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The Obama Doctrine: Bringing Us Into Submission

by Scott Ott for ScrappleFace · 51 Comments · · Print This Story Print This Story

[Scott Ott, editor in chief of, also writes non-satirical columns at Below is a brief excerpt of his latest, and a link to read the rest.]
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The Obama Doctrine: Bringing Us Into Submission
by Scott Ott at

Every time you hear Sen. Barack Obama say that Afghanistan is the central front in the war against terror, you should cringe, and then stock up on imperishable food, gold coin, jerry cans of diesel, and ammo…lots of ammo.

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Tags: Non-Satire · Townhall

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51 responses so far ↓

  • 1 conserve-a-tip // Jul 28, 2008 at 9:39 am

    Good morning. Powerful piece there Scott - or should I say “Peace” - be upon you. :-)

  • 2 boberinyetagain // Jul 28, 2008 at 10:47 am

    Wow, interesting. Why do you suppose those folks are so mad?

  • 3 da Bunny // Jul 28, 2008 at 11:26 am

    Brilliant, as usual, Scott.

    “Bringing us into submission,” not only in the “war on terror,” but also in the way we live our lives in this country. B. Hussein has already informed us that we’ll be limited as to what we can drive, what we can eat, and on what temperature we can “set our thermostats.” He’s already told us, via his “Tour de Farce,” that he intends to disarm this country. He’s as anti-U.S., anti-capitalist, and anti-military as he can be, and the sheeple flock to hear his “message of change.” Fools. Obama, et al will see to it that the worst destruction will be from within.

  • 4 upnorthlurkin // Jul 28, 2008 at 11:42 am

    Once again, Mr. Ott - you had no trouble nailing it!! Your “way with words” continues to astound me… a God given gift to be sure!

  • 5 Fred Sinclair // Jul 28, 2008 at 11:45 am

    No wonder Congress has a 9% approval rating!

    The homeowners facing foreclosure/Fannie Mae-Freddie Mac bailout bill has passed the Senate. The following Republicans joined with Harry Reid and the Democrats in passing this bill which President Bush has already said that he will sign into law as soon as it hits his desk:

    Only 13 Republicans voted against the bailout:

    Barrasso, Wyo; Coburn, Ok; Corker, TN: Cornyn, TX; DeMint, SC; Ensign, NV; Enzi, Wyo; Grassley, IA; Hatch, UT; Hutchison, TX; Kyl, AZ; Thune, SD; and Vitter, LA.

    Fifteen Senators of both Parties didn’t vote including McCain and Obama.

    Congress is on it’s last legs. The MSM is touting the idea that not only will the Democrat majority remain in Congress but that they will win enough new seats be “Veto Proof”.

    I doubt that. With the bailout they just passed and refusal to drill, I’m more inclined to believe that the Republicans will retake both houses and with a Republican President, major ‘changes’ are ahead. The “doom and gloom” crowd can take a long walk on a short pier.

    If God so wills.


  • 6 RedPepper // Jul 28, 2008 at 12:02 pm

    boberin #2: Morning, boberin.

    Interesting question.

    Here are two answers.

    Answer #1: I don’t care. When someone is determined to kill me, the last thing I am going to worry about is understanding his motives.

    Answer #2: If you really, seriously want to explore that issue, however, let me make a modest proposal; do some reading.

    Here are a few links. Good places to begin. There are many, many more out there. Seek, and you will find.

  • 7 muhammedatta // Jul 28, 2008 at 12:44 pm

    Ok, lets go for the gold on submission…. Who could resist a Obama/McKinney ticket? where are the T-shirts?

    She is still “available”, from your site, only working part time at McDonalds. It would be a “natural”, no pun intended.

    Get to it!

  • 8 boberinyetagain // Jul 28, 2008 at 12:55 pm

    Red, a fair point but, as Scott points out, when we take one down there are a host of other willing to take their place. That sort of behavior is normally associated with good and just causes (resistance forces in major wars that we have fought) and, in those instances we could plainly see why that resistance was good and we nutured and encouraged it. It was good and just (in our eyes and in the eyes of most rational folks).
    So, if we don’t care to know why ordinary people would fight against overwhelming odds (they can/will/have thrown rocks at heavily armed soldiers) then we are doomed to either eradicate them (which we kn0w we cannot) or…find out what they are so ticked off about and at least attempt to address it.
    Me? I’m oddly not afraid of “terrorists”, they do not affect my life. And…if they did there would still be little meaningful that I could do about them. How have the ordinary folks of Israel dealt with repeated rocket attacks? They live with them. Is there a better plan? I haven’t seen one.
    We fought the good fight in Iraq, we “freed” them. Whom do you suppose they like better…America or Iran?
    We are not safer for having fought that fight, and that’s sad

  • 9 danimal // Jul 28, 2008 at 1:00 pm

    Scott - Next you’ll be telling us that the 40 year old war on poverty is a sham and that there’s no Santa Claus. Outstanding work.

  • 10 beekabok2 // Jul 28, 2008 at 1:11 pm

    The folks that believe we are going to be safer with BO at the helm have a rude awaking coming if they get their way. So, it is up to us (the people who can see the truth of what a BO presidency would look like) to do everything we can to stop this. When Americans work together, there is almost nothing we can’t do! Whet I am suggesting is this: Those of us that haven’t been part of the political process in the past (i.e. VOTE!) need to make sure we get out and do it this year. Ask everyone you know if they are voting this year and if they are not, remind then of the things we know to be at stake in this election.

    Things like: what kind of cars we can/cannot own, what kind of light bulbs we MUST use, what kind of president BO would make (read: bad for America), etc.
    While it is true that I am not the biggest fan of Senator McCain, (a better choice, in my opinion, would have been Senator Richard Lugar), I do think that we must remember 9/11 and know that “they” are still out there, waiting, watching, ready to leap at the first sign of weakness shown by the leader(s) of this great country, and, of the two choices that we have, McCain is who I would want looking after the country.

    Back on topic: Scott has once again shown us all that he has a great insight into what is going on and is a master (satire or non-satire) of the English language. That, and the camaraderie, is what keeps me coming back.

    God bless America and help us the see the errors of our ways.


  • 11 upnorthlurkin // Jul 28, 2008 at 1:19 pm

    Yes, I know better…..there are those who whine and deny and whine some more and refuse to see progress where there is undeniably progress….lucky for you and your lazy fanny - there are thousands of courageous volunteers willing to defend your freedom to act like a twit! If you look inward - you can afford to “not be afraid” of terrorists because of men (and of course I mean women too) like President Bush and our military willing to fight for your (selfish) false bravado. They recognize the threat. Just because fighting the war on terror is a huge, hard job, doesn’t mean we shouldn’t try. And, not safer?! Pull your head out of the cat box…..when was the last attack on American soil?!

  • 12 DrivebyMeteor // Jul 28, 2008 at 2:12 pm

    “To a Fine Soldier War is an ugly thing, but not the ugliest of things. The decayed and degraded state of moral and patriotic feeling which thinks that nothing is worth war is much worse. The person who has nothing for which he is willing to fight, nothing which is more important than his own personal safety, is a miserable creature and has no chance of being free unless made so and kept so by the exertions of better men than himself.”

    — John Stuart Mill

  • 13 RedPepper // Jul 28, 2008 at 3:30 pm

    boberin #8: “We are not safer for having fought … ”

    That’s an assertion that is easy to make - and impossible to prove, just as the opposing proposition is impossible to prove (unless you happen to have the power of prophecy, which I do not). I would point out, however, that if we could go back in time, do impossible things and so forth, IMHO the overwhelming majority of the nearly three thousand people who died on September 11 2001 would have said, had they been asked, that they were “not afraid” of terrororists, nor concerned that their lives would be affected by such exotic people.

    But, to paraphrase Dennis Miller, that’s just my opinion, I could be wrong …

  • 14 always right // Jul 28, 2008 at 5:25 pm

    Obama’s Hope and Change message: “We are number two. We are number two.”

    I heard Canada is not terribly busy right now, since they have time for that kagaroo court.

  • 15 Shelly // Jul 28, 2008 at 6:32 pm

    Excellent piece, Scott! Let’s hope enough Americans see this truth to save us from another Misery Index.

    boberin, I see you’re endorsing the submission doctrine. Just keep blaming all the world’s problems on the USA. I guess that makes it easier to be “unaffected” by the scenes of 9/11.

  • 16 Shelly // Jul 28, 2008 at 6:40 pm

    And did anybody see the program about supposed “honor killings” over the weekend. Do we need to delve into the minds of men who shoot their own daughters or stab their own sister 11 times before we throw them in jail? Or does knowing that it will happen again mean we should just ignore it all together? Or maybe we should just understand that having a daughter who is divorced is a greater shame than strangling her, and accept that they might have a point?

  • 17 Shelly // Jul 28, 2008 at 6:53 pm

    Remember a few years ago when those precious little girls were allowed to burn to death, because they couldn’t exit their school without head coverings? I guess that’s based on the assumption that these “rational” people have a legitimate gripe as well?

  • 18 upnorthlurkin // Jul 28, 2008 at 8:20 pm

    Shelly, you’re on a roll!! Yup, if it’s too complex a problem, just stick your fingers in your ears and close your eyes and repeat after me, “la- la- la-la-la…” Don’t try and solve the complex problem… might fail…..

  • 19 onlineanalyst // Jul 28, 2008 at 9:12 pm

    It’s not just the bombs and IEDs that create submission. It is the creeping Sharia, the camel’s nose under the tent in the name of multi-culti tolerance, that jeopardizes our freedoms and choices.

    It is an absolute canard that poverty is the cause of Muslim outrage or terrorism. The zealots of Islam are intent on imposing their beliefs by the sword or by the tax in order to extend the caliphate.

  • 20 conserve-a-tip // Jul 28, 2008 at 9:27 pm

    Boberin, the fact of man’s sinfulness is just what it is. There is no psychological delving or trying to empathize with the person. It is what it is. Men can do evil things because they have no light in them.

    When one begins attending Al Anon, for the friends and families of alcoholics, one of the first things one learns is “I didn’t create it, I didn’t cause it and I can’t cure it” - talking about the actions of others. No matter how much we love to blame ourselves for other’s actions, the reality is that we don’t have the power to make others behave either goodly or badly. That is a choice that they make on their own AND that is the choice for which they must accept responsibility. And “the Devil made me do it” isn’t good enough either. He might have enticed, but ultimately man had to choose to follow that path.

    In other words, Boberin, if you and others can detach emotionally for just awhile and look at the reality of jihadism, you would be able to see that reasoning with people who have made up their mind to do evil is absolutely pointless. It’s like attempting to reason with a grizzly bear. The only thing that can be done is to hold them accountable and sometimes death is the only account that can stop them from doing more evil. If a grizzly bear was coming for you, would you stand there and talk to him, or would you hope someone would shoot him if you couldn’t?

  • 21 Fred Sinclair // Jul 28, 2008 at 9:39 pm

    “…..stock up on imperishable food, gold coin, jerry cans of diesel, and ammo…lots of ammo.”

    I know that when I lived in Florida, each time there was a hurricane warning or other bad weather alert, the TV news would show lots of people scrambling to buy batteries, bottled water, candles, canned foods and other “Emergency supplies” extra propane tanks, Sterno stoves, Instant everything etc. - only to have the alert turn out to be false alarm.

    Yet a short while later (weeks or months) would be a repeat, with store shelves being emptied again of the same items - making me wonder what happened to all the “stuff” that they had so recently purchased?

    As a confirmed survivalists I had all of these items cached long before any alert. My Remington 1100 and 1911A Colt .45 were readied with abundant ammo (just in case). My Kawasaki’s tank was always full, my “get out of Dodge (St. Petersburg) quick, survival pack (with it’s bottle of ‘Old Bushy’ and twenty $5.00 gold coins) was at hand, yet I could never (still can’t) figure out why everybody else wasn’t equally prepared.

    I learned as a Boy scout to “Be prepared”. - As it happened, I never had to use that preparedness but I figured it was better to have it and not need it, than to need it and not have it. Some folks never learn.


  • 22 mindknumbed kid // Jul 29, 2008 at 12:04 am

    When we defeat Islamic terrorist in Iraq and the Iraqi people discover freedom, it will be felt by every two bit dictator in the Middle East. If we have the audacity to believe in our ability to remain in the game until we win. The cries of despair echoing throughout Washington and the American media encourage the enemies to continue their opposition, here in the verge of victory we hear the cries of Obama and his band of hopeless followers promising to give up and allow the enemy to eliminate every bit of progress we have made. The fact that there are so many enemies out there is evidence that we hid our heads in the litter box far too long, it does not mean that it is a hopeless cause to resist. You do not have to feel threatened by them, to be in danger of them. In fact, if you join them in their jihadful ways they will welcome you with your own suicide bomb kit, you can be their brother! I can be willingly naive of things that can harm me and be at peace, it’s called making believe…or I can chose reality and do all that is in my power to change it, one enemy at a time.

  • 23 camojack // Jul 29, 2008 at 1:18 am

    Refuse to submit…

  • 24 Fred Sinclair // Jul 29, 2008 at 5:02 am

    mkk #22 - Herod learned the hard way. B.O.’s messianic high horse might prove a hard ride.

    Prov. 14:12 There is a way which seemeth right unto a man, but the end thereof are the ways of death.
    Prov. 16:25 There is a way that seemeth right unto a man, but the end thereof are the ways of death.

    Acts 12:22 And the people gave a shout, saying, It is the voice of a god, and not of a man.
    Acts 12:23 And immediately the angel of the Lord smote him, because he gave not God the glory: and he was eaten of worms, and gave up the ghost.
    Acts 12:24 But the word of God grew and multiplied.

    Some of history’s greatest atheists have tried to silence the word of God. Interestingly enough; it’s still here and they’re not.

    B.O. might be well advised to try and dissuade his cult following from using the Messiah word.


  • 25 Shelly // Jul 29, 2008 at 8:53 am

    For all the ills the US is accused of spreading around the world, isn’t it surprising that only one religion has an ax to grind? And isn’t it ironic that the same culture supports killing its own women and children? Even when that means stapping bombs to handicapped women and detonating those bombs with a remote control in order to kill other Muslims? How could any thinking person call this justifited in any way?

  • 26 Maggie // Jul 29, 2008 at 10:17 am

    The word that comes to mind after reading your blog is ((( POTENT ))).

    ps, to scrapplers,
    I returned from a week’s vacation last night and played catch -up. Your comments are excellent.

  • 27 conserve-a-tip // Jul 29, 2008 at 11:25 am

    Maggie, welcome home.

    And good morning to everyone else. Global cooling is making its way to our parched and cooked region. There are clouds overhead to offer some protection from the sun and it is only 83 at 10:22 vs. 97 this same time yesterday. It got to 112 yesterday and the day before. We’ve been submitting to the heat. Just giving us a taste of Algore’s future vision. Oh wait…I live in Oklahoma. It’s this way every summer. Never mind.

  • 28 upnorthlurkin // Jul 29, 2008 at 12:00 pm

    Good morning, ladies and gents. It’s sunny and 76° here this morning with a wonderful breeze out of the NW blowing away that nasty humidity we’ve had the last couple of days. Yes, it’s summer….funny isn’t it?! Reminds me of George Carlin’s “Hippy Dippy Weatherman” routine….”bright and sunny all day, turning gradually dimmer until night when it will become dark…”

  • 29 Fred Sinclair // Jul 29, 2008 at 12:09 pm

    Passing tidbit: “The Nov. 17, 2006 Lundberg Survey of about 5,000 gas stations across the country showed the average price of a gallon of self-serve regular gas was $2.23, a penny lower than the same week a year ago, publisher Trilby Lundberg told CNN.”

    Wasn’t that about the time the Democrats, with their plan to solve the gas price problem took control of Congress?


  • 30 Fred Sinclair // Jul 29, 2008 at 12:11 pm

    … — …

  • 31 everthink // Jul 29, 2008 at 1:57 pm

    Another Republican!

    Sen. Stevens indicted: 7 false statements counts!

    How many is that now?

    Must be Clinton’s fault!


  • 32 Hawkeye // Jul 29, 2008 at 2:40 pm

    Most excellent post, Sir Scott.

    Obama is naive. His supporters are “worse than naive”. Your use of the term “willful ignorance” about sums it up.

  • 33 Fred Sinclair // Jul 29, 2008 at 2:41 pm

    I have seen this before,but just incase you missed it…. after all FIFTY DOLLARS IS FIFTY DOLLARS!

    Morris and his wife Esther went to the state
    fair every year, and every year Morris would say,
    ‘Esther,I’d like to ride in that
    helicopter.’Esther always replied, ‘I know Morris,
    but that helicopter ride is fifty dollars, and fifty
    dollars is fifty dollars.’One year Esther and Morris
    went to the fair and Morris said, ‘Esther, I’m 85
    years old. If I don’t ride that helicopter, I might
    never get another chance.’To this, Esther replied,
    ‘Morris that helicopter ride is fifty dollars, and
    fifty dollars is fifty dollars.’ The pilot overheard
    the couple and said, ‘Folks I’ll make you a deal.
    I’ll take the both of you for a ride. If you can stay
    quiet for the entire ride and don’t say a word I
    won’t charge you a penny! But if you say one word
    it’s fifty dollars.’Morris and Esther agreed and up
    they went.The pilot did all kinds of fancy maneuvers, but
    not a word was heard. He did his daredevil tricks over and
    over again, but still not a word. When they landed, the
    pilot turned to Morris and said, ‘By golly, I did
    everything I could to get you to yell out, but you
    didn’t. I’m impressed!’ Morris replied,
    ‘Well, to tell you the truth, I almost said something
    when Esther fell out, but you know, fifty dollars is fifty

  • 34 beekabok2 // Jul 29, 2008 at 2:55 pm

    Re: 30 A quick search of Google, which I don’t believe to be part of the vast right wing conspiracy, shows 1,760 hits for “republican indicted” and 3660 hits for “democrat indicted”. So, unless you believe that the media is biased and actually like the republicans better (doubtful) then I believe that maybe that democrats are at least as corrupt, if not more so, than republicans.

    My two cents, Beek

  • 35 conserve-a-tip // Jul 29, 2008 at 3:38 pm

    beekabok2, might I add that Stevens isn’t a conservative Republican anyway? I mean RINO and Conservative are mutually exclusive terms. Stevens comes more closely to a moderate Democrat.

    His son was appointed to the state senate by a Democrat governor and his buddies in crime on some issues are Olympia Snowe and Byron Dorgan (need I say more?) and he is pro-choice, pro stem-cell research and believes that Nancy Pelosi can save the planet from Climate Change. :-)

  • 36 everthink // Jul 29, 2008 at 5:22 pm


    You say: “A quick search of Google, which I don’t believe to be part of the vast right wing conspiracy, shows 1,760 hits for “republican indicted” and 3660 hits for “democrat indicted”.”

    You do understand each of these Goggle hits is not an indictment, don’t you?

    This only serves to show how many wingnuts are posting trash about Democrats, the actual number is only about four indictments for the them; but, your number 1760 represents the actual number of indictments against Repugs with many more to follow.


  • 37 conserve-a-tip // Jul 29, 2008 at 5:39 pm

    You said: This only serves to show how many wingnuts are posting trash about Democrats, the actual number is only about four indictments for the them; but, your number 1760 represents the actual number of indictments against Repugs with many more to follow

    Think about that for awhile and maybe it will come to you how stupid that statement is.

  • 38 conserve-a-tip // Jul 29, 2008 at 5:46 pm

    Heh, ET, how about this or this or I like this the best.

    I thought that I could use my fingers to just count to four like you said, but I ran out of fingers. Darn!

    Appropriate ReCaptcha: Off Somewhere: ET’s numbers

  • 39 conserve-a-tip // Jul 29, 2008 at 5:50 pm

    The best one didn’t work. Let’s try it again here.

  • 40 Fred Sinclair // Jul 29, 2008 at 6:38 pm

    I just e-mailed this to another Scrappler, will pass it on here.

    Here’s another $50 story - two parts Part 1 old joke Part 2 (funnier) newer twist on #1.

    Shy, timid guy at bar, drop dead gorgeous blonde sits on stool beside him - he becomes nervous - after a few minutes she throws her head back and loudly exclaims, “Would I go home with you? - Ha!” Visibly more nervous, guy gets up and moves several stools away from her; after a few minutes she gets up plays the juke box and relocates beside him again, after another few minutes she throws her head back and VERY LOUDLY exclaims, “Would I go to bed with you? - Ha!” guy is a wreck, gets up takes his drink to sit at a table. After a few minutes Miss drop dead gorgeous blonde gets up and heads for door stopping at his table to lean over and in a very conspiratorial low voice says, “I’m really sorry if you were embarrassed, I’m a college student and our assignment is to write about people’s reaction to public embarrassment. Please forgive me. Whereupon Mr. shy guy jumps to his feet, knocking over his chair and looking at her in total disgust screams (you guessed it) “FIFTY DOLLARS?”

    PART 2. I was about 22 or 23 stationed at Bolling AFB, Wash. D.C. about 1961. I met a nice girl (DDGB) at the USO (Stagedoor Canteen) she told me the joke - later offered to give me ride to bus stop for return to base. It’s about dusk and sidewalks are filled. as she stopped to let me out she said “I can’t imagine how embarrassing that would be.” I said, “Here’s your chance to find out (I was in uniform) I jumped out of car and hollered loudly ‘FIFTY DOLLARS - HAH!” and slammed the door. She wouldn’t speak to me for a week after that.

  • 41 Fred Sinclair // Jul 29, 2008 at 6:45 pm

    #1 cartoon of the day by Steve Kelley

    Interviewer: “People think you’re getting a little cocky about the campaign.”
    B.O.: Fiddling with cell phone: “Just a min…..I’m downloading ‘Hail To The Chief’ as my ringtone.”


  • 42 everthink // Jul 29, 2008 at 6:48 pm


    Stupid! Stupid, you say! Well I never!

    You here, always have more than enough fingers to point at somebody else!


  • 43 JamesonLewis3rd // Jul 29, 2008 at 7:35 pm

    I think I’m going to buy me some Mule Stock as we regress to the Stone Age with a Genius Manhattanite Democrat[ic] plan:

    “We should take a hard look at reviving the canals,” Nadler said.

  • 44 Fred Sinclair // Jul 29, 2008 at 7:47 pm

    I was asked by another Scrappler. Why do people pray and God doesn’t seem to be there?

    I find in the Scriptures:
    God ISN’T there when they’re in trouble. (Unless it’s part of His plan) Mainly the Scriptures hold that although God is not deaf, He can’t answer a prayer He never heard. Unconfessed sin stands as a wall that blocks one’s prayer and prayers just bounce off of the ceiling like a ping-pong ball. (1st John 1:9 is the recourse and no one should attempt to approach the mercy seat with unconfessed sin).

    Is. 59:1 Behold, the LORD’s hand is not shortened, that it cannot save; neither his ear heavy, that it cannot hear:
    Is. 59:2 But your iniquities have separated between you and your God, and your sins have hid his face from you, that he will not hear.
    I believe that is the reason that some actually teach that “The Age of Miracles” passed with the death of the last Apostle. Early in the Church they prayed with unconfessed sin and when nothing happened they reasoned that ’some’ of God’s promises had been revoked.

    James 5:14 Is any sick among you? let him call for the elders of the church; and let them pray over him, anointing him with oil in the name of the Lord:
    James 5:15 And the prayer of faith shall save the sick, and the Lord shall raise him up; and if he have committed sins, they shall be forgiven him.
    James 5:16 Confess your faults one to another, and pray one for another, that ye may be healed. The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much.

    I don’t find anywhere in Scripture that says any part of God’s Word has an expiration date - and He who is the same yesterday, today and tomorrow never changes.

    All too many of todays Elders (Pastors) are scared spitless of being embarrassed of praying for healing and “What if I pray for healing and nothing happens?”

    Well my job is not to heal, I can do nothing. I’m not in the healing business, but Jesus is miracle man. (He specializes in miracles). I pray and walk away - the ramifications are up to God. I can’t be embarrassed - I did my part. I confessed my sins to God in the name of Jesus - 1Tim. 2:5 For there is one God, and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus. and according to 1 Jn. 1:9 have, for that moment, been “….cleansed of all unrighteousness.”


  • 45 DrivebyMeteor // Jul 29, 2008 at 8:46 pm

    “Stupid is as stupid does.” — Unknown

  • 46 Shelly // Jul 29, 2008 at 9:21 pm

    I see our little boy doesn’t understand the difference between indictments and convictions.

  • 47 mindknumbed kid // Jul 29, 2008 at 9:29 pm

    That Nadler fellow sure is on the cutting edge!

    Yeah, most of us here ain’t too good at giving good directions without pointin’, believe it or not most folks can’t find their way to Christ without someone pointing them in the right direction.

  • 48 conserve-a-tip // Jul 29, 2008 at 11:34 pm

    I’ve got a mule, her name is Sal,
    15 miles on the Erie Canal
    She’s a good old worker and a good old pal,
    15 miles on the Erie Canal

    It appears that Sadler’s name is rather appropriate for the subject and I’m thinking that if he were on one of them thar barges, they’d definitely be singing, “Fifteen Tons on the Erie Canal.”

  • 49 mindknumbed kid // Jul 29, 2008 at 11:35 pm

    I noticed the main thing that angered me when Obama was speaking in Germany. Not only was he apologizing on my behalf. But he was placing America in the position of being a lesser nation than other nations of the world. Listen to it again, he is speaking a German audience, he is at the least speaking as though the nation of Germany is superior to ours. Does he really think that? I will not say that he does, but it comes across mighty strong to me.

  • 50 conserve-a-tip // Jul 29, 2008 at 11:37 pm

    That would be that it appears that Nadler’s name would be Saddler as appropriate for the subject. Mind got ahead of the fingers.

  • 51 conserve-a-tip // Jul 29, 2008 at 11:39 pm

    That would be that it appears that Nadler’s name should be Sadler as appropriate for the subject. The mind got ahead of the fingers and a mind is a terrible thing to haste.

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