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Chris Matthews’ Russert Eulogy: Like a Belch in Church

by Scott Ott for ScrappleFace · 120 Comments · · Print This Story Print This Story

Scott Ott, editor in chief of, also writes non-satirical columns at Here’s an excerpt from his latest and a link to read more.
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Chris Matthews’ initial reaction to the death of colleague Tim Russert can be summed like this: Bush lied. People died.

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Tags: Non-Satire · Townhall

120 responses so far ↓

  • 1 RedPepper // Jun 14, 2008 at 7:14 am

    For many years, I tried to watch Meet The Press every Sunday morning.

    Tim Russert made an honest, consistent attempt to be fair, and to seek the truth. I’ll leave it to others to judge whether Tim always met that standard: but the important point is, that was the standard he set. Sadly, it is a goal that far too many no longer even attempt to achieve.

    God speed, Tim.

  • 2 Hawkeye // Jun 14, 2008 at 7:44 am

    Excellent piece, Sir Scott…

    The last of his professional line, he left no survivors in the field.

    Well, maybe Brit Hume?

    [Editor's Note: Point conceded.]

  • 3 Ms RightWing, Ink // Jun 14, 2008 at 8:48 am

    Scott said

    “In lieu of flowers, cancel your cable subscription and use the money to take your Dad to lunch each week for the rest of his, or your, life.”

    Good thought, er great thought for a Father’s Day weekend. Ol’ dad was a son of a gun while he was here on earth, but after his departure 10 years ago I have come to the conclusion maybe we should have had lunch more often.

    After loved ones leave us we are often left with a lot of emotions and sometimes guilt. Yup, a few weeks of going to lunch may have been what the doctor ordered. Perhaps then, Fathers Day would not be one of my most despised holidays.

    As far as Tim Russert goes, he seemed like a fair man. In real life, away from the camera, he probably was a great person to play a few rounds of golf and hang around Starbucks with

  • 4 upnorthlurkin // Jun 14, 2008 at 10:24 am

    Beautifully written, Scott! Thank you for sharing your talent with us!
    I second the motion about fathers too! My daddy no longer recognizes he’s my daddy, but I still remember he is! I’d give anything to see a spark of recognition in his eyes.

  • 5 JamesonLewis3rd // Jun 14, 2008 at 12:41 pm

    I won’t call Matthews a depraved demon straight from the bottom of the vilest, flaming cesspool in all of hell.
    But I’d like to.

  • 6 gafisher // Jun 14, 2008 at 1:09 pm

    JL3 Re#5: Yeah, don’t call him that; demons deserve better.
    [Jude 1:9]

  • 7 everthink // Jun 14, 2008 at 2:27 pm

    “I won’t call Matthews a depraved demon straight from the bottom of the vilest, flaming cesspool in all of hell.
    But I’d like to.”

    Isn’t that what you just did?

    Chris Matthews isn’t my favorite person either; but your comments serve to demonstrate what a small person you are when compared to Tim Russert.

    However inappropriate the time, I’m confident Russert would have agreed with Matthews’ conclusions.


  • 8 gafisher // Jun 14, 2008 at 3:40 pm

    I suspect your confidence is misplaced, et, but in any case I doubt Russert would have injected his opinion unbidden into such an occasion. Tim Russert was a class act and a professional; Chris Matthews showed once again that he is neither.

  • 9 gafisher // Jun 14, 2008 at 3:42 pm

    JL3 Re#5: Remember Jude 1:9. Don’t insult demons.

  • 10 JamesonLewis3rd // Jun 14, 2008 at 6:49 pm

    “If they bring a knife to the fight, we bring a gun,” Obama said. “Because from what I understand folks in Philly like a good brawl. I’ve seen Eagles fans.”

    Now, why would BO, who is as anti-gun as humanly possible, advocate the wholesale slaughter of Philadelphia’s knife owners with fully-automatic assault weapons?

  • 11 mindknumbed kid // Jun 14, 2008 at 9:49 pm

    No class whatsoever, not the time or the place for any kind of politics. Shows how full of hatred he is and how biased he is also.

  • 12 JamesonLewis3rd // Jun 14, 2008 at 10:39 pm

    Exactly: The not-so-nuanced (worst-kept secret) political aspect of the putrid propaganda the misanthropic Matthews maliciously spews.

    From what I understand, he intends to run for office in 2012; therefore, one could logically infer that therein lies the diabolical seed of his depraved demagoguery.

    No class, indeed. Talk about “bitterness.” Sheesh.

  • 13 Libby Gone // Jun 14, 2008 at 10:46 pm

    Libdiots being Libdiots, spreading like HSV2 in NYC.
    What an unfulfilled and hapless existance.

  • 14 JamesonLewis3rd // Jun 14, 2008 at 10:49 pm

    O/T, again, sorry~~Oh. And why is BO threatening to pound the citizens of The United States of America into submission anyway, even daring them to bring something sharp?

  • 15 mindknumbed kid // Jun 14, 2008 at 10:51 pm

    My dad is traveling 1500 miles to see me and I am going to work instead. Sometimes life can really stink. But, it is better than not seeing him at all, he is 80 and has diabetes, also has been having minor strokes periodically.

  • 16 Fred Sinclair // Jun 14, 2008 at 10:51 pm

    Great piece Scott. I thoroughly enjoyed it.
    My father passed away on Nov 20th of 1956, Mom would bring him flowers, “because he can’t smell them after he’s gone.”

    And btw e.t. - JL3rd didn’t, he merely said he’d like to.

    When I was in the Air Force, we had a 1st Lt. with mush for brains. After one of his “I’m not God, but He always checks with me, before doing anything” type of “talks” - Come to think of it et, you didn’t happen to be a 1st Lt. over in Germany in the early 60’s did you?

    An A/1C stood and asked, “Lt. Sir; has anybody ever told you that you are a ……(Self censored)……….? Or, Sir; has anybody ever said…(more Self Censoring)…?

    The Lt. filed Courts Martial charges (which made him look even worse) and the A/1C happily met with the board.

    The board members got a good laugh and chewed out the Lt. for his breech of conduct. Their point being that an Officer who is in control would simply look at the Airman and calmly answer his question with, “No, why do you ask?” thus turning the tables instead of making a fool of himself by responding with the charges.

    Heirborn Ranger

  • 17 Fred Sinclair // Jun 14, 2008 at 11:04 pm

    A real nice bit from Michelle Malkin today about someone I hadn’t heard about.

    I don’t know about Colonel Obama, but there’s one politician on the scene this year running for Congress in Florida who completes Emery’s List (heh) pretty nicely: Lt. Col. Allen West. What an amazing biography– and he’s even against amnesty:
    “In my time spent in Afghanistan I saw first-hand how an unprotected border can destabilize an entire country. All you hear coming out of Washington is foolish rhetoric about writing new laws and creating new government programs that sound good on paper but do nothing to solve the problem. Our border patrol officers put their lives on the line every day protecting our borders and engaging in high-powered gun battles. The duties they perform go beyond those of an immigration official. They are defending our borders and it is time we equip them with the tools they need to secure our border. As your congressman, I will push to move the Border Patrol out of the INS and into the Department of Defense. This is not a social issue; this is a national security issue.”

    Furthermore, something tells me LTC West isn’t going to be very patient with the Supreme Court’s handwringing on interrogation.
    LTC West’s feelings about arugula remain unknown, although I think we would be willing to overlook a few youthful indiscretions of that nature.

    Not too shabby.

    The U- Tube video of his talk is inspiring, I’d be proud to vote for him someday.

  • 18 Fred Sinclair // Jun 14, 2008 at 11:06 pm


  • 19 Libby Gone // Jun 15, 2008 at 12:30 am

    I am blessed to still ,also, have my Father here in this life.
    You don’t read Scrappleface, nor much anything on computers, yet my words will resonate thru the ether to you and all who have strapped on the mantle, yea even yoke, of Fatherhood.
    My experience of being a practicing Father has taught me many things. Foremost is the profound respect I have for YOU and every Man who has done right, with God’s help, in following up on the few minutes of ecstasy Men are granted, again by God, in procreation.

    You taught me to respect Mom and women in the purest of ways. The way you conduct yourself with my Mother is the best example of MANHOOD I have ever seen. You love her in the truest sense and have given me and my brothers the best example a Husband and Father can give.
    You raised us in with strict love. Not todays ‘Tough Love’, that allows belligerent and ignorant egomanical rants. Yea you whacked my ass a time or two, I suffered only a bent pride and a realization the world exists beyond the end of my nose.
    You taught me to love America. Your Dad, my Grandpa went to war with his Brothers to give us all a chance to again stay free. Stay free, you taught me Freedom is not guarantied. We buy it. Sometimes in Blood, family Blood. You served America knowing this, growing up in a new era of ‘Duck and Cover’ and something called Rock and Roll Rubbish. Thank you for your service keeping Khrushchev at bay, and your time on the floating city WASP CV 18.
    You built your own home, and gave me the inspiration to do the same. You made me crawl under the Granada in the middle of Mitch Chee Gon winter to fix the family car. You showed me anything created by man can be fixed or even made better by man.
    You taught me guns are to be respected, and life taken must be done with honorable intent.
    My first memories are you and the simple fun things that today I seek to impart upon my Boys, your grandchildren.
    Playing guitar (ok I have to admit I took that old Decca Mom bought you a step farther).
    Baseball in the yard ( I will always remember playing 500 with you and my brothers). Football too.
    Gosh. Fishing. Camping. Waking me up at midnight to watch the Ghoul, and all the old Monster Movies.

    Model trains. We spent hours putting together train layouts, and dreaming of the next. Todays kids don’t get it. PS3 doesn’t make you want to learn about Mechanics, Engineering, Electricity, Architecture and History. This alone made me curious beyond comprehension. Then you have the audacity to ask me why I like trains as we build another layout together.
    You did what used to be usual, now unknown to most in this generation.
    You showed me (us) what it means to be a man.
    You made and make me a better person just by being you.
    Being a Dad is tough. Your courage and steadfastness made it seem easy.
    Great job Dad!
    I Love you!

  • 20 Libby Gone // Jun 15, 2008 at 12:39 am

    The spiraling ether got my last post.
    I love you Dad.

  • 21 Fred Sinclair // Jun 15, 2008 at 7:22 am

    Jude 1:9 has been referenced a couple of times, so I looked it up:

    Yet in the same way these men, also by dreaming, defile the flesh, and reject authority, and revile angelic majesties.
    But Michael the archangel, when he disputed with the devil and argued about the body of Moses, did not dare pronounce against him a railing judgment, but said, “The Lord rebuke you!” (Jude 1:8,9)

    I’m not sure (because it doesn’t say) but
    to revile angelic majesties. seems to be one thing, but a railing judgment against the devil seems something else. Could it be that Michael the archangel still remembered when the devil was once Lucifer, the head #1 archangel over all other archangels and still retained enough power so that only the Lord was qualified to issue a rebuke?

    Now Michael the archangel is no slouch, he has power that no human could ever comprehend. “But the prince of the kingdom of Persia withstood me one and twenty days: but, lo, Michael, one of the chief princes, came to help me; and I remained there with the kings of Persia.” (Dan. 10:13) Michael the archangel is the prince of Israel and I’ve read that the prince of the kingdom of Persia is a fallen archangel and the speaker is an archangel. They were so evenly matched that Michael came to help. Otherwise, the speaker could not deliver God’s message, to Daniel.

    Heirborn Ranger

  • 22 Beerme // Jun 15, 2008 at 10:11 am

    Happy Father’s Day, ScrappleDads!

  • 23 mindknumbed kid // Jun 15, 2008 at 10:47 am

    Beerme beat me to it…..Happy Father’s Day to whom it doth apply!

  • 24 JamesonLewis3rd // Jun 15, 2008 at 11:45 am

    Jude 1:3-14.
    Interesting. Unspinnable.

    But when [even] the archangel Michael, contending with the devil, judicially argued (disputed) about the body of Moses, he dared not [presume to] bring an abusive condemnation against him, but [simply] said, The Lord rebuke you!
    ~~verse 9 (Amplified Bible)

    (cf. Luke 19:22)
    Thank you

  • 25 JamesonLewis3rd // Jun 15, 2008 at 12:05 pm

    Right. Even Michael the archangel would not “presume” (even though, by our standards, he had every “right”) to judge even satan himself—that’s the Lord’s gig.

    Father’s Day (for me) is a day of sadness on the one hand and gut-wrenching shame on the other, but such are the consequences befitting the fool.

    I lovingly envy all the children and fathers for whom this day is one of blessing, love and pride. Hugs and handshakes and kisses and laughter and pats on the back and knowing who you count on. God Bless You all.

  • 26 RedRum151 // Jun 15, 2008 at 12:29 pm

    Proverbs 10:1 The proverbs of Solomon:

    A wise son brings joy to his father,
    but a foolish son grief to his mother.

  • 27 Ms RightWing, Ink // Jun 15, 2008 at 1:58 pm

    Here is a nice Father’s Day video. Even if ol pappy wasn’t the best daddy around, this still makes you teary eyed.

    Tomorrow, eh, maybe not so much. I dedicate this to all the kids who have no idea who daddy is (except a check in the mail once a month)

    So your name is child support. Must be, that is the name on the check. Oh forget it and just watch the video

  • 28 Darthmeister // Jun 15, 2008 at 3:03 pm

    Thank you, Ms RightWing.

    Got the item below from a young conservative:

    ‘Okay, here’s the plan:’

    1) Back off and allow those men who want to marry men, marry men.
    2) Allow those women who want to marry women, marry women.
    3) Allow those folks who want to abort their babies, abort their babies.
    4) In three generations, there will be no Democrats!!!

    ‘Man, I love it when a plan comes together!’

    I would hope this is true, but something that evolved from some slime in a primordial pool always seems to have a way of coming back and making everyone else’s life miserable.

  • 29 mindknumbed kid // Jun 15, 2008 at 5:08 pm

    Our paper today had a picture of two women from NY that were going out to Ca to get “married”. I took one look at the picture and said to my wife that it may not be such a bad thing as they were both too ugly to take a chance on them reproducing. I’m sorry but the truth oft times is very sensitive…

  • 30 mindknumbed kid // Jun 15, 2008 at 5:11 pm

    Oops, that should have read “I’m sorry but the truth oft times is very insensitive”.

  • 31 JamesonLewis3rd // Jun 15, 2008 at 7:58 pm

    Well, Earnhardt won in MI and my youngest daughter called me from the boonies of OH. So, Father’s Day in TX (still 98° @ 1856 CDT) wasn’t so bad after all.

  • 32 Darthmeister // Jun 15, 2008 at 8:36 pm

    Conservatives really are nicer, well-adjusted, happier people.

    The trolls here prove this man’s research true.

  • 33 RedPepper // Jun 15, 2008 at 9:50 pm

    Darthmeister #32: Ah, but Darth! They’re so into being miserable! And sharing their misery with the rest of us!!

    Indeed, it fills them with such enthusiasm, it’s almost like being happy . . .

  • 34 camojack // Jun 16, 2008 at 5:04 am

    Like a belch in church? I’m pretty sure the axiom was pertaining to another type of gas-passing… :-)

  • 35 Shelly // Jun 16, 2008 at 9:14 am

    BDS has reached a new low, “What do you fondly remember about Tim Russert?” “What I remember about Tim is how much I hate Bush.”

    What a pal. What professional. Such focus on the issue at hand.

  • 36 Shelly // Jun 16, 2008 at 11:07 am

    Oops. Meant what a professional.

    On another note, who knew that the conservative bloggers who did NOT peddle the Michelle Obama story are, according to Bob Beckel who DID, “crackers.” That being said, I still think Matthews is the bigger idiot, lacking any level of class while speaking about a recently deceased colleague. I hope Russert’s family didn’t see that.

  • 37 da Bunny // Jun 16, 2008 at 11:56 am

    Great article, Scott. Although I was never a Russert fan, since I knew of his democrat affiliations, he deserved a better “eulogy” than he got from “Tingly Legs” Matthews’ uncontrolled display of BDS. Being the liberal gasbag that he is, Matthews’ “belch [f*rt] in church” comes as no surprise. Even OlberFuhrer mustered up more class than Chris…now, that is the shocker.

    Shelly #35…great post! :-)

  • 38 JamesonLewis3rd // Jun 16, 2008 at 5:36 pm

    The more I examined the Priceless BO Propaganda found here, the harder I laughed—to the point where I finally had to repeatedly jack-slap myself while demanding, “My God, man! Regain your composure!”
    Mrs. 3rd and our cat-child, Joe, are looking at me askance yet entranced and keeping their distance.

  • 39 Fred Sinclair // Jun 16, 2008 at 9:27 pm

    I had seen an earlier somewhat fuzzy video of this, but this is different, clear and much more detailed than the one on u tube.

    This is a link to an ESPN video that will touch you deeply. You will
    want to watch it again. You may have to paste this to your browser!


  • 40 everthink // Jun 17, 2008 at 11:41 am

    Here am I, alone in the Great Hall of the Freikorps.

    It’s really just somebody’s basement with garbage can lids painted with phony crests lining the walls. Gone are the glory days, when there were so many eagerly shouting their support of their “UberGoober”, Moronicus Idiotius.

    It is sad, so sad.


  • 41 Libby Gone // Jun 17, 2008 at 4:45 pm

    Well here we have it,
    I ask not what shall you do for this country, I implore you to provide realistic conversation on the future of this troublesome time we have found America in.
    So far this John and Barack have not offered a clue.

  • 42 Libby Gone // Jun 17, 2008 at 4:59 pm

    And it IS conversation we require.
    Not rhetoric, or hate speeches. Times may be more dire than the average American will take the time to comprehend.
    Corn fields, as valuable as Gold, drowning.
    Selfish individuals slapping God in his holy face.
    Moral equivalence rotting the very fabric that once tied us together.
    I don’t have the time or bandwidth to list the reasons.
    America is hurting, bad.
    It’s not my version of how you should lead life or engage in others liberty.
    Think about it,
    Can we do better and how?
    Why do I feel you are both so sadly equipped for the position you seek? Therefore, Think about it. Put your ego aside.
    Our children are depending upon you.

  • 43 everthink // Jun 17, 2008 at 6:44 pm

    Libby Gone:

    Do you think the things that have happened to the United States in the last eight years just happened?

    As I once said to a young man who was in trouble: You give me the impression you think these are just things that are happening, instead of things you are doing.

    Open your eyes! You have elected a “son of privilege” to the highest office in the land, one who really has no idea, and doesn’t care, what you’re talking about.

    I believe the life of the common man has little to do with spreadsheets, at that the president with an MBA, is holding his, with all it’s pages, upside down.

    I will place my hopes for America in Obama.

    I hope he will choose Wesley Clark as his running mate. I hope then America will implement the “Biden Plan” in Iraq.

    Al Gore, can help us build an energy independent America.

    I believe America must help it’s own first!


  • 44 Fred Sinclair // Jun 17, 2008 at 8:20 pm

    It just may be and it’s extremely probable that B. Hussein Obama is completely inept in the political arena, he is incompetent, unskilled, inexpert, amateurish; clumsy, awkward, bungling, blundering; unproductive, unsuccessful, ineffectual, ham-handed, ham-fisted, all thumbs. Most anything except competent.
    He ever so perfectly duplicates Charlie McCarthy that it’s scary. My only curiosity is what person or persons is playing Edgar Bergen’s role? My guess is that the role is being played by George Soros and his Socialist friends whose idea of ‘change’ is to restructure the United States with a government along the lines of North Korea, Cuba, Venezuela and North Viet Nam.


  • 45 everthink // Jun 18, 2008 at 12:04 am

    My friends:

    It is wise not to underestimate your opponent. Fred, are you sure you mean the “political area”? Remember, he has already made you throw away all your “Hillary Mudballs”.

    McCain wants a ten “one on ones”. Well, maybe he should start with one, and then decide if he wants another.

    Personally, I think he would have a better chance at a “one on one” basketball!

    Yeah, yeah, Hussein! Now, I’m just devastated! Please, don’t say that more than a thousand times; ok?


  • 46 everthink // Jun 18, 2008 at 12:05 am

    Correction: arena

  • 47 everthink // Jun 18, 2008 at 12:09 am

    Make that “misunderestimate” while yer at it, will you?

  • 48 upnorthlurkin // Jun 18, 2008 at 8:30 am

    Anyone else’s leg tingling?! Surely you must have to have both eyes closed and your ears plugged to imagine Nobama is the answer?!

  • 49 onlineanalyst // Jun 18, 2008 at 8:41 am

    Obama: The Timeline of Achievements.

    Use your imagination, for there is not much there. Get used to following the advice of Tinkerbell.

    Wesley Clark? The Ashley Wilkes who was instrumental in our being stuck in the quagmire of Kosovo? Bwahahaha!

    “Plugs”Biden? The “statesman” who hasn’t been keeping up with current events in Iraq? Of course, if he is relying on the MSM for news, he might not be aware of the blackout.

    My goodness! There certainly are quite a few Dems who had preferential treatment with Countywide. Politics of corruption, anyone? It’s not just in Chicago anymore

    WV: eluding sheet
    What Byrd has misplaced

  • 50 boberinyetagain // Jun 18, 2008 at 9:09 am

    Depends on the question eh?

  • 51 upnorthlurkin // Jun 18, 2008 at 10:41 am

    Good Morning OLA! Yes, a great way to lift the spirits of Americans everywhere….cut-and-run….surrender and return home with our heads hung low. Really worked after VN didn’t it?! I still can’t understand the hatred these dhimmies have for our country’s greatness. It is as though they think we deserve to be knocked down a few pegs! What happened to lifting everyone else up ?! Why drag our country down to 3rd world levels?! Where is the honor/pride in lowering our standards?
    I know this isn’t PC, but if you want to see first hand what this country will look like under Marxist/Stalinist/socialist rule, travel to an Indian Reservation. I’m not talking the casino….take a trip to a normal one and see for yourselves the squalor resulting from total dependence on the government for your existence…. It’s NOT pretty and it’s surely not what we want for our country.

  • 52 everthink // Jun 18, 2008 at 11:06 am


    Pleeease! Advise from Tinkerbell? Better, than Bush’s “Captain Hook” adviser! I think we should see more of that picture where McCain has his face in Bush’s armpit.

    Plugs? What’s wrong with plugs, would you prefer a “McCain Comb Over”? Biden’s three state federal plan seem far more workable as a long term solution to the mess Republicans have made.

    Let’s face it after Bush the middle-east will never sit down with a bowl of ice cream and sing “What A Friend We Have In Jesus”, you can teach them the words; but, apparently you have forgotten the tune!

    The former NATO Supreme Allied Commander is a Rhodes Scholar our allies respect. Maybe he can get us some help in Afghanistan, to find and destroy Osama Bin Laden.

    If you think countrywide is a problem, wait till you learn of the UBS connection to Phil Graham, and to a certain former “Keating Five” figure.

    You read tabloid blogs and broadcasts, and believe some fugitive mental patient, drug addict over MSM, which calls your own mental stability into question!

    How about some basketball?


  • 53 Shelly // Jun 18, 2008 at 12:36 pm

    RE: 44, I couldn’t agree more. Obama is a puppet who doesn’t know how many states are in this country when left on his own, or babbles and blunders about the cost of something I’ve yet to figure out. He’s one of a frighteningly ignorant group who don’t think that increasing supply lowers price, which is covered in Chapter 1 of any Economics 101 textbook.
    He hopes to remove capital from our economy by taxing individuals, taxing corporations which will pass those costs on to individuals, taxing energy so that individuals have to pay a lot more for it, not to mention the companies who will face higher costs and pass those on to - you guessed it - individuals by raising prices across the board. He admitted outright that raising oil prices don’t bother him.

    Dust off the Misery Index if he’s elected. It’s going to be a disaster. And if that’s not scary enough he’s going to threaten terrorists with lawyers instead of our armed forces.

  • 54 Shelly // Jun 18, 2008 at 12:48 pm

    Actually, the man expected to be Obama’s National Security Adviser - Richard Danzig - prefers Winnie the Pooh over Tinkerbell. He said:

    “Winnie the Pooh seems to me to be a fundamental text on national security.”

  • 55 upnorthlurkin // Jun 18, 2008 at 1:26 pm

    Just heard Algore’s home is now using 10% more (did you hear that….more) energy than it did before all his energy saving steps . I can’t stand it!! His carbon footprint is bigger! Yep! That’s who we want making energy policy! Dolt!!!

    And how darn long does it take to moderate my comment?!

  • 56 everthink // Jun 18, 2008 at 2:28 pm


    Won’t you share with us where you “heard” that?

    Let us check the facts of your “unnamed source”, won’t you?


  • 57 DrivebyMeteor // Jun 18, 2008 at 2:50 pm

    Tennessee Center For Policy Research.

    Energy Guzzled by Al Gore’s Home in Past Year Could Power 232 U.S. Homes for a Month
    Gore’s personal electricity consumption up 10%, despite “energy-efficient” home renovations

  • 58 gafisher // Jun 18, 2008 at 3:09 pm

    etRe#43: “Do you think the things that have happened to the United States in the last eight years just happened?”

    Do you think the things that haven’t happened to the US since 9/11/2001 just didn’t happen? How many successful terrorist attacks have we sustained on US soil or Embassies under the guidance and leadership of the President you denigrate for not getting into a group hug with Saddam, Osama and Co.?

    Are you the last in your line, or would you really be so irresponsible as to put your descendants’ lives in the hands of a late-born flower child?

  • 59 boberinyetagain // Jun 18, 2008 at 3:33 pm

    gafisher, are we so safer because we all but abandoned the hunt for OBL and went off and overthrew a man that had nothing whatever to do with the attacks?
    I guess we could have attacked anyone and been safe. That is a brilliant move if the 2 things have anything to do with each other. The “catch” is that they don’t.

  • 60 Shelly // Jun 18, 2008 at 3:39 pm

    I see boberin still believes there haven’t been any terror attacks since September 11, 2001 because the terrorists are such nice people, or maybe we’ve just gotten lucky. I’m sure the decrease in illegals entering the country is just a coincidence, too, and completely unrelated to the increased numbers of border patrol agents.

  • 61 Shelly // Jun 18, 2008 at 3:45 pm

    Of course, given boberin’s and et’s inability to accept reality that may explain why they support the candidate whose national security advisor sees the rest of the world as the 100 Acre Wood.

  • 62 everthink // Jun 18, 2008 at 4:44 pm


    It is amazing to me how so many of you want to credit Dumbyah with “things that haven’t happen” and refuse to make him responsible for things that have.

    You do understand, don’t you, that he was president on 9/11/2001 and it was his sworn duty as CNC of DOD to prevent such an attack?

    He ignored Richard Clark. Condoleeza Rice ignored a face to face warning by George Tenet and a senior CIA Officer at the White House in July, 2001. Dumbyah was on vacation and couldn’t be bothered with The Presidential Daily Briefing of the August 6, 2001, entitled: Bin Laden Determined to Strike in US. Which read in part:
    “Clandestine, foreign government, and media reports indicate bin Laden since 1997 has wanted to conduct terrorist attacks in the US. Bin Laden implied in U.S. television interviews in 1997 and 1998 that his followers would follow the example of World Trade Center bomber Ramzi Yousef and “bring the fighting to America.”

    Your argument might have more standing if bin Laden weren’t still making those tapes, while thumbing his nose at America!

    And don’t forget seven minutes delay in his response while he read “My Pet Goat”, before “Jack Rabbiting” all over the US.

    What’s the color code for today?


  • 63 boberinyetagain // Jun 18, 2008 at 4:52 pm

    Ok, one more time, I’m not now nor have I ever been a Democrat. I find their hijinks at least as amusing (but normally less harmful) as the republicans.

    I will not be voting for Obama, still thinking about McCain but much more likely Nader. I wish Ron Paul had not dropped out.

  • 64 DrivebyMeteor // Jun 18, 2008 at 4:56 pm

    For it is written, Vengeance is mine; I will repay, saith the Lord.

    Romans 12:19

  • 65 mindknumbed kid // Jun 18, 2008 at 6:08 pm

    Psalm 118:8
    It is better to trust in the Lord than to put confidence in man.

    You can trust Obama if you want…

  • 66 mindknumbed kid // Jun 18, 2008 at 6:10 pm

    Push a Psalm today!

  • 67 da Bunny // Jun 18, 2008 at 6:11 pm

    Isn’t it obvious? Obama’s lemmings are a collection of whiny layabouts and “have-nots,” Marxists, the young and ignorant, the old and easily scammed, Professional Victims, people who aren’t paying attention and who think the democrats are still the party of FDR and JFK, and the perpetually stupid.

    A vote for Obama and a liberal/democrat controlled Congress will result in higher income taxes for people who actually are productive in our society, higher energy prices, higher food costs, socialized {read: rationed} medicine, attempted government “takeover” of some businesses, not to mention weakness on national defense, coddling terrorists, and more leniency toward criminals…including the criminals known as “illegal aliens.” Leftist judicial activism, rejecting our Constitution and flouting the will of the people, will be the “rule” of the day. {See the SCOTUS and CA Supreme Court’s recent “rulings.”}

    As Fred stated previously, the evil uber-leftist George Soros is Edgar Bergen to Obama’s Charlie McCarthy. It’s great company that Obama keeps…Wright, Ayers, Dohrn, Rezko, Pfleger, the Countrywide execs, the entire Chicago Political Machine, et al.

    Obama/”Weasley” Clark…muwahahaha!! an “algore” energy policy…muwahahaha!! A 10% increase in algore’s household energy use since “going green” a year ago! That’s priceless. I laughed my head off when I heard that this morning. Hypocritical charlatan.

  • 68 mindknumbed kid // Jun 18, 2008 at 6:17 pm

    Jeremiah 17:7
    Blessed is the man that trusteth in the Lord, and whose hope the Lord is.

    Verse 5 says: “Cused be the man that trusteth in man.

  • 69 mindknumbed kid // Jun 18, 2008 at 6:19 pm

    Make that one,” Cursed be the man that trusteth in man”, sorry!

  • 70 da Bunny // Jun 18, 2008 at 6:58 pm

    The House democrats are calling for “nationalization” of oil refineries. As I rightly pointed out in #64, the lefties want to “take over” private businesses. They’re coming for “Big Oil” now…how long will it take them to get around to the small business owner? Communists!

  • 71 mindknumbed kid // Jun 18, 2008 at 8:09 pm

    Why….they only want to help us! Guard us from evil profit-drunken corporations.
    Government regulation/meddlation/infestation is adding a huge amount of cost to everything. It forces mom and pop out of business, it is doing more to harm us than business ever will.

  • 72 RedPepper // Jun 18, 2008 at 8:23 pm

    da Bunny #70: Ah, but just think of how efficiently things will be run after they’ve taken over. I can hardly wait ’til they start providing free food …

    mkk #71: Now, now, mkk. The Dems are merely protecting us from the evils of materialism!

  • 73 gafisher // Jun 18, 2008 at 8:51 pm

    da Bunny Re#70: I heard one of the fringe Democrats make that threat a few days ago, but was floored to find [here] that nationalizing the refineries is being seriously considered. It’s said Mussolini got the trains to run on time by the same method; maybe that’s the sort of change we can believe in.

  • 74 onlineanalyst // Jun 18, 2008 at 9:23 pm

    ET needs some history lessons re Kosovo (and composed before Milosivec’s death):

    No kidding. Here’s a little something to chew on. A blast from the past

    Madam Speaker, it is time to stop the bombing. NATO’s war against Serbia left the Congress and the American people in a quandary, and no wonder. The official excuse for NATO’s bombing war is that Milosevic would not sign a treaty drawn up by NATO, which would have taken Kosovo away from the Serbs after the KLA demanded independence from Serbia.

    This war is immoral because Serbia did not commit aggression against us. We were not attacked and there has been no threat to our national security. This war is illegal. It is undeclared. There has been no congressional authorization and no money has been appropriated for it. The war is pursued by the U.S. under NATO’s terms, yet it is illegal even according to NATO’s treaty as well as the U.N. charter. The internationalists do not even follow their own laws and do not care about the U.S. Constitution.

    The humanitarian excuse for the war is suspect. Economic interests are involved, as they so often are in most armed conflicts. NATO’s vaguely stated goals have not been achieved. For the most part, the opposite has. Let me give my colleagues a few examples.

    Number one. Milosevic is (was) now more powerful than ever; the Serbs,more unified.

    Number two. Russia is now alienated from the west. Their hold on a nuclear arsenal is ignored. Along with Russia’s economic desperation and political instability, NATO is pushing Russia into a new alliance against the west.

    Number three. Innocent Serbs and Albanian citizens are routinely being killed by our bombs.

    Number four. Civilian targets are deliberately hit, including water, power and sewer plants, fuel storage and TV stations.

    Number five. An economic embargo is now being instituted to starve children and prevent medications from reaching the sick, just as we have been doing for a decade against Iraq.

    Number six. This war institutionalizes foreign control over our troops. Tony Blair now tells Bill Clinton how to fight a NATO war, while the U.S. taxpayers pay for it.

    Number seven. Greater instability in the region has resulted. (And it’s still there.)

    Number eight. We are once again supporting Osama bin Laden and his friends in the KLA.

    Number nine. We have bombed Bulgaria. By mistake, of course. Sorry.

    Number ten. Our weapons are being depleted, our troops spread too thin, resulting in further undermining of our national defense.

    Number eleven. Billions of dollars are thrown down a rat hole and Congress is about to vote for more.

    Number twelve. The massive refugee problem, which is essentially a result of NATO’s bombing, continues.

    Up until now, general defense funds have been spent to wage this war without permission. The President wants to catch up and is asking for $6 billion, but Congress, in its infinite wisdom, wants to give him $13 billion for a war Congress rejects. Once we directly fund the war we will be partners in this misadventure. The votes last week were symbolic. They had no effect of law, but appropriations do.

    Saying the new appropriations will be used to beef up a neglected defense does not make it so. Defense funds are fungible. The President (Clinton) has proven this by waging a war for a month without any authorization or appropriation. Congress will no more control the next $13 billion than the money the President has already spent on the war.

    Appropriating funds to fight a war, even without a declaration, provides a much more powerful legal and political endorsement of the war than the public statements made against it by nonbinding resolutions passed by the House last week. Declaring war and funding war are two powerful tools of the Congress to restrain a president from waging an unwise and illegal war. If the President pursues an undeclared war and we fund it, we become partners, no matter what justification is given for the spending.
    Only chaos can come from ignoring the strict prohibition by the Constitution of a president unilaterally waging war. If a president ignores the absence of a declaration, and we are serious, the only option left to Congress is the power of the purse, which is clearly the responsibility of the Congress. We should not fund this illegal and immoral NATO war.

    Sound familiar? Yet in contrast to the Kosovoa quagmire, Congress approved the authorization to use military force to depose Saddam Hussein. There were myriad rationales presented for that action. The coalition of the willing was a mulilateral effort, based on agreed threat assessment and intelligence by several nations.

    Translation of seized documents supports the claim that Saddam had not just a tangential but an operational relationship with AlQaeda.

    Bill Clinton, like Wes Clark, was a Rhodes Scholar. That distinction is no winner in claiming the leadership prize, however. How many times did Clinton pass by the opportunity to kill or capture Bin Laden? Let me count the ways.

    Maliki is doing a fine job as PM, unifying his nation, a goal that the Iraqis share. Biden is behind the curve.

    I’ll touch on a few other points in another post.

  • 75 JamesonLewis3rd // Jun 18, 2008 at 9:36 pm

    Those who are convinced that hindsight is equivalent to [profound] wisdom are deluded, if not schizophrenic, if not paranoid, too. As a function of their delusion, these self-proclaimed oracles, extract the facts from history and replace them with a vicious, myopic loathing for all that is good, right and true.

    They expect us to go along with the joke, let the snark roll off our backs and follow the vapid piper into the cesspit—tra-la…..

    Not me, pal. You are transparent.

    Because they exchanged the truth of God for a lie and worshiped and served the creature rather than the Creator, Who is blessed forever! Amen (so be it).
    ~~Romans 1:25 (cf. John 8:44)

  • 76 onlineanalyst // Jun 18, 2008 at 9:38 pm

    Gore uses more.

    And on another note, the Dems are making noises about nationalizing the oil industry a la Hugo Chavez. Wow! That takeover is working out well for the impoverished in Venezuela, isn’t it?

    If Social Security, the US postal service, and the Department of Education are any indication, imagine how inefficient and costly energy will be under the federal bureaucracy.

  • 77 mindknumbed kid // Jun 18, 2008 at 11:27 pm

    My uncle just went out of business, a person from a government agency is directly responsible. He was providing a needed service, but he isn’t able to continue due to one person. He even had the support of the local city and state police departments, but the police said that one individual had more power than they have. It doesn’t matter that he was the only one in a three county area, maybe even a larger area than that providing the service. He could have fought it, spent a lot of money, but he opted to just retire instead. Eight years ago it would have been me, not him. I’m not old enough to have just retired and given up, neither is it my nature to roll over to some power-crazed punk from the government. We have come a long way down the wrong road since the days when our currency had written on it “mind your business”. These days it ALL is their business.
    Even so, come Lord Jesus!

  • 78 mindknumbed kid // Jun 18, 2008 at 11:29 pm

    Push a post of complaint.

  • 79 Libby Gone // Jun 19, 2008 at 8:23 am

    It amazes me how a look to the future only brings railing of the past (8 years). The true (unfortunate) mindset is again revealed.
    On another note, I am really liking this “DRILL HERE-DRILL NOW-PAY LESS” campaign.
    Until Crazy Uncle Al starts shutting his lights off, He ought to SHUT HIS MOUTH.

  • 80 boberinyetagain // Jun 19, 2008 at 8:46 am

    Could JL3 be any more annoying? Doubtful. I’ve never seen a person post so many direct, “snarky” even, attacks on other posters.
    You are one of a kind and I for one am quite happy about that. I wish you were one less of a kind.

  • 81 boberinyetagain // Jun 19, 2008 at 8:48 am

    mkk, what business was this you refer to?

  • 82 DrivebyMeteor // Jun 19, 2008 at 9:11 am

    And why beholdest thou the mote that is in thy brother’s eye, but considerest not the beam that is in thine own eye?
    Matthew 7:3

  • 83 boberinyetagain // Jun 19, 2008 at 9:45 am

    I can see his eye more easily. Don’t need a mirror

  • 84 boberinyetagain // Jun 19, 2008 at 9:58 am

    Besides, in this wee small instance there is no beam. I might “snark” a bit now and again but nothing remotely compared with the flat out mean spirited “opinions” of other folks that JL3 likes to spew with alarming regularity

  • 85 Shelly // Jun 19, 2008 at 10:31 am

    JL3, you aren’t supposed to point out the delusions of the delusional BDS victims. It’s “mean.” And it interrupts their constant chant of “we haven’t been hit by 9/11 and Bush has nothing to do with it! Al Queda are the good guys, not Bush! Clinton ignored Bin Laden for 8 years so its all Bush’s fault!”

    Besides, Winnie the Pooh - the new deity of the Obama campaign - would never do such a thing.;-)

  • 86 JamesonLewis3rd // Jun 19, 2008 at 10:42 am


  • 87 Shelly // Jun 19, 2008 at 10:44 am

    Speaking of gas prices and the Dems refusal to do anything about them…

    “The minute we start developing, prices start dropping and the people in the Middle East realize the US isn’t going to need them much longer.”

    Newt Gingrich

  • 88 boberinyetagain // Jun 19, 2008 at 10:59 am

    Shelly, I can take having “my bubble” burst in any number of ways. I don’t even really mind the never ending name calling that JL3 spews, much of it slanderous were it to be judged in court.
    It’s just my opinion that anyone with a real point would not resort to such name calling.

  • 89 boberinyetagain // Jun 19, 2008 at 11:01 am

    And, if attacking random countries whilst ignoring Bin Laden has indeed kept us safe then my hat is off to George for a plan that made sense to no one but himself but has panned out wonderfully.

  • 90 conserve-a-tips // Jun 19, 2008 at 11:21 am

    Well, good morning all. The big day is over. I have been asleep for four days and today the sun is shining and I am looking at tackling the mess that is my home. Tubs of flowers and other odds and ends stacked to the ceiling. But all is well, it was beautiful and everything that we asked for. God was truly honored. God is so good.

    And I see that nothing has changed in my absence. Neverthink is still preaching and satire is still had by all. I guess that I will have to put my thinking cap back on.

    BTW, just thought that you all would like to know that we are the lone conservatives in our very large family. Usually, when we all get together, we are inundated with praises for the Democrat candidates. Not this time. Most had nothing kind to say about the Democrat nominee and many said that they will not be voting. I found that very interesting. I wonder if the MSM has picked up on that trend or is just living in denial.

  • 91 Shelly // Jun 19, 2008 at 11:36 am

    boberin, when your entire reason for being requires you to be driven by a fatuitious need to deny obvious truths based on an intractable hatred of one human being, it’s hard to fault others for not having a “real point.”

  • 92 boberinyetagain // Jun 19, 2008 at 11:39 am

    Shelly, agreed, that would be bad. Luckily I have no such motivation but I appreciate the heads up just the same. JL, I believe she was addressing you here…pay attention

  • 93 Shelly // Jun 19, 2008 at 11:51 am

    Wow, he can ignore the blatantly obvious even better than I thought! Must be Bush’s fault. :-)

    Friends, check out Pajamas Media today. Scott has a link in his Blogroll. Why has Obama flip-flopped on Iraq? Tony Rezko’s money…
    Scroll down to the article by Richard Fernandez.

  • 94 everthink // Jun 19, 2008 at 11:53 am

    “Fiscal conservatives, too, are less than pleased with the current administration,” Brian Montopoli wrote January 22, 2004, in The National Review Online. “‘Since Bush came into office, federal spending is up 24 percent,’ says Drew Johnson, policy analyst at National Taxpayers Union. ‘I always thought that if the Republicans could control both houses of Congress and the presidency, taxes would fall, spending would fall, and the deficit would go down. So it’s frustrating that once we finally got our way the Republicans stopped acting like Republicans.’

     He complains about excess pork in the 2004 Omnibus spending bill and the newly unveiled space exploration initiative, which the president chose not to mention in the State of the Union address.

    ‘There is enough frustration that perhaps a Libertarian could skim off some fiscal conservative votes,’ he says.”


  • 95 JamesonLewis3rd // Jun 19, 2008 at 11:56 am

    Yes, you will find my opinions lightly scattered among my comments on ScrappleFace. I would like to point out that I seldom voice my opinion but, when I do, it is clearly presented as such. I deal in Truth and Facts; this is not an option for me.

    I write my own talking points and even a cursory glance at my comments will clearly show that I do not “spew” anyone else’s “opinion”-”flat out [sic]“, “mean spirited [sic]” or otherwise.

    When the necessity arises, I not only confront lies, I confront ignorance as well. There is seldom, if ever, any snide in my remarks as I go directly to the heart of the matter. It is unfortunate that the liars and willfully-ignorant will inevitably become offended-not “unfortunate” for me, for them-but I will never cower before their opinions of the Truth, the Facts or the Logic based on those Truths and Facts.

    This is not why I humbly attempt to participate in this forum but, unbidden, confrontation presents itself. I do not seek it. I have spoken to this before and referrenced Scripture regarding the watchman and discernment and I apologize for the reiteration.

  • 96 everthink // Jun 19, 2008 at 12:15 pm

    Thanks for clearing that up for us, Reverend Jim!


  • 97 everthink // Jun 19, 2008 at 12:24 pm

    Say, did y’all see where new polls show three big red states are trending blue? Call Diebold?


  • 98 Libby Gone // Jun 19, 2008 at 12:41 pm

    I am certain if you get your selection into the White House Jan. 20, 2009 we can then look forward to four glorious, productive years…….
    Of still hearing you whine about President Bush.

  • 99 Shelly // Jun 19, 2008 at 1:20 pm

    Say, did y’all see the exit polls in 2004 that predicted a Kerry victory?

  • 100 DrivebyMeteor // Jun 19, 2008 at 1:25 pm

    “A little Consideration, a little Thought for Others, makes all the difference.” — Eeyore

  • 101 everthink // Jun 19, 2008 at 2:28 pm


    Yes, right you are! I take it you think that’s over; but I think you’re in for a surprise. Your chickens are just beginning to straggle home.


  • 102 Libby Gone // Jun 19, 2008 at 2:45 pm

    Drill here already working…..

  • 103 Shelly // Jun 19, 2008 at 3:10 pm

    Given that Obama had the smallest “bounce” following getting the nomination in the past three decades I’m not too worried.

    When the people in all 57 states realize that his position on the war in 2004was bought and paid for by Tony Rezko and his position on the war now is bought and paid for by George Soros they won’t be thinking “new” politician.

    When they see Winnie the Pooh touted as the best example of national security strategy and discover that Obama is against killing Osama Bin Laden, they’ll think twice about voting for a man who has no desire or ability to keep their family safe. That’s why he has that Hamas endorsement.

    The assertions that Reverend Wright is not the Reverend Wright Obama knew, that Bill Ayers and his wife are not the couple Obama knew, that Tony Rezko is not the Tony Rezko Obama knew, that Father Flager (sp?) is not the Priest Obama knew, and so on, will not only become tedious, but will make clear his complete lack of judgment.

    As people learn more about the numerous tax increases he plans to wreck the economy with, people will be hoping “change” is what they have left in their pockets.

    And it will continue to be clear that he can’t put together too many coherent thoughts without a teleprompter.

  • 104 da Bunny // Jun 19, 2008 at 3:19 pm

    Mark my words. If this country gets saddled with that imbecilic Marxist Obama, combined with a dimbecile-controlled Congress, the “change” won’t be for the better.

    With “ObamaCare” in place, the first people screaming and whining about having to wait months for the doctor’s appointment that they could have gotten in days before the goverment “takeover” of healthcare, will be the liberal whiners who voted for “change.” I sure hope no liberals die waiting for that MRI or that surgery that could’ve saved their lives. That’s what comes with “gov’t-run” programs, inefficiency and rationing.

    Liberals are constantly in the perpetual infantile state of needing “immediate gratification” in all things, and waiting for anything doesn’t go over well with them. If they get their “level playing field,” it will be a laugh-riot to watch these immature losers throwing their fits when they don’t get whatever they want, as soon as they want it. The liberals will deserve whatever suffering they will have brought upon themselves. It will be a total injustice for the mature, intelligent, rational, competent, productive rest of us.

  • 105 onlineanalyst // Jun 19, 2008 at 3:25 pm

    Good work, Shelly at 11:51am!

    et cites a 2004 (2004??) article from a conservative source and thinks the debate is over: QED. The rest of his talking points appear to come from The Nation, thinkprogress,, and/or commondreams, which cling to their old refrains and refuse to accept current realities. Pitiful!

    Obama is flailing for some coherence and relevance, but he doesn’t know how to compete in a field with informed adults. He’s like a weathervane caught in tornado winds.

    Check out several threads at the top at powerlineblog. They spell out in detail the contradictions and naivete of Obama’s positions. Surrounding himself with too many Clintonistas, who primed the conditions for the attack on our homeland and ensnarled us in a North Korea conundrum, he demonstrates even further an inability to make sound judgments.

    Current polls simply show that too many people can be fooled some of the time. When they see that Obama’s “cures” for every problem is more taxation and litigation, they may wake up. I hope that the awareness happens well before November.

    BTW A local talk-radio host cited some statistics that indicate what a reverting to pre-Bush tax cuts means to both single and married taxpayers making between $30,000 and $60,000 a year. It ain’t pretty. With the price of fuel both for transportation and heating going up, as well as the cost of food, more taxes are not the answer.

    Obama’s adoring young crowds have no idea how their idol with enslave them into working for the State. Very little of their future paychecks will be available for their own discretion and freedom of choices.

  • 106 Ms RightWing, Ink // Jun 19, 2008 at 3:51 pm

    Oh, I don’t know. Haven’t got much to say that nobody else has said on the Obama thing-but his 1/2 brother is still claiming Yo-Obama is a Muslim.

    He has no proof of his Christian conversion and children being taught in Muslim schools are being led to believe there are 3 Muslims in our legislative government and Y0-Obama is one. Teachers are shocked (dear me ) to find this out when little Musseys enter public schools.

    So is America ready to elect a Muslim. I’m not, how about you.

  • 107 upnorthlurkin // Jun 19, 2008 at 4:02 pm

    Shelly - ditto! Mr. Hopey-Changey is a puppet.
    And don’t forget we awful Americans deserve to pay $5 -$6 per gallon for gas! We’re greedy! We like big SUVs! Only a fool wouldn’t realize that along with fueling up our vehicles, the trucks that transport our groceries and other durable goods run on diesel…higher than gasoline. The #2 heating oil is the same price as diesel….when it’s -30°, we can’t just throw on an extra sweater! Maybe the uber-honorable Algore has room for us in his oh-so-modest Tennessee residence…

  • 108 boberinyetagain // Jun 19, 2008 at 4:20 pm

    JL3, you do know that this is a searchable site and that if I choose I could quote the comments I’m referring to wherein you call me “a liar/godless/comunist” and those are the freindlier names.
    Never mind, those that read already know what you said, as do you.
    I miss Hank, he fought like a man

  • 109 RedPepper // Jun 19, 2008 at 5:02 pm

    MsRW #101: If Barak Obama actually was a Muslim, and then converted, he has bigger problems than us right-wing nuts.

    In Sharia law, the prescribed punishment for apostasy is death, which it is the duty of every Muslim to enforce, unless I’ve been misinformed. Now, it would appear that not every Muslim is prepared to carry out that obligation: then again, there is probably no dearth of Muslims who would gladly volunteer their services, given recent events.

    Maybe the reason that Muslim women in headscarves were not allowed to sit behind Obama at a recent event was not just PR considerations …

  • 110 everthink // Jun 19, 2008 at 5:28 pm


    I could be wrong, but I think the bounce usually comes after the convention where a candidate actually receives the nomination.

    Anyway did John McCain get his bounce yet?
    Well, don’t worry he’ll get one before it’s over.

    Say, do you know anything about the “Enron Loophole”?


  • 111 JamesonLewis3rd // Jun 19, 2008 at 6:50 pm

    As far as I know, the offspring of Muslims are automatically Muslim, conversion is not an option and apostasy is a capitol crime.

    BO claims to have been sired by a Muslim who “converted” to atheism.

    Frankly, I’ve never found Christians to be that hard to spot.

  • 112 RedPepper // Jun 19, 2008 at 7:16 pm

    Here is a fairly recent news article, from USA Today, that provides an illustration of what I was talking about in my comment #103. Excerpt:

    There is no Egyptian law against converting from Islam to Christianity, but in this case tradition takes precedent. Under a widespread interpretation of Islamic law, converting from Islam is apostasy and punishable by death — though killings are rare and the state has never ordered or carried out an execution on those grounds.

    Anyone who wants to find additional information, either about this specific case, or the larger issue, will have no difficulty if they know how to search the Internet …

  • 113 RedPepper // Jun 19, 2008 at 9:45 pm

    Hmmm. I don’t seem to be awaiting moderation

  • 114 Shelly // Jun 19, 2008 at 10:39 pm

    et, becoming the presumptive nominee for the Democrat party has historically resulted in a larger bounce for the nominee in the past thirty years than Obama got this year.

    I understand your wishing to dismiss the facts, as usual, on this point. I also notice your having to ignore the fact that Winnie the Pooh will be asked to keep Americans safe under an Obama administration and Osama bin Laden will not have to worry about being killed. That will probably outshine his Tax Everything I Can Think Of Plan and I’m Okay With Rising Oil Prices statement with the electorate.

  • 115 everthink // Jun 19, 2008 at 11:15 pm


    Your comments today have motivated me to send Obama another contribution. Please, my friends, send McCain all you can, don’t leave it all to big business contributions. Enron is gone you know!


  • 116 RedRum151 // Jun 20, 2008 at 1:29 am

    Q : What is the official movie of the Obama campaign ?
    A : Back To The Future !

  • 117 onlineanalyst // Jun 20, 2008 at 4:53 am

    Let me try to repost this comment from yesterday:

    Good work, Shelly at 11:51am!

    et cites a 2004 (2004??) article from a conservative source and thinks the debate is over: QED. The rest of his talking points appear to come from The Nation, thinkprogress,, and/or commondreams, which cling to their old refrains and refuse to accept current realities. Pitiful!

    Obama is flailing for some coherence and relevance, but he doesn’t know how to compete in a field with informed adults. He’s like a weathervane caught in tornado winds.

    Check out several threads in Thursday's powerlineblog. They spell out in detail the contradictions and naivete of Obama’s positions. Surrounding himself with too many Clintonistas, who primed the conditions for the attack on our homeland and ensnarled us in a North Korea conundrum, Obama demonstrates even further an inability to make sound judgments.

    Current polls simply show that too many people can be fooled some of the time. When they see that Obama’s “cures” for every problem is more taxation and litigation, they may wake up. I hope that the awareness happens well before November.

    BTW A local talk-radio host cited some statistics that indicate what a reverting to pre-Bush tax cuts means to both single and married taxpayers making between $30,000 and $60,000 a year. It ain’t pretty. With the price of fuel both for transportation and heating going up, as well as the cost of food, more taxes are not the answer.

    Obama’s adoring young crowds have no idea how their idol with enslave them into working for the State. Very little of their future paychecks will be available for their own discretion and freedom of choices.

    Now, Obama's walkback on how he will finance his campaign will further give proof of the adage about fools and their money. The man can be and is bought.

  • 118 Fred Sinclair // Jun 20, 2008 at 8:40 am

    Any body but Charlie McCarthy/Edgar Bergen aka Barack Obama/George Soros(He >Soros< was born in Budapest in 1930. … in Hungarian “soros” means “next in line”)

    So that combination would give us a President/V.P. - One raised s a Muslim, the other raised as a Communist in Budapest, Hungary - neither one born in the USA.

    Heirborn Ranger

  • 119 JamesonLewis3rd // Jun 20, 2008 at 10:01 am

    I was wondering why you were hysterical. At first I thought that, perhaps, it was because my Truthful and Factual comments (and/or Logical Conclusions derived therefrom) were hitting close to home—I couldn’t think of another rational explanation but…..
    Now, I get it.

    Well, I don’t play like the Darthmeister, we have different styles altogether (he’s far more verbose than I, for example); although I must say I admire the way he consistently delivers those Power-House Smack-Downs to Godless liars and traitors.

    As for the quotes—Hey, go for it.

  • 120 mindknumbed kid // Jun 20, 2008 at 9:09 pm

    Hummm, now what kind of business would a rednecked hillbilly in West Virginny be a doin’? What difference does it make anyhow? It was good for my family for 48 years!

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