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Entries from April 2008

Bill: Hillary Attacked Because Husband is Male

by Scott Ott · 200 Comments

(2008-04-26) — Former President Bill Clinton, under fire from the most powerful Black member of Congress for his racially-divisive rhetoric on the campaign trail, said today that Hillary Clinton is being attacked by rival Barack Obama’s surrogates “primarily because her husband is male.”
“I don’t know if Obama is trying to play the gender card, or [...]


Tags: Politics

NY Times in Crisis, Bush Offers Journalistic Stimulus Plan

by Scott Ott · 41 Comments

(2008-04-25) — As New York Times Executive Editor Bill Keller stands poised to clear 100 reporters and editors from the newsroom due to falling advertising revenue, President George Bush today said Congress should intervene to rescue “The Grey Lady” by quickly passing what he called a “journalistic stimulus package.”

Similar to the president’s economic stimulus package [...]


Tags: Media/Journalism · U.S. News

Obama Calls Elitist Charge 'Gauche' and 'Droll'

by Scott Ott · 49 Comments

(2008-04-24) — Responding to remarks by presidential candidate John McCain suggesting he’s an ‘elitist‘, Sen. Barack Obama today called the accusation 'gauche' and 'droll'.
“First of all, it’s très gauche and a bit bourgeois to banter about elitism at all,” said Sen. Obama, “It simply isn’t done in polite society — not among my chums from [...]


Tags: Politics

Jimmy Carter in Peace Talks with Hillary, Obama

by Scott Ott · 67 Comments

(2008-04-23) — In the wake of Sen. Hillary Clinton’s primary victory in Pennsylvania Tuesday, Nobel laureate Jimmy Carter today announced he would interrupt his work on the Gaza Strip branch of the Carter Library to meet with Mrs. Clinton and rival Sen. Barack Obama to negotiate a cease fire in the battle that threatens to [...]


Tags: Uncategorized

Obama Gives Tips on Armed, Bible-Toting Voting

by Scott Ott · 57 Comments

(2008-04-22) — Democrats in rural Pennsylvania, still bitter about the state of the economy, will receive helpful voters’ guides today, published by Obama for America, with tips on how to cast a primary ballot while clinging to a Bible, a gun or both.
“We don’t want anything to stand in the way of your desire to [...]


Tags: Politics

Jimmy Carter, Hamas Conclude One-Party Peace Talks

by Scott Ott · 69 Comments

(2008-04-19) — Former U.S. President Jimmy Carter and the terror group Hamas, in a joint news conference today, announced they had successfully completed the third round of one-party talks aimed at bringing peace to the Jewish territories that border on the Palestinian state.

In a moment reminiscent of the famous 1978 handshake at Camp David among [...]


Tags: Global News

ABC Sorry for 'Character' Debate, Plans 'Policy' Forum

by Scott Ott · 10 Comments

(2008-04-19) — ABC News today issued an apology to the Democrat party and progressive pundits, on behalf of journalists George Stephanopolous and Charles Gibson, for allowing this week’s Democrat presidential debate to descend into ‘tangential character issues‘ like honesty, integrity and personal association with terrorists and racists.
To atone for this ‘gross disservice‘, ABC News said [...]


Tags: Politics