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Campaign Promotes Work by ‘Extra-Legal Americans’

by Scott Ott for ScrappleFace · No Comments · · Print This Story Print This Story

(2006-04-20) — Following nationwide arrests this week of 1,000 undocumented workers and their bosses at a German-based U.S. company, a coalition of employers who depend upon such low-cost labor today launched a public relations campaign designed to increase consumer appreciation for what it called “extra-legal American labor”.

The campaign hearkens back to one run by the International Ladies Garment Workers Union in the 1970s, and will kick off with TV commercials showing mostly-Hispanic non-citizens, in their work clothing, singing ‘Look for the Alien Label’.

The effort will capitalize on the recent outpouring of sympathy for the people who do jobs no American will do. Members of Firms Encouraging Non-Citizen Employment have placed distinctive labels on their products, advertising and literature that say “Alien Labor Makes it Bueno”.

A press release from the business coalition included a copy of these lyrics:

Look for the alien label
when you need something
no gringo will do
Remember somewhere an alien’s mowing,
his wages going to Mexico,
where they love you.
We work hard, but who’s complaining?
Thanks to the I.N.S. for paving the way!
So always look for the alien label,
it says we’re able to break into the U.S.A.!

UPDATE: Click the audio player, or download the mp3 to hear the song, as produced by the Roger Hedgecock Show, in San Diego, California (Director: Angela Bettencourt).

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