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Kerry Slams Bush for Failure of ‘Big Government’

by Scott Ott · No Comments

(2005-09-20) — Testing the waters for a likely 2008 White House race, Sen. John Kerry, D-MA, today attacked President George Bush for presiding over “a bloated federal bureaucracy that creates a culture of dependency and a permanent underclass.”

“Hurricane Katrina has brought to light the fallacy that big government can solve all of our problems,” said Mr. Kerry. “As president, George W. Bush must take responsibility for this massive, inefficient burden on American taxpayers, and for the utter collapse of an ideology that says you can help people by stripping them of personal responsibility. President Bush has had five years to reverse this misguided social engineering and government waste but he just threw more money at the problems.”

Sen. Kerry noted that in his own 2004 presidential bid, he garnered 78 percent of the vote in Orleans Parish where some 27 percent of the population lives below the poverty level.

“These people are so accustomed to losing in the game of life, that the vast majority naturally picked the losing candidate,” Mr. Kerry said. “It’s pathetic to see the helplessness of such people in our great society. We have to get angry and organize a campaign to combat this lethal system of institutionalized injustice.”

Meanwhile, Mr. Kerry’s former running-mate, former Sen. John Edwards, D-NC, called for President Bush to cut taxes on businesses to demonstrate that we live in “one indivisible America”.

“The people who advocate this ’soak the rich’ mentality,” Mr. Edwards said, “apparently don’t even think about the fact that it’s the rich who buy stuff and run companies thereby creating jobs for poor people. And wealthy people love it when poor people make more money, because then they can buy stuff that those companies make. It’s Capitalism 101 — but maybe George Bush skipped that class.”

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Tags: Politics

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  • 1 Reaganites Unite! // Sep 21, 2005 at 5:12 pm

    Condi in ‘08? Not At This Rate!

    Rice Urges Israel to Cooperate with Terrorists. If the administration keeps this up, I think God might create a category six hurricane!