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Gore and Bin Laden Co-Author Diet Book

by Scott Ott for ScrappleFace · No Comments · · Print This Story Print This Story

(2002-10-14) — Former vice president Al Gore, and terrorist leader Usama Bin Laden have co-authored a unique diet book slated for release later this month.
Both men have put on a few extra pounds recently. Mr. Gore commented at a speech that he could no longer wear his wedding ring. Mr. Bin Laden, whose voice was heard in the background of an intercepted satellite phone conversation, said his ammo belts were “getting pretty snug.”
“Most diet books are written by skinny little muscular people, and the average chubster can’t relate,” said Mr. Gore. “Me and Usama are starting where most folks are, and working together with them to shed some flesh.”
Mr. Bin Laden agreed, “This is a very personal work for me and my old friend Al. We’re going to have a weblog where we report our progress, and our deepest feelings about the process.”
A spokesman for the publisher said he believes the two men will succeed in their weight-loss efforts, “after all, they’re both well-known losers.”

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