou a master of Israel, and knowest not these things?” Nicodemus was recognized as a master teacher of the law in Israel but he was spiritually ignorant of the truths that Jesus was teaching even though they were revealed in the old testament. Yet even as a Pharisee his heart was not so hardened in his own self righteousness that he couldn’t recognize the truth in what Jesus was saying so that eventually he became a believer in him. Satisfied?


    ps - Perhaps now you will enlighten us with your understanding of the purpose of the Ten Commandments.

  • 125 Rita-of-Sunland // Jun 26, 2009 at 7:35 am

    Hey, let’s COOL IT with all the fanatical religious crap. It’s a BORE.

  • 126 JamesonLewis3rd // Jun 26, 2009 at 7:55 am

    We were therefore buried with him through baptism into death in order that, just as Christ was raised from the dead through the glory of the Father, we too may live a new life. ~~Romans 6:4

    Hallelu Yah!

  • 127 Rita-of-Sunland // Jun 26, 2009 at 8:17 am


  • 128 boberinyetagain // Jun 26, 2009 at 8:43 am

    Worked up you say…yep. Calling gay a “choice” is just completely ludicrous to me as no one that I know/speak to actually thinks such nonsense so, when I meet them that do I’m stunned beyond belief.

    Again I say…what “perks” are there that would make such a “choice” the tiniest bit attractive. Give me a decent answer to that and I’ll stop and rethink the issue but I’ve heard nothing yet…

  • 129 JamesonLewis3rd // Jun 26, 2009 at 8:54 am

    As with any sexual perversion, the “choice” is made by a sinful heart and mind.

    The wrath of God is being revealed from heaven against all the godlessness and wickedness of men who suppress the truth by their wickedness, since what may be known about God is plain to them, because God has made it plain to them. For since the creation of the world God’s invisible qualities—his eternal power and divine nature—have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that men are without excuse.

    For although they knew God, they neither glorified him as God nor gave thanks to him, but their thinking became futile and their foolish hearts were darkened. Although they claimed to be wise, they became fools and exchanged the glory of the immortal God for images made to look like mortal man and birds and animals and reptiles.

    Therefore God gave them over in the sinful desires of their hearts to sexual impurity for the degrading of their bodies with one another. They exchanged the truth of God for a lie, and worshiped and served created things rather than the Creator—who is forever praised. Amen.

    Because of this, God gave them over to shameful lusts. Even their women exchanged natural relations for unnatural ones. In the same way the men also abandoned natural relations with women and were inflamed with lust for one another. Men committed indecent acts with other men, and received in themselves the due penalty for their perversion.

    Furthermore, since they did not think it worthwhile to retain the knowledge of God, he gave them over to a depraved mind, to do what ought not to be done. They have become filled with every kind of wickedness, evil, greed and depravity. They are full of envy, murder, strife, deceit and malice. They are gossips, slanderers, God-haters, insolent, arrogant and boastful; they invent ways of doing evil; they disobey their parents; they are senseless, faithless, heartless, ruthless. Although they know God’s righteous decree that those who do such things deserve death, they not only continue to do these very things but also approve of those who practice them.

    ~~Romans 1:18-32 (emphasis mine)

  • 130 boberinyetagain // Jun 26, 2009 at 8:59 am

    So you propose eternal damnation as one of the perks?
    Interesting…not tempting me to “choose” gay but I can see how it might to some…good point!

  • 131 Newsman // Jun 26, 2009 at 9:12 am

    RIGHT ON - Rita-of-Sunland.

  • 132 JQ // Jun 26, 2009 at 9:56 am

    Egospeak, Re #124: Excellent response!

    Rita-of-Sunland says:

    “Hey, let’s COOL IT with all the fanatical religious crap. It’s a BORE.”

    Sorry, but this is a conservative-themed site with an outspoken Christian host (Scott Ott), so you have to expect a degree of Christian-themed debate in the comments.

  • 133 JQ // Jun 26, 2009 at 10:23 am

    Boberin says:

    “Again I say…what ‘perks’ are there that would make such a ‘choice’ the tiniest bit attractive. Give me a decent answer to that and I’ll stop and rethink the issue but I’ve heard nothing yet…”

    I wouldn’t say that the “choice” to be homosexual is even always a thoroughly conscious one.Why do some kids become goths, while others become jocks? Why are some computer geeks, while others are lumberjacks? We all take certain cues from our environment based on our unique talents and social upbringing. I think that homosexual men take cues from today’s society; they look at themselves and see that they don’t conform to society’s view of the “masculine male,” so they look for another mold that they do fit in.

    What perks does this offer? Acceptance from like-minded people, belonging to an elite group, a persecution complex…actually, a lot of the things we Christians are constantly accused of seeking.

    Human beings are also very social creatures; we crave love and attention. Since effeminate men tend to not be what most women are looking for (I say “most” because there are some), I would imagine that there’s a certain connection between like-minded men who don’t get that love and attention anywhere else. As I said before, there isn’t a lot of logic that goes along with the human (especially male) sex-drive, so I would also imagine that such open acceptance and personal connection (in stark contrast to prior rejection) could fire off the ol’ hormones and become sexual attraction.

    Just like everything else that we choose to be in life, part of it is steered by biology, part by society, and part by morality. My having a biological (and/or social) tendency toward a short temper doesn’t excuse me from exercising self-control; rather, it requires me to tame it and channel it in a constructive direction. I don’t believe it’s any different when it comes to channeling our sexual energies into their natural, God-created outlet: heterosexual marriage.

  • 134 JamesonLewis3rd // Jun 26, 2009 at 10:47 am

    The 1,200-plus page Waxman-Markey climate change legislation is nothing more than an energy tax in disguise that by 2035 will raise:

    o Gasoline prices by 58 percent
    o Natural gas prices by 55 percent
    o Home heating oil by 56 percent
    o Worst of all, electricity prices by 90 percent

  • 135 JamesonLewis3rd // Jun 26, 2009 at 11:02 am

    Video: Imagine government-run health care

  • 136 JamesonLewis3rd // Jun 26, 2009 at 12:01 pm

    Iranian senior hard-line cleric Ayatollah Ahmad Khatami is going to have the protesters executed for the crime of wanting their votes to be counted.

    Khatami, a member of the Assembly of Experts, said the judiciary should charge the leading “rioters” as being “mohareb” or one who wages war against God.

    “They should be punished ruthlessly and savagely,” he said. Under Iran’s Islamic law, punishment for people convicted as “mohareb” is execution.

  • 137 Laughing@You // Jun 26, 2009 at 1:12 pm


    “Once again true, but you left out the part about those undesirables also being the ones who were broken over their sin.”

    Thank you for your approval, but those undesirables were not only the ones “broken over their sin”.

    They were those who did not believe they already knew it all, and smelled better than everybody else. They were the ones who did not see themselves as righteous, but lucky (blessed) to have received a gift of which they felt completely unworthy to receive.

    But, of course, that was before fundamentalism went overboard in telling the people they were righteous, instead of having righteousness imputed onto them. Their imputed righteousness was accepted with humility, they understood that only pride and vanity would ever allow then to believe it was a personal characteristic, and they were tolerant of all who had never received this great gift, rather than trying to impose their own will on everyone else for there own good, and in the name of their God.


    I am not homosexual, nor do I “celebrate homosexuality in all its glory. ” Further JQ, I don’t believe homosexuality has any glory to “celebrate”. Moreover, heterosexual marriage has little to celebrate, unless it’s participants begin doing it a lot better!

    Neither do I believe the Democratic Party celebrates homosexuality! I believe you would have to be gay to want to do that.

    What Democrats do celebrate is the right of citizenship to ALL citizens, and being free of the “morality police”.

    If homosexuals want to accept your faith let it be completely by their own choice, not your imposition!

    You here claim such knowledge of our founders, and wish to defend “their principles” while denying basic freedoms to all they citizens.

    I hope you here understand that marriage is a religious right, not a right of citizenship. Are you so dumb as to believe the founding colonials had a “marriage license bureau”?


    If you here insist on imposing Levitical Law. I hope you are also keeping Kosher. You can’t just pick and choose the Old Testament Laws to enforce the way so many of you want to do.

  • 138 Laughing@You // Jun 26, 2009 at 1:21 pm

    “Perhaps now you will enlighten us with your understanding of the purpose of the Ten Commandments.”

    I don’t wish to do that; but, perhaps you can read it to us all from your Sunday School Book.


  • 139 Fred Sinclair // Jun 26, 2009 at 2:18 pm


    PSALM 2008-2012

  • 140 JQ // Jun 26, 2009 at 2:52 pm

    L@Y says:

    “I hope you here understand that marriage is a religious right, not a right of citizenship. Are you so dumb as to believe the founding colonials had a ‘marriage license bureau’?”

    Thank you so much for making that point. And here I thought I was going to have a fight on my hands with that one…

    Marriage IS a religious institution. This is why the whole debate over homosexual marriage is insane. Civil unions? Fine, whatever. That’s a secular relationship that can be defined by the government, and it’s a fair way to handle assets, visitation, etc.

    Marriage, on the other hand, is a religious institution defined as a union between a man and his wife. Screwing around with that definition of marriage makes it a religious issue. Those seeking homosexual marriage only do so in an effort to gain the same level of legitimacy that a heterosexual marriage has. Since this is a religious issue, Christians have every right to stand by the definition of marriage as a moral issue. People are literally trying to use the state to change Christian doctrine, and that’s entirely unacceptable to us.

  • 141 Laughing@You // Jun 26, 2009 at 4:10 pm

    “Marriage, on the other hand, is a religious institution defined as a union between a man and his wife.”

    Agreed, why then is government involved in the definition?

    “Marriage IS a religious institution. This is why the whole debate over homosexual marriage is insane. Civil unions? Fine, whatever. That’s a secular relationship that can be defined by the government, and it’s a fair way to handle assets, visitation, etc.”

    Is your disagreement only with the word marriage? Do those join by civil union have exactly the same rights as married people?

    After all we shouldn’t want the children resulting from a homosexual civil union to be stigmatized, should we?

    Since this issue is not going to just go away, perhaps it was always wrong for the state to “marry people”.

    Maybe the government should ONLY issue “domestic partnership licenses” to both heterosexual and homosexual couples and leave it to religious groups to sanctify that union in marriage only if they believe it fitting?

    Of course, there are religious bodies which would sanctify homosexual civil unions. Something I personally could not do, although I’m not really sure what it would hurt.


  • 142 Laughing@You // Jun 26, 2009 at 4:14 pm


    You satirize even the 23rd Psalm?


  • 143 Newsman // Jun 26, 2009 at 4:34 pm


    You say this about the President of our country and you want respect for what you have to say on a subject ?

    How would you have felt were I to say that about George Bush ?

  • 144 JQ // Jun 26, 2009 at 4:49 pm

    L@Y says:

    “Agreed, why then is government involved in the definition?…Maybe the government should ONLY issue “domestic partnership licenses” to both heterosexual and homosexual couples and leave it to religious groups to sanctify that union in marriage only if they believe it fitting?”

    Agreed. The government has no place screwing around with the religious institution of marriage; that’s between a man, his wife, and God, none of which requires the government’s seal. I’d be up for “domestic partnership certification” or whatever, if it would get the government out of the marriage business.

    “Is your disagreement only with the word marriage? Do those join by civil union have exactly the same rights as married people?”

    In the eyes of the government? Sure. But in the eyes of the church? No. For the church to bless a gay marriage, it would be putting a stamp of approval on the sin of homosexuality. That’s something we just can’t do, regardless of current secular opinion.

    “After all we shouldn’t want the children resulting from a homosexual civil union to be stigmatized, should we?”

    Please, let’s not open that book, shall we? Boberin hates me enough already at this point…

    (Although it has been nice to find an itty-bitty piece of common ground with you today, L@Y; unless I’m completely mistaken, that is…)

  • 145 JQ // Jun 26, 2009 at 4:58 pm

    Fred Sinclair says:


    That was a tad irreverent, Fred.

    Call me old-fashioned, but I really can’t think of an appropriate time to suggest urinating on someone (let alone our President) whilst reciting the 23rd Psalm.

  • 146 Laughing@You // Jun 26, 2009 at 5:07 pm

    “Although it has been nice to find an itty-bitty piece of common ground with you today, L@Y; unless I’m completely mistaken, that is… ”

    So it is, likewise it is nice.

    But, JQ while I am unsure of boberin’s position in this matter, if I can bring him around, can you do the same with the less than reasonable folks here?

    “After all we shouldn’t want the children resulting from a homosexual civil union to be stigmatized, should we?”

    And, there is certainly no abortion issue with which to be concerned!


  • 147 JQ // Jun 26, 2009 at 5:15 pm

    L@Y says:

    “And, there is certainly no abortion issue with which to be concerned!”

    Ah, there’s the silver lining…

  • 148 Laughing@You // Jun 26, 2009 at 5:30 pm

    Go ahead Fred, wish until your heart is content.

    It’ll never happen in this term or his next!

    The more stupid noise the WingNuts make the stronger he will be.

    The Republican Party now represents the smallest percentage of American voters ever!

    Several here are fond of pointing out Dumbyah wasn’t impeached and he isn’t running again. SADLY this is true, but it doesn’t mean he won’t be tried!

    The memory of his presidency will live in the minds of voters forever, and the prospects for the Republican Party will suffer because of it.

    All the world, and most Americans are “Bush haters”. I doubt you here fully understand that.


  • 149 Fred Sinclair // Jun 27, 2009 at 4:05 am

    No further comment necessary!

    A Boeing 757 and a fleet of armored cars for Michelle’s sight seeing tour!

    Michelle One

    On Sunday, President Obama flew back to the United States on Air Force One.

    His wife, two daughters and her mother did a bit of shopping in Paris before taking their own Boeing 757 (C-32) over to London to do some sight seeing.

    We all remember Obama’s admonishment to corporate CEO’s in February: “You can’t get corporate jets, you can’t go take a trip to Las Vegas or go down to the Super Bowl on the taxpayers dime.”

    Apparently that doesn’t apply to his wife.
    The London Times opened it’s description of Michelle’s visit this way: Motorcycle outriders, armoured Chevrolets and bullet-headed men in raincoats criss-crossed London yesterday as Michelle Obama and her daughters spent a second day on an unofficial visit to the capital.

    The Times went on to describe that when Michelle and the girls arrived at Westminster Abbey, the building was closed to tourists with people already in told to “wait against the wall.”

    An American visiting the Abbey said “Right then I knew it was probably someone from our ‘royal family’.”

    Michelle’s motorcade shut down the London street above as the First Lady of the World and her children go for Fish and Chips at a pub in Mayfair. The entourage inside the restaurant was 15 people while dozens more wait outside. Include the dozens of Air Force personnel to fly and service the plane, embassy personnel and other staff and we are talking about a serious expenditure of tax payer dollars.

    Meanwhile, millions of Americans have lost their jobs and won’t be able to take their family on a summer holiday. Despite their circumstances they’ll still be expected to fork over the tax dollars to pay for Michelle’s trip.

  • 150 R.A.M. // Jun 27, 2009 at 7:02 pm

    The obama’s are elitist scum of the earth!

    He will be a one term wonder like his twin, Jimmy Carter.

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