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Geithner’s ‘Legacy Assets Roadshow’ Comes to PBS

by Scott Ott for ScrappleFace · 9 Comments · · Print This Story Print This Story

Scott Ott, editor of, is also columnist for The Washington DC Examiner. Here’s an excerpt from his latest column, and a link to read more. You can access his other DC Examiner columns, or view PDF versions of the street edition of the paper, any time by clicking the ‘Columns‘ link at the top of the ScrappleFace homepage.

Geithner’s ‘Legacy Assets Roadshow’ Comes to PBS

By Scott Ott, Washington DC Examiner Columnist

Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner today announced a public-public partnership with PBS to produce and host a program tentatively dubbed ‘Legacy Assets Roadshow’, with a format reminiscent of the network’s popular ‘Antiques Roadshow.’

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9 responses so far ↓

  • 1 gafisher // Mar 24, 2009 at 8:36 am

    This should be rolled in with the typical PBS Auction format so the worthless paper could be sold to People Like You.

    As with all of Public Broadcasting, that would permit taxpayers to purchase what they’ve already paid for.

  • 2 onlineanalyst // Mar 24, 2009 at 2:48 pm

    Don’t you just love the way that Mark Steyn punctures the vanities of the hypocritical politicos that try to deflect their own errors on to others?

    “Are you outraged by these AIG bonuses? No, no. For Pete’s sake, you’re an A-list congressional big shot. Try to get a bit of feeling into ‘outraged.’ The president’s teleprompter puts it in italics, bold, capitalized and underlined: OUTRAGED! That’s better. Don’t forget to furrow your brow and fume. No, not like a camp waiter when you send back the arugula salad drizzled in an aubergine coulis. We’re looking for primal, righteous anger: You’re outraged, OUTRAGED that bonuses are being handed out at companies the American taxpayer is bailing out. Yes, to be sure, the bonuses were specifically provided for in the legislation, but, like all busy senators and congressmen, you don’t have time to read every footling trillion-dollar bill before you vote in favor of it. And yes, true, the specific passage addressing these particular bonuses was, in fact, added to the bill in your name, but that was nothing to do with you — you just did that because the White House asked you to, and just because their people called your people and some intern in your office drafted some boilerplate with your name on it is no reason for you to be denied 10 minutes of grandstanding on MSNBC. It’s an outrage to suggest you’re anything other than outrageously outraged!” -columnist Mark Steyn


    Our favorite champions of the failed Obama presidency were conspicuously absent this past weekend. Were they on the ACORN-sponsored bus to Connecticut in order to employ brownshirt intimidation on the AIG executives?

    Or were they canvassing neighborhoods to sign up fools supportive of the Obama pledge? Is that like a loyalty oath?

  • 3 RedPepper // Mar 24, 2009 at 4:41 pm

    Of course, most of the time, the paper has nothing but sentimental value …

    Sad. Nothing but sentimental value. Like this document, for instance …

    We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, and all the rest of that impossibly out-dated stuff …

  • 4 onlineanalyst // Mar 24, 2009 at 4:53 pm

    Jim Geraghty at NRO’s “Campaign Spot”cites a remark by Bill Bennett on his radio program.

    But, You Know, This Is a Hopeful Deficit

    From Bill Bennett: “Let me put the CBO report plainly in context: President Ronald Reagan was blasted by Democrats (and still is) for running a deficit that reached over 5 percent of Gross Domestic Product at their peak. But Obama’s deficits are running 10 percent and 13 percent of GDP over the next two years.”

    You can’t beat short memories for hoodwinking a gimme population, can you?

  • 5 camojack // Mar 24, 2009 at 6:35 pm

    Speaking of Geithner, has that clown paid his taxes yet?! :mad:

  • 6 onlineanalyst // Mar 24, 2009 at 7:15 pm

    Speaking of Geithner, how does he even begin to answer questions by that bigger clownette Maxine Waters? It’s enough to make a person feel sorry for him.

    More double-talk: NRO has some excerpts from Ackbar’s revised remarks tonight. Tell me if this makes sense to you.

    At the end of the day, the best way to bring our deficit down in the long run is not with a budget that continues the very same policies that have led to a narrow prosperity and massive debt. It’s with a budget that leads to broad economic growth by moving from an era of borrow and spend to one where we save and invest.

    The fool is creating a more “massive debt” than has been seen since the end of WWII. Ackbar’s whole scheme is built on bloated and bankrupting Keynesian”borrowing and spending”. He rewards neither saving nor investment. The man-who-would-be-king will not be able to deliver “broad economic growth”. He will only leave us with stagflation or worse, a debt that sees no end, a widening and deepening loss of jobs, and budget-busting energy bills. Furthermore, I am fed up to the gills with Lefty lies like “narrow prosperity”.

    Obviously, Obama does not know the lessons of socialist failure. Great Society II will destroy families, cities, and our nation. Ackbar knows neither history nor economics.

  • 7 RedPepper // Mar 24, 2009 at 7:35 pm

    camojack #5: Taxes? Who knows.

    But I guarantee you one thing, he hasn’t paid his dues !

    I have a feeling, we may all get stuck with that bill.

  • 8 R.A.M. // Mar 24, 2009 at 10:54 pm

    If Geithner had one of those upside down, crown looking hats that “Jughead” wore in the old Archie comics, he would look just like him!

  • 9 R.A.M. // Mar 24, 2009 at 11:12 pm

    If the show doesn’t work with this format, he can bring on White House items and after they are appraised, they can hold an on air auction to help pay down the debt.

    Or how about a Sesame Street type show with Michelle Obama teaching the kids her “ebonics” lingo that she has been demonstrating with new words like “lettuces” that she said they would be growing in their garden. That and “mints”. I always thought that “mint” and “lettuce” were the plural for the word(s).

    Silly me. Michelle went to college and used to talk like a “white girl”, so she must know, -right?

    It’s a good thing she didn’t misspell or mispronounce potato, since that is the one vegetable that will get you mocked if you make a mistake about it.

    Well, you surely don’t think it was because it was a Republican that made the “potato” mistake do you? ;-)

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