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January 13, 2006

Bitter Broke Bloggers Back Lobbying Reform

(2006-01-13) — Several unnamed members of an ad hoc coalition of conservative and centrist bloggers, that today called on the House Republican leadership to purge the party of the taint of lobbyist influence peddling, conceded that they’re simply bitter that none of Jack Abramoff’s Indian casino money had found its way to their tip jars.

“Frankly, I feel used,” wrote one unnamed blogger in an email answer to a reporter’s question. “I’m an influential person, connecting with thousands of readers each day. But did I ever get a golfing trip to Scotland, or a even a nice $120 dinner in D.C.? Indeed.”

So-called “tip jars” are really links to PayPal or the Amazon Honor System which allow blog readers to support bloggers they appreciate with cash donations.

However, several of the anonymous bloggers acknowledged that the blogosphere suffers from a perception of credibility and integrity that makes it less appealing than Congress to crooked lobbyists.

“Could I be swayed to write something favorable about a new Choctaw Indian casino if Abramoff dropped a couple of grand in my tip jar?” one blogger asked. “Heck, I say let them build the Big Wampum Slots Palace on the former site of the Washington Monument. Then maybe I could pay my webhost bill this month without dipping into the kids’ college fund again. I can always get back to my integrity schtick in my next post.”

The following bloggers signed the letter to the House Republican leaders:

N.Z. Bear, The Truth Laid Bear
Hugh Hewitt,
Glenn Reynolds,
Kevin Aylward, Wizbang!
La Shawn Barber, La Shawn Barber’s Corner
Lorie Byrd, Polipundit
John Hawkins, Right Wing News
John Hinderaker, Power Line
Jon Henke / McQ / Dale Franks, QandO
James Joyner, Outside The Beltway
Mike Krempasky,
Michelle Malkin,
Ed Morrissey, Captain’s Quarters
Scott Ott, Scrappleface
John Donovan / Bill Tuttle, Castle Argghhh!!!

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