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December 15, 2005

Iraqis Vote in Droves: Bush Awaits Concession Call

(2005-12-15) — As the polls closed in Iraq’s national election today, the White House said President George Bush had not yet received the traditional concession phone call from his opponent.

Observers estimated more than 10 million Iraqis cast ballots to elect their first full-term representative government after decades of dictatorial oppression.

“I’m sure someone will get around to making that call,” said Mr. Bush. “This was a hard fought campaign, and it’s probably difficult to admit defeat.”

The president called the massive Iraqi turnout a “mandate for change in the U.S. Congress in 2006.”

Mr. Bush said that if he didn’t receive the concession call soon, “they’re going to have to leave me a voice mail, ’cause I don’t stay up late for nobody.”

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