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Arlen Specter to Cross Aisle for 2010 Senate Run

by Scott Ott for ScrappleFace · 37 Comments · · Print This Story Print This Story

Scott Ott, editor of, is also columnist for The Washington DC Examiner. Here’s an excerpt from his latest column, and a link to read more. You can access his other DC Examiner columns, or view PDF versions of the street edition of the paper, any time by clicking the ‘Columns‘ link at the top of the ScrappleFace homepage.

Arlen Specter to cross aisle for 2010 Senate run

By Scott Ott, Examiner Columnist

News fairly unbalanced. We report. You decipher
Pennsylvania Sen. Arlen Specter, who last month almost single-handedly passed President Barack Obama’s $819 billion stimulus package, today confirmed rumors that he would switch party affiliation for his 2010 reelection bid.

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37 responses so far ↓

  • 1 gafisher // Mar 20, 2009 at 5:57 pm

    Getting to the left of Specter would be like getting between a coat of paint and the wall. Still, I suspect he’ll remain loyal to his principles, once he finds some.

  • 2 Ms RightWing, Ink // Mar 20, 2009 at 6:22 pm

    7:00 P.M. News ending
    And so it is this Friday. Please return Monday for more news (Commercial Break )

    7:30 Fred Flinstone

    8:00 Deputy Dawg

    Don’t worry, if it is from the Networks, then it is all cartoons

  • 3 mindknumbed kid // Mar 20, 2009 at 6:32 pm

    How many other elephant wearing representatives can’t wait to cross sides to act like donkeys?

  • 4 RedPepper // Mar 20, 2009 at 7:04 pm

    mkk: Cross sides? Don’t you mean, cross-dress?

  • 5 Fred Sinclair // Mar 20, 2009 at 8:05 pm

    Off Topic:

    Good News Dept.

    Mr. Pollard (from my church) was in Chicago on business Mon. - Wed. He returned yesterday after picking up the “like new” MPV-5 Hoveround power chair (that Mr. Cook had bought on e-bay)

    They brought it over last night and switched out the batteries with my spare set that I keep in reserve on a ‘trickle charger’

    If I didn’t know different, I could easily believe it was brand new, out of the box!

    A $5,000.00 dollar Hoveround for $365.00 is almost too good to be true… this case it was true.

    I feel for the fellow in Chicago, his father died in April of last year and the chair has been in storage. It doesn’t look like it was in use more than maybe a couple or three months.

    So, I’m busy thanking God for what I feel is a real blessing, and there are still folks who feel that they can’t afford to tithe.

    I tell them that in reality they can’t afford not to tithe. I always was financially richer with 9/10ths than I ever was with 10/10ths I have God’s word on it!

    Mal. 3:10 Bring ye all the tithes into the storehouse, that there may be meat in mine house, and prove me now herewith, saith the LORD of hosts, if I will not open you the windows of heaven, and pour you out a blessing, that there shall not be room enough to receive it.

  • 6 R.A.M. // Mar 20, 2009 at 8:20 pm

    Which begs the question: Why did the “Specter” cross the aisle? (1) To make even a BIGGER “Spectacle” of himself? or (2) To ask other right wing women to “knock off the wine and dine BS young lady(s)!

    I saw on the last thread that neverthink is back.

    Apparently neither the shock treatments or lobotomy worked-sad! :lol:

  • 7 RedPepper // Mar 20, 2009 at 8:31 pm

    R.A.M. #6: Which one of his multiple personalities managed to escape?

  • 8 camojack // Mar 20, 2009 at 8:55 pm

    I don’t know why he doesn’t cross the aisle officially; he’s been on their side for years now…

  • 9 Darthmeister // Mar 20, 2009 at 9:21 pm

    From the UK Telegraph:

    Top Ten Stupidest Obama/Biden Gaffes

    … and actually there’s more.

    Remember when the Dow was above 13,000 and disposable income had actually increased across the board at all income levels in adjusted dollars before the Donks took over Congress in 2006? Remember how these same Donks had previously claimed that America’s economy from 2001 - 2007 under the Bush Administration was “the worst since the Great Depression”?

    Isn’t it interesting how these same Bush-hating moonbats now engage in their cognitive dissonance when they examine the financial state of the union with the Dow under 8000, banks being taken over by the government, more companies than ever either going out of business or declaring bankruptcy, and the Obama Administration just recently greenlighting an annual national debt that dwarfs whatever national debt that was run up by the previous administration by almost a factor of ten and they aren’t moaning about a Democrat Congress and Obama leading this country into a financial morass which may dwarf the first Great Depression? Boy, I sure do.

    I guess these partisan hacks finally got what they had been wishing for under the Bush Administration … an economy that is the worst since the Great Depression. The power of wishfulfillment. Thanks libs.

    BTW, the morons who sing their hosannahs about one of the most unqualified empty suits of all time to be elected to the White House (Mr. O’Bama) are the same people who would applaud a car that is alleged to be an F1 Ferrari for going 0-60 in ten seconds.

    And with the Donks in control of Congress and thereby in control of the purse strings of this nation since their electoral junta in 2006 there is little question they OWN this economy - with a little help from the big government, closet socialist RINOs of course.

  • 10 mindknumbed kid // Mar 20, 2009 at 9:24 pm

    Spec and Murtha doesn’t say much for the inhabitants of Pennsylvania…

  • 11 Darthmeister // Mar 20, 2009 at 9:37 pm

    Whaaaat? Arlene Specter is a Republican? I had no clue.

    gafisher, your analysis of Specter is cogent. It’s also correct to say he’ll remain loyal to his principles once he invents new ones.

    Oh, btw, the secret is now out, after Democrats have long described themselves as the party of jackasses (even their own party icon promotes this image!), the rest of us are now seeing definite proof of this claim.

    It won’t be too long before we become the international community’s most favorite third-world country.

  • 12 onlineanalyst // Mar 20, 2009 at 9:42 pm

    I had the privilege of hearing Pat Toomey speak at a county fundraising dinner tonight. When he announces his candidacy for PA senator, Arlen had better run away. Even the state GOP is not endorsing Snarlin’ Arlen this time around. He has proven to be a leftist donk for too long.

    Let’s hear it for small government and fiscal conservatism. Support Pat Toomey, regardless of your state. Say good-bye to the RINOs. They stand for nothing more than opportunism.

  • 13 mindknumbed kid // Mar 20, 2009 at 9:43 pm

    Spec, like the other 99.9% of our elected leaders should all be term limited so that this mindset would influence their actions.

    “Nothing so strongly impels a man to regard the interest of his constituents, as the certainty of returning to the general mass of the people, from whence he was taken, where he must participate in their burdens.”
    George Mason, speech in the Virginia Ratifying Convention, June 14, 1778

  • 14 onlineanalyst // Mar 20, 2009 at 10:01 pm

    Byron York says, “It’s your crisis now, President Obama,…and so is the blame.”

    The Fed is printing valueless Monopoly® money as fast as it can. China and Saudi Arabia own much of our debt. Our debt is escalating faster than the world economy can sustain in debt service. The CBO’s figures far exceed the Obama projections. Our takers are fast approaching a tipping point over the makers of wealth and the taxpayers.

    Ackbar is like a kid with a voracious appetite in a candy store. He knows how to take but not how to make. His employment history is the first clue about his sorry fiscal sense.

  • 15 mindknumbed kid // Mar 20, 2009 at 10:15 pm

    I wish someone with some real talent would have done this!

    Goodbye Specter
    (To the tune of Goodbye Stranger)

    It was an early morning yesterday
    He was up before the dawn
    And he really has enjoyed his stay
    But he must be moving on

    Like a king without a castle
    Like a queen without a throne
    He’s a failrly liberal brotherer
    And he must be moving on

    Now he won’t hear a word you say
    That’s the undisputed truth
    An’ he’s going to have things his own way
    To keep him in the loop

    Like a ship without an achor
    Like a slave without a chain
    Just the thought of more pork lading
    Sends a shiver through his veins

    And he will go on whining
    Whining at me-n-you
    He will never reconsider policies
    And troubles will renew

    Goodbye Specter -time to fly
    Hope you find your paradise
    I won’t conceed your point of view
    Wish your dreams could all come true
    Goodbye America, goodbye’s a shame
    Will we ever be free again
    Feeling sorrow, feel the rain
    Come tomorrow, feel the pain

    Now some they do and some they dont
    And some you just cant tell
    And some they will and some they wont
    With some its just as well

    You can get mad at his behavior
    You can never make him see
    Says Obama is the savior
    He pays him lots o’ heed

    And he will go on whining
    Whining at me-n-you
    He will never reconsider policies
    And troubles will renew
    Goodbye Specter -It is time for you to go….

  • 16 onlineanalyst // Mar 20, 2009 at 11:23 pm

    “Is This the End of America?”

    If we continue with the policies of the failed Obama presidency and his cast of incompetents, it may well be unrecognizable from the free , optimistic, prosperous land we once enjoyed.

  • 17 Darthmeister // Mar 21, 2009 at 8:06 am

    onlineanalyst, don’t underestimate the liberal’s ability to create the most disasterous economy since the Great Depression and the Carter years and then tell us we are lucky to be living in their velvet gulag.

    I daresay we’ll be soon seeing glowing testimonials from Democrat minorities who say their lives are better under this present regime than it was under Reagan, Bush 41 and Bush 43. That’s how braindead partisanship works in socialist Donkland, they could be eating the leather off their shoes and driving 1980 Volvos and they’ll actually believe they’re living in utopia.

    Congressional Budget Office: Deficit Running at $1.7 Trillion for the Year

    That’s okay since Democrats are in control … besides, it’s all Bush’s fault.

    Democrat agenda on track despite worsening deficits…$9.3 trillion in next 10 years… Highest ratio to GDP since 1940s…

    Welcome to Amerika, soon to be the newest banana republic in the western hemisphere!

    Government Regulators Sieze Control of Two More Credit Unions

    Don’t fear, everything is under government control, comrade!

    AIG outrage has employees living in fear…

    Interesting how Mr. Obama and the faux “outrage” of Congressional Democrats have created fear in this country. I’m outraged that the stupid Donks ramrodded corporate welfare under the guise of a “stimulus package” in the first place. The dirty little secret is Congressional Democrats had known for weeks that AIG and other corporations are required to pay out bonuses when funds are available. The Donks only have themselves to blame for making it all possible yet they chose to be “outraged” for the cameras! Disgusting hypocrites. There may be no cure for stupidity but we can sure vote it out next time around.

    BTW, Mr. Obama’s claim that he was “stunned” by bonus payouts when the government’s funny money became available to entities like AIG is either an outright lie or it demonstrates his utter ignorance of corporate obligations to workers and shareholders.

  • 18 Darthmeister // Mar 21, 2009 at 8:17 am

    BTW, has anyone else notice the utter stupidity of Nancy Pelosi’s proposal to levy a special income tax on the bonuses of AIG employees? Notice how she is also making sure government benefits in some way through increased tax revenues from a special class of people - in this case, AIG employees with bonuses.

    Which brings up an interesting point about socialists/communists like Pelosi and et al. Nancy Pelosi’s idiotic proposal is not only discriminatory it is also strictly confiscatory in nature and a retroactive tax on people who receive bonus income from companies that got TARP money.

    It used to be a bright line rule that separated free nations from tyrannical nations in that good government doesn’t identify a class of unpopular people and impose a special tax on them. So what’s next with these Donks, a 90% income tax on conservatives and registered Republicans? I wouldn’t be surprised.

    With these idiotic liberal despots in control it would be a miracle if this nation doesn’t fall into a backlash revolution. Morons!

  • 19 onlineanalyst // Mar 21, 2009 at 8:36 am

    An intriguing observation from a commenter at hotair:

    RedState has been talking about who put Dodd’s AIG bonuses in:

    “Did Harry Reid Protect AIG?

    “He Was the Senior Man ‘In The Room,’ And He’s Not Talking

    “…while Chris Dodd agreed to insert an amendment into the stimulus bill to protect AIG bonuses, he was not in position to do so. Chris Dodd was not a Member of the conference committee that drafted the final version of the bill - the only one that had protection for AIG. The Democrats on the conference committee locked the Republicans out of the process and wrote the bill themselves. No Republican supported the conference report; no Republican signed it…

    “The Democrat conferees were Daniel Inouye, Max Baucus, Harry Reid, Dave Obey, Charlie Rangel, and Henry Waxman. One (or more) of them allowed Dodd to make the change.

    “So who was it?

    “Harry Reid needs to talk about his role in this. And so should Daniel Inouye, Max Baucus, Dave Obey, Charlie Rangel, and Henry Waxman. Each was responsible for the contents of the bill that the six of them drafted together”

    Let me say this: The six Democrat conferees do not add up to even one ethical person.

    Powerlineblog has a thread that asks, “Are we now a banana republic?” It appears so.

    We are at the mercy of hastily written stimulus legislation that shut out half of the people’s representation in its making, that was obiously not read by either Congress or the president, that retroactively becomes a flash point for faux outrage by the president and his Democrat enablers to further stir up the ill-informed and to push class envy, and that sets a precedent for the oligarchs to ignore contract law and impose punitive taxes on those it deems to be the enemy.

  • 20 onlineanalyst // Mar 21, 2009 at 8:38 am

    Here is the short but pointedly sweet observation at powerlineblog:


  • 21 onlineanalyst // Mar 21, 2009 at 8:56 am

    Mark Steyn acerbically nails the hypocrisy of HopeyChangey’s “outrage kabuki.”

    Only the willfully blind are hoodwinked by this pathetic man-child who was elected to his position of power. More is the pity for us all.

    BTW Take the quotation marks off the link above in order to cut and paste the link from powerlineblog into your browser.

  • 22 onlineanalyst // Mar 21, 2009 at 9:49 am

    This is not likely to be representative of Scrapplers’ musical tastes (nor is it mine necessarily), but its sentiment pretty much sums up the general attitude in this era of the failed Obama presidency:

  • 23 Fred Sinclair // Mar 21, 2009 at 9:57 am

    ola #19 - “Powerlineblog has a thread that asks, “Are we now a banana republic?” It appears so.”

    Jack Bauer specializes in dealing with Dogmatic, Dictatorial, Demigod (Maxigod?), Presidents of Banana Republics.

    But then, Where Is Jack Bauer When You Really Need Him? Some folks object to his very effective methods of interrogation but I’d like to be a fly on the wall while he got detailed intel on where a certain b.c. is located and who is the real manipulator or manipulators working the strings of our marionette in the Oval Office?

    Maybe we could we order bracelets that are inscribed WIJB?(Where Is Jack Bauer?)

    And of course the nitty-gritty question; who really loads the official TOTUS (TelePrompTer of the United states)?

  • 24 Fred Sinclair // Mar 21, 2009 at 10:12 am

    New song recognizes ‘tea party’ movement
    ‘Mr. President! Your stimulus is sure to bust, It’s just a socialistic scheme’

    An entertainer who proudly admits to being “an American Black Conservative” has written a song in honor of the new nationwide “tea party” movement protesting Washington’s runaway spending.

    The song will be performed at an event Saturday in Orlando, Fla., reports WND columnist Andrea Shea King, a radio talk show host on

    Written and performed by Lloyd Marcus, the song is directed to President Obama.

    The “American Tea Party” starts out: “Mr. President! Your stimulus is sure to bust, It’s just a socialistic scheme. The only thing it will do, Is kill the American Dream.”

    It has been posted on YouTube

    The lyrics, copyright Zephyrus Music, are:

    Mr President!
    Your stimulus is sure to bust
    Its just a socialistic scheme
    The only thing it will do
    Is kill the American Dream

    You wanna take from achievers
    Somehow you think that’s fair.
    And redistribute to those folks
    Who won’t get out of their easy chair.

    We’re havin’ a tea party across this land
    If you love this country
    Come on and join our band
    We’re standin’ up for freedom and liberty
    Cause patriots have shown us freedom ain’t free

    So when they call you a racist cause you disagree
    It just another of their dirty tricks to silence you and me.
    I believe in the Constitution and all it stands for.
    Anyone who tramples it should be booted out the door.

    We’re havin’ a tea party across this land
    If you love this country
    Come on and join our band
    We’re standin’ up for freedom and liberty
    Cause patriots have shown us freedom ain’t free

    Now we’re not advocating violence
    That’s what the so-called peace crowd do
    We’re talkin’ peaceful protest to defend the red, white and blue

    We gotta vote out these clowns who don’t love the USA
    Who stay up late losing sleep fearing what the French might say

    We’re havin’ a tea party across this land
    If you love this country
    Come on and join our band
    We’re standin’ up for freedom and liberty
    Cause patriots have shown us freedom ain’t free

    We’re havin’ a tea party across this land
    If you love this country
    Come on and join our band
    We’re standin’ up for freedom and liberty
    Cause patriots have shown us freedom ain’t free

    Freedom ain’t free
    (Stand up for America)
    Freedom ain’t free
    (Gotta take a stand)
    Freedom ain’t free
    (Mr Obama)
    Freedom ain’t free
    (we work hard for our money)
    Freedom ain’t free
    (Don’t give it away)
    Freedom ain’t free
    (Save the day)
    Freedom ain’t free
    (Don’t go givin’ it away)
    Freedom ain’t free
    (It ain’t gonna work)
    Freedom ain’t free
    (Give back our freedom)
    Freedom ain’t free
    (Give back our liberty)
    Freedom ain’t free
    (I love my country)
    Lloyd’s website describes him as believing conservatism is compassionate and “the true path to achieving the American Dream.”

  • 25 onlineanalyst // Mar 21, 2009 at 10:39 am

    Check this out:

    Obama knows where his bread is buttered. Talk about being self-serving…

  • 26 Fred Sinclair // Mar 21, 2009 at 11:05 am

    Canada Free Press has a good one today.
    Excerpt: We MUST create a new name such as Conservative American Party, a new name and a new beginning, known as C.A.P. to signal that we intend to put a CAP on government and make it smaller, leaner and stronger. We MUST put a CAP on taxes and wild, uncontrolled spending, yet provide for the necessary protection of all Americans through strength in military and homeland security.

    We MUST send the message that we are Pro-Life, Pro-freedom, Pro-USA, Pro-Christian, Pro-Israel, Pro-family, Pro-traditional marriage, Pro-free market capitalism, Pro-war on terror and Islamo-fascism not only here but anywhere it exists; Pro-military as well as protection within our homeland, particularly at our borders. We MUST show that we are AGAINST: BIG government, BIG taxes, Socialism, state-owned or state-run media or banks and businesses, state controls on legal gun ownership, and most of all, the left-wing school of liberalism/Marxism.

    Anyone who can not uphold those standards of governance and personal conduct including RINO’s, would not be welcome members of the Conservative American Party

  • 27 Newsman // Mar 21, 2009 at 11:43 am

    You keep Arlen, we demos don’t want him ! And while you are at it you can also grab that sleazebag Liebeman - Free at that.

  • 28 Darthmeister // Mar 21, 2009 at 3:53 pm

    You keep Arlen, we demos don’t want him!

    You surprise me, Newsman. At least there’s still a remnant of a rational thought and good taste in that cranial cavity full of mush.

    Comandante Obama

    All hail the new Obamanation!

  • 29 Newsman // Mar 21, 2009 at 5:12 pm

    Darth - now and again I think I could get into a healthy conversation with you and then you come up with words like “cranial cavity full of mush”

    How do you expect anybody to want to exchange thoughts with you ? That certainly is not conducive for anyone who may thnk diferently hen you to seriously give credence to your ideas !

    Not that you should kiss anybody’s butt but sheesh, give people a break once inawhile !

  • 30 onlineanalyst // Mar 21, 2009 at 5:33 pm

    Not surprisingly,the AIG witchhunts against executives are being orchestrated by another ACORN front group. The irony is that ACORN used the same Cloward-Piven strategies to force banks and corporations like AIG to okay the loans and mortgages to those unable to pay them back.

    The whole distraction of stirring anger at AIG with smoke and mirrors allows for more insidious government socialization to take over in order to “remedy” a manufactured crisis.

    The link above provides loads of documentation of the history of these agitator groups, going back to the ’60’s, their methods, and their principal players.

  • 31 mindknumbed kid // Mar 21, 2009 at 7:08 pm

    As for the Acorn-ites.
    Let them be confounded that persecute me, but let not me be confounded: let them be dismayed, but let not me be dismayed: bring upon them the day of evil, and destroy them with double destruction.

    That Jeremiah dude was sure not very compassionate…using his faith offensively?

  • 32 onlineanalyst // Mar 21, 2009 at 8:21 pm

    This just in: Obama’s Medical Diagnosis

  • 33 gafisher // Mar 21, 2009 at 8:34 pm

    Darth Re#9: “… one of the most unqualified empty suits of all time …

    Interesting observation. Let me Google that for you … (Click the link and see what floats to the top.) :lol:

  • 34 onlineanalyst // Mar 21, 2009 at 9:51 pm

    “Dodd calls for his own resignation…a second time.”

  • 35 onlineanalyst // Mar 21, 2009 at 9:52 pm

    Quite clever, gafisher.

  • 36 camojack // Mar 22, 2009 at 12:16 am

    onlineanalyst // Mar 21, 2009 at 8:21 pm
    This just in: Obama’s Medical Diagnosis

    Good one; “Atlas Shrugged” is mentioned at the end…I’m currently in the middle of reading that, at long last.
    (I’ve read “The Fountainhead” previously)

    gafisher // Mar 21, 2009 at 8:34 pm
    Interesting observation. Let me Google that for you … (Click the link and see what floats to the top.) :lol:

    That’s a good ‘un, too… ;-)

  • 37 Fred Sinclair // Mar 22, 2009 at 3:47 am

    Arlen Specter is willing to cross an aisle. SanFranNan and Dingy Harry, Frank, Dodd and the rest of the usurper’s ‘gang of thugs’ wouldn’t walk across the street to help America.

    At Thermopyle 1,000,000 Persians lost 20,000 yet failed to disarm just 300 Spartans. Today, 80,000,000 lawful gun owning Americans will resist even harder.

    I often think of military battles I’ve read about. During The Korean War, I was in High School in Marion, Illinois, very far removed from the war. but kids, many still teen-agers were ‘over there’. These “kids” were entrusted with rifles, machine guns, mortars, hand grenades, etc. We read about “Pork Chop Hill” (hill #255) and similar engagements, and the G.I.’s who died taking these ‘hills’ from the enemy.

    One account I read was about a Chaplain, talking to the troops, the night before a battle. He told them that, “Of every ten of you here tonight, seven won’t be here tomorrow night. Make your peace with God, now”. The next day they ‘took’ the hill and combat casualties were as forcast, about 70%.

    Sadly, as would happen again, years later in Viet Nam there was “Hamburger Hill (hill # 937) the war was being micro-managed by some pencil pushers, thousands of miles away from the war, in the Pentagon.

    Having achieved the victory and now, occupying “the hill” they were ordered to fall back and vacate the hill bought at a horrendous price in human lives.

    The most amazing thing is that today we have an all volunteer Army, ready and willing to do the same thing, wherever in the world they’re needed. In the process buying for Jack Murtha the right (right?)get up and publicly to lie and brand them as murderers.

    [Why is it that terrorists, captured on the battlefield are innocent until proven guilty but according to Murtha, our Military is guilty until proven innocent?]

    Back to those crazy 300 Spartans and kids on a hill, we have 80,000,000 gun owners in America today. but how many are ready and willing to make the same sacrifice as those famous kids on a hill to preserve our 2nd Amendment rights? How many are willing to emulate those kids? Sadly, I’m afraid that all 80,000,000 won’t unite and make that sacrifice.

    Yes, Arlen, we know your kind. Let us see you run on the C.A.P. platform (the Conservative American Party). You won’t of course because, last I heard you haven’t had a Damascus Road experience - y.e.t. (you’re eligible too) - would to God it were so.

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