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Carter Downplays Castro Succession Rumors

by Scott Ott for ScrappleFace · 5 Comments · · Print This Story Print This Story

(2006-08-01) — Former U.S. President Jimmy Carter today downplayed rumors that he’s on “the short list” of potential replacements if surgery fails to restore the health of ailing Cuban dictator Fidel Castro.

Mr. Carter dismissed as “mere coincidence” that his Op-Ed piece critical of the Bush administration’s foreign policy appeared in The Washington Post the same day that news broke of Mr. Castro’s surgery and temporary transfer of power to his brother Raoul.

But an unnamed source close to the icon of progressive social policy said, “no one in Cuba has the necessary charisma to fill Fidel’s shoes, and no one in the world has demonstrated a greater affinity for Castro’s vision of a progressive social order coupled with a consistent record of working to diminish U.S. power and influence abroad.”

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5 responses so far ↓

  • 1 Old War Dogs // Aug 1, 2006 at 2:58 pm

    Carter Downplays Castro Succession Rumors

    2006-08-01) — Former U.S. President Jimmy Carter today downplayed rumors that he’s on “the short list” of potential replacements if surgery fails to restore the health of ailing Cuban dictator Fidel Castro. [Read on.]

  • 2 » Blog Archive » Castro Dodging the Reaper // Aug 1, 2006 at 10:28 pm

    [...] And lastly, Scrappleface picks up on the dark horse candidate to succeed Castro. [...]

  • 3 The Bullwinkle Blog » Blog Archive » PEANUTS! // Aug 2, 2006 at 7:43 am

    [...] UPDATE: Carter Downplays Castro Succession Rumors Tags: Jimmy Carter, Fidel Castro, Israel, Middle East, Bill Clinton [...]

  • 4 Inoperable Terran » Just a rumor // Aug 2, 2006 at 9:24 am

    [...] Scott Ott has Jimmy Carter’s reaction to Castro’s, uhh, illness. Posted by Ian S. in [...]

  • 5 Moonage Political Webdream // Aug 2, 2006 at 10:46 am

    Jimmy Carter, Cuban dictator?

    Man, I LOVE Scrappleface! Former U.S. President Jimmy Carter today downplayed rumors that he’s on “the short list” of potential replacements if surgery fails to restore the health of ailing Cuban dictator Fidel Castro…..

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