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Pelosi: Iraqi Optimism Highlights Bush Surge Failure

by Scott Ott · 37 Comments

(2007-03-18) — A new poll shows Iraqis are “irrationally optimistic, misguided in their support of the new government and in denial about the civil war raging in their country,” according to U.S. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi.

“These are just a few of the devastating consequences of the Bush surge in Iraq,” said Rep. Pelosi, D-CA, “and I fear that we’re seeing only the tip of iceberg.”

The survey of 5,019 Iraqis, published today, showed that despite almost daily car bombings and sectarian tensions, 49 percent prefer the government of Prime Minister Nouri Kamal al-Maliki to the more stable regime of the late President Saddam Hussein. Only 26 percent said things had been better under Mr. Hussein.

“Clearly these people are out of touch with the reality on the ground in Iraq,” said Mrs. Pelosi in an interview at her San Francisco office. “If they had read the New York Times or watched CNN, they would never draw these ridiculous conclusions.”

The poll showed that only 27 percent of Iraqis believe the country is embroiled in a civil war.

“As this poll shows, the ravages of civil war have taken their toll,” Rep. Pelosi said. “The Iraqi people are in deep denial. We need to reverse course now before things get much worse and they start thinking that their country can become a bastion of freedom and democracy in the heart of the totalitarian Arab world.”

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Tags: Global News · U.S. News

37 responses so far ↓

  • 1 camojack // Mar 18, 2007 at 7:55 am

    Energetic today?

  • 2 camojack // Mar 18, 2007 at 7:57 am

    “Clearly these people are out of touch with the reality on the ground in Iraq,” said Mrs. Pelosi in an interview at her San Francisco office. “If they had read the New York Times or watched CNN, they would never draw these ridiculous conclusions.”

    That is 100% true; it’s just too bad that so many Americans still trust those sources…

  • 3 onlineanalyst // Mar 18, 2007 at 8:15 am

    Granny-Nanny Pulloutsi surely speaks truth to power™ after her one-day whirlwind trip to the Green Zone. Nothing beats her ability to size up a situation bad for her party.

    It’s time for the Dems to pass non-binding pork addenda to the war-appropriations bill. Hasn’t she heard that Iraqi Muslims don’t approve of the other white meat?

  • 4 Ms RightWing, Ink // Mar 18, 2007 at 8:19 am

    denial, denial, denial. Tsk, tsk, tsk. What they need is a Baghdad Times so they could realize just how bad off they are

  • 5 Shelly // Mar 18, 2007 at 8:24 am

    I guess the people living in the fourteen peaceful provinces are like those of us who don’t live in Washington, DC and Los Angelos? Or has my not watching CNN or reading the New York led to my belief that this country is not enmeshed in a gang war?

  • 6 JamesonLewis3rd // Mar 18, 2007 at 9:12 am

    Just the title of this post had me laughing!

  • 7 TouchyFeely // Mar 18, 2007 at 9:23 am

    In an America where hundreds of billions of dollars in government spending rides on the outcome of every election - politician fortunes made or lost, there is no room for agreement or unity. The other party is always wrong regardless of what they do. That’s why the Dems attack everything Bush does. Millions in kickbacks, millions in Swiss bank accounts, billions in discretionary spending are at stake. The American government has become the biggest business on the planet - and it wants to get bigger.

  • 8 Fred Sinclair // Mar 18, 2007 at 9:55 am

    SPINE = BACKBONE = Duncan Hunter w/ Fred Thompson as VP.

    Only in my dreams and most sincere (without wax) prayers!

    May God continue to bless America and give of His mercy.

    Heirborn Ranger

  • 9 Beerme // Mar 18, 2007 at 10:22 am

    “Just what makes that little old ant,
    Think he’ll move that rubber tree plant”?

    Everyone knows that Arabs can’t live free in a democratic society…Just ask Nan!

  • 10 MargeinMI // Mar 18, 2007 at 10:24 am

    Darn that Bush! He is to blame for everything!


    Whew! Scott’s on a roll!

  • 11 JamesonLewis3rd // Mar 18, 2007 at 10:29 am

    RE: #8~~
    Heirborn Ranger~~


    And, Amen!

    (Though, as you may have noticed, I might reverse the order [I sort of prefer the younger guy (Hunter is 58, Thompson is 64) as VP] but, either way-Yes.)

  • 12 RedPepper // Mar 18, 2007 at 10:46 am

    This is … well, this is downright disturbing! I mean, sure they aren’t reading the New York Times, but what about Al Jazeera? And I thought CNN was global … how else could they find an audience?

  • 13 conserve-a-tips // Mar 18, 2007 at 10:58 am

    Doesn’t Ms Pulloutsi realize that when she went to the Middle East and crossed that famous river she, herself, became the “Queen of DeNial?”

  • 14 GnuCarSmell // Mar 18, 2007 at 12:09 pm

    If Nancy were to refuel her broom and fly over Iraq, she would see that fourteen of the eighteen provinces are no more dangerous than her home district of San Francisco. Poor thing isn’t the brightest bulb in the chandelier.

  • 15 TouchyFeely // Mar 18, 2007 at 1:24 pm

    I heard Hunter on Lars Larsen. He is the real deal, a true conservative who’s picking up some steam in the polls. I’m all for the Hunter/Thompson ticket (sweet irony).

  • 16 Effeminem // Mar 18, 2007 at 2:34 pm

    To be fair, 26% of Americans would prefer Saddam Hussein to George Bush.

  • 17 Bill's Bites // Mar 18, 2007 at 2:58 pm

    2007.03.18 Iraq/Iran Roundup…

    Poll: Iraqis prefer life under Maliki to life under Saddam, 49%-26% Allahpundit Another 16% said they both reek.

  • 18 Ms RightWing, Ink // Mar 18, 2007 at 3:35 pm

    I wonder how NASCAR would work in Iraq. The crashes ought to be spectacular if they use car bombs!

  • 19 RedPepper // Mar 18, 2007 at 4:47 pm

    Effeminem #16: To be fair, it’s a shame we can’t give those 26% what they prefer ; or, more precisely, it’s a shame we can’t give them to him !

    Regrettably, I believe Saddam is unavailable just now …

  • 20 conserve-a-tips // Mar 18, 2007 at 5:08 pm

    You know, Redpepper, you just might have something there.

    Perhaps we should cut out a small portion of Iraq - say - right there next to Iran, and build a wall around three sides but not on the side on the border with Iran. Then we should tell all of the Sunnis that if they want to run their own state, without interference, they have one week to move through the gates into “SunniDale”. If they don’t go and cause trouble, whatever house they live in gets leveled no matter who is in it. But those who move to “SunniDale” will be left to their own devices.

    Then we close the gate and throw away the key and let them live under all of the oppression they like. I am sure that Iran would be most happy to help out on the oppression part and might even adopt them as their own. The rest of the country could move on in a Democratic fashion and everybody should be very happy.

  • 21 Harry Daschle // Mar 18, 2007 at 6:31 pm

    If we could only move some of these “Islamofacists”/terrorists to San Francisco, I would like to make book on how long it would be before the beheadings would start. Probably during a “gay pride” parade!

    “Nan” in a burka would be an improvement if nothing else.

  • 22 conserve-a-tips // Mar 18, 2007 at 6:42 pm

    This is a bit off topic, and long, but is relevant to previous stories:

    I just had an epiphone and I think it is pretty deep, guys and gals. Those of you from the glorious eras of the 60’s and 70’s, listen up.

    Today, we have those of our generation who can’t seem to give up the nostalgic “remember when” of the peace movement and the rock and roll phenomenon, along with the tie-dyed t-shirts, peace signs, seed necklaces and fringed belts and boots and headbands. They have, with their graying long hair, donned their clothes of yesteryear and chanted their anti-war slogans because it makes them feel important. Some have clothed themselves in suits and ties and made their way into the halls of government, but they proudly admit that they are hippies at heart, deep down inside. They have encouraged a whole new generation to embrace their “anti-establishment” attitude and have compared anything and everything that they don’t like, to the only things they can remember from history - Watergate and Vietnam. While we all struggled through the High School required reading of On The Beach and Brave New World and 1984 and Catcher In The Rye, and The True Believer, while contemplating a most certain death from the imminent ice age upon us, most of us went on with our lives, carrying a bare memory of significant lines to use in college papers, later.

    But Hollywood could not allow us to get past these harbingers of doom and so, to give the activists of our generation something to chew on, the movie moguls invented a genre of film that was destined to become — yes, you know it — totally ignored and forgotten piles of film-tape cataloged on the back shelves of storage rooms. And this genre of motion picture was called, “The Disaster Film”, quite the disasters in their own right. The following titles, snatched from this site are sure to tickle your memory.

    Airport (1970)
    The classic that started it all.

    Airport ‘77 (1977)
    An airplane movie underwater, brilliant idea!

    Airport ‘79 (1979)
    Hilarity at the speed of sound

    Earthquake (1974)
    If L.A.’s a rockin’, don’t come a knockin’!

    The Towering Inferno (1974)
    “I’m melting. I’m melting! What a world. What a world!”

    Meteor (1979)
    James Bond vs. the rock from outer space.

    The Poseidon Adventure (1972)
    Set the standard for all disaster movies to come.

    The Swarm (1978)
    The bees are mad as hell and they’re not gonna take it anymore!

    Beyond the Poseidon Adventure (1979)
    The waterlogged sequel to…well, you can guess.

    When Time Ran Out (1980)
    A prophetic title if there ever was one.

    And so, with the recognition of a penchant for disaster- mania of those between the ages of 45 and 69, is it any wonder that the new raison d’etre should encompass a worldview that sees us all going down in oceans of melted glaciers or in parched lands of oven temperatures? How old is Al Gore? Ah yes, 59. Need I say more??????

  • 23 conserve-a-tips // Mar 18, 2007 at 7:10 pm

    Pardon me, for the ‘H’ word, but I cut those from the site and didn’t catch it.

  • 24 Darthmeister // Mar 18, 2007 at 8:16 pm

    The most impressive poll would be the one that would reveal 99% of the moonbats believe Iraq and its future was better off under Saddam Hussein.

    Starting with Jimmah Carter, liberals have demonstrated time and time again they have never met a dictatorship (particularly a left-wing totalitarian government) with which they couldn’t live in “peaceful” co-existence.

  • 25 Ms RightWing, Ink // Mar 18, 2007 at 9:06 pm

    43% of Americans believe we would be better off under Milard Filmore. The rest don’t have a clue who the president is let alone where Mexico is. That is why nobody gives a toot about illegals because they don’t know who they are or where they came from.

    No Child Left Behind to most means someone is watching out so the crumb crunchers don’t miss the school bus

  • 26 da Bunny // Mar 18, 2007 at 10:39 pm

    Harry Daschle #21
    If we could only move some of these “Islamofacists”/terrorists to San Francisco, I would like to make book on how long it would be before the beheadings would start. Probably during a “gay pride” parade!

    “Nan” in a burka would be an improvement if nothing else.

    Harry, I couldn’t agree more with your post. These kook-lib-”alternative lifestyle” types are likely the first ones that the islamofascists would target. I heard that Rosie O’Blowhole’s latest rant on “The Spew” was about how KSM’s “confession” was probably beaten out of him, and she doesn’t believe any of it is true. I sure do wish that someone would clue that demented pervert in to the fact that there is no such thing as an outspoken leftist lesbian Muslim…one who is still wearing her head atop her neck, that is. And, that her precious KSM, islamofascist terrorist thug that he is, and to whose defense against the U.S. she rushed, would just as soon kill her as look at her. Could that “woman” be any dumber?

  • 27 Effeminem // Mar 19, 2007 at 5:22 am

    c-a-t #22: What I don’t get is how the left goes from
    *Don’t trust the government! Watergate!
    *Let’s make the government bigger!

    Well, a lot of people don’t see the problem with Brave New World anymore. eh.

  • 28 mig // Mar 19, 2007 at 6:30 am

    Happy Birthday to Hawkeye!!!

    I have to run, I’ll read later…

  • 29 Ms RightWing, Ink // Mar 19, 2007 at 7:23 am

    Well, Happy Birthday Hawkeye is a good lead in for today……………, um, er, Happy Birthday Hawkeye!!

  • 30 Shelly // Mar 19, 2007 at 7:36 am

    Effinem, and now they’re proudly trumpeting their intention of turning health care into the DMV! Pelosi and her ilk see misery and suffering in totaliarian states and think “we need more of that here.” And apparently way more killing of Iraqis.

    On that pleasant note, Happy Birthday Hawkeye! I hope your day, and more importantly your cake, are wonderful! ;-)

  • 31 Fred Sinclair // Mar 19, 2007 at 8:01 am

    “To be fair, 26% of Americans would prefer Saddam Hussein to George Bush”.

    Comment by Effeminem — March 18, 2007 @ 2:34 pm

    Being totally fair, Effeminem, I’m sure that, 26% of Americans would prefer Saddam Hussein to George Washington.

    And given their druthers, that same 26% would probably prefer Adolph Hitler to George Bush.

    Facing the reality - I’m sure that at any given time there is probably a quarter of the population suffering from (or enjoying) serious brain damage and/or serious genetic defects.

    I personally believe that libralism is not a choice but rather a defective gene pool. Along the line of inbreeding - it produces defectives who seek each other out to produce more of the same.

    Since it would be an impossibility for any rational, thinking, sane mind to deliberately breed itself out of existence by way of homosexuality and abortion. The proof of this stands on it’s own lack of merit.

    Heirborn Ranger

  • 32 Darthmeister // Mar 19, 2007 at 8:13 am

    After Valerie Plame testified before Congress its becoming increasingly clear the CIA has better politicians than it does spies.

    And now many times did it come up that she wasn’t really a covert agent, that Fitzgerald could find no legal wrong in the case, and that it was Dick Armitage in the State Department, not the White House who gave her name to the liberal media? The media continues to spin and the limpwristed Republicans still don’t know how to handle DemDonk spin and lies.

  • 33 Darthmeister // Mar 19, 2007 at 8:21 am

    Scott, despite the O.R.B. poll of 5,019 adults from all eighteen governorates within Iraq, guess what poll the lamestream media chooses to headline - the USA Today/ABC/BBC/ARD poll of only 2,212 Iraqis mostly from the Anbar Province. This bit of information manipulation results in this USA Today headline: Iraqis See Hope Drain Away

    Which all goes to prove what a bunch of calculating liars the liberal media really is. And this is the America that liberals like our resident trolls live in, an America which celebrates moral perversion, embraces media lies and continues blaming Bush and America for the atrocities committed by Islamofascists. The trolls are right, I refuse to live in blind obedience to such a world they embrace.

  • 34 Hawkeye // Mar 19, 2007 at 12:23 pm

    Mig & Ms RW,
    Thank you! 55 today. I’m not getting older, I’m getting… Awww, who am I kiddin’? My back was killing me on Saturday after shovelling up all that global-warming.

    :smile: Regards all…

  • 35 Darthmeister // Mar 19, 2007 at 1:11 pm


    I’m back from Shiloh. Try sleeping in a drafty Civil War era canvas tent two nights straight with 29 degree nights, 20 mph winds and ten degree windchill with only one flannel sheet, one wool blankets, a great coat and a canvas cot between you and Mother Nature. Global Warming indeed! I felt every bit my 52 years.

    It makes you appreciate what our Civil War forebearers had to put up with besides getting shot at or suffering from some disease - sleeping on the ground with only a gumblanket and your wool great coat (if you were lucky) or your much lighter sackcoat (if you were unlucky) while your tent and other camp amenities were ten or twenty miles behind the battlelines. Many a night would be spent on a battlefield curled up behind corpses while the other side sniped at your from the “comfort” of their breastworks.

  • 36 everthink // Mar 19, 2007 at 3:29 pm

    Samuel Bennett (My great-great-grandfather)

    Samuel Bennett, of Daviess County, was a member of the 26th Kentucky volunteers. This diary entry describes his experience as a Union soldier at the Battle of Shiloh, near Corinth, MS in April 1862.

    April 6th
    We heard heavy firing in our front. We marched to Savanna which was about 8 miles hear we learned that there was a hard battle Wageing at Pitsburgh Landing. We marched into Savanna just at dark. We got on board a boat and went to Pitsburgh. We landed at Pitsburgh about midnight. Here was everything that was calculated to throw a damper over a soldier. We could hear the srieks of the wounded and the banks of the river was crouded with almost panic stricken men We rested on the bank as well we could in the rain until next morning.

    April 7th
    We marched into the scene of action and after a hot contest with the rebels we repulsed them and put in flight to Corinth the loss of our regiment was about 84 killed and wounded the loss of our Co was one killed by the name of Elijah Hughes and four wounded one among whom was my brother whose name was William J Bennett this is the sadest disaster that I have had to encounter since I have been in the service up to this time for my brother had enlisted in the service at the same time that I did and now to be seperated from him far away from home or relatives was too much for me to undergo but such are the fates of war.
    Diary of Samuel Wilson Bennett
    Oct 14, 1861 to July 30, 1865
    Owensboro Area Museum of Science and History


  • 37 Harry Daschle // Mar 19, 2007 at 4:07 pm

    da Bunny: They are blind and cannot see! The radical islamists TELL WHO THEY WANT TO KILL! San Francisco is just full of them!

    Reminds me of the old “Billy Jack” movie when Billy tells the corrupt sheriff, “You know what I am going to do? I’m going to swat you on the right side of your head with this left foot, and you know what—-there is nothing you can do about it!” He then does it.

    The connection is, people like islamofacists are not lying, and that is why dimocrats don’t believe them. They think everyone is like them—-LIARS!

    Happy birthday Hawkeye from Harry/R.A.M.

    You beat me to 55 by a few weeks!

    Don’t we get some kind of discount at K-Mart now? :lol:

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