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New Bush Bill Makes Illegals Build Border Fence

by Scott Ott for ScrappleFace · 162 Comments · · Print This Story Print This Story

(2007-06-15) — President George Bush, in an effort to address conservatives’ dual concerns about border security and the rule of law, today said the revived immigration reform bill would finish the U.S.-Mexico border fence by fining illegal aliens to pay for it and requiring each one to build a section of the fence with his own hands.

With the U.S.-Mexico border stretching more than 1,951 miles, and estimates that 20 million illegal aliens already inhabit the United States, President Bush said the measure would require each “currently undocumented future citizen” to build about six inches of fencing.

“I hope this will satisfy my friends on the other side of the Republican aisle,” said Mr. Bush. “They’ll get their border security while those who broke our laws to get here will pay a financial price and serve time in hard labor to do a job that we can’t afford to hire Americans to do.”

Conservative presidential candidate Rep. Duncan Hunter, R-CA, said he could support the new bill “as long as the illegal aliens building the fence face north when they do it, and head south when they’re done.”

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162 responses so far ↓

  • 1 Darthmeister // Jun 15, 2007 at 4:37 am

    Duped on campaign finance reform, education reform and now so-called immigration reform. Actually we weren't duped, we're the voices crying in the vast wasteland of liberal insanity. It seems the political watershed for President Bush was right after the spectacular success in destroying Saddam's regime, killing his sons and capturing him in a spiderhole in the ground. That's when Bush began his transformation into a full-blown liberal. How else to explain the failed minimalist "small footprint" approach of Bremer and Casey in Iraq that he rubberstamped for nearly three years and now the current immigration "reform" bill that threatens the very foundations of this constitutional republic?

    What the continued dumbing down of our impressionable youth in government enclaves of mass education and the unconstitutional assault on free speech by the McCain-Feingold abomination known as campaign finance "reform" couldn't do in endangering American's future liberties and prosperity, the "No drug dealer left behind" immigration bill will achieve with spectacular success. The Republican Party is signing onto a suicide pact if they naively believe for one minute that illegal immigrants are going to vote Republican when they can get far more entitlements from Democrats who have a long history of pandering to nanny statism.

  • 2 camojack // Jun 15, 2007 at 6:35 am

    Well, they know the territory…

  • 3 JamesonLewis3rd // Jun 15, 2007 at 6:51 am

    God Bless America

  • 4 conserve-a-tips // Jun 15, 2007 at 8:02 am


  • 5 MargeinMI // Jun 15, 2007 at 8:11 am

    Excellent! Especially Mr. Hunter’s addition.

    Morning all!

  • 6 Darthmeister // Jun 15, 2007 at 8:12 am

    … and we can buy the bricks from Mexico.

    BTW, last year didn’t Congress allocate $1.2 Billion to begin building the border fence? Where’s that part of the fence? LIARS!

    And does President Bush really think we believe him that his offer to start a “border control” slush fund should be reason enough to pass the Shamnesty Bill? Buwahahahahaha, Bush is sounding more like a liberal Democrat every day!

  • 7 Maggie // Jun 15, 2007 at 8:22 am


    Yes,it seems we have been duped by Pres.Bush.
    The emperor really isn’t wearing clothes.

  • 8 conserve-a-tips // Jun 15, 2007 at 10:11 am

    Darthmeister - wanna hear my theory? Well, I’m gonna give it anyway. :-)

    Saddam was payback for his dad and if you remember his dad, GHWB was not really a conservative either. Sooo, with the fall of Saddam, GW has this idea that democracy is what the world needs now and he is going to see that everybody gets it, come Hell or high water, whether they want it or not.

    He talks about “offering freedom” to all of these people and we cheer and clap and say, “Yes! Give everybody freedom. Our kind of freedom!” and don’t realize that we have just bought into the liberal viewpoint of “I know what is best for you, and if you will just do it my way and put me be in control of your destiny, then you will be serene too.” Liberals think that the rest of us are too dumb to know what is good for us AND they don’t understand the concept of letting people take responsibility for their choices because they don’t think that anyone should face consequences. They don’t understand that they can’t force people to behave, all they can do is hold them accountable for their behavior. The oppressed people must be given a helping hand, but if they haven’t hurt badly enough, they will just continue in their oppression, no matter how much help they are given. At some point, one has to say, “If you want change, you are going to have to exact it.”

    Bush is acting like he can force his view of what people need, on this country (and others), rather then simply presiding over people working through their own attempts at existing. I did not see him doing this in the first part of his presidency, but then Rick Warren got hold of him and his staff and Warren’s codependent gospel has evidently taken hold. That “paradigm” has been disastrous for the church and it is disastrous for the country.

  • 9 bRight & Early // Jun 15, 2007 at 10:19 am

    First Cup 06.15.07…

    The morning cup of coffee has an exhilaration about it which the cheering influence of the afternoon or evening cup of tea cannot be expected to reproduce. ~ Oliver Wendall Holmes, Sr.

  • 10 Ms RightWing, Ink // Jun 15, 2007 at 10:22 am

    What part of no illegals does congress not get

  • 11 Ms RightWing, Ink // Jun 15, 2007 at 10:23 am

    Where is my post? Has anyone here seen my post?

  • 12 Darthmeister // Jun 15, 2007 at 10:38 am

    c.a.t., interesting theory but it sounds like something I’ve read at some lefty blog.

    Here’s my problem with the theory, you can’t “force” democracy or liberty on anyone. I don’t think that’s what’s happening in Iraq or Afghanistan. Depots have been deposed, evil regimes have been destroyed, the peoples are given A CHANCE at experiencing liberty, and if they so desire they can flush it down the toilet and keep worshipping their “religion of peace” which has put them in those circumstances in the first place! Doh!

    Afghanistan and Iraq were and are worthy, noble and just causes which at some level have been tarnished because a certainly level of incompetence that always attends wars of liberation. Just look to our own American Revolution and the War Between the States and all the armchair quarterbacking that could be brought to bear on these times of civil strife.

  • 13 Ms RightWing, Ink // Jun 15, 2007 at 10:44 am

    After extensive research I am afraid to announce I can find no songs containing Friday, so nothing here to make you sing.

    There are a few punk rock groups singing songs about Friday, so here is your chance to be America’s new song idol. Write a song about Friday!

    Now back to Mexicans building walls to keep Americans out.

  • 14 its-just-me // Jun 15, 2007 at 10:56 am

    Excellent idea… building a border fence is a job that no American [politician] will do!

  • 15 its-just-me // Jun 15, 2007 at 11:00 am

    Ms RightWing -
    One of the radio stations here in Tucson has a “Friday song.” It goes like this:

    Friday, Friday, Friday is my favorite day.
    Friday, Friday, Friday is my favorite day.
    Monday is a bummer, Tuesday’s only fair.
    Wednesday’s gettin’ better, Thursday’s almost there,
    Friday, Friday Friday is my favorite day.

    I know it’s not up to typical Scrappleface standards, but…

  • 16 conserve-a-tips // Jun 15, 2007 at 12:12 pm

    Totally off the subject, but if there are any car enthusiasts out there, if you go to right now, you can get streaming video of them lifting a 1957 Belvedere that was buried with a time capsule to be opened on in the year of our centennial. They have just taken it out of the underground vault and I think will be uncovering it soon. It has been pretty neat so far.

  • 17 da Bunny // Jun 15, 2007 at 12:12 pm

    Conservative presidential candidate Rep. Duncan Hunter, R-CA, said he could support the new bill “as long as the illegal aliens building the fence face north when they do it, and head south when they’re done.”

    You tell ‘em, Duncan!! I was gonna say, ” as long as they’re building it from the Mexico side of the border.”

  • 18 Terry Cowgill » Friday’s Briefs // Jun 15, 2007 at 12:17 pm

    [...] Now here is an immigration plan I can support: Round up all the illegals and instead of fining them, put them to work building Duncan Hunter’s fence along the border. [...]

  • 19 Darthmeister // Jun 15, 2007 at 12:23 pm


    From the 2002 Joint Congressional Resolution for Use of American forces in Iraq:

    Whereas the current Iraqi regime has demonstrated its continuing hostility toward, and willingness to attack, the United States, including by attempting in 1993 to assassinate former President Bush and by firing on many thousands of occasions on United States and Coalition Armed Forces engaged in enforcing the resolutions of the United Nations Security Council;

    This bi-partisan joint resolution explicitly states that one of the justifications for going to war (no, dear trolls, it wasn’t only about WMD despite the claims of lefty bloggers and the incessant lamestream media narrative) was the threats Saddam and his regime posed to other nations as well as the threat Iraq posed to heads-of-state … as in Saddam’s attempt to “assassinate former President Bush (41)”.

    More importantly, the resolution also clearly states that still yet another reason (which, IMO, would have sufficed as a reason to take out Saddam’s regime at any point) was Iraq’s continued violation of the 1991 Peace Treaty throughout Clinton’s tenure in which he and his administration did nothing in response to the “many thousands of occasions” coaltion Armed Forces were fired upon. Violation of peace terms in such a blatant manner present clear justification for military reprisal but as usual liberals whine when a Republican administration has the gall to act on such violations. “Why couldn’t Bush have simply kicked the can further down the road like our boy Clinton?” the left mewls. The sanctions were working … (stomping hankies).

    Yeah, and many of those sanctions were being undercut by France, Germany, Russia and the UN itself. And we must keep in mind those same UN sanctions were also condemned by the anti-war left and Islamic apologists for supposedly kill(ing) either a half a million or one million Iraqi children ! How duplicitous … allowing sanctions to work would have prevented war with Saddam, but those same sanctions are to be condemned for killing a million Iraqi children … and it’s all Bush’s fault!

    Of course these undocumented claims concerning civilian casualties often prove to be sheer BS just like the bogus John Hopkins claim that over 500 innocent Iraqi civilians have been killed in Iraq every single day for the last four plus years without the liberal media’s notice. Typical leftist lies of people who will shamelessly argue out of both sides of their mouths even when their “arguments” contradict one another.

    Here’s an excellent site which debunks the top 15 myths of the Iraq War. Trolls take note, you must have reading comprehension skills above that of the average fifth grader, otherwise there might be words and concepts too difficult for you to understand.

  • 20 EXT // Jun 15, 2007 at 1:02 pm

    No matter what color they try to paint it, it remains the Bush-Kennedy Amnesty Bill of 2007.

    We’ve been sold out to the Liberal Left and will stay sold out unless a real conservative candidate for 2008 comes along. Problem is, every one of those presently in the field, especially the notoriously liberal John McCain, will claim to be conservative….right up to the day after the inaugeration. Provided they manage to hoodwind enough people to get elected. Which, sadly, I doubt they’ll be able to do.

    A third party is doomed to fail under the present system….so how to we take back The Republican Party? Or should we start registering Democrats and seize power from within?

  • 21 conserve-a-tips // Jun 15, 2007 at 1:47 pm

    Darthmeister, and I have no problem with those purposes for taking out Saddam, but it is as if that purpose was fulfilled and the wind went out of Bush’s sails regarding a desire to win the peace. It is as if he went after the head of a mafia crime family, got him and then told the police, “Well, do the best you can to keep the rest of the organization from taking over, but make sure that you don’t hurt any wives or children or distant relatives or those doing business with them.” Nobody gets that we want this war to be won and over with, not played like a game of Risk!

  • 22 da Bunny // Jun 15, 2007 at 2:18 pm

    ‘Talk radio is running America. We have to deal with that problem’…

    This, according to Trent Lott, who claims to be a “conservative Republican.” Hey, Trent…”talk radio” is the voters. Keep spewing your RINO/shamnesty drivel, and this “talk radio” problem won’t be a problem for YOU, anymore! And, here I’ve been laboring under the delusion that having Feinstein and Boxer for Senators was worse than being represented by Republicans. HA! No more!

  • 23 Deerslayer // Jun 15, 2007 at 2:30 pm

    Hey da Bunny…trade you one Durbin and throw in Obama. Misery loves company…

  • 24 Darthmeister // Jun 15, 2007 at 2:35 pm

    Your mafia metaphor appears to be apropos, c.a.t. It’s like Bush43 was trying to come up with a Bush41 kinder-gentler way of draining the swamps of Islamofascism. There is no kinder-gentler way. And just how did we really “win the hearts and minds of the German people”, eh? WE THOROUGHLY DEFEATED THE NAZI SCUMBAGS AND ALL THOSE WHO CONTINUED RAISING WEAPONS AGAINST ALLIED FORCES.

    It is true one can’t simply kill Muslim thugs and terrorists willy-nilly to satisfy some bodycount, otherwise we’d still be killing Nazis today. Rather the land and the people have to be thoroughly pacified … mercilessly so. A lesson we should have learned from Vietnam. And another lesson we are learning again is that limp-wristed leftist haven’t either the stomach or the will to truly see our military unleashed on a population which continues to tacitly support the terrorist activities of their brethren within. There’s only one thing thugs, terrorists and tyrants understand, an irresistable counter-force whose ferocity is magnitudes of orders above theirs. You will not win the love and admiration of an intractable people by showing what they interpret as weakness, but you can gain their respect. And the left in this country is doing everything in its power to undermine that respect BECAUSE IT IS VESTED IN DEFEAT, America’s defeat. Bunch of surrender monkeys. I bet their was a run on white sheets by liberals on flag day.

    What bugs me the most are the leftards who pontificate at least “Saddam kept the peace” or the “Taliban kept the peace”, things were “better” under them. This is actually a thoroughly racists attitude since the liberal is speaking his/her heart in admitting maybe Arabs are only a bunch of animals that must be kept locked away under the chains of tyranny. But of course if America was to engage in the kind of “peacekeeping” that the Taliban and Saddam inarguably engaged in, the anti-war moonbats would roundly condemn America. More of their double-standards which beg the question. Like their faux pontification about “letting the sanctions work”, the left has to create dishonest conundrums in order to advance their hate-America/bash-Bush agenda among the more ignorant and easily befuddled Americans, most of whom reside in the Demoncrap Party.

  • 25 Deerslayer // Jun 15, 2007 at 2:36 pm

    OK you can have my RINO LaHood too. Talk about taxation without representation…

  • 26 da Bunny // Jun 15, 2007 at 3:04 pm

    Deerslayer, I was born in, and lived the first 38 years of my life in Illinois. As a matter of fact, I was still living in IL during the Carol Mostly-Fraud days!! :sad:

  • 27 Deerslayer // Jun 15, 2007 at 3:10 pm


    You are so kind with the “Mostly-Fraud” tag. Illinois politicians need not take a back seat to anyone when it comes to corruption - D or R. New Orleans would seem like heaven-on-earth.

  • 28 woodnwheel // Jun 15, 2007 at 3:56 pm

    Since c.a.t. already mentioned something off-topic (see #16), I’d like to take a moment to express my sadness at the death of Ruth Graham. I won’t bore you with details, but suffice it to say that she and my parents had a special relationship, and while I only met her once (at my grandfather’s funeral), I really admired her and will greatly miss her.

  • 29 Darthmeister // Jun 15, 2007 at 7:14 pm


    We live in a sad state of affairs when taxation with representation comes at a higher cost than taxation without representation.

  • 30 gafisher // Jun 15, 2007 at 9:32 pm

    Ms. RW # 13 (and with no jokes about Friday and #13), note the EasyBeat’s 1967 hit “Friday on my Mind” -

    “Monday morning feels so bad
    Everybody seems to nag me
    Coming Tuesday I feel better
    Even my old man looks good
    Wednesday just don’t go
    Thursday goes too slow
    I’ve got Friday on my mind”

    Scrappleworthy? No, but it was in international hit, so it’s got legs.

  • 31 Ms RightWing, Ink // Jun 15, 2007 at 9:55 pm


    That will have to do but I was looking for a tune directly related to Friday like the Mama and Pappa’s Monday Monday.

    Gee, when I started this crazy idea on Monday I had no idea how hard some of the days would be. So tomorrow is Saturday, eh I don’t know how that will turn out.

  • 32 JamesonLewis3rd // Jun 15, 2007 at 11:30 pm

    Here’s a Friday song.

  • 33 RedPepper // Jun 15, 2007 at 11:49 pm

    Hey, Ms. RW! I mentioned Friday On My Mind by The Easybeats on the “Paris Hilton” thread ; here’s a link!

    As far as Saturday goes, look no further than Chicago :

    Saturday in the park
    I think it was the Fourth of July
    Saturday in the park
    I think it was the Fourth of July
    People dancing, people laughing
    A man selling ice cream
    Singing Italian songs …

  • 34 Hawkeye // Jun 16, 2007 at 7:58 am

    “Fences make good neighbors…”

    Where’s the fence?

  • 35 Ms RightWing, Ink // Jun 16, 2007 at 9:32 am

    You are right Red Pepper, so you just made my Saturday a bit easier-now off to the park.

  • 36 GnuCarSmell // Jun 16, 2007 at 11:03 am

    I figure if each illegal immigrant donated two adobe bricks to The Wall, we could have the first 600 miles up by Independence Day. Perhaps we should heed the words of Pink Floyd. (A one. Two. A one - two - three - cuatro!):

    “We don’t need no education
    We don’t need no taco troll
    No dark sarcasm in the classroom
    Teachers leave those kids alone
    Hey! Teachers! Leave them kids alone!
    All in all it’s just adobe brick in the wall.
    All in all you’re just adobe brick in the wall.

    “If you don’t eat yer meat, you can’t have any pudding. How can you
    have any pudding if you don’t eat yer meat?”

  • 37 conserve-a-tips // Jun 16, 2007 at 12:26 pm

    GnuCarSmell: Say what?????? Never really got into Pink Floyd. Now I know why. :-)

    Heh, went to the Welcome Home celebration for the 1345th yesterday evening, stood among the rabble of Oklahoma who still think that our troops are doing a job worth doing, waved flags, shed some tears and loved watching the guys hang out the windows and wave in total amazement that all these people were lining 3 miles of road just to say, “Hi!”. Even took the little dog and 25 yr. old daughter. It was awesome with all of the police and Patriot Guard motorcyclist escorts. I hope the men and women were pleasantly surprised. I had a wierd thought, though. As I watched this Oklahoma National Guard unit pass by and contemplated the state of Washington, DC, I realized that Oklahoma may secede from the Union simply because we still believe in the Constitution and States Rights. This war and immigration issue may turn into the modern day Civil War.

  • 38 Fred Sinclair // Jun 16, 2007 at 4:24 pm

    From what I’m hearing and reading, Hamas just pulled a fast one and no one seems to be doing anything about it. I guess it’s true that you reap what you sow.

    The America of 1957 no longer exists. What we sadly call America today is nothing more than an empty shell of 1957 America. in only 25 more years even todays “America” will have ceased to exist. You don’t turn your back on God, as a nation, without serious repercussions - it’s entirely possible that God is in the process of bring judgement on the apostate Nation of America.

    So long as good people everywhere are willing to stand idly by doing nothing - evil will always triumph. Harry Truman killed more women and children (hundreds of thousands of civilians) in the firebombing of Dresden and Berlin in one night than those killed at Heroshima and Nagasaki. The night before the Atomic Bomb on Heroshima more civilians died in the firebombing of Tokyo than by the AB. but later in 1950, Truman, pressured by the bleeding heart liberals lost his nerve and we endured the needless horror of the Korean war - which could have been finished in three days with zero loss of American lives.

    What is needed now is a flight of B-2 “Stealth” Bombers to erase the Hamas first and then let Iran know that they are next in line for erasure. God demanded total war (aka “The Jericho Solution”). Not the kissy-face; let’s “make nice” agenda of our liberals.

    Heirborn Ranger

  • 39 Effeminem // Jun 16, 2007 at 6:04 pm

    Eh, in 1957 we were well on the way to establishing the Welfare State. The government was busily converting ‘temporary’ war spending into permanent bureaucracies and pork projects. We were pumping chemicals into the air and propping up dictators to contain the USSR.

    Of course, Men were Men and Women were Men too.

  • 40 conserve-a-tips // Jun 16, 2007 at 8:18 pm

    Effeminem and Fred, in 1957 we Okies were burying cars with 45’s, pictures and guesses regarding what the population of Oklahoma would be in 2007. We were carrying on the important business of the day. :-)

  • 41 Darthmeister // Jun 16, 2007 at 9:54 pm

    AP - Raleigh, NC

    District Attorney Mike Nifong (D-Moon) will be disbarred for his disastrous prosecution of three Duke University lacrosse players falsely accused of rape, a disciplinary committee decided Saturday. Even the veteran prosecutor said the punishment was appropriate. …

    The committee, after deliberating for a little more than an hour on Saturday, unanimously agreed with the bar on almost every charge—including the most serious allegations—that Nifong’s actions involved “dishonesty, fraud, deceit and misrepresentation.”

    “At the time he was facing a primary, and yes, he was politically naive,” Williamson said. “But we can draw no other conclusion that those initial statements he made were to further his political ambitions.”

    Just your typical DemDonk political opportunist. Hope this piece of human debris is the first in a long line of politically-motivated Democratic SAs and DAs to get hoisted on their own petards in the coming years.

  • 42 Harry Daschle // Jun 16, 2007 at 11:36 pm

    The Mayor of Indianapolis, Bart Peterson, wants to ban Pit Bull Terriers. I suggest we send all of them to the border to be chained up, and, (excuse the expression), KILL two birds——-!

    There won’t even be a need for a translator,—will there? :lol:

    Off the subject, I was thinking the dims may have opened a can of worms with the Alberto Gonzalez, “Vote of no confidence” stuff.

    If applied FAIRLY, about 99.9% of politicans should be in line for the same process! :lol:

  • 43 Ms RightWing, Ink // Jun 17, 2007 at 7:46 am


  • 44 conserve-a-tips // Jun 17, 2007 at 10:51 am

    Harry Daschle: Very good!!! I have a question though, if we demand a vote of no confidence in the Senate, who would do the voting? You know ~ fox in the henhouse sort of thing?

  • 45 Fred Sinclair // Jun 17, 2007 at 10:59 am

    With all of the illegals about to become legal (not citizens of course, but legal). In addition to the extra costs involving schools, welfare, housing assistance, food stamps, etc. Most hospitals are required to provide them medical care, very often at no charge.

    I’ve been rethinking Mrs. Bill Clinton’s National Health Care Plan. It sounds like a great, grand and wonderful program. As I studied it, I came to the conclusion that it is something everyone in America should have. With the understanding that it will be an exact duplicate of what she and all members of Congress and their families enjoy with zero exceptions. Eveyone covered should have to pay exactly the same amount that congress pays.

    It’s not in the Constitution? So what, neither is the right to abortion. Maybe good health comes under “life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness?” “No?” Perhaps she’s better than the people she’s supposed to serve? Her family is fully covered, she and her husband are mega-multimillionaires - how much do they pay for their insurance premiums?

    Somehow, I suspect that she, and the rest of congress, don’t want you and me to have the same healthcare they enjoy. You and I must show proof of insurance for doctors and hospitals; illegals don’t even have to show ID.

    Heirborn Ranger

  • 46 Fred Sinclair // Jun 17, 2007 at 11:06 am

    c-a-t #43 - we do have a vote of confidence/no confidence and it’s us’uns who do the voting - once every six years. Our problem is that instead of voting for who is best suited for the job, we are being forced to vote for who is the least bad.

    Heirborn Ranger

  • 47 Ms RightWing, Ink // Jun 17, 2007 at 11:06 am

    op ends the seven days of music with one of the most popular songs I can think of. Sorry about the show tunes-I know it may attract Babs.

    Never On a Sunday
    by Melina Mercouri

    Oh, you can kiss me on a Monday a Monday a Monday
    is very very good
    Or you can kiss me on a Tuesday a Tuesday a Tuesday
    in fact I wish you would
    Or you can kiss me on a Wednesday a Thursday a
    Friday and Saturday is best
    But never ever on a Sunday a Sunday a Sunday
    cause that’s my day of rest

    Most any day you can be my guest
    Any day you say but my day of rest
    Just name the day that you like the best
    Only stay away on my day of rest

    Oh, you can kiss me on a cool day a hot day a wet day
    which ever one you choose
    Or try to kiss me on a gray day a May day a pay day
    and see if I refuse

    And if you make it on a bleak day a freak day or a week day
    Well you can be my guest
    But never ever on a Sunday a Sunday the one day
    I need a little rest
    Oh, you can kiss me on a week day a week day a week day
    the day to be my guest


  • 48 Ms RightWing, Ink // Jun 17, 2007 at 11:45 am

    Whoops a typo

    So ends the seven days, not op ends. Geesh,

    I hope the doctors hurry up and operate on my eyes. I went to the Neuro Optometrist and plastic surgeon last week and they devised a way to improve my sight by cutting some muscle and reattaching it. Sounds dangerous to me but they hope it will restore some of my poor vision.

    The MS has caused weakness in my eyelids so I intentionally use my forehead muscles to compensate, which then tire out and leave me in the dark and so goes my vision. So, in return I often miss a mistake or two. duh.

  • 49 nylecoj // Jun 17, 2007 at 12:43 pm

    re #45 that sounds like a great reason to add NOTA to the ballots. None of the above sounds like a great choice to me.
    What if they held Congress and no one showed up?

  • 50 RedPepper // Jun 17, 2007 at 1:29 pm

    Ms RW #46: Never mind “Babs”, you’re apt to attract Arianna Huffington with Melina Mercouri!

    Allow me to offer an alternative, by the group Spanky & Our Gang :

    I remember Sunday morning
    I would meet him at the park
    We’d walk together hand in hand
    ‘Til it was almost dark

    Now I wake up Sunday morning
    Walk across the way to find
    Nobody waiting for me
    Sunday’s just another day

    Sunday will never be the same
    I’ve lost my Sunday-song,
    He’ll not be back again

    … and so on.

    Or perhaps, to celebrate the founding of Hamasstan:

    Broken bottles under children’s feet
    Bodies strewn across the dead end street
    But I won’t heed the battle call
    It puts my back up
    Puts my back up against the wall

    Sunday, Bloody Sunday
    Sunday, Bloody Sunday
    Sunday, Bloody Sunday

    And the battle’s just begun
    There’s many lost, but tell me who has won
    The trench is dug within our hearts
    And mothers, children, brothers, sisters
    Torn apart

    Sunday, Bloody Sunday
    Sunday, Bloody Sunday

    How long…
    How long must we sing this song
    How long, how long…

    Thank you, U2.

    Take your pick.

  • 51 Harry Daschle // Jun 17, 2007 at 2:56 pm

    CAT re #43, Just do what they do now. Haven’t you seen Teddy Kennedy sitting in judgement on ethics violations?


  • 52 Harry Daschle // Jun 17, 2007 at 3:04 pm

    Fred, re #44,

    Even AFTER I show my insurance at the doctor office, they STILL make me sign a paper saying I will pay, if my insurance doesn’t!

    Off topic, We are making a BIG mistake turning corn/crops into fuel. What if we have a draught, (a BAD one)?

    Can we eat/drink this Ethanol?

    Things are pretty dry around here, and food prices are on the rise.

    Any connection? Wise up America, and stop kissing the eco-libs backside, it IS going to bite us!

  • 53 Effeminem // Jun 17, 2007 at 3:15 pm

    Not only CAN you drink ethanol, you’re going to HAVE to drink ethanol once all of our food is converted over.

  • 54 JamesonLewis3rd // Jun 17, 2007 at 3:58 pm

    Too many people do not ask these questions:
    How much fossil fuel is burned to make one gallon of ethanol?
    How many acres of cropland are needed for one gallon of ethanol?
    How many products will skyrocket in cost worldwide as a direct result of the manufacture of enough ethanol just for our country?

  • 55 JamesonLewis3rd // Jun 17, 2007 at 4:00 pm

    Oh, and how much more will ethanol cost per gallon than the gasoline we use today?

  • 56 Effeminem // Jun 17, 2007 at 4:28 pm

    Well, ya know, contrary to right-wing orthodoxy, bio-based ethanol might be a good idea, depending on how it’s done. But if that’s the case, then it doesn’t need to be subsidized, does it?

  • 57 conserve-a-tips // Jun 17, 2007 at 5:50 pm

    Do you all not find it kinda ironic that in the 20’s there was prohibition against the stuff???? I mean, they made it in their back yards. Our relatives used to run it, while dodging the “revenooers”. I am a card carrying, lifetime member of the Women’s Temperance Union (my greatgrandmother enrolled me on the day I was born) and I think that I am supposed to be opposed to the likes of “corn squeezin’s”. I supposedly took a vow from my bassinette to never touch the stuff. I sure ain’t gonna put it in my car!!!!

  • 58 Effeminem // Jun 17, 2007 at 7:33 pm

    Alcohol and driving, what a great combination.

  • 59 Fred Sinclair // Jun 17, 2007 at 11:46 pm

    In May of last year I got a video clip about a guy who figured out how to make a cutting torch burning hydrogen, extracted from water. He had then converted his car to run on extracted hydrogen and a 100 mile trip uses 4 ounces of water. He was working on a deal with a major car maker and was fitting military humvees to run on it too but I’ve heard nothing more since. Has anybody else?

    Heirborn Ranger

  • 60 Ms RightWing, Ink // Jun 18, 2007 at 7:36 am

    Good hot Monday. 92 degrees coming our way. Thank God for carbon eating air conditioners :-)

  • 61 Darthmeister // Jun 18, 2007 at 8:18 am

    If the illegals get the contract to build the border fence, who gets the contract to build the tunnels? They would certainly have to be built by SCAB labor … or would the unions want a piece of this action, too?

  • 62 Darthmeister // Jun 18, 2007 at 8:21 am

    Ms RightWing,

    My carbon footprint just got bigger this weekend, too … and I don’t feel the least bit guilty about it, that is until I open my power bill.

  • 63 Darthmeister // Jun 18, 2007 at 8:24 am

    Dhimmiecrats new party motto: Political Points At Any Cost.

  • 64 Laughing@You // Jun 18, 2007 at 11:24 am


    Your thickness is beyond measure. Your ignorance is a bottomless pit. Your head would be an empty bucket except for crazy people throwing their Kleenex into it.

    You still do not either understand the term “chickenhawk”, or want to pretend you do not; let me try yet another analogy:

    You are like an usher in church passing the collection plate, stopping at each row exhorting (or extorting) the people to put more into the plate and shaming those who do not, and after all, putting NOTHING in the plate yourself!

    While we’re at it, knock off the FDR stuff.

    FDR’s son Eliott served when he might have had “other priorities”, or he could have at least been assign to a Texas Air Base, or he could have even just loafed around while “trying” to get into the USMA to become a Naval Officer. Help young Dick with his coat, or just shut up!

    We are occupying another country, its citizens are acting against the occuping force as would any (well, most) American were they here!

    There is no longer even a false mission in Iraq, and the blood of many of our young is on your hands!

  • 65 conserve-a-tips // Jun 18, 2007 at 11:46 am

    To anyone who might care, here is a wonderful interview with some Iraqi soldiers where you can read the following:

    INDC: What do you think of the American presence here? How do you feel about the Americans, and has this feeling changed over time?

    Mohaned F: “We work well with them. The MiTT team teaches my soldiers something new every day. We have classes with them.”

    Mohaned N: “I wish to keep the US here because it is good for us. We can learn new things every day, and if we work together a long time, it will be good for the Iraqi Army.”

    Jabbar: “I want the US to stay a long time. We need weapons, we need training we want to work with the Americans for a very long time.”

    INDC: How do you view Iraq’s future? What do you think is going to happen here?

    Jabbar: “We have a good future.”

    Mohaned N: “It will be good.”

  • 66 EXT // Jun 18, 2007 at 11:51 am

    Just think!

    If FDR hadn’t passed on when he did we would all be using keyboards with Kanji characters!

    I guess that’s one argument in favor of promoting cigarette smoking among liberals!

  • 67 conserve-a-tips // Jun 18, 2007 at 12:58 pm

    Darthmeister and EXT: Yes, yes - the liberals know so much more then the rest of us about placating the terrorists. Just give them what they want and talk nice and they will leave you alone….that is until something else makes them mad and then you have to bend over even further….and so on and so on until you break. Wonder what Britain will do about that?

  • 68 Laughing@You // Jun 18, 2007 at 1:35 pm

    “Placating the terrorists”?. Really?

    Why did we let bin Laden’s family leave the USA without being questioned about the whereabouts of Osama?

    Why haven’t we dealt with the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia as a “haven of terrorists”?

    How did we get such vital intelligence about Iraq wrong, at such a critical time?

    Why have we not destroyed the tribal region between Afghanistan and Pakistan? If Osama was (is) hiding among them they would (should) have moved if Daffy Duck wasn’t charge.

    You dumb people with your book of lying definitions; If Gore had by sworn in there would have been no 911 Attack! If Kerry had gotten in Osama’s ashtray would be ours by now.

    Yours is a party of lunatics, mental defectives, liars, and shirkers.

    FDR smoked; but Nixon picked his nose, and Bush has expanded on the practice.

  • 69 Effeminem // Jun 18, 2007 at 2:02 pm

    Wow, L@Y sounds like my first history professor.

    Moving on to a subject of more importance, I picked the moldy part off this muffin last week and put it in the fridge, but it still tastes funny. Is a “systemic” mold possible?

  • 70 Darthmeister // Jun 18, 2007 at 2:02 pm

    JFK, the neo-con

    Why did we let bin Laden’s family leave the USA without being questioned about the whereabouts of Osama?
    Because we already knew he was in Afghanistan. He never stayed in one place more than one night, who how would his family really know his “whereabouts”? Duh.

    Why haven’t we dealt with the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia as a “haven of terrorists”?
    Because by generally accepted definition of “haven of terrorists” every freakin’ Arab nation is a “haven of terrorists.” But the moonbats on your side of the aisle are already on record saying America can’t be the world’s policeman and we can’t be at war with every Muslim nation or we’d start World War III.

    How did we get such vital intelligence about Iraq wrong, at such a critical time?
    That’s what the Senate Select Committee on intelligence hoped to find out, but people on your side of the aisle twisted their findings into a partisan diatribe against President Bush. If you seriously want an answer to your question, ASK THE CIA and Director George Tenet (D), they’re the ones who screwed up and “lied” to our President, the Congress and hence the American people. Of course they’re both in CYA mode now so in the end it will always Bush’s fault for not having second-guessed them. But even if the WMD intelligence was bad, there were plenty of other reasons to liberate the Iraqi people and rid the world of another dirtbag tyrant.

    Why have we not destroyed the tribal region between Afghanistan and Pakistan? If Osama was (is) hiding among them they would (should) have moved if Daffy Duck wasn’t charge.
    Because if we do “destroy (that) tribal region”, duplicitous Bush-hating partisan hacks like you would start yelling about genocide. That’s how you people operate and you’re proving here with every one of your posts.

    You dumb people with your book of lying definitions; If Gore had by sworn in there would have been no 911 Attack! If Kerry had gotten in Osama’s ashtray would be ours by now.
    You got to love it, argument by fortune cookie is stupid, argument by wish fullfilment is even more stupid. No 911 attack if Gore was sworn in? Gee, I guess if the Goracle had been sworn in in 1993 instead of Bill Clinton there would have been no 1993 WTC attack, no Kobar Tower attack, and no U.S.S. Cole attack.

  • 71 conserve-a-tips // Jun 18, 2007 at 2:17 pm

    Darthmeister: What you said!! :-)

    Isn’t it interesting that people like L@Y accuse “your party is a party of blah, blah, blah.” I wonder if L@Y has managed to break into the election results to see what my party is. I wonder if L@Y would be surprised if the nimrod knew that I may not be voting this time around. I wonder if L@Y read my piece taking Bush to task. I wonder if L@Y has a brain. Inquiring minds want to know.

  • 72 Effeminem // Jun 18, 2007 at 2:35 pm

    Am I the only one that finds mold to be more intellectually stimulating than L@Y?

  • 73 JamesonLewis3rd // Jun 18, 2007 at 3:59 pm

    I gave Richard Nixon the finger once. I took off a couple of hours from work and rode the bus down High Street-had to walk a couple of blocks.

    He was campaigning for Rhodes for Governor, if I'm not mistaken. They were on the State House steps-dead-center downtown Columbus-I was about a block away when I gave him my hearty "Hello!" I held it there as high as I could, shook it, waved it. I gravitated toward the raucous group who graciously screamed epithets for me as I waved and shook vigorously.

    I'm certain the FBI has grainy telephoto images of me; I'd like to have one, I had cool hair-Robert Plant hair. I was one of those in the fatigue jacket, jeans, wide (black) belt/square steel buckle and combat boots.

    Would I do that again, now, if the opportunity were presented (think 1895 and H.G. Wells' The Time Machine)?


    I loathed Rhodes.

    Kent State changed my life and I didn't appreciate it.

  • 74 Darthmeister // Jun 18, 2007 at 3:28 pm

    The trolls can lie about being a “Goldwater conservative”, but I’m telling the truth about being a “JFK Democrat”. It must be horrible to be a liberal troll and to wake up some mornings and have to consider the very real possibility that maybe they’re living a lie believing in lies spoonfed to them by the liberal media the last three or four decades. Even Chris Matthews admits that it’s his view that “America was built on ‘news’ bias” and that’s a good thing in his world just so long it’s a liberal bias!

    But then leftards have become very adept at ignoring any new information which isn’t filtered by the lamestream media and contradicts their utopian worldview, embrace cognitive dissonance when all else fails and then continue on their merry way into that Sargasso sea of left-wing kool-aid.

    Effeminem … No, with the possible exception of bacteria.

    The lamestream media coverup regarding the Haditha Marines.

  • 75 Laughing@You // Jun 18, 2007 at 3:41 pm


    You post 69 & 73 to say I find mold to be more intellectually stimulating than L@Y?

    First professor? Does that indicate a second?

    Well, hang in there girl! It makes no difference how many times you must try, just don’t give up!

  • 76 conserve-a-tips // Jun 18, 2007 at 3:54 pm

    Darthmeister, regarding the media:

    perhaps the BBC will get it??

  • 77 Laughing@You // Jun 18, 2007 at 3:56 pm

    “JFK, the neo-con”,

    Did you read Al Franken’s book

    “Lies and the Lying Liars Who Tell Them: A Fair and Balanced Look at the Right”?

  • 78 conserve-a-tips // Jun 18, 2007 at 4:40 pm

    John F. Kennedy on tax cuts here:
    There is also no need to convince this group of the importance of this bill to our economy. Your presence here, the leadership provided by the Business Committee for Tax Reduction, and the Statement of Principles adopted by its members, bear witness to your conviction that our present high tax rate hobbles the economy, and that a prompt, substantial, and broadly based cut in individual and corporate tax rates is necessary to give the private sector of our economy the extra strength that our present tax structure now drains away.”

    On military appropriations here:

    1958 — Transfer $150 million for accelerated missile-defense program. Passed 78-0 (D 36-0; R42-0) Feb. 3. Kennedy FOR.
    1956 — Increase Air Force procurement funds by $800 million. Agreed to 48-40 (D 43-3; R 5-37) June 26. Kennedy FOR.
    1955 — Increase Marine Corps funds by $46 million. Agreed to 40-39 (D 37-2; R 3-37) June 20. Kennedy FOR.
    1954 — Increase by $350,466,000 defense appropriations for army personnel and maintenance. Rejected 38-50 (D 37-10; R 1-40) June 17. Kennedy FOR.
    1953 — Increase Air Force funds for aircraft purchases by $400 million. Rejected 38-55 (D 37-9; R 0-46) July 23. Kennedy FOR.
    1948 — Peacetime military draft. Passed 282-131 (D 144-31; R 138-98) June 18. Kennedy FOR.

    On the presidency at the same place:
    “(The next President) must above all be the Chief Executive in every sense of the word. He must be prepared to exercise the fullest powers of his office — all that are specified and some that are not…. He must reopen the channels of communication between the world of thought and the seat of power… must know when to lead the Congress, when to consult it and when he should act alone…. It is the President alone who must make the major decisions of our foreign policy…. Even domestically, the President must initiate policies and devise laws to meet the needs of the Nation. And he must be prepared to use all the resources of his office to ensure the enactment of that legislation — even when conflict is the result…. The White House is not only the center of political leadership, it must also be the center of moral leadership…. We will need in the sixties a President who is willing and able to summon his national constituency to its finest hour — to alert the people to our dangers and our opportunities — to demand of them the sacrifices that will be necessary.” Jan. 14, 1960.

    Dang…sounds like a conservative to me!

  • 79 Laughing@You // Jun 18, 2007 at 5:08 pm


    Nice list. Who does your listings? Most Democrats agree with your list. In fact, me and Charlie Rangel would like to bring back the draft today. I think it would be great for America, but only if it had NO exceptions, and no “Champaign Squadrons”.

    Kennedy was a Democrat, but at the time he was too liberal for me. The Republican of the day was “Mr. Conservative” “You know in your heart he is right” Barry Goldwater. Ol’ Barry and me both learned a thing or two after that.

  • 80 EXT // Jun 18, 2007 at 5:54 pm

    A strong element of The People’s Democrat Party has become disenchanged with the present list of wannabes. They’re mounting a grass-roots effort o nominate Neville Chamberlain for 2008.

    They are totally undaunted by the inconvenient truth that he’s dead. Their work-around is to first have him named a delegate from Chicago where death has been vanquishned (insofar as voting rights are concerned).

    Advice, Neville: Lose the bow tie.

  • 81 JamesonLewis3rd // Jun 18, 2007 at 7:11 pm

    It’s 1900 CDT and 92 degrees here, very humid thanks to all of the rain hereabouts.
    I lost a few pounds mowing the grass today; it had been neglected but, man, does that sod I put down right before the many sequential days of continuous rains began ever look great! I have not needed to use my sprinklers or the water hose for about a month-all this rain has saved me $10-15 in metered water use.

    “No one has the right to destroy another person’s belief by demanding empirical evidence.” - Ann Landers

  • 82 JamesonLewis3rd // Jun 18, 2007 at 7:31 pm

    I could never contaminate my fingertips with an al-Franken book-it would be, well, just a tad unseemly. I would never be able to stop washing my hands.
    Call me pseudo-intellectual, if you must. I can handle it.

  • 83 JamesonLewis3rd // Jun 18, 2007 at 8:09 pm

    Um, yes. Yes, I did wear shirts; untucked, flannel shirts. I had somehow survived the US Army and LBJ, I had slipped through the cracks. And I really did believe Nixon was a maniac, I don’t remember what criteria I was using with which to deem him so and it doesn’t matter.

  • 84 Fred Sinclair // Jun 18, 2007 at 9:05 pm

    The question “What is the answer” (to the war on drugs) posed by another Scrappler, requesting an answer.

    My Dear Xxxxx;

    The answer is simple and always has been but it will never be implemented because the powers that be WANT the drugs along with the mega-Trillions of dollars involved.

    Follow the money! Always follow the money. ALWAYS, ALWAYS, ALWAYS FOLLOW THE MONEY!!!

    The DEA make a dog and pony show out of “Fighting the war on drugs” but in their best year to date they have not stopped more than 15% of the drugs entering the country - all that is acomplished is a tempory surge in the street price of the illegal drugs - then it’s back to business as usual.

    If (IF) they really wanted to win the drug war, they would:

    a. Legalize all drugs. Let those who are drug addicts register with the pharmacy of their choice where they could go and legally get their “fix” for a buck or two (maybe $3,00) the same way a diabetic gets insulin at the over the counter (at cost) price.

    b. Come out with a new American currency, with denominations differing in size and color. Drug cartels would be left holding the bag with mountain of drugs with a street value lower than a sack of cornmeal, flour or sugar and they would have mountains of the old style currency not even good to use as toilet paper.

    c. Launch an education program along the line of their anti-tobacco (very successful) program. “Why do you think they call it ‘dope’ dope?

    The reason it will never be done is that it would work and there are too many hollywood stars and starletts and too many governmental employees including lawyers, judges, Governors etc that ‘need’ their lines of cocaine and MaryJewjuano (weed) aka in West Texas as “Loco Weed”.

    Worldwide, from the coco leaves in South America to the “weed” fields of our West Coast to the poppy fields of Afghanastan and China. The billions of dollars and/or Trillions of dollars involved guarentee that the workable progrm will NEVER be seriously tried. Anyone stupid enough to try, would be assainated before he or she made it home for supper and as an example to others the entire family would be tortured and slain in the most unimaginable, horrorific manner!

    Heirborn Ranger

  • 85 Effeminem // Jun 18, 2007 at 10:05 pm

    I agree with Fred for once.

    After analyzing L@Y’s reasonable response to my infantile insults, I was prompted to ponder:

    How is it that cocoa come from the cacao plant?

  • 86 Loki, E.NC.Z.B-K // Jun 18, 2007 at 10:31 pm

    RE: Hydrogen from water

    A few friends and I have been studying that ourselves. This system has been used by people in other countries quite often, and is low tech enough for us to make it. Downsides we are seeing include the possible detonation of the reaction chamber (which in reality would not be too horrible, depending on how big of mistake one has made).

    Problem I have thinking it over is there has to be some loss of energy, because nothing converts 100% efficiantly, especially at this level. I imagine electricity usage could increase, due to need of recharging batteries, but we have many alternative fuels for producing that. (like Fission, Wind, Solar, Hydro-electric, eventually Fusion, etc.) On top of that you need to clean the electrodes, most likely about as often as one would change one’s oil, perhaps more frequently. The conversion preocess does not appear to be that difficult either, using a standard gasoline engine with slightly different seals and adding in a small amount of hardware. (Prossible for the Do-it-yourselfer, but one may prefer an older model vehicle due to modern car’s space-saving designs.)

    The information is out there, and it’s been done. Just have to get enough of us at the grass roots level to build it, eventually markets will catch up.


  • 87 conserve-a-tips // Jun 18, 2007 at 10:33 pm

    Effiminem ~ deep thought…and how does one arrive at Coke from Cocaine?

    The world just gets crazier.

  • 88 Darthmeister // Jun 18, 2007 at 11:50 pm

    Al Franken? Buwahahahahaha. There’s a real authority. May as well cite Mike Nifong.

    From the excerpts I’ve read, Franken’s book reads like an autobiography.

  • 89 Darthmeister // Jun 19, 2007 at 12:03 am

    What I find so amazing is when a moonbat is presented with actual historical data which can be independently verified if he/she/it goes to the trouble, is confronted the actual record of someone like JFK and then is exposed to valid parallels with modern neo-cons/conservatives, he/she/it immediately rejects THE … EVIDENCE … BEFORE … THEIR … VERY … EYES and begins attacking the documentarian as a liar WITHOUT PROVIDING ANY EVIDENCE TO THE CONTRARY … other than referring to a book written by a partisan hack nutjob like Al Franken.

    I lived through the JFK era and as a former Democrat I can vouchsafe there isn’t one aspect of that “JFK” piece which rings false.

  • 90 Laughing@You // Jun 19, 2007 at 12:05 am

    Show a little respect will you; thanks to Dumbyah he’s going to be a U.S. Senator!

  • 91 Effeminem // Jun 19, 2007 at 2:15 am

    Re: hydrogen,

    There are technical problems with hydrogen storage, but the main problem with using it is the low efficiency of creating H2 by electrolysis. A lot of the electrical energy ends up as chemical energy in the oxygen radicals that are created as a byproduct. This means that creating hydrogen fuel using conventional energy sources (coal plants, gas turbines) is just throwing money down the drain.

    Now, if the hydrogen is produced from solar, wind or nuclear energy, it might be a good storage medium. It burns clean and it’s safe, if you can overcome the risk of explosion. It can also be used pretty easily in fuel cells, which have a higher energy efficiency than combustion engines.

  • 92 JamesonLewis3rd // Jun 19, 2007 at 7:10 am

    I think it would be cool if my Dodge Pickup were nuclear-powered.

  • 93 JamesonLewis3rd // Jun 19, 2007 at 7:11 am

    were = was

  • 94 Darthmeister // Jun 19, 2007 at 7:25 am


    Hydrogen? OH, THE HUMANITY!

    Maybe L@Y can get a car to run exclusively on nitrous oxide (laughing gas).

    Conventional automobile engines can run on nitrous if it is being used as a power adder. It’s a great oxidizer and in a fuel injected cars the computer just starts pumping more fuel through the injectors to fatten up the fuel/air ratio when nitrous is introduced into the cylinders. A 150 HP nitrous system in a stock Camaroâ„¢ can get it down in the low 12s in the quarter mile.

  • 95 Ms RightWing, Ink // Jun 19, 2007 at 7:28 am

    This is the power I live with

    All hail the pow’r of Jesus’ name!
    Let angels prostrate fall; :|
    Bring forth the royal diadem,
    And crown - - - Him, crown Him,
    Crown Him, crown Him,
    And crown Him, Lord of all.

    Without that power I might as well stay in bed.

  • 96 Ms RightWing, Ink // Jun 19, 2007 at 7:29 am

    oops, don’t know how the scowly face got there. He should at least smile (or cry)

  • 97 conserve-a-tips // Jun 19, 2007 at 8:08 am

    Darthmeister, then he wouldn’t be lying when he said that his rust bucket was running on just a giggle. :-)

    MsRightwing, Ink: Amen sister.

  • 98 Darthmeister // Jun 19, 2007 at 8:14 am

    ABC News online:

    In recent months, virtually the entire Democratic field has tacked left — not just on the Iraq War, but on health care, taxes, energy issues and gay rights. In each of those areas, much of the field is standing to the left of where Sen. John Kerry, D-Mass., stood in 2004, when President Bush lampooned Kerry as a “Massachusetts liberal.”

    “They’re responding to the reality of the primaries, where the center of gravity is far to the left of the electorate as a whole,” said Erik Smith, a Democratic consultant who is not affiliated with any of the 2008 candidates. “The discussion with the greater American public is just getting started. They have plenty of time to define themselves, but you don’t come all the way back to the center.”

    Now these left-wing whackjobs are even more out of the mainstream. JFK would be viewed as a raving right-wing extremists by these people who are so far left that by comparison even Stalin would be considered a centrist. Wake up America.

  • 99 Darthmeister // Jun 19, 2007 at 8:25 am

    That’s what its called, giggle-juice, c.a.t. Good catch.

    BTW, if one is running more than a 100 HP nitrous shot, they’ll have to step up their vehicles injector capacity to supply the necessary volume of fuel. I believe a Camaro has 24/lb injectors and for a 150 shot you need to go to 35/lb or even 42/lb pintle-style injectors, otherwise you’ll get injector lock.

    My Mustangâ„¢ has 19/lb injectors which is good to about 300 HP on engine only. But with an add-on 100 HP nitrous system I’d have to go to 24/lb injectors. However with 136,000 miles on the engine I decided not to do it since its a little tired and I would also run the risk of toasting the stock hypereutectic pistons if the nitrous system ran too lean. Forged pistons are the best for nitrous application.

    The ZEXâ„¢ “dry system” is the best in safeguarding against burnt pistons and costs around $500. To fill a ten pound bottle with nitrous costs about $45 nowadays. They put sulfur in that nitrous so you can’t huff it without puking. A ten pound bottle in a 100 shot system would get you down the quarter-mile track about 8 to 10 times. It’s not cheap but it is fun. And talk about a big carbon-footprint …

  • 100 Darthmeister // Jun 19, 2007 at 8:33 am

    You heard it first from Michael Yon about the new push in the Anbar province using battalion-size elements to go after the bad guys … finally.

  • 101 MargeinMI // Jun 19, 2007 at 10:13 am

    If your heart can take it, read about these special needs Iraqi boys saved by U.S. troops:

    God bless and watch over ALL of them!

  • 102 JamesonLewis3rd // Jun 19, 2007 at 11:25 am

    RE: #95~~
    Ms RightWing, Ink~~

    Amen to that.

  • 103 Just Ranting // Jun 19, 2007 at 11:32 am

    Please say a prayer for our troops who are engaging in this battle in Anbar Province today. Pray for strength for their families, courage for the battle to be won, and safe return to their homeland when their mission is complete.

    Psalm 91 has been a source of inspiration for many who have gone into battle for our country. It reads as follows:

    You who dwell in the shelter of the Most High, who abide in the shadow of the Almighty,
    say to the LORD, “My refuge and my fortress; my God, in whom I trust.” For he will rescue you from the snare of the fowler and from the destroying pestilence; with His pinions he will cover you, and under His wings you shall take refuge; his faithfulness is a buckler and shield. You shall not fear the terror of the night, nor the arrow that flies by day, nor the pestilence that roams in darkness, nor the devastating plague at noon. Though a thousand may fall at your side, ten thousand at your right side; near you it shall not come. Rather with your eyes shall you behold and see the requital of the wicked. Because you have made the LORD your refuge, the Most High your stronghold, no evil shall befall you, nor shall affliction come near your tent. For to His angels He has given a command about you, that they guard you in all your ways. Upon their hands they will bear you up, lest you dash your foot against a stone. You will tread upon the asp and the viper; you shall trample down the lion and the dragon.

    Because he clings to me, I will deliver him; I will set him on high because he acknowledges my name. He shall call upon me, and I will answer him; I will be with him in distress. I will deliver him and glorify him. With length of days I will gratify him and will show him my salvation.

  • 104 Laughing@You // Jun 19, 2007 at 2:02 pm

    Say military genius about your post 100, when you say “finally”, do you mean you have found the reason the dumb plan you support so loudly, from a great distance, isn’t working?

    So the answer is using battalion-size units?

    Tell the truth dip-stick, do you even know what a battalion is?

    What a waste of a great military mind for you not to be there!

    So, “Ride to the sound of the guns” spanky, and take young Dick with you!

  • 105 JamesonLewis3rd // Jun 19, 2007 at 2:39 pm

    I’ll take them on bare-handed, if they’re ever within arm’s reach.

    I can’t blow their heads off, but I would if I could.

    I believe in self-defense and they (the Islamofascists) declared war long, long ago.

    Nothing much we have done so far has been in the form of a pre-emptive offensive, either, rather, it’s self-defensive cringing Leftists lashing out at the body and soul of our Beloved Country.

    All while the brave and courageous sweat and bleed. And all while the brave and courageous pray asking that they can continue to hold the fort for those who see no enemy and for continued strength to hold them at bay while the world wakes from its comatose yet ambivalent paroxysm of fatalistic greed.

    The Lord takes care of those who choose the path of righteousness.

    Jeremiah 29:11-14

  • 106 Darthmeister // Jun 19, 2007 at 6:54 pm

    “Finally” means that what conservatives have wanted ever since the end of major combat which toppled Saddam’s regime - taking the battle to the bad guys instead of sitting back and watch American soldiers being picked off one by one and having you yahoos celebrating because you see in that tactic a defeat of America.

    I don’t make this stuff up, even the liberal media understands at least that much and is reporting that the battlefield dynamics is changing under General Petraeus as U.S. troops take a pro-active, offensive stance against Al Qaeda and Sunni/Shia militias who have been attempting to undermine the duly elected government in Iraq and demoralizing the American people with a death by a thousand cuts - a terrorist tactic which seems to work with people like you.

    Despite whatever debatable missteps have been made by President Bush and some of his less aggressive generals the last three years in Iraq, at least America is fighting a war on terror that most certainly needed to be fought, despite the naysaying of the surrender monkeys on your side of the aisle. And you do-nothing-but-bitch geniuses would have us still twiddling our thumbs the last four years while being consummed by some “national debate” about how we can ingratiate ourselves with Islamofascists to make them like us again. The perpetually anti-war crowd have adequately demonstrated that the only contribution they’re going to make in any war on terror (other than calling it a hoax) is harsh rhetoric and disapproving glares. Islamofascists are shaking in their boots sandals.

    You also ignore history which demonstrates that in every war - i.e. even our own Revolutionary War, War Between the States, World War II, Korean War - mistakes will be made, but you can’t stop supporting your president/government/military. Like Abraham Lincoln said (quoting from the Bible), “A house divided falls,” and that’s all the DemDonks have been doing ever since 911 is trying to divide the American house with your divisive lies and contrived billingsgage.

    History will record that partisan hacks like you have only engaged in unproductive divisiveness every step of the way in the GWOT. Not a single Democratic leader (other than Joe Lieberman) has advanced any kind of workable plan to seal the victory in Iraq. Since you obviously think yourself some kind of brilliant military tactician (given your constant criticisms of our effort in Iraq) just how would you stablize the situation in Iraq and leave an Iraqi government that can fend for itself - other than surrendering in the face of the enemy by cutting-and-running?

  • 107 JamesonLewis3rd // Jun 19, 2007 at 8:18 pm

    I think The Wall should be coated with multi-colored shards of broken glass and rusty razor blades. I want a hard core wall. A complete cessation of illegal entry. Attack helicopters streaking full-speed directly overhead. Watchtowers. German Shepherds. Mines.

  • 108 Effeminem // Jun 19, 2007 at 8:51 pm

    Hey Hank, what are battalions going to do? We could win any battle in Iraq with three platoons while the other one’s on KP, but… there are no battles to fight. There are some large groups, but overall the insurgency is made up of glorified gang bangers.

    Now, if I were a real Field Marshal, I’d model the insurgency as a scale-free network and attack the supernodes. This means assassinating the people that bring in foreign funding. It means sabotaging the supply lines, as in the CIA plan to flood Iraq with booby-trapped bomb detonators. Well, there are other ways to take out a decentralized network, but attacking the visible structure is the least effective one.

  • 109 Laughing@You // Jun 19, 2007 at 9:36 pm

    “I don’t make this stuff up,” Well, maybe not all of it; but you do tend to be drawn to likeminded twits.

    General Petraeus seems to think his plan may take ten years! At that rate young Dick may run out of excuses before it’s over; but, not to worry, your own Repugs in the Senate will pull the plug on this brain dead, veg of a war plan by September.

    The war is over!

    Mission accomplished!

    The WMD are no longer a threat!

    Saddam is dead!

    We have won Iran’s war for them, and disgraced our nation by the wanton disregard of all the things America once stood for, and by holding up Dumbyah’s example of leadership to the world.

  • 110 Darthmeister // Jun 19, 2007 at 10:35 pm

    We have … disgraced our nation by the wanton disregard of all the things America once stood for, and by holding up Dumbyah’s example of leadership to the world.

    So, we’ve disgraced our nation by taking the war to Muslim thugs and terrorists who themselves wantonly target and murder innocent civilians - and who continue murdering them to this day? What an ignorant, self-righteous troll! And I suppose FDR disgraced this nation by pursuing Nazis and those who bought into their fascist ideology all the way back to Berlin when it was the Europeans’ war? Over 50,000 more American soldiers were killed in that final push across the Rhine River.

    The Democrat and the anti-war nitwits’ betrayal of this country and its soldiers is unparalleled in American history … with the possible exception of the Vietnam era. In fact there are those on your side of the aisle who can’t wait to see Iraq turn into a Vietnam … that’s all we hear from the brilliant lights like Kerry, Clinton, Edwards, Reid, Pelosi and David Duke.

    “We’ve …
    At least you include yourself by unconciously recognizing your own wanton disgrace with your interminable carping and defeatism during a time of war against a determined enemy. Clearly you have no viable solution yourself and apparently have no intention of offering anything constructive during these perilous times. Instead you engage in even more tiresome kneejerk Bush-bashing! You’ve become a part of the problem with your almost pathological bitter recriminations and venom.

    Go back to playing with your Tonkaâ„¢ toys. Most of us here are tired of having to suffer your delusions of adequacy.

  • 111 Ms RightWing, Ink // Jun 19, 2007 at 10:46 pm

    I just watched the space station and space shuttle fly overhead. How cool was that! It was so much bigger and brighter than I thought it would be. The station was first and the shuttle was right behind. A once in a life time sighting for me.

  • 112 Darthmeister // Jun 19, 2007 at 10:53 pm

    Dang, I missed it Ms. RightWing. I heard about it earlier in the day and wanted to see it. I remember spending hours as a teen amateur astronomer watching satellites crisscross the skies for the first couple of hours after last light. Even saw the Apollo-Space Station flyover once.

    Here’s a must read: The Dawn Patrol at the milblog Mudville Gazette.

  • 113 Laughing@You // Jun 19, 2007 at 11:06 pm


    Can I take this to mean young Dick has enlisted, as both me, and my son have done? Do you have anything besides drool on your chest?

    Are you being treated for some kind of mental disorder? Don’t be ashamed to ask for help, although your problem is likely incurable, maybe medication might help all of us deal with it easier.

    I’m saying this as one who cars. (Tonka, that is!)

  • 114 Darthmeister // Jun 20, 2007 at 6:47 am

    Same ol’ same ol’ ignorant rant. We’ve debunked that intellectually dishonest attempt you engage in when backed into a corner. Always trying to shut people up by “lording it over them”, eh? Typical coward’s tactic. I’ve never said this to anyone who served in this country’s military until now, but I’ll make an exception in your case: You’re proving to be a disgrace to the uniform you used to wear.

    And I’m not the only one who feels this way. Remember what I said several months about emailing friends of mine who have or are presently serving in Iraq? Here are their responses I received in response to my mention of you:

    (National Guard Major who served one tour in Anbar Province) “Hank, he certainly has the right to dissent. However he hasn’t earned the right to judge our mission in Iraq in the manner he does unless he’s walked in my boots and the boots of my men.”

    (Gunny Sargeant recently returned from first tour) “You’re wasting your time with that @$$hat. Please tell me he wasn’t a Marine.”

    (Marine Captain who served two tours and may soon be returning for a third tour) “This guy has to be a liberal, right? If he could re-enlist and go over to the sandbox and see for himself how we are making a difference in the lives of people who have known nothing but life under a dictator, he might appreciate the real nature of the war in Iraq and not what he reads in newspapers or hears on the evening news.”

    (Army Sargeant presently serving in Baghdad on prison detail) “Coach, I see he likes to pull rank to get his way. Given that and his general attitude about military matters when faced with a determined enemy, he wouldn’t last very long in my unit.”

    And I bet you haven’t even bothered to read the Dawn Patrol, which consists of contributions from “conservative chickenhawks” who are presently serving in Iraq. My last few posts about Iraq have been based ON THEIR REPORTING. Go regale them with your military pedigree and tell them how wrong they are you self-righteous, preening peacock.

    … and by holding up Dumbyah’s example of leadership to the world.

    Another example of your sheer ignorance based on your blind ideological hatred of George W. I guess the peoples of Canada, Germany and France are so disgusted with President Bush’s “leadership” that they recently elected left-wing, anti-war leaders … make that, CONSERVATIVE heads of state who are now more friendly toward the United States. Doh!

  • 115 Darthmeister // Jun 20, 2007 at 8:03 am

    Straight from the headlines:

    Michael Moore’s new autobiographical documentary

    Woman Threatens to Jump Because Can’t Afford Medical Care — in Communist China…
    Self-explanatory. Wait until socialist-style national healthcare comes to America compliments of “progressives”.

    American Indians say ‘Earth Mother getting angry’ about global warming…
    American Indians now firmly in the camp of liberal moonbats.

    Rosie O’Donnell wants to be “The Price is Right” MC
    Buwahahahahaha. “Now what is the price being charged by evil multi-national corporations for this product made by slave labor?

  • 116 Laughing@You // Jun 20, 2007 at 8:19 am

    “Hank, he certainly has the right to dissent. However he hasn’t earned the right to judge our mission in Iraq in the manner he does unless he’s walked in my boots and the boots of my men.” (Those melodramatic words sound alot more like your BS, than any militar officer!)

    Every citizen not only has the right to criticize this mission, but the duty if they believe it to be wrong! I was a Military Policeman; and I am ashamed of our actions at Abu Grav.

    We are an occupying force in a culture we do not understand, or accept. That culture does not accept us, and never will.

    It is not the work of a soldier to hand out candy and paint schools. All armies should strike fear in the minds of their enemies, “familiarity breeds contempt”!

    These actions in Iraq have been taken in the name of America, not George W. Bush. Not only have we needlessly killed and maimed our own, but also huge numbers of those we claim to be helping.

    It is disgusting the way you chickenhawks hide behind the loyalty and discipline of our troops!

    February 28, 2006- Le Moyne College/Zogby Poll

    U.S. Troops in Iraq: 72% Say End War in 2006

    Different branches had quite different sentiments on the question, the poll shows. While 89% of reserves and 82% of those in the National Guard said the U.S. should leave Iraq within a year, 58% of Marines think so. Seven in ten of those in the regular Army thought the U.S. should leave Iraq in the next year. Moreover, about three-quarters of those in National Guard and Reserve units favor withdrawal within six months, just 15% of Marines felt that way. About half of those in the regular Army favored withdrawal from Iraq in the next six months.

    Perhaps it should be considered the Army deployment is running 15 months and the Marines less than half that, or about 7 months


  • 117 Darthmeister // Jun 20, 2007 at 8:44 am

    You’re still a disgrace. Keep up your cherrypicked lies. Though the numbers you cite are spun by liberal opinion-shapers to make it appear Americans want to cut-and-run from Iraq as Democrat leadership has promoted when pandering to their whacko base, more objective and clearly worded polls have revealed that less than 29% of Americans want an immediate withdrawal from Iraq and less than 19% want an immediate withdrawal from Afghanistan. Scrapplers want the troops out, too … AFTER WE’VE STABILIZED IRAQ, Lying@You

    The Father of the Iranian Revolution. Thank you Jimmy Carter (D-Moon).

  • 118 Darthmeister // Jun 20, 2007 at 9:06 am

    A different kind of American than the liberal American today existed during World War II: There was a poll taken by Gallup from Dec. 31, 1944, to Jan. 4, 1945 — three years into that war and right in the middle of the bloody Battle of the Bulge, where U.S. casualties were estimated between 70,000 and 80,000. It found that 73 percent of Americans would refuse to make peace with Adolf Hitler if he offered it and that 86 percent of Americans thought there was no chance that we would lose the war in Europe.

    The question asked was: “If Hitler offered to make peace now and would give up all land he has conquered, should we try to work out a peace or should we go on fighting until the German army is completely defeated?…

    Support for the war was bipartisan. About 78 percent of those voting for FDR in 1944 wanted to keep fighting until the German army was destroyed, Berinsky found, and 73 percent of those voting for the Republicans’ Thomas Dewey felt the same.

    Today, most polls are conducted in a manner which merely reflects what Americans have been conditioned to understand about the world through the decades of slanted reporting of the liberal media and its constant drumbeat of negativism. According to the leftist anti-war crowd in the media and hence in the general population, there is no such thing as good news out of Iraq. Thank God this kind of left-wing media and liberals that the rest of us have to patiently suffer today weren’t around during World War II.

  • 119 Laughing@You // Jun 20, 2007 at 9:31 am


    Wipe your chin and sit down for a while, your “goose step” just isn’t the same without a uniform!

    Maybe you could try one of those little mustaches. Then too, while you are completely delusional, you’re not smart enough to pull that off either.

    September, Henry. September!

    Then we may just go ahead, impeach and remove him from office. Maybe we won’t have to wait that long. But, it looks like Gonzo is about to happen soon.

  • 120 Laughing@You // Jun 20, 2007 at 9:41 am

    Could you let up on the FDR fixation for a while? If that great leader was here he’d climb out of his chair, and up your little tree.

    Can’t you find a Repug you’re proud if? Try Barry Goldwater. That’s it; use him! I’ve collected some quotes that would cause embarrassment to most, if not you.

  • 121 Darthmeister // Jun 20, 2007 at 9:53 am

    Goldwater again? You sound like a broken record. Haven’t you read the Claremont Institutes debunking of your Goldwater Myth? Of course you haven’t (despite the fact I’ve twice posted the link) because you’re still blathering about Goldwater and how you’re supposedly a “Goldwater conservative”.

    BTW, Lying@You, given your vociferous attacks on anyone here who dares support this administration and the GWOT, and given the endless ideological boilerplate you mindlessly spew with respect to virtually Scrappler who dares to disagree with you, and given the number of Scott’s respectful reminders to help support the worthy cause he is engaged in which aids children of all ages as well as the children of soldiers, I’d like to know something: Just how much money have you contributed to aid Scott and the Scrappleface blog over those years you’ve hatefully trolled here?

  • 122 Darthmeister // Jun 20, 2007 at 9:57 am

    BTW, Lying@You, taking a page out of your book of ad hominems, you’re living proof there is no vaccine against stupidity. You have absolutely no concept of logical equivalences and metaphors. You refuse to see obvious parallels. Typical behavior for brain-dead trolls stuck on stupid. Who left your cage open this morning my drooling friend?

  • 123 Laughing@You // Jun 20, 2007 at 11:00 am

    “Thou art a very ragged Wart.”
    -Taken from: Henry IV, part 2

  • 124 Laughing@You // Jun 20, 2007 at 11:12 am

    From your cite site:

    Senator John McCain said that Goldwater

    “disliked the religious right, because he felt they were intolerant,

    because Barry was not only conservative, but he was also to a degree libertarian.”

    Guess what “Mr. Conservative” would think of you! H - E -double hockey sticks, I can’t post what he would say about you!

  • 125 Laughing@You // Jun 20, 2007 at 11:17 am

    Did you read your own cite?

    “What does the notion that Goldwater was a libertarian mean? First, it suggests that the cultural Right has abandoned true conservatism. It implies that presidents like Reagan and Bush, who have relied heavily on socially conservative voters, deviate from Goldwater’s rugged and pure frontier conservatism. And then there is the implication, appearing frequently in the mainstream media, that Republicans must move back in Goldwater’s direction if they are to reclaim their intellectual credibility.”

  • 126 Darthmeister // Jun 20, 2007 at 11:52 am

    You ignorant, narrow-minded twit. You only hear what you want to hear and see what you want to see. That analysis you cited is facile and WRONG. Continue reading:

    But this interpretation happens to be wrong: it overlooks the role of social issues in the origins of the conservative movement. William F. Buckley, Jr.’s, God and Man at Yale (1951) complained not only about economic collectivism but also about rampant agnosticism and atheism among Yale’s faculty. Ever since, the conservative movement has been as concerned with religious and moral issues as with economic and libertarian ones. Goldwater’s 1964 campaign actually shaped the social conservatism of the modern Republican Party in at least three crucial respects: his view of human nature and the American republic; his concern over the moral deterioration of American society; and his stand on several key policy questions.

    Not even Barry Goldwater was a “Goldwater conservative”. He moved further left the older he got. He betrayed the very principles he held as a younger man - but then people like you would call that “enlightenment”. Sheesh!

    BTW, your silence on the gifting issue is not being overlooked. I resubmit the question to you.

  • 127 Laughing@You // Jun 20, 2007 at 12:51 pm

    “BTW, your silence on the gifting issue is not being overlooked. I resubmit the question to you.”

    What gifting issue?

  • 128 Laughing@You // Jun 20, 2007 at 12:55 pm

    [Thou] villainous abominable misleader of youth!
    -Taken from: Henry IV, part I

  • 129 Darthmeister // Jun 20, 2007 at 2:50 pm

    To fill in the blanks so as to cut through your pretended ignorance, I asked you straight out that given how you’ve been nothing but a critical, full-time troll using Scrappleface’s bandwith for a bully pulpit to advance your venomous lies against everyone here, in all those months and years have you bothered to tip Scott for the use of this forum to express your hatred for us … or are you one of those typical left-wing, freeloading parasites who can callously ignored Scott’s measured pleas to keep in mind Scrappleface is kept on line by its readership/contributors through donations.

    Don’t hide behind this being a voluntary contribution since you and your alternate egos have posted here for years with the clear knowledge nothing in this world is free (though moonbats on your side of the aisle have worked hard and long in their tinfoil hats to try and make this a world where everything is free … even stupidity). Given how much bandwidth you’ve wasted here trying to sell us on your pathetic screeds, it would only be the decent thing for full-time trolls like you to at least generously tip the jar from time to time. But like I said, that would be the decent thing to do in your case, but maybe even that concept flies right over your pointy little head.

    I take it you’re not on a fixed income so I can’t wait to hear your self-justifying excuse on the matter.

  • 130 EXT // Jun 20, 2007 at 3:14 pm

    Love to see a photo of our resident troll with his long bakelite cigarette holder, genuine Chamberlain bow tie and smarmy FDR fellow traveller grin!

    Hasn’t been a good cartoon since Johnny Hart died…

  • 131 Darthmeister // Jun 20, 2007 at 3:40 pm


    You’d probably find him lighting his cigarette with genuine Monopolyâ„¢ hundred dollar bills. Given how smart and well-informed he believes himself to be, one would assume the guy is far richer than any of us poor red-neck schlubs … Oh, that’s right, his financial fortunes are probably being repressed by the evil Bu$Hitler/Halliburton/Cheney/Rove cabal and our capitalist free market system. Of course this presents an opportunity for us Christofascist kkkonservatives to be stealing his share of the wealth.

  • 132 Laughing@You // Jun 20, 2007 at 3:46 pm

    Say Guyz,

    What’s this their saying about Rudy? I just don’t understand how one of your favorites could let us all down so badly.

    If you don’t mind Henry, I’ll just make the same kind of contribution you, and you family have made to the America’s war effort.

    Now, I ask you is that free loading?

    Besides if it weren’t for me, this would be a like a right-wing site, or something.

  • 133 Effeminem // Jun 20, 2007 at 4:54 pm

    About the faith-based conservative thing, Yah, I’m an extreme anarchist libertarian kook. I can reason from “I think therefore I am” all the way to “life, liberty, and property.” But I can also come up with a pretty good argument for totalitarian government.

    If it weren’t for the fact I know there’s a God, it might occur to me that I would personally be better off in some sort of fascist/corporatist system. The strong and ruthless (like me) would rise to the top and crush peaceniks like L@Y. Sounds good all around.

    The reason “life, liberty, and property” are more popular than “the greatest good for the greatest number” is that “Thou shalt not steal/murder/overstate earnings in an attempt to inflate stock prices before your options vest.” Gosh.

  • 134 Laughing@You // Jun 20, 2007 at 5:09 pm

    Peacenik! I’m no peacenik!

    I support the war in Afghanistan, or wherever Osama is for as long as it takes, and whatever it costs to get him!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • 135 Ms RightWing, Ink // Jun 20, 2007 at 5:32 pm

    WalMart said they can capture Osama for $9.99. Or was that Obama??

  • 136 Darthmeister // Jun 20, 2007 at 6:08 pm

    Obama, Ms RightWing.

    Lying@You, your ridiculous deflective rant in hopes of avoiding having to answer a very simple question about tipping the jar here at Scrappleface proves you’re little more than a freeloader here - and a mendacious one at that.

    In the two years you’ve been dispensing your undisguised loathing and hate here have you never seen the “Click to Give” button at the top of the page which says, “Hi, Money Makes Scrappleface More Funny”? But I guess in your self-infatuation and self-absorption it may have never dawned on you to think that missive would actually apply to you too - despite the fact you’ve shamelessly used this site to spew your hateful venom and leftist lies. But given your earlier embarassing faux pas concerning the piece about the myth of Barry Goldwater, it may prove you have the reading comprehension skills of a fifth grader - my apologies to all fifth graders. In light of that maybe I should cut you some slack on observation and comprehension skills. On second thought … naaaaaaaaah!

    I’ve always thought you were little more than a self-aggrandizing blowhard who gives worthless freeloading trolls a bad name. You’ll find on the next thread there’s a real opportunity for you to finally step up to the plate and give a substantial donation to make it possible for children of families who have a father or mother serving our country on the frontiers of freedom to have a fun-filled week at Scott’s Victory Camp. Doing so might just give some legitimacy to your claim that you really care about our fighting men and women and their families. It’s such a small thing to do … think about it. And I’m not trying to shame you into it because you’ve already demonstrated you have no shame. Just do the right thing for a child, laughing gasbag.

  • 137 Laughing@You // Jun 20, 2007 at 8:11 pm

    Gosh, that hurts!

    Does this mean we’re not pals? Does this mean my many friends here will think less of me? Will this effect my party’s chances in the next election?
    Were you planning on voting Democrat? Will this change your mind?

    Does my decision somehow make you look less a twit? Does it make George W. Bush appear a better human being?

    Will the terrorists attack America if I do not give.

    I eagerly await your response.

  • 138 Darthmeister // Jun 20, 2007 at 9:28 pm

    Confidence in Democratically-controlled Congress At All Time Low

    Just 14% of Americans have a great deal or quite a lot of confidence in Congress.

    This 14% Congressional confidence rating is the all-time low for this measure, which Gallup initiated in 1973. The previous low point for Congress was 18% at several points in the period of time 1991 to 1994.

    Hmmmmm, wasn’t that right before the Republican takeover? Gorsh, November 2008 will probably prove quite interesting.

  • 139 Darthmeister // Jun 20, 2007 at 9:34 pm

    And this:

    Americans give both President Bush and the Congress failing marks on their handling of immigration, according to a new UPI/Zogby poll on the topic.

    The Zogby Interactive poll of 8,300 adults nationwide finds just 3% of Americans viewing Congress’s handling of the immigration issue in favorable terms, while 9% say the same of the President- even as respondents in the survey rated it the second most important issue facing the country, after the war in Iraq.

    Clearly President Bush, the Congressional Dhimmiecrats, and Republicans trying to act like open-border Dhimmiecrats in ramrodding this extremely flawed Shamnesty Bill through the Senate isn’t playing well with informed Americans. Looks like the clue bat needs to be dusted off again.

  • 140 Laughing@You // Jun 20, 2007 at 10:24 pm

    Enough rope yet?

  • 141 Effeminem // Jun 21, 2007 at 12:33 am

    Sorry L@Y, but unless you support invading every member of OPEC, Darfur, NoKo, and Luxembourg, you’re a peacenik.

    We either fight the enemy in Luxembourg or else we’ll have to fight them here!

  • 142 Effeminem // Jun 21, 2007 at 2:52 am

    Ya know, years ago when I said to stop wasting bandwidth… I was joking. Bandwidth is completely free, right Ott-san? It’s just like fresh air, sunshine, and health care.

  • 143 Effeminem // Jun 21, 2007 at 2:53 am

    well that’s weird… nevermind me, I’ll return to my regularly scheduled programming now.

  • 144 Darthmeister // Jun 21, 2007 at 9:08 am

    The milblog Mudville Gazette has more good news about Iraq from chickenhawk wannabees serving in there and killing the al Qaeda and other illegal enemy combatants.

    Effeminem, why do you think Muslim radicals haven’t been able to execute another 9/11 on American soil for nearly six years? An after having engaged in a war on terrorism for “x” number of years and America remains relatively unscathed, will you then conclude America’s attempts to drain the swamps on foreign battlefields wasn’t really necessary in the first place and the threats from terrorist safe havens were overblown? Just wondering.

  • 145 Darthmeister // Jun 21, 2007 at 9:10 am

    Sorry, first paragraph should read “serving there and …” . Delete the “in”.

  • 146 Darthmeister // Jun 21, 2007 at 10:42 am

    Michael Yon reports on on Operation Arrowhead Ripper.

  • 147 Laughing@You // Jun 21, 2007 at 10:50 am

    You are “just wondering” Henry? You are just trying to be cute while offering more “brain-dead” observations.

    The U.S. military today reported the deaths of 14 U.S. soldiers and Marines in Iraq over the past 48 hours. Young Dick is still safe isn’t he?

    Drain the swamps? What about this: Inside a Taliban ‘Graduation’

    There are more insurgents in Irag now, than there were when we started.

    The fact we have not had another attack yet has NOTHING to do with this administration. But, if we are attacked again, as in the first attack, it will have everything to do with this same Katrina bunch.

  • 148 Effeminem // Jun 21, 2007 at 1:51 pm

    Hiya Hank!

    Well, it’s easier and cheaper for terrorists to kill Americans in Iraq than to come here and do it. Simplistic economics says that they’ll stay over there to get more bang for their buck. Pun intended.

    I deleted a couple of paragraphs because they weren’t totally necessary.. In the short term we’ve obviously increased the number of American dead versus sitting and waiting for them to bomb our embassies. I’m sure that the number and scale of attacks would’ve continued to increase, though.

    Whatever. The short term effects aside, we should be more concerned with whether we can actually convert the ME to become lazy democratic bourgeoisie like us. I don’t think we’ll make things worse in that regard.

  • 149 Darthmeister // Jun 21, 2007 at 6:16 pm


    Well, it’s easier and cheaper for terrorists to kill Americans in Iraq than to come here and do it. Simplistic economics says that they’ll stay over there to get more bang for their buck.

    So let me get this straight, it’s “easier and cheaper for terrorists to kill Americans in Iraq” when it took terrorists less than two hours to kill three thousand American civilians on our own soil with just 19 of them dying in the effort? By contrast it’s taken terrorists something like four years to kill 2850 American soldiers in combat which in turn cost the lives of 100,000 to 180,000 terrorists. I understand your emotional argument, but how is that “easier and cheaper” for Islamofascists in advancing their dream of a global caliphate?

    L@Y, you disgust me again. Using the deaths of American soldiers to advance your ignorant rant is loathesome. But I’m not surprised that some freeloading, cheapskate, hateful troll like you would take American deaths - during a major operation which has forever removed thousands of murderers and terrorists from the face of the earth - and pin them on the tail of your chest thumping donkey rant.

    Go here and here and here and here and here and here and read for yourself where veterans and real fighting men give context and dignity to soldiers and Marine like those fourteen Americans who have died the last two days on the frontiers of freedom. Your argument is with those combat veterans, I’m just the messenger. Go hate on them for a while you ignorant twit.

    BTW, I remind you again, by claiming their mission is ignoble and little more than a fool’s errand you’re spitting on the memories and sacrifices of those 14 soldiers and the rest of those who willingly laid down their lives in the service of the country they love. Your pathological hate-driven, Bush-bashing political agenda of defeatism is repulsive and revolting in the extreme. Go take your lithium.

  • 150 Darthmeister // Jun 21, 2007 at 7:09 pm

    The fact we have not had another attack yet has NOTHING to do with this administration.

    Always in denial when it comes to good news, eh gasbag? I suppose the Islamofascists went on sabbatical or a vacation cruise to get away from the stress of jihad … or maybe they decided to be like flies to fly paper and take the fight to our military abroad.

    There are more insurgents in Irag now, than there were when we started.

    I bet America responding to Pearl Harbor got a lot of Japanese riled up. America fighting back probably did radicalized the whole Japanese population, so much so that it has been estimated there would have been over a million American casualties if we had invaded Japan instead of dropping the A-bomb on them. Dang that FDR for creating such hate for Americans among the peace-loving Japanese people.

    It’s better that the real nutcases are culled out of the herd now so they’re not there to undermine the new Iraqi government when most of American troops levels are drawn down. I hope to save you a lifetime a grief and hate by forewarning you there is a very good chance that there will be a sizeable contingent of American forces in Iraq well into the foreseeable future if there is any President in office who has the least concern about the safety and security of this nation and the rest of the free world. Think post-World War II … oh, that’s right, you have an aversion to historical parallels, unless it involves Vietnam.

  • 151 Effeminem // Jun 21, 2007 at 8:16 pm

    Interesting… I must look like L@Y when I don’t shave for a while. Well, I gueeeessss I can respond anyway..

    We’ve had more casualties (about the same number, really) fighting terrorists in the last 4 years than we did in the four years 3/1999 to 3/2003. We have also significantly reduced the resources they have to operate with. Therefore, they are achieving more kills with fewer resources. Therefore, it is easier and cheaper for them now than it was before.

    The difference the Iraq occupation makes is not the number of deaths, which is a short term effect, but the number of terrorists and terrorist havens, which is a long term cause (along with militant Islam, authoritarian regimes etc).

    So it’s entirely possible that we are “winning” the war, despite all our losses. However, the ultimate benefits of the occupation will not be realized until Iraq stabilizes and begins to influence surrounding countries.

    Anyway, let’s say I’m wrong. It’s NOT easier for them to attack our forces in Iraq. Then why are they doing it? Wouldn’t Al Qaeda withdraw into Nebraska and ravage the heartland? I thought you were the main cheerleader of the fight-them-there approach.

    -Field Marshal Mathers

  • 152 Effeminem // Jun 21, 2007 at 8:20 pm

    *Counting the Iraqi thugs and resources as leverage, rather than terrorist resources per se

  • 153 Laughing@You // Jun 21, 2007 at 9:54 pm

    Bless you Henry!

    Carter 28%, Nixon 23%, and closing quickly Bush at 26%, which will come first impeachment and removal, or the completion of 578 days.

    Whichever, oh what a day of rejoicing that, too, will be!

  • 154 Laughing@You // Jun 21, 2007 at 10:05 pm

    In your drivel numbered 149, it would appear you have made an incorrect attribution.

    Carry on though, I especially enjoy that here, here, and here thing you do. Very cool!

  • 155 Laughing@You // Jun 21, 2007 at 10:23 pm


    Actually, both the noble everthink? and his fool Laughing@You bear a remarkable resemblance to George Clooney or, so they say.

    PS Eight Mile was the worst movie I ever saw!

  • 156 Harry Daschle // Jun 21, 2007 at 11:15 pm

    Personally, I wish laughing boy and Darth would BOTH give us a rest!

    Scott’s site used to be funny, now it resembles a daycare center and sometimes a WWE event!

    I hope both of you are giving Scott an amount appropriate to your use of his site.

    My guess would be in the hundreds of dollars.

    P.S. I think it goes without saying I agree with Darth more often than not, but enough is enough. The troll is only here for one reason, and you, (Darth), keep giving “it” exactly what it grows on!

    PLEASE, give it a rest!

  • 157 Darthmeister // Jun 22, 2007 at 5:27 am


    Effeminem, the first reference to “L@Y” was a structural problem. I did a major edit in the box right before posting and didn’t delete the hanging “L@Y” at the first of the post while deleting a lead-in paragraph with your name. I knew who said what - when. The first part was a response to you the second part was a response to L@Y. Sorry for the confusion.

    Anyway, let’s say I’m wrong. It’s NOT easier for them to attack our forces in Iraq. Then why are they doing it?.

    Why do rabid dogs do what that do? You’ve finally gained some enlightenment. They can’t be reasoned with or trusted to ever behave themselves … they are cunningly irrational and therefore an everpresent danger to even their own kind (other Muslims). If Islam is a “religion of peace”, sooner or latter their atrocities will create a tipping point where their own “moderate” Muslim cousins will turn against them. Right now the closet crazies within the Muslim cultural morass are coming out, but it isn’t our presence which is radicalizing them but rather its their own religious teachings and culture had long created the hate in their hearts for non-Muslims. Do you think evangelical Christian pastors or Buddhist monks would act the way Muslim clerics and mullahs have in inflaming their own followers to kill innocents to advance their ideology of conquest? Churches, synagogues, and temples don’t create the climate of hate and holy war that we see in mosques, particularly in the Middle East?

    But if “moderate” Muslims turn out not to be so moderate after all, far better we know that now and deal with this very real problem of their deep-seated desire for a global caliphate at the point of the sword.

    Wouldn’t Al Qaeda withdraw into Nebraska and ravage the heartland? I thought you were the main cheerleader of the fight-them-there approach.

    You assume terrorist nutbags care about things like “easier”. It could be they like things “harder” because it brings them greater glory in their twisted minds. Even my own attempts at analysis may not adquately describe the full extent of their twisted aspirations since we’re dealing with demented people who believe women and children are fair game in gaining access to 72 perpetually virgin prostitutes in Paradise.

    It could be jihadists haven’t yet “withdraw(n) to Nebraska” because they can more “easily” slip into Iraq and Afghanistan and mix with their cousins who provide convenient camouflauge while attempting to kill American pig-dog soldiers - an act which would probably bring them greater personal satisfaction. But once again I may be ascribing a rationality they don’t possess. However, even Mullah Omar and other jihadist leaders have recognized Iraq is one of the most important battlefields where forces of freedom must be defeated.

    Even though Muslim terrorists appear to be willing to strap a homicide vest on their own grandmothers, I believe deep down inside they really do fear what a thoroughly aroused America would do to the Muslim world (and their very extended families) through the nuclear option if they attempt to turn America into another terrorist-ravaged Israel. They understand America’s own double-standards with respect to Muslim terrorist acts committed against Israel is what has kept Israel from responding in the most deadly fashion they can against Palestinian/Muslim depradations. But if that same kind of war was brought here … well, they saw how a sleeping giant aroused itself in 1941. And don’t kid yourself, if 9/11s were happening with any frequency here even the anti-war liberals would start screaming as their little socialist dreams are smashed by the cold cruel reality of domestic jihadism. Of course those libs would blame Bush and not the real perps for engaging in terrorism here in America but even then they would finally see the need to be utterly merciless in dealing with such fanatics ANYWHERE they can be found, particularly here at home - I hope. I does appear anti-war liberals have erected a suicide pact of sorts given how they blame American and President Bush for everything under the sun.

    Some people have ascribed a certain genius to UBL by claiming our response was exactly what he desired so as to radicalize the rest of the Muslim world and thus create World War III and bringing the world closer to an Islamic caliphate. Personally I think the jihadists and their leadership were surprised we did anything more than we did with respect to WTC ‘93, the Kobar Towers and the U.S.S. Cole. They really do/did believe us to be a “paper tiger.” If we simply cut-and-run from Iraq, America will prove to its enemies we are a “paper tiger” and it is that which will further embolden borderline jihadists throughout the world, not the fight we are presently putting up. As one Army major put it several months ago in an interview I saw on ABC, “The enemy is here (in Iraq). They have chosen this place to fight and fight them we must.” We can argue whether Muslim terrorists and al Qaeda were in Iraq before the war (and they were, many fleeing Afghanistan we now find out), but the reality is they are in Iraq now (and Iran) and are responsible for radicalizing a large segment Iraqi jihadist wannabees who see their acts of terrorism against their own Muslim brothers as holy and noble cause. Now that’s twisted.

  • 158 Darthmeister // Jun 22, 2007 at 5:36 am


    It has been “hundreds” … thankyouverymuch.

  • 159 Laughing@You // Jun 22, 2007 at 9:05 am

    Harry is right Henry! At best, you acting like a child. Do see someone, won’t you?

    We all miss the old “Happy Go Lucky” Darthmeister. I say this as one who cares deeply about you. Your pal,

  • 160 Laughing@You // Jun 22, 2007 at 12:12 pm

    More about 149

    Actually, the number is 3,598 young Americans.


    The mission is ignoble, the CNC is ignoble, and the administration is ignoble, the Republican Party is ignoble. However, I salute those, my brothers in arms, who have given their lives in obedience to their oath and in service to America. Though they may believe the mission to be a mistake, as most do, they yet go into the breech. Those are the true Patriots!

    It is the responsibility of the citizens our nation to reluctantly spend those good lives only when we absolutely must. We cannot sanctify this criminal tragedy by baptizing it in the blood of more of our young.

    If the Army would have me again, I would be honored to die with them. Short of that, this sad thing seems to be the best I can do.

  • 161 Effeminem // Jun 22, 2007 at 3:12 pm

    I dunno, Hank. I always use laziness to explain human activity. It’s amazing; if you substitute “laziness” for “entropy,” the laws of physics can apply quite well to humans.

    Evil is more like, mm, I dunno, Zinc. If ingested, you should contact the poison control center.

  • 162 conserve-a-tips // Jun 29, 2007 at 8:33 am


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