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Would You Recognize the Conservative Leader?

by Scott Ott for ScrappleFace · 29 Comments · · Print This Story Print This Story

NOTE: ScrappleFace editor Scott Ott writes columns at, here’s a glimpse of his latest, and a link to read more…
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For two decades, conservatives have sought in vain for someone to lead the movement. As the years peeled away, and the long-awaited champion failed to descend from the mountain, those in elected office who bore the conservative label sat down to eat and drink at the public trough, and rose up to dance to the popular tunes of the big-government band.

Wandering in the ideological wilderness, their allegiance to principle faded, supplanted by mere loyalty to The Party. Electability became their mantra, and they whittled away at the conscience of a conservative until that mighty oak became a toothpick dangling from the lower lip.

Some said the revolution, like Krakatoa, had gone dormant.

But what would happen if that mythical leader of conservative dreams were to arise today? What characteristics would set him apart?

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Tags: Non-Satire · Townhall

29 responses so far ↓

  • 1 boberinyetagain // Jan 21, 2008 at 11:17 am

    A fine question, perhaps the wv offers an idea…

    townspeople impose…how dare they?

  • 2 conserve-a-tips // Jan 21, 2008 at 11:41 am

    Amen, Scott. And there will be someone who will stand up to the challenge. As they say, “It took Carter to give us Reagan.”

    Andy ment: Not what Andy sed

  • 3 Beerme // Jan 21, 2008 at 12:23 pm


    That’s what I’m afraid of! Is Hillary our Carter?

    WV: wit inane

  • 4 Libby Gone // Jan 21, 2008 at 12:38 pm

    In my opinion, the country elects the person that exhibits the traits the country needs at the given time. The results are not always what is expected.
    Nixon was looked to hold the country together after the most trying period of domestic strife since the civil war.
    Carter was the result of the Nixon legacy.
    Reagan portrayed the America that Carter determined was unachievable.
    FDR was the “Father figure” we needed in worldwide crisis.
    JFK was the youthful exhuberation of the era.
    Clinton was the voice of the younger generation eager to step into the 21st century.
    G.W. Bush was a desire to return morality to the office.
    Not scientific, or well written, but I think I make my point.
    wv: Rockies red = conservative mountain states

  • 5 Ms RightWing, Ink // Jan 21, 2008 at 12:47 pm

    Greetings from the frigid regions of NE Ohio.

    Beerme…Good to see your name here and there once more. Hope everything with you and yours. Have you rented a cabin for the gathering. I think we should do it the week after Labor Day so we can make it to the Scutching (sp) Festival and the Ohiopyle Folk Festival.

    C.a.t. Getting the photos together soon. My DVD drive quit working (my fault ) and though Sony gave me the Internet tools to repair it, the dumb thing still is out of commission so will send photos that are still on the computer.

    And finally, I guess my brain is wracked with MS white spots because I don’t understand all the tags at the end of the posts like wv—???? So what is it all about??? But then I don’t really think anyone reads postings anymore so who am I talking to? Beats me.

  • 6 Ms RightWing, Ink // Jan 21, 2008 at 12:49 pm

    er, hope everything is good with you and yours. Duh, I guess I don’t read my own postings either (pronounced Ither )

  • 7 gafisher // Jan 21, 2008 at 1:50 pm

    Ms RW Re#5 “But then I don’t really think anyone reads postings anymore so who am I talking to?”

    It’s tough to keep up but I think most people try to read the postings from at least the “regulars” like yourself. I am equally mystified by the “wv” designation, but ever since Scott instituted the reCaptcha anti-spam system here it’s become a secondary attraction to figure out meanings for the “secret words” users are required to type.

    My challenge this time through is an abridgment of the “Dr. Strangelove” script: “warhead Go.”

  • 8 onlineanalyst // Jan 21, 2008 at 1:50 pm

    I’ll check out the full townhall piece after posting this.

    Funny that you should be thinking about Face2Face ‘08, MsRW, Ink. So was I, and I am game for the same place if that is agreeable to others. The weekend after Labor Day has several nearby festivals: the two that you mention and Mt. Craft Days (nice woodsy venue in the Somerset Historical Grounds).

    Those who are handicapped would find that the larger cabin closer to the bathrooms would accomodate a number of us happy campers.

    We ought to settle out plans and make reservations (wherever we decide to go) so that we have some viable choices.

    Another aside: With a Christmas gift card to Barnes and Noble burning a hole in my pocket, I found that six different titles by conservative writers were not in stock. However, the shelves stocking current events and politics had plenty of BDS books and titles featuring Olberman, Albright, Plame-Wilson, Clinton… You get the picture.

    Ironically, I special ordered nearly a hundred dollars’ worth of non-stocked books. You would think that a national bookseller had the business savvy to meet the interests of the public.

    WV: acquire standpatter

  • 9 gafisher // Jan 21, 2008 at 1:57 pm

    “Some said the revolution, like Krakatoa, had gone dormant.”

    I suspect it’s more like Lo’ihi, the volcano churning deep beneath the sea and poised eventually to burst forth as the new Hawaiian island.

    And when that happens, perhaps once again we’ll be, as the reCaptcha currently states, “feared abroad,” or at least respected.

  • 10 Hawkeye // Jan 21, 2008 at 4:01 pm

    Ms RW #5,
    Near as I can tell, “wv” stands for “word verification”. As gafisher points out in #9, some of us find mild amusement in our attempts to assign cosmic meaning to the two words we type before hitting the Submit button. For example…

    Ajax Forty-third: Preferred cleaning agent of President G.W. Bush

  • 11 Fred Sinclair // Jan 21, 2008 at 7:51 pm

    I managed to post this on ScrappleFace but ir really was intended for Townhall:

    Would You Recognize the Conservative Leader?
    (His name is Duncan Hunter! Due to the liberalization of today’s Republicans, he was forced to drop out!) If Jesus, (for reasons of His own) was to run for the office in the Republican Party, you could recognize Him by the shoe polish on the seat of His britches!

    If He (again for reasons of His own) chose to run as a Democrat, you would still recognize him by the fresh nail prints in his hands!

    (For those of you in Rio Linda - he would get the shoe polish when the Republicans kicked Him out. He would get new nail prints since the Democrats, gleefully, would crucify Him again.
    They’re doing their best to stomp out his name as it is.)

    Heirborn Ranger

    Theater nurse - If the horror pic is too scary.

  • 12 da Bunny // Jan 21, 2008 at 8:37 pm

    Fred, I am also sad about Duncan Hunter’s having to drop out of the race. He is a true conservative. I sure don’t understand these people who are voting for John McShamnesty…the guy has done all he could to sell out the Republican party/conservatives over the past several years, banding together with ultra-libs like Feingold and Kennedy. McCain should be thinking “retirement,” not “President.”

  • 13 prettyold // Jan 21, 2008 at 8:45 pm

    I seem to be missing something. Why does Duncan Hunter have to drop out? What do you have to do to run ? I thought they just announced,”I’m running for President”.Is it that they run out of money? Well ,what do they need money for? Oh , I know ads and travel,hotels,etc, but if he runs out of money that doesn’t force him to drop out ,does it?
    At this time the MSM are making sure we don’t hear anything Thompson or Hunter do or say,and they spread the rumor every day that they are dropping out. I’ve heard this every day since the Iowa Caucuses.
    I know some on here don’t care for Rush Limbaugh. I like him and I listen to him every day. He has NOT endorsed anyone. he has been under attack because he would NOT endorse Huckabee or McCain,and now the talking heads are attacking him,some of them supposed Republicans,like William Kristol. I think this is reprehensible. If the Candidates want to attackand vilify each other ,fine,it’s off-putting ,but fine. If the talking Heads want to attack the candidates,this too is fine . When they go after someone just doing their job it stinks of the Cklintonista tactics.
    How would we feel if they started attacking Scott Ott? He hasn’t endorsed anyone ,either(Ither).

    Mihirmah Hussy Mihirmah ,mihirmah on the wall, who’s the biggest hussey of them all?

  • 14 Maggie // Jan 21, 2008 at 9:21 pm

    Cuzin Beerme re#3
    My question is; Does a chicken have lips?

    Hello Ms Righty ,
    It is always a joy to read your comments on scrappleface.
    Thanks for the card.

    dabunny re#12
    I would have written the same thing had I been able to so spell “McShamnesty” (hee hee)
    ( give a big hello to the top rabbit)

  • 15 conserve-a-tips // Jan 21, 2008 at 9:41 pm

    Ms Rightwing, Ink: gotcha on the pictures. Will wait patiently! And regarding the wv words at the end, we decided to make a game out of giving definitions or statements to these gobbledygook words that show up for verification. It helps us do brain exercises to avoid altzheimers!

    exaggerated Escorts: But they told me he’d be cute and had a great personality!!

  • 16 Maggie // Jan 21, 2008 at 9:46 pm

    Everyone knows that wv stands for “wolks vagon”

    Is it like the dentist saying “this won’t hurt a bit”?

  • 17 Ms RightWing, Ink // Jan 21, 2008 at 11:16 pm

    Oh I get it now, like my WV says anthems The, so backwards means The anthems. It sort of reminds me of some pricey condos in California

    Sorry it is the best I can do

    Maybe the next time the computer will give me better words.

  • 18 Fred Sinclair // Jan 22, 2008 at 12:51 am

    Where’s Joe McCarthy when we need him?

    Joe McCarthy was ALL kinds of bad things to the liberal left socialist/communists! And according to them - a WHOLE LOT more (few of which can be repeated by this writer). A few printable words would include dogmatic, of fixed views, dictatorial, pontifical,domineering, pompous. self-important, arrogant, inflexible, uncompromising, prejudiced, bigoted hostile to, against, (dead) set against, opposed to, inimical to, antipathetic to belligerent, pugnacious; and even oppugnant; relating to any and all things Communist and/or Communistic or Socialist. Remember the U.S.S.R. was the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. That’s all Communism is - Socialism wearing a different nameplate.
    A frontal assault would get them their heads handed to them on a platter. Infiltration is the name of their game.

    So they hated him and to discredit him, the hollywood writers made up jokes about him (some still being repeated but altered to target George W. Bush). The media was being slowly overtaken by them so he was accused of every thing not even imaginable - “He’s not an American” - He’s Anti-America” (because his concept of America did not meld with theirs.) Some Soviet plants (moles) were living perfect lives as true-blue Americans (flag waving and all) but they raised their children to attend Universities staffed with Communist Professors (many were not ‘card carrying’ Communist but “sympathizers”) these children raised to worship Joe Stalin (in the house) grew up to run for office, apply for Government jobs, etc.

    So when Reagan or Bush gets into office they are supplied with a host of Commie Symps, they took over the FBI, CIA, the GAO (Government Accounting Office), etc., etc. - Running for office they joined churches, taught Sunday School, Sang in the choir. - Looked good, smelled good, got elected Governor, Mayor, City Councilmen - in short, took over the Democrat Party. Engineered their Anti-Christian bias starting small “Happy Holidays” instead of “Merry Christmas” heavily promote their Anti-gun program. Get elected - Mayor of New Orleans - Governor of Louisiana, Arkansas, etc. So their socialistic “National Health Care” (which would have garnered nothing but peals of laughter in the 50’s) is now being seriously considered by”sane” persons. In reality, it’s nothing but another brick in their Socialist government aims.

    Heirborn Ranger

    p.s. Erase the foul jokes, strip away the liberal’s bad press. and you are left with Joe McCarthy, a truly great American!

  • 19 camojack // Jan 22, 2008 at 3:50 am

    Yes, I’d recognize him…he looks like Fred Thompson.

    CAPTCHA: “Bonn the19th largest city in Germany.

  • 20 JamesonLewis3rd // Jan 22, 2008 at 6:29 am

    I spotted this over at American Thinker:

    The central bank of the southern African country has a issued a 10million Zimbabwe dollar note. The move increases the denomination of the nation’s highest bank note more than tenfold.

    Even so, a hamburger in an ordinary cafe in Zimbabwe costs 15 million Zimbabwe dollars.

    Is that Plain or Deluxe?
    With cheese = $20,000,000.00

    (Think if I ordered a Deluxe Hamburger, I might get a quizzical look?)

  • 21 mig // Jan 22, 2008 at 6:50 am

    Did anyone get an urge yesterday to pick up a sign and march?

    I think the reason that the primaries are so whacked is there is a left wing conspiracy amok. Here’s what I think: There is a bus driving around the country fueled by vegetable oil voting in republican primaries for Juan McCan so as to give the republicans no one to vote for so that conservatives will stay home. If conservatives were to have a viable candidate, Hill and BamaBoy wouldn’t have a chance.

    10:00 Sere : Morning steak

  • 22 mig // Jan 22, 2008 at 6:52 am

    PS I read the comments, but it depends on who posts them.

    now cigarettes: as opposed to later

  • 23 JamesonLewis3rd // Jan 22, 2008 at 8:05 am

    Yes, I agree that it’s too early to call for any of, say, the Top Four on either side. And, having said that, well, I’m ultra-disappointed that it now looks like both of the Best Candidates are forced to the sidelines (where I have been sitting and observing and making comments while occasionally glancing over at my Voter Registration Certificate leaning against a box (CDs) on my desk).

    This whole media-driven carnaval has been nothing more than a push to get the two Worst Possible Candidates vieing for the title in November (255 days from now). It’s a push for viewer/reader/listener-ship at any/all cost-think about it: Don’t you think they would Just Love to cover the Apocalypse and spin it to be Bush’s Fault?

    And that’s what the Entire Universe smells blowing in the wind-emitted by the MSM-the Incessant Mantra of the Nattering Nabobs of Negativity [a sub-sect of The Obsequious Narcissists]. The MSM has the unmitigated gall to “report” that the Entire Universe holds the USA in low regard and views us with a weird distaste; well, DUH! they get nothing but hateful, despicable lies-oh, and guess from where…..

    I’m feeling quite guilty today, a month from my 5_th birthday in, perhaps, the Most Important Election Year Ever, for not Walking more than Talking. And, yeah, I guess that’s an apology from me to The Entire Universe. Thank you.

  • 24 gafisher // Jan 22, 2008 at 8:18 am

    mig Re#21: “…no one to vote for so that conservatives will stay home.

    Conservatives will not “stay home” and throw away their votes because the best candidate dropped out, any more than a Minuteman would have thrown away his empty gun because a bayonet doesn’t work as well as a bullet. Anyone who sits out an election cannot claim to be a conservative. Someone who flees the battle gets another name.

  • 25 gafisher // Jan 22, 2008 at 8:22 am

    JL3 Re#20: “Even so, a hamburger in an ordinary cafe in Zimbabwe costs 15 million Zimbabwe dollars.

    But if you simply email your bank account number and a small processing fee they’ll send you a million in pickles for your help.

  • 26 conserve-a-tips // Jan 22, 2008 at 8:29 am

    Gafisher: Tom Delay announced this weekend that he will stay home if McCain is nominated. I don’t think that McCain will be nominated. He has to have the base behind him to do that, but even so, that is a pretty telling nonendorsement.

    Heh, how ’bout them Democrat debates?! This is better than a reality show. Somebody could capitalize on this. They could call it, “Three Amigos: White, Black and Slimey”.

    wv herself been: Past tense of “her be”.

  • 27 gafisher // Jan 22, 2008 at 8:42 am

    prettyold Re#13: “Why does Duncan Hunter have to drop out?

    Money, to be sure, but not entirely in the way one might think. As long as Hunter remains in the race, there will be people like you and me who will send him funds. Since he’s convinced it’s a lost cause, by dropping out he compels us to find our “second choice” candidate and support whoever that might be. Had he remained in the race he might well have Perot’ed the race, taking both money and votes from the candidate who should have won.

    I know some on here don’t care for Rush.”

    I like him too, and respect his refusal to explicitly endorse anyone, but he’s been very clear in his implicit endorsements and, like the rest of the conservative media, did virtually nothing to acknowledge, much less publicize, Duncan Hunter’s campaign. I’m afraid that, should the Republican nomination go to one of the candidates he’s badmouthed, Rush could accidentally cause the sort of conservative “voter suppression” some have already threatened and which would virtually guarantee a Clinton or Obama Presidency.

  • 28 Ms RightWing, Ink // Jan 22, 2008 at 8:44 am

    re: 5

    Sorry, but the comment given was more a test than thought. I remember the day when we sort of-kind of-at least sometimes huddled in a small group of comment makers, but so many have moved on and new ones moved in so I feared standing alone on Scrapple Blvd with no way home. :-) Taxi please

    wv lion heightened-
    what happened in the Wizard of Oz when the lion stood up and raced down the hall, afraid of the man behind the curtain

  • 29 gafisher // Jan 22, 2008 at 8:51 am

    C-A-T Re#26: “Tom Delay announced this weekend that he will stay home if McCain is nominated.

    Wow, that’s powerful! So which of the stooges does he prefer, Oba-moe, Hil-larry or “Curly” Edwards?

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