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Dean: Rove Plans Bush Failures to Embarrass Dems

by Scott Ott · 3 Comments

(2006-02-08) — Democrat National Committee (DNC) Chairman Howard Dean today accused White House Deputy Chief of Staff Karl Rove of engineering a series of Bush administration failures and scandals in order to highlight the Democrat party’s inability to capitalize on political opportunity.

“I think it’s more than coincidence,” said Mr. Dean, “that Scooter Libby, Tom DeLay and Jack Abramoff get indicted, Social Security reform is DOA, Iraq is a quagmire, Bin Laden is on the lam, Iran and North Korea have nukes, FEMA lets black people die in New Orleans, gas prices go ballistic and yet, Democrats get no bump in the polls…Oliver Stone, phone your office.”

A White House spokesman denied that the administration ever intentionally fails at anything, but acknowledged that the key to Republican electoral victory in 2006 and 2008 is to “give Democrats numerous chances to publicly highlight their own ideas and to spotlight their own integrity.”

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