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Immigration Counterprotest Draws Millions to Job Sites

by Scott Ott for ScrappleFace · 5 Comments

(2006-04-11) — In a grassroots counterprotest against yesterday’s nationwide rallies by illegal aliens, today millions of documented U.S. citizens took to their desks, factories, shops and other job sites to demonstrate their commitment to U.S. law and the American work ethic.

Police estimated that the crowds exceeded 220 million people, but they reported no incidents of violence.

Many workplaces flew the American flag, as usual, to express their ongoing devotion to the values and freedoms for which generations of U.S. troops have fought and died.

One unnamed American, a former Mexican who immigrated legally and became a U.S. citizen last year, said he joined the counter-demonstration because he admires the so-called “can-do attitude” he has found in his new home country.

The former-Mexican, who requested anonymity out of humility, said, “It’s as if Americans go to work every day and demonstrate ‘Si, se puede’ — ‘Yes, you can’.”

However, an organizer of yesterday’s illegal alien rallies said today’s counterprotests just highlight the weakness of the opposition to the new civil rights movement.

“It’s pathetic,” said the unnamed spokesman for Somos America (which, in a foreign language, means ‘We are America’).

“No chanting, no banners, no Latino music, no crowds blocking traffic,” she said, “Just millions of Americans quietly doing their jobs. All they do is work and vote. What kind of impact do they expect that to make?”

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5 responses so far ↓

  • 1 Inoperable Terran » The protest we can all be proud of // Apr 11, 2006 at 7:56 am

    [...] Over to you, Scott Ott. Posted by Ian S. in [...]

  • 2 CandyUniverse » // Apr 11, 2006 at 11:04 pm

    [...] And I’m proud to say that I took part in this counter-protest yesterday…..and today….and tomorrow, and as long as I can. [...]

  • 3 THE GALVIN OPINION // Apr 12, 2006 at 12:04 pm


    This picture sums up the immigration debate - passive LA police officers standing behind a defiant young man raising his fist and waving the Mexican flag.

  • 4 Lnf. yomo » Blog Archive » // Apr 13, 2006 at 9:55 pm

    [...] Ott on illegals. [...]

  • 5 A Special Report on Immigration - Beyond Borders Blog » A Twist on a Familiar Story // Apr 16, 2006 at 4:19 am

    [...] Scrappleface: (2006-04-11) — In a grassroots counterprotest against yesterday’s nationwide rallies by illegal aliens, today millions of documented U.S. citizens took to their desks, factories, shops and other job sites to demonstrate their commitment to U.S. law and the American work ethic. [...]

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