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After Waterboard, Mancow Submits to 9/11-Style Attack

by Scott Ott for ScrappleFace · 94 Comments · · Print This Story Print This Story

(2009-05-23) — After submitting himself to waterboarding, then calling it ‘absolutely torture’, WLS talkradio host Erich ‘Mancow’ Muller announced that next week on his show he’ll stand by a shattered window in a burning office tower and decide whether to jump or to perish in the flames.

Like the waterboarding experiment, the simulated 9/11 attack will occur under controlled circumstances, with firefighters and paramedics standing by to rescue him once he makes the choice of death by inferno or death by sidewalk impact.

“I just want to find out if being trapped in a burning skyscraper is as bad as that horrible waterboarding was,” said Mancow. “It’s hard to imagine anything worse than waterboarding. I’m pretty confident that I can withstand the searing heat of jet fuel combustion as I cling to a window frame 900 feet above the street.”

The radio personality told his listeners that after several seconds of waterboard torture he would “confess to anything.”

An unnamed spokesman for the CIA said he’s glad to hear that, “especially if Mr. Mancow were a known terrorist and would confess to his plans to attack civilians in other American cities — plans that we could then interrupt, preventing the death of thousands of people.”

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94 responses so far ↓

  • 1 R.A.M. // May 23, 2009 at 9:20 am

    May I suggest that everyone in the Obama administration, and both the House and Senate, (BOTH Parties), join Mancow. Maybe then they will wake from their “slumber” that will cause many American deaths down the road they are traveling!

  • 2 Jesse Raphial // May 23, 2009 at 10:08 am


  • 3 Beerme // May 23, 2009 at 11:49 am

    The radio personality told his listeners that after several seconds of waterboard torture he would “confess to anything.”

    …Um, isn’t that the idea?

  • 4 JamesonLewis3rd // May 23, 2009 at 1:23 pm

  • 5 onlineanalyst // May 23, 2009 at 2:23 pm

    gafisher: You are correct in saying that the enhanced interrogations were used to glean intelligence, not confessions, from three high-value detainees.

    (Personally I don't think that Mancow has much of intelligence to share with anyone.)

    Obama and the Destructive Dems plan to tank this economy exhorbitant taxes via fear-mongering over phony global climate change and nationalized health care.

  • 6 onlineanalyst // May 23, 2009 at 3:38 pm

    “Then they’ll argue ‘this isn’t a stimulus bill. It’s a spending bill’. What do you think a stimulus bill is? That’s the whole point.”
    - Barack Obama on Feb. 5, 2009

    “We’re out of money now.”
    - Barack Obama on May 22, 2009

    Well, duh! Ackbar, we’ve been saying this all along. You don’t expand an economy by borrowing and taxing its citizens to death, especially with a “stimulus” plan that does not stimulate but only pays off political favors.

    We are not only out of money; we are deeply in debt. The current entitlement programs will only exacerbate the problem.

    America is about to lose its triple A bond rating.

    The failed Obama presidency is about to put all of its feet into the health and energy sectors and pay for these follies with Zimbabwe-type dollars.

    Count the minutes until everthink fires back with his Josh Marshall Talking Points Memo boilerplate.

    Not one program that the Chicago community agitator was involved with, using other people’s money ever had positive, demonstrable results. Obama’s failures were writ small there. Does he intend to destroy the nation’s economy the same way? (That’s a rhetorical question.)

  • 7 JamesonLewis3rd // May 23, 2009 at 5:29 pm

    A short letter from John Newton.

  • 8 gafisher // May 23, 2009 at 5:36 pm

    Beerme Re#3: “…Um, isn’t that the idea?

    That’s what the left would have you believe. There’s a big difference between revealing secrets — the intent of enhanced interrogation — and the false “confessions” actual torture is often used to extract.

    Frankly, it’s extremely unlikely the CIA wanted any “confessions” at all of past misdeeds from the three people they waterboarded in the aftermath of 9/11; what they wanted, and got, was information needed to stop future attacks.

    As for Mancow, the glint of a scimitar might also provide a “sharp” contrast to having a wet towel over his face.

  • 9 MajorDomo // May 23, 2009 at 5:43 pm

    Don’t jump; burn! There’s nothing like the smell of your own frying flesh.

    Here, Mancow… let me light the fire.

  • 10 MajorDomo // May 23, 2009 at 8:41 pm

    OLA, I don’t think Obummer and the Dems plan to tank it. I think they just don’t know what they’re doing.

    wv the fleecing: How appropriate!!!

  • 11 onlineanalyst // May 23, 2009 at 8:57 pm

    Barack the Pathetic has no class at all. He cannot even make remarks over this Memorial Day weekend without (wrongfully) trashing his predecessor.

  • 12 MajorDomo // May 23, 2009 at 9:17 pm

    Well, he’s nothing but a street activist, after all! And what do street activists do? Talk. Incite. Think about it: If that was what it makes presidential timber, Je$$e Jackson should’ve been president a long time ago!

  • 13 Possumtrot // May 23, 2009 at 9:19 pm

    And then there?s the claustrophobic sensation of being trapped in a stairwell with hundreds of panicked office workers, hearing the rumble of a skyscraper pancaking down on top of you?

    When I obtained my Water Safety Instructor certification from the Red Cross, part of it involved jumping into the deep end of the pool with my clothes and shoes on to rescue a ?simulated? drowning person. Yes, I got water up my nose, and it was unpleasant. Yes, I punched the ?victim? in the gut and dragged him to the edge of the pool by his hair. Nobody died, and had the scenario been real, I might have even gotten a ?thank you? for saving someone?s life.

    A few years ago, I underwent a medical procedure called a ?nerve connectivity? test. It involved sticking needles into my legs, running an electrical charge through them, and measuring some sort of result on a computer. The neurologist kept apologizing when I?d jump and wince. When it was over, I told him that if I was guilty of any unsolved crime he?d care to name, I would have confessed to about the second time I got shocked. [BTW, the computer made a sound like a chainsaw when the current was applied.]

    We need to transcend this ?torture? nonsense. I have twice detailed torture over at United Possums International. When you?re tossed out of a chopper a thousand feet over the South China Sea, the water doesn?t sting the inside of your nose; it?s hard as concrete if you haven?t figured out how to soar like an eagle before impact. Real torture leaves lasting damage, like high-pressure air applied to the sinuses, or high-amperage electricity coursing from the big toe to the most sensitive regions of the body.

    Already a domestic terrorist?a double-murderer?is appealing his case on the grounds the Chicago police ?tortured? his confession out of him. He may walk, because in that toddlin? town, they call enhanced interrogation ?a trimming?. If Osama Bamalama succeeds in closing Gitmo and brings the terrorists home to stand trial, how long will it be before they are appealing?and winning?their cases because Pizza Hut didn?t have their order there within fifteen minutes?

    A statistic that Osama Bamalama didn?t mention in his pre-rebuttal to Dick Cheney the other day is that 1-in-7 terrorists released from Gitmo have returned to jihad.

    Read the rest, as Great Scott says, over at United Possums International.

    I don?t understand Mancow. He?s usually one of the good guys, but if he really said what he did?and I have no reason to doubt Great Scott?s research?then he?s totally off base on this. Life its own self is about blood, pain and death. How quickly we forget what those victims of 9/11 went through in those last moments.

  • 14 Possumtrot // May 23, 2009 at 9:23 pm

    I composed that post in Microsoft Word™, and Word Pad™ apparently doesn’t recognize the format. My punctuation is correct; supply your on in place of the numerous question marks.

  • 15 Possumtrot // May 23, 2009 at 9:29 pm

    Or “supply your own”.

    Whatever…there’s plenty of reasons I hardly ever go online any longer.

  • 16 Possumtrot // May 23, 2009 at 9:32 pm

    Least of which is eating steaks and drinking beer on Scorpion Hill. Happy Memorial Day, gang, and don’t forget to toast absent friends, which is what it’s really all about.

  • 17 MajorDomo // May 23, 2009 at 9:44 pm

    Possum, there’s no way that someone who is captured in a military operation could ever be found guilty in a civilian court. All his “rights” would have been violated, and there would be no acceptable evidence. That’s the way our wimpy courts are nowadays. Surely there must be a reason why no nation in history turns enemy captives over to civilian courts???
    The United States is suffering from terminal stupidity over this issue, thanks to the so-smart liberals who have taken over. If we don’t change course soon, many of us may find ourselves living next door to a head-chopper.

  • 18 boberinyetagain // May 23, 2009 at 10:10 pm

    When, if ever, will we be filled in on what it was that we actually learned?
    If there really was a bomb planted, set to go and we enhanced that information out of someone in the nick of time (or even if there were lots of time left I guess) then say so…

    Did that happen? Nope…we learned nothing of value that couldn’t have been gotten with drugs or hypnosis or, if things got really tough… the comfy chair. Some way that would have preserved our own stated values as a nation…allowed us to keep our heads held high in the world.

    But no, we got carried far, far away from who we claimed to be. The world saw and called us on it…discount that as you will.

    But with or without that…I’m still ashamed of us…and of most here that talk tough but when I asked for a show of hands to the question “who here endorses torture?” I got nothing…no responses.

    And, what of how enemys will now treat prisoners they may take (our best and brightest)?
    Are we now saying that to torture them is acceptable? Standing up for torture empowers others to do likewise and when (not if) that now happens I had best not see a single protest from anyone here…even if you won’t stand up and be counted on the “for torture” side.

  • 19 boberinyetagain // May 23, 2009 at 10:12 pm

    Taken over? George had 7 years to dispatch those prisoners…what did he do about them? What was his “end game” for them?

  • 20 onlineanalyst // May 23, 2009 at 11:58 pm

    Heh, a fitting D’ohbermann smackdown

  • 21 Laughing@You // May 24, 2009 at 1:44 am

    There seems to be no limit on the hardship, pain, and agony you good Christian folks are willing to inflict on somebody else!

    It doesn’t matter who they are, including our own armed forces personnel, their families, innocent foreign national women and children, and the large numbers of innocent prisoners being held without due process. Any of these, just so long as it is not YOU!

    When I got my Life Saving Certificate from the Red Cross I got water up my nose too, and at other times when actually attempting a rescue, but I never got water up my nose, when I had no way of controlling the outcome, I always had a means of escape!

    I never got water up my nose when I thought someone was going to drown me!!!

    Waterboarding is not water up your nose! It is drowning!

    “When you?re tossed out of a chopper a thousand feet over the South China Sea, …” blather, blather, and more macho blather.

    Possum, have you ever tossed someone out of a helicopter? Have you ever been tossed out of a helicopter? Have you ever been on a helicopter? Have you ever seen the South China Sea? Were you in Vietnam? Did you even serve in the military? I bet your source of information is the same as Darthmeister’s!

    A bunch of Chickhawks sitting around telling somebody else’s war stories. What a crock!

    Say, do you still have both those 9mm Sig P232’s? They ought to be worth alot now, because they don’t make them anymore, if fact they never did. Stack that!


  • 22 JamesonLewis3rd // May 24, 2009 at 7:12 am

    A Psalm of David. Jehovah [is] my shepherd, I do not lack,

    In pastures of tender grass He causeth me to lie down, By quiet waters He doth lead me.

    My soul He refresheth, He leadeth me in paths of righteousness, For His name’s sake,

    Also—when I walk in a valley of death-shade, I fear no evil, for Thou [art] with me, Thy rod and Thy staff — they comfort me.

    Thou arrangest before me a table, Over-against my adversaries, Thou hast anointed with oil my head, My cup is full!

    Only—goodness and kindness pursue me, All the days of my life, And my dwelling [is] in the house of Jehovah, For a length of days!

  • 23 gafisher // May 24, 2009 at 7:53 am

    Bober Re#19, The “end game” for detained enemy combatants is primarily to keep them out of the fray until the war’s over. The secondary goal is to find out if those detainees have information which might end the war sooner and with less bloodshed.

    When you’re on the battlefield and someone’s shooting at you, you have two choices: kill them on the spot or capture and hold them for the duration. There are good arguments for considering the second of those the more humane option.

  • 24 gafisher // May 24, 2009 at 7:58 am

    Re #18: “When, if ever, will we be filled in on what it was that we actually learned?

    When the current Administration deems it politically expedient to do so.

  • 25 gafisher // May 24, 2009 at 8:21 am

    Possumtrot Re#13: “A few years ago, I underwent a medical procedure called a “nerve connectivity” test.

    Greetings from a fellow “torture” victim! In my case the neurologist poked and zapped me all the way from my left toes — one at a time — up my ankle and leg and to the middle of my spine before deciding he’d isolated the problem (progressive nerve damage relating to my advanced Degenerative Disc Disease). I was fascinated by the howls and squeals which emanated from the speaker in his equipment; I may have done some light backup vocals along the way, but in the end it was only unpleasant, not in the least way damaging. (Worst for me wasn’t the electrical shocks but the surprisingly long needles involved; I was very curious if the tests coincidentally paralleled aspects of acupuncture.)

    Good to hear from you! Don’t be a stranger; a little cryptic punctuation is not a problem.

  • 26 JamesonLewis3rd // May 24, 2009 at 12:45 pm

    BHO: Well, we are out of money now.

  • 27 onlineanalyst // May 24, 2009 at 1:27 pm

    And let’s remind outselves about who are the big spenders.

  • 28 Possumtrot // May 24, 2009 at 1:33 pm

    No, laughing troll, I’ve never been in the Army, I’ve never rescued anyone from drowning, I’ve never seen the Garden Spot of Southeast Asia, I’ve never seen fingernails in the door tracks of a UH-1 helicopter, and my macho blather is all a cover for the fact I’m a raging fairy who faints at the mention of blood, much less the sight. I’m not much of a decent Christian by anone’s standards, and I’ve never spanked my children, much less inflicted pain on any of God’s creatures. In my damp, dark closet I worship Allah and believe we should give all jhidaists a stern talking-to using very harsh language.

    Happy now? I waited up half the hight night with bated breath to see what kind of ad hominem you’d come up with in response to my comment.

    Escorting the stinging arachnids politely to the door on Scorpion Hill…

  • 29 onlineanalyst // May 24, 2009 at 2:28 pm

    How about a little troll bait for the admirers of uh President Present? You cannot make this stuff up.

  • 30 MajorDomo // May 24, 2009 at 2:58 pm

    OLA, good one! Maybe the parade of trolls who clutter this site with ignorance will MOVE ON to the Obummer site and ply their trade there where people are dumb enough to believe them. Way to go!

  • 31 Darthmeister // May 24, 2009 at 6:15 pm

    Another homerun by Powerlineblog:

    It gets little notice [what would you expect from the national socialist media?], but even to this day Bush makes calls on wounded veterans at military hospitals, corresponds with families of fallen servicemembers and gives his own money to veterans charities. In office, Bush hugely increased funding for veterans programs and worked relentlessly to improve the lot of ordinary troops.

    It would be interesting to know how much of his own money Barack Obama [as well as the kool-aid swilling, Obamabot trolls who deposit their self-righteous filth here at Scrappleface] has given to veterans’ charities over the years. I’d hazard a guess: zero.

    Obama’s incessant attacks on the Bush administration tell us nothing about former President Bush, but a great deal about Barack Obama: the man has no class.

    Bingo! We’re talking about a millionaire Donk who couldn’t spare a dime for his half-brother living in filth and on less than $400/year in Kenya! Another fine example of left-wing, socialist “compassion.” That’s the real difference in compassion between liberals and conservatives, conservatives voluntarily give while liberals empower government to reach further into everyone’s backpocket in order to advance their vision of a Robin Hood-style velvet gulag.

  • 32 gafisher // May 24, 2009 at 9:04 pm

    Darth Re#31, the leftist notion of “generosity” is to keep a little less of other people’s money for themselves. And then congratulate themselves and each other for doing so.

    Nevertheless, in my opinion the biggest scandal in the whole “who gave more to charity?” debate is that anyone — anyone at all — would have to know. That may well be the most grievous aspect of our current tax system, one which I believe negates much of the value of any and every reported gift.

    “But when you do a charitable deed, do not let your left hand know what your right hand is doing, that your charitable deed may be in secret; and your Father who sees in secret will Himself reward you openly.”
    . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Matthew 6:3,4

    This is one of the many reasons I support the Fair Tax.

  • 33 Libby Gone // May 24, 2009 at 10:39 pm

    Just read on Drudge that Obama’s highest ranking miltary leader says He is sure Iran is pursueing Nukes (i.e. weapons of Mass Destruction).
    Where have I heard language like that before?

  • 34 Laughing@You // May 25, 2009 at 1:46 am


    “The radio personality told his listeners that after several seconds of waterboard torture he would “confess to anything.”

    …Um, isn’t that the idea?”

    Actually, that should be “Right-Wing” radio personality.

    Yes, unfortunately, it seems that was the ONLY idea, aside from Cheney’s amusement!


  • 35 Laughing@You // May 25, 2009 at 2:09 am

    “It gets little notice [what would you expect from the national socialist media?], but even to this day Bush makes calls on wounded veterans at military hospitals, corresponds with families of fallen servicemembers and gives his own money to veterans charities. In office, Bush hugely increased funding for veterans programs and worked relentlessly to improve the lot of ordinary troops.”


    Thank you for sharing! Your extraordinarily large crock makes you the envy of every wingnut here!

    Now that you have dumped its ripe contents, please hurry to cut and paste a another load, won’t you?


  • 36 Laughing@You // May 25, 2009 at 2:16 am

    “I waited up half the hight night with bated breath to see what kind of ad hominem you’d come up with in response to my comment.”

    I am flattered! That makes me so proud!

    Anytime, you old coot!


  • 37 Laughing@You // May 25, 2009 at 2:57 am

    Gee Possum,

    I hate to tell you, and gafisher this, but, I have undergone three EMGs on the Sciatic Nerve in my left leg as a result of a prolapse of the disc at L-5, S-1 of my spine. You are both right, is was very painful, but it did not inhibit any of my body’s vital functions. I never felt as though I was dying, although I did think about killing the technician.

    Can it be, that you two sad souls really don’t understand waterboarding?

    Remember: You can lead a horse to water, but you can’t cover his face with a rag and flood his nostrils and mouth with water until he loses consciousness, even if you think you can revive him later!

    What part of torture, don’t you understand?


  • 38 JamesonLewis3rd // May 25, 2009 at 6:54 am

    BHO and his entourage party with epic stamina while mythically fantastic things like this scourge defenseless toddlers in his homeland.

  • 39 JamesonLewis3rd // May 25, 2009 at 7:01 am

    Question: Does Obama, holder of diplomas from Harvard and Columbia, think Hitler spoke Austrian too, or does he think Hitler was born in Germany?

  • 40 Hari // May 25, 2009 at 7:53 am

    People who think there is no dark side to interrogation are fooling themselves. Right or wrong, it is what it is.

  • 41 mindknumbed kid // May 25, 2009 at 9:44 am×86x

  • 42 MajorDomo // May 25, 2009 at 2:00 pm

    Right, Hari. It gets results, or else it wouldn’t have been employed for the last million or so years.

  • 43 Laughing@You // May 25, 2009 at 2:45 pm

    “People who think there is no dark side to interrogation are fooling themselves. Right or wrong, it is what it is.”

    Hari, thanks for your knowing input. Do you have some firsthand knowledge as an interrogator, or interrogatee, or have you, like everyone else here, obtained your information from Fox, or Rush?

    I’m afraid I have missed most episodes of “24″, are you quoting Jack Bauer?

    Yes, Major it gets results! If you are just interested in retribution of some sort, or making people think you “walk wide”, like Dumbyah, that’s your ticket!

    But, I expect most of your heroes will be tried for war crimes sooner or later, here or elswhere.

    Although, we MAY NOT have had “Rape Rooms”, I’m sure you here could find a way to justify them too! For example: “Hey, it’s not like she was a virgin”, or anything like that!

    Still, it is possible both Dumbyah, and “Dirty Dick” will meet the same end as Saddam, for the same reason.


  • 44 boberinyetagain // May 25, 2009 at 3:44 pm

    lay…watch that possum, he might bite. he’s actually been there, done that. He’s not making much, if anything, up…
    That being said, torture is for sadistic bastards that can’t think of any other course. We as a nation were/are/should be firmly against such things and everyone here knows it. They just feel it’s not “macho” or some such drivel…to admit as much. Why they’d like to throw away all we stand for because of some intimate knowledge of the war they think some guy or gal might or might (and can be gotten in other ways) not have is wayyyy beyond me.
    They want (I suppose) to feel “safe”. If “safe” could be guaranteed by torture I’d still be against it and so would anyone professing to be a “Christian” of any stripe
    God is not pleased, if you don’t believve me…just ask him. Ask your pastor/rabbi/preist…go ahead, I’ll wait…get back to me with a quote…please.
    See you all in hell

  • 45 boberinyetagain // May 25, 2009 at 3:47 pm

    And again, when other nations/enemys capture some of our troops and torture them…not one word out of any of you…not one…because you’ll be in no position to object…none
    When that happens I suppose y’all be very pleased…is that correct?

  • 46 Laughing@You // May 25, 2009 at 5:21 pm


    You can call me Ray, or you can call me Ray Jay, but please, don’t call me lay!

    I’ll be surprised if one of the bright ones, like RAM, doesn’t pick up on that!

    I’m just plain old ET with a new, more descriptive banner.

    Say, did you see the RNC’s new Goldfinger Video? I think it’s over at Youtube.

    They don’t seem to understand what stuff like that does to their image, or how folks are turned off by their hatefulness.

    They like “The Wasilla Wonderment” because she trash talks so well. The nasty base loves it, but everybody else is leaving in droves.

    They tried to match Hillary with Sassy Sarah, and Barack Obama with Micheal Steele. Cheap imitations, that’s all they are!

    But, you know, I think they should frisk Micheal Steel for concealed microphones.
    He must be some kind of double agent, judging by all the good he has done Democrats!

    And then, there is the loud mouth lard bucket, watching his little boat take on water is a joy to me.

    All in all, it is like they are trying to show how brave they are by feeding the alligators chicken.

    I believe they used to be a lot smarter before they let Karl Rove be their brain too.

    As ever,


  • 47 MajorDomo // May 25, 2009 at 6:11 pm

    MKK, I don't know about you but I believe what the Bible says about Israel. I'm on their side. Although God allowed them to be punished for their disobedience He always came to their defense, squashing their opponents after they repented and returned to Him (which sometimes took many years of oppression). And by the way, I believe that series of events will be true for us, as well, which bodes ill for our grandchildren and their grandchildren.

  • 48 mindknumbed kid // May 25, 2009 at 7:19 pm

    I suppose such actions might cause them to kidnap and behead a journalist, or crash planes into buildings full of innocent civilians. It might even cause terrorists to commit acts of terror.

  • 49 SGT USMC 1ea // May 25, 2009 at 7:27 pm

    Trying to find the current thread.
    Mr. Ott always has the ability to put things into perspective. How can one truly fathom all of the moral relativism of the libs.
    Speaking of relativism I see the trolls still have none. LAY is just a glutton for punishment. You are in charge now LAY- fix everything!
    Tu autem effugare, diabole- appropinquabit enim judicium Dei.

    Deus est Semper Fidelis

  • 50 mindknumbed kid // May 25, 2009 at 7:53 pm

    I know we have seen this before, but there are some who refuse to acknowledge the facts, and argue as though the facts presented do not exist.
    These facts debunk every lie they base their arguments upon, just as releasing the reports that Cheney has requested will put the lie that Obama and the demtrolls are operating under concerning evidence of terror plots having been foiled by information gleaned via water boarding the three men, who did not drown or suffer any lasting physical injuries from their treatment.
    How many of the terrorists’ victims have emerged from their “treatment” completely unscathed?

  • 51 onlineanalyst // May 25, 2009 at 8:01 pm

    VDH has some thoughts to consider at NRO’s “The Corner”:

    Abyssinia and Manchuria All Over Again? [Victor Davis Hanson]

    I have a great deal of empathy for President Obama on matters like North Korea and Iran — both lunatic players that I think represent firsts in his own experience. You see, there are no good choices, and he can’t simply vote “present” this time. Any decision he makes will be evaluated not necessarily on the basis of its superior logic or the eloquence with which it is presented, but solely on whether it works or not. If it does, he will be praised; if it doesn’t, he will be damned, unfairly or not. Soon some wannabe Republican presidential candidate will be barnstorming the country, second-guessing Obama’s decision-making, giving him no benefit of the doubt, and adopting simplistic answers as a candidate that he could not possibly embrace as Commander-in-Chief — the one constant being that whatever Obama does, the potential rival, without the responsibilities of office, will argue that it was wrong.

    Fate, chance, luck, and more will contribute to the outcome of any presidential action — unpredictable, of course, but in the cruel game of assessing presidential decision-making, no grounds for excuse.

    Moreover, both these problems not only antedated Obama, but antedated Bush as well, yet they cannot be massaged with “reset” button and a “Bush did it,” nor by soaring “hope and change” rhetoric. Neither Ahmadinejad nor Kim Jong-il care a whit about Obama’s landmark advance to the presidency, or his sober and judicious efforts to show rational concern for their own predicaments; instead, they calibrate only the degree to which Obama poses an obstacle to their regional ambitions, whether they be rational or not.

    In short, Obama will be dealing with two cruel entities, irrational at times, and both capable of great evil — thuggish regimes that laugh at calls for UN solidarity or multilateral fronts. Worse still, the soft-power advocates and internationalists abroad who praised Obama to the skies for his restraint and postmodern campaign rhetoric will be the first to damn him as Carteresque and hesitant should these two rogue nations begin to act a little crazy and start testing the waters.

  • 52 onlineanalyst // May 25, 2009 at 8:11 pm

    This information about Nancy Pelosi is very disturbing.

  • 53 mindknumbed kid // May 25, 2009 at 8:14 pm

    How about this for a plan to compel other countries to take all of the detainees @ Club Gitmo? We simply announce to the world that as of a certain date, say October 1st of this year, all remaining detainees will be put to death. Seems as though the anti-capital punishment leaders of the nations of the world would be compelled to come to their rescue and move them to their own prisons to save their lives.
    All we would have to do is make them believe the threat is legitimate….problem solved.

  • 54 mindknumbed kid // May 25, 2009 at 8:30 pm

    SGT USMC 1ea - LAY’s idea of fixing everything is to see Bush and Cheney hanged, I thought he was against capital punishment?

  • 55 onlineanalyst // May 25, 2009 at 8:31 pm

    mig passed this one along. It’s worth sharing with those who believe that we should become a banana republic, prosecuting those of former administrations whose policies differ from the current one.

    Byron York, too, has a provocative column about how Gitmo became smeared with the same brush as Abu Graib as a terrorist “recruitment” tool. It appears that what fired up the jihadists was the false story that Newsweek promoted over a Koran being flushed in a toilet. That’s it.

    It doesn’t take much for those with an axe to grind to manufacture outrage.

    Take a look at what P.J. O’Rourke describes in the link to learn what real torture is about. Do we see our blame-America-first crowd raising a hue and cry over these daily atrocities, some of which occur on the Castro side of Cuba?

  • 56 mindknumbed kid // May 25, 2009 at 9:13 pm

    “One cannot deter a suicide bomber with the threat of death. Nor can one deter a theocracy bent on meriting admission to heaven and its virgins by one glorious act of violence.” - Dick Morris
    (This is precisely why we cannot use conventional methods to protect ourselves from these jihadists.) Meanwhile in another delirious skull full of mush, conservative Christians are declared to be no different than those who use such tactics!

    Here is a story that gives credence to my theory that when push comes to shove, the US, under Obama (and the remaining world powers) will hang Israel out to dry. And perhaps, in a show of outrage (if Israel doesn’t jump through our hoops and leave Iran alone) become allied in an effort to “punish” them. Could that scenario possibly be the fullfillment of the scriptures concerning the nations and Israel. Your guess is as good as mine.

  • 57 onlineanalyst // May 25, 2009 at 9:30 pm

    This is an example of torture and the mindset of those who embrace gratuitous infliction of pain in the name of Allah. (Not for the faint of heart)

  • 58 Laughing@You // May 25, 2009 at 10:36 pm

    “SGT USMC 1ea - LAY’s idea of fixing everything is to see Bush and Cheney hanged, I thought he was against capital punishment?”

    Naw, your knumbness. I don’t want to hang them.

    A natural life sentence would suffice for Dumbyah, but I’m afraid the ghoul might require a silver stake at midnight, during a full moon.

    I understand he can be found in his coffin during the day at his famous “Undisclosed Location”.


  • 59 mindknumbed kid // May 25, 2009 at 10:41 pm

    Major, I know what the Bible says regarding the end. I’ve heard some people try to weasel our nation out of it. If America isn’t in the fray the only reason would be that she no longer exists. Which isn’t an impossibility. I think most think we are “too big to fail”…I’m not saying we will or won’t, but I will not say that we can’t. One thing is for certain, before we get to the end it is going to get pretty bad. Preaching (or believing) that things are going to be rosy and wonderful will not prevent this world from coming to its end.
    I believe that the sooner we all get it into our heads that things just might get hard, the more we can prepare ourselves mentally for hard times. I’m also of the opinion that once things start happening the end will come rather quickly, but I don’t have scripture that will back that theory up.
    The Word tells us to be ready and to watch, there is so much going on in the world today, and so much of it is as a heated pot - ready to boil over in an instant. When the pot isn’t being watched closely it comes as quite a shock when it boils.

  • 60 onlineanalyst // May 25, 2009 at 10:46 pm

    On this Memorial Day weekend, may God bless our fallen warriors who gave their all to protect our liberties.

    Never forget

  • 61 MajorDomo // May 25, 2009 at 10:57 pm

    I don’t purport to know either. What I do fear, though, is that this nation has systematically pushed God out of it. The nation that was favored by God like no other except Israel. The Old Testament gives us a history lesson on what happened to them, and I can’t help but believe that before the end comes the same fate is in store for us, and we may wish for the end to come! I agree wholehearted with you about the “too big to fail” stuff. Add to that a population in which individuals are their own god, and “don’t need no god” to tell them what is right and what is wrong. It’s all relative anyway and there’s no moral absolutes. The Isrealites got to feeling that way too, before disaster struck.

  • 62 mindknumbed kid // May 25, 2009 at 11:00 pm

    re: #60 Amen to that.

  • 63 SGT USMC 1ea // May 26, 2009 at 1:21 am

    No MKK, LAY is a mental neuter without non-inculcated ideas. Sorry, it was a trick question.

    Tu autem effugare diabole/neverthink; appropinquabit enim judicium Dei.

  • 64 SGT USMC 1ea // May 26, 2009 at 1:30 am

    I had no idea about the terrible tragedy of Mr. Ilan Halami despite the fact that I view many alternate news sources. I will try to broaden my sources!

    Deus est Semper Fidelis

  • 65 Well Done // May 26, 2009 at 2:44 am

    [...] can only offer applause, and maybe some onions: (2009-05-23) — After submitting himself to waterboarding, then calling it ‘absolutely [...]

  • 66 boberinyetagain // May 26, 2009 at 8:26 am

    So, how did the chat with the preacher go? Any men of the cloth coming out in favor of torture? I’ll need names and direct quotes.
    Again, c’mon people…go on record for all (God) to see…show of hands…who approves of torture?


  • 67 boberinyetagain // May 26, 2009 at 8:29 am

    There were a lot of comments preceeding but I know that one of them had the jr high school retort…”they did it first”
    I loved/used that train of thought in arguments…40 years ago…in jr high school.
    Good one…really…your schoolmates will be so proud…you really told us/me!

  • 68 boberinyetagain // May 26, 2009 at 9:16 am

    Just another “tool” for “the man” I guess, when will these kooks give up on this nonsense. Where do “they” find them…commie pinkos, every one.
    Where have the “real” men gone? Spineless bastards!

    Admiral Mike Mullen, chairman of the U.S. military’s Joint Chiefs of Staff, rallied behind President Barack Obama’s move to close the detention facility at the U.S. naval base in Cuba, which is operated by the U.S. military.

    “Well, the concern I’ve had about Guantanamo in these wars is it has been a symbol — and one which has been a recruiting symbol for those extremists and jihadists who would fight us. … That’s at the heart of the concern for Guantanamo’s continued existence,” Mullen said on ABC’s “This Week.”

  • 69 R.A.M. // May 26, 2009 at 10:59 am

    As much as I hate responding to troll lies and distortions, after seeing blabberingyetagain’s bloviated lies and distortions, POST after boring POST again, I had too!

    Of course he NEVER calls people names, (he “says”), as evidenced by calling ALL here who disagree with him “wimps”, usually he calls people names VEILED in generalities. (Actually, I couldn’t care less what ANY of the America, and GOD hating trolls think, in fact, the worse they think of me, the prouder I am that I am doing my GOD and America given right, and am on the right track!)

    Something these brain dead morons either don’t want to or refuse to see is their “messiah Obama” has “reserved” the same right to interogate the terrorists/prisioners that the Bush administration did.

    Is waterboarding a crime ONLY if a Republican administration does it? Answer that, you bloviating morons!

    Maybe “Barry” wants to use these techinques on Americans who dissent on his policies and not terrorists?

    That wouldn’t surprize me a bit with the dictatorial road this administration is taking!

    To answer your question blabber, I think GOD wants us to save people’s lives at ANY COST, the same as if we see a maniac shooting people on the street and we can stop him too with a bullet, if we KNOW that someone is hiding information that will kill innocent people, we should use EVERY techinique available to STOP those killing!

    Seems your boy Obama now feels that way too!

    PS: Your side seems to be the “wimps”. You don’t want to “hear” about 3, (YES, ONLY 3), hardened enemies of America being waterboarded to save American lives, BUT will gleefully abort baby after precious baby! You just don’t want to “see” pictures of babies that have been torn out of the womb in pieces. Those pictures offend your side of the aisle, (too bad KILLING those children is not as offensive! You ONLY want (what you CALL), justice for terrorists and the spotted wing bat mouse!

  • 70 boberinyetagain // May 26, 2009 at 11:53 am

    Danged RAM…an entire post with no smiley faces.
    You are learning….

    So, that’s your example of “name calling” on my part is it? Let me go have a look around to pull a few examples of what you and yours have called me, see how things compare.

    God loves the torturer eh? Go with that, I’m certain He’ll agree and you’ll be ushered into the orchestra pit in heaven, perhaps the front row…

  • 71 boberinyetagain // May 26, 2009 at 11:58 am

    Ever hear of “renditions” RAM?

    Even if it were “only” 3 (and it’s way…way…way more than that) it’d be 3 too many for godly folks like you

  • 72 boberinyetagain // May 26, 2009 at 12:00 pm

    He probably meant to say “turn the other cheek whilst looking for a bamboo shoot and a hammer…then turn around and use them”

    “Turn the other cheek” is just the shorthand version…

  • 73 Laughing@You // May 26, 2009 at 1:49 pm

    “We simply announce to the world that as of a certain date, say October 1st of this year, all remaining detainees will be put to death.”

    How Christlike you are!

    You self-righteous hypocrites do not know God, only His name!

    If our founders intended the Holy Bible to be, the law of our land there would have been no need for the Constitution, or the Bill of Rights. Moreover, there would have been no need for our country to abolish slavery, and women certainly would have never been allowed voting rights.

    You are as tombs; your exterior whitewashing belies the corruption within. Furthermore, your inscription speaks of things you never were, but only pretended to be, to each other.

    Certainly, there is a need for a conservative influence in government, but while Republican Party may have yet a hint of it in the mix, they have redefined conservatism to be something narrow, bigoted, perverse, and hateful.

    MNK, your understanding of American Government is as twisted, as your “division” of the Word of Truth.

    Your problem is the same as that of the Pharisees; you seem unable to reconcile The Law to Grace.


  • 74 Laughing@You // May 26, 2009 at 1:58 pm

    “As much as I hate responding to troll lies and distortions, after seeing blabberingyetagain’s bloviated lies and distortions, POST after boring POST again, I had too!”

    Then why bother? Just remain on you imaginary high horse. You remind me of a cross between Don Quixote and Rosanna Rosanna Dana anyway!


  • 75 Laughing@You // May 26, 2009 at 1:59 pm


  • 76 Laughing@You // May 26, 2009 at 2:13 pm

    “Your side seems to be the “wimps””

    Well! Me maybe, but certainly not boberin!

    But, one thing is sure boy, I AM Rooster Coburn, when compared to your General Lee!


  • 77 Laughing@You // May 26, 2009 at 2:30 pm

    “Is waterboarding a crime ONLY if a Republican administration does it? Answer that, you bloviating morons!”

    I will answer, you inadequate dipstick!



    Bloviate on this a while,


    PS I’m the Democrat, boberin is just smart, especially when compared to everyone else here!

  • 78 Possumtrot // May 26, 2009 at 3:33 pm

    “That being said, torture is for sadistic bastards that can’t think of any other course.”

    I also realized that I’m scared of guns, loud, ferocious dogs, assertive women, insects in general and cats with attitude. I want everyone to be happy, and those who have won their walk in the sun on the road to socialist triumph should be magnanimous in victory, glory in their moment, and take full advantage of the mass decption of the American people. If I can enable the current delusion by being a scared fairy, then you got it, baby!

    The fifteeen-twenty years of healing when the American people come to their senses and take back what’s left of the government are going to be painful, indeed, for the laughing maroons of today.

  • 79 mindknumbed kid // May 26, 2009 at 3:46 pm

    "Your problem is the same as that of the Pharisees; you seem unable to reconcile The Law to Grace. "

    Teach me then, prior to Christ was the Law, but after Christ is grace. Right? Prior to grace God was "hard-nosed" and keeping the law was the only way to please him?

  • 80 Laughing@You // May 26, 2009 at 4:57 pm

    “If I can enable the current delusion by being a scared fairy, then you got it, baby!”

    That shouldn’t require much effort from you!

    Now, if we can just get you to sit over there on a stool, without showing the boys your lacy panties, we will have your problem pretty much solved.


  • 81 Possumtrot // May 26, 2009 at 6:00 pm

    Okay, so sarcasm only has effect on those intelligent enough to comprehend it. Point taken and noted.

    Lacy panties are quite comfortable, by the way. They are definitely smoother than the cranial-rectal inversion suffered by liberals who hang out offering blog insults to anyone amused enough to play along.

    Enjoy your basking with The Manchurian Candidate. If there is a road to recovery from this experiment in social engineering, it will be long and painful, and us sadistic bastards will take especial delight in seeing you fall by the wayside.

    Massaging my limp wrist on Scorpion Hill…

  • 82 SGT USMC 1ea // May 26, 2009 at 7:03 pm

    I prefer boxers myself Possum. Sadistic bastardy has become an overly used concept which also includes those non-dolphin safe tuna consumers.

    Deus est Semper Fidelis

  • 83 mindknumbed kid // May 26, 2009 at 7:50 pm

    Was there grace before the Law?

  • 84 mindknumbed kid // May 26, 2009 at 8:05 pm

    Make that, was there grace before Christ’s death and resurrection?

  • 85 Laughing@You // May 26, 2009 at 10:23 pm

    I found the problem, you must search for the answer yourself.

    You just want some vain race around the bush anyway.


  • 86 mindknumbed kid // May 26, 2009 at 10:47 pm

    Genesis 6:8
    But Noah found grace in the eyes of the LORD.

    I thought Noah was under the law?

    They were under the law too. How did God show them grace?

  • 87 mindknumbed kid // May 26, 2009 at 11:32 pm

    Romans 4:3
    For what saith the scripture? Abraham believed God, and it was counted unto him for righteousness. Humm…sounds like faith!

    If they had faith and grace, how is it that they were different than the New Testament believers?

  • 88 Possumtrot // May 27, 2009 at 1:41 pm

    I like an angry God. Every time I shot someone, I thought God might be riding the bullet. Oh, pardon me, that’s macho blather.

    Let’s keep the winners happy. I never did anything.

  • 89 Laughing@You // May 27, 2009 at 2:29 pm

    You musta shot a revenuer with your “9mm” Sig P232!

    Still stacking?


    PS Why don’t you quit, before you loose the farm?

  • 90 Possumtrot // May 27, 2009 at 4:18 pm

    I don’t understand that last comment. The temptation to shoot federal agents is great, but they’re just sorry people dong their jobs when they come to call.

    What is “stacking?” I ain’t that bright. Enlighten me.

  • 91 Possumtrot // May 27, 2009 at 4:43 pm

    Someone has to be a careful reader to note that I carry a Sig Sauer P-232 pistol. I should perhaps be disturbed that someone notes this detail.

    However, it’s a fact of life that I pray no right-thinking person will ever care to confront.

    We live open lives on the Internet. Everything is fair game there. Great Scott runs for public office, more power to him. I’ll sign on as your security advisor.

    I am Popeye. I am who I am.

    It’s disturbing that a troll remembers a long-ago blog comment about the brand of sidearm I carry. That’s a display of obsession that scares me.

  • 92 Laughing@You // May 27, 2009 at 4:55 pm


    “Still stacking?”

    Beats me.

    When the P232 issue first came up it seemed to put you on edge, and you replied in part, “I can stack with the best”, or something close to that.

    If you followed my link it shows a Stainless P232 with Houge Grips. It is just like mine.

    Recently, when some fella at Home Depot noticed my fanny pack, he said he carried a 45 ACP. Said he wanted something to stop an assailant in his tracks. I responded a 380 is smaller and lighter, and since I don’t shoot everybody I see, I’ll just shoot’em twice if I have to.

    Possum, you’re as stuffed as a Christmas Goose, but your not such a bad fella, how’d you get mixed up with a group like this? Think maybe it’s a racial thing? You know “Stars and Bars” stuff?


  • 93 Laughing@You // May 27, 2009 at 5:05 pm


    Re 91

    Try to relax will you.

    I remember because I own the same weapon, and you said yours (2) were 9mm, which is BS.

    You can leave your bunker, and put away all you Army surplus. You’re completely safe, unless you start waving THEM around like Yosemite Sam.


  • 94 Download Claustrophobia - 2 Thousand Hate Demo at Gehennae Metallum using Rapidshare or Megaupload // May 29, 2009 at 7:06 am

    [...] After Waterboard, Mancow Submits to 9/11-Style Attack [...]

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