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GOP Funds Ahmadinejad-Chavez Speaking Tour

by Scott Ott for ScrappleFace · 146 Comments · · Print This Story Print This Story

(2006-09-21) — The Republican National Committee (RNC) today offered to fund a coast-to-coast U.S. speaking tour featuring Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez, in the weeks leading up to November’s Congressional elections.

The offer comes in the wake of two days of public remarks by the two foreign leaders before the United Nations, the Council on Foreign Relations and U.S. news media. Their diplomatic pronouncements included…
- denying the Holocaust,
- calling the U.S. president “the devil“,
- praying at the U.N. for the return of Islam’s fabled 12th Imam,
- praising Cuban dictator Fidel Castro,
- insisting any nation has the right to develop nuclear technology,
- portraying the United States as the locus of evil in the modern world, and
- plugging Noam Chomsky’s book “Hegemony or Survival: America’s Quest for Global Dominance.”

“President Bush can talk about his national security plan and foreign policy all day long,” said an unnamed RNC spokesman, “But no one makes a more compelling case than the duo of Mahmoud and Hugo. We want to make sure every American has an opportunity to hear these important world leaders.”

The Republican source said sponsoring the pre-election Ahmadinejad-Chavez speaking tour was also a way of “reaching across the aisle to help our colleagues in the Democrat party to get their message out, so the American voter can make an informed decision.”

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Tags: Global News · Politics

146 responses so far ↓

  • 1 camojack // Sep 21, 2006 at 7:00 am

    Heh…it just might work, too.

  • 2 basil's blog » Blogrolling 2006-09-21 // Sep 21, 2006 at 7:18 am

    [...] ScrappleFace says the tour should begin soon. [...]

  • 3 gafisher // Sep 21, 2006 at 7:21 am

    Fits right in with the Dean-Pelosi-Kerry message. Let’s hope Mahmoud and Hugo can beat that infringement suit from in time to get their show on the road.

  • 4 RedPepper // Sep 21, 2006 at 7:29 am

    Seems like a fine idea to me! That last paragraph says it all! I mean, these guys have the talking points down cold! Who better could show the American people exactly what the significance of the choice they are about to make is! Scott, I thought you were into satire? Have you been hangin’ out with Karl Rove?!?

  • 5 JamesonLewis3rd // Sep 21, 2006 at 7:30 am

    I agree, if the LLL/MSM do not “get it” now, they never will.

    The gauntlet has been thrown down.

    Like never before, there is an urgency in the air.

    It is a mistake to continue to refer to these incidents of the last few days as “comic book diplomacy”-there’s nothing funny about what has transpired at the UN. Nothing.

  • 6 R.A.M. // Sep 21, 2006 at 7:33 am

    If they can get a “third stooge”, they can tour as the “New Millenium Three Stooges”! All they need is a fat “Curley”type.

    Might I suggest a bald Michael Moore, Ted Kennedy, Jack Murtha, or Bob Bechel?

    Or maybe to be P.C., an Afro-ed Al Sharpton?


  • 7 R.A.M. // Sep 21, 2006 at 7:35 am

    If Bush really was the devil, I think we ALL know where his pitchfork would have been already!

  • 8 bRight & Early // Sep 21, 2006 at 7:37 am

    First Cup 09.21.06

  • 9 R.A.M. // Sep 21, 2006 at 7:42 am

    JL3: I agree with you, and have to wonder what the reaction would be if either of these two, Chiraq, bin Laden, Putin, etc, were to be the “subject” of a film, who gets assassinated?

    I still think we should have locked the doors while these two criminals were in with the other ones there, and make this a “NON SECRET” prison.

  • 10 gafisher // Sep 21, 2006 at 7:43 am

    R.A.M. #6 — I nominate Michigan’s very own Debbie Stabenow for the N’yuk N’yuk spot.

  • 11 R.A.M. // Sep 21, 2006 at 7:44 am

    On #9 above, I meant to add:

    Isn’t that what the REAL DEVIL would have done?

  • 12 Darthmeister // Sep 21, 2006 at 7:49 am

    The modern day three stooges - Chavez, Ahmadaboutjihad, the American left.

    Nyuk, nyuk, nyuk.

  • 13 MargeinMI // Sep 21, 2006 at 7:50 am

    I’ll second that nomination!

  • 14 Atilla_the_Hun // Sep 21, 2006 at 8:04 am

    It is sad that the Democrats cannot run “lil’ Castro” Chavez and “mad as a Hatter” Ahmadaboutjihad on their ‘08 presidential ticket. Who would better represent the values of the Democratic party?

  • 15 boberinagain // Sep 21, 2006 at 8:10 am

    Good one Scott, too close to true for comfort but amusing none the less
    Morning gang

  • 16 Shelly // Sep 21, 2006 at 8:28 am

    Fat, “Curley” type? Does this not describe Cindy Sheehan?

  • 17 conserve-a-tip // Sep 21, 2006 at 8:38 am

    I dunno Scott…with both of them together, the smell of sulphur might be overwhelming!

    Mornin’ my scrapplers.

  • 18 CalGirl // Sep 21, 2006 at 8:49 am

    That’d surely do the trick!

  • 19 popeye123 // Sep 21, 2006 at 9:02 am

    Rosie would have to be the third stooge. This is the 21st century folks. How dare you not let a female have a place in this dog and pony show…. well I mean a more afeminate person.

  • 20 popeye123 // Sep 21, 2006 at 9:07 am

    * effeminate

  • 21 Ms RightWing, Ink // Sep 21, 2006 at 9:14 am

    If they hate Bush, they will really hate Hillary. A woman in office with no bag over her face nonetheless

  • 22 Maggie // Sep 21, 2006 at 9:16 am

    Good Morning scrapplers.

    As of today,we have only one avenue of protest and that is NOT to buy Citgo gas Owned by Chavez/Ven.

    btw c.a.t.
    How was the yard sale $$$$$$$

  • 23 red satellites // Sep 21, 2006 at 9:20 am

    Good morning Scrapplers…

    Another fine day here in LA…despite living near El Diablo…(my ex-wife)

  • 24 Darthmeister // Sep 21, 2006 at 9:23 am

    An excellent debunking of the more salient points being made here by 9/11 conspiracy kooks regarding the Pentagon and Flight 77.

    I’m always fascinated how left-wing, Bush-hating kooks can weave such plausible conspiracy theories only to have them so expertly exploded in their faces by real science and facts. Yet the kooks still continue to believe. Pathetic.

    No doubt Hugo Chavez and Ahmadaboutjihad believe them, too.

  • 25 Libby Gone // Sep 21, 2006 at 9:39 am

    Morning all,
    Hey why not throw in that diminutive North Korean to offer tips on haircare?

  • 26 mig // Sep 21, 2006 at 10:07 am

    Libby has the Third person of the StoogeTrio! very good!

  • 27 JamesonLewis3rd // Sep 21, 2006 at 10:19 am

    I say:
    Every Citgo station in the USA should be bulldozed-today-now.

  • 28 Kelli // Sep 21, 2006 at 10:20 am

    Great article Scott! I would say that they should get their own show on MSNBC, but then I remembered that only an average of four people watch that network.

    How about put it on the new WB/UPN merger network, CW. They could show it after America’s Next Top Model.

  • 29 mig // Sep 21, 2006 at 10:21 am

    Venezuela’s President gets a standing ovation at Cooper Union,New York college.

    The US is the top customer for Venezuela’s oil.

  • 30 JamesonLewis3rd // Sep 21, 2006 at 10:27 am

    It’s bad enough (and I mean BAD) we sorta had to let that lunatic onto our precious soil to spew at the UN, but to allow that piece of crap to roam our streets-with no other apparent motivation than to foment unrest-is despicable.


    I mean…..c’mon…..

    ANY dealings of any kind with Venezuela should cease-NOW!

  • 31 Darthmeister // Sep 21, 2006 at 10:32 am

    KKKarl Rove must have written the little commie thug Hugo Chavez’s speech. Rove couldn’t have embarrassed the nutroot left* more than he did than having their talking points spewing out of Chavez’s mouth.

    *Dang that RoveHimmler, creating another divisive, reich-wing RethugliKKKan conspiracy to make progressives look bad!

  • 32 Ms RightWing, Ink // Sep 21, 2006 at 10:38 am

    Infant mortality in Venezuela stands at over 22 deaths per 1000 births, a rate that places Venezuela behind Mexico, Panama, Colombia and many other countries of its region; for comparision the infant death rate is about eight times as high as Sweden.

    Child malnutrition (for children under age
    five) stands at about 17 percent of the population classified as stunted or wasted, which are the official United Nations categories for malnutrition. Areas more affected by the stunting and wasting include some of the poorest areas: Amacuro Delta (30%) and Amazonas (24%).

    According to the United Nations, the fraction of population without adequate sanitation is 32 percent, with a majority of people in many rural areas lacking in this basic commodity.

    Travellers to Venezuela are advised to obtain vaccinations for a variety of diseases including typhoid, yellow fever, cholera, hepatitis A, hepatitis B and hepatitis D.

    In a cholera epidemic of contemporary times in the Orinoco Delta, Venezuela’s political leaders were accused of racial profiling of their own indigeneous people to deflect blame from the country’s institutions, thereby aggravating the epicemic.

    Visitors to Venezuela are advised to drink only bottled water, due to the prevalence of cross contamination of drinking water with untreated sewage.

    There are approximately 5,000,000 people in Venezuela living without access to safe drinking water, resulting in a percentage of population ranking of Venezuela among the poorest in South America. As of the year 1999 there were an estimated 110,000 people in Venezuela living with HIV.

    Where is that poor donkey breeder who brings down coffee from the mountains when we need him. A coup is needed

  • 33 Ms RightWing, Ink // Sep 21, 2006 at 10:40 am

    I love those corny sale pitches on the top corner of Scott’s blog

    Muslim Ringtones
    Send this complimentary ringtone to your cellphone.

    It must sound like Detroit when it comes time to sound the prayer

  • 34 GnuCarSmell // Sep 21, 2006 at 10:50 am

    The Dixie Chicks have volunteered to tour with Mahmoud and Hugo.

    As the short, fat, yellow Chick explained. “Just so ya’ll know, we’re not ashamed to support these nice men.”

  • 35 Libby Gone // Sep 21, 2006 at 10:52 am

    Detroit sounds like this at the time for prayer.

  • 36 Maggie // Sep 21, 2006 at 10:55 am

    Maggie’s Bullhorn ON:

    I, for one, am sick and tired of these school yard bullies,AKA junk yard dogs coming into my livingroom via TV and spitting in my face.Where have all the vertebrae gone?
    Just made phone calls to Senators Dole.and Burr and Congressman Jones from North Carolina.I encouraged them to show some backbone and address this dispicable display of rudeness(for lack of another word).

    I am encouraging all of you to contact your representatives and express your thougts and feelings on this matter.We have become the laughing stock of the world and somebody better wake up soon and realize that there is a ‘Trojan Horse’ in our midst by the name of the United Nations.

  • 37 MY Vast Right Wing Conspiracy » Fox turns 10 // Sep 21, 2006 at 11:36 am

    [...] Happy 10th Anniversary, Fox News! (From the comments at JackM’s “favorite Fox moments” post at Ace’s.) One of the worst moments at Fox: RIGHT NOW. Monkeyface “Peace and Love for Humanity” Ahmadinejad is being shown speaking spewing laughable [deleted] at the UN. And yesterday’s broadcast of Hugo “The Devil” Chavez. Although when I look in my blog crystal ball, I see a great post coming from someone like Wuzzadem or Iowahawk thanks to this Hate America Fest. Not to mention Scrappleface’s contribution. So maybe it’s not such a bad thing. (I really wish I had a mouse for this laptop, ’cause I’m itching to do some photoshops but I don’t feel like messing with the PC. Maybe later today.) Tags: Fox News, Shepard Smith, UN, United Nations, Hugo Chavez, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad [...]

  • 38 The Anchoress » Cap’n goes Int’l, Hugo goes home, Press goes missing // Sep 21, 2006 at 11:54 am

    [...] So, the press is trying to go as quiet as possible on Hugo and the UN gigglers and Ahmadinejad - so beloved of Mike Wallace - didn’t come off too well, either. I said yesterday that a “smart” press “would bury” the Chavez and Ahmadinejad stories…but I never said they “should.” Scrappleface understands. [...]

  • 39 JamesonLewis3rd // Sep 21, 2006 at 11:57 am

    RE: #36~~

    Thanks for the reminder. I sent Emails-don’t trust myself to refrain from using epithets on the phone.

  • 40 tomg // Sep 21, 2006 at 12:06 pm

    And a heard Ted K (D-Pluto) explain why Bolton isn’t being confirmed this morning in the daily Ted & John radio ‘debate’ early this morning.

    How about those 35K Jewish protestors! Who knew?

  • 41 JamesonLewis3rd // Sep 21, 2006 at 12:09 pm

    Danny Glover, someone I had until now marginally tolerated, has just become anathema (one that is greatly reviled, loathed, or shunned) to me.

  • 42 tomg // Sep 21, 2006 at 12:18 pm

    Re:33 Ms RightWing, Ink,
    Muslim ringtones have been known to set off explosives - don’t use near roadside construction or Ted’s breath.

  • 43 Darthmeister // Sep 21, 2006 at 12:30 pm

    Ms RightWing, thanks for the info on Venezuela. Unfortunately that information will only bounce off the typical moonbat’s brain like BBs off the Rock of Gibraltor since they already have it fixed in their mind THAT VENEZUELA’S PROBLEMS ARE ALL BU$HITLER’S FAULT!

    I always enjoy it when some lib tries to blame the state of Fidel Castro’s utopia on America because of the embargo we have in place. Yeah, like Cuba can’t kind find some other country in the world to trade with? Not everybody likes Cuban cigars and sugar cane the way American’s do, though, SO IT’S ALL AMERIKKKA’S FAULT!

    JL3. If the day ever comes in our lifetime where the anti-Christ tries to set up shop, Danny Glover and the other mindless leftist drones like him will be those worshipping sycophants in the front row. How some tinplated, commie thug can have any legitimacy with any self-respecting American is one of those great … Unsolved Mysteries.

  • 44 Godfrey // Sep 21, 2006 at 1:51 pm

    JL3: That’s the thing about America: anyone can say anything.

    It’s worth noting what UN Ambassador Bolton said about Chavez’ little tantrum, something to the effect that while Chavez has the right to express his opinion he refuses to allow Venezuelan citizens the same luxury.

    I have no problem with Chavez being here and saying whatever he wants. What galls me to no end is that some Americans would give him a standing ovation.

    Have these people lost all sense of reality?

  • 45 GnuCarSmell // Sep 21, 2006 at 1:55 pm

    The Mahmoud/Hugo Speaking Tour will feature Howard Dean on backup vocals.

  • 46 conserve-a-tip // Sep 21, 2006 at 1:56 pm

    Maggie, re the Garage Sale $$$$$

    Hmmm…well, let’s just say that this was the most interesting sale that I have ever held. First, it was HOT and humid. I sweated like crazy and went in and out of the house (to air conditioning) and finally ended up on my deathbed Sunday night. I am just now feeling sort of like a human. Fever, cough, sinus, pain…misery.

    But I digress. 80% of the people who came to our sale were men. Now I have nothing against men, but they don’t usually buy much in the way of curtains, furniture, clothing, etc. They want tools, hunting and fishing equipment and man stuff. We didn’t have much of that. Anyway, between the 4 families, most of our stuff was priced at 5, 10, and 25 cents and so the $500 that we made moved a boatload of stuff. However, we had an oceanliner load of stuff and so by Saturday at 11 am, it looked as if we had sold nothing. No furniture, save the pool table, had moved and I wanted that entertainment center gone! I had $10 on it and still didn’t sell it. Soooo, we hit on a brilliant idea. We put a sign across our big front sign that said, “ALL FREE”.

    It was like God contacted all of the people in OKC who were needy because all of a sudden we were covered up. And the weird thing was that none of them realized that it was a free sale. They were shocked when we told them to take what they needed. We had one family who had moved up here from Texas and could only bring with them what they could carry in a small U-Haul trailer. They were destitute and ended up taking the entertainment center, a table and 4 chairs, a bookcase with books, a mirror and some clothes. We delivered the furniture to their trailer and it broke my heart to see how they were living. I have decided to get together a box of groceries for them.

    It was so cool to see the smiles and the excitement on these peoples’ faces. Some tried to pay us, but we said, “No”. By 5 pm on Saturday, my front yard (and we are on 5 acres) was picked clean with the exception of a couple of boxes of clothes. I did sell my apple butter and loaves of bread the previous day and sold most of that. Anyway, it was a pretty neat garage sale. We made money and helped some people at the same time.

  • 47 Maggie // Sep 21, 2006 at 2:12 pm

    C.A.T……..Now that is my kind of yard sale.
    Glad you are feeling some better.

  • 48 RedPepper // Sep 21, 2006 at 2:18 pm

    Great story, cat! Sounds like a real sucess to me!

    Yeah, how ’bout the new “Three Stooges!”. Nyuk, nyuk, nyuk!

    Chavez, Ach!IwannaJihad! and li’l Kim!

    Maybe that should be: Nyuk, nuke, nuke!

  • 49 Darthmeister // Sep 21, 2006 at 2:21 pm

    Maybe the DemDonks ought to nominate Hugo Chavez to run at the top of their ticket for 2008. Chavez certainly has their talking points down and he’s far more charismatic than John Francois Kerry, sHrillary, Edwards, Gore, ad nauseam.

    Dims might even get SOTUS to exercise a little judicial activism to change the presidential requirements of a U.S. President having to be American-born.

    Sorry Charlie Rangle (D-Moon) and Nancy Pelosi (D-Moon), your muted criticisms of “thug” (Pelosi’s description if you can believe it!) Hugo Chavez are a day late and a dollar short. Chavez merely echoed the lies that you people have already spewed about President Bush and America.

  • 50 Darthmeister // Sep 21, 2006 at 2:55 pm

    Headlines you’d like to see:

    Hurricane Hugo Hits The UN: Biggest blowhard to hit since Hurricane Fidel

    Iranian President Ahmadaboutjihad Admits To Flying Monkeys in Family Tree

    Fidel Worth $1 Billion: Rails Against Greed and Capitalism

    Nancy Pelosi Admits to Having Soft Spot for “Thugs”, Particularly Commie “Thugs”

    Rangel: I Resent The “Foreigner” Chavez Stealing My Lines

  • 51 Darthmeister // Sep 21, 2006 at 2:56 pm


  • 52 GnuCarSmell // Sep 21, 2006 at 2:57 pm

    Darth - The similarities are striking. You have to wonder what level of coordination exists between the Mahmoud/Hugo cabal and the DNC. It’s eerie, I tell ya.

  • 53 Libby Gone // Sep 21, 2006 at 3:37 pm

    If you haven’t read this, some good thoughts…

  • 54 Libby Gone // Sep 21, 2006 at 3:39 pm

    also, Dems acting like AMERICANS?????
    Thanks to Mr. Drudge

  • 55 Possumtrot // Sep 21, 2006 at 3:59 pm

    Your last paragraph carries more truth than even you realize, Great Scott.

    There is some off-the-wall rock & rolling over at United Possums International.

    Who lets these people in the country? Isn’t there a no-fly list, or at least a cursory passport check?

    Isn’t “Ah’m a madman” wanted on a kidnapping charge by Interpol? I know that justice is a nebulous notion, but can’t anyone bring these lunatics to heel?

  • 56 Godfrey // Sep 21, 2006 at 4:20 pm

    Hank: re #49 muted criticisms…are a day late and a dollar short.

    I dunno…I was pretty glad to read that the Dems didn’t give Chavez a pass on this one. That standing O at the college really got under my skin…

  • 57 JamesonLewis3rd // Sep 21, 2006 at 6:12 pm

    Uproar. Outrage. Cacaphony. Tar and feathers. Rails to ride out on. (Spitting upon, even). Yes.

    Smirking references to comic books. No.

    Yes, we have free speech here in the USA, but don’t even come in my house and talk about my people.

    I’ll go to the cupboard and break out my industrial-sized can of Butt-Whoopâ„¢…..

  • 58 syslob // Sep 21, 2006 at 7:19 pm

    Wow, first the sweet Noam Chomsky deal, now this. What’s next? Will we se Chavez wearing Nikes at his next General Assembly speech?

  • 59 Darthmeister // Sep 21, 2006 at 7:41 pm

    Godfey, I admire your willingness to give the other side a break. Maybe I’m being too partisan but I can’t help but think that Pelosi (D-Moon) and Rangel (D-Moon) were merely in CYA mode. I’m willing to bet a ten spot that they spent the first twenty-four hours doing focus group testing and sending up trial balloons at the various left-wing blogsites and finally figured out that they would be far better off mildly castigating (Rangel was far more solicitous than Pelosi) Thug Hugo rather than defending him. Which is quite remarkable since most of the nutwing liberal bloggers are swooning over Chavez’s bravery in “speaking truth to power.” Maybe Pelosi has been hit with a clue stick enough times to know she can’t afford to die on hill Hugo.

    Now Harkins (D-Moon) apparently didn’t get the talking points because he basically defended Thug Hugo’s comments and then went on his own rant!

    But the elephant that’s in the room on this one is the undeniable fact Hugo Chavez’s rant against President Bush is little different in substance than the venomous rants the DemDonks have been engaging in against the President since early 2004. Sure Chavez was more inflammatory, but what’s the difference between calling Bush “the devil” as opposed to being a “Nazi fascist” and Hitler? I’m just surprised Chavez didn’t trot out the UBL cum Democrat rant about Bush reading a book about a goat to children on 9/11. Now that would have completed the circle regarding this unholy troika of Chavez/UBL/DemDonks.

  • 60 da Bunny // Sep 21, 2006 at 9:59 pm

    Rangel, Pelosi, the LSM, et al have done nothing BUT attack President Bush, both politically AND personally, and their phony “outrage” over Chavez’ comments is laughable! People the world over hear nothing but the constant drumbeat of criticism directed at Bush, Cheney, the administration, and the Republican-controlled Congress, and ALL during a time of war, no less. What’s the big surprise that fools like Chavez and “Ahmadhimmicrat” would come here, boldly step up to the UN podium, and blast away at our President? The LSM/leftist loons DO IT EVERY DAY! Give it up “Elmer Fudd Rangel” and “San Fran Nan.”

    Gotta love the consistency of the libs. “Do as we say, don’t do as we do!” It never ends. :evil:

  • 61 Mensa Barbie Welcomes You // Sep 21, 2006 at 10:40 pm

    The Despot Politics of Chavez (the Clown)

    Chavez, courting the United States needy and financially burdened through oil gifts and Bush-bashing; met (today) on a rocky-road with Democrats…

  • 62 Darthmeister // Sep 21, 2006 at 10:43 pm

    The barking moonbats at DailyKos are freaking out because Pelosi called Hugo Chavez a thug. Buwahahahahahaha!

    Be sure and read the comment thread, too.

  • 63 JamesonLewis3rd // Sep 21, 2006 at 11:03 pm

    RE: #62~~
    Following your link was my first visit to that site. LOL Even if I was on drugs, the thread would make no sense.

  • 64 Maggie // Sep 21, 2006 at 11:03 pm

    Hi ‘da Bunny….re#60

    You gotta know that PUlosi and Rangel voted for Chavez before they voted against him. (catchy phrase…tee hee)

  • 65 Ms RightWing, Ink // Sep 21, 2006 at 11:04 pm


  • 66 Ms RightWing, Ink // Sep 21, 2006 at 11:27 pm

    Anyone having trouble with IE tonight. Has the Arabs attacked Microsoft?

  • 67 Beerme // Sep 21, 2006 at 11:30 pm

    I haven’t purchased any Citgo gas for over a year now and won’t in the future.
    I wouldn’t take it for free, either.

    I’m off to Asheville in the early AM for the 10th annual Brewgrass festival, so carry on Scrappledom! I’ll be back on Tuesday.

    Now go take on the day…

  • 68 R.A.M. // Sep 22, 2006 at 2:22 am

    Did anyone else see on Fox News, as Dummy Glover was leaving the (Church?) in Harlem, the black woman NY Cop running interferance for him?

    She got between them and kept saying, “Excuse me, excuse me, excuse me,—-thank you!”

    I thought the left was such a great supporter of the “Press’s” right to know?

    Also, as disgusted as I am by the UN’s reaction to Chavez, it pales in comparison to the Harlem church’s reaction!

    Those people should leave for ‘Camp Chavez’ at gunpoint IMMEDIATELY! My dear GOD—-these people live a short distance from Ground Zero!

    They, (and the useful white idiot in uniform, onstage with Chavez), are filthy traitors who deserve to live under a dictator!

  • 69 R.A.M. // Sep 22, 2006 at 2:26 am

    JL3: Thanks for the link to Citgo stations. I will have to admit, I have not paid a lot of attention in the past to the station names when I filled up. With the link, I found a couple I have been to in the past, but will NOT again!

    Does anyone happen to know if Citgo gas is used at other stations? (i.e. Speedway, Swifty,etc)

  • 70 MargeinMI // Sep 22, 2006 at 5:38 am

    Good morning Scrapplers!

  • 71 tomg // Sep 22, 2006 at 6:53 am

    Insurgents, not terrorists - that’s why they plant bombs in innocent’s cars and blow them up later. Wonder if it will ever reach US airwaves?
    Morning MargeinMI!

  • 72 camojack // Sep 22, 2006 at 7:58 am

    I don’t generally post links to my blog articles here, but I happen to think it’s important to get the word out on THIS. YMMV…

  • 73 syslob // Sep 22, 2006 at 8:01 am

    It would be amusing to see what would happen to Nancy Pelosi if she called Chavez a thug if she were in the middle of Venezuela.

  • 74 Darthmeister // Sep 22, 2006 at 8:52 am

    #73. That would be interesting! Five years from now: Nancy who?

    Danny Glover: Another Commie whore.
    Harry Bellafonte: Ditto …. Day oh!

    You have think that the DemDonks are seething mad that Chavez and Ahmadaboutjihad had used their talking points before the UN. I mean, how can the Dimmocritters now follow up with the same bash-Bush/blame-America talking points without intelligent Americans going, “Gee, isn’t that what that little commie dictator thug from Venezuela and that Islamofascist Iranian nutbag president said just a couple of weeks ago?”

    Buwahahahahaha. KKKarl Rove is an evil genius!

  • 75 Darthmeister // Sep 22, 2006 at 9:01 am

    Given how the commie thug Hugo Chavez ripped into President Bush as well as denounced the “illegal and immoral war in Iraq”, by Demoncrap definition would that make Chavez a good American patriot?

  • 76 Ms RightWing, Ink // Sep 22, 2006 at 9:22 am

    Good Morning

    Unfortuneatly buying gas is not a priority for me. Just give me a place to plug in.

  • 77 Maggie // Sep 22, 2006 at 9:32 am

    Good Morning Ms Right Wing,Ink

    Your chair is powered by ‘Sitgo’.

    Ann Coulter’s blog is a good read.

  • 78 JamesonLewis3rd // Sep 22, 2006 at 9:35 am

    I agree-Chavez and Ahmadinejad have highjacked the LLL bandwagon.
    I was thinking that this was probably due to the heavy propagandizing by the MSM-which they bought into-which gives the impression that the citizens of the USA actually believe and appreciate such anti-American rhetoric.
    The MSM is what the rest of the world sees and they assume this reflects how the citizens of the USA think and feel, so it must be okay to talk smack about us.
    Chavez’s reference to Katrina, I think, demonstrates this quite well. We here in the USA all know that the local and state officials played hot-potato with their responsibility in that situation; finally tossing it to President Bush, by which time the catastrophe was in an aggravated state through no fault of his.
    The MSM blamed Bush (out of motivations we know and recognize but the rest of the world does not understand) and those out of the loop took it as fact.
    I attribute the impression that it’s okay to spew hate-filled clichés toward our president here on our own precious soil directly to the MSM. They (Chavez, Ahmadinejad, et al) don’t seem to understand that such vitriol aimed at our Top Executive by outsiders is aimed at each and every one of us and we take it personal.
    Well, at least, I do-dissent amongst ourselves is one thing and we tolerate it, ridicule from megalomaniacal demagogues is another and is unacceptable.

  • 79 GnuCarSmell // Sep 22, 2006 at 11:19 am

    These two clowns may be nuts, but they are shrewd enough to understand one thing: the best way to show contempt for America is to impersonate a Democrat. That said, Chavez deserves credit for the ’stench of sulphur’ remark. That was original.

  • 80 JamesonLewis3rd // Sep 22, 2006 at 11:25 am

    I know most everyone here understands what I was talking about above-that I’m “preaching to the choir”-I just need to vent, sometimes.

    If you’re interested, here’s a few details from the Media Research Intitute’s “Free Market Project” from March 2006.

  • 81 J. Cougar Melancholy // Sep 22, 2006 at 11:53 am

    Don’t blame me! I didn’t put Chavez up to it. I’m a Mobil/Exxon man myself.

  • 82 conserve-a-tip // Sep 22, 2006 at 1:02 pm

    I was working around the house yesterday and was watching Chavez and his antics and then the response by Charlie Rangel and just chuckled at this picture that my brain brought up. It was one of a father telling his wife, unaware that his kids are watching, that he hates his boss, that his boss is a stupid alcolholic and that he’s a tightwad that doesn’t pay enough, all the while making fun of how his boss walks and talks. He then takes his family to a company picnic and when he shakes hands with the boss and gushes over him, his little kids look up and say, “But Dad, you’re shaking hands with a stupid alcoholic who walks and talks funny and is a tightwad.” The DNC is the mortified dad who is responding to their Chavez and Ahm-a-durn-nut-job kids with, “You don’t talk about my boss that way at my company picnic! Shame on you.”

  • 83 da Bunny // Sep 22, 2006 at 1:04 pm

    Maggie, #77…Ms. RightWing’s chair is powered by “Sitgo”…muwahahaha! Good one!

  • 84 conserve-a-tip // Sep 22, 2006 at 1:18 pm

    ’scuse me…that is “alcoholic” aka “boozer”…fast finger syndrome.

  • 85 Maggie // Sep 22, 2006 at 1:28 pm

    JCM….re#82…..are you sure?

    OT….How are your twin girls doing?

    (Little pink Citgos ya’ll)

  • 86 Maggie // Sep 22, 2006 at 1:30 pm

    re # 84….thanks ‘da Bunny.

  • 87 One Hand Clapping » Blog Archive » Even HuffPo runs away // Sep 22, 2006 at 4:52 pm

    [...] nutcase-in-chief Mahmoud Ahmadinejad to go together on a nationwide speaking tour.   [link] Posted @ 3:52 pm. Filed under General, Law & Politics, Federal, Foreign Commentspolicy Commenting is provided as a courtesy only. I review all comments before they appear. I do not edit comments, I only approve or delete. My criteria for approving or deleting generally correspond to the following guidelines but in the end are subjective. Comments using profanity automatically get tossed into the bit bucket - I never see them and neither does anyone else. No personal attacks, name calling or commercial commenting. Links to your own blog site or relevant other web pages are fine. Please be brief and relevant to the post. I rarely answer comments, I just don’t have the time. [...]

  • 88 Pros and Cons » Bizarro News - Beyond Satire // Sep 22, 2006 at 7:10 pm

    [...] Somehow, this news is clearly related. [...]

  • 89 Godfrey // Sep 22, 2006 at 7:26 pm

    Yawn…slow afternoon here, I see.

    I hear the Poles are erecting a statue of Ronald Reagan… I’m glad that at least some are grateful for our role in making their country what it is today.

    By that token, shouldn’t Iran erect a statue of Jimmy Carter?

  • 90 onlineanalyst // Sep 22, 2006 at 7:54 pm

    By way of “The Corner,” this link briefly lists the media’s history of giving Chavez a “press pass” over his laundry list of abuses. The analysis can be expanded into a more fully developed PDF version.

  • 91 JamesonLewis3rd // Sep 22, 2006 at 8:05 pm

    I like the way the coward, Hezbollah leader Sheik Hassan Nasrallah (who’s been in hiding like a spooked cockroach), used a couple of hundred thousand human shields to come out and thumb his nose at the world before scurrying back into his hidey-hole.

  • 92 prettyold // Sep 22, 2006 at 9:51 pm

    Godfrey said,”I hear the Poles are erecting a statue of Ronald Reagan… …By that token, shouldn’t Iran erect a statue of Jimmy Carter? ”

  • 93 prettyold // Sep 22, 2006 at 9:56 pm

    Isn’t Hugo Cheveza Communist?
    Don’t Communists insist there is no God?
    Didn’t anyone think it was strange Hugo Chavez crossed himselfduring his tirade?
    Wouldn’t crossing himself make him a legal target for the weasel from Iran,according to Shar’ia law?

  • 94 prettyold // Sep 22, 2006 at 9:57 pm

    How can one believe in The Devil ,if one doesn’t believe in God?

  • 95 prettyold // Sep 22, 2006 at 10:09 pm

    Hey, why aren’t the folks south of the USA border fighting to get into Venezuela? I can sort of understand why they don’t want to go to Cuba, us mean guys here in the States won’t let Cuba have new cars,and they might just as well be poor at home as poor in Cuba ,but Venezuela…..?
    Heaven on earth for the disposessed?

  • 96 Fred Sinclair // Sep 22, 2006 at 11:45 pm

    US Navy Captain Ouimette is the Executive Officer at Naval Air Station, Pensacola, Florida. I have a copy of the speech he gave last month. Anyone wishing a copy can e-mail me and I will forward it to you. It’s truly worthwhile! - Waxless Fred

  • 97 Godfrey // Sep 23, 2006 at 1:12 am

    Prettyold re: #93: [deleted]

    You might be right. Islam is, after all, a religion of piece…and the head’s as good a piece as any.

    Re: #94/95:

    It’s not your parents’ communism down there. South America is tending toward something a bit unique: religious socialism, or more accurately a form of Christian socialism. The heavily Catholic region is also heavily left-leaning and socialist. With the exception of Chile the whole region is a political and economic mess, Venezuela included.

    “Socialism is the theory of Christ … Love one another.” - Hugo Chavez, 2005

  • 98 JamesonLewis3rd // Sep 23, 2006 at 7:34 am

    While I’m unhappy enough (to put it mildly) with having to finance a stadium for Jerry Jones, I’m really, really unhappy with financing the upgrade of the infamous Superdome for Saints owner Tom Benson and Tulane University.

  • 99 Scott Ott // Sep 23, 2006 at 8:04 am

    GOP Funds Ahmadinejad-Chavez Coast-to-Coast Speaking Tour

    (2006-09-21) — The Republican National Committee (RNC) today offered to fund a coast-to-coast U.S. speaking tour featuring Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez, in the weeks leading up to November’s…

  • 100 mig // Sep 23, 2006 at 8:29 am

    “The key to defending ourselves is to never allow our haters to tell us who we are. “

  • 101 Maggie // Sep 23, 2006 at 8:39 am

    prettyold re# 94

    One can only hope.

  • 102 prettyold // Sep 23, 2006 at 4:02 pm

    So Chavez and the Iranian Weasel are uniting to form something totally new.
    Guess that means they can kill anyone who is white.

    But…what about Black folks?
    Gosh ,I forgot ,a bunch of them are already Muslim.
    Somehow or other I still can’t see Catholic’s going along with this. Oh well, I suppose it will be “Turn or Burn”.

  • 103 aaaawindshields // Sep 23, 2006 at 7:57 pm

    Great idea…but of course the dumb [deleted] libs believe them

  • 104 Godfrey // Sep 27, 2006 at 10:56 pm


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