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Poll: Most Still Favor ‘the Idea of an Obama Presidency’

by Scott Ott for ScrappleFace · 211 Comments · · Print This Story Print This Story

While opinion polls indicate a growing concern among Americans that their new president has no coherent plan to reverse the nation’s economic woes, and lacks the principled conviction to boldly address crises in Iran, North Korea and the Middle East, still a majority say they love “the idea of an Obama presidency.”
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211 responses so far ↓

  • 1 boberinyetagain // Jun 19, 2009 at 9:10 am

    Exactly! You’ve captured the mood Scott.

    They tell us that 50% of the recession is/was our perception of it. Same’s true for America’s reputation in the world, if we at least seem cool then we ARE cool. And, we at least seem cool.

    As for the lack of conviction…I disagree. Much prefer the measured approach to the one we just voted out…the “shoot from the hip/ask questions later” approach. That method makes for great movies but lousy foreign policy…Didn’t suit me one bit and apparently the majority agreed…at least in “theory” eh?

  • 2 boberinyetagain // Jun 19, 2009 at 10:26 am

    Well, this is put more stridently than needed but the observation is not entirely without merit.

    “”American officials remarks about human rights and limitations on people are not acceptable because they have no idea about human rights after what they have done in Afghanistan and Iran and other parts of the world. We do not need advice over human rights from them.”

    Thus our need for a new direction in words as well as deeds. then, when there is NO basis for such statements perhaps we can begin the rebuttal period and hopefully slide some talking TO (rather than AT) each other for a bit. Then…perhaps (it’s a long shot but possible)…perhaps we can reach some sort of common ground. IF any of that takes place there is a tiny glimmer of hope for mankind and, if not…then no glimmer, only gloom. And, while total gloom might be our destiny I’m very happy that there is at least that glimmer…for now.
    Better than nothing!

  • 3 JQ // Jun 19, 2009 at 10:31 am

    “In an unrelated poll, 79 percent of women said they would ‘continue to date a hot guy with a great car even if he made me pay his way into the movies and I lived in constant fear that his reckless driving was going to get me killed.’ ”

    Classic, Scott. I agree with Boberin; you perfectly “captured the mood.” Obama just has that allure, that special something that makes folks want to believe in him. Heck, I’ve found myself feeling warm and fuzzy from time to time after listening to one of his speeches. It’s only afterward, when I’ve read the transcript and realized what the dude actually said, that I realize how much I disagree.

    So much in life is perception trumping reality. As Boberin also said, “if we at least seem cool then we ARE cool.” No where is this more true than in politics, which is why McCain never had a chance against Obama.

  • 4 RedPepper // Jun 19, 2009 at 10:42 am

    Movies, boberin?

    “Look, we gotta go now. The light’s perfect!”
    “We need the stunt POTUS now!”

    “What’s a stunt POTUS?”

    Jackpot … Crackpot …

    ( apologies to Nextel )

  • 5 boberinyetagain // Jun 19, 2009 at 10:45 am

    And I liked/admired McCain but suspected/knew that situations like the Iranian “election” were likley to produce exactly the kind of response he came out with/suggested to Obama. Much like George would have done…more “tough talk” and insults and the like. And, while that is a valid response to our minds (and even much of the world) it’s not the one that was/is called for.
    Calm is called for…letting things play out (becuase we have xero say/couldn’t change it a bit no matter what) and then reacting to/dealing with the outcome is the only viable/sensible course.
    Whether Obama figured it or stumbled into it (I believe he figured it) he chose the correct/nay only viable course. When the dust settles the winner will have no valid gripe/issue with our stand…they can feel like adults rather than chastised children.
    A good start.

  • 6 boberinyetagain // Jun 19, 2009 at 10:48 am

    movies Red…what makes for good movies does not usually make for good foreign policy. That’s my point and I’m sticking to it

  • 7 JamesonLewis3rd // Jun 19, 2009 at 10:52 am

    Well said, Scott. Thank you.

    An Obama presidency (the fantasy presented to voters last year) is considerably different from the Obama presidency they got suckered into.
    Fact: President George W. Bush was not “voted out.”

  • 8 Darthmeister // Jun 19, 2009 at 10:52 am

    And Obamessiah’s popularity will continue to grow as we recently found out that somehow, some way the killings in Darfur Sudan are but “remnants of genocide.” See, Obama merely speaks and Islamic jangaweeds are cowed into submission … hence he can speak of the “remnants of genocide.”

    Of course, the lack of reporting on the Sudan genocide by the national socialist media can only help such misperceptions.

    Oh, btw, this genocide began under the Clinton Administration, continued under the Bush administration as liberals railed against Bush for his “interventionism” and “cowboy unilateralism”, and will become institutionalized under the present Obamanation. Thanks libs. The way things exist now the Sudanese Islamists will only quit when they’ve killed every last Christian or simply get tired of their own blood lust. This is how the “religion of peace” operates when not held internationally accountable.

  • 9 Darthmeister // Jun 19, 2009 at 10:56 am

    Good point, JL3rd, I’ve heard some libtards making the same stupid point.

    In case you don’t get it you dumb libs, how was “Bush voted out” when he wasn’t even running? How about reading and comprehending the U.S. Constitution for once in your miserable little lives.

  • 10 boberinyetagain // Jun 19, 2009 at 11:00 am

    “you dumb libs”…”your miserable little lives”

    We’re the miserable ones? While those are the nicest things I’m bound to be called all day it sounds like the author is a tad cranky. Not enough sleep perhaps? Take a nap, you’ll feel better

  • 11 boberinyetagain // Jun 19, 2009 at 11:08 am

    As for “dumb” (if that’s an acceptable salutation in your world) I present this…

    “Much prefer the measured approach to the one we just voted out…the “shoot from the hip/ask questions later” approach. ”

    Now, where is George mentioned there? I’m not seeing it. Just checked each word again…not seeing it…still.

    What I referred to was an “approach” that I believe John would have continued mainly because he said he would (imagine me believing him) and, shockingly, his just now stated approach to the Iran elections confirms it in no uncertain terms.

    Check that sentance again…if you see George mentioned bear in mind that it’s a product of your overactive imagination. Like much of your approach it bear little resmblance to reality.

    Nap time

  • 12 boberinyetagain // Jun 19, 2009 at 11:42 am

    Hank, as for post #8…

    William Jefferson “Bill” Clinton (born William Jefferson Blythe III, August 19, 1946)[1] served as the 42nd President of the United States from 1993 to 2001.

    Darfur refers to the civil war taking place in Darfur, Sudan. Unlike the Second Sudanese Civil War, this is believed to be an ethnic, rather than a religious war. The conflict began on 2 February 2003

    Or, if you prefer…

    Chroniclers Julie Flint and Alex de Waal state that the beginning of the rebellion is better dated to 21 July 2001, when a group of Zaghawa and Fur met in Abu Gamra and swore oaths on the Qur’an to work together to defend against government-sponsored attacks on their villages

    Which wouldn’t have given slick Willie much time to react.
    The next President however, had the entire 8 years to “stand up”…make a difference.
    He invaded Iraq

  • 13 boberinyetagain // Jun 19, 2009 at 11:45 am

    Obiwan on the other hand has had the full 150 days already. Mind you, there have been some minor distractions in that time but still one would expect that he’d have solved Darfur and brought the dead back to life…at the very least…but noooo….he’s done squat.

    Off with his head, you lead the way Hank…we’re right behind you.

  • 14 debass // Jun 19, 2009 at 11:51 am

    If we rush into Iran like we did in Iraq, we should be there in 2021. I think the main objection is that a republican got us into Iraq. Most wars are started by Dems, so I guess they are upset that we encroached on their war monopoly.

  • 15 JamesonLewis3rd // Jun 19, 2009 at 11:57 am

    Childish word games aside, I cannot separate President George W. Bush from his 8-year administration (which was not running for election, either).
    Only a coward does not stand up against or speak out against injustice and, unlike his successor, Bush was definitely no coward.

  • 16 JQ // Jun 19, 2009 at 11:58 am

    “Good point, JL3rd, I’ve heard some libtards making the same stupid point.”

    Mmm, libtard. Now there’s a way to start meaningful dialog.

    “In case you don’t get it you dumb libs, how was ‘Bush voted out’ when he wasn’t even running? How about reading and comprehending the U.S. Constitution for once in your miserable little lives”

    I believe Boberin already addressed this in a calm, non-offensive, intelligent manner. I just thought I’d throw your words up here for good measure, so you can see how ugly that expression on your face actually looks in the mirror.

    Who are you trying to convince? You refer to “you dumb libs,” as if they’re your target audience, but who’s going to listen to someone after that kind of salutation?

    Perhaps if you’d organize your thoughts into a thoughtful, respectful argument, you’d get more respect in return from the “dumb, miserable little libtards.” Heck, they might even listen to you.

  • 17 Ms RightWing, Ink // Jun 19, 2009 at 12:04 pm

    Eight out of fourteen posts are signed by boberinyetagain. Are you feeling okay today? Maybe a little yoga?

    Love ya bro, but really now.

  • 18 boberinyetagain // Jun 19, 2009 at 12:09 pm

    JL3, again, neither George nor his administration was mentioned in my statement, please check it again.
    As for this gem…”Only a coward does not stand up against or speak out against injustice”
    I submit that only an idiot will standup/speak out knowing that such actions will cause immesurable suffering amongst those he’s championing and, Obama does not appear to be an idiot (in no small part because he chose NOT to aggravate an already volitile situation…)

  • 19 JQ // Jun 19, 2009 at 12:09 pm

    “Childish word games aside…”

    You’re the one playing them, not Boberin. You ignored his obvious meaning (that Obama was elected as an “un-Bush,” as opposed to McCain’s pro-Bush leanings) in order to nitpick his choice of words. Kind of like shooting a taxidermied deer for its meat…

  • 20 JQ // Jun 19, 2009 at 12:18 pm

    I’m curious as to what folks think Obama should do about the situation in Iran.

    The Iranians have to know that 99.9% of the world population thinks their election was a sham. It’s not like people are waiting to see what we (Americans) think. What’s Obama supposed to say? “Replace Ahmadinejad with Moussavi, or else…” Or else what?

  • 21 boberinyetagain // Jun 19, 2009 at 12:19 pm

    JQ, while I truly appreciate you having my back these folks are far too accustomed to swatting the “boberin piniata” to stop. They can’t help themselves.

    No sense you becoming collateral damage, that won’t help either of us.

    But, thanks again…really!

  • 22 JamesonLewis3rd // Jun 19, 2009 at 12:36 pm

    The sock puppets are talking to themselves again.

  • 23 JQ // Jun 19, 2009 at 12:37 pm

    Boberin says:

    “JQ, while I truly appreciate you having my back these folks are far too accustomed to swatting the ‘boberin piniata’ to stop. They can’t help themselves.”

    Sure, but that’s what bugs me. They can help themselves, but they won’t. These are supposed to be my compatriots, the folks who rise above petty, snarky attitudes to be the bigger man. I see partisan hatred flowing right alongside Biblical quotes. Well, here’s one for the crowd:

    “With the tongue we praise our Lord and Father, and with it we curse men, who have been made in God’s likeness. Out of the same mouth come praise and cursing. My brothers, this should not be.” -James 3:9-10

    …and another…

    “If it is possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone…Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good. -Romans 12:18,21″

  • 24 JamesonLewis3rd // Jun 19, 2009 at 12:40 pm

    What should he say? Something like this:

    The House today voted to support Iranian dissidents and “all Iranians who embrace the values of freedom, human rights, civil liberties and the rule of law.” The resolution (H Res 560) passed with 405 yea votes and only one nay, and two members voting present.

  • 25 JamesonLewis3rd // Jun 19, 2009 at 12:43 pm

    Sorry, forgot to attribute the quote ->

  • 26 JQ // Jun 19, 2009 at 12:58 pm

    Thanks for that article, JL3. I also just read the following article (by Ruben Navarrette, Jr, over on which seems to share that sentiment:

    In light of all that, I still don’t believe that Obama’s approach has been wrong…thus far. I think Iran should be given the opportunity to sort it out first. (Here I go again…) As Boberin said, give them a chance to “feel like adults rather than chastised children.”

    If they’re unable to work it out without silencing their citizens, then we should join with all of the other nations in the world that disapprove of Iran’s sham election and figure out what to do with them.

    As the situation progresses, it’s looking like we’re heading that way, anyway…

  • 27 Newsman // Jun 19, 2009 at 1:03 pm

    “Perhaps if you’d organize your thoughts into a thoughtful, respectful argument, you’d get more respect in return from the “dumb, miserable little libtards.” Heck, they might even listen to you.”

    It is nice to read a scrappler bag Darth for his choice of words that make it very difficult for one to be able to rationally consider his line of reasoning !

    It has always struck me how his language severely interfers with the ability to seriously consider what sometimes strikes me as perhaps a sound argument.

  • 28 JQ // Jun 19, 2009 at 1:06 pm

    By the way, JL3, I really do resent the whole “sock puppet” thing you’ve lumped me into. One could easily say the same thing about yourself, Darth, MNK, etc. As it is, I spend way too much time just representing myself in this forum; I couldn’t possibly keep up with 15 others.

    Granted, L@Y/ET/SaneScrappler/etc has used several names in the past, but I’d say that Boberin and I have both distinguished ourselves pretty clearly from that entity. I’m even suspecting that Newsman is a separate poster.

  • 29 RedPepper // Jun 19, 2009 at 1:34 pm

    JQ #20: I agree, huge majorities throughout the world believe that the election was a sham.

    Furthermore, many have already expressed that opinion - forcefully.

    The idea that the U.S. is “meddling” in Iran’s internal affairs is a device to shame us into silence.

    Not buying it.

    Speaking the truth is either worth doing simply because it’s the truth, or maybe it’s not worth doing. IMO, it’s worth doing. But in any case we should not be concerned about hurting the sensitive feelings of people who stone adulterers to death and execute homosexuals.

  • 30 Libby Gone // Jun 19, 2009 at 1:39 pm

    Too bad the Obama Presidency isn’t just an idea and not reality…………….

  • 31 RedPepper // Jun 19, 2009 at 1:42 pm

    Lest there be any confusion, my phrase “people who stone adulterers to death and execute homosexuals” was intended to refer to the mullahs and their thugs - not the Iranians in general.

  • 32 JQ // Jun 19, 2009 at 2:27 pm

    RedPepper says:

    “But in any case we should not be concerned about hurting the sensitive feelings of people who stone adulterers to death and execute homosexuals.”

    It’s not so much about hurt feelings as it is loss of face. Giving them a chance to resolve the conflict themselves without us making them allows them to save face before the world, to show that they can resolve their own problems like adults. We’re all familiar with the line, “I’ll do it, but not because you told me to!” There’s a certain amount of resentment that comes from taking orders from someone you consider to be (at best) your equal; we all know what happens to resentful Muslims.

  • 33 Newsman // Jun 19, 2009 at 2:27 pm

    Everyone knows Bush “was not voted out” but I believe the use of the expression refers to the rejection of his policies and style of governing and that is more then likely what someone means when they use that expression !

    But the “nitpickers” persist in holding sway !

    As for everyone knowing the Iranian election was a sham, I am not so sure. For one thing no specific results like the way we release election information have been published.

    I believe that we in the west also tend to think that Mousavi’s side represents a more positive group for the West to deal with.

    I don’t think that is necessarily true. They are not advocates of changing the manner of governing. It seems to me they just want a little loosening up on the prevailing limitations as they apply to individual rights, etc.

    Nobody is advocating a serious change in the Islamic manner of governing.

    The protestors are for the most part young english speaking city dwellers. Are they the majority ? What about the bulk of the people who live outside the few cities ?

  • 34 Newsman // Jun 19, 2009 at 2:47 pm

    Excerpt from a private resource to which I subscribe:

    “A large opposition rally was expected to take place in south Tehran’s Imam Khomeini Square on June 19 a few hours following Friday prayers, but that was postponed to June 20 by defeated presidential candidate Mir Hossein Mousavi and his reformist allies. Mousavi campaigners are now saying that Mousavi does not intend to hold the June 20 demonstration either, and if he does, he will announce it on his Web site. Mousavi is a product of the Islamic Revolution and is not as radical in his reformist agenda as his supporters on the streets would like. He also does not wish to be held responsible for the violence that would likely result from another large-scale demonstration.”

  • 35 Laughing@You // Jun 19, 2009 at 2:48 pm


    “Granted, L@Y/ET/SaneScrappler/etc has used several names in the past,”

    This is true, and in addition, I have previously admitted to using the nom de plume Bravo39.

    JL3, you could be right about JQ, JAQ, boberin and boberinyetagain being sock puppets for one entity, but I can not say for sure.

    Having said this, let me assure you that while JQ, JAQ, boberin and boberinyetagain are, like me, both “sock puppets”, I do NOT share an entity with them!

    But, perhaps it is time for me to fess up to also being both Darthmeister and MKK as well!

    JL3, as a wise man once said: “There’s an old saying in Tennessee — I know it’s in Texas, probably in Tennessee — that says, fool me once, shame on — shame on you. Fool me — you can’t get fooled again.”.

    In truth your are too smart for both of us!

    There are only a handful of Obama supporters in America. That’s right we used mirrors!


    Perhaps I should point out, boberin is far more argyle than me.

  • 36 boberinyetagain // Jun 19, 2009 at 2:54 pm

    or as the pirate said…arrgghh-oil

  • 37 Laughing@You // Jun 19, 2009 at 2:55 pm

    “Good point, JL3rd, I’ve heard some libtards making the same stupid point.”

    I bet.


  • 38 Laughing@You // Jun 19, 2009 at 3:07 pm

    “Too bad the Obama Presidency isn’t just an idea and not reality…………….”

    Poor thing, I can’t tell you what a shock it is for me to hear you say that!

    Still, it’s good for you to get that off you chest, otherwise it might fester and you could windup bitter and angry.

    I have heard of a group that might be of help to you, it’s called NutJobs Anonymous.

    I believe Darthmeister has attended just one of their meetings and look what it has done for him!

    Do keep us posted, won’t you?


  • 39 boberinyetagain // Jun 19, 2009 at 3:19 pm

    ET, he’ll likely curse me for saying so but Libby is one of the good guys

  • 40 Laughing@You // Jun 19, 2009 at 3:30 pm

    “Only a coward does not stand up against or speak out against injustice and, unlike his successor, Bush was definitely no coward.”

    That’s so true, Dumbyah would have cussed all of them out good!

    And he would have been happy to start another war for Chickenhawks to speak tough about, and avoid.

    Cheney was all for another war, but he “had other priorities”, and there was no way to speed up the rotation of the troops in Afganistan and Iraq!

    Yeah, Bush was no coward! Just look at his war record during Vietnam! He was more of a Jack Rabbit as he showed on 9/11.

    Obama is just trying to avoid landmines, but if y’all want to lead the way, just take the point!

    I believe the Tehran airport is still open. We’ll be “supporting” you, and watching for you on television with yellow ribbons on our arms.


  • 41 Laughing@You // Jun 19, 2009 at 3:40 pm

    Ok Boberin,

    If you’ll vouch for him, we’ll go ahead at let him into our next “Picko - Commie Meeting”.

    Welcome comrade Libby!


  • 42 boberinyetagain // Jun 19, 2009 at 3:55 pm

    clarification…libby is NOT going to agree with us but he’s completely civil in his disagreement

  • 43 Laughing@You // Jun 19, 2009 at 4:11 pm

    Oh’ boberin,

    I’m sorry. But, as these folks seem to understand so well, sometimes collateral damage is unavoidable.

    I can’t help but think that the folks here, who supported the moron’s war in Iraq, and his ruination of America’s economy, might have some idea that their views were wrong!

    Yet they persist, in rewriting history, and asserting the validity of a failed ideology.


  • 44 JQ // Jun 19, 2009 at 4:14 pm

    Awfully quiet on the conservative side of the fence; L@Y is digging way back to #15 to fuel his/her incendiary remarks.

    It wasn’t my intention to silence anyone, if that’s what I’ve done; I seriously enjoy getting both sides of the issue when I come to ScrappleFace. It just gets frustrating to constantly see “my side” represented by straw-man arguments and hateful catchphrases. I wish Scott was a slacker like us who could hang out and post regularly…

    As Newsman said earlier (in a generous moment, I guess):

    “It has always struck me how [Darth's] language severely interfers with the ability to seriously consider what sometimes strikes me as perhaps a sound argument.”

    Darth, you’ve got a lot of good points, if you could just tone it down to a more reasonable level. Pretend these guys are in the room with you, trying to discuss politics. You might even change their minds a little, even if they don’t admit it. When we’re truly honest and shy away from “red team/blue team” rabble-rousing, we’ve got a lot more in common than we realize; none of us is the devil, even if some pretend to be. :)

    Gafisher? You’re always good for some thoughtful words…

  • 45 boberinyetagain // Jun 19, 2009 at 4:23 pm

    Hank used to fight fair back in the day. He and I had many knock down, drag out fights. But they were (almost entirely) without any denigration of the “other side”…but something changed, he’s become angrier…

    Too bad, I loved the old debates, think he was at least amused by them as well.

  • 46 camojack // Jun 19, 2009 at 4:41 pm

    I’m in favor of an “American melting pot” type Presidency, but not an Obama one; his policies are contrary to the way I think.

    Oh, and hello from Laconia Bike Week: capitalism is alive and well here… ;-)

  • 47 boberinyetagain // Jun 19, 2009 at 4:53 pm

    Happy Fathers Day gang!

  • 48 Laughing@You // Jun 19, 2009 at 5:43 pm


    “L@Y is digging way back to #15 to fuel his/her incendiary remarks.”

    Hey, what is that some kinda gender orientation crack, or what?

    Now, don’t you be going all Darth on me too!


  • 49 JQ // Jun 19, 2009 at 5:57 pm

    L@Y says:

    “Hey, what is that some kinda gender orientation crack, or what?”

    Absolutely not; I started out with just “he,” but then I realized that I’m not aware what your gender is.

  • 50 Laughing@You // Jun 19, 2009 at 6:05 pm


    I was only fooling. I’m of the male persuasion.


  • 51 Newsman // Jun 19, 2009 at 7:33 pm

    Re #8 - Darth, there are all kinds of religions. How about the “religion of conquest & bloody mayhem” practiced by our forbearers in the 1600’s ? Seems to me that these forbearers were “good christians” were they not ?

  • 52 onlineanalyst // Jun 19, 2009 at 9:34 pm

    Heh! “Pop” goes the weasel! Did the focus polling tell Obama to take a stand? (The commenters have his number.)

  • 53 Darthmeister // Jun 19, 2009 at 10:44 pm

    Hey Newsman, how about the irreligious religion of atheism that butchered over 200 million innocent civilians (they weren’t warriors on battlefields, my friend) in less than 100 years during the 20th Century once they established their humanistic/socialistic/communistic/collectivistic/atheistic "utopia"? I’ve never heard you lambasting atheist fundamentalists for the excesses of their ideological zealotry despite the mountains of blood on their hands WITHIN OUR OWN LIFETIMES. Are you so blinded by the obvious that you have to swallow camels while straining at gnats?

    I’ve never said there haven’t been fringe nuts calling themselves "Christians" whose overzealous misunderstanding of the biblical Christianity led them to try and convert people by force over the last two thousand years. On the other hand, converting by force is the earmark of communistic/collectivistic/atheistic systems as well as Koranic Islam. Big difference, forced conversions ARE NOT a part of the basic message of Jesus Christ. Remember, I’ve read the Koran and it explicitly states that forced conversions at the point of the sword is an honorable means by which to expand the Islamic world - hence my justifiable disdain for this "religion of peace." And even if that wasn’t true (and it is), the body of fundamental Islamic law teaches and in fact encourages forced conversion, even if potential "converts" get killed in the process - even to this day! It’s about time you started dealing with reality instead of taking comfort in your false equivalences. I’m completely justified in mocking the tissue thin lie that Islam is really a "religion of peace" when its own founder was little more than an unrepentant <a HREF="" rel="nofollow">pedophile</a>, <a HREF="" rel="nofollow">murderer and thief</a>. <a HREF="" rel="nofollow">Mohammed also order the cold-blooded assassination of those who opposed him.</a> And please don’t bore me with any of your morally relativistic crap that these were "normal" practices of ancient "cultures" - "cultures" that institutionalized such evil.

    Can any of this be said of Christianity’s founder, Jesus? Again I say, quit with your ridiculous false equivalences. EVERY movement has had individual followers who have done evil, but morally relativistic atheist ideologies and Islam have coercion as one of their founding principles - despite their laughable denials to the contrary.

    BTW, since Barbara Boxer got her panties all in a twist because a general, who has done far more in protecting the liberties of free Americans in the last seven years than Ms. Boxer has in her entire lifetime, called her "ma’am", I wonder how much fuss she would have made if he had called her "sweetie" … like Mr. Obama did to another professional female? Me thinks she protesteth too much. What a self-aggrandizing twit!

  • 54 Darthmeister // Jun 19, 2009 at 11:19 pm

    Okay, boberin, you caught me in a technicality. My intended reference is to the general genocide of Muslims against animists and Christians (an ethnic group?) in the Sudan which some historians date to 1983 and which others peg at December 2000. I suppose if one wanted to get really technical, a genocide doesn’t happen until a GOVERNMENT begins exterminating an “ethnic” group. However, Christians aren’t an “ethnic” group so I guess by certain people’s definitions, murdering Christians isn’t really genocide even if it is being done by a government, right?

    Some argue that it is Muslim “Arabs”, acting as proxies for the Islamist regime in Khartoum, who are presently killing southern Christians. The fact of the matter is as follows: Islamic law doesn’t not recognize “crimes against humanity” and in fact Islamic “jurisprudence” may require the use of deadly force to subjugate or kill infidels to spread Allah’s kingdom on earth. Just sayin’.

    Oh, and you completely missed my point, President Bush couldn’t “stand up” since the anti-war left in this country assailed him on virtually ever front for being a “unilateral cowboy” and a “terrorist.” It was people on your side of the aisle who undermined his effort to dig the cancer of Islamism and jihadism out of Muslim hellholes and if this country had remained united in its opposition to radical Muslim jihadism wherever it may be found, I’m confident American soldiers and possibly NATO forces would still be planting any number of Muslim janjaweed corpses in the ground to this day … with your side of the aisle still whining about “American imperialism”, right?

  • 55 Laughing@You // Jun 20, 2009 at 12:28 am

    “Oh, and you completely missed my point, President Bush couldn’t “stand up” since the anti-war left in this country assailed him on virtually ever front for being a “unilateral cowboy” and a “terrorist.””

    But then, of course, if President Bush hadn’t wanted to be a “War President” so badly, he wouldn’t have felt a need to lie his bucket off in order to invade Iraq in the first place. An action which raised the ire of most sane Americans. It is these patriots that a few of the wacko-right Chickenhawks have wrongly identified as “the anti-war left” (even though some were actually conservatives).


  • 56 JamesonLewis3rd // Jun 20, 2009 at 2:39 am

    Fiction will never pass as Truth. It just won’t.

    [Nevertheless, I must compliment you on your World-Class Vitriol. Truly Astounding. I'm very much reminded of those Jerry Rubin (et al) books I read, back in the day; I read them all.]

    I will never succumb to hatred. I will never submit.
    But I will sound a clangor of warning loud and long because Almighty God made me an American and I overheard this:

    Since he heard the sound of the trumpet but did not take warning, his blood will be on his own head. If he had taken warning, he would have saved himself. But if the watchman sees the sword coming and does not blow the trumpet to warn the people and the sword comes and takes the life of one of them, that man will be taken away because of his sin, but I will hold the watchman accountable for his blood.

    and, well, I try my best because here I am and I see the sword coming.

    I pray that the veil of hatred is removed from your eyes.

  • 57 Newsman // Jun 20, 2009 at 9:12 am

    There was no “cancer of Islamism and jihadism out of Muslim hellholes” in Iraq. That was an outright lie on Bush’s part to justify an unjustifiable attack.

    However, that cancer definitely existed, and still does, in Afghanistan/Pakistan and can only be eradicated in the manner you suggest !

    In my view a major reason it still exists, where I state above, is because Bush failed to focus on the true enemy from day one ! Hence our resources have been spread too thin to this day !

  • 58 Libby Gone // Jun 20, 2009 at 9:16 am

    L@Y #54,
    You point cannot be missed as it resides at the top of your empty skull……..

  • 59 boberinyetagain // Jun 20, 2009 at 11:09 am

    Hank, since George demonstrably had one war he could/did get away with, why didn’t he choose Darfur instead of a country that had nothing to do with anything?

  • 60 boberinyetagain // Jun 20, 2009 at 11:17 am

    Partly because he wanted to make up for dadddy’s horrifying mistake. A mistake you want Obama to emulate.
    That was when king George the first said to the Iraqi’s, if you stand up to Saddam I’ve got your back…so they stood up and George couldn’t follow through and many were slaughtered.
    I beleive that you propose the same for Iran now, that we pretend to back up the protesters, stir them to reckless action and then watch while they are slaughtered because we really cannot back them up.
    It was a lousy idea the first time but hey, it might work better this time. Except it won’t

    Plus, Aminanutjob almost surely actully did win the election as fairly and squarely as is possible so we’d be, in effect, saying that a legitimate election should be voided because we don’t like the outcome.

    And, the “other guy” wouldn’t be any different in the long haul anyway as neither of them are/will be in charge of anything so, the pubs have come out in favor of more meaningless gestures that would only cause great suffering if enacted.
    And Obama isn’t biting…and I couldn’t be more thrilled!

  • 61 boberinyetagain // Jun 20, 2009 at 11:19 am

    You really are pulling for failure…aren’t you?

  • 62 JamesonLewis3rd // Jun 20, 2009 at 11:35 am

    Then: They called the winner of the “election” within two hours of the closing of polls.

    Now: The grand poobah over there is using imported mercenaries to beat down his flock like dogs. The rationale, of course, is a paranoid avoidance of defiling their own swords with the blood of their own brethren.

    Before it’s over: Automatic weapons will flood the streets with smoking brass; this could make that square thing in China look like a picnic.

    Hint: Fill up your tanks while you still can.

  • 63 onlineanalyst // Jun 20, 2009 at 12:17 pm

    posted at HotAir, worth sharing:

    The Mullahs are not the only ones who don’t want the Iranian
    people to have the Freedoms of free speech.
    You know the liberals don’t want this getting out:

    (via gatewaypundit)

    Iranian Protest Signs Warn Regime: “Do Not Forget What Happened to Saddam”

    It looks like the situation in Iraq is playing a part in this revolution…
    Iranian democracy protesters on Thursday carried signs warning the evil regime, “Do not forget what happened to Saddam Hussein!”
    It can’t be that a genocidal dictator being taken down allowing the people of Iraq to work towards the same Freedoms many of us enjoy is helping fuel this revolution.
    It has got to be Obama and his policies of capitulation and
    self adoration according to the “smart ones”.

    Libya giving up it’s nuclear/WMD arsenal.
    Afghanistan/Pakistan rejecting the radical elements of the Taliban and al-qaeda.
    Iraq a free country.
    Lebanon rejecting Syria/Hezbollah.
    Iran rejecting the oppression of the Mullah’s.

    According to the liberals,the War on Terror has nothing to do with any of this.
    It is all because Obama speaks so well.

    God help the people of Iran in their quest for Freedom because we know the President of the United States won’t.

    Baxter Greene on June 20, 2009 at 9:51 AM

  • 64 JamesonLewis3rd // Jun 20, 2009 at 12:17 pm

    The context of the present and the near-future reveal that the so-called “idea” was contra-indicated.

    The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom; all who follow his precepts have good understanding. To him belongs eternal praise.
    ~~~Psalm 111:10

  • 65 Laughing@You // Jun 20, 2009 at 12:23 pm


    “You point cannot be missed as it resides at the top of your empty skull……..”

    What! Empty skull you say! Well, I never …


  • 66 Laughing@You // Jun 20, 2009 at 12:48 pm

    Say, you tin horns and deep thinkers,

    So, you want more action from Obama? What do you think would happen to Mousavi and the protesters if Obama should pull a “Bush”?

    Do you think maybe any statement by Obama could be used by Ahmadinejad and Khamenei to sell the idea that the protests in Iraq were only a result of U. S. agitation?

    This in turn would detract from the legitimacy of the protests and justify the use of force to quell them. This, in turn, would once again cause America to be called “The Great Satan”, even though he has been cast down into his pit in Dallas.

    So sad really, how can we help you?


  • 67 Laughing@You // Jun 20, 2009 at 12:54 pm

    “I will never succumb to hatred. I will never submit.”

    What? Pleease …


  • 68 boberinyetagain // Jun 20, 2009 at 1:22 pm

    If Mousavi (sp?) were to get annointed very, very little would change. Again, the men “fighting it out” don’t run the country.
    What part of that fact don’t you get, exactly?

    You want more innocent blood on your hands, can be the only rational…sick!

  • 69 onlineanalyst // Jun 20, 2009 at 1:37 pm

    The mullahs have already been using the squish statement by Obamao as propaganda against the US.

    The Iranians have gone beyond protesting the phony election and support for Mousavi in their uprising. Mousavi was simply the linchpin; the Iranians are rallying for their own freedoms and human rights. Haven’t you been viewing the contraband videos and tweets?

    Obama seems to be putting his favor towards the mullahs and their regime. Obamao appears to be more sympathetic to the peace that comes from submission. He must have banked on having a tea and tete a tete with Ahmadaboutjihad while the two discussed putting Israel in her place and spreading the Shi’ite caliphate throughout the ME via nuclear power.

    Obama has cancelled the informational efforts to promote freedom in Iran that the Bush administration instituted.

  • 70 Laughing@You // Jun 20, 2009 at 1:47 pm


    “If Mousavi (sp?) were to get annointed very, very little would change.”

    Mousavi is no Obama, but then he’s no Dumbyah either!

    It’s hard to say, but something may have changed over the years.

    He campaigns with Mama Mousavi ,you know? While it’s true she’s no Sarah Palin, but still it seems noteworthy because Iran is a Theocracy, similar to the one the Religious Right wants for America.


  • 71 Laughing@You // Jun 20, 2009 at 1:53 pm

    “Obamao appears to be more sympathetic to the peace that comes from submission.”

    Yeah, me too! Y’all know how I hate to rock the boat.


  • 72 Laughing@You // Jun 20, 2009 at 2:06 pm

    “Obamao appears to be more sympathetic to the peace that comes from submission.”

    Say, you don’t think the events in Iraq today have anything to do with Obama’s speech in Cairo do you?

    Dumbyah’s public Slap-Dances with the English language used to have the opposite effect, didn’t they?

    But, still I guess they made some swell with pride, didn’t they OLA?


  • 73 onlineanalyst // Jun 20, 2009 at 2:24 pm

    “Neutrality isn’t an option,” observes Mark Steyn. Ayatollah Khamenei has played Obamao like a violin. Then again, maybe Obamao likes being first fiddle. What amuses me is that boberin might as well be writing Khamenei’s speeches, riddled with moral equivalences as they are.

    L2Y: Haven’t you gotten tired of beating the dead horse of “theocracy” in America. A BIG LIE can only last so long until it festers in its own excresence.

    I’ll take a man of principle however much he may have mangled his phrasing over a silver-tongued wuss whose words are ambivalent and whose actions demonstrate cowardice. Have you ever heard Obamao champion liberty and self-governance? He champions government over individual freedom in his every utterance.

  • 74 Newsman // Jun 20, 2009 at 2:27 pm

    onlineanalyst - do you really think it makes sense or is wise for Obama to come out at this point publically ranting and raving for the protestors to hit the streets and then be be gunned down by government forces while we get blamed for the unrest and the killings ? He has to be careful in his choice of words ?

    Do you not remember our encouraging the Hungarians to rise up against the Russians. Then the Russians sent their tanks in and mowed them all down, while we did nothing of consequence. Nice to sit here safe and sound and encourage others to take actions that will lead to their imprisonment or violent deaths while we risk nothing!

    You can’t just willy nilly encourage people to rebel if you are not prepared to be in a position to help them and risk your own life!

    Do you want the deaths of hundreds of innocent protestors on your hands onlineanlayst? You obviously have not given much practical thought to the consequences of the actions you advocate !

  • 75 SGT USMC 1ea // Jun 20, 2009 at 2:41 pm

    I think it is way cool to have a black president myself. Now maybe the country can get over the movie Mississippi Burning. There are definite ups to having a hip multi-ethnic world people-pleaser in place. Unfortunately, given who it is, none of the ups are on the domestic or defense front.
    Hank, I was at one time donating to the Save Darfur Coalition until George Clooney started speaking for the cause. I then did a little research on the spending of the organization and found that there are much better (less organiztional and advertising cost) ways to support the Sudan region.

    Dues est Semper Fidelis

  • 76 Laughing@You // Jun 20, 2009 at 2:51 pm

    “L2Y: Haven’t you gotten tired of beating the dead horse of “theocracy” in America”.

    This is absolutely the last place and you are the last person who should ever ask that question!

    “I’ll take a man of principle however much he may have mangled his phrasing over a silver-tongued wuss whose words are ambivalent and whose actions demonstrate cowardice.”

    If George Bush had any principles he would not have lied the United States into a war in Iraq, he would have never tortured prisoners, and he would have shown respect for the Constitution he swore to defend!

    That’s OK for now though, the truth will come out soon!

    Dumbyah, like so many here, was only brave with other peoples lives!


  • 77 Laughing@You // Jun 20, 2009 at 2:57 pm

    “Do you not remember our encouraging the Hungarians to rise up against the Russians.”

    Gee whiz, Newsman, what year was that, 1956?

    What do you expect from these poor folks anyway.

    They are having a good deal of trouble with recent history!


  • 78 SGT USMC 1ea // Jun 20, 2009 at 3:00 pm

    Newsman, Regarding #73
    Don’t forget the Iraqi’s in 1991. You utilize the term WE when addressing risk. I often risk everything (and soon will again) as have many of the veterans posting here. “Is life so dear, and peace so sweet as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery?” Mr. Henry was addressing an audience just like you. Hungary is a better place now and the way was paved by those brave few who died, your attempts to paint their “innocent” blood upon others is mere revesionist history. [If Britain had won somehow our "innocent" blood would be on French hands?]

    Deus est Semper Fidelis

  • 79 onlineanalyst // Jun 20, 2009 at 3:01 pm

    Any doubts about whether Obamao supports the mullahs or Iranian liberty? This decisions should end those doubts. Obamao is no friend to free people. (One only has to Google his support for Odinga in Kenya.)

  • 80 onlineanalyst // Jun 20, 2009 at 3:18 pm

    The Iranian protestors are out in the streets jeopardizing their lives under their own steam. A leader of the free world does not “rant and rave”. He could take a cue from the leaders in Western Europe in support of the Iranian people.

    The blood in the streets of Iran is on the heads of the mullahs, the Guard, the bajih, the imported goon squads of Hezbollah, Hamas, and Chavez. Buy a clue.

    Iraq was a state sponsor of terror-as is Iran under the mullahs. The Iranian protestors have already warned Khamenei of what happened to Saddam. Bush I pulled back from assisting the uprisings to depose Saddam because of the restraints put on him by the UN, not out of cowardice.

    And L@Y: The US Constitution makes no provisions for czars to micromanage America, czars who are not answerable to the voters or to Congress. When IGs, who are entrusted to assure that tax dollars are honestly disbursed, are summarily fired because of political shenanigans, then I believe that we are witnessing an unholy abuse of power.

  • 81 onlineanalyst // Jun 20, 2009 at 4:04 pm

    Obamao has committed $1 billion in aid to Hamas for Gaza, the same Gaza that the Palestinians turned to rubble, destroying the handiwork and husbandry of the Jews who had once settled there. We can be sure that the moneys Obama is sending will not be used to create a flourishing community for the Palis. Instead, they will further fund their weaponry and promote the kind of peace that submission to Allah’s will demands. Goodbye, Israel.

    I have travelled to Hungary, to Poland, and twice to the Czech Republic. I have heard first-hand stories of the brutality of the Communists’ oppression in all of those places. I have seen the places where the tanks rolled in to quash the freedom fighters.

    Did America renege on its support because its citizens were tired of war after the loss of so many lives in WWII? Were we retreating into an isolationist stance? Were we worried about Russia’s nuclear capabilities and how far the Communists would go to protect their hegemony? I don’t know the rationales. The balance of power is a difficult act to maintain.

    In Iran, however, as far as we know, the mullahs do not yet have an arsenal of nukes to destabilize the ME. They have been cultivating a cozy relationship with NoKo, Russia, and Venezuela.

    None of those adversaries respects a weak horse. And Obamao is proving himself to be just that. He is either complicit in protecting this “new world order” of repressive societies, or he is a pawn for those jockeying for such. He surely cannot be as naive as he acts.

  • 82 onlineanalyst // Jun 20, 2009 at 4:51 pm

    How We Could Help Iran

  • 83 Libby Gone // Jun 20, 2009 at 4:57 pm

    Neurotics build castles in the air,
    Psychotics move in,
    L@Y seems to be the General Contactor,
    Low bid he did win………..

  • 84 Laughing@You // Jun 20, 2009 at 5:48 pm


    “I have travelled to Hungary, to Poland, and twice to the Czech Republic. I have heard first-hand stories of the brutality of the Communists’ oppression in all of those places. I have seen the places where the tanks rolled in to quash the freedom fighters.”

    No doubt this is true, but what kind of strawman are you trying to build from this truth?

    “Did America renege on its support because its citizens were tired of war after the loss of so many lives in WWII? ”

    What is wrong with you?

    Windmills and bagpipes are both useful things, but they are hardly interchangeable.



    It is also true that Saddam didn’t like us very much, but half the world felt the same way about Bush!

    “The US Constitution makes no provisions for czars to micromanage America, czars who are not answerable to the voters or to Congress.”

    This is true, but they would have been handy to have when Dumbyah was driving the economy into the wall!

    They are subordinate to the Executive Branch, you may hold Obama responsible. If the “czars” misbehave you don’t have to vote for President Obama again!


  • 85 Laughing@You // Jun 20, 2009 at 6:03 pm


    Re: 83

    That’s sorta clever.

    But, in truth, I see myself as more of a swamp draining contractor. Reclaiming territory lost to the Republican sludge makers.

    Say, what does Libby Gone mean anyway? Libby doesn’t have anything to do with liberal does it?

    I surely hope not, since the word “liberal” derives from the Latin liber (”free, not slave”), and is associated with the word “liberty” and the concept of freedom.

    You don’t want Liberty to be “Gone” do you?


  • 86 Libby Gone // Jun 20, 2009 at 7:15 pm

    Liberty shall never perish from this good Earth as long as Old School Conservatives uphold the founding documents.
    The modern Liberal has no clue as to freedom or Liberty, they only seek to indocternate those around them.
    Yes Lib Be Gone, we have had enough.

  • 87 Laughing@You // Jun 20, 2009 at 7:35 pm

    Old School Conservatives?

    The first and only person to be called “Mr. Conservative” a man I still admire, wanted nothing to do with this bad crop.


  • 88 Newsman // Jun 20, 2009 at 8:20 pm

    SGT USMC 1ea All military personnel take risks as that is part and parcel of their duty as a member of the military. In addition, the military follows the orders of the Commander. I am a veteran myself of a couple of conflicts. It was pure chance that I was not directly involved in conflict.

    You seem to be using that old often used, but invalid argument, that if you take issue with the reasons behind a conflict that you are somehow failing or dishonoring the military members involved in that conflict. If that is your implication you know that is bull dung.

    I was oppossed to the Iraqi conflict but that had absolutely nothing at all to do with those military who were involved. I absolutely backed them and would have gladly paid more taxes or do whatever was needed to ensure that they were properly equipped with the latest and best weaponry, etc. Unfortunately some of the military powers to be did not agree with my philosophy as they sent men into battle inadequately equipped.
    We are very fortunate that we have many heroic members of our military who willingly put themselves into harms way for our country even when they may personally not believe in the justifications given for that conflict.
    And you better reread your history in respect to Hungary. We egged the rebellion on but did nothing to help support it. That is also not the first time that our government has followed the same tactic !!

    “BTW, since Barbara Boxer got her panties all in a twist because a general,…” And yes Darth, Boxer is a twit in that regard as the military is taught to respond “Yes Sir” or “Yes Ma’am”, both being equal terms of respect !

  • 89 Laughing@You // Jun 20, 2009 at 8:35 pm

    Very well done. Boxer was wrong.

    Thanks for your service.


  • 90 onlineanalyst // Jun 20, 2009 at 11:24 pm


    “I have travelled to Hungary, to Poland, and twice to the Czech Republic. I have heard first-hand stories of the brutality of the Communists’ oppression in all of those places. I have seen the places where the tanks rolled in to quash the freedom fighters.”

    No doubt this is true, but what kind of strawman are you trying to build from this truth?

    “Did America renege on its support because its citizens were tired of war after the loss of so many lives in WWII? ”

    What is wrong with you?

    L@Y: I was referring to our not supporting the Hungarian uprising.

    As far as Iraq is concerned, the UN had multiple resolutions against Saddam’s regime. Clinton himself said that Saddam must go. Saddam Hussein was sponsoring terror with training camps, money, and weapons, destabilizing the whole region.

    Iran is doing the same.

    Like the Communists, the despots of the ME depend on grinding their people to subservience through fear, imprisonment, and brutality.

    My support is with leaders who champion the freedom of all people and who do not treat them as pawns to flatter their own power or greed.

  • 91 onlineanalyst // Jun 20, 2009 at 11:40 pm

    What, me worry?

    All is well in Obamaland. Daddy O took the girls to Alexandria for some ice cream and a WH correspondent breathlessly twitters what they all ordered. (My life is complete, knowing those details.)

    Tony Hawks uses the WH as a skateboarding playground.

    Ain’t life grand?

  • 92 JamesonLewis3rd // Jun 21, 2009 at 12:03 am

    BHO promo.

  • 93 Laughing@You // Jun 21, 2009 at 2:14 am

    “As far as Iraq is concerned, the UN had multiple resolutions against Saddam’s regime.”

    The United Nations authorized military action against Iraq only after the Bush Administration conned Colin Powell into presenting false evidence based on the information provided by “Curveball”.

    United Nations inspectors in Iraq before the invasion, including the chief weapons inspector did not agree with the Bush Administration’s conclusion regarding the presence of WMD, and General Powell now feels he was deliberately deceived.

    “Saddam Hussein was sponsoring terror with training camps, money, and weapons, destabilizing the whole region.”

    Can you offer anything to support these claims other than the bogus stuff posted on nutjob blogs?

    “… grinding their people to subservience through fear, imprisonment, and brutality.”

    This kind of sounds like the the Bush Administration too, doesn’t it?

    I understand how eager you are to swallow up this junk, but don’t try to feed it to the unindoctrinated.


  • 94 Laughing@You // Jun 21, 2009 at 2:25 am

    “I was referring to our not supporting the Hungarian uprising.”

    Well gee OLA, was the Republican President Dwight D. Eisenhower to much of a “wuss” for you too? You do understand you are referring to the General of the Army (Five Stars), and the WWII Supreme Allied Commander of the European Theater don’t you?

    Do you really want to compare Dumbyah to him?

    This is getting sadder and sadder …


  • 95 Libby Gone // Jun 21, 2009 at 8:23 am

    At least DDE had the common sense to let the country run itself and play Golf in the meantime. Hence boom times of the Fifties, much UNLIKE handon ObamaNation………

  • 96 onlineanalyst // Jun 21, 2009 at 9:06 am

    L@Y: As you already know, I am not calling DDE a wuss. (I truly do not know the rationale for his not providing material support to the Hungarians.)

    And I find it tiresome that you rely on discredited talking points about Iraq to deflect the discussion to Bush. who cannot be as Machiavellian as you claim and as dumb as a stump. Stick with your nonsensical narrative if it gives you a warm tingle. I do not find it convincing.

    I am not asking that the Obamao administration unleash the dogs of war against the mullahs. I do expect him to speak forthrightly, not in his typical equivocating fashion, on behalf of citizens protesting despotic rule and violence against them.

    Iran apparently has no problem in seeking the “interference” of goons from other nations in order to impose its iron fist of tyranny. Apparently, neither does Obamao. (Incidentally, his choice was a small cup of vanilla. Telling, isn’t it?)

    Today, the Pretender will tell Americans what it means to be a good father. I prefer to cherish the modeling and memory of my own father, who took part in Operation Overlord, flying paratroopers in the D-Day invasion, and never trumpeted his achievements in life and never needed media cameras to record his mundane activities. Like all men of character, he meant what he said and he followed up his words with action.

    You have a tendency to “freeze” history into anti-American examples of error in judgment. Would that you were as mercilessly critical of other nations and their leaders who have demonstrated deliberately evil actions against humanity.

  • 97 Darthmeister // Jun 21, 2009 at 9:26 am

    Actual letter:

    From the Office of Mr. Mir Hossein Mousavi

    To the President of the USA, Mr. Barack Hussein Obama:

    Dear Mr. President,

    In the name of the Iranian people, we want you to know that when you recently made the statement “Achmadinejad or Mousavi? Two of a kind,” we consider this as a grave and deep insult, not just to Mr. Mousavi but especially against the judgment of the Iranian people, against our moral conviction and intelligence, especially those of the young generation that comprises a population of 31 million.

    It is a specially grave insult for those who are now fighting for democracy and freedom, and an unwarranted gift and even praise for Mr. Khamenei, whose security forces are now killing peaceful Iranians in the streets of every major city in the country.

    Your statement misled the people of the world. It was no doubt inspired by your hope for dialogue with this regime, but you cannot possibly believe in promises from a regime that lies to its own people and then kills them when they demand the promises be kept.

    By such statements, your administration and you discourage the Iranian people, who believe and trust in the values of democracy and freedom. We are pleased to see that you have condemned the regime’s murderous violence, and we look forward to stronger support for the rightful struggle of the Iranian people against the actions of a regime that is your enemy as well as ours.

    Given that the Iranian regime is the biggest sponsor of international Islamic terrorism, one would have thought that Mr. Obama’s response to the present crisis in Iran would consist of something more than empty words and face-saving political rhetoric. Looks like Obama’s campaign rhetoric about “hope and change” doesn’t extend beyond our borders and certainly doesn’t extend to those Iranian people who yearn for freedom from Islamic theocratic despotism. But then maybe the “moderate” Iranians don’t want the hope of more tax increases and social re-engineering or exchanging their already wretched form of “government” into a socialist velvet gulag that is just as sure to fail.

  • 98 Darthmeister // Jun 21, 2009 at 9:36 am

    Can you offer anything to support these claims other than the bogus stuff posted on nutjob blogs?

    You don’t need to got to “nutjob blogs” when you can read the translated Iraqi documents found here. Oh, I forgot, you’ll simply lie to yourself about these documents being forgeries compliments of the vast rightwing conspiracy, right?

    BTW, don’t cherrypick, read them all. It’s very interesting to me how the national socialist media and left-wingnut “news” sources have pointedly ignored this ongoing work. I guess ignoring such official documents makes sense when it doesn’t fit your or the lamestream media’s twisted narrative of the last four years.

  • 99 Darthmeister // Jun 21, 2009 at 9:37 am

    … push.

  • 100 R.A.M. // Jun 21, 2009 at 12:25 pm

    Poll: Most Still Favor ‘the Idea of an Obama Presidency’

    A REAL GOOD analogy of the fact that this many people are still in love with the evil moron in the White House that is destroying America is, someone dying of cancer of the lungs yet still smokes right up until they die from it!

    Another would be an atheist denying there is a GOD until he/she dies and is sent to HELL forever!

    Maybe the best is, a troll/lib/democrat standing by oboma-dictator, in spite of the daily facts that he is doing EVERYTHING in his unabated power to destroy America and ALL of our children and families (YES, your children and families too), right up until America crumbles from within!!!

    When the morons that still love him finally find out that he doesn’t care about them anymore than he does the ones who voted against him, it will be TOO LATE!!!

    The left wing-nuts, (90% of the Democrat party), don’t realize the terrorists/islamic fanatics don’t like them any more than the rest of us, and they don’t understand that with obama either.

    GOD said HE would render those thinking themselves to be wise, FOOLS and we are seeing it more and more each day with the supposed educated lefties!

    wv: Times softener——If that is N.Y. Times, would that be maybe……Bankruptcy :lol:

  • 101 Laughing@You // Jun 21, 2009 at 12:25 pm

    “Hence boom times of the Fifties”

    What boom times of the Fifties? The Eisenhower years had at least one recessionary period.


  • 102 Laughing@You // Jun 21, 2009 at 12:42 pm

    “I find it tiresome that you rely on discredited talking points about Iraq to deflect the discussion to Bush.”

    Well, I surely don’t want to bore you, but apparently you would prefer the sand that gets up you nose when you bury your head in it. What “discredited talking points about Iraq” are you talking about. and what nutjob discredited them.

    Why do you call the deaths of tens of thousands of people including almost 5,000 Americans “talking points”. These numbers do not come from a Powerpoint presentation, they represent real people whether you have anything invested or not! Maybe it they had a dollar value it would be easier for you to relate to them!!

    Is there a limitation on the number of times an unpunished crime may be reported? You folks are only trying to delay reckoning, in the same way Bush, and Cheney, and so many here avoided military service.


  • 103 Laughing@You // Jun 21, 2009 at 1:03 pm

    “UNLIKE handon ObamaNation……… ”

    Obama took control of the run away train Bush, the spoiled prep boy moron, had managed to create.

    Now you, of the same fraternity, want to poke each other, and laugh at Obama’s effort to regain control of it.

    What was the budgetary surplus Bush started this mess having, and what was the deficit he ended with? But then, he did give you a tax cut while greatly increasing spending.

    You here thought tax cuts were great! And you had no problems with the war, or it’s cost! Then when we started to run out of soldiers and money where were you? Did you join the military to meet America’s need? What would you have said to a tax increase?

    You, who contribute so little, seem to feel you have a right to so much!

    You are patriots, one and all

  • 104 Laughing@You // Jun 21, 2009 at 1:22 pm

    “I prefer to cherish the modeling and memory of my own father, who took part in Operation Overlord, flying paratroopers in the D-Day invasion, and never trumpeted his achievements in life and never needed media cameras to record his mundane activities.”

    Your father was an American hero, the memory of his efforts are more than worth cherishing for us all.

    “You have a tendency to “freeze” history into anti-American examples of error in judgment.”

    There is nothing whatever anti-American in my judgments. My judgments are anti-Bush, and significantly anti-Conservative, as it is represented here. Thank God Almighty today’s conservatives do not represent the great majority of Americans, as demonstrated in the last two elections!

    America is, and always will be what the people declare it to be!

    “When fascism comes to America it will be wrapped in the flag and carrying a cross.” - Sinclair Lewis


  • 105 egospeak // Jun 21, 2009 at 3:00 pm

    re: 85

    Although Libby Gone addressed your comments about liberals in post 86 allow me to throw in my 2 cents also.

    The modern day liberals, at least those that don’t claim to be moderates, have a very different view of liberty and freedom than that of the typical dictionary definition. Simply put, they have moved or adopted a liberty or freedom that is unfettered by traditional moral restraints and has as a consequence degenerated into something beyond licentiousness.

    Anything that advances their concept of personal freedom, again, unrestrained by a morality not of their personal choice, is to be pursued or championed. Sex before marriage? Why not. Sex without marriage? Even better. Legalization of destructive personal vices? You bet!

    That is the first problem with appealing to the dictionary to defend modern day liberalism. The second problem is this: the same dictionary also defines liberalism as, “constituting a political party associated with ideals of individual especially economic freedom, greater individual participation in government, and constitutional, political, and administrative reforms designed to secure these objectives”. Can you, with any shred of intellectual honesty, insist that the current Democratic party even remotely resembles the political party described in the quote as being liberal?


    wv - David forsook (going into battle with the army as kings did in the spring, and as a result had the immoral relations with Bathsheba, got her pregnant, killed her husband, lost the child and really screwed up his life. Yet he repented and was considered a man after God’s own heart.)

  • 106 R.A.M. // Jun 21, 2009 at 3:45 pm

    The above link is to a report that Jimmy Carter has been sent by Obama to “talk” to Hamas to supossedly broker peace between the Palestinians and Israel.

    Leave it to the moron Obama to think the guy, who when President CAUSED and then could NOT get the release of American hostages in Iran, can now negotiate with terrorists since the only diffeerence between now and then is he is more insane, more of a wing-nut lib, more senile, and MUCH weaker as a person!

    Did I forget to say more EVIL?

  • 107 Darthmeister // Jun 21, 2009 at 5:11 pm

    Obama breaks another campaign promise about transparency and is not held accountable by Obamabots who complained about the Bush Administration’s apparent lack of “transparency”. Given that Obama and his cabal have given themselves a loophole based on the release of information being “practicable”, maybe the Bush Administration’s unwillingness to release sensitive information was based the same standard … ya think? Once again we’re treated to liberal double-standards, if a Republican does something controversial its evil or possibly even unconstitutional, if a lib Donk does it he/she/it is merely being “sensible or practical under the circumstances.”

  • 108 R.A.M. // Jun 21, 2009 at 5:57 pm

    Out of 105 posts, 54, (more than half), are from the 3 trolls, blabberingyetagain, yapping Chiahuahua, and newsboy. (IF they are indeed three (3) separate people :lol: )

    Like Obama their “master”, they talk a LOT and contribute little to the subject at hand. Par for the course! :lol:

  • 109 Darthmeister // Jun 21, 2009 at 6:01 pm

    Laughing gasbag, doubling down on stupid is not a particularly good strategy.

    First, the phantom “budgetary surplus” the Bush Administration is alleged to have inherited is pure fiction. According to the Bureau of Public Debt web site, for the fiscal year ending September, 2000 the Federal Debt INCREASED by 18 Billion. For the eight years (1993-2000) that Clinton was in office, national debt increased more than $1.6 trillion leaving the Bush Administration with an overall national debt of $5.7 trillion. Clinton never balanced the budget except on paper and there was never any real budget surplus … it’s all another liberal lie perpetuated by liberal bloggers, the national socialist media and lying trolls like you.

    Also, in inflation-adjusted dollars, the Bush Administration spent less of a percentange of the GDP than the Clinton administration and has been outspent by the Obama Administration by nearly a factor of two after less than one year in office!

    Percentage of government spending to GDP
    Obama - first 6 months of 2009 39% and climbing
    Bush - 2001-2008 average 19.86%
    Clinton - 1993-2000 average 19.91%

    The recession simply wasn’t just a matter of President Bush running up the deficit and plunging this country into a recession. And oddly enough, by the classic definition of a recession, the Clinton Administration left a recessionary economy to President Bush since the last three quarters under the Clinton Administration were a negative growth economy. There were no negative-growth quarters in the last six years of the Bush Administration and certainly not three in a row.

    “When fascism comes to America it will be wrapped in the flag and carrying a cross.” – Sinclair Lewis Yep, and Obama mentions Jesus far more than Bush ever did and there are any number of mindnumbed “Christian” liberals who justify their fascist socialism by confusing Jesus’ call for “community” with communism. Thanks for clearing things up on this point, neverthink.

  • 110 Darthmeister // Jun 21, 2009 at 6:11 pm

    More economic and budget numbers here

  • 111 R.A.M. // Jun 21, 2009 at 6:27 pm

    Here is an email sent from the White House for Father’s Day. Pretty lame! I have added my comments in bold type.

    PS: I couldn’t get the video to copy but, trust me, you are NOT missing anything. In fact it is quite sickening! :lol:

    Happy Father’s Day,

    I’m writing to share a special video of Barack talking about fatherhood, but first I want to share some thoughts of my own.

    My father, Frasier Robinson, was the rock of our family. Although he was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis in his early thirties, he was our provider, our champion and our hero.

    He worked tirelessly through good days and bad to make sure my brother and I had every opportunity he didn’t — to go to college and pursue our dreams. Gee, I would have sworn Michelle went to College on the taxpayer dime via Affirmative Action? His example continues to guide me every day. He was probably never proud of his Country either.

    Barack didn’t have my good fortune — his father left when he was just two years old. Notice no mention of those “typical white folks” that DID stay and raise him? But he has always been determined to give our daughters what he never had, and he values being a good father more than any other accomplishment in his life. The ONLY way I see he is a “good father” is, at least he didn’t kill them before they were born the way he wants to kill other people’s baby’s!

    On Friday, Barack brought some men (and a bunch of kids!) to the White House to talk about fatherhood. Check out a video of the event: Not here, but you ain’t missing nothing. Here is a pithy version. Blah, blah, a few lies, blah, blah, adoring applause, few more lies, a joke(?), some fake words about fatherhood and caring about families, thankfully, THE END!

    We all know the remarkable impact fathers can have in our children’s lives. Hey Michelle, they cannot be “father’s” if they abort their children because they don’t want to be “punished with a baby”, as your hubby said! So today, on this 100th anniversary of Father’s Day, take a moment to celebrate responsible fatherhood (responsible fatherhood? That is pretty funny coming from a family that loves abortion so much and is burying our children and their children in debt so far they will never emerge!) and the men who’ve had the courage to step up, be there for our families, and provide our children with the guidance, love and support they need to fulfill their dreams. IF Obama’s “dreams” come to be fulfilled, there will soon no longer be a “Father’s Day” because America will have become a dictatorship under Comrade O!


  • 112 Newsman // Jun 21, 2009 at 7:33 pm

    Hey RAMMO:

    Oh how much we all must admire you for showing such extreme courage in attacking a lady !!

    Fearsome stuff big boy !

  • 113 Newsman // Jun 21, 2009 at 7:39 pm

    What would some of you guys do without liberals ?

    You would all be left sitting there sucking on your thumbs bored to death and most likely spending your time picking on your defenseless wives and harmless old ladies. Aren’t you lucky that we give you something constructive to do with your lives ?

  • 114 JamesonLewis3rd // Jun 21, 2009 at 7:40 pm

    The LORD Almighty planned it, to bring low the pride of all glory and to humble all who are renowned on the earth.
    Isaiah 23:9

    For who makes you different from anyone else? What do you have that you did not receive? And if you did receive it, why do you boast as though you did not?
    1Corinthians 4:7

  • 115 JamesonLewis3rd // Jun 21, 2009 at 8:04 pm

    I agree.
    The ephemeral “idea” (so-called) of BHO was/is mythological.

  • 116 JamesonLewis3rd // Jun 21, 2009 at 8:09 pm

    BHO’s Presidential Approval Index rating plummets!

  • 117 Newsman // Jun 21, 2009 at 8:57 pm

    Gee JL3rd, I think you really missed your true calling. You would have made a great Islamic Cleric with all this religious spouting that you seem to love to engage in.

    You know JL, most ratings and polls are not very impressive because we can all easily find one that is biased whichever way we want it to be.

  • 118 onlineanalyst // Jun 21, 2009 at 10:10 pm

    It must be nice to enjoy the Persian “golf” war a la cart(e).

  • 119 R.A.M. // Jun 21, 2009 at 11:01 pm

    re#112: Hey moron, I never attacked a “lady”, Michelle is no “lady” and I didn’t “attack” her anyway. Can’t you read? Most everything I said was about the ‘Moron-in-Chief’ spinboy! :lol: .

    Attacking a REAL Lady, (Sarah Palin), is what you and your side did/does.

    Crawl back under your rock “Saddam”. :lol:

  • 120 R.A.M. // Jun 21, 2009 at 11:06 pm

    Yes JL3, Saddam/newsboy is right. Polls are only to be believed when they reflect positively on the demdonks. Like when Oblahblah has a 60% approval rating.

    He will NEVER see that rating again! :lol:

  • 121 Laughing@You // Jun 22, 2009 at 12:22 am


    In case you do not think yourself a complete idiot, let me point out the Republican Nomination for President is not a requirement.

    You are a vicious fool in full blossom. In this you are complete. May God have mercy on your sorry asp.


  • 122 R.A.M. // Jun 22, 2009 at 1:04 am

    I love it when I get under the troll’s skin.

    They are soooooooooooooooo easy! :lol:

  • 123 Libby Gone // Jun 22, 2009 at 7:50 am

    The trolls must have got an internet connection under their bridge…….
    nah Mommy just had a line dropped to the basement!
    Without Libs this country would be Lightyears ahead in PROGRESS!

  • 124 boberinyetagain // Jun 22, 2009 at 8:59 am


  • 125 boberinyetagain // Jun 22, 2009 at 9:01 am

    twas not too long ago that you folks derided polls as superflous/inaccurate. It’s nice to see that you’ve “come around” and that polls now have meaning…

    (CBS) President Bush will leave office as one of the most unpopular departing presidents in history, according to a new CBS News/New York Times poll showing Mr. Bush’s final approval rating at 22 percent.

  • 126 boberinyetagain // Jun 22, 2009 at 9:02 am

    Worldwide it was far lower…

  • 127 onlineanalyst // Jun 22, 2009 at 9:19 am

    Let me count the ways, invites VDH.

    Obamao and Biden spent Fathers’ Day at their own “tee party” without an apparent care in the world. It must be nice.

    Iran has sought the “meddling” of Russia’s security forces in quelling the protests in Iran. Both Russia and China think that the results of the “democratic” election in Iran are just peachy. Chavez sends his regards to the Grand Poobah of Iran and his puppet A-jad. No “meddling” there, huh?

    Meanwhile, Obamao has sent Jimmuh Catarrh (*spit*) as a special emissary to Hamas, negating the preconditions that Hillary! has set out as the SoS.

    Let’s hear it for the once great Western culture. The Islamic caliphate is on the ascendance. /s

    Weren’t the 1930’s a lesson enough in tyrannies?

  • 128 boberinyetagain // Jun 22, 2009 at 9:37 am

    OLA, nuke em?
    Seriously, what do you suggest?
    Strong words, a “resolution” perhaps?
    Stern looks?
    Don’t make me stop this car?

    What, they STILL aren’t over that “Shah” thing?
    They STILL aren’t over our support of Houssein during the war?

    Don’t they ever let go of anything? Talk about holding a grudge…they must know we have only their best interests at heart…they just have to know…deep down…

    Just a suspicious bunch, what’r ya gonna do?

  • 129 boberinyetagain // Jun 22, 2009 at 9:41 am

    Iran Revolutionary Guard threaten protest crackdown

    You believe that these folks need Russian assistance keeping order? not so much

  • 130 onlineanalyst // Jun 22, 2009 at 10:04 am

    Stop setting up false equivalences and strawment, boberin. You obviously have not clicked on any of the links that I have posted. There are lots of possibilities that Obamao could pursue that would be more statesmanlike and could serve as a beacon for liberty.

    During the Cold War, when nuclear confrontation was always a possibility, the Shah of Iran was a deterrent to the Soviet Union, which was attempting to make inroads of expansion via Iran in order to have a warm-water port and a source of energy. My guess is that today Russia still has the same ends in mind.

    No “solution” is a perfect one in the real world, where all nations are seeking what serves their own interests best.

    Iran has “meddled” in unsettling Iraq through exporting of weapons and terrorists. Do its hegemonic designs of expanding the caliphate not bother you? Do its designs on Iraq, once our troops are gone, not bother you?

    Since the beginning of the protests in Iran, Iran has sought the services of Hamas, Hezbollah, and “security forces” from Venezuela and Russia. The axis of oppression is clear. Iran also has a cozy missile/nuclear development relationship with NoKo. We have an emerging world of madmen in seats of power.

    Other Western powers made unequivocal statements about the affront to freedom and human rights in the fallout of the Iranian elections. The US via Obamao? Not so much. The words “freedom” and “human rights” have not yet escaped Obamao’s lips. Instead, he whiffls and waffles about “justice” (Sharia law? fatwas?) and “peace” (submission to Islamic law?) Obamao’s rhetoric is eel-like in its ambiguity.

    Obamao has cut the budget of any Voice of America-style information to Iran starting in 2010. One has to wonder why.

  • 131 onlineanalyst // Jun 22, 2009 at 10:31 am


  • 132 boberinyetagain // Jun 22, 2009 at 10:33 am

    “the Shah of Iran was a deterrent to the Soviet Union”

    Um, yeah, that’s pretty much why WE put him there. Imagine another country that was/ramains upset because the USA propped up their “leader”…the nerve.
    Then we backed Saddam in the war…and still they seem suspicious of our motives. How much clearer could we make our “best wishes” to them besides appointing our own preference for leader and backing their enemy in a war? Probably the only way to screw up the trmendous goodwill those things instilled was to later decided that the man we backed wans’t that good a guy and perhaps he needed to be taken out. But that’s so far fetched as to be ludicrous…what’s that?…we did those things?
    Never mind, perhaps they should be suspicous, perhaps they might have even sought the help of countries that were not doing such thing.

    Did that ever occur to you, that we created the monster only to have that monster not be to our liking? Oh wait, it must have…we backed Saddam…and then discovered we didn’t actually back Saddam.

    And now Obama is supposed to make many, many years of US wrongheaded/dangerous policy of meddling where we had no business dissappear…now he should make that all ok…whilst fending off Afghanistan, North Korea, worldwide financial meltdown, corporate bailouts, record unemployment, skyrocketing unemployment, Israeli nonsense etc, etc….

    Obama is a slacker of the first magnitude, you’ve convinced me…he cause none of these woes and has had a full 100 days to rectify them…but he hasn’t fully solved anything. The dirty rat.
    Let’s string him up, i’ll get some pitchforks, you bring the rope

  • 133 boberinyetagain // Jun 22, 2009 at 10:45 am

    Hmmm, perhaps one man remembers

    “Obama, in the forefront of diplomatic efforts to halt an Iranian nuclear program the West fears could produce atomic weapons, recently acknowledged that the United States helped overthrow Iran’s elected government in a 1953 coup that installed a pro-U.S. monarchy in power. That government was toppled by the 1979 Islamic Revolution.”

    …and sees that any involvement now would be seen as more of the same…which would completely negate any world support for the efforts of the protestors, they’d be dismissed as “more of the same” and slaughtered w/o regard…which so far is NOT happening (thank goodness) but could commence in a heartbeat….

  • 134 Newsman // Jun 22, 2009 at 11:43 am

    Not getting under my skin.

    R = RAM

    A = AM

    M = MENTAL

    Hee hee !!

  • 135 Newsman // Jun 22, 2009 at 11:55 am

    So RAM AM MENTAL - you say the First Lady is not a lady ??

    You sure show a lot of respect for our form of Government.

    I did not care for GW but I respected the fact he was our elected President and his wife is a Lady first and foremost in or out of the White House.

    Sarah Palin is also a lady whether she is in office or out of office. Whether she is a Republican or not! And Letterman should have been taken off the air for good for making that punk remark he made about her daughter !

    You certainly lack gentleman qualities as your apparent lack of respect for women seems to exhibit, in so far as if a woman is not a Republican then she must not be a Lady !

    Sheesh, your mind does some interesting twists. You would make an interesting study for someone going for a Doctorate in Psychology !

  • 136 JQ // Jun 22, 2009 at 12:48 pm

    The linked articles and historical references are certainly interesting and (at times) educational. I just wish I didn’t have to wade through so much 3rd grade name-calling and posturing to get to them.

    How much hate you all must have inside, that you enjoy spewing it out at anonymous people on the Internet! I can’t help but feel that this is a sort of entertainment for you, which makes it all the more disturbing. These are people you don’t even know and would probably just as soon have a cup of coffee with if you ran into them in the flesh.

    I’d worry about coming across as repetitious, but that would require that people listened to me in the first place. At any rate, here’s a word of advice (to ALL of you): GROW UP.

  • 137 JamesonLewis3rd // Jun 22, 2009 at 12:58 pm

    The pope of Iran attributes the current uprising directly to BHO and I’m not surprised. We all knew it couldn’t be because people would like their votes to, if not count, at least actually be counted and stuff. You know, at least pretend, instead of kicking freedom-starved peace-lovers to the curb using imported, bloodthirsty sociopaths with automatic weapons.

  • 138 Newsman // Jun 22, 2009 at 1:50 pm

    My my JQ - you referring to me perchance ? I’m just having some fun for my own amusement. Some others may or may not be amused - so be it.

    Don’t get your drawers all twisted up as you may risk diminishing your precious manhood !

  • 139 JQ // Jun 22, 2009 at 2:32 pm

    Newsman says:

    “My my JQ – you referring to me perchance ? I’m just having some fun for my own amusement. Some others may or may not be amused – so be it.

    Don’t get your drawers all twisted up as you may risk diminishing your precious manhood !”

    Not you, in particular. I’m referring to the collective group of trolls (conservative, liberal, or otherwise) who appear to come here with no purpose in mind other than to antagonize others.

    While I certainly include you in that group the majority of the time, I also appreciate your attempts to acknowledge common ground, such as your recent remarks about Sen. Boxer.

    After spending a period of time catching up on all of the posts over the weekend, I’ve just gotten the distinct impression that I was watching a playground argument, complete with stupid names (”Obamao,” “Obamessiah,” “Dumbyah”, etc). All this from people (I’m assuming) are well out of primary school. How is anyone supposed to take any of you seriously when your words are all so infused with antagonism?

  • 140 SGT USMC 1ea // Jun 22, 2009 at 2:35 pm

    I listen to you much more than I do to the troll which apparently went to the RAM I AM Dr. Seuss school of insult writing-oops sorry Dr. Seuss rarely left his participles dangling so precipitously. Really I avoid all of the troll droppings and catch up on the cogent Scrapplers when I actually have time to visit, unless they happen to be within the last 5 comments.

    OLA #127,
    VDH has a way of cutting right through the rhetoric and getting to the heart of the matter. Hard to believe he used to be a liberal.

    Deus est Semper Fidelis

  • 141 SGT USMC 1ea // Jun 22, 2009 at 2:43 pm

    Oops- ambiguous pronoun reference: stb: ” unless the trolls happen to be in the last 5 comments.” -seems to be getting more and more often- I think I should narrow my arbitrary criterea.

  • 142 Newsman // Jun 22, 2009 at 3:00 pm

    “How is anyone supposed to take any of you seriously when your words are all so infused with antagonism?”

    Now that is strange as that is my line that I put up now and then and then in return I get bashed again very frequently by that master of insult and antagonism Mr DM.

    This time my response to RAM was done in the same style that he put up his first post referring to something I said.

    There is an old saying about ‘When in Rome..etc.,etc.’

    I tend to respond in the same manner in which I was originally addressed or referred to.

    So you can hang that on me but that is never the way I started out here.

    Now and then I try the reasonable approach for awhile and then some idiot bashes me doing precisely what you refer to.

    I am not the kind to just sit here and turn the other cheek ! Guess I just don’t have that Christian spirit. I will respond in the manner in which I am originally addressed.

  • 143 SGT USMC 1ea // Jun 22, 2009 at 3:10 pm

    Regarding #109
    You keep publishing facts. Facts are worthless. People do not react to realisitic statistics published by reputable world bodies. People react to emotion based upon meme statements written in capital letters like:


    BUSH REPUBLICANS STARTED THE WAR (with a mere 91% democratic support in congress)

    The caps lock key is the only effective method of conveying reality. You need to get with the new pogrom.

    Deus est Semper Fidelis
    [GOD is always faithful- translated for LAY Henning]

  • 144 JQ // Jun 22, 2009 at 3:19 pm

    Newsman says:

    “So you can hang that on me but that is never the way I started out here.”

    Not “hanging” anything on “you,” Newsman. I’m referring to everyone who posts that way; you just happen to be included in that group (along with the illustrious DM, who apparently “started it;” nothing schoolyard about that argument).

    “I will respond in the manner in which I am originally addressed.”

    …and so continues the great “Circle of Life…”

  • 145 boberinyetagain // Jun 22, 2009 at 3:33 pm

    No, we cannot “all just get along”…apparently

  • 146 Laughing@You // Jun 22, 2009 at 3:49 pm


    “The modern day liberals, at least those that don’t claim to be moderates, have a very different view of liberty and freedom than that of the typical dictionary definition.”

    Don’t you think it even a little presumptuous to try to define anyone’s views, other than your own?

    “Simply put, they have moved or adopted a liberty or freedom that is unfettered by traditional moral restraints and has as a consequence degenerated into something beyond licentiousness.”

    Thank you for putting your pontifications simply for me. So you believe me, boberin, and President Obama and perhaps at least a third of Americans to be unfettered by traditional moral restraint? Well, that’s quite something to say, isn’t it? If you don’t mean it too be that strong, what does such a statement say of you? How can I begin to rebut such a claim? If I were to offer evidence of good, most here would say I am bragging.

    “Anything that advances their concept of personal freedom, again, unrestrained by a morality not of their personal choice, is to be pursued or championed.”

    Yes, Egospeak, I’m going to agree with this part entirely. I would fight the morality police to my last breath! I would never submit to a Taliban-like Morality Squad, even if I agreed with every one of their rules.

    “Sex without marriage? Even better. Legalization of destructive personal vices? You bet!”

    Sex before marriage? Egospeak, if you were to make sex before marriage a crime, how many in your own church would wind up in jail? There would be so many people in jail, we could not afford to keep them all; but, I guess, maybe we could stone them. Is that what you want? What is Moses’ Law regarding fornication?

    “Even better. Legalization of destructive personal vices?”

    Yes, some of them. I have never touched Marijuana, not a single uninhaled puff! This said, I would legalize it tomorrow if given the chance. I believe it has medicinal value for many. Either that, or outlaw alcohol procession and use as well. I would consider legalizing some, but not necessarily all other drugs, and used the money saved from the War on Drugs for Treatment Clinics. This would remove the “forbidden fruit” temptation from some users, and take the profit out of drug dealing, thereby reducing the violent crime which is threatening our southern border.

    “That is the first problem with appealing to the dictionary to defend modern day liberalism. The second problem is this: the same dictionary also defines liberalism as, “constituting a political party associated with ideals of individual especially economic freedom, greater individual participation in government, and constitutional, political, and administrative reforms designed to secure these objectives”.

    Gee Egospeak, I’m not sure why you include this, but it sounds great to me!

    “Can you, with any shred of intellectual honesty, insist that the current Democratic party even remotely resembles the political party described in the quote as being liberal?”

    Yes, at least remotely!

    Egospeak, Democrats don’t call themselves liberal as often as Republicans call them Liberal, in fact dimwits like Rush and many other have made the term synonymous with Communist. We prefer to describe our orientation as progressive, at least until you make a “pop tart” out of it

    wv – David forsook (going into battle with the army as kings did in the spring, and as a result had the immoral relations with Bathsheba, got her pregnant, killed her husband, lost the child and really screwed up his life. Yet he repented and was considered a man after God’s own heart.)

    There is a name for the immoral relations David had with Bathsheba. David didn’t kill Uriah, in his fallen state he must have become like scheming Republican of today, he simply sent him into battle where he hoped he would be killed. You really shouldn’t make such short shrift of David’s repentance.

    Since you have told me so much about myself. Let me tell you, I have the impression that you views are affected by a “Reaction Formation”, most likely arising from BD. Cut yourself, and me a break will you?


  • 147 SGT USMC 1ea // Jun 22, 2009 at 3:55 pm

    The “Circle of Life”. Lion King, loved that movie when I was watching it with my baby girl in the 90’s. Like boberin and the Palins’ that baby girl is all grown up and unwed with a baby of her own- weird common ground. Of course my grandbaby is upper class so was not in any danger of being aborted. Upper class since there is no longer a middle class, according to many, and I guess I don’t exactly qualify as poor. Sorry, just rambling and longing for the days I could just be bourgoisie and not feel so much gulit for our success.

    I officially nominate JQ to act as the proctor of Scrapple debates. Second?

  • 148 RedPepper // Jun 22, 2009 at 3:59 pm



  • 149 Laughing@You // Jun 22, 2009 at 4:11 pm

    “Obamao and Biden spent Fathers’ Day at their own “tee party” without an apparent care in the world. It must be nice.”

    I don’t know if they had a care, but at least they were not cutting brush or playing golf immediately after ordering the invasion of a sovereign nation, as Dumyah did.

    And they certainly did fly from DC to California with a birthday cake for McCain while our citizens were either drowning, staving, or laying dead in the streets for dogs to eat in one of our nation’s oldest cities.

    Did you see the laughter of the younger fool, when the older fool mustered enough wind to blow out the candles?

    Thanks to Dumbyah, I have an Ace for your every Deuse!

    Just bring your money!


  • 150 SGT USMC 1ea // Jun 22, 2009 at 4:12 pm

    How dare you overbold me with shades of Animal Farm!

    Deus est Semper Fidelis

  • 151 JQ // Jun 22, 2009 at 4:13 pm

    RedPepper says:




  • 152 JQ // Jun 22, 2009 at 4:16 pm

    I myself said:


    That certainly loses its effect when the comment system removes my underline tags; it must only support up to two format tags at a time…?

  • 153 RedPepper // Jun 22, 2009 at 4:17 pm

    SGT #147: Excuse me?

    Did you say you want JQ to be the official Scrappleface proctologist?!?

    Why would he want the job?

  • 154 JQ // Jun 22, 2009 at 4:20 pm

    RedPepper says:

    “Did you say you want JQ to be the official Scrappleface proctologist?!?

    Why would he want the job?”

    Would it really be much different? The view wouldn’t change much, but at least there’d be some “prestige…”

  • 155 RedPepper // Jun 22, 2009 at 4:21 pm

    JQ #152: I’m not sure that underline works here.

    But you can try STRIKE

  • 156 Laughing@You // Jun 22, 2009 at 4:22 pm

    Mexicans can’t seem to understand why most of use don’t name our children Jesus.

    What if one of these our children proved, as he grew older, to be a shame and an embarrassment?


  • 157 SGT USMC 1ea // Jun 22, 2009 at 4:25 pm

    LAY henning,
    “And they certainly did fly from DC to California with a birthday cake for McCain while our citizens were either drowning, staving, or laying dead in the streets for dogs to eat in one of our nation’s oldest cities”

    I had no Idea Obama did this even though I lived through hurricane Katrina when the evil Bush did exactly the ame thing. While I was evacuating towards electricity shortly afterwards (1 day) I passed mile upon mile of relief supplies and electrical trucks waiting for the clearing of millions of fallen trees trying to get to the location. Merely anecdotal.

    Deus est Semper Fidelis (GOD is always faithfull)

  • 158 RedPepper // Jun 22, 2009 at 4:27 pm

    JQ #154: How are you at herding cats?

    p.s. I’m not sure that admonishing people for antagonism will work here, either …

  • 159 Laughing@You // Jun 22, 2009 at 4:30 pm


    You make your organization look bad.


  • 160 SGT USMC 1ea // Jun 22, 2009 at 4:35 pm

    JQ says
    “Would it really be much different? The view wouldn’t change much, but at least there’d be some “prestige”"

    mttn- milk through the nose. Could not help but laugh at that one.

    My daughter is in pre-med (4.0 HS and college so far) and wants to be a cardiologist. I informed her that nobody starts a medical education with the thought that they want to work around/on buttholes all day, but those who get distracted too much eventually have to make a compromise. I am of course not referring to my own specialist in the area (all praise his Barney Rubble fingers!!!!!)

    Deus est Semper Fidelis

  • 161 boberinyetagain // Jun 22, 2009 at 4:41 pm

    SGT, my entry to the club is upon me…any day now. At least the nursery is finished.

    JQ…”The view wouldn’t change much”…priceless!

  • 162 SGT USMC 1ea // Jun 22, 2009 at 4:44 pm

    I make organization look bad?
    Perhaps you could suggest a method of clearing roads that is not sequential- you know- cut the tree into pieces- push it off the road move to next tree. There should maybe be a trillion dollar effort to set up parallell road clearing methods at every mile marker. Yes that would certainly make things quicker and barely impact our pocket book by modern calculations.

  • 163 RedPepper // Jun 22, 2009 at 4:48 pm

    SGT #161: Sounds like a stimulating project!

  • 164 SGT USMC 1ea // Jun 22, 2009 at 4:50 pm

    It is a blessing beyond measure. A little package of joy for whom you are not totally responsible but yet can love to the ends of the earth.

  • 165 JQ // Jun 22, 2009 at 4:52 pm

    RedPepper says:

    “JQ #154: How are you at herding cats?”

    OK, I draw the line at being a cat proctologist…

  • 166 boberinyetagain // Jun 22, 2009 at 4:55 pm

    I have 2 grandkids via more conventional paths so I know the thrill already but…those i can “sugar up and send home” so to speak.
    That won’t be an option with this new one…for now. Still, it should be a blast (much of the time)

  • 167 Laughing@You // Jun 22, 2009 at 5:04 pm

    Where is Governor Mark Sanford? First Lady, Lt. Governor don’t know.

    Watching Republicans lately is getting funnier and funnier. What will they do next?

    Think maybe Clinton has got him? No, it cant, it’s Obama turn for Republicans to lie about.


  • 168 R.A.M. // Jun 22, 2009 at 5:05 pm

    Yapping gasbag re#149 said:

    I don’t know if they (Obama and Biden) had a care, but at least they were not cutting brush or playing golf immediately after ordering the invasion of a sovereign nation, as Dumyah did.

    No, Obama just constantly says we are in the greatest depression since the one that started in 1929, then CONTINUES to have pizza flown in from Chicago, have date night’s for him and his queen in New York attending plays, parties every week at the White House, buy Michelle $540 sneakers to garden in, and God only knows how much tax dollars are spent on her clothes that the media “fawns” over! All this while burying our children and children’s children in a debt they will NEVER be able to pay!

    Gee, I wondeer what your side would have said if GWB had fired heads of American PRIVATE businesses? Or taken over private corporations? Or banks, insurance companies, etc? Don’t even try spinning that question!!!

    Yes they are sooooooooo “caring”, aren’t they?

    A quote you and the other Obama “swooners” need to listen to is, “You cannot see the future by looking in a rear view mirror.”

    Get over George W. Bush, he isn’t President anymore and cannot change anything. Wake up and TRY to see where your “American Idol” Prez is leading us.

    It isn’t going to be pretty, because it is fast turning into a dictatorship!!!

    It is alright to glance occassionally in the “rear view” long enough to see that Obama is making the very same errors as FDR that prolonged the Great Depression, but NONE of you are smart enough to do that, only to regurgitate your hatred for GWB.

    Pitiful, truly pitiful!!!

    Newsboy, re#142: Do you realise that your entire post can be summed up with the “pithy version”—-”He did it first mommy! Whaaa-whaaa!”


  • 169 Newsman // Jun 22, 2009 at 5:22 pm

    Yup, I am convinced RAM that you could really make a fortune if you would only offer yourself up on Craigslist as a subject for a PHD thesis on the failure of neural synapses to fire in proper sequential order.

  • 170 SGT USMC 1ea // Jun 22, 2009 at 5:24 pm

    Well I done gotta get up and defend the nation in about 6 hours. Time for beddy by

    God Bless

    Deus est Semper Fidelis

  • 171 R.A.M. // Jun 22, 2009 at 5:25 pm

    PS: Just to show newsboy is full of it, go reread 111 and then 112 and see who attacked who first.

    I attacked Obama and “newsy” then attacked me. NOWHERE in post #111 will you find any name calling/reference to Newsman!

    I am NOT trying to justify my name calling, (there is NONE!), just pointing out that when “newsy” says he fights back and calls names only when attacked, he is NOT being truthful!

    Simply put, he is LYING!!!

    Pithy version—”Mommy, he started it!” :lol:

  • 172 R.A.M. // Jun 22, 2009 at 5:27 pm

    SGT USMC 1ea : God bless you and thank you for your service my friend!!!

    May God protect you and yours!

  • 173 JQ // Jun 22, 2009 at 5:30 pm

    R.A.M. says:

    “Yapping gasbag re#149 said…”

    You must be referring to “Laughing@You.” An interesting moniker, which sounds nothing like “Yapping gasbag.”

    Couldn’t wait to read your post after that intro…

  • 174 R.A.M. // Jun 22, 2009 at 5:31 pm

    re#149: Yes, but you are also convinced that Obama is a good President, so what is your point, and is that it that your tin foil hat is covering? :lol:

  • 175 R.A.M. // Jun 22, 2009 at 5:32 pm

    Actually, that is re#169, not #149.

  • 176 R.A.M. // Jun 22, 2009 at 5:42 pm

    Ok JQ, we have all heard your “suggestions” as self appointed “hall monitor” and you have the right to your voice but do NOT try to tell me I don’t have the same right!

    You said earlier in #136, “ I just wish I didn’t have to wade through so much 3rd grade name-calling and posturing to get to them.

    Guess what? You do NOT have to. Get my point?

    I avoided responding to you until now but after #173, you are now pressing the issue with me.

    Maybe, so far, you have been civil here, but my bet is, you have area’s in your life that need working on so please drop the “holier-than-thou” attitude, OK?

  • 177 JQ // Jun 22, 2009 at 5:48 pm

    R.A.M. says:

    “I attacked Obama and “newsy” then attacked me.”

    You inserted a bunch of inflammatory commentary into Michelle Obama’s perfectly appropriate letter.

    Here are some examples:

    “The ONLY way I see he is a “good father” is, at least he didn’t kill them before they were born the way he wants to kill other people’s baby’s!”

    “Blah, blah, a few lies, blah, blah, adoring applause, few more lies, a joke(?), some fake words about fatherhood and caring about families, thankfully, THE END!”

    “Hey Michelle, they cannot be “father’s” if they abort their children because they don’t want to be “punished with a baby”, as your hubby said!”

    You attacked (line-by-line) the First Family in pretty personal terms over a Father’s Day letter. How would you have reacted had Newsman done the exact same thing to a Laura Bush letter? He was, indeed, reacting in kind to your tone. And you’re doing nothing to distinguish yourself from that same “pithy” “He did it first mommy! Whaaa-whaaa!” attitude.

    Thanks for helping get my point across, though.

  • 178 JQ // Jun 22, 2009 at 5:56 pm

    R.A.M. says:

    “Ok JQ, we have all heard your “suggestions” as self appointed “hall monitor” and you have the right to your voice but do NOT try to tell me I don’t have the same right!”

    I’m not “self-appointed” anything; SGT made me official proctologist, remember?

    I’m not telling you not to post; I’m merely suggesting that your posts might carry more weight if you tried to be civil about them. As anyone with any experience with human relationships can tell you, you don’t get anywhere in a conversation when you approach someone with an antagonistic, accusatory tone; you just put them on the defensive, immediately closing their minds to anything worthwhile you might have to say.

    “Maybe, so far, you have been civil here, but my bet is, you have area’s in your life that need working on so please drop the “holier-than-thou” attitude, OK?”

    Absolutely, there are areas I need to work on. HUGE areas. I’m not quite sure where those factor in here, though. How do my personal shortcomings excuse your boorish behavior?

    Take my advice or don’t; it’s obviously your call. I’m just trying to help you guys get your points across without giving the liberal folks more fodder.

  • 179 R.A.M. // Jun 22, 2009 at 6:00 pm

    JQ: I see your point quite clearly! You are here to show how superior and righteous you are to the rest of us “fallen” humans.

    You are starting to sound EXACTLY like a “thinly veiled” troll.


    As for Michelle’s phony “father’s day letter”. If you are so blind to believe that tripe she put out, and then even try to defend it, you can shut up about giving out any, (so-called), civil or Christian helpful hints to the regular Scrapplers.

    PS: Are you paying Scott to advertize with your website that is linked to your name? I mean, at least buy him a cup of coffee as the rest of us do, OK? ;-)

  • 180 JQ // Jun 22, 2009 at 6:08 pm

    R.A.M. says:

    “JQ: I see your point quite clearly! You are here to show how superior and righteous you are to the rest of us “fallen” humans.

    You are starting to sound EXACTLY like a “thinly veiled” troll.”

    Exactly! See, I didn’t think I was wording myself clearly enough…

    “PS: Are you paying Scott to advertize with your website that is linked to your name? I mean, at least buy him a cup of coffee as the rest of us do, OK?”

    The profile asked for my URL; since I don’t have a blog, I put the only website I have. Scott hasn’t sued me yet, so I’m assuming he’s cool with it. Since I haven’t done any developing for Scrapplers yet, I wouldn’t say that it’s the best marketing plan, anyway…

    Kudos to you for buying him coffee, though. It’s nice to see that you’re not self-righteous at all…

  • 181 R.A.M. // Jun 22, 2009 at 6:09 pm

    JQ re#178: “Take my advice or don’t; it’s obviously your call. I’m just trying to help you guys get your points across without giving the liberal folks more fodder.

    I already tried that for too many years. It didn’t work. Now I am trying the “Fight fire with fire” approach. If it doesn’t work, THEN I will try something else.

    PS: In case you are not smart enough to see, (as a LOT of the wrong headed Conservatives), the libs do NOT need any “fodder” to be constantly on the attack!

    Bush extended the Olive branch to the other side and drew back a bloody stub. Obama said he would be bi-partisan and IMMEDIATELY started his Presidency saying, “I won”!

    You handle things your way, and I will mine, OK? AND, you post your beliefs and I will mine!

  • 182 JamesonLewis3rd // Jun 22, 2009 at 6:17 pm

    Jesus Christ is Lord of all!

  • 183 boberinyetagain // Jun 22, 2009 at 6:24 pm

    RAM, you’ve swayed me…see earlier post. Did you get that rope yet?

  • 184 RedPepper // Jun 22, 2009 at 6:26 pm

    JQ says:

    I’m not “self-appointed” anything; SGT made me official proctologist, remember?

    Gee whiz, JQ, I thought I had something to do with that, too …

    JQ says:

    I’m merely suggesting that your posts might carry more weight if you tried to be civil about them. As anyone with any experience with human relationships can tell you, you don’t get anywhere in a conversation when you approach someone with an antagonistic, accusatory tone; you just put them on the defensive, immediately closing their minds to anything worthwhile you might have to say.

    Good general principle, JQ, and one you could recommend to quite a number of people, including the “liberal folks”. I seem to recall a few inflammatory comments that originated from that general direction …

    Like civility, another quality that enhances one’s credibilty, in my experience, is a reputation for evenhandedness.

    ¢ ¢

  • 185 boberinyetagain // Jun 22, 2009 at 6:26 pm

    I’ve got my pitchfork right here

    JQ, can’t say I didn’t warn you. This is a tough crowd…apparently even if you’r on their side which does make me rethink the abuse I get here. Makes much more sense when I see they attack you too…

  • 186 JQ // Jun 22, 2009 at 6:31 pm

    RedPepper says:

    “I seem to recall a few inflammatory comments that originated from that [liberal] general direction …

    Like civility, another quality that enhances one’s credibilty, in my experience, is a reputation for evenhandedness.”

    I agree; I believe I’ve given them some words as well. If you look to the posts earlier today, Newsman and I had a bit of an exchange.

    I guess I hold my fellow conservatives to a higher standard, though. I feel like we’re all on the same team; when one of us is fouling left and right, it makes the rest of the team look bad.

  • 187 RedPepper // Jun 22, 2009 at 6:53 pm

    JQ #186: Yes, I saw your exchange with Newsman. I’m not suggesting you’ve only made criticisms on one side.

    “Higher standard”? Can you explain the difference between that, and “double standard”?

    Just askin’ …

  • 188 RedPepper // Jun 22, 2009 at 6:57 pm

    “Pitchfork”, boberin?

    You feelin’ impish this evening?

  • 189 JQ // Jun 22, 2009 at 7:01 pm

    RedPepper says:

    “‘Higher standard’? Can you explain the difference between that, and ‘double standard’?”

    A double standard would be asking conservatives to be civil while encouraging liberals to bash on.

    A higher standard means that I expect better of my conservative brethren because I feel that our ideals are higher, by the nature of the fact that they are our ideals, I guess. Admittedly, that’s probably not fair. I guess I just figure that we should be better than those we call “trolls.”

  • 190 R.A.M. // Jun 22, 2009 at 7:07 pm

    re #185: Get used to that pitchfork blabber. If you keep rejecting God, you will see (and feel), a LOT of the pointed end of it for ETERNITY!

    I still am having a difficult time understanding when you libs call us Conservatives “racists” when YOU are the ones that keep talking about “ropes” and lynchings?


    PS: Are you “working” late or did A.C.O.R.N. buy you trolls a PC for your at home “work” on the taxpayer dime?

  • 191 RedPepper // Jun 22, 2009 at 7:17 pm

    Well, JQ, I guess mebbe that depends on the definition of the word “encouraging”.

    There are those who would say, as Ralph Peters said just a day or two ago, that “silence is complicity.”

    Some of those so-called “trolls” have accused conservatives of acting like they thought they were “better” than other people, IIRC. They got pretty exercised about the whole thing, now I think about it.

    ¢ ¢

  • 192 RedPepper // Jun 22, 2009 at 7:22 pm

    R.A.M. #190: I guess a pitchfork would be a good implement for roasting marshmallows … this being summertime and all …

  • 193 R.A.M. // Jun 22, 2009 at 7:35 pm

    RedPepper re# 192: It would have been nice for the cook out on Father’s Day. Five hot dogs and/or 20 marshmellows on one utensil as opposed to a single straigtened metal coat hanger! :-)

  • 194 RedPepper // Jun 22, 2009 at 7:49 pm

    R.A.M. #193: You must have had better luck than I did for Father’s Day.

    Hard to roast hot dogs in a rainstorm.

  • 195 JQ // Jun 22, 2009 at 7:56 pm

    RedPepper says:

    “Well, JQ, I guess mebbe that depends on the definition of the word ‘encouraging’.

    There are those who would say, as Ralph Peters said just a day or two ago, that ’silence is complicity.’”

    I’d agree with that, but I haven’t been particularly silent with them, either.

    “Some of those so-called ‘trolls’ have accused conservatives of acting like they thought they were ‘better’ than other people, IIRC.’”

    I think I need to clarify what I meant when I said, “we should be better than those we call ‘trolls.’” What I meant is that, if we’re going to call someone a “troll,” we should be behaving noticeably better than them ourselves. I’m not implying that any of us is any better than any others (although I do believe that some of our values are better, but that’s a different thing altogether).

    It’s sad how any discussion involving constructive criticism always turns into a finger-pointing game. Like my dad always told me, for every finger you point at someone else, there are three more pointing back at yourself. I recognize the plank in my own eye; please tend to your own specks. (This is not necessarily to you, RedPepper, so don’t take it personally)

  • 196 onlineanalyst // Jun 22, 2009 at 8:18 pm

    Obamao could take a few lessons from Christopher Hitchens’s familiarity with the history of the irrationality of the Iranian mullahs.

    And, yes, I will continue to call our prez Obamao, for the primary influences that have shaped his view have much in common with the communists and socialists. As a young lad, Obamao was schooled by Franklin Marshall Davis. His Columbia and later Chicago days were influenced by Bill Ayers. All of the above are disciples of Saul Alinksy. Daddy Obamao, the Kenyan who inspired the dreams of Fresh Prince, also was a communist.

    A US president who shamelessly is shaping our capitalist system into a top-down command economy is not the type of leader that I can respect. A US president who promotes spreading the wealth around by redistributing the fruits of one’s labors through expansion of welfare and punitive taxes has more in common with Mao than not. A US president who is attempting to federalize multiple sectors in our economy is one to mock.

    I could call him Obamalini, but Il Duce might object to the parallels though they, too, are mighty apparent.

  • 197 RedPepper // Jun 22, 2009 at 8:20 pm

    JQ #195: I make it a point to try not to take things personally (hope you do the same, FWIW).

    I agree that, in general, many people tend to see criticism as a personal “attack” - whether or not it’s intended that way.

    Oh well. Way it goes. Doesn’t tend to improve with time, either. People have long memories when it comes to being offended.

  • 198 egospeak // Jun 22, 2009 at 9:46 pm

    L@Y re: 146

    So much to respond to, so little bandwith.

    As far as my presumption in defining anyone’s views other than my own, is it really presumptuous to offer my opinion based on my observations and conversations with liberals? I think a better example of presumption would be if you were to try to define my views without even knowing me.

    You assume that I believe that you, boberin, President Obama and a third of Americans are unfettered by traditional moral restraint. I don’t think that I said that. I was speaking of modern liberals generally just as you were in your post defining liberalism, however, if the shoe fits…

    You can fight the morality police all you want but if you reread my original post you wll note that nowhere do I speak of legislating traditional morality, although all laws have their basis in morality, either that which is revealed or that which is devised by man.

    I never said anything about outlawing either sex without marriage or sex before marriage. I was merely using them as examples of the slippery slope that is inevitable once traditional or revealed morality is abandoned and replaced by a morality of personal choice.

    There are personal vices other than drugs. That said, you and I may have a small area of agreement. While I would not legalize pot, it may make sense to decriminalize it and treat those that abuse it the same way we treat those that abuse alcohol.

    I’m glad you enjoyed the quote but I think you are deceiving yourself if you actually, honestly believe that it describes the modern day Democratic party. They certainly don’t believe in individual freedom. It seems all their policy prescriptions are aimed at placating aggreived groups. As far as economic freedom, individual or otherwise, their tax policies seem designed to make it more difficult to stay in business rather than easier. It seems that their preference is to punish those that have succeeded rather than help to succeed those that haven’t yet.

    It is true that Democrats don’t call themselves liberals all that much, and I made that point in the very first sentence of my original post. And it is also true that claiming or admitting to be a liberal is poison, just as liberals or progressives have been trying to make “conservative” poison. BTW, if you really understood what progressivism stood for, I’m not so sure you would want to be associated with it. But I could be wrong.

    As for King David, what is the difference between immoral relations and adultery? And why does it matter? While David did not personally murder Uriah, he arranged for his death and was more complicit than Joab. He did far more than simply hope he would be killed in battle. How is “Yet he repented and was considered a man after God’s own heart.” giving short shrift to his repentance?


  • 199 onlineanalyst // Jun 22, 2009 at 9:52 pm

    Tell me that the Obamao administration is not contemptible.

    The State Department is full speed ahead with its invitation to Iranian diplomats for a Fourth of July bash at the White House.

    The concept of Liberty is affronted by this brazen thumb in the eye of all Americans and the protestors of the repressive regime in Iran.

  • 200 Newsman // Jun 22, 2009 at 10:38 pm

    OLA, I must agree with you. It is more then ‘contemptible’. It is an affront to our forefathers to invite representatives of a government who sends its thugs into the street to brutally beat and even murder innocent protestors to our celebration of freedom.

    Our forefathers will roll over in their graves.

    FWIW, I have e-mailed the White House with my thoughts and signed it as a ‘Registered Democrat’ !

    It is one thing to be cautious in official statements to avoid our country of being accused of formenting revolution. It is another thing to insult us all on our day of celebration of freedom and justice for all !!!

  • 201 RedPepper // Jun 22, 2009 at 10:56 pm

    OLA #198: Wonder how Hillary will handle this.

    Will she have any comments on the role of women in the Islamic world, I wonder?

    Think she will she have anything to say about Neda, for instance?

  • 202 boberinyetagain // Jun 23, 2009 at 8:11 am

    Think we’ll be asking the Saudi’s to lighten up on women any time soon? Is it ok if they come over for a bbq? If so, why? They paid to level two buildings in NY a few years back, they’ve always dissed women in general but…it seems perfectly ok to deal with, even respect them.
    Why is that?

    You folks would still rather murder people (bombs, guns, warplanes etc…) than chat with them. Change comes from chatting (or leveling…again with the bombs…) but chatting is cheaper and less of our bast and brightest die that way.

    Then again, there’s precious little money to be MADE chatting which I suspect is really the driving force.

  • 203 boberinyetagain // Jun 23, 2009 at 8:26 am

    Imagine the outrage of the world if such a thing (quelling protests) were to happen here. They’d be imposing sanctions, sending “inspectors”, they might even invade us to stop the outrage…

    The guardsmen fired 67 rounds over a period of 13 seconds, killing four students and wounding nine others, one of whom suffered permanent paralysis.

    Oh, wait…that already happened.

  • 204 boberinyetagain // Jun 23, 2009 at 8:28 am

    I’m shocked that the world has had anything to do with us since.

  • 205 Newsman // Jun 23, 2009 at 9:59 am

    I am a touch suspicious of this Iranian Diplomat Invitation, nevertheless I have requested a response on the issue from the White House and the State Department … so far nothing in return !

    If I receive anything I will post it.

    I think I will send out a couple of requests to other sources.

  • 206 JQ // Jun 23, 2009 at 10:22 am

    A Candian blogger I was reading today referred his fellow Canadians to the following URL, which is a form letter written by a group of family physicians in Quebec. They are at their wit’s end with the government-run healthcare system, stating the following:

    “As family physicians practicing in Montreal, we feel that the current health care situation and lack of access to services in Quebec is appalling…

    …The bottom line is that is that our government is restricting family doctors from working here once they graduate by only offering a small number of PREMS and for those who do work here, they are encouraging us to work in ERs or in northern regions, but do not recognize the value of being a primary family doctor.”

    Please read the full statement here:

    The issue that these doctors are running into is the government bureaucracy wedging itself between patients and their doctors, in essence (well, in reality) presuming to instruct physicians on the best way to do their job.

    Welcome to our future, Americans.

  • 207 JamesonLewis3rd // Jun 23, 2009 at 10:50 am

    From a letter by John Newton:

    How crucial then, is it for me—to be found watching, with my lamp burning, diligently engaged in my proper calling! For the Lord has not called me to set governments right—but to preach the gospel, to proclaim the glory of His name, and to endeavor to win souls! “Let the dead bury their own dead—but you go and proclaim the kingdom of God!” Luke 9:60. Happy is that servant, whom his Master finds so doing, when He returns!

  • 208 JQ // Jun 23, 2009 at 12:00 pm

    JL3, thanks for sharing. Newton’s is certainly an interesting perspective to learn from. Truly, our primary responsibility in life is to keep our eyes focused on eternity and help others to do the same. Politics shouldn’t obsess us to the point that we forget what’s really important.

    However, there’s also nothing wrong with Christians being in positions of authority or otherwise influencing the path of human development. This is especially true of Christians in America, where our responsibility as citizens is to be actively involved in the direction our nation takes.

    Maybe that’s not the point you were trying to share, but that’s the one I caught… :)

  • 209 boberinyetagain // Jun 23, 2009 at 2:21 pm

    Thank God that nightmare is over. Peace is just around the corner now! Woo Hoo!!

    WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Barack Obama condemned Iran’s crackdown on anti-government protesters on Tuesday in his strongest comments yet, declaring the United States “appalled and outraged” by the violence in Tehran.

    That should do it!

  • 210 upnorthlurkin // Jun 23, 2009 at 4:22 pm

    Must be above his pay grade to show any leadership qualities at all.
    Whew! I’m finally proud of my country….NOT!!
    Y’all must be so proud of your Wimp in Chief/Teleprompter of the United States/Teleprompter in chief(WinC/TOTUS/TinC)!

  • 211 Laughing@You // Jun 23, 2009 at 4:47 pm


    Yeah, but he didn’t say: “The bombing begins in five minutes” did he? And he I didn’t say: “Tear down this wall!”, either, did he!

    How about “you’re-either-with us-or-against-us” or, “nobody ever told me there were Sunnis and Shiites in I-rack” (Dumbyah).

    Instead what does the pantywaist do? He invite them to a picnic!

    How can this guy hope to be as effective as Dumbyah?

    After all, it takes years of beer to learn how to be a complete embarrassment!

    You gotta know, the Iranians don’t care much for ribs or hot dogs anyway. It’s also likely they won’t touch the Buds either. But, why not give them a burger and a Coke, and help them to see what we celebrate.

    Who knows, if they accept our invitation maybe some progress can be made with casual talk.

    I know it is unlikely, but remember it’s not like they are Republicans, or anything completely dumb like that.


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