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Edwards Launches White House Bid for ‘08, ‘12 and ‘16

by Scott Ott for ScrappleFace · 74 Comments · · Print This Story Print This Story

(2006-12-28) — With just 23 months before the next presidential election, former Sen. John Edwards, D-NC, announced today that he would seek the Democrat nomination for president in 2008, 2012 and 2016, but refused to comment on his plans for 2020.

“Americans are looking for a candidate with experience running for president,” said an unnamed campaign spokesman. “In 2018, when John Edwards is 65, he’ll have spent 16 years seeking the office and have four campaigns under his belt. We think that will position him well for victory in 2020.”

While the candidate sought to deflect questions about his longterm plans, the anonymous source said Mr. Edwards would file papers with the Federal Election Commission next week forming a 2020 presidential exploratory committee.

The Edwards ‘08-12-16 campaign timed today’s announcement to coincide with this week’s death of former President Gerald Ford, “another great, and handsome, man who was never elected to the White House.”

In launching his campaign in front of a federally-funded trailer of a hurricane Katrina victim in New Orleans, Mr. Edwards recalled his 2004 stump speech in which he frequently said there are “two Americas.”

“Since 2004, I have learned a lot,” said Mr. Edwards. “I think history and geography have proved me right. If you look at the map, there are in fact two Americas — North America and South America.”

The former vice presidential candidate quoted the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag, saying America must overcome racial and socioeconomic prejudices to unite as “one nation, underprivileged, indivisible, with subsidy and justice for all.”

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74 responses so far ↓

  • 1 Ms RightWing, Ink // Dec 28, 2006 at 8:23 am

    The box says no comments yet. Well let us hear from the other two Democrats in the Senate who have not announced their run for presidency yet.

    How about you Kucinich (who has a lot of his backers very angry at him), what have you got to say.

    One thing, if their out running around squawking, they are not in Washington passing tax bills

  • 2 Scott Ott // Dec 28, 2006 at 8:27 am

    Edwards Launches White House Bid for ‘08, ‘12 and ‘16…

    by Scott Ott(2006-12-28) — With just 23 months before the next presidential election, former Sen. John Edwards, D-NC, announced today that he would seek the Democrat nomination for president in 2008, 2012 and 2016, but refused to comment on his……

  • 3 MargeinMI // Dec 28, 2006 at 8:29 am

    But will his Breckboy good looks hold out that long?

  • 4 Libby Gone // Dec 28, 2006 at 8:36 am

    Of course! Look at Madam Petosis. At 101 she only looks like she is in her late 80’s thanks to millions of $ in plastic surgery!

  • 5 Ghoti // Dec 28, 2006 at 8:41 am

    If Edwards’ vision was “2020″ he wouldn’t bother to run for any office, at any time.

  • 6 gafisher // Dec 28, 2006 at 8:42 am

    His “Two Americas” didn’t quite take off, but he could be a lot closer to his constituency if he’d move to East Virginia.

  • 7 gafisher // Dec 28, 2006 at 8:43 am

    Libby #4, that was cruel! Everyone knows San Fran Nan is living in the sixties!

  • 8 gafisher // Dec 28, 2006 at 8:45 am

    Very good, Ghoti #5!

  • 9 RedPepper // Dec 28, 2006 at 9:15 am

    Edwards may see himself as the modern-day Harold Stassen , but Senator Joseph Biden could accuse him of plagiarism

  • 10 Darthmeister // Dec 28, 2006 at 9:19 am

    I’m buying stock in Clairolâ„¢!

  • 11 Hawkeye // Dec 28, 2006 at 9:20 am

    one nation, underprivileged, indivisible, with subsidy and justice for all.

    Great line Scott… I love it. :lol:

  • 12 seneuba // Dec 28, 2006 at 9:21 am

    I think the only ‘white house’ he’s qualified to serve in has B-I-F-F-Y stenciled on the side.

  • 13 seneuba // Dec 28, 2006 at 9:23 am

    re: DM #10

    I think the makers of BOTOX have found their spokesmodel…

  • 14 everthink // Dec 28, 2006 at 9:37 am

    Hey Guyz,

    The “Breck Guy”, John Edwards, from East Virginia, (dang, you guyz are sooo lame!) and all Democrats should be concerned with this:

    HBO is running a documentary called “Hacking Democracy”, it deals in part with the corruption, and fraud of the Diebold Corporation in the 2000 and the 2004 elections.

    The documentary reveals the presence of an executable file in the memory cards of Diebold voting machines, and demonstrates how the addition of a couple of lines of code into that exe file can produce a rigged election outcome on those machines.

    In the 2000 election Gore actually received a minus 6200 vote count (that is a subtraction of 6200 votes) in Volusia County, Florida. This anomaly affected only the presidential and vice-presidential vote on those machines.

    I thought you’d want to know. More information to follow next year! You know, NEXT YEAR, wink, wink, elbow!

  • 15 everthink // Dec 28, 2006 at 10:01 am

    I Googled:

    “America must overcome racial and socioeconomic prejudices to unite as “one nation, underprivileged, indivisible, with subsidy and justice for all.”


    “one nation, underprivileged, indivisible, with subsidy and justice for all.”

    I got no hits! Zero, Zelch!

    So, I guess, “The Botox Breck Guy from East Virginia must have said that in a private conversation with the editorial staff of Scrappleface.

    If so, he’s as dumb as George Bush, and that’s saying quite alot!


  • 16 Ms RightWing, Ink // Dec 28, 2006 at 10:06 am

    There is one poster of whose name I shall not refer to who still believes the Rosenberg’s were not guilty, Kennedy was an honorable president, Carter was set up by a rabid rabbit, Regan was a closet Nazi and Gore was flipped on election day.

    Makes for a good HBO documentary

  • 17 seneuba // Dec 28, 2006 at 10:12 am

    re #14:

    Personally, I’m spending my spare hours in 2007 looking for the hidden National Treasures that Nicolas Cage found…you know, the ones in that (documentary) movie. I just KNOW they exist because someone on late night TV said so! (Personally, I think Dick Cheney has them hidden in his basement.)

    After all, if HBO / CBS / ABC / CNN / NBC say it’s true, it MUST be true, right?

    But ET, don’t tell anyone else about the treasure…It’s our little secret! ;-)

  • 18 rastajenk // Dec 28, 2006 at 10:19 am

    To paraphrase Judge Smails, “The world needs Harold Stassens.”

  • 19 seneuba // Dec 28, 2006 at 10:21 am

    I hear HBO is doing a special on the hundreds of people who’ve disappeared after they removed the tags on their mattresses. I guess they’re going to present evidence that they’re being held in a special detention facility at GITMO. The real shocker is that this was all secretly approved by the Haliburton Board of Directors and Donald Rumsfeld.


  • 20 rv // Dec 28, 2006 at 10:27 am

    Try Googling “parody”, “irony” and “wit”


  • 21 rv // Dec 28, 2006 at 10:28 am


  • 22 186k Per Second - » John Edwards Feels Your Pain but Sued the Doctor who tried to ease it! // Dec 28, 2006 at 10:49 am

    [...] Good stuff at [...]

  • 23 RandomNY // Dec 28, 2006 at 11:46 am

    Here is John Edwards’ “2 AMERICAS”, America 1 he and his filthy rich, non-tax paying socialist liberals, can be worth millions of dollars and own 5 homes, while in the second America(the REAL AMERICA WITH REAL AMERICANS), we are taxed to death by the socialists liberals from America 1……

  • 24 RandomNY // Dec 28, 2006 at 11:47 am

    Oh and I forgot remember his daddy worked in a milllllllllll……

  • 25 everthink // Dec 28, 2006 at 12:26 pm

    Awe Geez,

    You mean you guyz think the HBO presentation is not a documentary? Well, that’s a shock to me! I guess it must be another left coast commie rouse; right?

    But, what if: “State of California commissioned its own independent study, Diebold was ordered to cooperate with the study, and all of the scientists said, “The hack is real, and it is dangerous.” And they found 16 additional vulnerabilities. You have to sort of decide who it is that has more credibility - a manufacturer that wants to sell a system or six independent scientists commissioned by the State of California.”

  • 26 everthink // Dec 28, 2006 at 12:35 pm

    When I Googled “parody”, “irony”, “wit”; and then I added Neo-Con and Google asked “Do you mean lying? (Now, that’s parody!)


  • 27 myword // Dec 28, 2006 at 12:40 pm


    You are soooo right. We “real Americans” should be afraid, very, very afraid.

    I’m curious. I would love to see Congressman Jefford’s
    income tax return. What imaginative way will that $90,000 be entered on the tax form? Any ideas?

    Not to mention Senator Reid’s $1,000,000 profit on land that he did or did not own, depending on the spin of the
    day. Just a minute while I peruse the MSM for the answer. This may take awhile.

  • 28 Darthmeister // Dec 28, 2006 at 12:44 pm

    HBO is running a documentary called “Hacking Democracy”, it deals in part with the corruption, and fraud of the Diebold Corporation in the 2000 and the 2004 elections.

    Should read: “HBO is running a crockumentary…” And if he saw in on PBS then it most certainly must be true. Left-wing kook conspiracy theories. Buwahahahahaha! Of course it doesn’t matter that the major news networks (and no it wasn’t FOX News, that left-wing lie was thoroughly debunked by Richard Miniter) calling Florida for Gore when the conservative panhandle of Florida hadn’t finished voting thus costing George W a +10,000 votes is apparently irrelevant in the World-According-To-Neverthink.

    I guess the same conspiracy theorists also believe in little green men, Area 51 and Hangar 18 flying saucers. Hey, that crockumentary just ran on the Discover Channelâ„¢ this last week! What a hoot!

    And isn’t it interesting when Democrats win all the stories about Diebold fraud, voter disenfranchisement, ad nauseam all dry up? Me thinks thou protesteth too much DemDonks.

  • 29 Darthmeister // Dec 28, 2006 at 12:45 pm

    What I want to know is who uses more hair spray, Hillary Clinton or John Edwards?

  • 30 hwy93 // Dec 28, 2006 at 12:52 pm

    Isn’t Truthout the ones that reported the indictment of Rove as a done deal and still stick by the story. Even after 24 business hours. Please tell me your bastion of truth isn’t jason leopold and will pitt. You’ve used the word vulnerabilities, Is there any evidence that any of these vulnerabilities have been illegally exploited. You make it sound as if the executable files on the Diebold memory cards are readily accessible to everyone and anyone. It’s my understanding that they kind of keep track of voting machines. Despite the agenda driven documentary, are there pictures of voting machines laying around being attacked by hackers, children or democrats.

  • 31 everthink // Dec 28, 2006 at 12:57 pm


    You seem to be a very, very, angry guy! Has somebody been flushing your money down the toilet?

    You say: “non-tax paying socialist liberals”?

    Get outta here, those guys aren’t liberals, that’s Dumbyah and his buddies at Enron, Haliburton.

    Those are also the ones steal the taxes you have paid with no-bid contracts in Iraq, Afghanistan, and New Orleans!

    And, those are the unnamed guys this administration gave tens of millions to in Iraq, and didn’t even think to ask for a receipt, and now can’t seem to remember their names.

    What till you see how much money has been wasted, stolen, and “misplaced”, by the Neo-Cons!

    But, hope is on the way! It’s due next week!

    So put on your remembering cap boys, cause there are questions to be answered, and finally somebody’s watching!


  • 32 Darthmeister // Dec 28, 2006 at 12:59 pm

    Debunking left-wing blog voter fraud conspiracies, and this is how the HBO crockumentary got its impetus in the first place.

    Yes there are electronic voting machine problems but it’s not a result of some vast right-wing conspiracy. Most of the time the problems are caught and in the overwhelming majority of cases it doesn’t affect election outcome one whit. Sheesh.

  • 33 Fred Sinclair // Dec 28, 2006 at 1:08 pm

    I emember clearly the last time I saw John Edwards. He was at his home in New York City. I don’t understand why he would want to become President, he was a King, even back then. Must have been since he was in the White House. I new it was the White House because it was white and he must have been a King since in clear English in the front was his sign - “White Castle”

    Heirborn Ranger

  • 34 Darthmeister // Dec 28, 2006 at 1:17 pm

    Because our county clerk is a pretty savvy conservative Republican, we use the much more reliable optical scanner. It is not only quick but also leaves a paper trail. This last election not a single vote tally was changed in a random audit.

    I bet most Democrats who vote for Breckboy John Edwards probably think they’re voting for John Edward the Psychic. Now wouldn’t he be a great President? He could predict if Democrats would support a war before going to war! He could channel FDR! Of course being a Democrat himself, like Bill Clinton, any war he would care to engage in will get the support of the majority of Democrats even if it is to liberate Muslims in the Balkan states so they in turn can burn down Christian churches and kill non-Muslims in the name of Allah.

  • 35 everthink // Dec 28, 2006 at 1:27 pm


    Diebold did pay the State of California 2.6 million dollars.

    Actually, Blackbox Voting did find some similar voting Democrats in some areas. They also found a Diebold Accounts Receivable document
    showing the RNC owed then over 12 thousand dollors. Your first link is dated November 12th, 2004. That’s before the hack was demonstrated to the Leon County, Florida officials, recorded in the movie. I’m looking at your second link now.


  • 36 Darthmeister // Dec 28, 2006 at 1:30 pm

    More left-wing lunacy/conspiracy theories. Does it ever end?

    Cindy Sheehan Blames Ford for Iraq

  • 37 mig // Dec 28, 2006 at 1:44 pm

    One thing is for sure about voter fraud. If a Republican wins its fraud, if a democrate wins its democracy. The Years 2000 and 2004 were stolen, fraudelent elections but 2006, there was only one and it was in Florida where a democrate lost.

    Any snappy insight to that one ‘Everthink so much that you can’t stop it’?

    I just love the Florida Fruit Cake Lady (Rest In Peace) when she got all over that girl for asking how to vote, I’m just saying.

  • 38 everthink // Dec 28, 2006 at 2:31 pm

    Hey Hwy93,

    I hadn’t seen you for awhile; I hope you had seen the error of your ways.

    About Truthout: My link was bad try this one if you like:

    About Truthout & Rove: I don’t know; could be. They posted an interview of Bev Harris, Head of Black Box Voting (also a 501C3 by My quote was from this interview.

    You say: “You’ve used the word vulnerabilities.” Well, actually I quoted Bev Harris who used the word “vulnerabilities”.

    You ask: Is there any evidence that any of these vulnerabilities have been illegally exploited. Well hwy93, I misstated the Volusia County, minus vote for Gore in 2000 as 6200, it was actually minus 16,022, and the problem stated was “faulty memory cards”.

    If you watched the documentary you would see these hacks do not leave any trail, and the memory cards are proprietary, which means examination is authorized only by Diebold.

    “You make it sound as if the executable files on the Diebold memory cards are readily accessible to everyone and anyone. It’s my understanding that they kind of keep track of voting machines.”

    Yes, they “kind of” keep track of voting machines. There have been “Sleepovers” where machines are picked up by poll workers the night before the polls open. The machines are often transported by volunteers to the polling place. When the machines are stored they are not under guard. I don’t think some guy walking down the street would be able to get at them. But that’s not security.

    Why don’t we demand the same accounting and security for our voting we do for our financial transactions?

  • 39 Darthmeister // Dec 28, 2006 at 3:10 pm

    It was only a matter of time before Bu$Hitler could cunningly assassinate former President Jerry Ford and make it look like natural causes. In one fell swoop Shubya has eliminated the last surviving member of the Warren Report who could have connected the Bush family with the assassination of President John F. Kennedy. I dare any reich-wing RethugliKKKan to prove me wrong.

    And clearly this last election the Rethugs tried to steal it but could not steal enough of it and that’s why they lost! Buwhahahahahaha!

  • 40 Darthmeister // Dec 28, 2006 at 3:14 pm

    The Sarasota district in question is run by Democrats. There was also disgust and disillusionment with both parties prior to elections and it is a district made up of a large elderly population, these factors could have contributed to an apparent the under-vote voting abberation. Of course this “fraud” is being zealously pursued since it is resulting in a Demoncrat loss which we all know is always a robbery on the part of Republicans and the Illuminati.

    What they’ve only proven is Diebold machines CAN BE hacked into, not that the voting machines HAVE BEEN hacked into. Clearly, computerized voting machines do suffer glitches, nothing is ever 100%, particularly if there are no paper trails. I say fix the security and reliability problems and cut the conspiracy theories.

    We can thank the Demoncrat chicken littles for creating an environment of hysteria regarding an admittedly less-than-perfect voting system. What is unconscionable is these whining loons go one step further by postulating some kind of vast right-wing conspiracy. The Demoncrats are such whining hypocrites for trying to gin up conspiracy theories when they are the ones who oppose sensible election security measures like voter I.D. cards and bad-mouthing normally reliable punch-card voting systems.

    And let’s not forget the activities of the left-wing voter registration groups like ACORN that falsely registering hundreds of thousands of fraudulent voters across the nation while throwing away Republican/conservative registrations - even in Florida!

  • 41 everthink // Dec 28, 2006 at 3:18 pm

    New Flash:
    by Everthink

    In a recent poll of former presidents regarding the current president’s decision to go to war in Irag.

    When asked was the president right to take America to war in Iraq.

    It now appears there were no YES votes, 3 NO votes, and one, I’m too ashamed to say, vote.

  • 42 mig // Dec 28, 2006 at 3:26 pm

    ??? what?
    one too ashamed to say vote? It must be the really smart one…

  • 43 everthink // Dec 28, 2006 at 3:34 pm

    “ACORN that falsely registering hundreds of thousands of fraudulent voters across the nation while throwing away Republican/conservative registrations - even in Florida!”

    Hey, Chickenhawk Little:

    “hundreds of thousands” that’s alot of votes; get a grip, guy!

    Your link only says thousands, NOT “hundreds of thousands”!

    And, just when I was getting ready to add your name to my list of reliable sources.


  • 44 Fred Sinclair // Dec 28, 2006 at 4:05 pm

    When the Democrats lose an election, their fundamental right to govern has been stolen by way of chicanery. Their Darwin given right can only be usurped through fraud.

    Their Chicago system of voting is proof of their own integrity. They even have a list of Republican tactics that they themselves could not and would not ever employ.

    “trickery, deception, deceit, deceitfulness, duplicity, dishonesty, deviousness, unscrupulousness, underhandedness, subterfuge, fraud, fraudulence, swindling, cheating, duping, hoodwinking; informal crookedness, monkey business, hanky-panky, shenanigans, skulduggery, monkeyshines; archaic management, knavery”. These are all tools of the Right wing conspiracy.

    Without these horrible, nasty methods, the Republicans since day one have never won even one election. Those phoney elections, stealing the Democrat’s birthright were 100% contrived. All presidential elections where the Republicans held the office fraudently should be overturned and President James Carter should be rightfully reinstated into his honestly won election - all subsequent pretenders should have their names stricken from the history books and Algore should rightfully take the office in ‘08 when Jimmy is no longer eligible to run.

    So sayeth the Honorable Liberal Socialist of America.

    Heirborn Ranger

  • 45 everthink // Dec 28, 2006 at 4:07 pm


    That “admittedly less-than-perfect voting system” produced an error of 16022 votes, in an election which was decided by less than 1,000 votes! Is that really close enough for you?


  • 46 gafisher // Dec 28, 2006 at 4:09 pm

    Mig #42: reading and rereading the post in question it appears to say the poster is ashamed to say there was only one vote, three of which were “NO.”

    Sounds like a Democrat must be counting the ballots.

  • 47 everthink // Dec 28, 2006 at 4:13 pm

    Oh Fred, you do go on so!

  • 48 Ms RightWing, Ink // Dec 28, 2006 at 4:19 pm

    How did Diebold get confused with Edwards? Gee, when I awoke this morning, of which I am glad I did, the topic was Edwards.

  • 49 everthink // Dec 28, 2006 at 4:26 pm

    Follow-Up to Earlier Presidential Poll Bulletin
    by Everthink?, the Knight

    In a recent poll of former presidents regarding the current president’s decision to go to war in Irag.

    When asked: “Was the president right to take America to war in Iraq”.

    It now appears there were:

    0 - YES votes.

    3 - NO votes. And,

    1 - I’m too ashamed to say, vote.

    Two Democrats, and Two Republicans voted.

    Clue: The one who was to ashamed to vote, was also to smart to do what Dumbyah did!

  • 50 gafisher // Dec 28, 2006 at 5:30 pm

    Rats! Looks like the Diebold bug is hitting ET’s posts; they STILL don’t make sense.

    Back to Edwards, I wonder if he would share the ticket with Obama. By 2016 they should both be able to grow facial hair.

  • 51 Sister Toldjah // Dec 28, 2006 at 5:32 pm

    Big gov’t Johnny announces plans to run for prez…

    The theme? Eliminating poverty via big government programs. Via the Wall Street Journal:
    After the 2004 election, Mr. Edwards became director of the Center on Poverty, Work and Opportunity at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, where he h…

  • 52 gafisher // Dec 28, 2006 at 5:52 pm

    Recount on #41: according to a journalist who interviewed President Ford recently, Ford “said he’d told Bush he supported the war in Iraq but that the 43rd President had erred by staking the invasion on weapons of mass destruction.” That both explains and corrects the Woodward story: Ford thought the WMD issue was unnecessary to justify the war.

    Story at the Daily News.

  • 53 everthink // Dec 28, 2006 at 5:53 pm

    What’s Edwards trying to do take money away from Haliburton’s rebuilding of Iraq?

    Doesn’t he care about Iraqi children?

    Purple fingers, death to America. Purple fingers, kill the infidel! wowowowowow!

    At least, Baghdad doesn’t need a levy.

    Let’s see if we can get American businesses to outsource the products sold in the United States to Iraq.

    They’ll surely rename Baghdad to be called Bushtown, and they could have a Cheneyville too In Iraq too.

    I bet that makes you proud! Like Mama Bush said; those people in New Orleans never had it so good!

  • 54 everthink // Dec 28, 2006 at 6:35 pm

    gafisher, nonsense!

    Forget The Daily News, and listen to him on Woodward’s tapes. One tape trumps a thousand Right-Wing lies.

    Is that clear enough for you?

  • 55 Beerme // Dec 28, 2006 at 6:40 pm

    I think I have it!
    John Edwards didn’t get the nomination for his party because of the Diebold voting machines, right?

    BTW, Bill Gates is still having some problems with his ‘puters, too. And he gets alot of money for them thangs!

    One simple solution: teach Democrats how to punch holes in butterfly ballots. OK, maybe it’s just not that simple…

  • 56 onlineanalyst // Dec 28, 2006 at 8:01 pm

    In 2006, Edwards is ready to “launch” a 1000 (voter) dips (or as much DippityDo®). (What? He fancies himself a Helen of Troy in a waterlogged city? Dems playing the victim card for votes always like to hearken to the Crescent City’s “end days”. BTW Malkin tars the bipartisan boondoggles of Katrina Kleenup and the equal opportunity of no-bid contracts by both parties’ corporate sponsors:

    By ‘08, ‘12, and ‘16, Edwards will have “launched” a 1000 nips…and tucks. And besides maintaining his Peter Pan facade, he will have continued to enrich himself by being the voice for more “victims”.

    Mark Steyn weighs in with a retrospect of Edwards’s first run for relevancy. Steyn opens the piece this way:

    “America’s dreamboat candidate is back! Proving that he isn’t just a hair-today-gone-tomorrow passing fancy, John Edwards descended on New Orleans like a fabulously coiffed hurricane and left his opponents treading water like abandoned buses in Ray Nagin’s motor pool.”

    Why do the Dems continue to insist that perception is reality? Why do they continue to create divisiveness through the cultivation of a victim class?

  • 57 everthink // Dec 28, 2006 at 8:05 pm

    Sorry Beerme,

    I think you have it too! The question is what to do about it. Why don’t you just stay away from others until we find out if it’s contagious?

    Meantime, we’ll have doctor look in on you, and see if he concurs with my diagnosis of “Right-Wing Nut-Job Fever”! Calling Dr. Liger. Calling Dr. Liger..

    Sorry, if that’s what it is, there is no cure. It destroys brain cells, and those afflicted usually have deficiency at the onset. Eventually, you just drool away. (Note Hanks decline)

    Them Lions are doin a great job, in fact a great job, Brownie bring’em on!

  • 58 onlineanalyst // Dec 28, 2006 at 8:40 pm

    Sources close to Baby Face Edwards have not yet commented on whether their boy has found any free-floating cash or moldering Mardi Gras doubloons in William Jefferson’s freezer to be added to the campaign war chest.

    Meanwhile Ray Nagin is still debating whether John-Boy is chocolate enough to even be in his city.

  • 59 mig // Dec 28, 2006 at 8:48 pm

    Baby face Edwards waxes his chest! Not that it takes away from his ability to rule. But could you imagine:

    Chief: ‘Sir! Sir! We have incoming missles. Do we retaliate?’

    PresJE : ‘Um, do you know I am getting mu chest, back and unibrow waxed, it was really hard to get this appt. and I am not going to miss this for the world!’

  • 60 gafisher // Dec 28, 2006 at 8:53 pm

    ET, those Woodward tapes sound like a job for SETI.

  • 61 everthink // Dec 28, 2006 at 8:56 pm

    It is true! We Democrats tend to be much better looking than you Repugs. And we do tend to have larger libidos. What can we do? We have the corner on looks, intelligence and courage. You Repugs you have the corner on dumb, and false bravado and lets face it, none of you will ever win a beauty contest fairly.


  • 62 mig // Dec 28, 2006 at 9:02 pm

    Oh good grief.

    Night all

  • 63 R.A.M. // Dec 29, 2006 at 1:36 am

    “—democrats better looking—”?????? You must be joking!

    Rosie O’Donnell, Pelosi, Boxer, Elenor (Pap)Smeal, David (The Muppet) Corn, Jiminy Carter, Kerry, Barney Frank, Al Freaken (NOT misspelled), Levin, Kennedy, Waxman, Mikey Moore, Alan Colmes, Hillary, Helen Thomas, Jane Hall, Mara Liason, Danny Devito, Jeanine (Ugly Betty) Garafalo, Cindy Sheehag, ——have to stop in the name of bandwidth. These are off the top of my head.

    My bet is the trolls here are real beauties too!

    One in particular would be spending time with the opposite sex instead of LIVING on this blog if “it” was ‘better looking’ as “it” states.

    Unless,—-”it” doesn’t like the opposite sex?

  • 64 onlineanalyst // Dec 29, 2006 at 6:06 am

    Were you so dazzled by all of that Dem pulchritude that you forgot James Carville? Hubba, hubba….bleeeech.
    Babs Strident, too, is further proof that “people who need people are the luckiest people”. Did you ever see anyone needier?

  • 65 onlineanalyst // Dec 29, 2006 at 6:09 am

    That hit parade of Dem bouncing beauties is giving me morning sickness. It’s time to stick my head into the commode. I’m likely to see more beauty there.

  • 66 MargeinMI // Dec 29, 2006 at 7:20 am

    May I offer this in rebuttal, and in defense of at least Republican women:

    Hat tip to Hawkeye!

    ola, Thanks so much (NOT!) for that early morning visual. Blech is right!

  • 67 MargeinMI // Dec 29, 2006 at 7:22 am


  • 68 MargeinMI // Dec 29, 2006 at 7:34 am

    Scroll down to the August 14 entry.

  • 69 Ms RightWing, Ink // Dec 29, 2006 at 7:46 am

    Good almost the end of the year Morning

  • 70 Darthmeister // Dec 29, 2006 at 8:39 am


    Getting rather nitpicky and literal are we? My reference to 100,000s was not limited to the one news report concerning ACORN (which mostly concerned itself with Florida), but rather their overall track record nationwide. In Missouri alone ACORN generated nearly 35,000 highly questionable voter registrations. That’s just Missouri, cut me some slack.

    At least I wasn’t citing some bogus John Hopkins report that has over 450 Iraqi civilians dying each day for the last three years despite the fact the liberal media has only been reporting 20 to 25 each day. Once again left-wingers are the ones guilty of: Figures don’t lie but liars figure.

    Oh, and “Bush lied” even though it turns out he was right about the Niger yellowcake, Joe Wilson was the real liar, and 500 WMD covered under Resolution 1441 were found in Iraq to date? Yep, Bush “is a liar” because left-wing loonies merely SAY he’s a liar. I guess that works for you, right?

  • 71 Darthmeister // Dec 29, 2006 at 9:22 am


    Four ACORN Members Charged with Felonies in KC

    In Cuyahoga County, Ohio in 2004, ACORN and its affiliate Project Vote submitted registration cards with a 15 percent error rate — higher than the submissions of any other voter registration group in the state. That same year, Matthew Damschroder, Director of the Franklin County Board of Election Supervisors, said that ACORN and Project Vote had turned in many “blatantly false” forms, including duplicates, false information, and forged signatures.

    In August 2004, election officials in Albuquerque, New Mexico discovered that an ACORN employee had registered a 13-year-old boy to vote. The social security number, birthday, and address listed on his registration card were all incorrect. In response, New Mexico State Representative Joe Thompson accused ACORN of “manufacturing voters” throughout the state.
    In 2004 Kym Cason, the girlfriend of an ACORN employee, registered three of her friends to vote a combined total of 40 times — in an effort to earn money for her boyfriend, who she said was paid $2 by ACORN for each voter he registered.

    In 2005, ACORN employees forged thousands of fraudulent signatures in an effort to put a wage initiative on the ballot in Albuquerque, New Mexico.

    During a Congressional hearing in Ohio after the 2004 election, officials from several counties in the state reported that ACORN had deluged them with thousands of registration forms on the submission deadline, even though the forms had been filled out months earlier. “You have to wonder what’s the point of that, if not to overwhelm the system and get phony registrations on the voter rolls,” said Thor Hearne of the American Center for Voting Rights, who testified at the hearing.

    And this is just one left-wing loonie “voter registration” organization. ACORN has been busted because it is being too stupidly blatant in its election fraud shenanigans. Not saying Republicans are pure-as-the-wind-driven-snow but the beat goes on and not one complaint from the DemDonk leadership or people like you that these kind of shenanigans are going on in support of their party, neverthink. At least Republicans want the full weight of the election laws applied to this people and organizations even when its one of their own. DemDonks still oppose Voter ID cards even when they are free!

  • 72 Darthmeister // Dec 29, 2006 at 9:39 am

    Just like a lamestream media editor to try and blame Scott when said editor prints a satirical Pelosi quote without first factchecking and vetting it. Shades of AP and Reuters! See next Scrappleface post.

    Here’s a good one: THE BOYS OF THE TALIBAN

    Looks like the Taliban progressives have something to teach NAMBLA in how to make boy-sex politically correct among American liberals.

  • 73 Darthmeister // Dec 29, 2006 at 10:56 am

    Prosecutor Nifong (D-Moon) is being brought up on ethics charges by the North Carolina Bar.. Nifong is considered by some to be a craven, race-baiting hack in recklessly and in a partisan manner pursuing rape charges against the three Duke lacrosse players, particularly during a re-election year effort.

    Like most here at Scrappleface had previously noted: shades of Tawana Brawley! We told ya so.

  • 74 R.A.M. // Jan 1, 2007 at 7:31 am

    OLA: You are correct! How could I have forgotten Carvile and Babs? Two of the ugliest, both physically and spiritually!

    Speaking of Babs, how would you like to have that nose full of “Susan B. Anthony’s”?

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