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McCain Apologizes to Navy Alcoholics Group

by Scott Ott for ScrappleFace · No Comments · · Print This Story Print This Story

(2003-12-01) — An embarrassed Senator John McCain, R-AZ, today apologized to members of the U.S. Navy’s version of Alcoholics Anonymous for comparing Congressional spending to that of “a drunken sailor.”
“It was a mean, insensitive remark,” said Mr. McCain. “A drunken sailor could never spend as much money as Congress has, with that kind of speed. My analogy was also wrong because a drunken sailor usually spends his own paycheck.”
In related news, Mr. McCain, who chairs the Senate Commerce Committee, said he hopes that Americans enjoy the pre-Christmas shopping season.
“Everyone should get out to the stores and malls and spend money like an incumbent legislator,” he said.

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