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LEAK! Pelosi China Speech to Dodge Human Rights

by Scott Ott for ScrappleFace · 141 Comments · · Print This Story Print This Story

ScrappleFace editor Scott Ott writes a ScrappleFace column Tuesday and Friday in The Washington Examiner. Here’s a brief excerpt and a link to read more…

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-CA, in China this week to advance Sino-American cooperation on developing ‘clean energy’, will comply with President Barack Obama’s pragmatic approach and overlook China’s human rights violations and its suppression of Tibet.

Tags: DC Examiner

141 responses so far ↓

  • 1 gafisher // May 26, 2009 at 8:47 am

    Oh, so sorry — with what the Democrats did to Chrysler, “Dodge” is now an unword.

  • 2 gafisher // May 26, 2009 at 8:53 am

    Nice of Nan to take that little advisory walk in the woods with President Roh last Saturday.

  • 3 boberinyetagain // May 26, 2009 at 10:29 am

    Before you know it we’ll accuse Saudi Arabia of not honoring women properly. Now that’d be a hoot.
    While we’re at it we could ask them nicely not to fly into any more of our buildings…but of course both things are pure fantasy, neither will happen whilst we need their oil…

  • 4 R.A.M. // May 26, 2009 at 11:05 am

    Well, Barry has made his SCOTUS pick. I hear he wanted Satan, but then Satan would have to step down from the Presidency. :lol:

  • 5 boberinyetagain // May 26, 2009 at 12:46 pm

    Not quite a fetus but George was on the right track…

    KABUL (Reuters) - An Afghan who has spent over six years at the U.S. military’s Guantanamo Bay prison was only around 12-years-old when he was detained, not 16 or 17 as his official record says, an Afghan rights group said on Tuesday.

    With enough waterboarding he’s probably have given up his mother who was/is almost certaianly plotting the deaths of millions from her mud hut in Afghanistan…I doubt she even much cares which millions just so it’s somebody.

    Tell you what, let’s say he turned in his mom and arrest her just to be on the safe side. After all if we’re holding these folks for the duration of the war then they’ll never be freed so we’ll never have to answer for anything which means we aren’t guilty which means we must be safe because this kid turned in his mother…after a turn in the comfy chair…

    Ever hear the term “rendition”. Does anyone believe that it’s only Gitmo that holds “prisoners”? that it’s the omly place that torture happens on your behalf? I’ve got a bridge I’m willing to part with…fairly cheap.

    Death to foreign children! Kill them and there can’t be any terrorists…can there?

  • 6 R.A.M. // May 26, 2009 at 2:52 pm

    Someone needs to fit blabberinyetagain and his mommy, yapping@ewe’s for their straight jackets very soon before they are offered jobs in the “Usurper’s” administration. :lol:

    How about some proof of your “claim” on a previous thread that there were more than 3 terrorists that were waterboarded. Just know in advance, we won’t accept Nancy (deceived by the CIA), Pelocchio’s “word” as evidence. She has pretty much the same believability rating as you or yapping@ankles. :lol:

    You and “yapping” seem to lie as much or more than your boy Obama, and that is hard to do!

    Just because I know they agrivate you, here is what you crave:

    :lol: :lol: :lol:

  • 7 Laughing@You // May 26, 2009 at 3:26 pm

    “Well, Barry has made his SCOTUS pick. I hear he wanted Satan, but then Satan would have to step down from the Presidency.”

    So, are Barry and the President different people?

    You should really think these things through before you whack them out, you know?

    RAM, don’t post anywhere else where everybody will think you stupid, just here, where none of these jelly beans know the difference.


  • 8 Laughing@You // May 26, 2009 at 3:31 pm


    Actually, if you could post just the “Smileys” without words you would be more coherent!


  • 9 boberinyetagain // May 26, 2009 at 3:32 pm

    Argue with the pentagon…the term refers to a building as well as a group of people…

    The Pentagon says it has conducted at least 12 official investigations into prisoner abuse at DoD facilities in Afghanistan, Iraq and Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. What have we learned so far? Here is a roundup of the investigations that have gained the most attention due to their shocking findings.

    Documents Released
    April 2009
    4/16/2009 - ACLU Obtains 4 OLC Memos Authorizing CIA Torture Methods
    More | Documents

    March 2009
    3/6/2009 - CIA Documents State that 12 of 92 Destroyed Videotapes Depicted Use of “Enhanced Interrogation Methods”

    March 2009
    3/2/2009 - CIA Informs ACLU That Its Personnel Destroyed 92 Interrogation Videotapes

    March 2009
    3/2/2009 - DOJ Releases 9 Memos Written by the Office of Legal Counsel, Including a Memo Contending That the Fourth Amendment Does not Apply to Military Operations Inside the U.S.
    More | Documents (off-site)

    February 2009
    2/12/2009 - Deaths at Bagram Followed Abusive Behavior During and Following Interrogation
    More | Documents

    November 2008
    11/19/2008 - Documents Obtained By ACLU Provide Further Evidence That Abuse Of Iraqi Prisoners Was Systemic
    Statement | Documents

    July 2008
    7/24/2008 - ACLU Obtains Key Memos Authorizing CIA Torture Methods
    Statement | Documents

    May 2008
    5/27/2008 - ACLU Obtains Heavily Redacted CIA Documents Regarding Waterboarding
    Statement | Document

    May 2008
    5/20/2008 - Justice Department Report Reveals Senior Government Officials Knew Early On Of Interrogation Abuse But Did Not Stop It
    Statement | Document

    May 2008
    5/14/2008 - ACLU Obtains Defense Department Documents About Prisoner Deaths And Interrogations
    Statement | Documents

    April 2008
    4/30/2008 - Newly Unredacted Report Confirms Psychologists Supported Illegal Interrogations In Iraq and Afghanistan
    Statement | Documents

  • 10 boberinyetagain // May 26, 2009 at 3:38 pm

    POLAND-CIA: New Evidence of Torture Prison in Poland (Spiegel Online, link) and Uncovering the Veil Over ‘CIA Prison’ (Interpress, link) “An official investigation shows that it is more and more likely that a CIA prison existed in Poland at the height of the “war on terror”.”

    USA: Government Cannot Claim State Secrets To Deny Torture Victims Day In Court (ACLU, link) NEW YORK – A federal appeals court today ruled that a landmark American Civil Liberties Union lawsuit against Boeing subsidiary Jeppesen DataPlan Inc. for its role in the Bush administration’s unlawful extraordinary rendition program can go forward.

    CIA-USA: CIA torture exemption ‘illegal’ (BBC News, link): “US President Barack Obama’s decision not to prosecute CIA agents who used torture tactics is a violation of international law, a UN expert says. The UN special rapporteur on torture, Manfred Nowak, says the US is bound under the UN Convention against Torture to prosecute those who engage in it.” Abuse of Power: The Bush Administration’s Secret Legal Memos (link to ACLU), Obama exempts CIA ‘torture’ staff (BBC News, link) and ACLU statement

    CIA: RENDITION: After repeated denials: Polish media uncover evidence of CIA prison (euobserver, link): “Journalists from Polish TV station TVP and daily newspaper Rzeczpospolita say they have obtained new evidence that Poland ran a secret CIA prison used for extra-judicial extradition of terrorism suspects.”

    ITALY-CIA: Judges deal blow to CIA ‘kidnap’ trial (Guardian, link, 12.3.09): “A trial in which 25 CIA agents are accused of kidnapping a terrorism suspect ran into serious difficulties last night when Italy’s constitutional court upheld key objections raised by the Italian government.”

    EP-CIA: 19 February: European Parliament plenary session: Extraordinary rendtiion: EU Member States also responsible say MEPs (Press release, pdf): Resolution adopted with minor amendments by 334 votes in favour, 247 against and 86 abstentions. Resolution tabled by the ALDE (Liberal group), PSE (Socialist group) Verts (Green group and GUE (United Left): On the Alleged use of European countries by the CIA for the transport and illegal detention of prisoners (pdf)


  • 11 boberinyetagain // May 26, 2009 at 3:46 pm

    Grey reveals how the agency’s program, known by the euphemism ‘extraordinary rendition’, has transported hundreds of prisoners to foreign jails and its own secret facilities in the full knowledge they will face harsh torture. ‘Of course we do torture’, one former senior CIA operative told Grey. ‘Imagine putting President Bush’s head under water and telling him to raise his hand when he thinks he’s being tortured. Give him the water-board treatment, and he’d be raising his hand straightaway.’

    :) :)

  • 12 Laughing@You // May 26, 2009 at 5:11 pm

    Hey boberin,

    Did you take RAMs Smileys? I told you before, you mustn’t pick on him just because he’s puny, and backward.

    Now, give him back his lunch money too!


  • 13 Darthmeister // May 26, 2009 at 6:51 pm

    ObaMarx strenuously opposed the nomination of Samuel Alito even though his judicial record was above reproach. Here are the comments made by lawyers which were then a part of the public record who had brought cases before Justice Alito:

    “He is exceptional.”
    “He has brilliant ability.”
    “He is even more exceptional than Becker. He is a brilliant jurist.”
    “To say he is outstanding is to use understatement. He’s the best judge on the circuit, maybe the country.”
    “His ability is very, very, very good. Very seriously, he’s very bright.”
    “He is very smart.”
    “He is brilliant and of unquestioned intelligence.”
    “He has a fine, nice demeanor-he couldn’t have keener demeanor.”
    “He is demanding, but always courteous. He may occasionally demonstrate a little bit of impatience with lawyers that aren’t quite getting it-this can be directed at either side; it’s just a sign that his mind is working more efficiently than yours. He is never discourteous and never abusive.”
    “He has an excellent demeanor-very measured.”
    “He is somewhat reserved. He’s not hostile, negative or mean. He is pleasant and courte-ous.”
    “He is extremely polite and genteel.”
    “He is fairly active and asks penetrating questions. Questions can be factual or hypothetical in nature.”
    “He is active. He asks intricate questions, both factual and legal. His legal questions often grasp upon the intricacies of the law that you haven’t grasped; it’s often in your favor.”
    “He is conservative, but reaches honest decisions as he sees them. There is a conservative bent to his thinking.”
    “By reputation, he is known to be one of the more conservative judges on the court, but he is forthright and fair. He tries to decide the cases in front of him in the right way.”

    Yet when it came time for the all knowing, all wise ObaMarx to appoint someone, in this case Sonia Sotomayor, to fill a vacancy on SCOTUS, who does his majesty appoint:

    “She is a good judge.”
    “She is very smart.”
    “She is a good judge, but not quite as smart as she thinks she is.”
    “She is smart. She is not as intellectual as some.”
    “It is fair to say she has done better than many people predicted. I’d say she is in the bottom of this court -but, the competition is pretty stiff.”
    “When you argue before her you have the sense that she is waiting for you to give her a reason to win. If you don’t give it, she will rule against you.”
    “I am not too impressed with her. She is bright, but doesn’t always get the facts.”
    “She is a terror on the bench.”
    “She is very outspoken.”
    “She can be difficult.”
    “She is temperamental and excitable. She seems angry.”
    “She is overly aggressive -not very judicial. She does not have a very good temperament.”
    “She abuses lawyers.”
    “She really lacks judicial temperament. She behaves in an out of control manner. She makes inappropriate outbursts.”
    “She is nasty to lawyers. She doesn’t understand their role in the system -as adversaries who have to argue one side or the other. She will attack lawyers for making an argument she does not like.”
    “She participates actively in oral argument. She is extremely hard working and always prepared.”
    “She dominates oral argument. She will cut you off … .”
    “She is active in oral argument. There are times when she asks questions to hear herself talk.”
    “She can be a bit of a bully. She is an active questioner.”
    “She asks questions to see you squirm. She is very active in oral argument. She takes over in oral argument, sometimes at the expense of her colleagues.”
    “She can be very aggressive in her questioning.”
    “She can get harsh in oral argument.”
    “She can become exasperated in oral argument. You can see the impatience.”
    “Her opinions are O.K, by and large.”
    “Her opinions are generally well-reasoned and well-argued.”
    “Her writing is not distinguished, but is perfectly competent.”

    So you see, liberals will feel Sotomayor is a perfectly fair, acceptable, judicially-minded and qualified candidate to sit on the highest court in the land. However, by contrast, Samuel Alito was and is a right-wing ideologue and scumbag. Such is the bizarro world of kool-aid swilling moonbats.

  • 14 Darthmeister // May 26, 2009 at 7:21 pm

    Why does Pelosi want a Dodge when she could have a Ford?

    Hey Bober, why don’t you Google: “Obama continues with Bush policies”. Why are you more concerned about yesteryear when it comes to “executive abuses” instead of the stuff happening right now under your nose?

    Here are some sample headlines:

    Obama Continues Bush’s Policies of Torture and Secrecy

    Obama Adopts Bush View of the Powers of the Presidency

    Obama Adopts Bush’s View of State Secrets

    Despite Rhetoric, Obama Continues Bush’s Guantanomo Policies

    Detainee: Guantanomo Worse Under Obama

    Obama Embraces Bush’s Terrorism Policies

    Obama Continues Bush Policy on Afghanistan Detainees

    Obama Continues Bush’s Policy of “Extraordinary Rendition”

    Obama’s Polices on Civil Liberties: Bush Lite?

    See, what makes this all so reprehensible is that Mr. ObaMarx promised “change”. Why do you on the one hand give ObaMarx a pass for violating his own promises about change on these very issues, yet get your ideological panties all in a bunch about Bush being Bush? At least Bush was being honest and consistent with respect to his embrace of controversial policies (policies that were far less radical than the liberal Demoncrat’s own iconic war president, FDR, mind you) and understanding of serving and protecting this country from all enemy threats at home and abroad.

    If you want to legitimize your criticisms, why don’t you spend the rest of your time railing against disengenuous ObaMarx and the Democrat-controlled Congress who are plainly trying to erect a new collectivist state - Amerika.

  • 15 Darthmeister // May 26, 2009 at 10:05 pm

    Liberals said if I voted for McCain, American forces would still be in Iraq for at least another ten years — and they were right.

    I’m sure ObaMarx is very cognizant of the fact that he really doesn’t want to run the risk of snatching defeat from the jaws of victory in both Iraq and Afghanistan with the kind of precipitious withdrawal his moonbat supporters were demanding of President Bush.

    Of course ObaMarx has lied to the American people from the beginning about “ending the war in Iraq” and removing all American troops “within 16 months”, but don’t look to Obamabots to hold him accountable for his politically-motivated mendacity. This is what liberals do, they can tell any lie to get elected, their supporters believe the ends (getting elected) justifies the means, and then ignore the fact THEY’VE BEEN LIED TO. Which goes to prove once again, liberal Democrats really don’t have problems with politicians lying just so long it’s their lying politicians who get elected.

  • 16 boberinyetagain // May 27, 2009 at 8:09 am

    Hank, are you finally admitting that George had it wrong? That can be the only explanation for finding fault with Obiwan when he continues a policy.
    Took 8 1/2 years but it was worth the wait.

    For me, I did not find everything George did to be wrong (won’t be finding everything this one does right either) because, for the 4,549th time I’m an independant…sooner or later you’ll “get it”. I have no “knee jerk” political reaction to any action or policy, I prefer to judge each on it’s merits or lack thereof.
    This pres seems willing to admit that there are things George did right, he’s willing to learn, he’s willing to admit mistakes and actually change to adapt…3 things that separate him from many in his position, surely from George.

    Still, good to see you’re coming around, I knew you had it in you!

  • 17 boberinyetagain // May 27, 2009 at 8:14 am

    “At least Bush was being honest and consistent with respect to his embrace of controversial policies”…to imprison many innocents and torture all of them

    Torture isn’t a “controversial policy”…it’s a crime…legally, morally…any whichy way you slice it…

  • 18 Darthmeister // May 27, 2009 at 8:19 am

    With today’s “open-minded” liberals one man’s religious freedom is becoming another man’s “ridiculous prejudice.”

    Consider. One government official fumed that Catholic doctors were refusing to perform abortions—abortions that were perfectly legal. He wrote in a memo: “After all, these scruples are in most cases nothing but ridiculous prejudices . . . One is tempted to ask: where does state authority come in these cases, or else, is the state, perhaps, not anxious to assert its authority in this particular instance?”

    The historical fact is that even Nazi Germany was seldom hesitant to assert its authority, even over religion and individual conscience. And here comes the surprise … as described in the June/July issue of First Things, the government official I just quoted was a Nazi bureaucrat who was none-too-happy that doctors in Italy’s Lake District—a heavily Catholic region—wouldn’t perform legal abortions. The Nazis, you see, had legalized abortions “in countries occupied by the Germany army.” Refusal to participate in government-sanctioned procedures drew his ire. I bet you won’t find that inconvenient historical fact being taught in the hollow-headed halls of whackademia today.

    This historical reality proves once again Obamabots and liberal Democrats today are acting more and more like a bunch of Nazi fascists by demonizing conservative Christians with a conscience as well as the fact these same Amerikan liberals are trying to establish an unwittingly parallel national socialist velvet gulag!

    The question now becomes, after having twisted the Constitution in the past to further their fascist agenda - their politically-correct thought police agenda being the cornerstone of this emerging “progressive” despotism - how far will liberal elites go in protecting the warped political foundations of their emerging collectivist state?

  • 19 Darthmeister // May 27, 2009 at 8:36 am

    Boberin, it’s kind of convenient for you to co-opt the definition of “torture” in order to impose your personal opinion as irrefutable law. Where in American law does it say waterboarding is a crime much less a “torture”?

    BTW, isn’t it interesting that these people who take it upon themselves to be waterboarded to “prove” it is torture don’t also submit themselves to real torture like having their genitals mutilated or removed, having garden hoses thrust into their stomachs which then burst, having their eyes plucked out with spoons, having holes drilled in their heads/brains, having their bones broken by being run over by vehicles, being slowly dismembered, having hands, fingers or toes crushed in vices, being continuously shocked with a 1000 volts, etc.

    You’re unwillingness to admit the possibility that waterboarding may indeed fall into a grey area (a grey area that panty-waisted liberals like you are always claiming to exist with respect to every argument) called enhanced interrogation techniques demonstrates the very same “rigid thinking” that you condemn conservatives of having with respect to controversial techniques like, mmmm … ABORTION INFANTICIDE!

    Interestingly these enhanced interrogation have indeed extract useful information from those who are very real illegal enemy combatants under the Geneva Convention/Hague Protocols. Remember how you people were telling us how “torture doesn’t work”? I sure do. Well if that is really true and waterboarding did yield useful information, then by you own past arguments waterboarding is NOT “torture” … since it works. Oh what a tangled web we weave, eh?

    Its fine and dandy for self-righteous fingerpointers like you to be partisan critics of techniques which may have indeed kept this country from another 9/11 the last seven years, but what alternative techniques are you and ObaMarx willing to use to extract information from terrorists bent on death and mayhem? [sounds of crickets chirping] If you don’t have a viable alternative then you’re simply peeing in the wind, my trollish friend.

  • 20 JamesonLewis3rd // May 27, 2009 at 8:53 am


  • 21 boberinyetagain // May 27, 2009 at 8:57 am

    Well, my stand on abortion can best be demonstrated by the fact that I’be been working continuously to empty, scrape and paint the nursery for my about to be born granddaughter since my unwed, barely employed 20 y/o daughter was forced by her abusive BF to move back home about a month ago.
    Abortion would have been a fine idea for her, a far better one for me. At 53 I was revelling in the fact that the last child had flown the coop (some 6-8 months ago), the wife and I were enjoying our privacy and freedom quite a bit.
    So much for that.

    Torture, as auth by George was done repeatedly, to many, all over the planet. We will never hear the worst of it but Google “extraordinary rendition” and follow one of the hundreds of links…but do it before you eat. You think waterboarding is the worst of it? You starry eyed dreamer.

    And, I still want to see what we “learned” that could not have been learned any other way…trot it out.
    And, in any case…Cheney should shut up already…he’s breaking many perhaps unspoken “deals”

    Please sapre me the “other guy did it first, did it worse” argument as it’s just plain not justification. It’s not! WE (as I hope “we” are) are BETTER than the “other guy”. At least we were prior to “preemptive” invasions of random (happen to produce oil) countrys (and then started torturing people). THAT’S when we “lost it”. “It” being the high moral ground that we had enjoyed as a nation for hundreds of years…now gone.
    Because the nightly news doesn’t report on those renditions does not mean that the rest of the world is unaware…far from it. They hear and see things we never do…and it made more enemies for us…was/is a recruiting tool…and you danged well know it or your not the man I thought you were.

    It is indeed time to stop, to apologize, to change course…and apologize some more…wait for it…BECAUSE WE SCREWED UP!

    and you know it (and so does the world, which believe it or not, we have to live in/with)
    God help our troops when they get captured…and again, not a peep from you when they get tortured.

  • 22 boberinyetagain // May 27, 2009 at 8:58 am

    JL3, follow through on your promise

    Hank, sheesh I’ve missed you! JL3 just couldn’t “hang”…

  • 23 R.A.M. // May 27, 2009 at 10:59 am

    re#9: A lot of bloviating, (as usual), but not ONE bit of proof of more than 3, (yes ONLY 3, and 2 of them were in on the 9/11 plot), waterboardings.

    If we can now use destroyed documents as proof (as you do lib), I am going to have a lot of fun with evidence against Obama, (ACORN), and Clinton via Sandy Burglar.

    Nice sidestep about Obama continueing to do EXACTLY what Bush was doing, and reserving the right to use torture techniques, (as YOU and the libs and RINOS call them), on HUMAN BEINGS!

    You’re about as much an Independent as Obama is pro-life. Evidently you and your twin sister “yapping” must think we are as stupid as you both are.

    Evidently you daughters “baby daddy” must be pretty bad if she would rather live with you than he! :lol:

  • 24 boberinyetagain // May 27, 2009 at 11:04 am


  • 25 boberinyetagain // May 27, 2009 at 11:13 am

    re#9: A lot of bloviating, (as usual), but not ONE bit of proof of more than 3, (yes ONLY 3, and 2 of them were in on the 9/11 plot), waterboardings.
    And not one shred of proof that anything truthful and of any value was learned (and, if you can’t read the posts then there is little value in your commenting on them…wayyyy more than 3 examples were given) and still…not one bit of useful intel shown by your “side” (and a mighty small side it is)

    Nice sidestep about Obama continueing to do EXACTLY what Bush was doing, and reserving the right to use torture techniques, (as YOU and the libs and RINOS call them), on HUMAN BEINGS!
    No “sidestep” of any sort. It WAS very nice to see Hank finally concede that Bush had failed policies…that to follow/continue with them is a BIG mistake.
    That alone was worth all the time I’ve spent here, never thought I’d see the day…but there it is, plain as day…Hank admitting that Bush policies are not to be emulated!
    And, look it up…Obama said to stop the torture…saying the opposite makes you appear foolish (as if your posts themselves left any doubt)

    Insult my pregnant daughter…you are a beautiful human…really. Yep, turns out I am a better choice than tha “man” that beat her…go figure…

    Got any kids?

  • 26 upnorthlurkin // May 27, 2009 at 11:25 am

    Not that it matters but, is this the daughter the military ruined , or the one who had trouble with the law?
    Please give us one instance where you’ve showed us you’re anything but a flaming liberal. I haven’t seen any independence in your posts evah…
    And please clarify for me…you’d rather your daughter had had an abortion than carry your granddaughter to term?! And you accuse anyone here of insulting your daughter?! Are you planning on keeping your wishes secret from said grandchild?! Talk about a monster….people like you make me sick.

  • 27 RedRum151 // May 27, 2009 at 11:26 am

    Googled “extraordinary rendition”. Returned 481,000 results.


    Googled “space aliens”. Returned 4,820,000 results.

    Excuse me; I’m gonna go hide under my bed.

    p.s. Congratulations Grandfather. And may your first grandchild be a masculine human grandchild.

  • 28 boberinyetagain // May 27, 2009 at 11:35 am

    the “trouble with the law” one that’s thankfully gotten straight on that score, turned out to be a pretty good kid these days.

    How could you misuderstand the other part…doubtful a grandchild would be coming if I felt abortion was an option for me and mine…but the child is coming…my point was that, personally, I’m against it and I’m willing to “walk the walk, talk the talk” unlike many that postulate what they’d do knowing full well they’ll never face the “piper” so to speak, won’t need to make a choice and won’t adopt or foster care any of the un-aborted parentless children in their town…they’ll just be happy to tell others how to live. Absolute hypocrites, every one.
    I do, however, believe in choice, believe that children born to folks that don’t want them, can’t care for them are not likely to contribute so much as drain…unless Godly folks like yourself would step up and there were no parentless children…when that is true, get back to me…

    I don’t have any need to defend my neutrality but I am free to comment on morons insulting my children/grandchildren. There’s way less excuse for that than there is for insulting me…and if you don’t condemn that sort of thing then I have no respect for you either (and for what it’s worth, I did)

  • 29 boberinyetagain // May 27, 2009 at 11:36 am

    and I never once said that the Army ruined my older daughter. It damaged her, I can prove that…but it didn’t ruin her and I never even implied that it did.

  • 30 RedRum151 // May 27, 2009 at 11:37 am

    Missed that part about abortion.

    You definitely oughta not let your grandchild in on that one. Or your daughter . . .

    To quote Frank Zappa, If your children ever find out how lame you really are, they’ll murder you in your sleep.

  • 31 boberinyetagain // May 27, 2009 at 11:38 am

    redrum, it’ll actually be #3…first one living at my home but thanks! prolly be human

    hiding under the bed, fine idea no matter the reason

  • 32 upnorthlurkin // May 27, 2009 at 12:49 pm

    ..Then please enlighten me…the first two sentences of your post number 21… sure sounds like you would’ve preferred death…
    I couldn’t care less what you think of me…Has it ever crossed your mind that some of the people who post here don’t feel comfortable tooting their own horns?! Why should any of us feel a need to defend any of our actions/beliefs to people like you who are so superior….we couldn’t possibly measure up?! How do you know how many of us have adopted unwanted children?! You and your buddy feel free to do an awful lot of supposing/judging the rest of us here and you do it all the time. In reality you know little or nothing about how we live our lives.

  • 33 boberinyetagain // May 27, 2009 at 2:42 pm

    Who’s judging who? Pot calling kettle, come in kettle…

    My sister the saint was a foster mom to many children for many years. There were plenty she couldn’t help. If there are so many opposed to abortion that are willing and able to care for these unwanted children, why were there so many more?
    If you have adopted or are foster parenting, sleep well. But, have some of your allies in the pro life movement step up, put their time/effort/money where their mouths are. When no child lacks parental attention then…and only then…will you get me to consider telling others what they should or should not do. If anyone is not doing these things but continues to rail against abortion then they are flat out hypocrites.
    If the shoe fits…wear it. If it doesn’t then God bless you and yours.

    Nope, the “option” of abortion was bandied about but I made it known that it could not/would not be my choice, that I objected. And I’m willing to alter literally the rest of my life to live with that decision but again, I can’t tell others that it’s best for them…how could I know that?

  • 34 Laughing@You // May 27, 2009 at 2:43 pm

    “One government official fumed that Catholic doctors were refusing to perform abortions—abortions that were perfectly legal. He wrote in a memo: “After all, these scruples are in most cases nothing but ridiculous prejudices . . .”

    Please named that official, or
    is this another of your strawmen?

    Now, please don’t answer with a link to one of the many Wingnut drooling sites you frequent.


  • 35 boberinyetagain // May 27, 2009 at 3:17 pm

    ET, I think they were referring to doctors in Nazi Germany and occupied lands (I could be wrong)
    It was while they were comparing Obama to Hitler which as everyone knows is quite correct…global domination here we come. I’ll need to dye my hair but that’s a small price to pay…just imagine how nice it’ll be being in charge of the whole planet under our benevolent overlord…Obama! Boy, will some folks around these parts be upset then…
    Happy times!!

  • 36 boberinyetagain // May 27, 2009 at 3:20 pm

    Then I’ll be free to choose not to abort my grandkids and no one here will be allowed to judge me or challenge my decision…

  • 37 Laughing@You // May 27, 2009 at 3:46 pm


    Re: 35

    My friend, I fully understand the facetious nature of your post, but can you be certain the Wingnuts here do?

    I can just see you quoted on some Wingnut blog as an unknown liberal who admitted that “global domination” is Obama’s goal!

    Hank, might know better, but still, he wouldn’t hesitate to use it if he did.

    Many others here, who believe they understand our true nature, will take it at face value, and for RAM it will be as though it is hard wired.

    Do you have your walking stick handy, because he will come charging out of the bushes any minute?

    RAM reminds me of a Toy Poodle named “Pepe”. Once he starts riding, it’s hard to shake him off your leg!


  • 38 boberinyetagain // May 27, 2009 at 3:49 pm

    Rats! Was that a secret? I always get these things confused.

    Forget I mentioned it…no plan, no plan at all…I swear…!

  • 39 onlineanalyst // May 27, 2009 at 5:38 pm

    The shoe is dropping rapidly because the Marxist in the White House can’t spend what we don’t have rapidly enough. The middle class is about to get it in the neck.

    China says, “Don’t be printing any of those Zimbabwe dollars, Obama.”

    And the Mussolini in the White House is seizing corporations and handing out goodies to the UAW and the service industries union.

  • 40 upnorthlurkin // May 27, 2009 at 7:15 pm

    Exactly, OLA….”returning the wealth to its rightful owners“…. and don’t you dare oppose der fuhrer!

  • 41 SGT USMC 1ea // May 27, 2009 at 7:20 pm

    boberin states: “I do, however, believe in choice, believe that children born to folks that don’t want them, can’t care for them are not likely to contribute so much as drain”
    Exactly who are those children borerin? Would it have been the unwanted black girl child born into crushing poverty in 1950’s Mississippi- not likely to contribute much, she was phsically and sexually abused by uncaring relatives- better off aborted right? Her name is Oprah Winfrey and while she is not much of a drain, statistically speaking she qualified in your test of what parts of the herd to cull. Abortion is just another liberal method of thinning the swarms of undesirables who infest the cities most libs congregate in.

  • 42 Laughing@You // May 27, 2009 at 8:24 pm

    “Abortion is just another liberal method of thinning the swarms of undesirables who infest the cities most libs congregate in.”

    If abortion is removed from this premise are there still “the swarms of undesirables who infest the cities most libs congregate in.“.

    How can this Christian writer be speaking of children in this way? Can he be referring to black children as “undesirables” and their presence as an infestation?



  • 43 SGT USMC 1ea // May 27, 2009 at 10:39 pm

    Oh well, just as limited in thought processes as usual I see. Nevrthink you are so predictable as to be boring. Can you not realize the overbearing irony of the statement as put forth in the writing method? That the swarms of undesirables you so seek to distance yourself from are humans! That encouraging abortion amongst any group to keep the number of “undesirables” down is still murder. I take it you ascribe to the bober model of kill the unwanted possibly non-contributory babies.
    I pray the Lord have mercy upon your soul and that some random muse would grant you the ability to discern artistic method.

    Tu autem effugare diabole/neverthink, appropinquabit enim judicium Dei!

  • 44 SGT USMC 1ea // May 27, 2009 at 10:59 pm


  • 45 Laughing@You // May 28, 2009 at 1:42 am

    “Can you not realize the overbearing irony of the statement as put forth in the writing method?”

    What does this mean? It’s all tap dancing, and double talk with you, isn’t it?

    “That the swarms of undesirables you so seek to distance yourself from are humans!”

    I don’t know any “undesirables”, let alone “swarms” of them!

    “That encouraging abortion amongst any group to keep the number of “undesirables” down is still murder.”

    I have never encouraged abortion! You are a liar!

    “I pray the Lord have mercy upon your soul and that some random muse would grant you the ability to discern artistic method.”

    What! How about you stuff that, you phony!

    I can’t read Latin, and I doubt anyone else here can! What’s your point in forever posting it? Nothing about you impresses me.


  • 46 R.A.M. // May 28, 2009 at 2:35 am

    SGT USMC 1ea re#44:

    You nailed “IT”/them EXACTLY!!! “IT” is as busy as a one armed man(?) in a back patting contest.

    The one personality has a daughter who is a wonderful example of chastity who like Mother Mary is having a “virgin birth” unlike that dreadful tramp daughter of Sarah Palin who had sex outside of marriage, and in the words of their/it’s “messiah” is now being “punished” with a baby.

    The other personality has a family of “war hero’s” that have saved America and now we need to let them lead us to the promise land of Socialism. BTW, Your boy is not by chance the “baby daddy” is he? I had to ask. You keep calling blabber your friend. :lol:

    The “Yapping” personality has to “borrow” things from us because “IT” has a small mind and has trouble thinking of witty things to say. I’m talking about my refering to “IT” as a yapping Chihuahua for weeks now, and “IT’s” comeback is calling me a dog humping someones leg.

    re#29: The Army “damaged your daughter? MORE than YOU have? OK, I’ll bite, give us proof!

    re#35: blabberinyetagain bloviated: “-(I could be wrong)-” This would be a start for you, (you holier than thou troll), that is IF you really meant it! :lol:

    re#36: “Judge not, lest ye be judged!”

    re#45: I hope all here got the same kick out of “Yapping” calling someone, (ANYONE), else a “liar”.

    That is the same as Timmy (tax cheat) Geithner calling someone a tax evader, or Obama calling someone a liar! :lol:

    Thanks for the comic relief to the trolls and their “saintly” family’s! Which “saint” is your sister blabber, saint Nancy? :lol:

  • 47 R.A.M. // May 28, 2009 at 2:47 am

    re#42: The ONLY disgusting thing is libs like you who support the party who embraces abortion and Planned Parenthood, founded by a racist, (Margaret Sanger), who wanted black babies murdered, and right up to this very day, it is blacks that are aborted more than any other race, yet veiled liars like you still think people do not see your party, (or YOU), for the blatent hypocrites and closet racists you are!

    YOU are not only disgusting but a pitiful example of a human being as is your “other” personality.

    My regrets to your parents that were “punished” with you!

  • 48 R.A.M. // May 28, 2009 at 3:03 am

    UNL re#32: It sounded EXACTLY like that to anyone who can read!

    blabber conveniently ignores when someone catches him in a lie. Maybe because he does it so often? He is a LOT like his ONLY other two friends, “Yapping” and “Barry”, and “Barry” doesn’t count because he has been known to throw his friends under the bus when their usefulness is over!

    Although, I am sure “Yapping” is no different, he won’t throw blabber under the bus because he MUST know that they are occupying the same body, doesn’t he? :lol:

  • 49 Darthmeister // May 28, 2009 at 4:35 am

    From the Borowitz Report. How ObaMarx intends to intimate America’s enemies with adjectives of disapproval:

    One day after North Korea launched a successful test of a nuclear weapon, President Obama said that the United States was prepared to respond to the threat with “the strongest possible adjectives.”

    In remarks to reporters at the White House, Mr. Obama said that North Korea should fear the “full force and might of the United States’ arsenal of adjectives” and called the missile test “reckless, reprehensible, objectionable, senseless, egregious and condemnable.”

    Standing at the President’s side, Vice President Joseph Biden weighed in with some tough adjectives of his own, branding North Korean President Kim Jong-Il “totally wack and illin’.”

    Later in the day, Defense Secretary Robert Gates called the North Korean nuclear test “supercilious and jejune,” leading some in diplomatic circles to worry that the U.S. might be running out of appropriate adjectives with which to craft its response.

    But President Obama attempted to calm those fears, saying that the United States was prepared to “scour the thesaurus” to come up with additional adjectives and was “prepared to use adverbs” if necessary.

    “Let’s be clear: we are not taking adverbs off the table,” Mr. Obama said. “If the need arises, we will use them forcefully, aggressively, swiftly, overwhelmingly and commandingly.”

    Coming soon will be Obama and his Obamabots explaining how they will get terrorists to spill their guts with application of harsh words and disapproving glares … with maybe promises of going to Disney World and being intimidated by roller coaster rides and subjected to bad entertainment skits. The Runaway Mine Ride could break many a resistant terrorist seeking to visit another spectacular 911 on American infidels.

  • 50 SGT USMC 1ea // May 28, 2009 at 5:33 am

    The Yapping moniker is very clever. I got a good chuckle the first time I read it. I have not been around enough to catch the Barry personality. My post was terribly phisked and I realize now that I am a phony tap dancing liar who posts pretentious latin no one can ever read or google. I withdraw to sulk.

    Exorcizo te, omnis spiritus immunde, in nomine Dei. Patris omnipotentis, et in noimine Jesu.Christi Filii ejus, Domini et Judicis nostri, et in virtute Spiritus. Sancti, ut descedas ab hoc plasmate Dei EVERTHINK!

    Deus est Semper Fidelis

  • 51 gafisher // May 28, 2009 at 6:56 am

    Darth Re#49, Borowitz is often on the wrong side of things but that was one of the times he nails it. Barry’s got the Marine Band practicing this for the upcoming July 4th celebration, with an eye toward replacing “Hail to the Chief.”

  • 52 gafisher // May 28, 2009 at 7:08 am

    R.A.M. Re#4: I think it’s called “Situational Ethnics.”

  • 53 onlineanalyst // May 28, 2009 at 7:30 am

    Dear Judge Sotomayor and President Obama:

    As Geraghty over at NRO’s “The Campaign Spot” observes:

    Don’t federal judges specifically take an oath to avoid sympathies and prejudices?

    “I, __________, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will administer justice without respect to persons, and do equal right to the poor and to the rich, and that I will faithfully and impartially discharge and perform all the duties incumbent upon me as (name of position) under the Constitution and laws of the United States. So help me God.”

    It’s time to put away identity politics because justice is supposed to follow a rule of law, not of men, and because justice is supposed to be blind. And anyway, the identity politics is becoming too predictable on the Left and mighty tiresome at that.

  • 54 R.A.M. // May 28, 2009 at 8:08 am

    SGT USMC 1ea: “Barry” is Obama but, at times he just seems like another one of “Yapping’s” personalities, phony and made up. While people like Bill O’Reilly think Obama a genius and “smart”, I see as devious and evil. Pretty much driven by Satan himself!

    OLA re#53:

    An Oath is ONLY as good as the word of the person taking it, as evidenced by ALL of the Clinton and Obama administrations, and MOST of the Bush administration has shown us.

    Didn’t Prez “Barry” take an Oath to protect “US” from all enemies both foreign and domestic?

    He doesn’t seem to be keeping his “Word” on that by closing Gitmo, or bowing to and/or licking the boots of our coutries enemies and dictators does he? He cannot even keep his “Word” for an entire day, let alone forever which is how long an Oath/Word is supposed to be good for.

    Why I bet ALL of those abortion doctors took an Oath to protect and save lives in the beginning of their careers before they caught that same brain rot disease that “Yapping” and “blabber” have. :lol:

    I even bet “blabber” would swear right now that he isn’t ACTUALLY stealing from his employer by goofing off and being a troll on the Internet!

    But then, we ALREADY KNOW what a “non truth teller” he is, don’t we? ;-)

  • 55 boberinyetagain // May 28, 2009 at 8:35 am

    No one here has ever “caught” me in a lie and they never will. There’s a reason for that. Mostly it’s because you put words in my mouth constantly (so none of that counts a whit). Secondly it’s because your reading comprehension/retention seems below normal, you don’t know what I’m saying and if you do you don’t acknowledge it nor remember it accurately if at all. Most importantly, I’ve never lied…go figure.
    So, that “problem” if you want to call it that…lies with you.

    Show of hands from those that have adoopted/foster parented any child let alone a severely handicapped/disadvantaged child…I’ll accept anecdotal stories along the lines of “I used to live next door to someone that did that”

    I fully realize that to “toot your own horn” is an aggregious sin but I’ll write you a note that will say “Boberin made me do it” and you’ll be off the hook just this one time.

    And, unless every hand goes up…stop telling other how they should conduct themselves/live.

  • 56 boberinyetagain // May 28, 2009 at 8:44 am

    Hank, we should stop pussy footing around and invade North Korea…right now…while they aren’t looking. Better yet, nuke ‘em to show we mean business.

    Would that response suit you?

  • 57 R.A.M. // May 28, 2009 at 9:04 am

    Don’t lie huh?

    All Anyone has to do is read comment #21, (specifically “-Abortion would have been a fine idea for her, a far better one for me.”), and then read your flipflop, (I call it just an old fashioned LIE), in #33, “Nope, the “option” of abortion was bandied about but I made it known that it could not/would not be my choice, that I objected.”

    I hope your new grandchild realizes what you went through with all that moving stuff out, and “scraping” and painting the walls of the nursery when you could have had some abortion doctor simply “scrape” your daughters womb walls and save you all that work!

    You are one heck of a POS!

    From your griping here, I am sure you have ALSO made known to your daughter how hard she has made life for you!

    It’s all about you, isn’t it? You make me sick! NO SPIN!

  • 58 boberinyetagain // May 28, 2009 at 9:14 am

    Abortion would have made a 20 y/o life much easier than motherhood…is that a lie?

    Scraping and painting is the least of my worries, isn’t it? Was that a lie?

    My life has changed dramatically/possibly permanently…is that a lie?

    I chose (firmly) and encouraged my daughter to do the same over the “easy way out”…is that a lie?

    If you knew of what you spoke…you’d speak a lot less

  • 59 boberinyetagain // May 28, 2009 at 9:16 am

    I’d get less grief here if I had encourage abortion, took her to the clinic myself.

  • 60 boberinyetagain // May 28, 2009 at 9:19 am

    How about it RAM…please toot your own horn and regale us with tales of your adoptions/foster parenting/heck, I’ll accept big brothering…

    Or, shut up cause you want all children born…as long as they don’t need your assistance in any way…including welfare/medical treatment/parenting/mentoring or any otherr sort of involvement with you. They should pull themselves up by their bootstraps and cure cancer so you can live longer. Than God for Oprah…who knows what sort of mess we’d be in without her

  • 61 JamesonLewis3rd // May 28, 2009 at 10:01 am

  • 62 Laughing@You // May 28, 2009 at 11:43 am


    You say, “I even bet “blabber” would swear right now that he isn’t ACTUALLY stealing from his employer by goofing off and being a troll on the Internet!”

    Do you really believe this so wrong?

    How about if he is a state government employee, and he is not on a tight schedule?

    What do you think genius, is it stealing then?


  • 63 Laughing@You // May 28, 2009 at 3:39 pm


    It was just a short left to the midriff! Who would have thought knocking the wind out of RAM, would have put you all down for the long count?

    Get up you Lilly livers, I want to hit you again!

    Get up, and put on your “dumb as a rock” Bush faces.

    You too RAM, although that’s a big step up for you.

    Come on now, try to think of yourself as being like Liz Cheney, why dontcha?


  • 64 gafisher // May 28, 2009 at 7:43 pm

    L@Y Re#63 — we’ve all moved to the next thread.

  • 65 onlineanalyst // May 28, 2009 at 8:59 pm

    Look who thinks that Obama is wrong about cutting missile defense. And all of his reasons make more sense than does the Boy King, who is currently headlining (and campaigning on the taxpayers’ dime) in Viva Las Vegas.

  • 66 SGT USMC 1ea // May 28, 2009 at 9:42 pm

    I are now a rocket scientist so missile defense is my bread and butter…Literally. I work mostly with sensors that are not being cut at this point. It really seems counter-intuitive to cut any missile defense-ever, but I may be biased.

    Deus est Semper Fidelis

  • 67 mindknumbed kid // May 28, 2009 at 10:16 pm

    Indeed a life avoids the drag of responsibility is way more fun.

  • 68 Darthmeister // May 28, 2009 at 10:47 pm

    Liberal liars all … and the Obamabots simply yawn.

    And the biggest liberal lie of all is that an unborn child is simply a protoplasmic blob similar to a tumor. Liberals lied, 46 million Americans died.

    I guess liberal Donks are hoping those 40 million illegal aliens will make up for the shortfall of taxes that these 46 million Americans won’t be paying.

  • 69 mindknumbed kid // May 29, 2009 at 12:02 am

    I am not a prophet, nor the son of one. But I think that by the end of ‘10 we wil be seeing on economic earthquake with a magnitude of at least 7.5, and it is no longer preventable. It’s not just the spending, it’s everything we are doing right now, especially in the area of energy. Global Warming may be the end of us, not because of increased temperatures, but of short-sighted regulation. If I had more than enough money to barely scrape by, I’d be buying metals like there was no tomorrow.
    It is the hand of correction from God, people think they are allowed to do anything that pleases them, perhaps we have already crossed “the line”. One thing is certain, when Paul said that we are not to continue in sin so that grace may abound, he was right. God will judge unrighteousness - and that, without remedy.
    He that hath ears to hear, let him hear…

  • 70 Laughing@You // May 29, 2009 at 1:31 am

    God will judge unrighteousness - and that, without remedy.

    Are there only two states, righteous and unrighteous?

    So where does that leave you? Are you righteous?

    You say, “He that hath ears to hear, let him hear…”

    Consider this:

    “These words were never used by mortal man. They were heard only from the lips of Him Who spoke with Divine Authority (Matt. 7:29); and on earth only on seven distinct occasions, in order to emphasize and call attention to the utterance He had just made.”


  • 71 mindknumbed kid // May 29, 2009 at 6:00 am

    “He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches. ” - Holy Spirit
    No matter who said it, the point of it is to hear what God is saying.

    Romans 10:4
    For Christ is the end of the law for righteousness to every one that believeth. - Unto whom much is given, much will be required, the Gospel of Christ has been a staple in America as much, or more than any nation on earth. As she turns away from God she invites his judgment. 1 John 2:1 My little children, these things write I unto you, that ye sin not. And if any man sin, we have an advocate with the Father, Jesus Christ the righteous: -

  • 72 R.A.M. // May 29, 2009 at 12:14 pm

    Funny how when you point out the left wing-nut’s faults, and show them so everyone can see, they think saying, “shut up” works for an answer. ;-)

    I have a 31 year old son, (abortion was NEVER even a consideration), and two beautiful granddaughters who were ALSO born without the thought of MURDERING them out of what you call the “inconvience” of setting up a nursery!

    Don’t you trolls understand, I am through responding to you, especially now that I know that you think KILLING a child is OK if it causes you less housework, or having to take care of the daughter YOU brought into this world.

    AND YES, ANYTHING that is done on your employers time that doesn’t benefit HIM, (or in your ignorant senerio, where you said he might be a government employee, which means he is CHEATING all us taxpayers—you foolish, non thinking moron), is STEALING from your employer!

    Maybe one of you fools does work for the government and is why I keep getting a message that someone is trying to hack into my computer? My firewall software is doing a GREAT job of blocking them!

    Never fear though, I have the IP address that is doing it.

    Keep talking boys, you look more foolish, (and evil), with each blabbering post! :lol:

  • 73 onlineanalyst // May 29, 2009 at 12:34 pm

    Who pressured the DOJ to drop the case against voter intimidation in Philly?There appears to be a strong whiff of politicization at Holder’s Justice department, and the buck for this breach appears to come from the top. Career attorneys in the department had a good-to-go case against the New Black Panthers with videotape and credible witnesses up until May 5.

  • 74 JamesonLewis3rd // May 29, 2009 at 12:37 pm

    Right on!

  • 75 boberinyetagain // May 29, 2009 at 12:48 pm

    RAM, the “fault” (I did not use that word, you did) that I find with you and your ilks proclaiming that all children should be born is that you
    a) Won’t help raise/care for those children
    b) Will loudly complain should they end up on welfare or other public assistance which they are nearly guaranteed to need
    c) you’ll happily send them and even wanted/loved children into battle at the drop of an oil…

    So, their parents admitted they were not up for the job, couldn’t handle it/would do it poorly if at all and you refuse to help, get mad if asked…but…you still want them born.
    That’s not rational… period

    The abortion “option” was bandied about for a moment by my wife, never by me. Setting up the nursery is hardly the challenge (I’m betting the next 18 years will be the challenge given that I’m 53 now), it’s merely what I spend all of my current efforts on, I’ve said so, you know I said so (all of this) but you attack what I suppose you wish I’d said because you enjoy the idea of hating me.
    Why that would be I can’t imagine but trust me, the “reasons” are all in your head, swimming in what must be a terrible void because you are incapable of reading my posts, understanding anything I’m saying and responding in an intelligent manner.

    So, feel free to hate me, to live in your own little world where you are virtuous and I am evil. You and JL3 might make a lovely couple.

  • 76 Left Coast-Right Mind // May 29, 2009 at 1:15 pm

    “I speak of global climate change, of course, and nothing more.”

    “…so are they all, all honourable men…” - Marc Antony Julius Caesar Act III Scene II

    Only through Mr. Ott’s word processor could Speaker Pelosi ever dream to sound Shakespearean, rather than the twit she is.

  • 77 Laughing@You // May 29, 2009 at 1:17 pm


    I repeat!

    You say, “He that hath ears to hear, let him hear…”

    Consider this:

    “These words were never used by mortal man. They were heard only from the lips of Him Who spoke with Divine Authority (Matt. 7:29); and on earth only on seven distinct occasions, in order to emphasize and call attention to the utterance He had just made.”

    You are just a demigod wannabe. You have been given NO authority to make the many self-righteous pronouncements you constantly make!

    A half-truth, is a lie not the truth!

    Certainly, there is nothing modest about your gross ignorance!

    Your obsession in these matters drives more than liberals away!

    More and more, you appear paranoid!


  • 78 R.A.M. // May 29, 2009 at 1:25 pm

    No blabber, the problem I have with you is you make blanket judgements, (YES JUDGING, and FALSE JUDGING at that, I call it FALSE WITNESS), about what other people do or do not do for other people’s children.

    Ever here of CARE-net liar? They help mothers that are deciding to abort or keep their baby with financial help. I am a regular monthly contributor!

    And don’t give me any of your BS about “losing my reward” for telling you about my giving you jerk, with someone like you, a person has to prove everything!

    This USUALLY means you are guilty of what you accuse others of!

  • 79 R.A.M. // May 29, 2009 at 1:29 pm

    PS: Don’t you troll(s) know that when you ALWAYS show up at the same time it is glaringly apparent you are the same person or either in the same office stealing your employer’s or if you are government employees like “Yapping” said, you are stealing our tax dollars.

    How much does A.C.O.R.N pay anyway?

  • 80 Laughing@You // May 29, 2009 at 1:44 pm


    “Don’t you trolls understand, I am through responding to you, …”.

    Finally, something we can agree on! Good idea! But, since I’m sure your insults will continue, I will in no way be bound by your decision.

    “Maybe one of you fools does work for the government and is why I keep getting a message that someone is trying to hack into my computer? My firewall software is doing a GREAT job of blocking them!”


    I had the same problem a couple of years ago after complaining to my ISP, I installed a router. Later, I discovered the problem was internal.

    In your case, however, I think it might be some security agency of the government. In most ways you are just a harmless nutcase, but perhaps it is something you have said here that makes them want to keep an eye on you.

    Remember, I did warn you!



    If you promise to “tone it down”, I’ll see what I can do for you. But, if you refuse can “waterboarding” be far away?

  • 81 Laughing@You // May 29, 2009 at 1:49 pm


    Re: 79

    Maybe I, and boberin, my alter-ego, are being paid by the government to track your activities.


  • 82 Laughing@You // May 29, 2009 at 2:03 pm

    ET: boberin don’t tell him any more. I’ve probably said too much already!

    Boberin: OK, but be careful next time!

    ET: I got the message boss, don’t be so bossy!

    Borberin: Sometimes I think that idiot is right about you!

    ET: Out!

  • 83 onlineanalyst // May 29, 2009 at 2:10 pm

    The (failed) Obama administration is doing a spectacularly bad job in reaching out to its allies.

  • 84 boberinyetagain // May 29, 2009 at 2:13 pm

    Again you refuse to read what I post and respond to it in any way that indicates you understand anything I say. Your mind is made up, I’m evil, a baby killer, a liar (really, seek help from JL3, he’s the best ever at hurling insults that bear no resemblance to the truth)
    Danged, you found me (us) out…I am the great and powerful ET/LAY…now what?
    If you stop posting as JL3, I’ll stop posting as ET.

    I do note that you give some cash to expectant moms (do yourself a favor and check what % they actually recieve) so, yes, you did show me there. More personal involvement from anti abortion folks would be better (adoption/foster parenting/big brother/sistering) but I’m betting your contribution is more than most on your “side of the fence” so…way to go! (I mean that).
    But then please don’t rail against welfare/medicare and other social services that these unwanted children will eventually need. Getting them started (as you are indeed assisting with, congratulations again) is a miniscule part of the picture (not unlike my toild to make a nursery)…these children you want to be born so badly will, in many cases, require a lifetime of assistance. Not all, perhaps no more than half…so even if that generous % is accurate, that’d be 25 million more sould that need your help, not to get born, but to continue with life in any meaningful way.
    Think about it.

    Everthink? :)

  • 85 Laughing@You // May 29, 2009 at 2:18 pm


    If the Obama Administration has failed, will Dumbyah be returning soon, or will you just be saying that for the next seven and a half years?

    You keep yelling tire is flat, as Obama speeds by lap after lap, after lap, after lap.

    Thank goodness, they won’t let your dumb self near the red flag!


  • 86 Laughing@You // May 29, 2009 at 2:29 pm

    Very Nice! You can continue to drive for a while, I’ll just wave at OLA as we go by, lap after lap, after lap, after lap.

    I don’t know how many laps are in seven and a half years, but did you see, OLA is covered in dust already.


  • 87 onlineanalyst // May 29, 2009 at 2:37 pm

    It’s well past time for Axelrod’s astroturfers, Obamabots on behalf of the failed Obama presidency, to have a reality check.

    Let not your heart be troubled by a few facts, lads.

  • 88 Left Coast-Right Mind // May 29, 2009 at 2:37 pm

    Let’s try to survive the next 3 1/2 years before we give the Teleprompter-in-Chief another term. I mean, that’s kind of in the, you know, that Constitution-thingy?

  • 89 onlineanalyst // May 29, 2009 at 2:41 pm

    As long as the failed Obama presidency continues its ruinous economic programs, L@Y will have had his job both created and saved by the Axelrod Fund for Astroturfers. Your tax dollars at work, my friends.

  • 90 boberinyetagain // May 29, 2009 at 2:53 pm

    OLA, re 87, why is Obama so roundly criticized (notably by Hank here) for following Bush policies?
    Yes, he said he’d “change them all” but that was surely a bit brash, even George couldn’t have everything wrong…and it turns out that perhaps he didn’t (have everything wrong)…
    So, you spent 8 years defending Bush/his policys (some defense continues even now) but make fun of Obamalama when he decides (on one or more particular issues) that George was right.
    Would you prefer that Obama “keep his word” and change the policies you defended so vigorously, even when they were correct or would you prefer a thoughtful man in charge, one who will actually take the time to look at something, even if it were already “decided’ in his mind…and admit that he was wrong, change his course?
    I know that I’d prefer the thoughtful man, one willing and able to admit mistakes, to change/grow.
    Sadly, for 8 years we lacked that. George had many strengths but rethinking/admitting mistakes/changing course were not among them and I think those are actually really, really desirable qualities for the person in charge (of anything)

  • 91 Laughing@You // May 29, 2009 at 3:34 pm

    “As long as the failed Obama presidency continues its ruinous economic programs, L@Y will have had his job both created and saved by the Axelrod Fund for Astroturfers. Your tax dollars at work, my friends.”

    You think I’m a pro? Hey, this is quite a day for me. First, the learned master boberin calls me great and powerful, and now this! I sure hope I can maintain my modest and humble comportment!

    By the way, Axelrod says your boy “pudge” (Rove) is getting ready to turn. “The Ax” says, when he does we can send 50 neo-cons to jail!

    But, don’t worry we’re going after the brains, not the butts!


  • 92 onlineanalyst // May 29, 2009 at 3:51 pm

    boberin: I only point out the similarities between the two administrations because (a) Obama continues to campaign with snide attacks (even though he won) by belittling Bush, whose policies he is maintaining, making only cosmetic name changes and (b) Obama’s fictions are at the heart of his hypocrisy.

    I question how “thoughtful” Obama is when I recall one of his first acts, a big production about his executive order to close Gitmo. He had to ask the attorneys what exactly he was signing- he little understood the details, he had no plan in place to address what to do with the detainees, and he had no funding nor agreements with other nations in order to effect his plan. Management skills demand a more considered opinion and a plan of action, not just photo ops.

    Off the top of my head, I can think of two areas where Bush ate humble pie and admitted mistakes. He regretted his use of the machismo phrase, “Bring it on” in relation to threats by the jihadists. His implication was that we are ready to fight to the finish, but the wording turned against him.

    The other was his accepting blame for the federal government’s slowness in responding to the Katrina hurricane devastation. In my opinion, that taking the blame was wrong on his part because the governors in the affected area were offered federal emergency support and warning several days before the event, support which the local governments refused. The first line of defense in federal disasters falls to local governments; only after an interim does FEMA step in to assist the locals. (I would contrasst Bush’s later flight to the area and evaluation of the damage to the absolute neglect that Obama showed with the Kentucky ice storms and the flooding in North Dakota.) Having Bush fly immediately to New Orleans would have exacerbated an already dicey situation with security problems. It would have served no purpose other than photo op “concern,” something that Obama has perfected with his phony town halls featuring preselected people with sob stories. BTW Does Henrietta have a job yet…or a home of her own paid for out of her own pocketbook?

    I could go on, but that is all for now.

  • 93 Laughing@You // May 29, 2009 at 3:52 pm

    “Teleprompter-in-Chief” is better than the box Dumbyah was caught wearing during the debates!

    Would that make Dumbyah the “Voice in the Skull Implant-in-Chief”?

    If not, he is still the stupidest dunce ever to swagger onto a speakers platform and fracture the language trying to express some incoherent thought, that only a moron like him could think in the first place.


  • 94 onlineanalyst // May 29, 2009 at 3:58 pm

    A country managed by sleazes like Axelrod, Emanuel, Begala, Ickes, Carville, Napolitano, Geithner, Dean, Pelosi, Reid, Daschle, Frank, Schumer, Dodd, Murtha, Daley, Blagojevich, etal is a country not run by statesmen but by sewer workers. They are taking us all into a ditch

  • 95 onlineanalyst // May 29, 2009 at 4:02 pm

    Continue to defend the Blackberry-in-Chief and his ineffectual buffoon Gibbs at your own peril. The emperor has no clothes, sweetie.

    (How deep will his bow be when Obamao arrives in Saudi Arabia?)

  • 96 boberinyetagain // May 29, 2009 at 4:07 pm

    Cheyney has crossed a few formerly distinct barriers himself…and offered little/nothing to back up his accusations.

    Apologizing for antagonizing/energizing an enemy should NEVER have been required as it should NEVER have happened but you’re right…he did so.
    Katrina was a mess, George didn’t cause or aggravate that situation, no one could have made that “right” so I agree that no apology was needed…but it was still a nice gesture.

    Perhaps you could “go on” but I’m betting not too far. He was asked point blank about regrets he may have had from 8 years and he came up blank.

    This new guy has admitted more mistakes in 6 months (but no, he has made a similar amount, just “mans up” better) than George. People that are 100% sure…all of the time…make me very, very nervous.
    Has Obama screwed up? Yep
    Will he continue? Yep.
    Going next week to “surprise” Saudi Arabia with another visit to assure our support when we should have invaded them…not Iraq…to “get revenge” for 9/11 is one glaring mistake that’s about to happen and won’t be apologized for. But there is much (too much) precedent for this course that Obama can’t erase/change now…the charade must (I suppose) continue

  • 97 boberinyetagain // May 29, 2009 at 4:22 pm

    He might as well bow…we’ve all been bowing for many years…why stop now? That never did bother me. OUR bowing, as a nation, THAT bothers me…a great deal!

    Neither does his use of a teleprompter…you’d think he was the first/only the way folks carry on about it…

  • 98 Laughing@You // May 29, 2009 at 4:57 pm

    A country managed by sleazes like Axelrod, Emanuel, Begala, Ickes, Carville, Napolitano, Geithner, Dean, Pelosi, Reid, Daschle, Frank, Schumer, Dodd, Murtha, Daley, Blagojevich, etal is a country not run by statesmen but by sewer workers. They are taking us all into a ditch.

    I didn’t know all of these were currently involved. But, Blagojevich? I think it’s Democrats who are going to jail him. I should say jail him “first”. I say “first”, because after our sewer work is finished, we will have pulled up Dumbyah and Cheney and Rumfeld and Rove. The whole slimy string Repug beads that have plugged up the drain. Then, we’ll hose’em off so even you can see them for what they are and how bad they stink!

    Still knowing you, you’ll still want to wear them and dare anyone to tell you how they smell. But, do try not to put your new beads in your mouth, won’t you, sweetie.

    Once we unplug the sewer, we will return our nation to the stature worthy of such Democrat Statesmen!


  • 99 Laughing@You // May 29, 2009 at 5:12 pm

    “How deep will his bow be when Obamao arrives in Saudi Arabia?”

    (”Obamao”, how stupid! You name call like a woman!)

    boberin, I gotta give Olga that one.

    I was embarrassed and ashamed of that bow, and I wrote him a letter telling him so.

    Americans should always be polite, but never bend a knee!

    But, Dumbyah took it even further by holding hands like a fairy. And, I’m pretty sure he took his “deep bowing” a lot further than OUR President!


  • 100 onlineanalyst // May 29, 2009 at 5:37 pm

    Andy McCarthy asks whether Obama’s SC nominee Sotomayor could even pass the rigors of serving on a jury. Given her statements on record, the answer is no.

    L@Y: Olga thanks you, sweetie. She could have called THE ONE Ogabe, but Mugabe objected.

    BTW Pelosi has just returned from her China trip after telling its people that they must “inventory” their carbon footprint. Is she trying to out-tyrannize the Chi-Com regime? Word has it that the Chinese just laughted behind their hands to save face and offered her another serving of pork. They heard that she is partial to it.

  • 101 onlineanalyst // May 29, 2009 at 7:18 pm

    Gee whiz, when even English Pravda has Obama’s number, you know that we are hurling toward the precipice.

    L@Y, you may chuckle over Bush’s verbal stumbles, but I have a list of Obamao’s gaffes. Why is it that Gibbs spends a lot of his press conference time spinning what Obama, Biden, Pelosi, and not Sotomayor meant to say? Don’t these paragons of linguistic virtuosity know what they mean when they speak or write?

    BTW Sotomayor’s remarks about being a “wise Latina woman” were not only a verbal gaffe, but she published those words verbatim in La Raza Law Review. (How does one whitewash (ahem!) her being part of a racist group? One cannot get any more racist that being affiliated with an organization that celebrates The Race.)

    The stench of hypocrisy rises higher each day of the failed Obama presidency.

  • 102 Darthmeister // May 29, 2009 at 7:27 pm

    From no less of an authority on Marxism than Pravda: America in breathtaking descent into Marxism under Obama.

    And the Amerikan trolls applaud Obamessiah and Congressional Donks! Kool-aid drinkers all!

  • 103 mindknumbed kid // May 29, 2009 at 7:53 pm

    no thought asked,
    “Are there only two states, righteous and unrighteous?”

    Are there only two eternal destinations? Is there another spiritual battle other than God vs. Satan? When it comes to our conduct, is there only that which pleases the Lord, and that which does not? Is there only good or evil? Spiritually speaking is there naught but light or darkness? Is there any other option than to receive, or to reject Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior?
    No. But leave it to someone with a moderate heart to try to find neutrality.
    During the time of the old covenant, God called a few men to deliver his message, some were well received, others were rejected and hated. Those men were called prophets.
    Ever since the gospel was delivered we have been under the new covenant. God no longer needs a prophet to deliver his message, in its stead we have the written Word of God, and the Holy Spirit. (The two work in conjunction, BTW.)
    IN MY OPINION, a person would have to be spiritually deaf, dumb, and blind, to believe that God is not pleased with America because she is socially embracing everything he has declared to be wickedness, abominable, and evil. If his grace permitted such things without consequence, why would he ever determine that one day it was time to judge it worthy of destruction?

    You asked,”are you righteous?” I ask, are you justified?

  • 104 JamesonLewis3rd // May 29, 2009 at 7:55 pm

    What if a tsunami-like solar flare set off every nuclear weapon on Earth, wherever they may be at that particular moment, simultaneously?

    O wretched man that I am! who shall deliver me from the body of this death?

    I thank God through Jesus Christ our Lord. So then with the mind I myself serve the law of God; but with the flesh the law of sin.

    Romans 7:24-25

  • 105 mindknumbed kid // May 29, 2009 at 8:48 pm

    re# 104 - That would be bad…

  • 106 Laughing@You // May 29, 2009 at 9:00 pm

    “You asked,”are you righteous?” I ask, are you justified?”

    So you say there are at least three states:

    Righteous, which only god can be.

    Unrighteous, which all men are, and

    Unrighteous, but Justified by faith.

    Nothing justifies your condemnation, since you are NOT God!!!

    Yet, you in your arrogance persist in it!

    If you attempt to take the place of God, you behave as Lucifer (Satan).

    There is also a fourth state of spiritual being. It is the state of Innocence, all who are innocent return to the Bosom of The Father of us all.

    Ignorance is not recognized as a state, nor is it excused. When you speak of these things in ignorance, as you so often do, it will be held to your charge.


  • 107 Darthmeister // May 29, 2009 at 10:39 pm

    It’s time to impeach ObaMarx, online.

    BTW, I couldn’t get your link to work but it could have been my computer. I think some kind of neverthink virus has infected it.

  • 108 JamesonLewis3rd // May 29, 2009 at 10:48 pm

  • 109 Darthmeister // May 29, 2009 at 11:45 pm

    Nothing justifies your condemnation, since you are NOT God!!!

    Yet, you in your arrogance persist in it!

    If you attempt to take the place of God, you behave as Lucifer (Satan).

    Projecting again, Laughing Gasbag? Must be a guilty conscience.

    BTW, you abuse Scripture just as your father Lucifer is so quick to do. There are none righteous and there are none who are innocent. The only righteousness a believer has is that righteousness he/she has as a result of faithing in the Lord of Creation.

    The only innocent person who ever lived was Messiah Jesus. Therefore, there is no “innocent” person who will “return to the Bosom of the Father of all.” There is no fourth state of being, that apparently being a “state of innocence” as you claim. Your own ignorance of eternal truth is truly appalling.

    The best man can hope for is to be saved by grace (unmerited favor) through faith in the redemptive work of Jesus Christ on the Cross - our debts (sin) having been nailed to the Cross (Colossians 2:13-14). We are not reconciled to God through some kind of innocence - an innocence we humans never had (except for Adam and Eve) and never will have until the perishable puts on the imperishable.

    I John 1: 8-10 - Everyone sins and continues to sin. An innocent person cannot sin and does not sin - therefore, there is no such thing as a truly innocent person. In fact, anyone who says they (or anyone else) are/is innocent and will “return to the Bosom of God” is a liar and the truth is not in them.

    Man’s justification is by grace through faith in the redemptive work of Messiah Jesus. The Greek word for “redemption” was a legal term to denote the action of a buyer purchasing a slave at the slave market. It literally means the release obtained by paying a price or ransom without regard to the kind of slave being purchased. Our redemption released us from guilt and its judgment but it did not make us sinless or “innocent”. Our redemption is the deliverance from the slavery of sin because the ransom was paid in Christ’s death.

    God decreed before the foundations of the world that Messiah Jesus would be propitiation for all by means of Jesus’ spilt blood. “Propitiation” means a sacrifice of atonement which satisfies the righteous wrath of God. Though the work of Messiah on the Cross is the propitiation for all sin, it is not sufficient to cause everyone to be born again unto eternal life. It’s no different than a million dollars being deposited in ones account, yet what does it avail any man who refuses to make a withdrawal? Nothing. And it is precisely that efficacious faith in both the completed work of Messiah on the Cross and the literal resurrection of Messiah from the dead - faith in the former releases us from the debt of our sins (and sin nature), faith in the latter imputes to us the promise of eternal life. That is, our sins are put to death in Messiah on the Cross and we are made alive by His resurrection. True believers are merely sinners saved by grace. There are only two kinds of people in the world, those who believe in Messiah and those unwilling to be saved by faith and that faith alone.

    The true believer is:

    Justified by His blood – Romans 5:9
    Justified by faith through our Lord Jesus Christ – Romans 5:1
    Justified freely by His grace – Romans 3:24
    Is not by works – Romans 8:3
    It is by God – Romans 8:33
    And is obtained by the resurrection of Jesus – Romans 4:25

    In a literal sense, believers aren’t “righteous” but rather the righteousness of Messiah has been imputed to the believer by the mercy and justice of God the Father. When God looks upon a believer He only sees Christ since he/she is “in Christ.” Even when the believer sins, he/she has an advocate with the Father, Messiah Jesus. Sin can affect a believer’s fellowship with God but sin cannot break a believer’s personal relationship with God. But in the final analysis, not even the most pious and humble true believer is “innocent”.

  • 110 Laughing@You // May 30, 2009 at 1:37 am

    Darthmeister, you foolish reprobate!

    Bad as I hate MNK’s torture of Holy Writ, my experience with you has been far worse!

    You say:

    “BTW, you abuse Scripture just as your father Lucifer is so quick to do. There are none righteous and there are none who are innocent. The only righteousness a believer has is that righteousness he/she has as a result of faithing in the Lord of Creation.”

    I said:

    “Righteous, which only god can be.

    Unrighteous, which all men are, and

    Unrighteous, but Justified by faith.”

    You said:

    “There is no fourth state of being, that apparently being a “state of innocence” as you claim.”

    I ask:

    What of the newborn? If you do not believe that such a one is innocent, then we have yet another fundamental disagreement.

    What is the Bar Mitzvah? Did not the Jews also believe in the “Age of Accountability”?

    I now say:

    If you disagree you will have set yourself against the majority of Protestant believers in America, and the majority of our founding families, which, as I have previously pointed out, includes my own.

    Finally, I ask:

    From where were you nurtured in the Christian faith? Was it some kind of Aryan Nations Church?


  • 111 gafisher // May 30, 2009 at 7:43 am

    JL3 Re#108, Obama’s intelligence has been outsourced since the day he met his first TelePrompTer®.

  • 112 gafisher // May 30, 2009 at 7:50 am

    Re#104, just for the record, nuclear armament doesn’t work that way. With the possible exception of NORK models, the worst that could happen with any flare that didn’t toast the planet would be the weapons being rendered inoperable. Not even a planet-toasting flare would actually detonate the nukes, but by then it wouldn’t matter.

  • 113 R.A.M. // May 30, 2009 at 7:58 am

    re#81: I think I ALREADY pointed to that NOT far fetched possibility, knowing that an A.C.O.R.N. employee came to my residence about three weeks ago collecting GPS readings on my front door CLAIMING it was for next years census. They did this EVERYWHERE, not just my house, so I don’t put much that Obama will try out of the “reality” spectrum! He also wants control over the Internet too, so that fits right in with you left wing-nut types to be employed into the near future.

    re#84: blabber/Yapping said: “-I do note that you give some cash to expectant moms (do yourself a favor and check what % they actually recieve) so, yes, you did show me there. More personal involvement from anti abortion folks would be better (adoption/foster parenting/big brother/sistering)-”

    Here is “holier than thou” AGAIN trying to tell others “his way” is the better way! Sheesh, are you that arrogant troll? I have my faith in GOD to showme/tell me where to give my contributions, and NOT some troll! The rest of the post is the usual “strawman, unfounded, and UNTRUE charges” of what I will or will not do/say about future events.

    You truely are a bearer of FALSE WITNESS aren’t you troll? Or maybe you consider yourself a Prophet or soothsayer?

    Can you see the future? If so, I bet the things you see and the “charges” you make against others are what YOU already do!

    It is pretty apparent from your own words that your daughter (by allowing her baby to be born), has BURDENED you with extra work on your house so she and her baby can have a place to exist, so why would I, (or ANYONE reading your words), believe you would go out of your way to provide help to a complete stranger?

    PS: I do NOT need, (or want), an “atta-boy” from someone like you who has such little respect for human life!

    Keep those “strawman accusations” coming. They tell more about YOU than you think they do! Just like Yapping, saying “Judge not” while he/it judges EVERYONE else.

    He/it seems to only know that verse of the Bible, even though “IT” takes it COMPLETELY out of context. If we were not to EVER judge, I suppose we could sit in the bars all day with sinners right? Or fellowship over at “Tiller the baby killers” house.

    You BOTH are truly pathetic people. Please for your family’s sakes, get professional help soon!

  • 114 R.A.M. // May 30, 2009 at 8:23 am

    re#90: Blabberinagain said, “OLA, re 87, why is Obama so roundly criticized (notably by Hank here) for following Bush policies?”

    Wrong question blabber, why do YOU keep defending Obama for doing the same things you railed against Bush for 8 years, (and continue to do)?

    blabber: “-I know that I’d prefer the thoughtful man, one willing and able to admit mistakes, to change/grow.”

    PLEASE, PLEASE, tell me of just ONE such occurance when Obama has admitted he made a mistake. Not that he changed the policy of what he SAID he was going to do, but ADMITTED IT. (and don’t use your tactic of redirecting this request back to Bush, YOU were the one who made this about, “-I know that I’d prefer the thoughtful man, one willing and able to admit mistakes-”

  • 115 R.A.M. // May 30, 2009 at 8:37 am


  • 116 mindknumbed kid // May 30, 2009 at 12:55 pm

    Bible trivia for the ever thoughtful one. Who said the following statement?
    “It is reported commonly that there is fornication among you, and such fornication as is not so much as named among the Gentiles, that one should have his father’s wife. And ye are puffed up, and have not rather mourned, that he that hath done this deed might be taken away from among you. For I verily, as absent in body, but present in spirit, have judged already”

    PS - I did not say there were three or more states. And I didn’t ask you about sanctification either…

  • 117 mindknumbed kid // May 30, 2009 at 1:04 pm

    If you don’t read Spurgeon’s Morning Meditation here is today’s.
    Hope you are blessed by it.

  • 118 Laughing@You // May 30, 2009 at 1:33 pm

    Dear Toadlicker,

    May I remind you of yesterday’s agreement to your post 72.

    “Don’t you trolls understand, I am through responding to you, …”.

    No offense, and I certainty hope this doesn’t come across as cruel; but RAM, I’m sure I speak for my boberin persona, when I say you have no sense of propriety or decency, and your remarks are entirely too juvenile to be responded to by us. We do note, however, the decline in smiley faces, please try to focus now on a reduction of ALL CAPS statements.

    However, I will respond to just one of your goofy accusation/statements where you say:

    “Wrong question blabber, why do YOU keep defending Obama for doing the same things you railed against Bush for 8 years, (and continue to do)?”

    President Obama, The President of The United States, The Democrat President who was elected without the help of Diebold, his daddy’s friends, or the Supreme Court, did not come into the office unencumbered by a huge budget shortfall, an economy in collapse, or the major corruption of our financial institutions and insurance companies.

    Nor did he come to office free of the problem of widespread unemployment, home foreclosures and homelessness. These, together with a failing health insurance system which has left a third of our people uninsured, and another third UNDER INSURED. He inherited two wars (one of which we had been lied into)in which thousands of innocents were killed and maimed. And in addition to all this, a nation held in contempt around the world because of his predecessors arrogant wrongheaded screw ups, and an opposition party of “NO”.

    I’m sure you will agree he has been very busy from day one, but you can’t turn the ship of state too quickly, or stop it on a dime.

    All the Bush policies still in effect have been modified to reduce the harm, before we are able to eliminate them all together.

    In four years the American People will overwhelm the remaining Neanderthal lunkheads and religious fanatic Ba’al worshipers, eliminating the ignorant Republican obstructionism that has held America in what has seemed a “Death Grip” for so long!

    Of course, boberin might wish to say this differently, but I believe he will generally agree, won’t you boberin?




  • 119 Laughing@You // May 30, 2009 at 2:03 pm



    Bible trivia for the ever thoughtful one. Who said the following statement?
    “It is reported commonly that there is fornication among you, and such fornication as is not so much as named among the Gentiles, that one should have his father’s wife. And ye are puffed up, and have not rather mourned, that he that hath done this deed might be taken away from among you. For I verily, as absent in body, but present in spirit, have judged already”

    Well, you have caught me unprepared, but it was either Barack Obama to the Republicans, or:

    The Apostle Paul in The his First Epistle to the church at Corinth Chapter 5, beginning at verse 1.

    Please, once again I must ask “who do you think you are”? You remind me of one of the Pharisees trying to trap Jesus.

    “There cometh one mightier than I after me, the latchet of whose shoes I am not worthy to stoop down and unloose.”



  • 120 mindknumbed kid // May 30, 2009 at 2:19 pm

    Was Paul right or wrong? (Or do you think there is a “moderate” answer of neutrality?)
    Oh come now, that was an easy question, why do you feel trapped by it?
    Now I am confused, the main subject of your post is the Apostle Paul, why do you then add : “There cometh one mightier than I after me, the latchet of whose shoes I am not worthy to stoop down and unloose.”?? Are you speaking of yourself concerning Barack Obama, or just rambling off random scripture?

  • 121 mindknumbed kid // May 30, 2009 at 2:48 pm

    A child is born under the curse of sin, thanks to Adam. Therefore a child is born condemned because it is their nature to sin. They are also born spiritually ignorant. Until the time they gain knowledge sufficient to be held accountable for their sin, if they should die prior to understanding their need to make reconciliation with God they will not be subjected to the consequences of rejecting Christ. That does not however, make them innocent. The bible speaks of our names being “blotted out” of the book of life, personally it is my belief that every name was written in the book before time began, and it remains until we reach the “age of accountability”. A lot of folks seem to think it is written in the book when we accept Christ, but I don’t think that is the case.

  • 122 mindknumbed kid // May 30, 2009 at 3:01 pm

    My belief does not prevent me from liking this song though, but I have heard some folks sing it better (my opinion/preference).

  • 123 Laughing@You // May 30, 2009 at 4:02 pm

    You know MNK, I really don’t care what you think! It only concerns me when you use your religious beliefs to denigrate those with whose politics you disagree.

    You have no respect for the religious faith or political views of others.

    Dogmatism is tolerable, only so long as its existence does not deny the same right to others.

    I see only a difference in names between you and those you call Muslim extremists. You both are a treat to American freedom!

    Don’t you have some doors to knock on, or other people to pester?


  • 124 mindknumbed kid // May 30, 2009 at 6:48 pm

    No. I got nothing else to do right now, the garden is tilled and planted and I’ll start replacing the laundry room wall in about half an hour, that will give me two hours to knock that job out.
    I’m not required to respect your political views, and if you ain’t noticed afore now, you is the one in the minority here. Therefore if you don’t like the opinions here, you can go over to moveondotcommies, the dailycuss, etc.
    I can be dogmatic on the certainty of eternal punishment for those who reject Christ and offer opinion on things that are not “written in stone”, in the end only what is done to further His kingdom will matter. I saw a headline about home bible studies being closed down in California, for all that I know of it they could have been teaching heresy through them, but the reason we have such freedoms here in America is to preach and teach Christ, when politicians and law enforcement officials stifle the spreading of the Word, America is going down the path that leads to destruction, she may still exist in name, but perhaps it will be under Sharia law.
    You had better go join the campaign to stop the Ott, you can’t afford to let one of “us” get into a position of power and influence, next thing you know we’ll have infanticide a criminal act!

  • 125 mindknumbed kid // May 30, 2009 at 7:01 pm

    Where is the political disagreement in post # 69? That is where this discussion originated.
    I just can’t find in the Word where he indicates in any way that he doesn’t give a hoot about what goes on in a nation.
    Do you believe what the bible says?

  • 126 Laughing@You // May 30, 2009 at 9:29 pm

    I am not a prophet psychiatrist, nor or the son of one, But I think that by in the the end, you’re nuts!


  • 127 SGT USMC 1ea // May 30, 2009 at 10:16 pm

    MKK you stifled it down to one incoherent ad-hom sentence. I do think you are throwing your pearls before swine that think you and I and the muslim extremists are a TREAT to American freedom. I actually like treat or spam every once in awhile.
    It is great to be made righteous through Christ! The promised persecution by the unrighteous is actually a sweet experience since you are not much of a Christian without it. Is it not cute how he can look up Bible text to cut and paste, but has no clue of how to apply/understand it.

    Deus est Semper Fidelis
    Translation for the lost:(God is always faithful)

  • 128 mindknumbed kid // May 31, 2009 at 10:22 am

    Here is another twist the bible has for us believers:
    Indeed, we are to be holy. Are we righteous or unrighteous when we are holy, ever thoughtful ?
    Not trying to beat a dead horse, but I awoke this morning with that verse on my mind…could it be the prompting of the Holy Spirit? I thought I was hungry and was thinking of food when the verse popped into my head.

  • 129 Laughing@You // May 31, 2009 at 1:48 pm

    “Not trying to beat a dead horse, ..”

    Oh, you have gone well beyond that!

    “You know MNK, I really don’t care what you think! It only concerns me when you use your religious beliefs to denigrate those with whose politics you disagree.”

    You are judgmental and narrow-minded, and you are arrogant to believe that your views represent a complete understanding of all things Godly.

    You insist on calling unclean, what God has declared clean. In so doing, you deny the redemption of Christ Jesus.

    You grossly misunderstand the calling of an evangelist, a roll you are wholly unprepared to fill.

    You have a limited understanding of the things you wish to teach, you speak without thought, or recognizable love.
    You lack patience, and the wisdom that should follow.


  • 130 Laughing@You // May 31, 2009 at 3:32 pm


  • 131 Ms RightWing, Ink // May 31, 2009 at 5:30 pm

    (Peeking from around the door)

    Boo! I see you. Bet you thought I disappeared

    (quickly running to hide in the shadows)

  • 132 Ms RightWing, Ink // May 31, 2009 at 5:39 pm


    If you want to buy my Reagan political badge go search e-bay

    Reagan-Bush Badge 1980 Detroit Convention

    I need to raise $750 to buy a new computer to go into the photo restoration business. I already raised the $712 dollars for a new scanner. I am running out of material stuff to sell. My computer is hanging in there but is nearly 5 years old.

    It isn’t cheap to be a capitalist. That is why nobody has seen me in weeks, I have been trying to make a new beginning for myself so I can get back to writing and shooting.

    Now, back into the shadows. Sorry Scott, didn’t want to come toot my horn (though I did) But isn’t that what makes us who we are by refusing to wallow in poverty.

  • 133 mindknumbed kid // May 31, 2009 at 6:50 pm

    Blessings upon blessings upon your endeavors Ms RightWing. Other than bidding on your ebay sales, is there anything we can do to assist your efforts? And don’t be too proud or shy to let us know, I’m poverty stricken too, but I know someone who owns the cattle on a thousand hills!

  • 134 mindknumbed kid // May 31, 2009 at 7:42 pm

    funny guy - You said, “you are arrogant to believe that your views represent a complete understanding of all things Godly.” I take that as you are boasting of having a complete understanding of all things Godly.

  • 135 Ms RightWing, Ink // May 31, 2009 at 9:04 pm

    mindnumbed kid

    I think you pretty well sumed it up. It is tough out there, but that is sometimes when God can shine the most. The new Epson 750 Pro scanner was purchased cash, hands down. That is something I was surprised I was able to do, but it all came from cleaning out my rare books and photos.

    Now all I have is things that will bring a few dollars here and there. On June 15th I will put my original Mickey Mouse watch and an antique Chocolate Pot on e-bay again. It didn’t bring my price the first time around.

    Funny though, I haven’t missed a thing I have sold yet. Guess it paid to be a one time capitalist pig. My junk was money in the bank.

    Just keep praying, I only have $600 more to go. I have managed to save a bit. You know, this is really short of miraculous because a year ago I couldn’t even afford to get my cat to the doctor.

    I’m just holding on for the ride. But I do think I can do enough work under the table when this gets set up so I won’t have to eat dirt again. Life is still frugal, but not having a car with all the repairs and insurance helps a bit.

    If you let me ramble on just a bit more, the truth is I had enough dough to take a trip that has been in my wish book for years. A vacation would be a flash in the pan. With this set-up I can invest for now. A vacation, as nice as it is, is not an investment.

    ‘Nuff said. Thanks for giving me a couple of minutes of your time. Just pray God will make a way. That is my game plan

  • 136 mindknumbed kid // May 31, 2009 at 11:37 pm

    I was talking to my Pastor during church today and he asked a question that I cannot even remember the slightest detail of, however I answered his question by saying that the problem most of us have in our Christian lives is a lack of faith. But it is not that we do not believe that God can do whatever we are desiring him to do, it is that we aren’t sure that he will do a particular thing for us. For instance, at this time I have a very urgent need, it is something that is beyond my ability to handle unless God moves, however, if this urgent need is not met as I believe it needs to be, perhaps in the aftermath God wants to do something that I cannot even imagine that would be better, or cause him to receive greater glory. So in the meanwhile, when things really get hard, do I keep my faith and remain strong, or do I feel as though I am forsaken and give up?
    Knowing the right answer and living the right answer are two different things. We know he is trustworthy, therefore if we fail to trust it is sin. How genuine is faith that has never been tried? Praise God for the trials that strengthen our faith! And never, ever take your eyes off of Christ, let your communication with him be continual, knowing that he truly cares for you.

    Then again, you might want to get a secong opinion on things from et, aka Mr. Know-it-all.

  • 137 mindknumbed kid // May 31, 2009 at 11:39 pm

    PS - I wish I had said continuous, rather than continual. Or I could have said, as the Word says, “pray without ceasing.”

  • 138 mindknumbed kid // May 31, 2009 at 11:49 pm

    BTW et - Remember when you asked, “are you righteous?” You said, “only God is righteous.”
    According to 1 Corinthians 1:30, everyone who is in Christ has been made righteous. If I’m not mistaken you’ll find that statement in Romans 3 also. But naturally, I do not think of myself as being anything near to it. But you see, in another passage God uses a present tense verse saying that I am at present seated with Christ. Can you believe it?!

  • 139 Laughing@You // Jun 1, 2009 at 11:04 am

    “You know MNK, I really don’t care what you think! It only concerns me when you use your religious beliefs to denigrate those with whose politics you disagree.”


  • 140 mindknumbed kid // Jun 1, 2009 at 7:12 pm

    Is that an echo I’m hearing here, or are you still trying to convince yourself, funny thinker?

  • 141 mindknumbed kid // Jun 1, 2009 at 10:06 pm

    et - May I ask of you the same question that you asked of me? Are you righteous? Perhaps someone here does care what you think.

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