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Entries from July 2008

Bench McCain, Put in a Second Stringer

by Scott Ott · 114 Comments editor Scott Ott also writes non-satirical columns at Here’s a brief excerpt of his latest and a link to read the rest…
Bench McCain, Put in a Second Stringer
by Scott Ott at
Every sports fan knows there comes a time when the game plan has collapsed, and the star has stumbled. Wisdom and experience [...]


Tags: Non-Satire · Politics · Townhall

House Sorry for Slavery, Jim Crow, Affirmative Action

by Scott Ott · 79 Comments

(2008-07-30) — The U.S. House of Representatives Tuesday formally apologized for the U.S. government role in slavery and the Jim Crow laws which legalized segregation for a century after the emancipation of slaves in 1865.
In addition to the apology for “the misdeeds committed against African-Americans” who were held in bondage and lived under segregation, the [...]


Tags: Law · U.S. News

Obama’s Own Power to Fuel the Nation

by Scott Ott · 16 Comments

(2008-07-30) — Presumptive U.S. President Barack Obama today announced his plan to “end America’s dependence on foreign oil, dirty coal and dangerous nuclear power by unleashing new technology that will tap a recently-discovered source of renewable energy.”
According to an outline of the plan, Sen. Obama’s own “personal power and magnetic energy” will form the core [...]


Tags: Politics

The Obama Doctrine: Bringing Us Into Submission

by Scott Ott · 51 Comments

[Scott Ott, editor in chief of, also writes non-satirical columns at Below is a brief excerpt of his latest, and a link to read the rest.]
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The Obama Doctrine: Bringing Us Into Submission
by Scott Ott at
Every time you hear Sen. Barack Obama say that Afghanistan is the central front [...]


Tags: Non-Satire · Townhall

Minimum Wage Boosted, Low Wage Workers Hardest Hit

by Scott Ott · 165 Comments

(2008-07-24) — Today’s 70-cent per hour increase in the federal minimum wage has sparked a boost in prices at grocery stores and gas stations as employers attempt to recoup the cost of the higher wages they must now pay their entry-level employees.

As a result, many minimum wage workers can no longer afford the groceries they [...]


Tags: Business  · U.S. News

Obama Submission Rejected by Reader’s Digest

by Scott Ott · 91 Comments

(2008-07-22) — Just days after The New York Times declined to publish an Op-Ed piece by Republican presidential nominee John McCain, Reader’s Digest has rejected a Barack Obama submission to its Humor in Uniform section.
While staffers refused to divulge the content of Sen. Obama’s “light-hearted military anecdote” a Reader’s Digest editor sent a rejection slip [...]


Tags: Media/Journalism · Politics

McCain Backs Timeline to Get Obama Out of Iraq

by Scott Ott · 55 Comments

(2008-07-20) — Republican presidential nominee John McCain today for the first time said he can now support a timeline to reduce the American presence in Iraq, specifically advocating the withdrawal from Iraq of Democrat presidential nominee Barack Obama, and several battalions of U.S. news anchors and reporters.
“It’s time to bring them home,” said Sen. McCain [...]


Tags: Global News · Media/Journalism · Politics