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Obama: Signing Bills Fast Makes Govt. ‘More Transcendent’

by Scott Ott for ScrappleFace · 10 Comments · · Print This Story Print This Story

Clarifying his campaign promise to post all legislative bills online for five days before he signs them, President Barack Obama today said that his failure to so in the first six months of office reflects his commitment to make government “more transcendent.”
READ THE REST AT The Washington Examiner

Tags: DC Examiner

10 responses so far ↓

  • 1 boberinyetagain // Jun 23, 2009 at 3:43 pm

    “Transparency is disingenuous,” said Obama. “The people can see right through it.


    Ah, the bliss!!

  • 2 JQ // Jun 23, 2009 at 4:46 pm

    Wow, Scott; congrats on catching him on that one. I’d completely forgotten about the symbolic 5-day public notice. More evidence that the “idea” of President Obama is sweeter than the reality.

  • 3 boberinyetagain // Jun 23, 2009 at 4:52 pm

    As Scott pointed out though had he followed through (and he should have, not difficult) there would be nothing that could be changed. We could complain but…was can/do do that already so…

  • 4 Darthmeister // Jun 23, 2009 at 5:15 pm

    Yep, “transcendant” instead of transparency as ObaMaRX originally promised. It sure does work for the Obamatons who skewered the Bush administration for its apparent “lack of transparency.”

    Rightly skewering Mr. Obama’s weenie diplomacy (double pun intended):

    Ann Althouse’s take on Obama’s rhetoric: “Excuse me. If I may be so bold. I hate to trouble you but…. I don’t mean to impose… I’m not at interfering… Far be it from me to suggest anything that you might be able to characterize as meddling. I’m no meddler. Not at all. I’m just over here, modestly deploring violence.”

    Jules Crittenden: “Obama claims it isn’t his problem, he’s steering clear of it, and he wants the world to know that.”

    Ed Morrissey: “I’ve been highly critical about Obama’s lack of response on Iran; though I think he did very well today. He condemned Iran in unequivocal and harsh terms. Charles Krauthammer says he finally ‘adopted McCain language,’ and points out that Obama always claims consistency whenever he changes direction. Obama should have rescinded our offer of ‘weenie diplomacy,’ which belies the tough talk. At least, though, Obama has caught up with most of the rest of the free world.”

    Heh! And that after first calling Iran’s Islamic thugocrats the Iranian people’s “Supreme Leaders”! Consistency indeed, consistent naivete and tomfoolery!

  • 5 R.A.M. // Jun 23, 2009 at 8:08 pm

    Obama really is “transparent”, or at least his ignorance is, as shown by the MANY gaffes he has made in the short time he has been in the public eye.

    Pretty embarrassing that the trolls call GWB “dumbya” and then listen to this moron make stupid comments from his own mouth!

    Keep in mind, this short list of gaffes is NOT even all of the ones Prez Moron has made, also keep in mind, this is the same the guy that makes light of Biden’s mistakes and other people’s too. “Dumbo” needs to remove his “beam” from his own eye!

    WARNING: You might not want to scroll down from the first video to the comments. Just the typical vile, foul language that the libs are known for when shown about their “mistakes” they elected! :lol:


  • 6 Darthmeister // Jun 23, 2009 at 9:18 pm

    Yep, priceless RAM. One can imagine the howls of laughter and outrage by Obamabots if President Bush had engaged in such moronic idiocies. We certainly saw how pointy-headed liberals skewered Dan Quayle for far less offenses. To paraphrase Mr. Obama’s whacked out “Reverend Jeremiah Wright”, the chickens are certainly coming home to roost.

  • 7 camojack // Jun 23, 2009 at 10:10 pm

    Reminds me of the guy who declined the use of novacaine for his oral surgery:
    He wanted to transcend dental medication

  • 8 R.A.M. // Jun 23, 2009 at 11:32 pm

    Good one Camo! :lol:

    Darth: As stupid as Biden is, after watching the above video clips, it appears Obama is very close to Biden’s mental ability’s.

    In Obama’s press conference, I seem to have heard “O” say what a good job of leadership Pelosi is doing. No mention of her accusation of the CIA breaking the law by “misleading” Congress. Some “leadership”!

    Giving kudos to Pelosi for the terrible job she is doing, (especially in light of her approval ratings), would be a good start for the next laughable YouTube video on Obama-moron! That and when he cut Helen Thomas short, (”Wait a minute Helen!!!”). If Bush had said the same thing as hateful as Obama did, everyone would STILL be saying how mean he was to her. It would have been the story of the day!

    Just like they did when O’Reilly said she “cackled” like a witch.

  • 9 onlineanalyst // Jun 24, 2009 at 7:38 am

    from Tuesday’s WSJ “Best of the Web”:

    “During his press conference today, President Obama declared that “we have provided a path whereby Iran can reach out to the international community, engage, and become a part of international norms”:

    It is up to them to make a decision as to whether they choose that path. What we’ve been saying over the last several days, the last couple of weeks, obviously is not encouraging in terms of the path that this regime may choose to take.

    “OpinionJournal’s Best of the Web Today columnist James Taranto reveals the long and hideous history of Iran’s Basij militia.
    The truth is, what we’ve seen over the past 30 years is not encouraging. A regime that takes foreign diplomats hostage, uses children in combat, threatens to wipe another country off the map, and uses terrorist tactics against its countrymen has shown its determination to flout international norms.

    “We must . . . bear witness,” says Obama. This entails acknowledging evil as well as celebrating the courage of genuine martyrs like Neda. Obama could do a lot of good simply by giving a speech describing the Iranian regime’s departures from international norms starting in 1979. In the process, he might even learn something himself.”

    In his presser opening re Iran, Obamao neglected to mention the outright killing of protesters by his Khamenie’s “security” forces. Wounded protesters were dragged out of hospitals to be beaten. Homes of suspected protesters were invaded in the dark of night in order to intimidate would-be opposition.

    Obamao considers this action a “vigorous debate”?

    This abuse of government power is as blatant an affront on people’s intelligence as calling the ABC Obamao-care speech tonight a “debate.” We continue to have an administration monologue while the incurious press does not pursue in-depth questioning, nor does the administration allow opposition solutions to be aired to provide contrast.

    Heckuva job, Obamao!

  • 10 RedPepper // Jun 24, 2009 at 9:44 am

    ola #9: Maybe we should cut Obama some slack on his “vigorous debate” comment.

    Apparently, he is judging the actions of the Iranian security forces by Chicago standards.

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