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Earth Summit Delegates Have Choice of Hotels

by Scott Ott for ScrappleFace · No Comments

(2002-08-27) — Mgluta Emakula, proprietor of the Hotel L’Eau de la Salle de Bain near Johannesburg, wonders what she must do to lure more Earth Summit delegates to her establishment.
“We have been preparing for this conference for months,” she said. “Yet we have not received a single reservation from among the Earth Summit delegates.”
The Summit has drawn 60,000 people who are distraught that millions of earthlings live without clean water and nutritious food. Many delegates are from organizations which lobby and raise money on behalf of the poor.
“I thought my Hotel would be perfect for the delegates, since I am poor and we lack running water and nutritious food,” said Mrs. Emakula. “Instead of the L’Eau de la Salle de Bain, most of them are staying over at The Michelangelo. Go figure!”
Delegates staying at The Michelangelo drink the finest bottled mineral water and vintage brandy, eat lobster, fois gras, caviar and quite literally whatever they want. Their luxurious rooms will be comforting respites from the battery of emotional speeches from some of the world’s most empathetic people.

Mgluta Emakula in front of her Hotel L’Eau de la Salle de Bain, waiting to greet Earth Summit delegates.

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