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Dolly Cloner Waits for Human Clones to Evolve

by Scott Ott for ScrappleFace · No Comments · · Print This Story Print This Story

(2002-10-13) — The Scottish scientist who successfully cloned Dolly the sheep, has turned his attention to human cloning, but said he will conduct no proactive research. He’s waiting for human clones to evolve on their own. If they do, Prof. Ian Wilmut of the Roslin Institute of Edinburgh, will use them for stem cell research.
Prof. Wilmut, a firm adherent to the theory of Darwinian evolution, told the BBC that even the paperwork he must file to conduct the research is ruled by natural selection, random mutation and vast spans of time.
“An application for human stem cell research has evolved and is now under way,” he confirmed. “There’s no intelligent design involved here. The application is apparently a mutant that spurted from my printer one day quite by accident. I would like to say I hope it will succeed, but since evolution is entirely without purpose, I don’t give a flying rip what happens to it.”

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